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Language is a sign system which is used by society to cooperate, interact, and
identify. Culture, Society, and Cognition is built based on human perception in
their world. It is reflected through linguistics element used by language users for
communication purposes. The idea about inter-relation of language and those
three elements (Culture, Society, and Cognition) is conducted by an
anthropologist and linguist, Edward Sapir. Sapir‟s perspective on culture is highly
influenced by some western linguist and philosopher (like Boas, Morris, and
Saussure). Sapir believes that language is cultural product. The linguistic
constructions in particular language are built from influence mechanisms. Each
language related to immeasurable variety of experiences and a limited array of
formal categories (both lexical and grammatical). These categories coherently
related to the interpretation of experience in the world. Whorf believes that the
system of categories in each language provides an unusual system to certain
language. Together with Whorf, Sapir conducted a hypothesis. The hypothesis
conducted is an idea of differentiating the way of language is encoded cognition
category and culture. Their existence in society influences the way of thinking. It
influences human thought and action. Language determines thought and
linguistics category determine cognitive category. Hypothesis which was
conducted by them is named Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis.
Key Words
Edward Sapir, Relativity, Culture, Society, Cognition
1. Introduction
Language is an arbitrary sign system, which is used by society to cooperate,
interact, and identify. Such language sign form a mutually-dependent relationship
between concept and mental characteristic and acoustical picture. The use of
2. Edward Sapir
Edward Sapir is an anthropologist and linguist, which is considered genius by his
friends. Sapir‟s knowledge of language is phenomenal. His talent and bright idea
manifested in immeasurable area inspire the others. Edward Sapir was born in
Lauenburg, Germany on 26 January 1884, in a Jew family. His father who is a
cantor (song leader in Synagogue) brought Sapir together with his family to
America when he was five years old. His talent and astuteness can be seen when
he got a scholarship at Horace Mann School and Colombia College. In 1904, He
Parole is written in Saussure book “Cours de Linguistique generale (1916)”. Parole is the
actual use of a language in speech
Langue is written in Saussure book “Cours de Linguistique generale (1916)”. Langue is the
actual use of language.
Formal Approaches is an approaches used in the study of linguistic phenomenon based on
internal or structural element of language. In Psychology structuralism can be defined as a
method of interpretation and analysis of human cognition, behavior, culture, and experience,
which focuses on the relation of contrast between elements in a conceptual system.
Cognition is the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge through thought,
experience, and the senses (perception, sensation, or intuition.)
Extra linguistic is anon-linguistics element (not involving or beyond the bounds of language)
Franz Boas is (July 9, 1858 – December 21, 1942) was a German American anthropologist a
pioneer of modern anthropology who has been called the "Father of American Anthropology”.
Boas once summed up his approach to anthropology and folklore by saying: "In the course of
time I became convinced that a materialistic point of view, for a physicist a very real one, was
Charles Morris is an expert in semiotics fields. Morris's development of a behavioral theory of
signs (semiotics) is partly due to his desire to unify logical positivism with behavioral
empiricism and pragmatism. Morris's union of these three philosophical perspectives
eventuated in his claim that symbols have three types of relations: 1) to objects, 2) to persons,
and 3) to other symbols. He later called these relations "semantics", "pragmatics", and
Sapir believes that those three variant are built throughout history. The way of
thinking and reacting is highly affected by the development of culture in human
Sapir expresses that the Genuine Culture is not a kind of spiritual patching
from small element from men consciousness that avoids a harmonious blend in
human life. The human consciousness is analogized as water-tight compartment in
Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald was an American author of novels and short stories. His works
are the paradigm writings of the Jazz Age. The term is coined himself. Fitzgerald is
considered a member of the "Lost Generation" of the 1920s. He finished four novels, This
Side of Paradise, The Beautiful and Damned, Tender Is the Night and his most famous, the
celebrated classic, The Great Gatsby.
4. Religion
In his article entitled “The Meaning of Religion (1928)" Sapir discusses about
religion issues and interfaith-religion relationship. Initially, the article is presented
as one issue in his lectures in University of Northwester. All issues discussed in
those lectures are collected into a volume entitled "Man and His World".
5. Language
The idea concerning the relationship between cognition and language has been
debated by American and European philosopher throughout history. St. Augustine
expressed that language is the label for the existing concepts in human mind.
Immanuel Kant believes that Language is the tool to experience the world.
Friedrich Wilhelm Christian Karl Ferdinand Freiherr von Humboldt (22 June 1767 – 8 April
1835) was a German philosopher, government functionary, diplomat, and founder of
Humboldt Universität. He is especially remembered as a linguist who made important
contributions to the philosophy of language and to the theory and practice of education.
Wilhelm Von Humboldt is Humboldt was a philosopher of note and wrote On the Limits of
State Action in 1791-2 (though it was not published until 1850, after Humboldt's death), one
of the boldest defenses of the liberties of the Enlightenment.
In the early year of 1920, Von Humboldt Wilhelm refused the idea of a
linguist named William Dwight Whitney10, who explains that some languages are
naturally more superior to other languages. The superiorities is owned by the
nations, which lives in civilization. The rejection of this idea is also submitted by
Franz Boas. Boas believes that every language equally has the same repertoire.
The repertoire manifests the meaning equally.
In his research and article, Sapir describes the relation between language
and the world view. Language is not a limited appliance of communications.
Language system creates scheme (schemata) to analyze the world. His view about
the scheme is based on Bartlett‟s analysis. Bartlett views scheme as a chain of
organizing knowledge that is related to certain element in world. The definition is
similar to all language users in every culture. For example, every language has
different words to describe the meaning of the word house, but the encyclopedic
knowledge about house is similar in each language. Every house has room, roof
and door, and even every house can be rented or made as residence. The example
implies that the scheme has a similar elementary element for every language.
William Dwight Whitney (1827–1894) was an American linguist, philologist, and
lexicographer who edited The Century Dictionary
Sigmund Freud (Sigismund Schlomo Freud (6 May 1856 – 23 September 1939), was a Jewish
Austrian neurologist who founded the psychoanalytic school of psychiatry. Freud is best
known for his theories of the unconscious mind and the defense mechanism of repression, and
for creating the clinical practice of psychoanalysis for treating psychopathology through
dialogue between a patient.
William Halse Rivers (12 March 1864 - 4 June 1922) was an English anthropologist,
neurologist, ethnologist and psychiatrist, best known for his work with shell-shocked soldiers
during World War I.
Carl Gustav Jung (26 July 1875 – 6 June 1961) was a Swiss psychiatrist, an influential thinker
and the founder of analytical psychology. Jung is often considered the first modern
psychologist to state that the human psyche is "by nature religious" and to explore it in depth.
Though not the first to analyze dreams, he has become perhaps one of the most well known
pioneers in the field of dream analysis.
Franz Boas (1858-1942) American anthropologist conducted an investigation of the native
North American languages.
Gestalt „psychology‟ an organized whole that is perceived as more than the sum of its parts)
6. Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis
World View
The first arrow (A) portrays the relation between language and its users. Language
builds human perspective about his world (B).
Experience Experience
Figure 2 Whorf‟s Perspective on the Relation of World View and Language Categories
(The Figure is pictured by the Writer)
Eric Heinz Lenneberg (1921–1975) was a linguist and neurologist who pioneered ideas on
language acquisition and cognitive psychology, particularly in terms of the concept of
These two principles are developed into two formulations by Roger Brown.
2. The structure of native language influences and determines the world view. It is
built in the process of studying language.
Roger William Brown (April 14, 1925 – December 11, 1997) was an American social
W. H. R. Rivers. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/W._H._R._Rivers.
<27 October 2010>