Geography Quiz Questions
Geography Quiz Questions
Geography Quiz Questions
GRADE 10 – 12
39.What type of energy produced by humans and animals waste in used for
lighting, cooking and generating electricity?
40.Why the equatorial region is sparsely populated?
41.Where in the world is dairy farming highly mechanised and practised?
42.The extreme diurnal range of temperature is characteristic of the?
43.Name the type of coal with least content of carbon?
44.What is plantation farming
45.How is the annual range of temperature calculated?
46.State the type of human settlement where people live following the road or
a river?
47.How many days is a leap year?
48.At what angle is the earth titled at its revolves in the orbit?
49. On March 21st and 23rd September the sun is vertically overhead at the
equator, what is this day called?
50.On weather maps, areas showing amount of pressure in millibars are joined
by one line as?
1. Jupiter
2. Rotation of the earth
3. Faulting
4. International date lone
5. Volcanic mountain
6. Extinct volcanoes
7. Horst mountain
8. isonephs
9. Leewardside
10. Haematite
11. Lava
12. Carry sphere
13. Nickel and iron
14. Uranus
15. 22nd December
16. Cereals
17. Reverse fault
18. Merging of towns
19. Coal
20. Birds foot, estuarine etc
21. Thermal springs
22. Avalanche
23. Focus
24. Life expectancy
25. Shed leaves in dry season
26. Drought resistance trees
27. Seismography
28. magma
29. capital, steep gradient, etc
30. soil creep
31. delta/ ox-bow lake etc
32. Sudan
33. Mono culture
34. Traditional or customary land
35. Kafue weed
36. Medicine, firewood etc
37. Nakambala, Kawambwa
38. Use machines, specialization
39. Biogas
40. Because of thick forest
41. Newzealand
42. Hot deserts
43. Peat
44. planting tree crops or sugar cane
45. Subtract lowest from high mean
46. linear settlement
47. 366 days
48. 66 ½ degrees
49. Equinox
50. isobars