Syll AM (Civil) APDCL 06 2023 31052023
Syll AM (Civil) APDCL 06 2023 31052023
Syll AM (Civil) APDCL 06 2023 31052023
Assistant Marager (Civil) itr Assam Power Distributiotr Company Limit€d (APDCL)
- (novi, xo oeizoz3 dated 28rh March,2023)
Civi[ Eneineering
(Multiple Choice Question Tlpe)
(Bachelor's Degree Standard)
Linear Algebra: Matrix algebr4 Systems of linear equations, Eigen values and Eigen vectors'
Calculus: Functions of single variable, Limit, continuity and differentiability, Mear value
theorems, local maxima and minima, Taylor series, Evaluation of definite and indefinite
-Gradient, of definite integal
integrals, application to obtain area and volume, Partial dedvatives, Total
deriiative, Divergence and Curl, Vector identities, Directional derivatives, Line,
Surface and Volume integrals.
Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE): First order (Linear and non-linear) equations, higher
order liniar equations with constant coeflicients, Euler-Cauchy equations, initial and boundary
value problems.
Partial Differential Equation (PDE): Fourier series, separation of variables, solutions of one
dimensional diffusion equation, first and second order one-dimensional wave equation a'nd two
dimensional Laplace equation.
Numerical Methods: Error anatysis. Numerical solutions of linear and non-linear algebraic
equations, Newton's and Lagrange polynomials, numerical differentiation, Integation by
trapezoidal and Simpson's -1", Singt" and multi-step methods for first order differential
Solid Mechanics: Bending moment and shear force in statically determinate beams, Simple
stress and strain relationships, Simple bending theory, flexural and shear stesses, shear cente,
Uniform torsion, Transfomation o1 stress, buckling of column, combined and direct bending
Page l2
Concrete Structures: Wo*ing stress and Limit state design concepts, Design of beams, slabs,
columns, Bond and development length, Prestessed conqete beams.
Steel Structues: Working stress and Limit state design concepts, Design of tension and
compression members, beams and beam - columns, column bases, Connections - simple and
eccentric, beam-colunn connections, plate girders and trusses, Concept ofplastic analysis beams
and frames.
Soil Mechanics: Three-phase system and phase relationships, index properties, Unified and
Indian standard soil classification system, Pemeability one dimensional flow, Seepage through
soils - two - dimensional flow, flow nets, uplift pressure, piping, capillality, seepage force,
Principle of effective stress and quicksand condition, Compaction of soils, One - dimensional
consolidation, time rate of consolidation. Shear Strength, Mobr's circle, effective and total shear
strength parameters, Stess-Strain chaxacteristics ofclays and sand, Stress paths.
Foundation Engineeringi Sub-sudace investigations - Ddlling bore holes, sampling, plate load
test, standard penetration and cone penetration tests, Earth pressure theories - Rar*ine and
Coulomb, Stability of slopes - Finite and infinite slopes, Bishop's method, Stess distribution in
soils - Boussinesq's theory, Pressure bulbs, Shallow foundations - Terzaghi's and Meyerhoffs
bearing capacity theories, effect of water table, Combined footing and raft foundation, Contact
pressure, Settlement analysis in sands and clays, Deep foundations dynamic and static
formulae, Axial load capacity ofpiles in sands and clays, pile load test, pile under lateral loading,
pile group efficiency. negalive skin friction.
Fluid Mechanics: Properties of fluids, fluid statics, Continuity, momentum and energy
equations and their applications, Potential flow, Laminar and turbulent flow, Flow in pipes, pipe
networks, Co[cept ofboundary layer and its growth, Concept of lift and &ag.
Hydraulics: Forces on immersed bodies, Flow measurement in channels and pipes, Dimensional
analysis and hydraulic similitude, Channel Hy&aulics Energy - depth relationships, specific
energy, critical flow, hydraulic jump, uniform flow, gradually varied flow and water surface
Water and Waste Water Quality and Treatment: Basics of water quality standards
Physical, chemical and biological pammeters, Water quality index, Unit processes and
operations, Water requirement, Water distribution system, Drinking water treatment.
Air Pollution! Types of pollutants, their sources and impacts, air pollution contol, air quality
standards, Air quality Index and limits.
Concept of airyort runway lengtlL catculations and corections, taxiway and exit taxiway design.
Highway Pavemetrts: Highway materials - desirable properties and tests, Desirable properties
of bituminous paving mixes, Design factors for flexible and rigid pavements, Design of flexible
and rigid pavement using IRC codes.
Traflic Engineeritrg: Traffic studies on flow and speed, peak how factor, accident study,
statistical analysis of tlaflic data, Microscopic and macroscopic paramete$ of txaJfic flow,
fimdamentat relationships, TraIIic signs, Signal design by Webster's method, Types of
intersections, Highway capacity.
Principles of surveying, Errors an d their adjustment, Maps - scale, coordinate system, Distance
and angle measurement Levelling and tdgonomet c levelling, Traversing and tdangulation
slwey, Total station, Hodzontal and vertical cuves.
Photo$ammetry and Remote Sensing - Scale, flying height, Basics ofremote sensing and GIS.
Controller of Examinations,
Assam Public Service Commission,
Jawahamagax, K}rampara, Guwahati-22
q>f5t cqt=Frc>t=tt qtc-*t5[
Assistant Manager (Electrical & Civil) in Assam Power Distribution Company Limited (APDCL)
(Multiple Choice Question Type)
Full Marksr 100 Marks Time: 2-00 hours
1. Cunent Affairs
2. General Scie[ce
Getreral Knowledge
3. Basic Computer
4. General issues on Environment- ecology, Bio-
Diversity and Climate Charge- that do not
Contoller of Examinations,
Assam Public Service Commission
.Jawahamagar. Khanapara. Cuwahati-22