Psychological Assessment

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Gabrielle Ann Canlas, RPm.

1. The MBTI is __________ 9. The first question thing to ask yourself whenever the
a. A widely known personality test developed by Carl possibility of psychological testing is raised is __________
Jung. a. How many tests should I administer?
b. Is not endorsed by most academic researchers and b. Is testing necessary?
has been criticized for its weak psychometric c. What test should I use?
properties. d. How much will this cost my client?
c. Uses one letter from each category (E/I, S/N, T/F, J/P)
to produce a four-letter test result that can be used to 10. Ronna conducted a correlational study between number of
provide a valid, reliable, and comprehensive picture of swimming wear sold and the number of car accidents that
a person’s personality. happen during the months of July to September. She
d. Both a and c are true about the MBTI. found a value of r = -1.096. You can conclude that _____
a. There is a strong positive correlation between the
2. You wanted to test out if nationality (Italians vs non- variables.
Italians) is independent of preference for pineapple as a b. There is a strong negative correlation between the
pizza topping (Yes, No, Neutral). You can test this using _. variables.
a. Chi-square c. Post-hoc test c. There is zero correlation between the variables.
b. One-sample T-test d. Repeated measures ANOVA d. There is an error with Ronna’s statistical output.

3. One way to enhance a test’s reliability is to increase the 11. Which among the following measures of central tendency
number of items. Using the Spearman-Brown prophecy requires no mathematical computation?
formula, you generated an N of = 2.72. This means that a. Mean c. Mode
you should expand your 12-item test into a total of _ items. b. Median d. None of the answers are correct.
a. 33
b. 15 12. Your psychological clinic was contacted by your local
c. 36 government unit to conduct assessment among their
d. Recalculate. Spearman-Brown’s prophecy ranges only constituents to screen for those who are at-risk of
from +1 to -1 psychological problems. In this situation, it is best to
conduct __________
4. Find the statistical range: 6, -10, 80, 4, 13, 3 a. Group testing
a. 70 b. 90 c. –10 to 80 d. 3 to 80 b. Qualitative interviews
c. Individual testing
5. Which among the following is false about the normal d. Comprehensive psychological assessment
a. It exists only in theory. 13. Goddard, Johnstone, & Barnes formed the “Feebleminded
b. It is also known as the Gaussian distribution. Club”, which __________
c. It tapers on both sides, touching the X-axis. a. Sought to understand what makes Western cultures
d. If you fold it in half at the mean, one side would lie genetically intellectually superior compared to
exactly on top of the other. individuals from Eastern countries.
b. Served as an interdisciplinary forum for the exchange
6. For a positively skewed distribution, __________. of ideas regarding special education.
a. Mean = median = mode c. Focused on conducting retrospective assessment of
b. Mean > median > mode individuals who have received the capital punishment
c. Mean < median < mode and assessing whether they had any form of
d. Mean < median > mode intellectual disability that could have legally prevented
them from receiving the death penalty.
7. Jackson told his therapist that “I was hanging out with my
friends yesterday, and my dad just came in and started to 14. Tests for professional certification and licensing aim to
tell stories about how I used to play with girly toys and ultimately answer which question?
always get so emotional.” Which among the following a. Does this individual have the ability to learn what it
would be an understanding and emphatic response to takes to be a competent professional in their field?
Jackson’s concern? b. Has this individual engaged in continued professional
a. “Don’t worry too much about it. I’m sure your friends development to ensure that they are up to date with the
won’t judge you for it.” knowledge and skills in their profession?
b. “You were having a good time with your friends, before c. Does this individual perform better than 50% of the test
your dad showed up and inserted himself into the takers who took the licensure/certification exam?
conversation.” d. Has this individual successfully acquired and mastered
c. “Go on. I’m listening.” the essential skills and knowledge necessary for
d. “That must have been embarrassing for you.” practice in their field?

8. Whom among the following is qualified to conduct 15. The null hypothesis is harder to reject when your
psychotherapy without supervision? hypothesis is __________
a. Mariah Clara, RPm a. Left-tailed. c. Directional.
b. Virnielle Canlas, RPsy b. Right tailed. d. Non-directional.
c. Antonio Gil, Master of Science in Clinical Psychology
candidate; expected graduation March 2023 16. The median is equivalent to
d. More than one option is correct. a. P75 b. P99 c. P25 d. P50

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17. According to a study by Medvec at al. (1995), whom 27. Which among the following is not a personality test?
among the following would feel the worst? a. Thematic Apperception Test
a. John, who won a gold medal for swimming. b. Rorschach Inkblot Test
b. Emma, who won a silver medal for tennis. c. Raven’s Progressive Matrices
c. Lexie, who wom a bronze medal for boxing. d. HEXACO
d. Results of Medvec et al.’s (1995) study were
inconclusive. 28. The standard deviation for most intelligence tests
nowadays is set at __________
18. A psychological autopsy is a form of __________ a. 130 b. 100 c. 15 d. 16
a. Ecological momentary assessment
b. Neuropsychological assessment 29. A stanine has a mean of __________, SD of __________,
c. Remote assessment and is divided into __________ units
d. Retrospective assessment a. 5, 2, 9 c. 9, 9, 9
b. 100, 9 ,5 d. 10, 2, 9
19. Which among the following has the weakest correlation?
a. +.30 b. -.28 c. -.99 d. .25 30. Which among the following is considered a continuous
20. A type 1 error occurs when __________ a. Number of siblings.
a. The null hypothesis is rejected when it is true. b. Dentist appointments scheduled in a month.
b. The null hypothesis is retained when it is false. c. Calories consumed daily.
c. The null hypothesis is retained when it is true. d. Sports cars sold in a day.
d. The null hypothesis is rejected when it is false. e. Students enrolled in a cognitive psychology class.

21. You were given the task of assessing five applicants who 31. Taylor obtained the following scores during their finals:
are eyeing a customer service job. It was listed down that English = 75, History = 43, Gender Studies = 40. What can
you should conduct a stress interview, which is defined as you say about their performance?
a method used in __________ a. Taylor performed relatively the same on their history
a. Assessing the level of distress that applicants are and gender studies class, accounting for error.
currently experiencing in their lives to ensure that b. Taylor performed better than 66.8% of their classmates
personal matters won’t affect the quality of their work. enrolled in the same subjects.
b. Measuring an applicant’s vulnerability to negative c. Taylor just met the passing grade cutoff with their
stress and burnout. English exam score.
c. Obtaining measure of an applicant’s ability to rebound d. The presented data is inconclusive.
after adversity or highly stressful events or
experiences. 32. A lawyer approach you, a registered psychometrician, and
d. Gauging how you'll respond when juggling various asked if you could conduct a polygraph test to test the
high-priority tasks, dealing with challenging clients, or credibility of a potential witness. A competent mental
facing a difficult co-worker or manager. health professional would respond with __________
a. “I cannot provide such a service as polygraph tests are
22. If a large proportion of high scorers fail a particular test level C tests and require specialized training often
item, researchers should __________ found in doctorate courses.”
a. Retain that item because it has good item- b. “I can conduct a polygraph test but only under the
discrimination. supervision of a registered psychologist. However, it is
b. Make changes to the item so that both high and low not perfect and is only accurate around 80 to 90% of
scorers will get it correctly. the time.”
c. Retain that item if low scorers are getting it right. c. “I cannot provide such a service as there is little
d. Conduct an inquiry on how the high scorers interpret evidence and credibility regarding its effectiveness in
the stem/responses. detecting lies.”
d. “I can conduct a polygraph test only if the witness
23. Your pharmaceutical company is testing out a new drug to consents to it or is court mandated.”
treat cancer. You wanted to test its effects, so you
gathered a group of rats and assigned them into either the 33. Skewness is __________
experimental or control group. You should use the _____ a. An abnormal distribution of scores.
a. Paired samples t-Test c. Chi-square b. Simply a characteristic by which a distribution can be
b. Independent samples t-Test d. One-way ANOVA described.
c. The extent to which symmetry is present.
24. Based on the Flynn effect, a person living in 2023 would d. Both a and b are correct.
get the highest IQ score on which test?
a. An IQ test normed in the 1980s 34. Above all else, the first duty of a mental health professional
b. An IQ test normed in the 1970s is to __________
c. An IQ test normed in the early 2020s a. Practice cultural competence and humility.
d. An IQ test normed in the early 2010s b. Help at all costs.
c. Do no harm.
25. The percentile rank of a score is __________ d. Honor the principle of autonomy/respect for persons.
a. The percentage of scores with values higher than the
score in question. 35. Which among the following is false about test
b. The percentage of scores with values lower than the accommodations?
score in question. a. Permission to bring and take prescribed medications
c. Both a and b are correct. during the exam is a form of accommodation.
d. A number or ratio expressed as a fraction of 100. b. An accommodation refers to a change that does not
maintain comparability with the standard test.
26. Letter grades such as A, B, C, D, E, and F follow what level c. A test accommodation does not change expectations
of measurement? of learning, requirements of a task, or change what the
a. Nominal b. Ratio c. Interval d. Ordinal student is required to learn.
d. It is possible to provide time extensions as a form of
accommodations (e.g., for those with reading

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36. What error is likely to come into play with regards to essay- c. Intelligence subsumes the ability to understand
type examinations graded by a panel? complex ideas, adapt to the environment, learn from
a. Time sampling error c. Interscorer differences experience, engage in reasoning, and overcome
b. Interitem consistency d. Content sampling error obstacles through thorough thinking.
d. A science of intelligence would be impossible if we
37. Test-retest reliability is expected to be high in which cannot have a universal definition.
a. State anxiety scores pre- and post-therapy 45. You administered the Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of
b. Verbal ability at age 6 and 12 months Intelligence-2, a short-form intelligence test. Results
c. Musical preference administered 2 hours apart. showed that your client is 2 SDs below the mean. What is
d. Intelligence scores pre- and post-traumatic brain injury the next best thing to do?
a. Report your findings immediately. Psychometric
38. Which among the following types of validity is most properties of the WASI-2 and full-length version is
motivating to the general population of test takers? almost equivalent.
a. Face validity c. Predictive validity b. Find the time to administer the full-length version of the
b. Construct validity d. Convergent validity test.
c. Re-administer the WASI-2 to increase confidence in
39. You test for orientation across different areas during an your findings.
MSE. When it comes to awareness, which is usually the d. Administer a non-verbal intelligence test (e.g., BETA-
first to go? 4, Raven’s 2) to complement your findings.
a. Place c. Situation/event
b. Time d. Person 46. Which among the following follows a ratio level of
40. For your final examination, your professor told you that test a. 0ºC c. 0ºF
items will be arranged in a spiral-omnibus format, which b. 0 K d. None of the options are correct.
means that __________
a. Items will be presented per chapter. For example, 47. The __________ is characterized by bipolar adjectives
items 1 to 10 will cover Chapter 1, items 11 – 20 will separated by a seven-point rating scale on which
cover Chapter 2 and so on. respondents select one point to indicate their response.
b. Items of the same type or content are spread a. Semantic differential scale c. Likert scale
throughout the test, intermingled with other type of b. Adjective checklist d. Forced choice format
items with similar levels of difficulty.
c. Questions get harder as the test progresses. 48. Majority of the general population have been __________
d. Both b and c are correct. a. Test users c. Test developers
b. Test takers d. Test publishers
41. Answer whether true or false. “The Philippines’ capital,
Manila, contains a lot of people”. This statement is a/an __ 49. During custody evaluation, who is evaluated?
a. Ideal binary choice-item a. The parent c. The psychologist
b. Poorly constructed short-answer item b. The child d. Both a and b are correct
c. Poorly constructed binary-choice item
d. Ideal short-answer item. 50. Find the midmost score in this set of data: apple, mango,
banana, apple, avocado.
42. Among the following item formats, which has the highest a. Apple
susceptibility for guessing? b. Banana
a. Binary-choice c. Multiple choice c. Letter “a”
b. Essay d. Matching d. It is impossible to find the midmost score in this
43. April obtained high scores on the PHILSAT and is now
planning to enroll into the College of Law at Atty and Kuya
University. Part of the application is undergoing
psychological testing and evaluation. Knowing their rights,
April stated that they would like to invoke their right to not
be tested. What is the most appropriate response in this
a. As informed consent must be voluntary, we must
respect April’s wishes to invoke their right to not be
tested and directly proceed with enrollment.
b. Explain that they already signed to the informed
consent. Thus, must proceed with testing.
c. Calm April and assure them that testing, and evaluation
are for formality purposes and in no way will results
affect the decision-making process on whether or not
to admit April.
d. Discuss that they are free to refuse testing but cannot
be admitted into the university as testing and
evaluation is conducted as routine educational activity.

44. In a symposium published in the Journal of Educational

Psychology (1921), 17 of the country’s leading
psychologists aimed to answer questions on what
intelligence is, how it can be measured, and how research
about it should go moving forward. What was the result of
this symposium?
a. They made it clear that new definitions of intelligence
should not displace older ones.
b. Psychologists could not come to an agreement on what
intelligence was.

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