3 Big-Data
3 Big-Data
3 Big-Data
This paper aims at imparting knowledge on big data analytics with a view to motivate professionals, practitioners
to develop their skills in data analytics for that eventually improves individual, organizational and national
performance. In digital era big data analytics has pervades its root in business, social and governmental records.
Decision making seldom become effective without the incorporation of big data in the decision support systems
(DSS) and decision-making systems. It accommodates the concept of big data, its characteristics, concept of big
data analytics, types of data analytics, cloud and its services as a platform of big data analytics, skills required to
be a big data analyst, types of decisions taken using data analytics. The study is based on secondary documents.
Literature review from related books, journal articles, other relevant published materials etc. are the sources
of data used for the preparation of the paper. The literature review outlined some big data analytics tool or
software like Microsoft excel, solver, Oracle, statistical package for social sciences (SPSS), R, Stata, Amos graphics,
simulations-ithink, arena, simul8, etc.
Keywords: Big Data, Data Analytics Decision Support System, Analytics Software.
1. Introduction
1.1 The Prelude: Big data has emerged as the most powerful weapon in the digital era where data is produced,
collected, bought and sold, processed and used to produce information, knowledge and eventually come up
with wisdom. The digital world only can be thought of from a system perspective where all sub systems are
interdepended and interacting, and big data is the vital weapon that flow through all the subsystem and creates
business value. Big data big decision and big payoff is the slogan of the business of the digital era. In this paper we
will elaborate the insight of big data analytics with a view to develop interest of the academicians and practitioners.
Vericity Variety
Big Data
Figure 2.2 Variety of data
Figure: 2.11 Estimated worldwide big data market revenues for business analytics in the next 20 years (Source: Economic perspective analysis of
protecting big data security and privacy, 2019).
including server, storage, database, networking Arunkottolli, 2019, Information, online available at: http://arunkottolli.
software, analytics, and intelligence over the internet blogspot.com/2018/07/big-data-analytics-for-digital-banking.
called “the cloud” to offer faster innovation, flexible html, Accessed on: 4th December, 2019.
resources, and economics of scale. The client typically Brink, W.D. and Stoel, M.D., 2019. Analytics Knowledge, Skills, and
pays only for used cloud services, that lower down Abilities for Accounting Graduates. In Advances in Accounting
your operating cost, run infrastructure more efficiently, Education: Teaching and Curriculum Innovations (pp. 23-43).
and scale as the business changes. It refers to the on- Emerald Publishing Limited.
demand computing services obtained over network Catalyst, 2019, Information, online available at: https://catalyst.nejm.
org/big-data-healthcare/, Accessed on: 4th December, 2019.
drawbacks including concerns of security, reliability Disruptordaily, 2019, Information, online available at: https://www.
and adopts hybrid cloud computing model. disruptordaily.com/7-facts-know-big-data/, Accessed on: 4th
December, 2019.