CENG4130 - Spring 21-22

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CENG4130 Plant Design and Economics syllabus (Spring 21-22) (tentative)

Instructor: Marshal LIU, [email protected]

PG TA: Stuart ROBERSON. [email protected]
UG TA: tbc

Blended learning

• More personalized learning (watch lecture video outside of class)

• More interaction (discussion and Homework in class)

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

By the end of the course, learners will be able to:

• demonstrate mastery of economic analysis in chemical process and/or product development;

• make meaningful estimates on various economic aspects such as the capital investment, product cost, depreciation and profitability of an
existing or new chemical process or project;
• be aware of the importance of environment/health issues in chemical industry;
• apply process safety management program, industrial hygiene, fire and explosion, toxic release and dispersion, and pressure relief system,
conduct Hazards Identification, Risk Analysis, and HAZOP;

Weekly schedule

ILOs Module title and Topics Tasks/Submissions/in-class Remarks

1 • Describe the purpose of the Course overview and BL Overview • Discuss the economics for a typical
blended learning approach • Students will be introduced to chemical plant, converting coal to
• Recall the course content and the blended learning approach methanol
learning outcomes • Course introduction • After 1st F2F class meeting, start online
• Explain the importance of • Introduce the importance of materials Module 1
plant design and economics plant design.
2 • Estimate capital investment Capital and Cost Estimation • In-class: Scenario-based quiz questions to
and equipment cost • Lecture video/notes on check understanding of online materials
process economics, capital • In-class: Tutorials on estimating
investment, equipment cost investment and equipment cost
estimation, etc.
3 • List the components in TPC Total Product Cost (Time Value and • Online: Scenario-based quiz questions to
• Calculate the depreciation Depreciation) check understanding of online materials
• Incorporate time value for • Lecture notes and video on • In-class: Activity to calculate product cost,
financial analysis TPC components, time value of incorporate time value for financial
money, and depreciation analysis and determine depreciation
4 • Plot cash flow diagram Cash position diagram and • Online: Scenario-based quiz questions to
• Determine criteria for Profitability criteria check understanding of online materials
profitability analysis • Lecture notes and video on • In class: Activities to plot cash flow
cash flow, cash position, diagram, and determine mar
minimum attractive rate
5 • Use various methods for Profitability Analysis • Online: Scenario-based quiz questions to
profitability analysis • Lecture video/notes on check understanding of online materials
• Incorporate time value of profitability analysis • In-class: Tutorials on profitability analysis
money into profitability with/without time value calculation
6 • Compare alternative Alternative Investments & • Online: Scenario-based quiz questions to
investment. Replacement check understanding of online materials
• Evaluate replacement for • Lecture video/notes on • In-class: Tutorial and debate to weigh out
equipment Alternative investment and pros and cons for replacement of
replacement equipment and alternative investment
• Debrief Financial Project
7 • Describe the major methods Process Safety Management • Online: Scenario-based quiz questions to
on process safety • Videos investigating past check understanding of online materials
management accidents from Chemical • In-class: Activity to analyze case studies
• Identify the possible reason Safety Board on accident prevention and process safety
for accidents • Video on occupational safety management to real life cases, and
• Evaluate the chemical tutorial on chemical exposure calculation
8 • Implement fire and explosion Fire and Explosion Prevention • Online: Scenario-based quiz questions to
prevention measures in • Lecture video/notes on fire check understanding of online materials
process design and explosion • In-class: Activity to design a floated roof
tank for flammable liquid with fire and
explosion prevention measures in mind
9 • Calculate the release and Toxic Release and Dispersion • Online: Scenario-based quiz questions to
dispersion of toxics • Lecture video/notes on the check understanding of online materials
toxic release and dispersion • In-class: Activity to calculate toxic release
and dispersion of Fukushima or other real
life situations and implications on public.
10 • Select the scenario and type Pressure Relief • Online: Scenario-based quiz questions to
of pressure relief • Lecture video/notes on check understanding of online materials
pressure relief • In-class: Activity to analyze cases on
selection of pressure relief device and
scenarios to real life case
11 • Conduct HAZOP HAZOP (Hazard and Operability • Online: Scenario-based quiz questions to
Study) check understanding of online materials
• Lecture notes and other • In-class: Activity to analyze and apply
learning resources on HAZOP HAZOP to real life case
• Debrief HAZOP Project
12 • Calculate the reliability for Reliability, Fault tree and Event Tree • Online: Scenario-based quiz questions to
various safety components • Lecture video/notes on check understanding of online materials
• Construct Fault Tree and reliability, Fault tree and Event • In-class: Activity to apply Safety and
Event Tree tree reliability to real life case, construct a
Fault Tree, Event Tree and risk calculation
13 • Q&A for HAZOP project Reviewing HAZOP Videos and • In-class: Q&A on HAZOP project
• Course wrap-up prepare Q&A • Course summary

* Because there are no classes on week 12 & 13 (public holidays), the schedule will be condensed to 11 weeks only.


Components Weighting Details

1 Out-of-class Quizzes (self-assessment) 14% 2 attempts are allowed.
2 Class discussion and participation 8% Either post a valid question in online forum or give an answer to
Online forum participation, 4 questions with 4 points questions posted by others.
At least 2 questions for economics and 2 for safety part.
3 Homework *4 10% Consolidate/practice calculations (help prep for final)
3 Group Project 1: Financial Report (Economics) 10% Written Report
4 Group Project 2: HAZOP (Safety) 10% Video presentation + Q&A
5 Peer Evaluation 8% Contribution to group discussion, homework and project
6 Final Exam 40% Open book, computer and internet


• Peter, M.S. Timmerhaus, K.D. & West, R.E. Plant Design and Economics for Chemical Engineers, 5th ed. McGraw-Hill 2003
• Crowl, D.A. and Louvar, J.F. Chemical Process Safety: Fundamentals with Applications. Prentice Hall International Series, 3 rd, 2011.

• Towler and Sinnott. Chemical Engineering Design. Elsevier, 2008. E-book

• Turton, Bailie, Whiting & Shaeivitz. Analysis, Synthesis, and Design of Chemical Processes, 3 rd edition, Prentice Hall PTR 2009

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