Human Resource Outsourcing Issues and Challenges
Human Resource Outsourcing Issues and Challenges
Human Resource Outsourcing Issues and Challenges
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1 author:
Amitabh Kodwani
Institute of Management Technology
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Business Process Outsourcing has become new mantra in the corporate business world. Modern
as well as traditional organizations are now trimming down their employees from their payroll, and
thus Human Resource Outsourcing (HRO) is slowly becoming the new buzzword. In order to utilize
the true worth of the employees to its fullest, one must outsource the non-core activities of the orga-
nization. The awareness of this has already been realised by the organizations.
Outsourcing has no longer the privilege of only huge multinational organizations. Even the
public sector and government undertakings as well medium size or start-up companies are also in
the race of outsourcing their many HR related activities.
This paper examines the motives that are encouraging organizations to go for outsourcing
HR, drawing the essence from extensive exploratory study of secondary literature. This paper pre-
sents an architectural framework to understand issues and challenges of HR HRO and to suggest
what organizations should do to taste success from HRO.
1. Introduction
The productive capacity of all business depends on three factors: the capital resource,
the physical resource and the human resource” -(Peter.F.Ducker)
This statement holds a lot of significance because of the fact that of all the three
resources, only the human resources possess the productive capacity for which the upper
limits are not defined. So in order to utilize the true worth of the employees to its fullest, one
need to outsource the non-core activities of the organization.
Outsourcing can be defined as the situation where an external vendor or service pro-
vider provides, on a recurring basis, services that would normally be performed in-house by
the organization. In other words it can said that, outsourcing is a process where in organiza-
tions concentrate on those aspects of their business processes, which gives them a competi-
tive advantage (called as corebusiness) and contract out or shell out the noncore aspects of
their business processes. With the increasing global competition, organizations are looking
outsourcing as a means of gaining a comparative advantage over other competitors.
Outsourcing is thought to benefit a business by allowing an organization to focus on its
“core competencies” or “core processes.” In this way, an organization can divert its energy
away from peripheral or non-core activities of the business which lies outside of its “true”
area of expertise, and instead of that concenterating more energy and focus on what it can
does well in order to differentiate itself from other competitors. By outsourcing their noncore
activities, organizations would be able to reduce their operating costs too. This is possible
by reaping the benefits of a supplier’s lower cost structure, which could result from econo-
mies of scale or other advantages associated with specialisation available with the outsourcing
service provider. One very fine example of this is the BP-Exult deal where Exult handled
the administrative elements of compensation, benefits, payroll, organizational development,
performance management, employee development, training, recruitment and relocation with
Human Resource Outsourcing: Issues and Challenges
its web based software and left British Petroleum responsible for HR policy, strategy, pro-
fessional resources and labor relations. It was observed through literature survey that around
85 per cent of companies have realized that outsourcing critical support services can en-
hance their competitive edge, without the need to invest in infrastructure.
Some of the companies are outsourcing entire activities where as some of them are
outsourcing partially. If we look at the history of HR outsourcing (HRO) industry, it can be
traced back to more than five decades, when ADP (Automatic Data Processing) set up its
payroll processing services in the US. Today, the company has annual revenues of $7 bil-
lion and 40,000 associates.(
Survey conducted by The Conference Board reported that more than three-quarters of com-
panies are either outsourcing their major Human Resource functions or are planning to do
so in the near future. Also two-third of the US companies accepted that they fully or par-
tially outsource five or more HR functions.( It is believed
that with in five to six years, HR BPO (HRO) companies will employ half of all HR profes-
Human Resource Outsourcing market is growing vary rapidly. Though for the last
three years HRO market remained flat, but in the coming days it will regain momentum and
is expected to grow very fast as compared to other functional outsourcing businesses. The
global HR outsourcing industry is estimated to reach $31 billion in 2007 and $50 billion by
2010, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12% during the 2007-2010
period. [Hewitt Associates, LLC SWOT Analysis, Jun2007, p1, 8p; (AN 25629859)]
India too is witnessing the growth of HRO. The good news for India is that nearly
50% of HRO business has an offshore component, so a lot of it is actual coming to India.
The latent size of HR outsourcing in India is about $2 billion with a current market of more
than $27 million and it is growing at a rate of about 50 per cent (www.Hewitt .com). The
first HR BPO in India was started by Secova eServices in Chennai on December 2003,
having 50 – seater facility.
Experts believe that in present times HRO is undergoing a transition phase. It is
moving out from the realm of bigger companies to small and mid-sized organizations. There
has also been a transition in its user acceptance, where it is moving from a corporate domain
to PSUs’ and the Government sector. All this reflects on the growth of this sector. (http://
Another major issue in HRO process is to decide which HR function need to be
offloaded and also which firm to outsource. This is one of the biggest challenges, because it
may adversely affect company’s performance if selected wrongly. Before going for offloading
any in-house HR related activity to external agency; one need to be sure about the pros and
cons of outsourcing it. Though ther are several benefits of outsourcing HR related activi-
ties, there are some shortcomings too.
In a survey of 129 large companies representing nearly 2 million employees it was
observed that organizations are satisfied with their HR outsourcing decisions and plan to
outsource more HR services by 2008.(
ai_n13826255). In another survey slightly more than 50 percent of survey respondents re-
ported that they had fully achieved their outsourcing objectives, 42 percent had partially
achieved them, and less than 1 percent of outsourced human capital functions had been
The Journal of Nepalese Business Studies
2. Functions of HR outsourcing
HR outsourcing generally happens in the areas like payroll, employee benefits ad-
ministration, network, fixed assets administration, receivable and logistics management,
hardware maintenance, telemarketing, call centers and database management. In India, the
common processes which are outsourced are generally related to training and development,
payroll processing, surveys, benchmark studies and statutory compliance.
HR outsourcing continues to grow in the future. More and more HR functions will be
outsourced. As per the survey conducted in 2005 by Hewitt Associates, a global human
resource services firm on 129 large companies found that 94% respondents outsource at
least one HR function. Further their study highlights that the most commonly almost fully
outsourced HR functions are:
Exhibit 1: Functions of HR outsourcing
HR Functions % of Respondents
1. Outplacement Services 91%
2. Employee Assistance Programs 89%
3. Defined Contributions 401(K) 84%
4. COBRA administration 77%
5. Defined (Pension) 68%
6. Health benefits 69%
Source (Suzanne Zagate & Jennifer, 2005)
By 2008, companies plan to expand outsourcing into the following areas, listed in
order: leave management, learning and development, payroll, recruiting, health and wel-
fare, and global mobility. (
3. HR outsourcing Suppliers:
There are three types of HRO suppliers :( According to Phil Fersht, Senior Analyst,
Business Process Outsourcing for the Yankee Group)
• Specialists in discrete sub processes of HR like payroll, benefits, hiring and recruiting,
and training and education. For exampl; Hewitt Associates and Automatic Data Pro-
cessing (ADP)
• One-stop-shops that aggregate multiple HR functions into one HRO offering. For ex-
ample; Exult and Fidelity Employer Services
• Super-suppliers with worldwide processing facilities offering full service at lower cost.
They take advantage of economies of scale. For example IBM Business Consulting
Services, and Accenture. (
Where Hewitt and ADP continue to serve the mid-market buyers with 500 to 2000 employ-
ees, one-stop-shop and super-suppliers will focus on buyers with 10,000 or more employ-
ees. (
Human Resource Outsourcing: Issues and Challenges
The Journal of Nepalese Business Studies
well their customers. There are other reasons too as cited by the survey. Though none of the
rest of the issues crossed 10%, but will definitely be the important issues in the future.
These issues are; free HR time for better technical solutions (7%), standardize processes
(7%), improves HRIS (4%), etc.
Human Resource Outsourcing: Issues and Challenges
off. Such employees reactions generally create difficulty in outsourcing. This resistance
will be higher when more scope is added later. Effective communications and change man-
agement programs (OD initiatives) are especially crucial at this stage when the new scope
involves implementing a self-service platform. Actually such systems are not intuitively
obvious. Employees need to be helped to adopt to this the new system.
Also there are various risks associated with HRO. One of such risk is the business
risk which may arise due to cheap outsourcing contracts. There is also spillover risk, i.e.
exposing of confidential matters to competitors. Political risks is another issue in outsourcing.
One such example of this is the controversial issue in the US during the time of elections
when opposition blamed outsourcing for unemployment and wanted it to be banned. An-
other problem in HRO is that sometiimes it brings threat to the organization culture and it
gets totally out of control if gone into the hands of unsympathetic outsourcers. Also vendor
organization should be well aware with the laws and should act in compliance with laws of
his and client’s country otherwise legal issues may crop up and may adversly affect organi-
One more problem that arises is the loss of personal touch with the employees. Be-
cause an in-house HR person interacts daily with your employees, they will likely have
more of an interest in your employees. This is the reason why Morgan and Stanley decided
to provide retirement planning services in-house. The loss of talent generated internally,
potential redundancies, fear of service provider ceasing the trade, loss of concentration on
customer and more focus on the product are other drawbacks or challenges of HRO.
Also when an organization is using a PEO, giving up the right to hire and fire thier
employees, may not be desirable for their particular business. Mostly PEOs insist that they
should have the final right to hire, fire, and to discipline employees. This may not be healthy
for an organization in the long run. And if an organization decide to use an E-service, the
same issues would remain with any ASP. When everything is stored and handled online,
there might be concerns about the security as well as the potential crashes, both of which
can be detrimental to any business organization. Common complaints about HR outsourcing
range from payroll mix-ups to payroll not being deposited on time to denied medical claims.
Vendor selection is another major issue in outsourcing HR. If we select the wrong
vendor, then we won’t be able to enjoy the fruits as expected from HRO. Companies say
that one of the important requirements while selecting vendor for outsourcing HR is vendor’s
demonstrated HR process expertise, which has been responded by 95% respondents as
mentioned in the survey conducted by Hewitt associates in the year 2005. (www.Hewitt
The Journal of Nepalese Business Studies
8. Conclusion
This article tried to highlight the overll concept of HRO and identify the main issues
and and challenges relating to outsourcing HR. The reviews of literature, as well as of
recent surveys by various organizations, show that HRO market is growing and will grow
faster than the current rate. Mike Christie, HR Outsourcing Consultant with Hewitt Associ-
ates, says Hewitt posted a 15 percent increase in overall revenues last year. Most of the
increased activity was in its core business i.e. benefits, workforce administration, and pay-
roll. ( HRO is of most interest in those sec-
tors of economy which are experiencing the margin pressure.
Though there are many benefits of HRO, which can not be denied but at the same
time we need to address various challenges of HRO. One has to take lot of precaution while
planning for ooutsourcing their HR activities. It was also oberved that in the recent times
outsourcing has undergone lot of advancement due to increased data security because of
new technology and changing perception of what can and cannot be outsourced but secu-
rity issue still demands attention i.e. how comfortable are buyers with having their propri-
etary data being transmitted offshore.
Also suppliers need to evolve additional metrics that aren't transactional in nature
and that measure more strategic value like workforce productivity, absenteeism rates, and
employee turnover.
Offshoring HRO is booming and this is good sign for country like India, but suppli-
ers need to address several issues to maintain this momentum. Offshore employees which
are hired to do simple manual process work can't be expected to demonstrate advanced
expertise such as understanding different health care plans in different countries or answer-
ing policy-based questions.
HRO is also becoming more self-service. Company personnel are forced to perform
Human Resource Outsourcing: Issues and Challenges
HR activities like withdrawing money from their 401 (k) plans using self-service over the
Web. This requires employees to be more proactive, and suppliers have not yet defined the
self-service line beyond which buyers' personnel are hesitant to go. (
HR Outsourcing must also be carefully evaluated and weighed against issues such as
control, the strategic value of technology to the organization, staffing, responsiveness/ ac-
countability, and, of course, overall costs.
If organizations have a broader perspective and are taking corrective measures be-
fore going for HRO then outsourcing will certainly help in coping with the peaks and troughs
of the business. Properly applied, including concerns, outsourcing offers many benefits;
otherwise, it offers even greater risks.Like most everything in life, HRO has come a long
way. But there's still a long way to go.
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HR Outsourcing? By Peter Bendor-Samuel, CEO, Everest Group)
The Journal of Nepalese Business Studies
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Owning an In-House HR System? By Beth Ellyn Rosenthal, Editor )
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