White Minimalist Business Model Canvas Brainstorm

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Business Model Canvas

Key Partners Value Propositions Customer Relationship Customer Segments

Partnership with customers. Social Media Advertisement
(Facebook, Instagram, Google, Provide guaranteed target- We will build a customer
Collaboration with private 1. (B2C)
etc). based Advertisement. community profile of our all
constitutions or shops. All YouTubers either new or existing like:
Effective Content Creator. Free post-sale services are satisfied customers.
Content creation partners:

Provide all target-based also provided for up to two Build trust and honesty with
Graphic Designer Teacher
services: weeks. customers.
Video Editor Students
Page building Free online video guidelines Personalized consultation by
Social Network. Entrepreneur
Lead Generation also provide to customers. expert.
Effective social media Timely and responsive

Online product listing 2.B2B)

Content writing presence and reputation. communication.
Productive service through Private institutions and local shops in the
Trending hashtags
review videos. Channel market:
Online training facility also

Promotion through existing as old

provided. School, Colleges
Key Activities Key Resources satisfied customers
We will build banners to shop as a Bakeries
Mobile Shops

Goal-based marketing through Effective customers review private institution that are our
satisfied customers. profile. satisfied customers. Stationery Shops as Book shop
Effective response through Skilled social media expert. Through Social Networks. Gift Centers
customer receives profile. Improve promotion through Online Profiles: Optical and Watches Shop
Community management satisfied customers. Facebook

(response to Messages and Page building tools. Instagram

Comments). Monetization services. YouTube
Effective social network. Google
Build Reputation. TikTok

Cost Structure Revenue Stream

Partnership with customers also includes fees or free services. Monthly fee based on services.
Content creation partner fee. One time project fee.
Advertisement Cost. Fee on revenue from partner like customer.
Skilled social media expert fees. Revenue from Advertising.
Monetization Cost. Fee, Premium charges: Provides few services free.
Cost with Social Networks. Revenue from consultancy, training.
Improve brand with collaboration timing is also revenue.

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