Lesson Plan (Assignment 1) .

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Name of the Teacher Date Level of the class Length of lesson

03-05-2021 Elementary 60 minutes

Lesson Type:

Lesson Topic:
Hobbies and leisure

Lesson Aims: Lesson Outcomes:

By the end of the lesson, students will be better able to… By the end of the lesson, students will have…

Understand and use the ten new vocabulary words under the An understanding of each word in the chosen topic (hobbies and
topic; Hobbies and leisure (barbecue, beach, camera, tent, park, leisure)
picnic, festival, guitar, party, video game) in the context of the

Anticipated difficulties: Suggested solutions:

1. Students may find the activities too challenging. 1. Students will be exercising these activities in groups, which
will provide a fun and encouraging environment for
2. Learners may struggle with the phonology of some of the struggling/ shy students. During these activities, the teacher
words, therefore they may have trouble with memorization will always observe and monitor the discussions and correct
of some of the words. struggling students.
3. Students may struggle understand the meaning of each 2. I will ask students too say the sentences after me to see if
words, as all of the words fall under the same topic. they start to use features if connected speech naturally.
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3. I have chosen pictures which display the meaning of each
activity in a simple way. Students will also revise each words
meaning in multiple ways. I have chosen to keep the
revision simple, which might provide a confidence boost to
struggling students.

Language analysis:

Language Meaning of the How you will present Concept Checking Grammatical form Pronunciation
Item item meaning Questions

1. Barbecue A meal (typically beefUsing a picture of a 1.What can be cooked on Noun /ˈbɑːbɪˌkjuː/
or chicken) that is barbecue showing that a barbecue?
cooked outdoors on meat, fish or chicken 2.What do you need when
a fire. can be cooked outdoors you have a barbecue?
on a fire.
2. Beach In between high-and Using a picture of a 1.What can you do at the Noun /bitʃ/
low-water and marks beach vs. a dessert to beach?
the shore of the sea. display contract of 2.What do you need to
meaning. bring with you to the
3. Camera Something you take Show a picture of a 1.What do you like taking Noun /ˈkæm ə ri/
pictures with. camera as well as a pictures of?
picture to show what 2. Why do you take
the function of a camera pictures?
4. tent A portable shelter Show a picture of a tent 1.Why do you need a tent? Noun tˈɛnt
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made of cloth and is in a naturalistic 2. What do you need to
used to sleep in environment, such as sleep in, in your tent?
when camping. the mountains.

5. park A place where Show a picture of a 1.What activities can you Noun /pɑː(r)k/
people go to see park with a cityscape in do at the park?
nature when they live the background. 2. Why do you like parks?
in the city.
6. picnic A meal taken Show a picture of a 1.Where do you like to go Noun  /ˈpɪknɪk/
outdoors as part of picnic in a scenic on a picnic?
an excursion and surrounding. 2.What do you like to eat
enjoyed in scenic (The picture should at a picnic?
surroundings such as showcase the various
a park. options that can be
eaten, a basket and a
7. festival An organized series Show a picture of a 1.What kind of festivals Noun /ˈfestɪv(ə)l/
of concerts, plays, or festival displaying a have you been to?
films in a specific concert as well as a 2.What do you have to
surrounding/ closed crowd of people take to a festival?
area. gathering around the
stage as an example.
8. guitar A musical instrument Show a picture of an 1.Do you like playing or Noun /ɡɪˈtɑː(ɹ)/ 
with six strings acoustic guitar as well listening the guitar?
played by plucking or as an electric guitar. 2.What is your favourite
strumming with your song on a guitar?

9. party A social gathering of Show a picture of a 1.What do you take with to Noun /ˈpɑː(r)ti/..
invited guests, birthday party as an a park?
typically involving example. The picture 2.What is your favorite
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eating, drinking, and should showcase a kind of party?
entertainment. birthday cake and
10. video A game played by Show a picture of 1.On which devices can Noun /ˈvɪdiəʊ/.
game electronically someone playing a you play video games on?
manipulating images video game with his/ 2.Name your favorite video
produced by a her friends. game.
computer program on
a monitor or other

Stage Name Stage Aim Time Intera Teacher’s procedure Students will…

Warmer To engage the 5 minutes T-S 1. Introduction to the topic by asking the Start thinking in English as well as
students and get students about your hobbies and leisure time, the topic of the lesson.
them thinking in e.g. “I love reading books and painting during
English. It will also weekends and holidays.”
introduce students
to the topic of the Further elaboration on friends and family’s
lesson and give preferences such as “my sister likes to go
5 minutes camping in the mountains on her weekends”.
them T-S
an idea of what
type List a few hobbies, like; reading, doing sports,
of target going to festivals etc.
vocabulary they’ll
be learning and 2.Pick on a couple of students at random and
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understanding in ask them to describe their personal hobbies
the lesson. and what they like to do during their leisure

Presentation Present the 10 t-s Present a picture of the new word along with a Be provided with a picture
meaning definition of each minutes definition of the word. displaying meaning as well as a
new word, which Have the words and the definitions written in definition.
will provide rows on the board while pointing to each new Be able to see (by the use of a
concrete meaning word and definition when discussing them. picture) and hear the new word
to each word. along with its definition.
Presentation To establish the 10 s-s Teacher provides the students with a “Match Student will match the words with
Form correct spelling of minutes the word with the picture” (fig 2) work sheets the picture.
the words as individual exercise.
Presentation To establish the 5 minutes t-s T pronounces all the listed vocab individually. Students will develop the sounds of
Pronunciation correct T focusses on the stress of each word each word and shape of the mouth
pronunciation of carefully and ask the students to mimic her. correctly.
the new words.
Controlled To connect the 10 s-s Pair up the students into 5 groups with 1 Identify each new word and match
Practice definition with new minutes woman in each group and ask them to answer the word with the correct definition.
word. questions from the handout.

Freer Practice To develop the 10 s-s T asks group to discuss some of their Use the new words along with its
confidence to use minutes favourite hobbies and leisure time activities definition in a freer way in order to
each new word which was discussed during the lesson. make conversation with each other.
from the topic in Students will work in the same pairs. T
the appropriate monitors carefully and gives feedback on
context. errors.
Cooler Students revise 5 minutes T-S T gives definitions and the students shout out Students will feel encouraged to
what they have the phrases. Students will be provided with build on their knowledge and
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learned. the opportunity to raise their hands and excited about the next lesson.
answer the correct word, associated with the
Lesson Rationale (700-1000 words):


The structure of this lesson will presented in the PPP format (Presentation, Practice and production). This approach is presented in an orderly and structured
manner, which will help students (especially in the elementary level) take in new information easily. This approach may help students to first hear and see
the new information presented by the teacher and afterwards gain confidence in in the practice of the new language.


The warmer gives each student the opportunity to start thinking in English, but in a fun manner which involves the whole class. This will create an
opportunity for each student to interact with their classmates and the teacher, whilst using the topic. The chosen topic will be used to stimulate each
students view on their personal preferences on hobbies and leisure time activities. Students will also gain the opportunity of getting to know their teacher
and classmates better. The aim of this warmer is to help students engage fully in the classroom.

The first presentation meaning activity introduces the target vocabulary to each student along with the meaning of the new words. The meaning of the
words, will also be presented with a picture, which will provide some depth to the students. Further questions will be asked in order to provide a more in
depth understanding/ meaning of the new word. Students will also be provided with the word and definition on the board and each will be pointed to when
discussed. This way, students will be introduced with a new word and its meaning by seeing the new word (as well as seeing a picture) and hearing the
targeted vocab.

The second Presentation Form activity will provide students with an activity, on which students can match the target vocabulary with pictures associated
with the words. This exercise is designed to help students with the meaning of the words and the correct spelling of the words. In my opinion, this is a great
way for students to memorise the words and its meaning, in a fun and exciting manner. They will develop an understanding of the word, before we head to a
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more difficult exercise in the next phase. Students will also get the opportunity to see and understand the meaning of the word in a more concrete manner.

The third Presentation pronunciation activity the teacher will chorus each new word carefully a few times, as some of the word are quite long and difficult to
grasp at first. After a few repetitions of the word, the teacher will ask the students to mimic her. Struggling students will also be helped individually and once
each student understands how to pronounce the word correctly, the teacher will continue with the next word. This gives the teacher the opportunity to
focus on each word individually and help students to develop each sound of each word in the correct way. The teacher will also assist struggling student to
ensure that each student is confident with the correct pronunciation of each new word. The teacher will also focus on the shape of her mouth whilst
pronouncing each word, which will simplify the learning process for the students.

The Controlled practice stage will provide students with an activity, which will help students to identify the new word with its appropriate meaning. This
activity should be rewarding as the exact same definitions, which was used in the presentation meaning stage, were used. Students will also work in pairs of 5
(with one woman in each group), which will also bring support to struggling/ shy students to enjoy the lesson as much as possible.

The freer practice stage will also be a group activity, although students will use the new word along with the correct definition in freer way in order to make
a conversation with each other in the group. T will ask the students to discuss some of their favourite hobbies and leisure time activities. T will monitor the
conversations carefully and give feedback on errors to ensure that students get the most out of the lesson.

The cooler provides revision for each student and shows each student how far they’ve improved during the lesson. This will be done in a fun manner, as the
teacher will give the definition of the words and students will get the opportunity to lift their hands and guess the appropriate answer. This will create
positive competitiveness in the class and students will hopefully be encourage to practice what they have learned in the class and build on their knowledge at
home. This should give each student a sense of accomplishment and encourage them to build on their knowledge and be excited about their next English

Potential issues

Students may find the activities too challenging, as all of the vocabulary might be new. Therefor it might be challenging when some students already know
some of the words, while others do not. My solution on this, is to provide a revision activity during the practice form, which will focus on matching the words
with the picture. A similar activity to the previous exercise, which will help students to memorise the words. This will also help students to see which words
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they still don’t understand. I have chosen for the class to work in groups and have class discussions, which will create a fun atmosphere and learning
environment in the classroom. During these activities, the teacher will always observe and monitor the discussions and correct struggling students.

Bibliography (if needed):







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Video game

Materials (include all physical copies of the materials you plan to use in your lesson, referenced):

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Video game
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Please match the words with the pictures!

1. Barbecue
2. Beach
3. Camera
4. Tent

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5. Park
6. Picnic
7. Festival
8. Guitar
9. Party
10.Video Game

(Fig. 1 practice form: Match the words.)

Match the noun with its appropriate definition by providing a letter next to the definition

A. A meal is typically cooked outdoors on a fire.

Video game
B. In between high-and low-water marks the shore of the sea.
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C. Something you take pictures with.
D. A portable shelter made of cloth and is used to sleep in when camping.
E. A place where people go to see nature when they live in the city.
F. A meal taken outdoors as part of an excursion and enjoyed in scenic surroundings such as a park.
G. An organized series of concerts, plays, or films.
H. A musical instrument with six strings played by plucking or strumming with your fingers.
I. a social gathering of invited guests, typically involving eating, drinking, and entertainment.
J. a game played by electronically manipulating images produced by a computer program on a monitor or
Picnic other display.

(Fig 2. Controlled practice exercise)

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