Certain Exploration On Light Weight Concrete by Using Pumice Aggregate
Certain Exploration On Light Weight Concrete by Using Pumice Aggregate
Certain Exploration On Light Weight Concrete by Using Pumice Aggregate
Volume 4 Issue 3
The challenge observe with the special concrete including light weight concrete by using the
use of pumice aggregate (natural aggregate)[3].One of the negative aspects of traditional
concrete having high self-weight. This heavy self-weight will make it to some extent an
uneconomical structural material [2]. Light weight concrete having low density, discount of
lifeless load and to boom the thermal insulation[4]. The reduction in density produced by
using it as an alternative of coarse mixture partly in concrete[6]. In this Study an strive has
been made to examine the traditional concrete and light weight aggregate concrete the usage
of mix M30 with poly carboxyl ether admixture [3]. Light weight concrete is made by means of
Partial substitute of Coarse Aggregate with one-of-a-kind ratios of Pumice ranging from 20%,
50%, 80% and 100%[7]. This challenge is centered to decide the compression electricity and
cut up tensile power parameters of mild weight mixture concrete to discover the favorable
replacement with the above cited replacements. The outcomes are compared with
conventional concrete[8].
Keywords:-Light weight concrete, pumice Aggregate, Poly carboxyl Ether, Natural Aggregate
Fig.1:-Fine Aggregate
Fig.2:-Coarse aggregate
Fig.3:-Pumice Aggregate
Mix proportion
Table 2:-Mix proportion
Mix Id Proportion Cement Fine aggregate Coarse aggregate Pumice
(C:FA:CA:PA) (kg/m3) (kg/m3) (kg/m3) aggregate
P 0% 1:2.18:3.86:0 335 733 1295 0
P 20% 1:2.18:3.09:0.25 335 733 1036 85.08
P 50% 1:2.18:1.93:0.63 335 733 647.5 212.7
P 80% 1:2.18:0.77:1.01 335 733 259 340.32
P 100% 1:2.18:0:1.26 335 733 0 425.4
Fig.5:-Compression test
P20% 15.5 25
P50% 20.1 30.6
P80% 12.2 21.5
P100% 8.8 16.5
SPLIT TENSILE STRENGTH OF capacity [9]. The ultimate load was taken
CONCRETE and the average split tensile strength was
Concrete cylinders of size 50 mm diameter calculated using the equation as shown in
and 100mm length were cast with Table 4.
incorporating copper slag as partial
replacement of sand and cement. During Split tensile strength (N/mm2) = 2 P/pi L
casting, the cylinders were mechanically D
vibrated using a table vibrator. The split tensile strength test was carried
out as per IS 5819: 1999. Cylindrical
After 24 hours, the specimens were de- concrete specimens 50 mm in diameter
moulded and subjected to curing for 7 and 100 mm in height were cast. The
days, & 28 days in portable water. After specimens were tested for split tensile
curing, the cylindrical specimens were strength using universal testing machine at
tested for split tensile strength using the age of 7 and 28 days [9].
compression testing machine of 2000kN
Fig.8:-Tested specimen