Certain Exploration On Light Weight Concrete by Using Pumice Aggregate

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Journal of Advanced Cement & Concrete Technology

Volume 4 Issue 3

Certain Exploration on Light Weight Concrete by Using Pumice

Prema M1*, Nagamani S2
Department of Civil Engineering, P.S.R. Engineering College,
Sivakasi, Tamil Nadu, India.
*Corresponding Author
E-mail Id:[email protected]

The challenge observe with the special concrete including light weight concrete by using the
use of pumice aggregate (natural aggregate)[3].One of the negative aspects of traditional
concrete having high self-weight. This heavy self-weight will make it to some extent an
uneconomical structural material [2]. Light weight concrete having low density, discount of
lifeless load and to boom the thermal insulation[4]. The reduction in density produced by
using it as an alternative of coarse mixture partly in concrete[6]. In this Study an strive has
been made to examine the traditional concrete and light weight aggregate concrete the usage
of mix M30 with poly carboxyl ether admixture [3]. Light weight concrete is made by means of
Partial substitute of Coarse Aggregate with one-of-a-kind ratios of Pumice ranging from 20%,
50%, 80% and 100%[7]. This challenge is centered to decide the compression electricity and
cut up tensile power parameters of mild weight mixture concrete to discover the favorable
replacement with the above cited replacements. The outcomes are compared with
conventional concrete[8].

Keywords:-Light weight concrete, pumice Aggregate, Poly carboxyl Ether, Natural Aggregate

INTRODUCTION by the formation of bubbles or air voids

In concrete training coarse combination is when gases contained in the molten lava
the less expensive material in comparison flowing from volcanoes become trapped
to cement and maximum economic system on cooling. Replacing pumice stone with
is obtained by means of using as a good coarse aggregate is said to be structural
deal combination as viable. Aggregates lightweight concrete solves to reduce the
also improve the quantity stability and the self weight of building. One of the most
durability of the resulting concrete. A good advantages of pumice aggregate concrete
aggregate must produce the desired has low density of concrete. Pumice stone
residences in each the fresh and hardened is light-weight mixture of low precise
concrete. gravity. Its water absorption is as better
than ordinary coarse aggregate, because
Concrete is very variable cloth having a it's far surprisingly porous fabric whilst
huge variety of energy and the constituent evaluating coarse mixture. We use Pumice
substances are cement, fine mixture, as coarse aggregate through replacing it
coarse mixture and water. Based on studies and sand as first-class mixture. Pumice is a
the use of pumice stone as substitute shade much less or mild grey colored
fabric. Pumice is a natural aggregate of coarse combination, which floats on water.
volcanic origin produced by the release of The density of pumice is zero.25 g/cm3.
gases during the solidification of lava.. Pumice aggregate has thermal inclusion
The cellular structure of pumice is created and has low precise gravity [6].

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Journal of Advanced Cement & Concrete Technology
Volume 4 Issue 3

OBJECTIVE AND SCOPE OF suitability concrete making. The properties

CONCRETE of discover and coarse aggregates sieve
• To determine whether pumice stone evaluation of quality and coarse
light weight concrete can be used as a aggregates, tests on cement are determined
structural concrete. out. The Study aims to investigate the
• To determine the compressive strength related properties of concrete of
strength and split tensile strength of M30 grade. The proportions of ingredients
light weight concrete having density of the control concrete of grade M30 had
below 1800kg/m3. determined by mix design as per IS code.
• To study the effect of various types Moulds were prepared to cast he specimen.
replacements (20%,50%,80%,100%) Mould of size 100*100*100mm and
of natural aggregate by light weight cylinder mould 50*100mm were cast with
aggregate(pumice) and conventional desired of partially replacement (20%,
concrete on 7, 28 days compressive 50%, 80%, 100%) of coarse aggregate.
strength. Casted Samples were tested after 7days
• It helps in reduction of dead load; and 28 days of curing Compressive
increase the progress of building and strength and split tensile strength test was
lower haulage and handling costs. performed using casted concrete. Results
• The weight of building on the were obtained and conclusion was arrived.
foundation is an important factor in
design particularly in the case of weak EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION
soil and tall structure. Materials
• In order to decrease the self weight of Cement
building. The cement used in this experimental
investigation was 43 grade OPC
METHODOLOGY manufactured by Ultra-tech cements. The
Literature evaluations related to the basic properties were evaluated and the
pumice stone had been amassed and specific gravity of cement 3.15, intial and
primarily based at the literature survey final setting time is 40 mins and 595 mins.
initial works had been finished. Works like
collection of pumice stone became Fine Aggregate
achieved. Materials required for concrete Fine aggregate is sieved using 4.75mm
which include coarse combination, high- sieve to remove the pebbles. Specific
quality aggregate, cement were gravity of fine aggregate is 2.60 and its
accumulated. Basic tests were carried out fineness modulus is 2.78. It confirms zone
on great mixture, coarse combination, II of IS 383-1970 requirements as shown
cement, pumice stone take a look at their in Figure 1[7].

Fig.1:-Fine Aggregate

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Journal of Advanced Cement & Concrete Technology
Volume 4 Issue 3

Coarse Aggregate Crushed granite aggregate with specific

gravity of 2.74 and retained through 20mm
sieve and will be 0 2.

Fig.2:-Coarse aggregate

Pumice Aggregate equipment. Light Weight Pumice concrete

Pumice stone is a natural lightweight also reduces the stay load of formwork and
aggregate which is formed by the sudden fake work [8]. When evaluate the water
cooling of molten volcanic matter. Pumice absorption coarse combination to pumice
is formed at some stage in the volcanic combination is greater 4.4% <
eruption of viscous magma, by and large 11.1%.Water absorption of pumice
siliceous and rich in dissolved unstable aggregate is more than everyday
parts, mainly water vapour as shown in fig combination as shown in desk 1. Hence,
three. Their remedy is handiest thru earlier than the usage of of pumice
mechanical dealing with, crushing and aggregate, soak in water for twenty-four
screening. Larger quantity of concrete may hrs. Specific Gravity of pumice Aggregate
be dealt with by means of lighter =zero.90.
Equipment with less wear and tear on the

Table 1:-Water Absorption of coarse and pumice aggregate

SL.NO Determination no Coarse aggregate Pumice aggregate
1 Weight of saturated surface-dried 107 50
2 Weight of oven-dried sample(b)g 102 45
3 Water absorption % 4.4 11.1

Fig.3:-Pumice Aggregate

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Journal of Advanced Cement & Concrete Technology
Volume 4 Issue 3

Poly Carboxyl Ether DESIGN MIX

The new generation of this kind of Mix Design
admixture is represented by poly carboxyl In the present study, M30 grade with
ether based super plasticizer (PCES). nominal mix as per IS 456-2000 and IS
10262:2009 was used. Concrete mix
With a relatively low dosage (0.3% - 1.5% proportion by weight for 1m3 and water
by cement weight) they allow a water cement ratio of 0.42. Gives the mix used
reduction up to 40%, due to their chemical for study [8]. Density of light weight
structure which enables good particle concrete 1500 kg/m3 and Density of
dispersion. Specific gravity of poly normal concrete 2400 kg/m3 [9].as shown
carboxyl ether is 1.08. in Table 2.

Mix proportion
Table 2:-Mix proportion
Mix Id Proportion Cement Fine aggregate Coarse aggregate Pumice
(C:FA:CA:PA) (kg/m3) (kg/m3) (kg/m3) aggregate
P 0% 1:2.18:3.86:0 335 733 1295 0
P 20% 1:2.18:3.09:0.25 335 733 1036 85.08
P 50% 1:2.18:1.93:0.63 335 733 647.5 212.7
P 80% 1:2.18:0.77:1.01 335 733 259 340.32
P 100% 1:2.18:0:1.26 335 733 0 425.4

PREPARATION OF TEST strength. After casting process, the

SPECIMENS specimens were kept for 24 hours and then
Compressive strength was found out using remoulded. They were curing for 7 days
cubes of standard size 100 mm x 100 mm and 28 days. Similarly the split tensile
x 100 mm. Totally 30 cubes were cast with strength Compressive test carried for
6 cubes for each mix ratio. Out of 30 cubes cylinder of size 50mm x 100mm.as shown
were used to find the compressive in Figure 4.

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Journal of Advanced Cement & Concrete Technology
Volume 4 Issue 3

Fig.4:-Casting cubes and cylinders

RESULT AND DISCUSSION become tested by compression testing

Compressive Strength gadget of potential 2000 kN [9]. The light
Compressive power is the maximum weight concrete were tested for
pressure a fabric can sustain under compressive strength at the age of 7 day
pushing, crushing force. It is decided by and 28 day. The specimens were subjected
way of the shattering fracture of the cloth to a compressive force at the rate of 132kN
below these forces. For this check the per minute. Fig shows the concrete cube
specimens of size 100 mm x 100 mm x under test and the concrete cube
one hundred mm is used. The compressive specimens, respectively. The maximum
power is the ratio of the most load to the load at failure was taken as shown in
surface place of the concrete dice. Three Figure 5. The average compressive
cubes have been examined for each blend strength of concrete specimens was
ratio and the common of 3 specimens is calculated by using the following equation
taken because the compressive energy it as shown in Table 3.

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Journal of Advanced Cement & Concrete Technology
Volume 4 Issue 3

Fig.5:-Compression test

Fig.6:-Weight of light weight concrete and conventional concrete

Table 3:-Compression test at 7 and 28 days

Mix Id Compression strength at 7 days Compression strength at 28 days
P0% 25.1 34

P20% 15.5 25
P50% 20.1 30.6
P80% 12.2 21.5
P100% 8.8 16.5

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Journal of Advanced Cement & Concrete Technology
Volume 4 Issue 3

Fig.7:-Graph –compression strength test at 7 and 28 days

SPLIT TENSILE STRENGTH OF capacity [9]. The ultimate load was taken
CONCRETE and the average split tensile strength was
Concrete cylinders of size 50 mm diameter calculated using the equation as shown in
and 100mm length were cast with Table 4.
incorporating copper slag as partial
replacement of sand and cement. During Split tensile strength (N/mm2) = 2 P/pi L
casting, the cylinders were mechanically D
vibrated using a table vibrator. The split tensile strength test was carried
out as per IS 5819: 1999. Cylindrical
After 24 hours, the specimens were de- concrete specimens 50 mm in diameter
moulded and subjected to curing for 7 and 100 mm in height were cast. The
days, & 28 days in portable water. After specimens were tested for split tensile
curing, the cylindrical specimens were strength using universal testing machine at
tested for split tensile strength using the age of 7 and 28 days [9].
compression testing machine of 2000kN

Table 4:-Split tensile strength at 7 and 28 days

Mix Id Split tensile strength at 7 days Split tensile strength at 28 days

P0% 2.56 3.78

P20% 1.63 2.80
P50% 2.21 3.17
P80% 2.01 2.36

P100% 1.21 2.08

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Journal of Advanced Cement & Concrete Technology
Volume 4 Issue 3

Fig.8:-Tested specimen

Fig.9:-Graph –Split Tensil Strength test at 7 and 28 days

CONCLUSION  Concrete with 50% replacement of

Based on the experimental investigations pumice the strength is comparable
concerning the compressive strength and with normal concrete.
split tensile strength of concrete, the  Maximum value of strength is
observations and the following obtained in 50% replacement of
conclusions are drawn from the present Pumice with coarse aggregate.
study.  Result must be cited that, mild weight
 Compression and cut up tensile power concrete having density 1500kg/m3
cost is compared to everyday concrete and traditional concrete 2400kg/m3.
and replacement of Coarse aggregate  The increasing percentage of pumice
with the aid of Pumice from exclusive stones will show negative impact on
probabilities (20%, 50%, 80%, and a power of concrete (electricity
hundred%). decreases).
 Generally Pumice stone absorbs more
water in comparison to the nominal

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Journal of Advanced Cement & Concrete Technology
Volume 4 Issue 3

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