Crushed EPS in Light Weight Concrete
Crushed EPS in Light Weight Concrete
Crushed EPS in Light Weight Concrete
Abstract: This paper gives light to the ideas of development e use of this light weight concrete requires no sand and coarse
and implementation of sustainable material to reduce the aggregate which thereby reduces the depletion of such
reliance on non-renewable resources which can be achieved by natural resources. Therefore, using EPS as aggregate can be a
using light weight concrete in construction as the demand of proper substitution for fulfilling the needs of the construction
light weight concrete is growing day by day. The availability of industry as well as conserving such natural resources.
light weight aggregates and admixtures has made this approach
easy. Expanded polystyrene (EPS) is a material used for
packaging of various products. Due to its voluminous, bulky
nature and being non-biodegradable it has high resistivity Light weight concrete refers to type of concrete mix which
towards chemical reactions so its disposal is an issue also when comprises of light weight and low density aggregates i.e.
disposed in landfills it covers more space. This paper promotes increasing the volume of mix simultaneously providing
the use of EPS in light weight concrete structures. Expanded
considerable decrement in self-weight and dead loads. The
Polystyrene concrete is used in modern applications such as
thermally insulated partition walls, exterior walls, members of
floating structures and deck of bridges. This work comprises of key point of attraction in light weight concrete is its low
casting and testing of light weight concrete with EPS as an density and thermal conductivity as formation of voids with
aggregate, fly ash as finer including sulphonated naphthalene air entrapping takes place because of low density high
(SN) based admixtures. A canoe is also designed and tested for volume aggregates. Compressive strength shows directly
floating capacity. The percentage ratio of EPS to cement is proportional relationship with density of the mix as for less
trialed between (0.25-0.3) by weight percent. As per IS 456-2000 densified mix, compressive strength decreases and
clause 15-17 [1] testing light weight concrete cubes and after vice-versa. Though light weight concrete has less
evaluating six different compositions, the optimum ratio was compressive strength as compared to standard commercial
adopted. concrete, but increasing compressive strength achievement
trends the light weight concrete in structural construction
Keywords: Expanded Polystyrene EPS, fly ash, light weight industry. As strength can be increased by densification of
concrete, sulphonated naphthalene admixtures.
mix and by addition of superplastizers hence, light weight
concrete can be used in both structural and non-structural
Various engineering properties of concrete differ with the
In everyday life due to high consumption of resources addition of crushed EPS. The relation between the quantity of
such as coarse aggregates and fine aggregates, these eps added and workability of concrete mix is inversely
resources are depleting day by day therefore there is an proportional i.e. with the increment in amount of EPS the
urgent need to conserve these natural resources by provided surface area increases and hence workability
developing new eco-friendly technologies and thereby reduces ensuring the requirement of superplasticizers. Due to
managing the available resources at the places highly low density of eps aggregates, the unit weight of the light
necessary. One such technology is the use of light weight weight concrete mix decreases. As density, compressive
strength, strain(elastic) and modulus of elasticity are the
concrete for structural as well as non-structural purpose like
functions of unit weight therefore these values also decreases
partition walls, members of floating structures, thermally
with the increase in quantity of EPS. Also creep increases
insulated partition walls, sideways. The light weight concrete with significant increase in EPS.[3]
containing EPS as aggregate can easily be used for such Density of the light weight concrete containing expanded
purpose. polystyrene as aggregate depends on its ratio of aggregate
Rather than recycling the EPS from the packaging and cement hence using the crushed waste EPS in light
materials can be crushed into small pieces and then, can be weight concrete increases the density and flow ability of mix
used in the form of aggregates in light weight concrete as compared to EPS beads. With the increase in EPS
percentage added to mix the thermal conductivity decreases
gradually. So on optimization of added crushed EPS quantity
and density of mix leads to the unfolding of material for not
Revised Manuscript Received on March 5, 2020.
Nikita Sharma*, Techno India NJR Institute of Technology Udaipur
only heat insulation, but also for thermal insulation in
[email protected] structural aspect.
Gaurav Suthar, Techno India NJR Institute of Technology Udaipur
Sayed Aamir Hussain, Techno India NJR Institute of Technology Udaipur
Many challenges towards building energy conservation mechanical resistance and is recyclable. Due to all these
can be solved by using the light weight concrete containing characteristics EPS is gaining attraction in market and in
EPS by enhancing the thermal characteristics of structural construction industry also.
elements specially which are at outer face of structures.[4] Long EPS sheets and blocks were crushed into small
The materials included in designing and construction of pieces by use of brush with metal teethes and sieved by
canoe are polystyrene beads, perlite, sand and cement. After 4.75mm IS sieve.
partial replacement of sand with 50% polystyrene 50%
perlite makes the mix appropriate for making of canoe.
Canoe made from this finalized proportion floats well on the
surface of surface. With the increase in polystyrene
percentage added in the mix composition, the percentage of
water absorption increases.[5]
Table- II: Average 3 and 7 day Compressive strengths of different mix proportions
Sample ø Fly ash W/C Ad.- SN Naphthalene ACS ACS Weight of
based cube
(%) (%) (ml per Kg superplasticizer 3 day 7 day (grams)
of cement) (ml per Kg of
(MPa) (MPa)
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Different mechanical and physical properties are affected Kharun, Alexander P. Svintsov
with different concrete mix design for the light weight 4. “experimental study of light weight concrete.”
concrete containing EPS. The amount of EPS taken 5. Dr. Eethar Thanon Dawood
6. S. O. Osuji and D. Ikogho, “Current Effects of Naphthalene Based
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concrete for samples with different percentage of fly ash, C20 / 25 Concrete ‟ s Compressive Strength,” vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 9–14,
different cases were observed with increase in fly ash 2018, doi: 10.5923/j.jce.20180801.02.
content, the density increases and simultaneously strength
increases. However, after the addition of SN based AUTHOR PROFILE
admixtures the strength increases even at lower percentage Nikita Sharma IV year civil engineering. student from Techno India NJR
of fly ash content, thereby giving good strength with low Institute of Technology, Udaipur. „1st runner Up Bentley Student design
challenge 2018‟.
density. This low density of concrete mix approximately
half the density of normal concrete is responsible for the Gaurav Suthar IV year civil engineering. student from
floating of the canoe. As canoe takes two times the load of Techno India NJR Institute of Technology, Udaipur. „1st
its self-weight hence it shows the considerable runner Up Smart India Hackathon 2018‟.
contribution of low density along with volume entrapping.