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Measurement: Sensors
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IoT based smart parking model using Arduino UNO with FCFS
priority scheduling
M.R.M. Veeramanickam a, *, B. Venkatesh b, Laxmi A. Bewoor c, Yogesh W. Bhowte d,
Kavita Moholkar e, Jyoti L. Bangare f
Centre of Excellence for Cyber Security Technologies, Chitkara University Institute of Engineering and Technology, Chitkara University, Punjab, India
Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Vignan’s Institute of Information Technology(Autonomous), Besides VSEZ Duvvada, Visakhapatnam, Andhra
Pradesh, India
Department of Computer Engineering, Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, India
Savitribai Phule Pune University, India
JSPM’s Rajarshi Shahu College of Engineering, Pune, India
Department of Computer Engineering, MKSSS’s, Cummins College of Engineering for Women, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, India
Keywords: Develop a suitable method to handle parking problem in the crowded big city, as per the demand and number of
Internet of things parking slots available, by giving priority to the users with help of smart parking system. This study proposed
Arduino UNO Internet of Things-(IoT) based smart parking model using the Arduino UNO model in implementation. This
proposed model helps users to allocate booking users vehicles parking free available slot as per time to time
Smart parking
Priority scheduling
availability in college campuses during technical fest in different parking slots and locations. In this working
model, Passive Infrared, with ultrasonic Sensors are used which helps to deducting the available parking location
and allow us to find out for giving priority based First Come First Serve based-(FCFS) scheduling of parking
allotments as per slot is vacant count. This model examine the way of the proposed system with utilizing sce
narios of various possible ways with FCFS which show the significance of the parking model using IoT platform.
The parking availability detection is capable to find solutions for an empty vehicle parking area for monitoring
and reduces users search time as per an automated smart parking model using the internet of things, sensing
devices and Arduino UNO(“Uno” means one in Italian languages) in giving priority to users with scheduling
model is actual findings with Smart systems. This study proposed an automated parking system to function on a
real-time basis to detect all empty parking places based on the internet of things platform, with help of sensors.
Arduino UNO platform brings automation to this system on per priority basis to all the users with scheduling
techniques. The priority given to users with an automation system is a novelty compared with an existing system.
This smart parking is working on real-time basis inputs based on that user demands priority is varying to book
parking slots with first come first serve preference.
1. Introduction parking space service provider together in common platform that able to
address the issues of non-availability of parking space.
In digital era, nearly everybody owns their vehicle which is basic IoT is connected multiple nodes together by using the Internet which
needs of transportation in day-to-day life. Such scenario the usage and enables communication among the peers of people, computers and
high demand of vehicles parking which is increasing rapidly so its is very anything as an object. IoT is beneficial in terms of development and
critical scenario helps to figure out user vehicle parking slots in highly network advancements of technology for connecting things which can
populated cities, particularly in peak timing of more vehicle’s parking be monitored and computed, sharing signals among peers and control
usage. Vehicles users if they are able to find their parking slot space ling administrators. Nodes are much more intelligent based on the
before reaching that particular location is very much useful in handling recognition of devices, tracking, and observance of anything part of the
parking issues easily. For this we need system which brings users and connected network. IoT relates to 3 important key things like a sensor
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (M.R.M. Veeramanickam).
Received 6 September 2022; Received in revised form 10 October 2022; Accepted 13 October 2022
Available online 17 October 2022
2665-9174/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-
M.R.M. Veeramanickam et al. Measurement: Sensors 24 (2022) 100524
network, radio frequency like RFID, and terminal computing systems are beneficial for vehicle parking workers, parking service providers and
very important for achieving the functionalities of IoT [1]. beneficial in surrounding locations. As per the data gathered the use of a
Smart parking system can be build using IoT platform, where all smart parking model, it’ll be used to forecast new patterns in the smart
stakeholders can part of the smart system. The problem much focused on system. Solic, P. et al. (2021) [14,15], Let us focus on how its imple
parking slot allocation based on user given priority with IoT platform to mented using IoT platform what is advantage of smart parking and the
make parking location smart system operated with help of automation same way its lagging in terms of giving priority to end users based on
explained flow of different layers in figure-1 [2], The mobile application preference to the users using some logical way of handling issue like
helps users to access available parking slot booking FCFS. scheduling of given preference to end users as per Table 1.
This article also describes importance of Erlangian distribution for
priority queuing technique for use case to give best outcome of the 2. Proposed methodology
proposed model. As demands of parking increase every part of the col
lege campus during festive time and smart parking helps to work out The proposed system working with automated platform IoT with
easily. Mettupally et al. (2019) [3], and [4] In Digital platform auto help of sensors data analysis. Data sets used to understand the demand
mation are increased due to industry 4.0. everywhere with users cus and allotment of parking loT is based on data collection like object_id,
tomization. When compared with western countries, in India struggle is Parking_lot id, Created by, Modified by, Creation_date, Creator, Edit_
more for parking space location finding and also more dominant due to date, Location, Latitude, Longitude. Geographical area used to test this
the massive population in all the major cites. Therefore in developing prototype system during annual festival function of TechFest 2021 in the
country nowadays taking smart model to implement as per smart city locality of Visakhapatnam area college Campus.
projects, examples of such project is smart traffic system, monitoring of A sensor-based IoT smart parking model aids in the construction of
traffic as per work by Refs. [5–7]. buildings based on their location, data gathering from office locations,
In the existing condition, Internet of Things is an emergent subject as and processing and data manipulating on IoT edge with smart devices.
per including, computing and sensing device systems, with sensing de Based on the studies and evaluation of various models, as well as our
vices, immense data collections and generating to apply in that with AI reading of publications, we have begun to collaborate on a viable model
model is to give complete entrenched system for application usage. that would gather and apply current traffic and vehicles related traffic
Hence IoT model are highly flexible, trustworthy, effectual and simple to information to a specific site during periods of high demand for parking
use and handle, in the way deep utilization in various applications. With spaces. In figure:1-Three layers of the working model of the system are
help of IoT information can be gathered more efficaciously, system op explained the application of the smart parking model topmost layer, the
erations can be finished in highly precise with connectivity. Internet of transmission layer for communication among peers with connected
things platform used in wide range of application to automat model with networking channels, IoT Sensor layer for signal data collection from
edge computing [8,9]. The sensors and actuators are useful to collect working environments.
data from real time inputs. The networking model based on NFD (NDN System working with three different parking sensors like Ultrasonic
Forwarding Daemon (NFD) is a network forwarder which is used to sensors, Electromagnetic and Rear-facing cameras sensors as given in
implements the Named Data Networking working protocol), Wi-Fi, Fig. 2. In this working model, Passive Infrared, with ultrasonic sensing
Bluetooth and Zigbee the sensing device are utilized with network for device are used which helps to deduct the available parking slot and
communicating purpose. These sensing device connecting with wide allow us to find for giving priority based First Come First Basis sched
range of network models like GSM, GPRS, 3G and LTE, [10]. uling of parking allotments as per slot is vacant count. To find out the
Due to commercial, unsuitable control of empty parking slots vicinity presence parked vehicle we can use ultrasonic model sensors in this
end in problems applicable to parking. Mohamed A. et al. (2020) [11, smart parking systems.
12] It is especially important to discover a comfortable and safe, auto This is simplest and popular logical algorithm called as First Come
mated, sturdy, and impartial device to be able to assist to pick out un First Served (FCFS). This helps us to considers booking tasks in the order
occupied empty slot locations, directs away closer to the parking area, of sequence of their inputs request arrival in the smart platform IoT
choice of appropriate parking charges and suitable employer of the system. And this schedules for each booking task until there is enough
parking available system [12,13]. The gift advanced device is plenty required available free slots for that not enough resources available to
book it. Then FCFS algorithm with priority queuing model awaits for
enough available free slots to be freed by the completing of the previ
ously incomplete scheduled (Booked parking to be free until) booking
tasks. Lionel [21] Erlangain distribution applied for priority queuing is
explained with two inputs queue how they get their services completed
with function(t) and k.
Priority queuing model with two types of customers priority. This
method allowing the customers of different priority waiting in queue.
Priority based on two listed categories of given preferred rules like,
preemptive and non-preemptive priority models as per equation (1). In
many complex queuing models, Erlangian distribution which provides a
very good initial point for the systems with different phases or different
stages and levels.
M.R.M. Veeramanickam et al. Measurement: Sensors 24 (2022) 100524
Table 1
Related smart parking system with different methodologies of implementation.
S. Reference number Year of Methodology Advantage Limitations
No: publication
1 Mettupally, S. N. R. and Menon, V., “A Smart 2019 Deep Learning and Big Data, CNN-learning models-smart system High-end Camera Classification
Eco-System for Parking Detection Using Deep CNNs with Supervised detection and classification of objects and detection model
Learning and Big Data Analytics,” 2019 learning system. framework.
SoutheastCon, 2019, pp. 1–4.
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Smart Parking System Using Deep Long Short Uno in Android applications proposed
Memory Network”. Electronics 2020.
3 [16]. Urooj, S. Alrowais, F., Teekarafman, Y., 2021 IoT, Boosting Algorithm IoT Platform No booking priority
Manoharan, H., Kuppusamy, R. “IoT Based
Electric Vehicle Application Using Boosting
Algorithm for Smart Cities”, Energies 2021,
14, 1072.
4 [17]. An IoT Based Smart Parking System. 2019 Sensor with RFID Tag are IoT Platform with RFID tags Expensive for setup and also time
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1339, utilized consuming for working model
5 [18]. Roja T V, Sandhya N, Ashwini, Harshitha 2018 Number Plate Recognition, This system is designed specifically OCR reading must used high-end
Bedre, “Smart parking system using IoT”, OCR algorithm is used to for Malaysian license plates design camera devices
IJARIIT,2018. recognize the input character models, it can be extensible to other
with certain condition license plates other countries
6 [19]. Implementation of an Image Processing 2019 Haar Cascade, AdaBoost The car can be detected from any In multiple-car detection, the
Based Smart Parking System Using Algorithm (Raspberry Pi, angle of view. accuracy is affected by the car
Haar-Cascade Method. In 2019 (ISCAIE), (pp. Cloud, IoT) and shadow, which results in
222–227). detecting two cars as one object.
7 [20]. Khanna, A and Anand, R., “IoT based 2016 Mobile Application model low level security for identify the NA
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2.2. Micro-controller
2.3.3. Servo motor with angular positioning 2.3.5. LED display with seven segment
This is useful as rotatory sensing actuator which helps to perfect Its used to show numerals display of numbers using electronic board
control over in angular positioning, with capable of velocity and cor device basically used as an alternative for dot matrix display model
responding speed of acceleration. Adoptable motor are coupled with board. Digital clocks also part of this comprehensively by other
sensing to collect their feedback signals. Hence specific motor class are application.
called servomotor for in close-looping controlling model Mettupally, S.
et al. (2019).
2.4. BLYNK with cloud access
2.3.4. MCU ESP8266-Open source board design
Prototype designing board are available Open-source firmware IoT system model are controlled remotely with using hardware and
software. “Node MCU” named as micro-controller unit to referring Blynk is useful in displaying all information like sensing data, and
firmware which are not associate with development kit are shown in storing in cloud, helps us to visualize that information. There are three
Fig. 6, [10]. components part of this IoT platform they are:
3. Results
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