Limit State Design Approach For The Safety Evaluation of The Foundations of Concrete Gravity Dams
Limit State Design Approach For The Safety Evaluation of The Foundations of Concrete Gravity Dams
Limit State Design Approach For The Safety Evaluation of The Foundations of Concrete Gravity Dams
Maria Luísa Braga Farinha, Laura Caldeira & Emanuel Maranha das Neves
To cite this article: Maria Luísa Braga Farinha, Laura Caldeira & Emanuel Maranha das
Neves (2015) Limit state design approach for the safety evaluation of the foundations of
concrete gravity dams, Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 11:10, 1306-1322, DOI:
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Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 2015
Vol. 11, No. 10, 1306–1322,
Limit state design approach for the safety evaluation of the foundations of concrete gravity dams
Maria Luı́sa Braga Farinhaa*, Laura Caldeirab1 and Emanuel Maranha das Nevesc2
Concrete Dams Department, National Laboratory for Civil Engineering, Av. do Brasil 101, 1700-066 Lisbon, Portugal; bGeotechnical
Department, National Laboratory for Civil Engineering, Av. do Brasil 101, 1700-066 Lisbon, Portugal; cInstituto Superior Técnico,
Technical University of Lisbon, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisbon, Portugal
(Received 29 January 2014; final version received 26 June 2014; accepted 12 July 2014; published online 3 October 2014)
The application of the limit state design (LSD) in the geotechnical area has increased over the last two decades, but this
approach is not yet widely used in dam safety evaluation. This study aims to widen the use of the LSD application for large
dams, in particular concrete gravity dam foundations. This paper starts with a brief reference to the LSD approach in recently
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published guidelines for dam design, followed by a detailed description of the LSD formulation when applied to the
foundation of concrete dams. The relevance of the joint application of the concepts of ultimate limit states and of numerical
methods is highlighted. Comments are made regarding the criteria adopted in order to determine the characteristic values
of the material mechanical properties, with an emphasis on discontinuities, taking into account the spatial variability.
The sliding safety assessment of the foundation of a concrete gravity dam using the LSD and a discrete element model, both
in persistent and in an accidental design situation, is presented. Results led to the conclusion that the LSD methodology may
be followed for dam foundation design with the partial factor values prescribed in Eurocode 7.
Keywords: civil and structural engineering; geotechnical engineering; codes of practice and standards; dam safety;
foundations; failure modes; mathematical modelling
variables) and partial factors. This is the method prescribed Farinha, 2010; Gimenes & Fernández, 2006; Lemos, 1999;
in Eurocode 7 (EC7) for geotechnical design (CEN, 2004). Mostyn, Helgstedt, & Douglas, 1997). However, the
The latter would allow a probability of failure to be uncertainties in these flow models still need to be
estimated, taking explicitly into account the uncertainties in evaluated.
the basic variables (ICOLD, 1993). However, the This paper presents a study about the joint application
calculation of probabilities of failure in rock engineering of the concept of ULS with partial factors and of numerical
presents serious difficulties, mainly due to the usual lack of methods in the safety assessment of the foundation of a
knowledge concerning the probability distribution func- concrete gravity dam, in static conditions, for two different
tions and the spatial variability of the material properties, design situations: the persistent situation and the
and to the current inability to reproduce statistical accidental situation related to the total clogging of the
descriptions of the joint patterns in numerical models. drainage curtain. According to EN 1991-1-7 (CEN, 2006),
Despite these difficulties, a few studies were presented in a risk analysis which includes an estimate of the likelihood
the last decade using probabilistic approaches for the of the clogging of the drainage system is required for a
seismic analysis of dams (e.g. Lupoi & Callari, 2012). CC3 type of structure, like a large dam. In the present case,
Approximate solutions of the probability of failure were as high levels of quality control are required not only
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obtained by Bernstone, Westberg, and Jeppsson (2009) to during dam construction but also during operation, this
assess the safety of an operating concrete dam, taking into event is not likely to occur, thus, it is considered as an
account recorded uplift data. accidental situation.
The European standard EC7 (CEN, 2004) is based on Based on prescribed values of EC7 for the partial
the limit state design (LSD), namely ultimate limit state factors, a safety verification of the foundation design of
(ULS) and serviceability limit state (SLS) design (CEN, Pedrógão concrete gravity dam, in Portugal, will be
2004). Its implementation has resulted in many changes to presented. This example only envisages the ULS
geotechnical design (Orr, 2012). Nowadays, an LSD corresponding to the overall stability concerning sliding.
approach is not routinely used in dam safety evaluation, Comments are made regarding the criteria adopted in order
contrary to current practice in both geotechnical and to determine the characteristic values of the rock mass
structural design. However, EC7 may be extended to strength properties, with an emphasis on discontinuities,
special structures, such as dam foundations and tunnels, or taking into account the spatial variability. The potential
to the design of foundations of nuclear power plants and failure modes regarding sliding which are analysed
offshore structures. In these cases, though, there may be involve the dam foundation rock mass, taking into account
additional requirements. the orientation of the main sets of discontinuities within
This study aims to widen the use of the LSD the dam foundation. Analysis was carried out for the
application for large dams, in particular concrete gravity critical failure mechanism, which was adequately
dam foundations. Gravity dams resist the thrust of the identified. Dam safety assessment of sliding follows EC7
reservoir water with their own weight. The seepage flow (CEN, 2004).
through the foundation, in the upstream – downstream
direction, gives rise to both seepage and uplift forces,
which, in turn, reduce the stabilising effect of the
structure’s weight. Due to the great influence that uplift 2. LSD approach in dam design
forces have on the overall stability of gravity dams, the Taking into account the dominant role of the Eurocodes
distribution of water pressures along the base of the dam concerning matters of structural safety all around Europe,
should be as accurately predicted as possible at the design it is not surprising that the subject of LSD has been raised
stage using numerical models. The hydraulic gradients by the European Club of the ICOLD. However, until now,
also deserve particular attention, due to their role in the the official publications of this organisation have made
internal erosion processes. little mention of it. Nevertheless, the final report on sliding
However, these particular aspects only started to be safety of existing gravity dams of the European Club
tackled in a reliable way in the 1980s, with the (European Club of ICOLD, 2004a) refers, in its Appendix
development of numerical models which simulate the dedicated to Regulatory Rules, Guidelines and Normal
hydromechanical (HM) interaction, which is particularly Practice in different countries, to the Chinese Technical
important in this type of structure, using the finite element Standards related to the design of hydraulic engineering
method (e.g. Noorishad, Ayatollahi, & Witherspoon, structures, namely the Design Specification for concrete
1982). In more recent years, several studies have been gravity dams, which clearly states that hydraulic structures
carried out using models of flow in discontinuous media, must be designed for the ULS and the SLS, the latter called
with discrete element models, mainly for gravity dams, normal operation limit states. In addition to these Chinese
taking into account the water pressures resulting from the standards, guidelines on design criteria for concrete
seepage conditions (Barla, Bonini, & Cammarata, 2004; gravity dams based on the LSD were published in
1308 M.L.B. Farinha et al.
Australia, in 1991, and some documents and recommen- projects, safety reviews and design of remedial works
dations were published in France, concerning the safety (Peyras et al., 2008; Royet & Peyras, 2013).
and serviceability verification for both gravity dams
(CFBR, 2006, 2012) and embankment dams (CFBR,
2010). 3. Formulation
It is relevant to make a brief reference to the above- 3.1. General aspects
mentioned Chinese standard, according to which the safety In this paper, the use of LSD for dam safety assessment is
evaluation against sliding involving the dam foundation is based on EC7 (CEN, 2004), as mentioned in the introduction.
identified as an ULS. The different partial factors are This European standard describes the general principles and
combined for the following design situations: sustained requirements for geotechnical design, primarily in order to
(corresponding to persistent situations according to ensure safety (resistance and stability), serviceability and
Eurocodes), transient and occasional (corresponding to durability of geotechnical structures. As such, it should be
accidental situations) status. In the Chinese standard, ULS used in conjunction with EN 1990 Eurocode: basis of
verification is based on the following expression: structural design (CEN, 2002b), EN 1991 Eurocode 1:
actions on structures (CEN, 2002a) and EN 1998: design of
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engineering works through the partial factors values, actions. Only one strength parameter is used in the
called Nationally Determined Parameters. The National following – the friction angle in effective stresses at the
Annex may also specify the procedure to be used when rock mass discontinuities. The corresponding partial
alternative procedures are given in the Eurocode, namely factors are 1 and 1.25, respectively, for Combinations
the DAs. In this study, the Portuguese National Annex will 1 and 2 (C2) of the persistent design situation and 1.1 for
be followed, which requires DA1 to be adopted for the the accidental design situation (A). Figure 2 shows the
ULS design in both the persistent and transient situations. load cases and corresponding partial factors. An additional
For the accidental situations, the partial factors included in load case considering both permanent actions as
this Annex are also assumed. unfavourable (Combination 1 with load case 2 – C1.2)
The actions as well as the shear strength of the is also shown, for comparison with conventional
materials will be represented by their characteristic values. procedure in dam design. However, in gravity dams it is
The design values result from the application of partial obvious that the self-weight always has a stabilising effect
factors to the characteristic values. Obviously if the partial in the ULS verification of sliding.
factor is 1, the characteristic and design values are equal.
A particular and important aspect of the actions acting on a
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concrete gravity dam, when compared with the structures 3.3. Application of LSD in a numerical modelling
covered by EC7, is the large values of the water pressure framework
on the upstream face of the dam, as well as the significant The current practice of ULS verification assumes a rigid
weight of the dam body itself. Two design situations are perfectly plastic behaviour associated with a previously
considered, as shown in Figure 1: the persistent situation selected failure mechanism, usually requiring the study of
considering the retention water level (RWL) at the a large number of mechanisms in order to identify the
reservoir (Figure 1(a)), and the accidental situation critical one. The constitutive models based on stress –
involving the complete clogging of the drainage system strain relations are only used in SLS verifications.
of the dam foundation (Figure 1(b)). Nevertheless, models of the latter type can and shall be
According to the Eurocode system, for the persistent used, with the adequate design values, in the ULS
design situation, the following partial factors must be verifications, since they enable the prompt and unequi-
used: (i) Combination 1 – partial factors for permanent vocal identification of the critical failure mechanism, and
actions greater or equal to 1 (gG $ 1, namely 1.0 or 1.35) allow consideration of the interaction between the effects
and for the shear strength equal to 1 (gM ¼ 1); (ii) of different actions. Therefore, they provide more
Combination 2 – partial factors for permanent actions adequate knowledge of the forces in place.
equal to 1 (gG ¼ 1) and for the material properties greater The above-mentioned procedures imply the use of
than 1 (gM . 1, namely 1.25). For the accidental design numerical analysis to determine the effects of actions.
situation, the partial factors for permanent actions are However, it is very important to stress the singular
equal to 1 (gG ¼ 1) and for the shear strength properties nature of the geotechnical actions when compared with
greater than 1 (gM . 1, namely 1.1). the structural ones. The latter are independent of the
In the present case, for Combination 1, two permanent mechanical characteristics of the materials, while the
actions (water pressure on the upstream face of the dam former, if originated at the ground, either soil or rock mass,
and dam weight) must be combined with different partial are dependent on the mechanical characteristics of the
factors, as one is unfavourable and the other favourable ground. However, more importantly, the stress transmitted
(Combination 1 with load case 1 – C1.1). The to the ground by the external action can generate, in an
recommended value of gG is 1.35, for unfavourable elemental area of the sliding surface and simultaneously,
permanent actions, and 1.0, for favourable permanent both a shear stress (having a destabilising effect) and a
(a) (b)
NOTE: G.C., grout curtain; D., drainage curtain; WP, water pressurewith the reservoir at the retention water level;
ϕ’k, characteristic friction anglein effective stresses.
Figure 1. Design situations: (a) persistent situation considering the reservoir at the RWL and (b) accidental situation involving the
complete clogging of the drainage system of the dam foundation.
1310 M.L.B. Farinha et al.
(a) (d)
C1.1 A
1.0 Gk 1.0 Gk
1.35 Wk 1.0 Wk
1.35 Gk
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1.35 Wk
G.C.- grout curtain
tan ϕ’k /1.0
D - drainage curtain
RWL - retention water level
(c) Wk - characteristic value of
C2 the hydrostatic pressure
1.0 Gk
1.0 Wk Gk - characteristic value of the
dead weight
Figure 2. Combinations, load cases and corresponding partial factors for the different design situations: (a) C1.1; (b) C1.2; (c) C2; (d) A.
normal stress (having a stabilising effect), the latter is due to actions; and the partial factors of other actions, F k;i , must
the frictional nature of the mobilised resistance on the be referenced to this value, so the following expression
assumed surface. must be used (Gulvanessian, Calgaro, & Holichy, 2002):
Therefore, due to the difficulties in distinguishing the
effects induced by the different actions, these actions, gf ;i
Ed ¼ gF;1 E F k;1 ; F rep;i ; i . 1; ð2Þ
when introduced in the model, should not be affected by gf ;1
any partial factor, the failure mechanism and the results of
all numerical analyses always being induced or calculated where Ed is the design effect of the actions, Ef } is the
by a strength reduction procedure. The critical failure result of the calculation model, F k;1 is the dominant action
mechanism may be determined through the analysis of the for the considered limit state associated with gF;1 , F rep;i are
foundation displacements, considering design values of the remaining actions, gf ;i are the corresponding partial
strength affected by an increasing partial factor. This is factors to F rep;i and i is the number of remaining actions in
done until a failure surface is determined, which is addition to the dominant one. The numerical analysis is
assumed as the critical failure mechanism for the overall performed with the characteristic values of the dominant
sliding. To ensure that such ULS will not occur, or, rather, action and the characteristic values of the remaining
to check its sufficiently low probability of occurrence, actions affected by the relation gf ;i =gf ;1 .
analysis is carried out for the identified mechanism. The critical failure mechanism is reached by a
In numerical analysis, when there is more than one progressive reduction of the strength from its design
partial factor for actions, a reference value, gF;1 , must be value, by performing a sequence of analysis, until failure
selected (in general associated with the dominant action) occurs. The final value of the reduction factor correspond-
and applied to the whole effect of the combination of ing to the last stable situation is designated by strength
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 1311
reduction factor (SRF), which is the well-known overall that the procedure described above for C1.1 has been
safety factor. An auxiliary factor, the over-design factor developed for the analysis of a combination of favourable
(ODF), is then introduced as and unfavourable loads. In this case, however, the dam
weight has an important role in terms of resistance, and
SRF thus the procedure presented will result most probably on
ODF ¼ : ð3Þ
gF;1 the conservative side.
For C1.2, the numerical analysis was carried out with
This ODF gives an additional margin of safety beyond that the characteristic value of the water pressures at the
required by Eurocode for the studied limit state. The safety upstream face of the dam, the characteristic value of
verification implies that this factor be larger than or equal the weight of the dam body and the design value (equal to
to 1. the characteristic one) of the shear strength of the rock
In the application of this procedure to the example mass discontinuities. The value of the ODF is also
shown in Figures 1 and 2, the dominant action is the water obtained from the final value of the SRF divided by 1.35
pressure on the upstream face of the dam, therefore (gF;1 ). For Combination 2 (C2), the calculation was
according to Equation (2), its partial factor was not performed using the design value of the shear strength,
initially applied in the numerical model. Figure 3 presents
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Figure 4. Evaluation of the characteristic values with a where COVinherent represents the coefficient of variation
statistical basis using a normally distributed variable X.
induced by the spatial variability and G is the variance
reduction function resulting from the averaging process of
the parameter along the spatial extent (average length L,
strength or any contribution of the dilatancy must be
area A or volume V) of the governing failure mechanism.
replaced by the critical state values, that is the strength for
Several functions are available for this variance
large relative displacement between discontinuities’ reduction function, the linear, the exponential and the
surfaces, with a constant shear stress and no volumetric quadratic exponential being the most common. However,
variation (the distance between the discontinuities’ in the current cases, these all give very similar results.
surfaces is constant, not dependent on the distortion). In the following, the simplest function, the linear, is
The evaluation of the characteristic value of the shear adopted:
strength with a statistical basis is performed (Figure 4), in
accordance with EC7 (CEN, 2004), calculating the lower < Ld 1 2 3L d
if Ld . 1;
value of the critical state friction angle in effective stresses G ¼
associated with the 0.05 fractile, f0k;inf , if the extent of the : 1 2 3Ld ; if Ld # 1;
failure surface involved in the sliding mechanism is small,
using the following Equation (a normal distribution for the where d represents the fluctuation scale (related to the
shear strength variable being assumed): effective autocorrelation distance) and L is the length of
the sliding surface in the considered direction. The square
tan f0k;inf ¼ tan f0 2 k5% stan f0 ð4Þ of total variance reduction function can be obtained by
multiplying the square of the variance function in each
or of the 95% lower confidence limit for the population direction.
mean of the same parameter, f0k;mean , if a larger rock mass The comparison of the values obtained with Equations
volume is involved in the failure mechanism, as in (4) to (7) allows the assessment of the extent of the failure
stan f0 surface, that is whether the extent of the failure surface is
tan f0k;mean ¼ mf0 95% ¼ tan f0 2 k5% pffiffiffi ; ð5Þ considered either small or large. Thus, if the characteristic
value calculated with Equation (7) is larger than that
stan f0
tan f0k;mean ¼ mf0 95% ¼ tan f0 2 t5% pffiffiffi ; ð6Þ obtained with Equations (5) or (6), the critical sliding
n surface can be considered large, otherwise, Equation (4)
must be used. Despite not being foreseen in EC7, the spatial
where stan f0 is a known standard deviation of the variable
variability is explicitly considered in the study presented
tan f0 , given in the bibliography or derived from test
here, based on an assumed scale of fluctuation, in order to
results (then represented by stan f0 ), k5% is the value of the
analyse its influence on ULS sliding verification.
standard normal variable associated with a probability of
5%, kmf0 Þ95% is the 95% lower confidence limit for the
mean, mf0 , and t5% is the variable value of the t-student
4. Application to Pedrógão dam
distribution, with a number of degrees of freedom equal to
the number of available tests (n) minus 1, associated with a 4.1. General characteristics
probability of 5%. Equation (5) can be used when the Pedrógão dam (Figure 5) is a straight gravity dam located
variance of the distribution is known a priori and on the River Guadiana, in the south-east of Portugal, with a
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 1313
RWL = 84.8
70 33.8
45 44.4
RWL – retention water level
Figure 5. Pedrógão dam: (a) downstream view from the left side of the uncontrolled spillway and (b) cross-section of the central area
of the dam.
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maximum height of 43 m and a total length of 448 m, of in the area of the river bed below the central area of the
which 125 m is of conventional concrete and 323 m of dam, which is going to be analysed, are described in detail
roller-compacted concrete. The dam is part of a multi- in Caldeira, Farinha, Maranha das Neves, & Lemos
purpose development designed for irrigation, energy (2013).
production and water supply (Miranda & Maia, 2004) During excavation it was possible to identify the main
and creates a reservoir which allows the turbines of joint sets in the different foundation areas (EDP, 2004).
Alqueva dam, the main structure of the development, Figure 6 depicts the average position of the main sets of
located about 23 km upstream from Pedrógão, to pump rock joints, in the bottom of the valley, in relation to the
water from the downstream to the upstream reservoir in a dam. The sub-horizontal joint set may be relevant
reverse motion. The dam has an uncontrolled spillway regarding strength and/or deformability of the dam
with a length of 301 m with the crest at an elevation of foundation and must be pointed out due to its substantial
84.8 m, which is the RWL. Figure 5(b) shows a cross- extension at the valley bottom, near the riverbed and
section of the central area of the dam, in which the base downstream from the dam. The hydro-geological studies
length in the upstream – downstream direction is 44.4 m led to the conclusion that the ground-water table was
and the dam height is 33.8 m. It should be noted that the controlled by the River Guadiana. The results of the
cross section of this dam is unusual, as in the majority of Lugeon tests revealed a low permeability rock mass at
gravity dams the base length is around 20% lower than depth, except in localised zones or along discontinuities.
their height. Figure 7 illustrates the areas of poor geomechanical
Since the beginning of the first filling of the reservoir, properties and of highest permeability in the foundation of
in November 2005, Pedrógão dam has shown a peculiar Pedrógão dam.
seepage pattern, with some local high flow rates and From samples collected in boreholes PD5, PD7 and
uplift pressures. A discontinuous HM model of the dam PD12 at given depths (see Figure 7 and Table 1), five
foundation was developed, in which the main seepage
paths, identified with in situ tests, were represented, which
allowed recorded discharges and water pressures during
normal operation to be accurately interpreted (Farinha,
2010). In the study presented here, however, a design stage
is assumed, and thus the current performance of the dam is
not taken into account.
analysed area
(block 6A-7)
Figure 7. Areas of poor geomechanical properties and of highest permeability in the foundation of Pedrógão dam. Location of the
boreholes drilled for geological and geotechnical investigation in the central area of the dam.
compression and shear tests of the discontinuities’ planes Figure 8 shows the influence of spatial variability on the
were carried out at different normal effective stresses at the characteristic values, as a function of the scale of fluctuation
Portuguese National Laboratory for Civil Engineering for L ¼ 94 m (Equations (7) and (8)). Conservatively, the
(LNEC, 2004). The results presented in Table 1 are the length in the direction perpendicular to the cross section of
normal stiffness at a normal stress of 1 MPa, shear stiffness the dam was considered small and the corresponding
corresponding to a shear displacement of 0.2 mm at the variance reduction function was assumed to be equal to 1.
same normal stress, ultimate friction and ultimate dilatancy Figure analysis leads to the conclusion that the character-
angles. The friction angle at the critical state (without istic value considering the spatial variability, f0k;var ,
dilatancy) is presented in the same table and used in the decreases gradually with an increase in the scale of
calculation of the characteristic values. This variable fluctuation, and that it is higher than f0k;mean for values of the
presents a low variation when compared with the other scale of fluctuation lower than 20 m. So, according to EC7,
strength parameters, so its use constitutes a great advantage if the scale of fluctuation is lower than 20 m, the failure
in the probabilistic context. surface must be considered large and the characteristic
The mean value and the COV of the friction angle value equal to f0k;mean . Otherwise, the failure surface extent
sample are equal to 34.38 and 7.4%, respectively. Following is small and the characteristic value is equal to f0k;inf .
the recommendation of Schneider (1999), a value of 10% In order to assess the influence of spatial variability in
was adopted for COV. Two different characteristic values terms of dam sliding stability, a scale of fluctuation of
were calculated using Equations (4) and (5) proposed in 0.60 m (equal to the discontinuities’ average spacing) is
EC7: f0k;inf , corresponding to the lower limit of the assumed in this paper. Given that the critical sliding surface
population, is 29.78, and f0k;mean , corresponding to the lower has a dimension of 94 m, a characteristic value considering
limit of the mean value, is 32.38. the spatial variability, f0k;var , of 33.98 is obtained.
Table 1. Compression and shear test results in effective stresses of the discontinuities’ planes.
Borehole Sample Normal stiffnessa Shear stiffnessb Ultimate friction Ultimate dilatancy Friction angle at the
identification depth (m) (MPa/mm) (MPa/mm) angle (8) angle (8) critical state (8)
PD5 20.15 15.2 2.9 41.3 5.5 35.5
22.70 25.4 1.9 37.5 6.5 32.9
PD7 14.20 39.4 2.4 38.7 4.2 36.2
PD12 37.55 23.6 2.5 41.8 6.3 35.3
38.20 13.2 3.0 39.8 7.8 31.4
Normal stiffness at normal stress of 1 MPa.
Shear stiffness corresponding to a shear displacement of 0.2 mm at a normal stress of 1 MPa.
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 1315
Figure 8. Influence of spatial variability on the characteristic the upstream – downstream direction, as shown in Figure 5
values proposed by EC7, as a function of the scale of fluctuation,
for L ¼ 94 m. (b). The analysis was carried out utilising software UDEC
(Itasca, 2004), which allows the interaction between the
hydraulic and the mechanical behaviour to be studied in a
4.3. Two-dimensional HM discontinuum model fully coupled way. Joint apertures and water pressures are
The sliding verification of Pedrógão dam is carried out updated at every time step, as described in Lemos (2008).
with a 2D HM discontinuum model, using the discrete It is assumed that rock blocks are impervious and that flow
element method (DEM), involving the cross section of the takes place only through the set of interconnecting
central area of the dam. The discontinuous model discontinuities. Effective normal stresses are obtained at
developed to study the ULS concerning sliding is shown the mechanical contacts. Flow is simulated by means of
in Figure 9. The model presented here is based on a the parallel plate model, and the flow rate per model unit
previously developed model, which had been calibrated width is thus expressed by the cubic law. The medium is
taking into account the quantity of water collected at the assumed to be deformable and the flow is dependent on the
dam’s drainage curtain (Farinha, 2010). In this model, two state of stress within the foundation.
sets of discontinuities were simulated: the first joint set is Both dam concrete and rock mass blocks are assumed
horizontal and continuous, with a spacing of 5.0 m, and the to follow a linear elastic behaviour, with the properties
second set is formed by vertical cross-joints, with a shown in Figure 9. The Mohr – Coulomb failure criterion is
spacing of 5.0 m normal to joint tracks and standard assigned to discontinuities. As previously mentioned, in
deviation from the mean of 2.0 m (for the sliding safety ULS verifications the most important ground properties
assessment it is not necessary to consider the actual joint are those related to strength, deformability generally being
Unit weight = 24 kN/m3
Young´s modulus = 30 GPa
33.8 m α Poisson’s ratio = 0.2
Foundation blocks:
Unit weight = 26.5 kN/m3
Young´s modulus = 10 GPa
Poisson’s ratio = 0.2
Foundation discontinuities:
80 m
kn = 10 GPa/m
ks = 0.1 kn
ϕ’k = 29.7; 32.3°; 33.9º
α varying from 8º to 35º
second in importance. For the present case, a sensitivity ares ¼ 0:02 mm. The value of a0 was defined taking into
numerical analysis showed that the stiffness variation has a account both field data and the results of numerous tests
very small influence on water pressure build up. Therefore, performed at US dam sites in the depth range 0– 60 m,
values of 10 GPa/m for the normal stiffness (kn) and which indicated that most conducting apertures were in the
1 GPa/m for the shear stiffness (ks) were assumed at the range of 50 –150 mm at this shallow depth (Barton, Bandis,
foundation discontinuities and at the dam –foundation & Bakhtar, 1985). The maximum aperture was limited
interface. In these discontinuities, as mentioned in Section to 20 £ ares . It was assumed that the grout curtain was
4.2, three different values of the characteristic friction 10 times less pervious than the surrounding rock mass.
angle in effective stresses (f0k;mean ¼ 32.38, f0k;inf ¼ 27.78
and f0k;var ¼ 33.98) were considered. In rock joints,
cohesion in effective stresses was assumed to be zero, 4.4. Identification of the foundation failure mechanism
while at the dam lift joints this parameter was assigned In order to identify the foundation failure mechanism,
2.0 MPa. As the aim of this study is the ULS foundation numerical analysis was carried out using the DEM and
analysis, the strength reduction method was only applied several different geometries, each one of them with the
to the foundation rock mass properties. This procedure is rock mass joint downstream from the dam dipping towards
Downloaded by [University of Nebraska, Lincoln] at 20:03 28 October 2015
adequate in discrete element analysis and has the upstream at a different angle a (as shown in Figure 9).
advantage of enabling the evaluation of displacement Values of a varying from 88 to 358 were considered. For
indicators during the process of strength reduction. In rock each calculation, the strength of the foundation disconti-
joints, dilatancy may be relevant for small displacements, nuities was gradually reduced, in a sequence of analysis.
but it should not be considered in failure analysis. In this study, the reduction factor was applied to the
Analysis was carried out in two loading stages. First, tangent of the friction angle in effective stresses (tan w0 )
the mechanical effect of gravity loads with the reservoir only. The critical failure mechanism is that for which
empty was assessed. In the UDEC model, an in situ state of instability is achieved for the lowest value of the SRF.
effective stress with K 0 ¼ 0:5 was assumed in the rock It was concluded that a constant value of SRF was
mass. The water table was assumed to be at the same level obtained for an inclined rock mass joint dipping from 108
as the rock mass surface upstream from the dam. Second, to 158 towards upstream. In the study presented here, a
the hydrostatic loading corresponding to the full reservoir rock mass joint dipping 118 towards upstream was
(RWL) was applied to both the upstream face of the dam considered.
and reservoir bottom. Hydrostatic loading was also applied
to the rock mass surface downstream from the dam. In this
second loading stage, mechanical pressure was first 4.5. Numerical results and verification of the ULS of
applied, followed by HM analysis. In both stages, vertical sliding
and horizontal displacements at the base of the model and
Analysis was carried out with the reservoir at the RWL,
horizontal displacements perpendicular to the lateral
both with constant joint hydraulic aperture and taking into
model boundaries were prevented. Regarding the hydrau-
account the HM interaction. Figure 10 shows a detail of a
lic boundary conditions, joint contacts along the bottom
dam and foundation deformation due to the simultaneous
and sides of the model were assumed to have zero
effect of dam weight, hydrostatic loading and flow, in one
permeability. On the rock mass surface, the head was
of the studied load cases of the persistent design situation.
33.8 m upstream from the dam, and 0.5 m downstream.
In this figure, in which block deformation is magnified
The water head of 33.8 m upstream from the dam
3000 times, both horizontal and vertical crest displace-
simulates the water in the reservoir at its RWL. The
ments are represented.
drainage system was simulated by assigning domain water
Figure 11 shows the total head contours in the
pressures along the drain axis, assuming the atmospheric
foundation, in both the persistent and accidental (clogging
pressure at the drains’ head.
of the drainage system) design situations. The main aim of
In UDEC, the hydraulic aperture of the discontinuities
drainage is to reduce the hydraulic head, therefore,
is given by
clogging of the drainage system is a serious problem, as
a ¼ a0 þ Da; ð9Þ this leads to an increase in water pressures within the dam
foundation, and thus along the base of the dam.
where a0 is the aperture at nominal zero normal stress and The variation in water pressures along the dam –
Da is the joint normal displacement taken as positive in foundation joint and along the rock mass joint downstream
opening. A maximum aperture, amax , is assumed, and a from the dam dipping 118 towards upstream is shown in
minimum value, ares , below which mechanical closure Figure 12 (the failure surface is highlighted in black).
does not affect the contact permeability. In the study Figure 12 also shows a comparison of water pressures
presented here it was assumed that a0 ¼ 0:1 mm, and that along the base of the dam with both bi-linear and linear
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 1317
Figure 10. Block deformation (magnified 3000 times) due to highlights the relevance of carrying out numerical
dam weight, hydrostatic loading and flow [Combination 2 (C2); analysis. Figure 12(b) shows the water pressures along
characteristic value of the friction angle in effective stresses of the base of the dam with the drainage system clogged.
32.38]. Water pressures along the inclined rock mass joint
downstream from the dam vary almost linearly between
uplift distribution, usually assumed in stability analysis the pressure at the toe of the dam and that corresponding to
with and without drainage systems, respectively. Figure the water height downstream from the dam.
12(a) illustrates that variations in water pressures are highly Figure 13 depicts the variation in dam crest horizontal
dependent on the pressure at the drainage line. Water displacements during the process of reduction of the
Figure 11. Total head contours for full reservoir in both design situations: (a) with the drainage system operating properly and (b) with
the drainage system clogged.
1318 M.L.B. Farinha et al.
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Figure 12. Water pressure along the dam– foundation joint and along the rock mass joint downstream from the dam: (a) dam with both
grout and drainage curtains and (b) dam with the drainage system clogged.
tangent of the friction angle in effective stresses the latter accidental situation, failure is reached for a lower
(f0k;mean ¼ 32.38), in which, for ease of analysis, friction friction angle. Results obtained considering both perma-
angles in the x-axis are shown in reverse order. Figure nent actions (dam weight and hydrostatic pressure on the
analysis leads to the conclusion that, in this particular case, upstream face of the dam) as unfavourable (C1.2) are very
the effect of dam weight reduction (C1.1) on dam crest close to those obtained in Combination 2 of the persistent
horizontal displacements is very close to that due to the design situation (C2). It should be noted that load
increase in water pressures owing to complete clogging of Combination C1.2 does not need to be taken into account
the drainage system of the dam foundation (A), although in in sliding stability analysis, as the dam weight always has a
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 1319
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Figure 13. Variations in dam crest horizontal displacements during the SRF process, for the different load cases and design situations
(characteristic value of the friction angle in effective stresses of 32.38).
stabilising effect. Figure analysis shows evidence that a indicating an unsafe design, as shown in Caldeira et al.
dam’s SLS is not reached before the sliding ULS is (2013), because it must be considered to be a persistent
attained. This conclusion is based on the very small design situation.
horizontal displacement calculated for the failure indicator It can be observed that ODF absolute values obtained
at the crest of the dam, when the foundation ULS is for this particular dam are higher than that prescribed in
reached. EC7. The conclusion could be drawn that the safety levels
Table 2 presents the results of the LSD according to the associated with dam design are larger than those used in
DA1 of EC7, in both design situations (see Figure 1), for other structures. However, this dam presents an unusual
the different load cases (Figure 2) and for the different cross section as mentioned in Section 4.1. A large dam is a
characteristic values of the friction angle in effective special structure, the failure of which may have severe
stresses. Figure 14 shows the variation of the ODF with the consequences [class CC3 according to EN 1990 (CEN,
friction angle in effective stresses. In all the analysed 2002b)]. For this type of structure, a special reliability
cases, the ODF is greater than 1, indicating a safe design level is required (class RC3), for which a penalising factor
(the base sliding stability is ensured). In the example of must be applied to actions or resistances. A value of 1.1 is
Pedrógão dam, sliding stability is governed by the suggested in EN 1990 only for actions. Adopting this
persistent design situation and load case C1.1. In this procedure, the minimum ODF value associated with f0k;inf
case, an increase in the ODF of 11.8% is obtained when decreases from 1.19 to 1.08.
f0k;mean is used instead of f0k;inf . When spatial variability is However, instead of applying factor 1.1 to gF for
taken into account this increase is 24.4%. However, if the unfavourable actions, EN 1990 states that it is normally
scale of fluctuation was higher than 20 m, the increase in preferable to require high levels of quality control during
the ODF due to spatial variability would be lower than construction, maintenance and operation. This is the usual
11.8% as a result of the decrease of f0k;var (see Figure 8). procedure in large concrete dams and thus the ranges
It should be noted that in a dam without an operating presented in Table 2 may be considered as final values.
drainage system, the ODF values would be lower than 1, In EC7 DA1, the ULS is usually governed by Combi-
evaluation of large concrete dams, in accordance with the CFBR (2010). Recommandations pour la justification de la
safety philosophy on which Eurocodes are based. stabilité des barrages et des digues en remblai [Guidelines for
the justification of the stability of embankment dams]. Goup
de Travaiul “Justification des Barrages et des digues en
Remblai”. Comité Franc ais des Barrages et Réservoirs.
Acknowledgements CFBR (2012). Recommandations pour la justification de la
Thanks are due to the dam owner, EDIA, Empresa de stabilité des barrages-poids [Guidelines for the justification
Desenvolvimento e Infra-Estruturas do Alqueva, SA for of the stability of gravity dams, published in November
permission to publish data related to Pedrógão dam. 2013]. Ad-hoc working group. Comité Franc ais des Barrages
et Réservoirs.
Deroo, L., & Boris, J. (2011). Notes sur l’accidentologie des
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1. Email: [email protected] dangers, Lyon, France, 28 – 20 November 2011 (pp. 1 – 18).
2. Email: [email protected] Comité Franc ais des Barrages et Réservoirs.
EDP (2004). Aproveitamento hidroeléctrico de fins múltiplos de
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