ch07 - SM - Rankin - 2e Corporate Governance
ch07 - SM - Rankin - 2e Corporate Governance
ch07 - SM - Rankin - 2e Corporate Governance
to accompany
Contemporary issues in
2 edition
Prepared by
Kimberly Ferlauto
1. Traditionally, audit committees have primarily focused on managing
financial reporting risk (i.e. risk of misstatements in financial statements)
and reviewing aspects such as internal control systems. Do you believe the
expansion of this committee’s role to consider business risk appropriate?
2. The extract notes a link between compensation structures within companies
and risk management. Explain how these are related?
1. There is no correct answer here and students may have different views. Points to
make could include:
An essential part of any audit committee, even if focussing primarily on
financial reporting issues, would include an assessment of risk as this would
impact on issues such as going concern, impairment, values in financial
statements etc., so the committee does need to understand the company’s risk
Given significance and importance of risk management (and failures
associated with this in the global financial crisis) there is a need to manage and
control risk. It could be argued that given its other functions, that necessarily
require an understanding of this risk, that the audit committee is well placed to
provide such control and oversight.
Alternative views are:
o This could overburden audit committees and impede its effectiveness.
o It could be preferable to have a separate risk committee who can
therefore concentrate on business risk
If a bank pays bonuses on the basis of loans granted but does take into account
the risk associated with the loan (i.e. whether there is likely to be a default by
the customer) this would seem to explicitly encourage granting of loans even
where risk of default is high. (A compensation package to deter this could
either have a ‘claw back’ provision – so if loan goes ‘bad’ bonus needs to be
repaid, or have a large part of bonus paid at a later time when the likelihood
of default can be more accurately assessed).
The individual must take responsibility for doing the right thing
1. This article discusses the issue of a code of conduct in corporate governance.
Discuss whether a code of conduct is necessary for good corporate
2. The article states that it is impossible to legislate for ethics. Do you agree with
this? If this is the case, does this mean regulation is ineffective?
2. Student responses may vary here. Some may agree with this statement while others
may not. Points for consideration include:
Can we predict what ethical dilemmas may arise and are we therefore able to
cater for every possible situation in the potential legislation?
Is it always black and white? Right or wrong? Or does it depend on context?
There could be more than one way of dealing with an ethical dilemma.
How would we monitor compliance and enforce if ethics were regulated?
Is legislative backing necessary for employees to take a code of conduct
It does not mean that regulation is ineffective. It does however highlight the
difficulties associated with implementing and enforcing legislation. We are also
talking about predicting and managing human behaviour and each individual is
unique. This makes a blanket approach such as implementation of legislation that
applies to all people and all situations impossible. Regulation is not ineffective, but
rather, difficult to apply and enforce when it comes to ethical behaviour.
Review questions
7.1 Explain what is meant by corporate governance and why it is needed. (LO2)
To have a good corporate governance system ensures that the corporation sets
appropriate objectives, and then puts systems and structures in place to ensure those
objectives which are set are met. It also provides a means for persons both within and
outside the corporation to be able to control and monitor the activities of the
corporation and its management.
With the increasing globalisation of business and competition for capital, companies
that can provide assurances of good corporate governance will have a competitive
edge in the market place and facilitate economic growth.
(a) Traditional — the role of the corporation from a traditional view by Milton
Friedman is that ‘corporate governance is to conduct the business in accordance
with the owner or shareholders’ desire, which generally will be to make as much
money as possible while conforming to the basic rules of the society embodied
in law and local customs’.
(b) Pluralist model — the responsibility of corporations goes beyond the narrow
interests of shareholders and should be extended to a wider group of
of course debatable and this would make a good discussion question for the class. Of
course, other entities (such as not-for-profit and public sector entities) should also
practice good corporate governance and these entities would not have ‘traditional’
shareholders. Students may wish to consider whose interests would be of primary
focus with such entities.
7.3 What are risks of poor corporate governance and the advantages of good
corporate governance? (LO2)
Ultimately students should realise that such actions can risk the wealth of
shareholders and other stakeholder groups (such as employees and customers), can
increase costs to the corporation and even put at risk the continuation of the
corporation itself.
7.4 Explain what is meant by the positive accounting theory and its relationship
to corporate governance. (LO3)
Positive accounting theory, using as its basis contracting theory, views the firm as a
network of contracts or agreements. These contracts determine the relationships with
and among the various parties involved. A key relationship is the agency contract.
An agency relationship by definition has two key parties:
1. a principal who delegates the authority to make decisions to the other party
2. an agent who is the person given the authority to make decisions on behalf of
the principal.
In this context the agent is the manager and the principals are the shareholders. Whilst
the agent has a duty to act in the interests of the principals there is a common
assumption in economic theory which is, if individuals are rational, they will act in
their own best interests and this can lead to the agent making decisions to maximise
their own wealth, rather than the principals.
Principals are also rational and will expect that the managers will not always act
in the shareholders’ interests. This leads to three costs associated with this agency
• monitoring costs. These are costs incurred by principles to measure, observe and
control the agent’s behaviour.
• bonding costs. These are restrictions placed on an agent’s actions deriving from
linking the agent’s interest to that of the principal
• residual loss. This is the reduction in wealth of principals caused by their
agent’s non-optimal behaviour.
This theory also identifies ways in which managers can act against shareholders’
interests known as ‘agency problems’, and that these problems can be reduced by
linking management’s rewards to certain conditions. Students should refer to the
chapter, which provides an overview of the shareholder–manager relationship in
agency theory.
7.5 Identify the key areas addressed in corporate governance and provide
examples of practices related to each of these areas. Explain how any
individual practices identified help ensure good corporate governance.
Corporate governance involves ensuring that the decisions made by those managing
the corporation are appropriate and providing a means to monitor corporate activities
and the decision making itself. It is primarily concerned with managing the
relationship between the shareholders, the key managers of the corporation (this is
usually the Board of Directors), other senior managers within the corporation, and
other stakeholders. Many countries have developed suggested (and sometimes
required) lists of rules or descriptions of the types of practices that should be included
in corporate governance systems. However, it is generally acknowledged that there is
no ‘one’ system of corporate governance. The practices and procedures required or
desired will be affected by:
The nature of the particular corporation and its activities. For example, in some
companies there are dominant shareholders whereas in others shareholding may
be more widely spread, and
The environment in which the corporation operates
The text identifies three key areas to be addressed by any corporate governance
1. processes and methods to control and direct the actions of managers of the
corporation to ensure make appropriate decisions
Specific examples of corporate governance requirements here are minimum
standards of experience for directors; requirements that at least some of
members of board of directors be independent.
Students may also wish to consider how these areas are addressed in the summary of
3 codes of corporate governance in table 7.1).
7.6 What is the rules-based approach to corporate governance and what are
the advantages and disadvantages of this approach? (LO5)
A rules-based approach identifies specific practices that are required to achieve good
corporate governance. A principles-based approach provides broad principles or
objectives for the corporate governance system that reflect good corporate
governance practice and it is up to management to determine how this objective can
best be achieved. For example, the broad principle may be that the corporation
should ensure that there is accurate and adequate disclosure of information. Rather
than identifying the specific practices that may assist in helping meet this objective, a
principles-based approach places the responsibility on managers to consider which
specific practices are most appropriate, given the individual circumstances of the
7.8 Discuss the impact of the global financial crisis and recent corporate
collapses on corporate governance practices. (LO6)
There has been an increased focus on risk management. Company failure to manage
and control risk has been found to be a big contributor to the global financial crisis. It
is also a common cause of corporate collapses or failures. Risk management is often
ineffective because the process of risk identification and analysis is not carried out in
enough depth. We first need to fully understand the risks before we can put controls
and safeguards in place to manage and control them. This has also led to an increasing
role for audit committees.
There has also been an increased focus on executive remuneration. The issues
associated with exorbitant executive remuneration have been contentious for a while
and were highlighted even more so during the global financial crisis. Issues of
concern that arose were that directors and executives were paid huge bonuses which
appeared to be unrelated to performance of the company. These are paid even when
company performance was deficient. Another issue was that remuneration packages
and bonuses were found to reward short term goals and this encouraged excessive risk
7.9 Explain the term risk management. Why is risk management such an
important part of good corporate governance practice? (LO6)
Oversight and responsibility for risk management lies with the board. Risks can be
wide ranging and as the ASX code states may include “operational, environmental,
sustainability, compliance, strategic, ethical conduct, reputation or brand,
technological, product or service quality, human capital, financial reporting and
market-related risks”. It is important that the board identifies, analyses and considers
an overall strategy for managing and controlling these risks.
A good corporate governance system ensures that the corporation sets appropriate
objectives, and then puts systems and structures in place to ensure those objectives
which are set are met. It also provides a means for persons both within and outside the
corporation to be able to control and monitor the activities of the corporation and its
management. A key role is to protect the interests of stakeholders (including
shareholders). To do this it is essential that risk is understood, monitored and
1. Ultimate oversight and responsibility for risk management lies with the board.
Risks can be wide ranging and as the ASX code states may include “operational,
environmental, sustainability, compliance, strategic, ethical conduct, reputation or
brand, technological, product or service quality, human capital, financial reporting
and market-related risks”. Hence it is important that the board considers the overall
strategy. Managing these risks in isolation (at activity level) is not sufficient.
2. Cleary the board needs information about risks the company faces and how these
are managed. Without sufficient information, and understanding of these, the board
cannot perform its duties. It is claimed this was problematic given the complexity
of the financial instruments associated with in the global financial crisis. The ASX
code now recommends that management provide a report to the Board about the
risk management systems implemented and their effectiveness.
3. Every organisation has its own unique culture or value set. Most organisations
don’t consciously try to create a certain culture. The culture of the organisation is
typically created unconsciously, based on the values of the top management and
influenced by reward systems, management actions and attitudes. A culture of
growth needs to be balanced with consideration given to any risks.
There can be really 2 concerns here. First, often there is a perception that
remuneration to some executives is excessive- how can these people warrant such
huge payments. In good corporate governance directors/executives are supposed to
act in the best interests of shareholders. Yet paying what seems unjustifiable amounts
to themselves could be seen as a conflict of interest. Second, remuneration packages
are supposed to be tied to company performance; this is what the Board and other
executives are responsible for and hence what they are rewarded for. Yet despite poor
or deteriorating company performance (even in some cases failure) many executives
still received large (and increased) bonuses. How can this be justified?
If a bank pays bonuses on the basis of loans granted but does not take into
account, the risk associated with the loan (i.e. whether there is likely to be a
default by the customer) this would seem to explicitly encourage granting of
loans even where risk of default is high.
A compensation package to deter this could either have a ‘claw back’ provision
– so if loan goes ‘bad’ bonus needs to be repaid or have a large part of bonus
paid at a later time when the likelihood of default can be more accurately
Strong corporate governance that is likely to guard against failure will have the
following characteristics:
Boards are active in setting and approving the strategic direction of the
Boards are effective in overseeing risk and setting an appropriate risk level for
the entity
Boards consist of independent directors, with audit, compensation and
nomination committees made up completely from independent directors
Directors own an equity stake in the company
Director quality - At least one of the independent directors should have
expertise in the entity’s core business, attend the majority of meetings and
limit the number of boards they sit on
Boards should meet regularly without management present
7.12 ‘Any corporate governance system is only as good as the people involved
in it’. Discuss. (LO9)
As the text notes decisions in, and about, corporations are made by people. The
quality of any corporate governance is ultimately affected by the people involved in it.
The following points could be discussed:
Competence — clearly, if individuals do not have the requisite expertise or
experience then this will adversely impact on decisions they make and reduce
the quality of corporate governance.
Integrity (ethics) of individuals. Whether or not individuals will act ethically is
affected by a number of factors. These include:
– the individual’s own moral code
– the culture of the corporation and of peers. This is particularly important in
relation to top management. In a number of corporations it is argued that
either ethical or unethical behaviour permeates due to the stance taken by
the ‘leaders’.
– the consequences of the decision. For example, if asked to do something
that is not ‘right’ by a manager and refusing could impact on
employment/future promotion; how ‘wrong’ is the decision and will it
have a significant impact on others; what is the likelihood of being caught
and what are the consequences if found to be acting unethically).
Does the quality of individuals become more or less important if you have rules-
based or principles-based corporate governance codes?
– There is no correct answer here. Rules-based allows companies to restrict
practices to the specific rules and, hence, can argue that a form over
substance approach can justify or defend unethical behaviour so long as
rules are followed. Principles-based requires interpretations —
presumably, if individuals do not act ethically there will be flexible
interpretations of these. This is also obviously affected by enforcement
and also legal issues (such as courts and what standards they consider
when determining guilt and penalties for unethical behaviour).
Does the quality of individuals become more or less important if you have
voluntary or legislated corporate governance codes?
– This relates to the points made above. Again, if voluntary then relies more
on individuals. However, legislated codes again can lead to the same
problems as rules-based approach. The text notes the example in Hong
Kong where codes are high but often not implemented.
Application questions
7.13 Obtain the annual reports of a range of companies in the same industry
and country and search for any disclosures in relation to corporate
governance principles and practices. In relation to these disclosures:
(a) identify the key areas considered by these companies
(b) are there any differences or similarities in corporate governance
(c) do you believe you could judge or rank the relative standard of
corporate governance of these companies based on the information
provided? If not, what other information would you need to do so?
(d) which company would you rank has having the best (or worst)
corporate governance from these disclosures? Explain how you have
arrived at this decision.
(e) compare your rankings with those of other students. Identify and
discuss the reason for any discrepancies between rankings.
(LO4, LO5, LO6 and LO7)
No specific answers can be provided as this will depend on the companies considered.
Go online and download a couple of annual reports in the same industry, from 2013 to
2018 and see the differences. Discuss the following in class:
(a) What have you found out about the key areas?
(b) Explain the differences and similarities in class, on your Blackboard or WebCT.
(c) Discuss the judgement you have made.
(d) Did you identify the best and worst cases or corporate governance?
7.14 Obtain the annual reports of a range of companies in the same industry in
different countries and search for any disclosures in relation to corporate
governance principles and practices. In relation to these disclosures:
(a) Identify any differences or similarities in corporate governance
(b) Can you provide any reasons from the business and regulatory
environments in the countries that would explain these differences?
(LO4, LO5, LO6, LO7 and LO10)
No specific answers can be provided as this will depend on the companies considered.
Again go online and download annual reports from various countries to discuss in
class. It may also be useful to consider, identify and compare:
country economic and business environmental factors
any specific corporate governance guidelines or requirements issued for
companies in the specific countries considered, for example by local stock
exchanges, as well as considering enforcement mechanisms.
In class, explain the differences or similarities in corporate governance practices.
(a) The basic principles of corporate governance would appear to apply to all
companies, even smaller and medium-size companies. As discussed in question 1,
corporate governance in very simple terms is ‘the system by which business
corporations are directed and controlled’ (Cadbury, cited in Cowan, 2004, p. 15.).
To have a good corporate governance system ensures that the corporation sets
appropriate objectives and then puts systems and structures in place to ensure those
objectives which are set are met. It also provides a means for persons both within and
outside the corporation to be able to control and monitor the activities of the
corporation and its management.
The basic principles would apply to all corporations, large or small. Although it could
be argued that the mechanisms to achieve these would vary as these issues become
more critical in larger companies with greater separation, and also in smaller
companies cost efficiencies would need to be more carefully considered.
(b) Student answers may vary here. It is suggested that the same principles should
apply but specific practices may vary. For example, PCW have produced a toolkit for
corporate governance in small and medium enterprises.
Smaller companies should still strive to fulfil the same principles and objectives as
larger companies when it comes to corporate governance. In smaller companies there
may be less emphasis on protection of shareholders and other stakeholder interests
because there are less of them, but in principle, this is still important. Good corporate
governance practices will also enhance reputation and increase confidence in the
entity. The principles and objectives are the same and are just as important for smaller
entities. It is just that they go about achieving them in different ways. Specific
practices Implemented might be different to those implemented by larger
corporations. Please see toolkit above for examples.
(c) Advantages of good corporate governance would also apply to smaller companies.
In particular, for small companies these would include:
provides processes and assurance that companies are properly managed
(d) These were noted in question 3 above, that risks of poor corporate governance can
be from:
a company making use of resources to benefit themselves. In some cases, it may
go as far as to involve fraud. It is often more subtle, false reporting because of
the desire to maintain the value of benefits provided to corporate managers.
corporations taking actions that shareholders may not consider desirable
corporations ‘hiding’ or providing ‘false’ information to shareholders to avoid
Students may wish to consider the following:
(a) List the particular websites that address corporate governance for small
(b) Did you find any advantages to small companies having corporate governance
(c) What were the consequences?
(a) Need to first explain agency theory which is a key principle in positive accounting
theory. An agency relationship by definition has two key parties:
1. a principal who delegates the authority to make decisions to the other party
2. an agent who is the person given the authority to make decisions on behalf of
the principal.
The separation of ownership and control means that managers can act in their own
interests which may be contrary to the interests of shareholders. Managers have
variety of ways of reducing wealth to shareholders for the benefit of themselves.
These problems include risk aversion, dividend retention and horizon. Given these
specific difficulties (the problems discussed below) to alleviate these problems
managers remuneration is not simply paid as salary but by a bonus linked to variables
that try to reduce these problems. The problems are:
i the risk aversion problem — managers prefer less risk than shareholders because
their human capital is tied to the firm. Shareholders are more diversified because
their human capital is not tied to the firm. Managers can reduce their own risk by
investing in low risk investments rather than maximising the value of the firm
through higher risk projects.
A bonus plan that relates managers’ salaries to profit may encourage less risk
ii the dividend retention problem — managers prefer to pay out less of the
company’s earnings in dividends in order to pay for their own salaries and
perquisites (big offices, expensive business trips).
Relating a part of mangers’ remuneration to profit and requiring that a minimum
dividend payout ratio be maintained can help.
iii the horizon problem—managers are only interested in cash flows for the period
they remain with the firm whilst shareholders have a long term interest in the
firm’s cash flows.
Principals may relate part of managerial compensation to share prices,
particularly for managers whose tenure is nearing completion.
Bonus schemes can reduce these problems by tying manager’s remuneration to some
index of the firm’s performance, which has a high correlation with the value of the
firm (share prices, earnings). This ties managerial compensation to performance.
Remuneration can also be tied to dividend payout ratios or to options or share bonus
(b) The rationale for incorporating shares or share options as part of a manager’s
remuneration is to reduce the potential problems that arise due to the agency
relationship between mangers and shareholders. In other words, it addresses the issue
of conflicting interests. It aligns the interests of managers and shareholders so that
managers are more likely to act in the best interests of shareholders, rather than acting
in their own self-interest in a way that is detrimental to shareholders.
7.17 Obtain the annual report for a listed company and examine the
remuneration packages provided for executives.
(a) Identify the key components of the remuneration packages for
directors and executives. Do the principles of agency theory provide a
rationale for each of these components?
(b) Would these packages provide incentives for these executives to
manipulate accounting figures?
(c) How much information is provided about any bonuses paid? Is this
information sufficient to allow shareholders to determine if these
packages are reasonable?
Note: these are disclosed in annual reports (or available on the company’s web page
as a separate remuneration report) and see how these principles are reflected in the
A suggested example is the 2010 annual report for AMP — this includes details of the
remuneration package and related benchmarks. You can access this from links from or the 2011 annual report for Crown Ltd which includes
details of the amounts of potential cash bonuses. You can access this from links from
(a) Relate the key components of the remuneration packages identified to the three
problems of agency theory identified. These problems include risk aversion, dividend
retention and horizon and are discussed in the answer to 7.4.
(c) This will depend on the reports that you have found. You will probably find that in
many cases there is limited information (in particular about benchmarks — often
generic information about benchmarks is included rather than specifics). This makes it
difficult for shareholders to consider however there could be legitimate coemptive
reasons for not disclosing this information.
(a) This will vary depending on the guidelines examined. For example:
The ASX principles of best practice do not seem to specifically refer to minority
shareholders. However general principles regarding shareholders and
requirements of independent board members may assist. Link to ASX if this
needed is
(b) There is no correct answer here. However, should consider issues such as:
Even where codes specifically address issue of minority shareholders how can it
be ensured that rights considered given influence that any dominant
shareholders will have.
Given that investment is choice and minority shareholders would know of
limitations to their power/influence when investing does this justify should
corporate governance be focused on majority concerns.
Students may also wish to go online and download information on Pacific Century
Regional Developments and consider the specific circumstances of the company.
7.19 Each year various bodies give corporate governance awards. Examples are,
in Malaysia, an annual award is made by Malaysian Business, sponsored by
the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), and with
The Australasian Reporting Awards (Inc.) – an independent not-for-profit
organisation – makes annual awards.
(a) Locate the criteria on which these awards are based and compare these
for different awards.
(b) Are there any significant differences between the criteria?
(c) In what areas of corporate governance reporting did winning
companies outperform other companies?
(d) Does the wining of an award for reporting necessarily mean that these
companies have best corporate governance practices?(LO6 and LO7)
(a) For example, the Australasian Reporting Awards and criteria for corporate
governance awards states that “These Awards seek to recognise the quality and
completeness of disclosure and reporting of corporate governance practices in the
annual reports of business entities in the public and private sectors.” for private sector
entities states. Review the criteria section at
(c) This will depend on information available. For example, the Australasian
Reporting Awards identifies companies that have been ranked as gold, silver or
bronze and specifies what the differences are in being awarded this rating. So it may
be useful to look at reports for companies in these different rankings to identify any
differences. For example, one difference between gold and silver is that gold requires
‘full’ disclosure whereas silver requires ‘adequate’ disclosure.
(Remember: Enron was perceived as one of the best but fell short in practice)
7.20 Australian companies listed on the ASX must report on their corporate
governance practices on the basis of ‘comply or explain’. That is, they are
not required to comply with all of the specific corporate governance
practices detailed by the ASX but if they choose not to comply, they must
identify which guidelines have not been ignored and provide a reason for
their lack of compliance.
(a) Examine the corporate governance disclosures of some Australian
listed companies and identify any instances where best practice
recommendations of the ASX have not been met.
(b) Do you believe that the noncompliance in these instances is justified?
(c) What are the advantages of having a ‘comply or explain’ requirement
rather than requiring all companies to comply with all best practice
(a) Examples are in questions 7.9 and 7.10. Students should be able to find own
(b) See responses to questions 7.9 and 7.10. Responses will depend on the nature of
non-compliance and also circumstances and reasons given by particular company for
7.21 In the 2009 annual report of Boral Ltd (an Australia-listed company), the
corporate governance disclosures include the following note:
(a) Examine the ASX corporate governance principles and identify the
best practice recommendations in relation to nomination committees.
(b) What potential governance problems are these recommendations
designed to meet?
(c) Is Boral’s deviation from these best practice recommendations
(d) In March 2010 (see 2010 annual report), Boral did introduce a
Nomination Committee (as part of the Remuneration Committee)
although it is noted that the number of directors remained the same.
What reason can you think of for this change, given Boral’s
previously stated reason for not complying with this best practice
recommendation previously?
(b) Students should see that given the role of the Board of Directors is it essential that
those on the board are the ‘best’ people for this role. Also the responsibility to ensure
that the composition of the Board is of the right level of expertise, experience and
independence to ensure that it can meet its obligations, lies with the Board itself, a
nomination committee assists in this by specialising in the recruitment (so ensuring
that the company is able to recruit the ‘best’ people for these positions) and also
should assist in ensuring a balance of executive and non-executive directors (o to
avoid potential dominance. bias and protect shareholders interests).
It should be noted that in 2010 although the number of directors remained the same
(at 8) there was a change in 2 directors. Also a comparison of the 2009 and 2012
annual reports reveals that more information is provided about this corporate
governance area in the 2010 annual report and it is also apparent that a review of
company policy in this area was undertaken. For example:
The 2009 Annual report stated:
The Directors believe that limits on tenure may cause loss of experience
and expertise that are important contributors to the efficient working of
the Board. As a consequence, the Board does not support arbitrary limits
on tenure and regards nominations for re-election as not being automatic
but based on the individual performance of Directors and the needs of the
Company. (p 33).
There is no correct answer to why Boral has changed this practice. Possible
reasons/motivations could include:
The changes in 2 new directors may have motivated the board to review this
policy. They may have decided that the task was more appropriately and
efficiently handled by a committee.
Increased scrutiny (or expected) on corporate governance practices following
the global financial crisis. In particular in Australia the changes relating to
shareholders voting and rights in relation to directors remuneration could have
prompted company to undertaken these changes.
It is also likely that the company overall would be under increased scrutiny due
to its performance. As company operating in the building industry, the company
has been adversely affected by the global financial crisis (particularly the impact
on US property market) and also by a downturn in the Australian building
industry. Given the impacts on profits/earnings etc. this would be expected to
bring more scrutiny on directors’ performance/abilities etc.
7.22 In the 2010 Annual report of Biota Ltd (an Australia-listed company), the
corporate governance note disclosed an audit committee composed of two
directors (chaired by an independent nonexecutive director and
supported by one other nonexecutive director).
(a) Examine the ASX corporate governance principles and identify the
best practice recommendations in relation to audit committees.
(b) What potential governance problems are these recommendations
designed to meet?
(c) Does Biota’s audit committee meet these guidelines and if not, is any
deviation from these best practice recommendations justified?
(a) The ASX practices are outlined below in principle 4. Recommendations include:
Establishing an audit committee
Structure of this committee
A formal charter
(b) Students should recognise that the audit committee recommendations relate to
Principle 4.
(c) Information about the company’s ASX Corporate Governance Council Guidelines
can be found in the 2010 Biota annual report (
Obtain the annual report for Biota and answer the questions.
Clearly Boral has not met the minimum three membership requirements
as recommended by the ASX, although both members are non-executive
independent directors.
It states (p. 12) that “The Board is of the view that the composition of the Audit and
Risk Committee and the skills and experience of its members are sufficient to enable
the Committee to discharge its responsibilities with the charter. All other non-
executive directors are able to attend meetings at the discretion of the Committee
Chair as observers.”
Biota could argue that have reduced membership on basis that it is a smaller company
with only 7 directors. Also 6 of the 7 board members are independent, including the
Board Chairman, and it is noted that “The Board Chairman attends most meetings as
an ex officio member of the committee.” The fact that is chaired and supported by
non-executive directors could be argued to alleviate any concerns, as well. Also the
fact that auditor has policy of rotation also may alleviate concerns.
Students may arrive at different views as to whether deviations from best practice
guidelines are acceptable.
(a) The ASIC annual report provides a summary of major cases and the media centre
often provides summaries of cases considered or investigated (access from The ‘key matters’ section at has information
on major investigations/cases.
For example the 2010/11 annual report has details re breaches of duties by directors:
Students will find other cases. For example, on the SEC (US)
site: - discusses a case of
accounting fraud.
(b) This will depend on the cases found by students. It may be useful to look at the
annual reports of companies involved in investigations and consider their corporate
governance disclosures (and practices).
(c) Gain, this will depend on the cases found by students. It may be useful to consider
the nature of cases and problems: e.g. did these require collusion (i.e. involvement of
more than one person); how were problems detected (this may give hint of how could
be prevented and whether corporate governance processes could have assisted); what
corporate governance disclosures did these entities make (do these indicate systems
1. This article discusses the recent changes to address alleged excessive
executive remuneration. Identify the main features of the reforms and how
these could be effective.
2. The article argues that the effectiveness of the reforms is based on the
assumptions that shareholders will act. Is this assumption reasonable? What
are the barriers to effective share holder control?
3. The article argues that other ‘incentives’ — such as taxation laws and
denying contracts — should be implemented. Do you think such measures
would improve corporate governance practices?
(LO3 and LO4)
1. The article discusses changes in the US under the Financial Reform Act. These are
aimed at improving accountability and transparency.
The main features as described in the article are:
Increased rights of shareholders: e.g. providing shareholders with rights to
vote (although non-binding) on executive compensation and also to ability
(under certain conditions) to nominate potential board members.
Increased disclosure: e.g. of executive pay and how relates to actual financial
performance of the company; ratio of CEO compensation to median workers’
Increased control i.e. board compensation committee must be independent
(Further details of reforms can be found in actual legislation but students are not
expected to consider beyond article).
Although not asked in the question it may be useful to consider the Australian
situation where there is now a ‘two- strike’ rule, where if more than 25% of
shareholders vote no to the company’s remuneration report at 2 consecutive annual
general meetings then there is a possible ‘spill’ of the Board.
3. The ‘incentives’ raised in the article are essentially economic incentives. Such
incentives are used to promote or deter certain actions. The incentives mentioned in
the article are:
If such incentives were introduced this effectively places a potential ‘real’ economic
cost on companies (for example, if tax deductions limited for executive pay then any
amounts over the limited cost the company ‘more’ as no deductions would be
Students could argue regarding possible effectiveness:
1. Outline the importance of cash flow to ensuring the ongoing operation of a
2. Discuss the corporate governance and board mechanisms that could have
served to limit the chances of corporate failure in the case of ABC
(LO4 and LO8)
1. The ongoing operation of a company requires adequate cash flow to pay debts
when they fall due. It does not matter how bigger profit they report on the
Income statement or how many assets are on their balance sheet. If they are
unable to pay for goods and services to maintain the current level of
operations, or if they are unable to repay their debts, the business will not be
2. Student responses will vary here but some key points for discussion include:
Design and implementation of more stringent policies and procedures with
a strong commitment to Internal control from the top down
Closer monitoring of financial reporting and results
More long term planning and a solid strategy with regard to growth and
expansion of the business. This case is an example of too much too fast
with little integration.
A more structured approach to risk assessment including closer monitoring
of liquidity and long term solvency