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16/06/2010 Final Technical 30-09-2007 to 29-03-2010
“Congressional” Directed Energy Non-lethal Weapons


Gale L. Craviso, Ph.D.
Indira Chatterjee, Ph.D.


Board of Regents, NSHE, OBO the
University of Nevada, Reno
204 Ross Hall, MS 325
Reno, NV 89557-0240
AF Office of Scientific Research
875 N. Randolph St, Room 3112 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT
Arlington, VA 22203 NUMBER(S)

Unlimited -A


14. ABSTRACT This basic research initiative has been an ongoing interdisciplinary effort to lay the foundation for
developing, novel effective and safe non-lethal technologies that alter skeletal muscle contraction and/or neural
functioning (i.e., neurosecretion) via radiofrequency (RF)/microwave (MW) electromagnetic radiation. Major
accomplishments included 1) completion of studies examining the effect of 1 to 6 GHz MW fields on catecholamine
release from chromaffin cells and 2) completion of studies on the effect of 0.75 to 1 GHz RF fields on skeletal
muscle contraction, using in each study fixed frequencies and frequency sweep paradigms. A newer research effort
aimed at examining the effects of nanosecond electric pulses of high intensity on neurosecretory chromaffin cells
and elucidating the mechanism of interaction has been expanded, with very promising and exciting results being
generated. Over the course of the funding period, the research was presented at four international meetings and has
resulted in one doctoral dissertation, two peer-reviewed papers, one manuscript under review, and two manuscripts
that are close to being submitted.
Radiofrequency/microwave fields, high field intensity nanosecond electric pulses, non-thermal bioeffects,
chromaffin cells, catecholamine release, skeletal muscle contraction
13 code)
Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified
Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98)
Prescribed by ANSI Std. Z39.18

Technical Proposal entitled: “Directed Energy Non-Lethal Weapons”

Award Number: FA9550-07-1-0592

Start Date: 30 September 2007

Termination Date: 29 March 2010

Principal Investigator: Gale L. Craviso, Ph.D.

Professor of Pharmacology
Dept. of Pharmacology
Howard Building, Room 219
University of Nevada School of Medicine
Reno, NV 89557
Phone: 775-784-4118
Fax: 775-784-1620
Email: [email protected]

This basic research initiative has been an ongoing interdisciplinary effort to lay the
foundation for developing novel, effective and safe non-lethal technologies that alter skeletal
muscle contraction and/or neural functioning (i.e., neurosecretion) via radiofrequency
(RF)/microwave (MW) electromagnetic radiation. Major accomplishments included 1)
completion of studies examining the effect of 1 to 6 GHz MW fields on catecholamine release
from chromaffin cells and 2) completion of studies on the effect of 0.75 to 1 GHz RF fields on
skeletal muscle contraction, using in each study fixed frequencies and frequency sweep
paradigms. A second research effort aimed at examining the effects of nanosecond electric pulses
of high intensity on neurosecretory chromaffin cells and elucidating the mechanism of
interaction has been expanded, with very promising and exciting results being generated. Over
the course of the funding period, the research was presented at four international meetings and
has resulted in one doctoral dissertation, two peer-reviewed papers, one manuscript under
review, and two manuscripts that are close to being submitted.



The research in this proposal was a transition from AFOSR FA9550-06-1-0377 that was
aimed at sustaining the progress and growth of on-going research projects in which non-thermal
radiofrequency /microwave (RF/MW) effects on skeletal muscle contraction and catecholamine
release from chromaffin cells were being investigated. Another objective from AFOSR FA9550-
06-1-0377 that also transitioned into this grant was to develop further the capability to explore
effects of nanosecond duration, high intensity electric field effects on chromaffin cells, with this
research effort continuing as a collaboration with AFOSR-funded researchers at the University of
Southern California (USC) who were one of two groups instrumental in developing
nanoelectropulse technology.

Accomplishments/New Findings

1) Effect of MW fields (1 to 6 GHz frequency range) on catecholamine release: studies were

completed with apparent non-thermal effects on CA release noted most often with delivery of
5-6 GHz MW fields applied as a frequency sweep. These novel findings will set the stage for
further investigations into potential applications of MW fields on neural-type cells that
involve non-thermal mechanisms.
2) Effect of RF fields (0.75 to 1 GHz frequency range) on skeletal muscle force production:
even after a variety of exposure parameters and protocols were tried, we did not observe
robust and reproducible non-thermal effects on contractile force due to the RF fields applied.
However, because in these studies as well as to those alluded to in 1) above a great deal of
attention was given to the design and characterization of the exposure setups, the research
overall has significant value with respect to advancing further investigations into the
potential for RF/MW bioeffects induced via a non-thermal mechanism.

3) Effect of high intensity nanosecond electric pulses on chromaffin cells: with nanosecond
pulsers and engineering expertise provided by colleagues at USC, we have observed that with
the application of only a single 5 nsec, 5 MV/m electric pulse there is a pronounced, transient
influx of calcium into the cells that is sufficient in magnitude to stimulate catecholamine
release without any discernible adverse effects on the cells. Investigations to understand the
mechanism of interaction of the high intensity electric field with the cells will give us clues
as to how this novel type of stimulus can be best applied for potential military and medical
applications. This project will continue via the successful procurement of funding from other
sources (see below).
4) As an overall accomplishment, the interdisciplinary nature of all of the projects has provided
invaluable basic research training opportunities for undergraduate, graduate, and post-
graduate students.


Vernier, P.T., Sun, Y., Chen, M.-T., Gundersen, M.A., and Craviso, G.L. (2008). Nanosecond
electric pulse-induced calcium entry into chromaffin cells. Bioelectrochemistry 73:1-4.

Craviso, G. L., Chatterjee, P., Maalouf, G., Cerjanic, A., Yoon, J., Chatterjee, I., and Vernier, P.
T. Nanosecond electric pulse-induced increase in intracellular calcium in adrenal chromaffin
cells triggers calcium-dependent catecholamine release. IEEE Trans. Dielectr. Electri. Insul.
16:1294-1301, 2009.

Craviso, G.L. Choe, S., Chatterjee, P., Chatterjee, I. and Vernier, P.T., Nanosecond Electric
Pulses: a Novel Stimulus for Triggering Ca2+ Influx into Chromaffin Cells via Voltage-gated
Ca2+ Channels. Submitted to Cell. Molec. Neuobiol.

Craviso, G. L., Wiese R., Hagan, T., McPherson, D. and Chatterjee, I. Effect of 750 – 1000
MHz Radiofrequency/Microwave Fields On Skeletal Muscle Force Development. In Preparation.

Yoon, J., McPherson, D., Chatterjee, I. and Craviso, G.L., Non-thermal effects of pulsed
microwave fields on catecholamine release from chromaffin cells. In Preparation.

Personnel Supported
Gale L. Craviso, Ph.D., Professor of Pharmacology – Principal Investigator
Indira Chatterjee, Ph.D., Professor of Electrical and Biomedical Engineering – Co-Principal
Dana McPherson, Associate Engineer, Dept. of Electrical and Biomedical Engineering
Weihua Guan, Ph.D., post-doctoral Fellow
Jihwan Yoon, Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, December 2008
Paroma Chatterjee, graduate student (until 31 August 2009)
Robert Wiese, research assistant
Sophie Choe, research assistant (part-time)
Horace Goff, research assistant (full and part-time)

Karla Bee, graduate research assistant (part-time)
Tim Lindgren, graduate student; laboratory technician (part-time)
Marc Cerruti, undergraduate lab aide (part-time); research assistant (part-time)
Alex Cerjanic, laboratory technician (part-time)
Camron Wipfli, undergraduate lab aide (part-time)

a) Presentations


Craviso, G. L., Maalouf, G., Choe, S., Chen, M. T., McPherson, D., Chatterjee, I.,
Gundersen, M. A. and Vernier, P. T., Nanosecond electric pulse stimulates cathecholamine
release from chromaffin cells. 30th Annual Bioelectromagnetics Society Meeting, San Diego,
CA, June 2008.

Chatterjee, P., Vernier, P. T., Chatterjee, I. and Craviso, G. L., Single nanosecond electric
pulse-induced influx of calcium into adrenal chromaffin cells requires extracellular sodium.
31st Annual Bioelectromagnetics Society Meeting, Davos, Switzerland, 2009.

Craviso, G. L., Chatterje, P., Chatterje, I. and Vernier, P.T., Ca2+-dependent nanosecond
excitation of catecholamine release. 15th International Symposium on Chromaffin Cell
Biology, Merida, Mexico, 2009 (Invited speaker)

Guan, W., Hagan, T., Chatterjee, I., McPherson, D. and Craviso, G. L., Narrowband and
broadband radiofrequency/microwave exposure system for real-time monitoring of cellular
responses. 30th Annual Bioelectromagnetics Society Meeting, San Diego, CA, June 2008.

Craviso, G. L., Maalouf, G., Choe, S. McPherson, D. Chatterjee, I., Gundersen, M. A. and
Vernier, P. T., Nanosecond electric pulse-induced catecholamine release from chromaffin
cells. Gordon Conference on Bioelectrochemistry, Biddeford, ME, July 2008.

Yoon, J., Chatterjee, I., McPherson, D. and Craviso, G. L., Microwave fields cause changes
in catecholamine release from chromaffin cells. 31st Annual Bioelectromagnetics Society
Meeting, 2009.

Cerjanic, A. Chatterjee, I., McPherson, D. and Craviso, G. L., Design and fabrication of a
perfusion microelectrode chamber for high intensity electric field stimulation using rapid
prototyping techniques. 31st Annual Bioelectromagnetics Society Meeting, 2009.


Jihwan Yoon obtained his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering in December 2008; his dissertation
is entitled “Non-thermal effects of pulsed microwave fields on catecholamine release from

chromaffin cells: exposure system design and characterization, and experimental data”. The
dissertation can be accessed as follows:
1. Go to http://www.knowledgecenter.unr.edu/
2. In quick search box, enter “Yoon” and select author as search criteria and click “Go”
3. In next list, select “Yoon Jihwan 1972”
4. On the next page, under the title and at the top of the blue box it says “Click the
following to view” – select “abstract”
5. On the next page, to the right is a box labeled “Other available formats.” Click “Full Text
- PDF.”

The research was featured in the June 2008 issue of Defense Technology International

One of our radiofrequency exposure setups was featured in a review article: Lovisolo, G.A.,
Apollonio, F., Ardoino, L., Liberti, M., Lopresto, V., Marino, C., Paffi, A. and Pinto, R.,
Specifications of in vitro exposure setups in the radiofrequency range. Radio Science Bulletin
331, page 26, 2009.

b) Consultative and advisory functions – None

c) Transitions – Craviso, Chatterjee and Vernier, as Co-PIs, have already applied for funding
from the National Institutes of Health to continue the research on nanoelectropulse exposure
of chromaffin cells.

New Discoveries, Inventions or patent disclosures: None

Honors/Awards - None



Working toward the development of novel technologies that are based on electromagnetic
fields (in particular RF/MW and high intensity pulsed electric fields) and are capable of affecting
human functioning by causing alterations in neural (neurosecretory) activity and skeletal muscle
contraction has been ongoing research effort. This effort has been driven by the potential for
using the information derived from these studies in the design of non-lethal weapons that target
these physiological processes in a safe and effective manner. For our studies, special emphasis
was given to studying non-thermal RF/MW effects on two in vitro biological systems,
neurosecretory adrenal chromaffin cells that synthesize, store and release catecholamines, and
skeletal muscle that is responsible for voluntary movement. To work further toward developing
effective applications of pulsed, high intensity RF/MW electromagnetic fields, we have also been
collaborating with P. Thomas Vernier at USC, an effort we felt would greatly accelerate the goal
of coming up with practical outcomes for our research.

Specific Projects and Outcomes

1) Identifying non-thermal RF/MW effects (1 to 6 GHz frequency range) on catecholamine

release: Project completed – manuscript being prepared for submission to

The free space exposure setup for exposing chromaffin cells to MW fields in the 1 to 6 GHz
frequency range (published in Yoon et al., 2006) was modified to achieve optimal performance
for conducting well-controlled biological experiments. Briefly, the exposure system consisted of
a cell perfusion apparatus (CPA) inside which chromaffin cells were immobilized on a glass
fiber filter (GFF). The cells were continuously superfused at a rate of 1.0 ml/min with a balanced
salt solution (BSS) maintained at 36.5 ± 0.2ºC. The temperature of the BSS entering and exiting
the CPA was continuously monitored in the inlet and outlet tubing with non-perturbing
fluoroptic temperature probes placed as close as physically possible to the GFF where the cells
are immobilized. The CPA was mounted vertically within a mini anechoic chamber and the cells
exposed to MW fields in the frequency range 1 - 6 GHz by positioning the CPA in the near field
of a high power broadband horn antenna (Figure 1, Appendix). Catecholamine release was
monitored by an electrochemical detector placed in-line with the CPA outlet tubing (Figure 2,

A series of studies were carried out delivering continuous wave and pulsed MW fields at
either fixed frequencies or using the novel exposure paradigm of pulsed frequency sweeps (PFS;
each sweep spanning one GHz). Of several PFS exposure experiments carried out in the 1 to 6
GHz frequency range using different pulse parameters, a one GHz frequency sweep spanning 5
to 6 GHz using a pulse width of 100 ms (Figure 3, Appendix) elicited significant effects on
catecholamine release most often (Table 1, Appendix). The entire body of work served as partial
fulfillment of the requirement for a doctoral degree awarded to Jihwan Yoon and is near
completion for submission to Bioelectromagnetics.

2. RF/MW exposure setup for real-time monitoring of effects on chromaffin cells via
fluorescence microscopy: project on-hold.

With prior funding a novel exposure system that can deliver high electric field RF/MW
pulse modulated radiation, broadband Gaussian pulses or RF/MW modulated Gaussian pulses
with frequency spectrum centered in the band 0.75 – 6 GHz had been fabricated for use with an
inverted microscope for real-time fluorescence imaging of effects on chromaffin cells, such as
changes in intracellular calcium (Hagan et al., 2006). A photograph of the setup is presented in
Figure 4 (Appendix). Briefly, chromaffin cells are immobilized on collagen-coated indium tin
oxide (ITO) cover slips, which comprise the bottom of a specially designed circular cell
perfusion chamber. Cells are loaded with the fluorescent calcium indicator dye, Calcium Green-1
(Figure 4, Appendix) and the cell chamber attached to the exposure device in which RF/MW
fields are delivered to the cells by means of a carefully designed coaxial applicator having a
highly tapered inner conductor. The entire setup is mounted on the stage of an epifluorescence
microscope, and images of the cells are captured before, during and after exposure. Cells are
continuously perfused throughout an experiment with BSS maintained at 36.5 ± 0.2ºC and a drug

stimulus (nicotinic receptor agonist) injected at varying intervals for assessing effects on both
basal intracellular calcium level and receptor-mediated increases in intracellular calcium level
(Guan et al., 2008). We had planned to expand these efforts by also 1) exploring non-thermal
RF/MW induced changes in membrane potential, 2) predicting the spatial distribution and time
evolution of the electric field and specific absorption rate (SAR) inside of and surrounding both
single chromaffin cells and cells in aggregates, using the Finite-Difference Time-Domain
(FDTD) technique to help reveal where the electric fields couple with the greatest amount of
energy to intracellular structures and to specific regions of the chromaffin cell membrane where
ion channels and receptors are located, and 3) adapting the exposure system for also studying
non-thermal RF/MW effects on skeletal muscle, using single skeletal muscle fibers to monitor
intracellular calcium via fluorescence imaging. However, these efforts got only a brief start due
to two problems. First, the coaxial applicator got corroded due to a barely detectable and
continuous leakage of the BSS onto the coaxial applicator during experiments. While this
problem was eventually resolved, another issue arose, namely that both of the individuals
carrying out these studies had to leave the institution during the funding period for personal
reasons. The project was consequently placed on hold, with our objective being to obtain
additional funding at a future date that will allow us to recruit personnel with the appropriate
background and experience and to carry these projects forward.

3) Identifying non-thermal RF/MW effects on skeletal muscle contraction: Project completed

– manuscript being prepared for submission to Bioelectromagnetics.

Experiments using a waveguide-based setup for exposing a fast-twitch skeletal muscle,

specifically flexor digitorum brevis, a toe muscle obtained from mice, to 0.75 to GHz fields
(setup described in Lambrecht et al., 2006 and shown in Figure 5, Appendix) are now completed,
with no significant or reproducible non-thermal effects on contractile force observed when using
a variety of exposure parameters and conditions. A manuscript that is very near completion will
be submitted to Bioelectromagnetics.

4) Effect of nanosecond pulses on chromaffin cells: Project planned to be on-going.

Studies assessing the effects of nanosecond duration, high intensity electric pulses on
chromaffin cells, a project that was an objective in grant FA9550-06-1-0377 and continued in
this grant, constitute a very successful collaboration with P. Thomas Vernier at USC. We first
reported that a single 4-5 nsec, 5 MV/m electric pulse stimulates calcium influx into chromaffin
cells via L-type voltage-gated calcium channels (Vernier et al., 2008) and that this single burst of
calcium influx is sufficient in magnitude to be of physiological significance, that is, to result in
the release of catecholamine (Craviso et al., 2009). Using the fluorescence microscopy -
nanosecond pulse exposure setup shown in Figure 6 (Appendix) we have since determined that
multiple types of voltage-gated calcium channels are activated (Table 2, Appendix) in a sodium-
dependent manner (Figure 7, Appendix). Interestingly, our results so far raise the possibly that
the pulse causes an influx of sodium through lipid nanopores rather than through endogenous
protein ion channels, suggesting a novel way by which the cells get depolarized. These most
recent findings are reported in a manuscript under review (Craviso et al., submitted).

While we await the outcome of the review of a pending grant application with the National
Institutes of Health that would sustain this project over the next five years, funds available from
another AFOSR grant are enabling us to keep these studies on-going until the end of December


1) Identifying non-thermal RF/MW effects (1 to 6 GHz frequency range) on catecholamine


Figure 1. (Left) Computed near field distribution of the broadband horn antenna at the plane of
the GFF at 3.5 GHz. (Right) Photograph of the CPA (left) and the E-field distributions (right) on
the GFF placed in the near field at 1, 3.5 and 6 GHz. Each field distribution is normalized to the
maximum value. % refers to the area of the GFF homogeneous to within 30%.

Figure 2. Verification of the linearity and reproducibility of the response of the ECD for
monitoring catecholamine release during MW exposure of the cells. (Left) The amount of the
catecholamine standard injected was increased from 75 to 137.5 ng by increasing the injection
volume from 10 to 18.35 μl, while maintaining an injection duration of 10 s for all injections.
(Right) Ten μl injections containing 75 ng of the catecholamine standard were delivered every 10
min for up to four hours, for a total of 20 injections. The mean value was 96.9 ± 12.4 nA.

Figure 3. Illustration of the 5-6 GHz PFS with a sweep time of 600 ms, a pulse width of
100 ms and a repetition rate of 1 Hz at the location of the cells. The magnitudes of the
wave at different frequencies vary since the gain of the amplifier, the gain of the broadband
horn antenna and the loss of the power cable vary at different frequencies. The magnitudes
were found using XFDTD results and the measured cable loss.

Table 1. Summary of results for exposures of varying pulse widths for 5-6 GHz PFS.

2. RF/MW exposure setup for real-time monitoring of effects on chromaffin cells via
fluorescence microscopy.

Figure 4. Photograph of the exposure device mounted on an inverted microscope (left),

with a photograph of the cell chamber shown (top right). Bright field (middle right) and
corresponding fluorescent field (bottom right) micrographs of chromaffin cells attached to
the bottom of the cell chamber and loaded with the calcium indicator dye Calcium Green-1.

3) Identifying non-thermal RF/MW effects on skeletal muscle contraction.

Figure 5. Photograph of the

waveguide-based exposure system
that was used for assessing RF
effects on skeletal muscle

4) Effect of nanosecond pulses on chromaffin cells.

Figure 6. Photograph of the setup for observing effects of nanosecond pulses via
fluorescence imaging (left). Exposures are carried out at room temperature within a
microelectrode chamber (photograph at right) mounted on the stage of a Nikon TE 2000
epifluorescence microscope, and intracellular calcium level monitored in real-time in cells
loaded with the calcium indicator dye, Calcium Green-1.

Table 2. Effect of blocking different types of voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCC)

on the nanoelectropulse-induced increase in intracellular calcium level.

Total Cells Fluorescence Intensity

VGCC Inhibitors Number Responding (% of control
of Cells (%*) responses*)
L-type channels
None 127 87 (79-91) —
Nimodipine (5 µM) 84 54 (35-73) 49 (37-61)

N-type channels
None 312 86 (74-95) —
ω-Conotoxin GVIA (10 nM) 180 67 (35-100) 70 (35-100)
ω-Conotoxin GVIA (20 nM) 95 58 (36-74) 59 (53-67)

P/Q-type channels
None 471 84 (82-91) —
ω-Agatoxin IVA (30 nM) 54 74 91
ω-Agatoxin IVA (100 nM) 183 54 (44-71) 50 (29-75)
ω-Agatoxin IVA (300 nM) 100 29 (11-50) 48 (46-50)

N- and P/Q-type channels

None 126 97 (95-98) —
ω-Conotoxin MVIIC (300 nM) 149 72 (58-86) 64 (42-87)
*Average value from two or more experiments, with the range in parentheses


Figure 7. Effect of removing extracellular sodium on the ability of a nanosecond pulse to

induce a rise in intracellular calcium. (Top) Control response. (Bottom) Response when
sodium is replaced with N-methyl-D-glucamine. Fluorescence intensity is normalized to
point at which the first nanoelectropulse is applied.


Craviso, G. L., Chatterjee, P., Maalouf, G., Cerjanic, A., Yoon, J., Chatterjee, I., and Vernier, P.
T. Nanosecond electric pulse-induced increase in intracellular calcium in adrenal chromaffin
cells triggers calcium-dependent catecholamine release. IEEE Trans. Dielectr. Electri. Insul.
16:1294-1301, 2009.

Craviso, G.L. Choe, S., Chatterjee, P., Chatterjee, I. and Vernier, P.T. Nanosecond Electric
Pulses: a Novel Stimulus for Triggering Ca2+ Influx into Chromaffin Cells via Voltage-gated
Ca2+ Channels. Submitted to Cell. Molec. Neuobiol.

Guan, W., Hagan, T., Chatterjee, I., McPherson, D. and Craviso, G. L., Narrowband and
broadband radiofrequency/microwave exposure system for real-time monitoring of cellular
responses. 30th Annual Bioelectromagnetics Society Meeting, 2008.

Hagan, T., Chatterjee, I., McPherson, D. and Craviso, G.L., Design and finite-difference time-
domain characterization of a novel in vitro exposure device for real-time monitoring of changes
in intracellular calcium due to pulsed RF/microwave electric fields. 28th Annual
Bioelectromagnetics Society Meeting, 2006.

Lambrecht, M.R., Chatterjee, I., McPherson, D., Quinn, J., Hagan, T. and Craviso, G.L. Design,
characterization and optimization of a waveguide-based RF/MW exposure system for studying
nonthermal effects on skeletal muscle contraction. IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 34:1470-1479, 2006.

Vernier, P.T., Sun, Y., Chen, M.-T. Gundersen, M.A. and Craviso, G.L., Nanosecond electric
pulse-induced calcium entry into chromaffin cells. Bioelectrochemistry 73:1-4, 2008.

Yoon, J., Chatterjee, I., McPherson, D. and Craviso, G.L. Design, characterization and
optimization of a broadband mini exposure chamber for studying catecholamine release from
chromaffin cells exposed to microwave radiation: Finite-Difference Time-Domain Technique.
IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 34:1455-1469, 2006.


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