The patent is for a gasoline deposit control additive composition for use in fuels containing both hydrocarbons and alcohols. The composition comprises the reaction product of (a) at least one aldehyde or ketone with (b) a primary or secondary amine. This reaction forms an imine or tertiary amine that helps control deposits that can form from aldehydes and ketones in the fuel. The additive aims to improve engine performance by reducing deposit formation from components in alcohol-blended fuels.
The patent is for a gasoline deposit control additive composition for use in fuels containing both hydrocarbons and alcohols. The composition comprises the reaction product of (a) at least one aldehyde or ketone with (b) a primary or secondary amine. This reaction forms an imine or tertiary amine that helps control deposits that can form from aldehydes and ketones in the fuel. The additive aims to improve engine performance by reducing deposit formation from components in alcohol-blended fuels.
Original Title
Wolf - 2013 - Gasoline deposit control additive composition
The patent is for a gasoline deposit control additive composition for use in fuels containing both hydrocarbons and alcohols. The composition comprises the reaction product of (a) at least one aldehyde or ketone with (b) a primary or secondary amine. This reaction forms an imine or tertiary amine that helps control deposits that can form from aldehydes and ketones in the fuel. The additive aims to improve engine performance by reducing deposit formation from components in alcohol-blended fuels.
The patent is for a gasoline deposit control additive composition for use in fuels containing both hydrocarbons and alcohols. The composition comprises the reaction product of (a) at least one aldehyde or ketone with (b) a primary or secondary amine. This reaction forms an imine or tertiary amine that helps control deposits that can form from aldehydes and ketones in the fuel. The additive aims to improve engine performance by reducing deposit formation from components in alcohol-blended fuels.
12) United States Patent 10) Patent No.: US 8.465,560
9 9 B1 WOf (45) Date of Patent: Jun. 18, 2013 (54) GASOLINE DEPOSIT CONTROL ADDITIVE 5,393,309 A 2/1995 Cherpeck COMPOSITION 5,567.212 A * 10/1996 Gentry et al. ................... 44,420 5,588,973 A 12/1996 Blackborow et al. (75) Inventor: Leslie R. Wolf, Naperville, IL (US) 3. A $32, E: 5,669,939 A 9/1997 Cherpeck (73) Assignee: Butamax Advanced Biofuels LLC, 5,749,929 A 5/1998 Cherpecket al. Wilmington, DE (US) 5,830,243 A * 1 1/1998 Wolak et al. .................... 44,336 5,851,242 A 12/1998 Cherpecket al. (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this E. A gig E: patent is extended or adjusted under 35 5.993,497 A 1 1/1999 Cherpecket al. U.S.C. 154(b) by 272 days. 6,114,542 A 9/2000 Cherpeck 6,117,197 A * 9/2000 Houser ........................... 44/389 (21) Appl. No.: 12/697.590 6,203,584 B1 3/2001 Fuentes-Afflicket al. 6,217,624 B1 4/2001 Morris et al. 1-1. 6,652,667 B2 11/2003 Ahmadi et al. (22) Filed: Feb. 1, 2010 6,660,050 B1* 12/2003 Dieckmann et al. ............ 44/412 O O 2004/O123516 A1* 7/2004 Hull et al. ....................... 44, 349 Related U.S. Application Data 2007/0094922 A1 ck 5/2007 Bergemann et al. (60) Provisional application No. 61/150,045, filed on Feb. 38.5% A. 3. Ringham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435,161 5, 2009. FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS (51) Int. Cl. EP 1494.86 1, 1985 CIOL I/22 (2006.01) EP O902O79 3, 1999 (52) USPC U.S. Cl................................... 44/421; 44/420; 44/340 E. EP 9, 11324.54 1949. 9, 2001 (58) Field of Classification Search GB 985373 3, 1965 USPC ................... 44/340, 412,420, 421, 434, 451, GB 1083712 9, 1967 44/452 GB 1486144 3, 1975 See application file for complete search history. W8 ge: h 22 WO 9730.103 8, 1997 (56) References Cited WO 2007039488 4/2007 U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS OTHER PUBLICATIONS 2,622,018. A 12/1952 White et al. Jeffamine M-600 (evidentiary reference).* 3.438,757 A 4, 1969 Honnen et al. Jeffamine M-600. 3,565,804 A 2f1971 Honnen et al. STIC Search 12 2011. 3.6% A 78. As et al. International Search Report and Written Opinion of corresponding 3.845083 A 11/1974 Dubeck PCT/US2010/023027 mailed Jun. 15, 2010. 3,960,515 A 6, 1976 Honnen et al. 4,160,648 A 7, 1979 Lewis et al. * cited by examiner 4,191,537 A 3, 1980 Lewis et al. 13: A 4- - - 1788 Hill, 1CWS ca. Primary Examiner — Pamela H Weiss 4,236,020 A 1 1/1980 Lewis et al. (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Christine M. Lhulier 4,243,798 A 1/1981 Franklin et al. 4,270,930 A 6/1981 Campbellet al. (57) ABSTRACT 258. A 33. S. A gasoline deposit control additive composition for use in a 4,347,109 A * 8/1982 Meshbesher .................. 568/853 fuel comprising from about 70 to about 95 volume percent of 4,398,921 A 8, 1983 Rifkin et al. hydrocarbons in the gasoline boiling range and from about 5 4,409,000 A 10/1983 LeSuer to about 30 Volume percent of at least one alcohol, comprising 15 A SES SE al the imine or tertiary amine product of the reaction between (a) 4.8 10,263 A 3/1989 Zimmermanet al. at least one aldehyde or ketone or mixture thereof having the 4,832,702 A 5, 1989 Kummer et al. formula R CHO, RCH, CHO, R., (C=O) Rs or R, CH, 4,836,829 A 6, 1989 Zimmerman et al. (C=O) Rs, wherein Re, R7, and Rs are the same or different 4,881,945 A I. 1989 Buckley, III and are each independently a straight or branched chain 2. www. A lA. Wiello et al. hydrocarbyl or aryl group that contains from 1 to 18 carbon 5,112,364 A 5, 1992 Rath et al. atoms, and (b) a primary or secondary amine functionality. 5,139,534 A 8, 1992 Tomassen et al. 5,197.997 A * 3/1993 MoZdzen et al. ............... 44/386 11 Claims, No Drawings US 8,465,560 B1 1. 2 GASOLINE DEPOST CONTROL ADDITIVE Substituted amines by various addition or condensation reac COMPOSITION tions. For example, fermentation processes can produce acetone, which during purification of the desired alcohol CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED product can form diacetone alcohol, a hydroxylketone and its APPLICATIONS dehydration product, mesityl oxide, an unsaturated ketone. Other ketones and aldehydes can produce corresponding con This application is related to and claims the benefit of densation products. These impurities likewise may ultimately priority to U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/150,045 filed end up in the fuel induction system of the engine and contrib Feb. 5, 2009, the entirety of which is herein incorporated by ute to deposit formation. Also the aldehydes and ketones reference. 10 could react with the amine functionality of the detergent additive and reduce its effectiveness. Often the amount of FIELD OF THE INVENTION carbonyl compounds present is more than that which would be stoichiometrically required to react with all the amine The invention relates to the field of detergent additive com functionality. positions, particularly to gasoline deposit control additive 15 Other factors which may contribute to deposit formation compositions, for use in gasoline containing an alcohol com are phase separation which may occur because commercial ponent. alcohol has limited solubility in gasoline and the presence of dissolved mineral salts, such as Sodium sulfate, which may BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION find their way into the fuel during production, Storage and transportation. Detergent additives are required in fuels in order to control Furthermore, alcohol-gasoline blends have different sol intake-valve deposits that can cause increased emissions from Vency characteristics than non-oxygenated gasoline. This vehicles. Generally these additives have amine functionality, change in Solvency can impede the detergent additive perfor typically primary or secondary amines or both, and a hydro mance because the carefully chosen amine base strength and carbyl chain that is compatible with the fuel. The amine 25 chain composition described previously behaves differently functionality binds to the intake-valve deposits, and the chain in this medium. In extreme cases of altered compatibility allows solubilization either in the liquid fuel or a carrier fluid between the detergent additive and the alcohol gasoline that may be included in the detergent control additive pack blend, the detergent additive can precipitate from solution or age. The amine's base strength and the chain's composition insolubilize on the engine's intake valves causing Sticking are carefully chosen to provide optimum performance. The 30 during start-up at cold temperatures. importance of controlling intake-valve deposits so that emis For enhanced intake-valve keep-clean and clean-up perfor sions are not increased has led the United States Environmen mance recent fuel trends have been to use higher concentra tal Protection Agency (EPA) to mandate the use of detergent tions than the minimum required by the EPA for a particular additives (also known as deposit control additives or DCA's) detergent additive. For example, each detergent additive or in all on-road gasoline for use in the United States. 35 deposit control additive, DCA is assigned a “lowest additive Worldwide concern over the growing shortages of crude oil concentration' or LAC by the EPA based on its ability to Supplies has promoted the use of many materials as blending prevent intake-valve deposits as measured by a prescribed agents in gasoline to extend the fuel Supply. From the engine test. To meet EPA regulations a one times (1x) treat rate at this or motor vehicle manufacturers’ point of view, it seems easi concentration level is required. Auto manufacturers, such as est to employ alcohol blended with gasoline. Methanol, etha 40 General Motors in its Top Tier Program, have recommended nol and butanol have emerged as the most widely used alcohol the use of higher levels, for example, 2x (or two times) LAC, blending agents. A high level of interest has been shown in the to provide improved performance of their engines. At high use of “gasohol.' defined herein as a blend of gasoline with concentrations, low-temperature valve-sticking becomes a from about 5 to about 30 volume percent ethanol, as an critical issue because the high concentration can leave a film automotive fuel. Interest has been especially high in countries 45 of sticky additive on the intake-valve stem causing the valve Such as Brazil which have an intense cultivation of Sugarcane, to remain open during cold-starting. The formation of the mandioca and other raw materials of vegetable origin sticky film depends on the compatibility of the additive for adequate for the production of ethanol. mulation. Good compatibility of an additive formulation cor The use of a polar oxygenate such as an alcohol in gasoline responds to the formulation being very soluble in fuel (that is, blends, however, has far reaching consequences. One of these 50 gasoline or alcohol-gasoline blend). However, the change in is the formation of deposits in the fuel induction system such Solvency of alcohol-gasoline blends can upset this compat as the carburetor or fuel injector and around the intake valves. ibility. The concentration and type of the alcohols as well as These deposits interfere with the efficient operation of the the additive's composition influence this compatibility. Fur engine and can lead to lower mileage and increased exhaust thermore, Some additive formulations contain a high boiling emissions. It is believed that deposit formation may be caused 55 fluidizer that is very compatible with the additive and that acts by several factors. One of these may be the loosening of rust to wash the sticky additive off the intake-valve stem. by the alcohol from the walls in pipelines and storage tanks Thus, there is presently a need for a fuel induction deter which is then transported through the system until it finds its gent that will either retard or prevent the formation of deposits way into the fuel induction system of the engine. in the fuel induction system of an internal combustion engine Another factor may be the presence of trace amounts of 60 operated on an alcohol-gasoline fuel mixture. Further, it is acetic acid, acetaldehyde, ethyl acetate and n-butanol in alco important that the detergent be effective in very Small quan hol-gasoline blends which are formed during the production tities in order to minimize cost and to avoid adverse effects, of the alcohol during fermentation. Biofuels such as ethanol Such as adding to the gum component of the fuel, increasing and butanols that are made by fermentation processes often combustion chamber deposits, etc. Also it is desirable for the contain carbonyl compounds, in particular, aldehydes and 65 detergent to be immune to the presence of carbonyl com ketones, which can react with conventional nitrogen-contain pounds and not to cause valve-sticking during start-up at low ing deposit control additives, to form imines or more highly temperature. US 8,465,560 B1 3 4 Several detergent compositions have been disclosed. For amine functionality in at least one nitrogen-containing com example, U.S. Pat. No. 4.398,921 discloses a fuel for internal pound selected from the group consisting of aliphatic hydro combustion engines comprising from about 70 to about 90 carbyl amines, hydrocarbyl-substituted poly (oxyalkylene) Volume percent of hydrocarbons boiling in the gasoline boil amines, hydrocarbyl-substituted Succinimides, Mannich ing range, from about 5 to about 30 volume percent of ethanol reaction products, polyalkylphenoxyaminoalkanes, nitro and and a detergent amount of a mixture of (1) a mononuclear or amino aromatic esters of polyalkylyphenoxyalkanols, a car dinuclear aromatic hydrocarbon Solvent, (2) a hydrocarbyl buretor/injector detergent additive having a molecular weight Succinic acid or anhydride corrosion inhibitor (3) a demulsi in the range from 100 to 600 and having a non-polar moiety fying agent containing at least one oil-soluble polyether and and nitrogen-containing polar moiety, and mixtures thereof. an oxyalkylated phenol formaldehyde resin, and (4) a Man 10 nich product formed by the reaction between an alkylphenol, DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION an aldehyde and an amine having at least one active hydrogen atom bonded to an amino nitrogen atom. The deposit control additives employed in the present U. S. Pat. No. 6,652,667 discloses a method for removing invention are reaction products of certain aldehydes or engine deposits in a gasoline internal combustion engine by 15 ketones with the following conventional unmodified nitro introducing a cleaning composition into a air-intake manifold gen-containing detergent additives disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. of a warmed-up and idling gasoline internal combustion 6,652,667: aliphatic hydrocarbyl amines, hydrocarbyl-sub engine and running the engine while the cleaning composi stituted poly(oxyalkylene) amines, hydrocarbyl-substituted tion is being introduced. The cleaning composition comprises Succinimides, Mannich reaction products, polyalkylphe (1) a phenoxy mono- or poly(oxyalkylene) alcohol, (2) at noxyaminoalkanes, nitro and amino aromatic esters of poly least one solvent selected from an alkoxy mono- or poly alkylphenoxyalkanols, carburetor/injector detergent addi (oxyalkylene) alcohol and an aliphalic or aromatic solvent, tives having a molecular weight in the range of from 100 to and (3) at least one nitrogen-containing detergent additive. 600 and having a non-polar moiety and nitrogen-containing Useful nitrogen-containing detergent additives include all of polar moiety, or mixtures thereof. the nitrogen-containing compounds that are Suitable for use 25 The aliphatic hydrocarbyl-substituted amines which may in the formation of the nitrogen-containing detergent compo be employed as reactants in the manufacture of the deposit sitions of the present invention. control additives of the present invention are typically straight PCT patent application number PCT/EP2006/066623, or branched chain hydrocarbyl-substituted amines having at published as WO 2007/039488 A1, discloses hydroxyalkyl least one basic nitrogen atom and wherein the hydrocarbyl Substituted amino-alkylamides of fatty acids for use as fric 30 group has a number average molecular weight of about 400 to tion modifying agents for fuels such as gasolines containing 3,000. Preferred aliphatic hydrocarbyl-substituted amines oxygenated compounds such as ethanol. These amides are include polyisobutenyl and polyisobutyl monoamines and formed by reacting a specific class of amines with a carboxy polyamines. Such aliphatic hydrocarbyl amines can be pre lic acid or a carboxylic acid derivative thereof which is pared by conventional procedures known in the art. Suitable capable of reacting with an amine to form an amide. If the 35 preparations are described in detail in U.S. Pat. Nos. 3,438, resulting amide product contains an active hydrogen atom 757; 3,565,804: 3,574,576; 3,848,056; 3,960,515; 4,832,702: bonded to an amino nitrogen atom, the amide product is and 6,203.584, the disclosures of which are incorporated further reacted with an alkylene oxide. herein by reference. US2007/0094922 A1 discloses compositions which com The deposit control additives of the present invention are prise at least one polyalkene amine in a solvent for improving 40 intended for use in automotive fuels containing from about 5. the intake system-cleaning action of fuels which can contain preferably from about 2, to about 30 volume percent, prefer up to 25 percent by Volume of oxygen containing materials ably to about 20 volume percent of at least one alcohol. The Such as alcohols and ethers. The polyalkene amines employed alcohol can be methanol, ethanol, propyl or butyl alcohol and are those whose polyalkene moiety is the polymerization preferably is a butyl alcohol isomer. product of identical or different, straight chain or branched C. 45 Another class of deposit control additives suitable for use - Colefin monomers. as reactants in the manufacture of the detergent additives of Published U.S. patent application No. US2008/0066377 the present invention are the hydrocarbyl-substituted poly A1 discloses a biodegradable fuel detergent additive compo (oxyalkylene) amines, also referred to as polyether amines. sition for use in gasoline and diesel fuel, including fuels Typical hydrocarbyl-substituted poly(oxyalkylene) amines containing alcohols. The detergent additive can be selected 50 include hydrocarbyl poly(oxyalkylene) monoamines and from the group consisting of polyamines, polyetheramines, polyamines wherein the hydrocarbyl group contains from 1 to Succinimides, succinamides, aliphatic polyamines and Man about 30 carbon atoms, the number of oxyalkylene units will nich detergents. range from about 5 to 100, and the amine moiety is derived from ammonia, a primary alkyl or secondary dialkyl SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION 55 monoamine, or a polyamine having a terminal amino nitrogen atom. Preferably, the oxyalkylene moiety will be oxypropy The present invention is a deposit control additive for use in lene or oxybutylene or a mixture thereof. Such hydrocarbyl a liquid automotive fuel comprising from about 70 to about 95 substituted poly(oxyalkylene) amines are described, for Volume percent of hydrocarbons boiling in the gasoline range example, in U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,217,624 and 5,112.364, the and from about 5 to about 30 volume percent of at least one 60 disclosures of which are incorporated herein by reference. alcohol, comprising an imine or tertiary amine product of the A preferred type of hydrocarbyl-substituted poly(oxyalky reaction between (a) at least one aldehyde or ketone or mix lene) monoamine is an alkylphenyl poly(oxyalkylene)mon ture thereofhaving the formula R CHO, RCH, CHO, R, oamine wherein the poly(oxyalkylene) moiety contains (C=O) Rs or R7 CH(CO) Rs, wherein R. R., and Rs oxypropylene units or oxybutylene units or mixtures of are the same or different and are each independently a straight 65 oxypropylene and oxybutylene units. Preferably, the alkyl or branched chain hydrocarbyl or aryl group that contains group on the alkylphenyl moiety is a straight or branched from 1 to 18 carbon atoms, with (b) a primary or secondary chain alkyl of 1 to 24 carbon atoms. An especially preferred US 8,465,560 B1 5 alkylphenyl moiety is tetrapropenylphenyl, that is, where the alkyl group is a branched-chain alkyl group of 12 carbon (I) atoms derived from propylene tetramer. An additional type of hydrocarbyl-substituted poly(oxy alkylene)amine for use as reactants in the manufacture of the deposit control additives of the present invention is hydrocar byl-substituted poly(oxyalkylene) aminocarbamates dis closed, for example, in U.S. Pat. Nos. 4.288,612; 4.236,020; wherein: R is a polyalkyl group having an average molecular 4,160,648; 4,191,537; 4,270,930; 4,233,168; 4,197,409: 10 weight in the range of about 600 to 5,000; R and R are 4,243,798 and 4,881,945, the disclosures of which are incor independently hydrogen or lower alkyl having 1 to 6 carbon porated herein by reference. These hydrocarbyl poly(oxy atoms; and A is amino, N-alkylamino having about 1 to about alkylene) aminocarbamates contain at least one basic nitro 20 carbon atoms in the alkyl group, N,N-dialkyl amino hav gen atom and have an average molecular weight of about 500 ing about 1 to about 20 carbon atoms in each alkyl group, or to 10,000, preferably about 500 to 5,000, and more preferably 15 a polyamine moiety having about 2 to about 12 amine nitro about 1,000 to 3,000. A preferred aminocarbamate is alky gen atoms and about 2 to about 40 carbon atoms. The poly lphenyl poly(oxybutylene) aminocarbamate wherein the alkylphenoxyaminoalkanes of Formula I above and their amine moiety is derived from ethylene diamine or diethylene preparations are described in detail in U.S. Pat. No. 5,669, triamine. A further class of detergent additives suitable for use as 939, the disclosure of which is incorporated herein by refer ence. Mixtures of polyalkylphenoxyaminoalkanes and poly reactants in the manufacture of the deposit control additives (oxyalkylene) amines are also Suitable for use as reactants in of the present invention is the hydrocarbyl-substituted suc the manufacture of the detergent additives of the present cinimides. Typical hydrocarbyl-substituted Succinimides invention. These mixtures are described in detail in U.S. Pat. include polyalkyl and polyalkenyl Succinimides wherein the No. 5,851,242, the disclosure of which is incorporated herein polyalkyl or polyalkenyl group has an average molecular 25 by reference. weight of about 500 to 5,000, and preferably about 700 to 3,000. The hydrocarbyl-substituted succinimides are typi A preferred class of detergent additives finding use as cally prepared by reacting a hydrocarbyl-substituted Succinic reactants in the manufacture of the deposit control additives anhydride with an amine or polyamine having at least one of the present invention are nitro and amino aromatic esters of reactive hydrogen bonded to an amine nitrogen atom. Pre 30 polyalkylphenoxyalkanols. Preferred nitro and amino aro ferred hydrocarbyl-substituted succinimides include poly matic esters of polyalkylphenoxyalkanols include those hav isobutenyl and polyisobutanyl Succinimides, and derivatives ing the formula: thereof. The hydrocarbyl-substituted succinimides are described, for example, in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,393,309: 5,588, 35 973; 5,620,486; 5,916,825; 5,954,843; 5,993,497; and 6,114, (II) 542, and British Patent No. 1,486,144, the disclosures of which are incorporated herein by reference. Yet another class of detergent additives which can be employed as reactants in the manufacture of the deposit con 40 trol additives of the present invention is Mannich reaction products which are typically obtained from the Mannich con densation of a high molecular weight alkyl-substituted hydroxyaromatic compound, an amine containing at least one wherein: R is nitro or —(CH2), NRo Ro, wherein Ro and reactive hydrogen, and an aldehyde. The high molecular 45 Ro are independently hydrogen or lower alkyl having 1 to 6 weight alkyl-substituted hydroxyaromatic compounds are carbonatoms and n is 0 or 1; Rs is hydrogen, hydroxy, nitro or preferably polyalkylphenols, such as polypropylphenol and —NR, R2, wherein R and R2 are independently hydro polybutylphenol, especially polyisobutylphenol, wherein the gen or lower alkyl having 1 to 6 carbonatoms; R and R-7, are polyakyl group has an average molecular weight of about 600 independently hydrogen or lower alkyl having 1 to 6 carbon to 3,000. The amine reactant is typically a polyamine. Such as 50 atoms; and Rs is a polyalkyl group having an average molecu alkylene polyamines, especially ethylene or polyethylene polyamines, for example, ethylene diamine, diethylene tri lar weight in the range of about 450 to 5,000. The aromatic amine, triethylene tetramine, and the like. The aldehyde reac esters of polyalkylphenoxyalkanols shown in Formula II tant is generally analiphatic aldehyde, Such as formaldehyde, above and their preparations are described in detail in U.S. paraformaldehyde, formalin, and acetaldehyde. A preferred 55 Pat. No. 5,618,320, the disclosure of which is incorporated Mannich reaction product is obtained by condensing a poly herein by reference. isobutylphenol with formaldehyde and diethylene triamine, Mixtures of nitro and amino aromatic esters of polyalky wherein the polyisobutyl group has an average molecular lphenoxyalkanols and hydrocarbyl-substituted poly(oxy weight of about 1,000. The Mannich reaction products are alkylene) amines are also preferably contemplated for use as described, for example, in U.S. Pat. Nos. 4.231,759 and 60 reactants in the manufacture of the deposit control additives 5,697.988, the disclosures of which are incorporated herein of the present invention. These mixtures are described in by reference. detail in U.S. Pat. No. 5,749,929, the disclosure of which is A still further class of detergent additives suitable for use as incorporated herein by reference. Preferred hydrocarbyl-sub reactants in the manufacture of the deposit control additives stituted poly(oxyalkylene) amines which may be employed of the present invention are polyalkylphenoxyaminoalkanes. 65 Preferred polyalkylphenoxyaminoalkanes include those hav as detergent additives in the present invention include those ing the formula: having the formula: US 8,465,560 B1 8 100) carbon number. Each of the above described unmodified (III) deposit control additives contains a primary and/or secondary amine functionality, which functionality can be modified by R13 O-C-C s s B reaction with suitable low carbon number aldehydes or H H / ketones having the formulas: RCHO. R. CHO, R, (C=O)Rs and R7 CH (C=O) Rs, where Re, R7, and Rs wherein: R is a hydrocarbyl group having from about 1 to can be the same or different and are each independently a about 30 carbon atoms; R and Rs are each independently straight or branched chain hydrocarbyl or aryl group that hydrogen or lower alkyl having about 1 to about 6 carbon 10 contains from 1 to 18 carbon atoms, preferably from 1 to 8 atoms and each Ra and Rs is independently selected in each carbon atoms. Typically a solvent Such as isobutanol is —O—CHR CHRs —unit; B is amino, N-alkyl amino employed in the reaction. When R. R., and Rs contain no having about 1 to about 20 carbon atoms in the alkyl group, C. hydrogens, the reactions and reaction products of Such N,N-dialkyl amino having about 1 to about 20 carbon atoms aldehydes and ketones with the above described conventional in each alkyl group, or a polyamine moiety having about 2 to 15 deposit control additives containing primary amine function about 12amine nitrogenatoms and about 2 to about 40 carbon ality are: atoms; and m is an integer from about 5 to about 100. The hydrocarbyl-substituted poly(oxyalkylene) amines of For RNH2+RCHO->RN=CHR+HO (Reaction 1) mula III above and their preparations are described in detail in U.S. Pat. No. 6,217,624, the disclosure of which is incorpo rated herein by reference. The hydrocarbyl-substituted poly(oxyalkylene) amines of where R is an N-alkyl or N-polyamine moiety shown in Formula III are preferably utilized either by themselves or in Reactions 1 and 2 attached to a nitrogen atom in a primary combination with other aforesaid unmodified deposit control amine functionality in any of the unmodified conventional additives, particularly with the polyalkylphenoxyaminoal 25 deposit control additives described above-for example, in A kanes of Formula I or the nitro and amino aromatic esters of of Formula I, in R or Rs in Formula II, or in B of Formula polyalkylphenoxyalkanols shown in Formula II, as reactants III—and within R, the alkyl group contains from 1 to 20 in the manufacture of the detergent additives of the present carbon atoms and the polyamine group contains from 2 to 12 invention. More preferably, combinations of the hydrocarbyl nitrogen atoms and from 2 to 40 carbon atoms. When excess substituted poly(oxyalkylene) amines of Formula III with the 30 RNH is employed, the product of Reaction 1 is (R. nitro and amino aromatic esters of polyalkylphenoxyalkanols NH),CHR. shown in Formula II are employed together as reactants in the manufacture of the detergent additives of the present inven If the aldehyde or ketone does contain C-hydrogens, addi tion. A particularly preferred hydrocarbyl-substituted poly tional condensation products can be formed by aldol-like or (oxyalkylene) amine is dodecylphenoxy poly(oxybutylene) 35 Mannich-like reactions as in Reactions 3,3', 4 and 4'. amine and a particularly preferred combination is the combi nation of dodecylphenoxy poly(oxybutylene) amine and 4-polyisobutylphenoxyethyl para-aminobenzoate. (Reaction 3 -aldol-like) Another class of conventional deposit control additives Suitable for use as reactants in the manufacture of the deposit 40 RNH + RCHCHO -> R-CH-CH=NR control additives of the present invention is the nitrogen R-CH-CH-NHR containing carburetor/injector detergents. The carburetor/in jector detergent additives are typically relatively low molecu lar weight compounds having a number average molecular O weight of about 100 to about 600 and possessing at least one 45 polar moiety and at least one non-polar moiety. The non-polar moiety is typically a linear or branched-chain alkyl or alkenyl group having about 6 to about 40 carbon atoms. The polar (Reaction 3 - Mannich like) moiety is typically nitrogen-containing Typical nitrogen-con R-CH-CHO taining polar moieties include amines (for example, as 50 described in U.S. Pat. No. 5,139,534 and PCT International RCH-H-NHR Publication Number WO 90/10051), ether amines (for example, as described in U.S. Pat. No. 3,849,083 and PCT International Publication Number WO 90/10051), amides, polyamides and amide-esters (for example, as described in 55 U.S. Pat. Nos. 2,622,018; 4,729,769; and 5,139,534; and (Reaction 4 - Mannich like) RNH + RCH(C=O)Rs - - European Patent Publication Number 149.486), imidazolines (for example, as described in U.S. Pat. No. 4,518.782), amine R18 oxides (for example, as described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,810.263 and 4,836,829), hydroxyamines (for example, as described in 60 U.S. Pat. No. 4,409,000), and succinimides (for example, as R-CH-C-NHR described in U.S. Pat. No. 4,292,046). The compositions of the detergent or deposit control addi R18 tives of the present invention are the imine or tertiary amine products of the reaction between the aforesaid unmodified 65 O conventional deposit control additive compositions described above and selected aldehydes or ketones of low (less than US 8,465,560 B1 10 (Reaction 4 - Mannich like) (Reaction 13) R18 R-CH-CFO RCH-C-NHR R18 10 Generally an equimolar or slightly excess amount of car bonyl compound is used to limit the formation of multiple (Reaction 14) condensation products. In addition a secondary amine functionality can react with 15 RCHO and R., (C=O)Rs according to: R17 R18 2(R) (R2)NH--RCHO->(R)(R2)N-2CHR (Reaction 5) The deposit control additive of the present invention is 2CR17R18 (Reaction 6) employed in the aforesaid liquid automotive fuel at a level in the range of from about 50 preferably from about 100, to where R, and R2 are independently each an N,N-dialkyl or about 4000, preferably to about 2000, more preferably to N-polyamine shown in Reactions 5 and 6 attached to a nitro about 1000 parts per million by volume. gen atom in the aforesaid secondary amine functionality, and 25 An additional material that may optionally be used with the each alkyl group therein contains from 1 to 20 carbon atoms gasoline detergent additive composition of the present inven and each polyamine group therein contains 2 to 12 nitrogen tion is a fluidizer or solvent, for example, an alkoxy mono- or atoms and 2 to 40 carbonatoms, and R. R., and Rs have no poly(oxylene) alcohol and/oran aliphatic or aromatic organic C-hydrogens. Solvent. The alkoxy mono- or poly (oxyalkylene) alcohol However, if the aldehyde or ketone does contain C-hydro 30 which may be employed as a fluidizer or solvents in the gens, a typical product will be the enamine: present invention has the following general formula: Rio-O-(CH-CHR20 —O)-CH2-CHR2 —OH (IV) NCH=CHR (Reaction 7) wherein Rio is an alkyl group of 1 to about 10 carbon atoms, 35 and Ro and R are independently hydrogen or methyl, andy is an integer from 0 to 4. Rio is preferably an alkyl group of 2 NCR 7=CHRs (Reaction 8) to 6 carbon atoms, Ro and R are preferably hydrogen, and As in the case of the primary amines, Mannich-like prod y is preferably an integer from 0 to 2. More preferably, R is ucts can be formed from a secondary amine functionality, as an alkyl group of 4 carbonatoms (i.e., butyl), Ro and R2 are follows: 40 hydrogen, and y is 0. Suitable alkoxy mono- or poly(oxyalkylene) alcohols for use in the present invention include, for example, 2-methoxy (CHRCHO)CHR (Reaction 9) ethanol, 2-ethoxyethanol, 2-n-butoxyethanol, 1-methoxy-2- propanol. 1-ethoxy-2-propanol. 1-n-butoxy-2-propanol, 45 diethylene glycol methyl ether, diethylene glycol butyl ether, (CHR (C=O)Rs)CHR, (Reaction 10) propylene ethylene glycol methyl ether, propylene ethylene glycol butyl ether, dipropylene glycol methyl ether, dipropy When the aldehyde or ketone is an O.B-unsaturated carbo lene glycol butyl ether, and the like, including mixtures nyl compound. Such as mesityl oxide (4-methyl-3-penten-2- thereof. A preferred alkoxy mono-or poly (oxyalkylene) alco one), the following reaction can occur by Michael-type addi 50 hol is 2-n-butoxyethanol. A commercial 2-n-butoxyethanol, tion: or ethylene glycol mono-butyl ether, is available as EB Butyl Cellusolve from Union Carbide, a subsidiary of Dow Chemi cal Company. An aliphatic or aromatic hydrocarbyl organic solvent or 2C=C-(C=NR)CH (Reaction 11) 55 fluidizer may also be employed in the present invention. Suit able aromatic solvents include benzene, toluene, Xylene or (R) (Rb)NH+mesityl oxide->(R)(R)NC(CH) higher boiling aromatics or aromatic thinners, such as a Co 2CH2(C=O)CH (Reaction 12) aromatic solvent. Suitable aliphatic solvents include dearo matized solvents such as EXXsol D40 and D60, available from The resulting carbonyl amine compounds could react further 60 ExxonMobil, other aliphatic solvents, such as D15-20 with the amine functionality, but an equimolar or slight excess Naphta, D115-145 Naphtha and D31-35 Naphtha, also avail amount of carbonyl can be used to prevent this further reac able from ExxonMobil, and nonaromatic mineral spirits, and tion. the like. A preferred solvent or fluidizer for use in the present When the amine is a polyethylene polyamine, for example, invention is a Co aromatic solvent. ethylene diamine, diethylene triamine, triethylene tetramine, 65 Preferably, the solvent employed will be a mixture of both and the like, the following reactions produce compositions an alkoxy mono- or poly(oxyalkylene) alcohol and an ali that have cyclic structures: phatic or aromatic organic solvent. In a particularly preferred US 8,465,560 B1 11 12 embodiment, the solvent will be a mixture of 2-n-butoxyetha A third reference fuel, designated "Gas base' was 100 nol and a C9 aromatic solvent. gallons of the all hydrocarbon conventional regular gasoline. Further conventional components and assistants that may This fuel blend contained no isobutanol and no deposit con also be employed are corrosion inhibitors, for example based trol additive. on ammonium salts of organic carboxylic acids, which salts 5 Each of the above four fuels was evaluated for intake-valve tend to form films, or on heterocyclic aromatics in the case of deposit keep-clean performance by running them for 40 hours corrosion protection of nonferrous metals, antioxidants or on a General Motors 3.8 liter V-6 engine and dynamometer stabilizers, for example based on amines, such as p-phe test bed. The engine ran a repeated cycle consisting of two nylenediamine, dicyclohexylamine orderivatives thereofand modes: 2600 rpm at 56 ft-lbs torque for 190 seconds followed on phenols, such as 2,4-di-tert-butylphenol or 3,5-di-tert 10 by 2900 rpm at 99 ft-lbs torque for 25 seconds. Speed/load butyl-4-hydroxyphenylpropionic acid, dehazers, demulsifi changes were accomplished with approximately a 30 second ers, antistatic agents, metallocenes Such as ferrocene or meth ramp up or ramp down as needed to maintain engine-dyna ylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl, lubricity mometer control. additives (different from compound (I)), such as certain fatty Results of these experiments are shown in Table 1. The acids, alkenylsuccinic esters, bis(hydroxyalkyl)fatty amines, 15 Gas-base fuel was formulated to give a relatively high deposit hydroxyacetamides and castor oil, antiknock additives, anti level. So the high deposit level and low CRC rating shown in icing additives, octane requirement additives, and also colo Table 1 was expected. When isobutanol was added to the rants (markers). Sometimes amines are also added to adjust Gas-BuOHi3 fuel, there was no significant change in the the pH of the fuel. deposit or rating. When a conventional deposit control addi The present invention will be explained in more detail tive was added to the isobutanol-gasoline blend Gas below by reference to the following examples. However, the BuOHi2, a marked reduction of deposit was observed. When present invention should not be construed as being limited iso-BUPIBA#1, a deposit control additive of the present thereto. invention was used, an IVD reduction and improved CRC rating similar to that obtained when a conventional deposit GENERAL METHODS FOR EXAMPLES 25 control additive was observed. These experiments show that a deposit control additive of the present invention has at least Where provided, intake valve deposit(s) (IVD) were mea similar efficacy as a conventional deposit control additive. Sured by weighing the dirty valve and Subtracting the weight of clean valve as measured before the testing began, consis TABLE 1 tent with ASTM D6201–97, “Standard Test Method for Dyna 30 mometer Evaluation of Unleaded Spark-Ignition Engine Fuel Deposit Control CRC IVD Average, for Intake Valve Deposit Formation’. Coordinating Research Fuel Iso-butanol, 90 Additive rating mg/valve Council (CRC) ratings, where given, were designated accord Gas-base None None 8.3 256.2 ing to the “CRC Manual No. 16 Carburetor and Induction Gas-BuOH #3 16.5 None 8.6 213.2 System Rating Manual for visually rating the condition of 35 Gas-BuOH #2 16.5 AP-NA4M 9.5 28.8 Gas-BuOH #1 16.5 iso-BuPIBA #1 9.5 25.7 intake valves (10-clean, 1=very heavy deposits). EXAMPLE1 A similar preparation of the deposit control additive of the present invention was made for use in fuel blends evaluated A modified deposit control additive of the present inven 40 by a low-temperature valve-sticking test. A mixture of 2.00 tion, iso-BuPIBA #1, was prepared by refluxing 3.64 grams of grams of iso-butyraldehyde, 96.8 grams of AP-NA4M and 20 isobutyraldehyde with 176 grams of AP-NA4M and 20 grams grams of isobutanol as solvent was refluxed to make iso of isobutanol as a solvent for 3 hours. AP-NA4M is a formu BuPIBA#2, a deposit control additive of the present inven lated PIB amine type conventional deposit control additive tion. Infrared spectroscopy indicated conversion of about manufactured by BASF Corporation including fluidizer, 45 58% of the aldehyde carbonyl and appearance of an imine demulsifier and corrosion inhibitor and contains approxi absorption. All of the resulting iso-BuPIBA#2 was mixed mately 0.26 milli-equivalents of nitrogen. The equivalents of with 45.92 gallons of a winter grade all hydrocarbon regular isobutyraldehyde added were 1.1 times the equivalents of gasoline and 9.08 gallons of isobutanol to make the test fuel nitrogen in the AP-NA4M. Infrared spectroscopy indicated designated Wgas-BuOH #4. This fuel blend would have con conversion of about 79% of the aldehyde carbonyl and the 50 tained four times the LAC dose of the conventional deposit appearance of an imine absorption. control additive if the conventional deposit control additive All of the resulting iso-BuPIBA #1 was mixed with 83.5 had not been modified. gallons of all hydrocarbon conventional regular gasoline and A reference fuel designated “W gas-BuOH #5” was pre 16.5 gallons of isobutanol. The resulting fuel blend would pared by mixing 45.92 gallons of winter grade all hydrocar have contained four times the LAC dose of the conventional 55 bon regular gasoline and 9.08 gallons of iso-butanol and 60.5 deposit control additive if the conventional deposit control grams of AP-NA4M. This fuel blend contained four times the additive had not been modified. This fuel blend is designated LAC dose of the conventional deposit control additive. GaS-BuOHH1. A second reference fuel, designated “Wgas-BuOH #6”. A reference fuel designated “Gas-BuOH #2 was prepared was prepared by mixing 45.92 gallons of winter grade all by mixing 83.5 gallons of all hydrocarbon conventional regu 60 hydrocarbon regular gasoline and 9.08 gallons of iso-butanol lar gasoline and 16.5 gallons of iso-butanol and 176 grams of and 60.5 grams of AP-NA4M. This fuel blend contained 2.5 AP-NA4M. This fuel blend contained four times the LAC times the LAC dose of the conventional deposit control addi dose of the conventional deposit control additive. tive. A second reference fuel, designated “Gas-BuOH #3, was A third reference fuel designated “Wgas-BuOH base' was prepared by mixing 83.5 gallons of all hydrocarbon conven 65 prepared by mixing 45.92 gallons of winter grade all hydro tional regular gasoline and 16.5 gallons of isobutanol. This carbon regular gasoline and 9.08 gallons of iso-butanol. This fuel blend contained no deposit control additive. fuel blend contained no deposit control additive. US 8,465,560 B1 13 14 All four of the above fuels were tested at Southwest marked reduction of deposit is observed. When the PEA Research Institute according to its standard Chevrolet Truck deposit control additive of the present invention of the present Valve Sticking Test. Briefly, that test was performed by driv invention, iso-BUPEA#1, was used, an IVD reduction and ing the truck having a 5.0 liter V-8 engine with the test fuel improved CRC rating similar to the conventional deposit over four cycles consisting of 56 minutes at 55 mph and 3 control additive was observed. These experiments demon minute at idle, with a 1 minute ramp up or ramp down strate that the PEA deposit control additive of the present between idle and speed. After the driving cycles were com invention has similarly efficacy as the conventional deposit pleted, the test vehicle was cold soaked for 16 hours at -20° control additive. C. Following the cold soak, a cold engine compression test 10 was performed to determine if valve sticking had occurred. TABLE 3 This entire test sequence was repeated on two more days for Deposit IVD a total of 3 sequences. If all valves stuck on all days a maxi Control CRC Average, mum total of 24 valves could stick. Fuel Iso-butanol, 9%. Additive rating mg/valve Low temperature valve sticking test results are shown in 15 Gas-base None None 8.3 256.2 Table 2. The iso-butanol fuel itself passed the test, but the Gas-BuOH #3 16.5 None 8.6 213.2 conventional deposit control additive did not pass at either Gas-BuOHis 16.5 HiTec (R) 6400 9.5 28.0 high (4X LAC) or lower (2.5X LAC) treat rates. The deposit Gas-BuOH #4 16.5 iso-BuPEA #1 9.3 30.2 control additive of the present invention did pass the test even though it was used in an amount that was equivalent to a high A similar preparation of the PEA deposit control additive treat rate equivalent to 4X of conventional deposit control of the present invention was made for use in fuel blends additive. evaluated by a low-temperature valve-sticking test. A mixture TABLE 2 of 3.68 grams of iso-butyraldehyde, 118.1 grams HiTec(R) 6400 and 20 grams of isobutanol as solvent was refluxed to 25 Deposit Control Total make a PEA deposit control additive of the present invention Iso-butanol, Additive, treat stuck Test designated iso-BuPEA#2. Infrared spectroscopy indicated Fuel % rate (LAC) valves Result conversion of about 93% of the aldehyde carbonyl and Wgas-BuOHbase 16.5 None O Pass appearance of an imine absorption. All of the resulting iso W gas-BuOH #6 16.5 AP-NA4M, 2.5X 2 Fail W gas-BuOH #5 16.5 AP-NA4M, 4X 3 Fail 30 BuPEA#2 was mixed with 45.92 gallons of a wintergrade all W gas-BuOH #4 16.5 iso-BuPIBA #2 O Pass hydrocarbon regular gasoline and 9.08 gallons of isobutanol to make test fuel Wgas-BuOH #7. This fuel blend would have contained six times the LAC dose of the conventional deposit EXAMPLE 2 control additive if the conventional deposit control additive 35 had not been modified. A sequence similar to Example 1 was employed with a A reference fuel, designated “Wgas-BuOH #8, was pre polyether amine type of deposit control additive. A deposit pared by mixing 45.92 gallons of winter grade all hydrocar control additive of the present invention, iso-BuPEA #1, was bon regular gasoline and 9.08 gallons of iso-butanol and prepared by refluxing 6.00 grams of isobutyraldehyde with 250.8 grams of HiTec(R) 6400. This fuel blend contained eight 228 grams of HiTec R 6400 and 20 grams of isobutanol as 40 times the LAC dose of the conventional deposit control addi solvent for 3 hours. HiTec 6400 is a formulated polyether tive. amine (PEA) type of conventional deposit control additive A second reference fuel designated “Wgas-BuOH #9” was manufactured by Afton Chemical Company and contains prepared by mixing 45.92 gallons of winter grade all hydro approximately 0.25 milli-equivalents of nitrogen. The carbon regular gasoline and 9.08 gallons of iso-butanol and equivalents of isobutyraldehyde added were 1.5 times the 45 125.4 grams of HiTec(R) 6400. This fuel blend contained four equivalents of nitrogen in HiTec 6400. Infrared spectroscopy times the LAC dose of the conventional deposit control addi indicated conversion of about 85% of the aldehyde carbonyl tive. and appearance of an imine absorption. A third reference fuel designated “W gas-BuOH #10 was All of the resulting iso-BuPEA #1 was mixed with 83.5 prepared by mixing 48.68 gallons of winter grade all hydro gallons of conventional all hydrocarbon regular gasoline and 50 carbon regular gasoline and 6.32 gallons of iso-butanol and 16.5 gallons of isobutanol. This fuel blend would have con 188.1 grams of HiTec R 6400. This fuel blend contained six tained four times the LAC dose of the conventional deposit times the LAC dose of the conventional deposit control addi control additive if the the conventional deposit control addi tive but a lower isobutanol concentration. tive had not been modified. This fuel blend is designated All four of the above fuels were tested at Southwest GaS-BuOH H4'. 55 A reference fuel designated “Gas-BuOH #5” was prepared Research Institute according to its standard Chevrolet Truck by mixing 83.5 gallons of conventional all hydrocarbon regu Valve Sticking Test as described in Example 1. Low tempera lar gasoline and 16.5 gallons of iso-butanol and 228 grams of ture valve sticking test results are shown in Table 4. The fuels HiTec(R) 6400. This fuel blend contained four times the LAC with the conventional deposit control additive did not pass the dose of the conventional deposit control additive. 60 test at either high (8X LAC) or low (4X LAC) treat rates. Each of the above two fuels was evaluated for intake-valve However, the fuel with the deposit control additive of the deposit keep clean performance by running them for 40 hours present invention passed at the equivalent of 6X LAC. An on a General Motors 3.8 liter V-6 engine and dynamometer additional test using fuel with conventional deposit control test bed as described in Example 1. The results and compari additive but a lower iso-butanol concentration (11.5%) son to other reference fuels described in Example 1 are shown 65 passed the test indicating significant test dependency on the in Table 3. When the the conventional deposit control additive base fuel solvency characteristics for the deposit control addi was added to the isobutanol-gasoline blend, Gas-BuOHi5, a tive. US 8,465,560 B1 16 TABLE 4 deposit control additives of this invention pass a low-tem perature valve-sticking test at concentration levels at which Deposit Control Total the aforesaid unmodified additives do not pass. Iso-butanol, Additive, treat stuck Test From the above description, it is apparent that the objects of Fuel % rate (LAC) valves Result the present invention have been achieved. While only certain W gas-BuOH #8 16.5 HiTec (R) 6400, 8X 2 Fail embodiments have been set forth, alternative embodiments W gas-BuOH #9 16.5 HiTec (R) 6400, 4X 2 Fail and various modifications will be apparent from the above W gas-BuOH #10 11.5 HiTec (R) 6400, 6X O Pass W gas-BuOH #7 16.5 iso-BuPEA ii.2 O Pass description to those skilled in the art and are within the spirit and scope of the present invention. 10 That which is claimed is: EXAMPLE 3 1. A liquid automotive fuel comprising from about 70 to about 95 volume percent of hydrocarbons boiling in the gaso line range, from about 5 to about 30 volume percent of at least Four deposit control additives of the present invention were one alcohol, and an imine or tertiary amine product of the prepared using the amounts in Table 5 by refluxing for 3 15 reaction between hours. The molar ratio of amine to carbonyl compound was (a) at least one aldehyde having the formula R CHO or 1:1 for all these additives. These four additives and/or R CH, CHO, wherein R is a straight or branched AP-NA4M were combined with an all hydrocarbon regular chain hydrocarbyl or aryl group that contains from 1 to gasoline base mixed with n-butanol in a 9:1 volume: Volume 18 carbon atoms, and ratio to make fuels described in Table 6. (b) a primary or secondary amine functionality of the for mula: TABLE 5 Carbonyl AP-NA4M n-Butanol Modified Carbonyl compound, weight, weight, DCA compound weight, grams grams grams designation 25 4-methyl-3- O.70 27.5 20.8 ModPIBA #1 pente-2-one 4-methyl-3- 2.25 88.0 2O.O ModPIBA #2 pente-2-one n-butyraldehyde 1.65 88.0 2O.O ModPIBA #3 30 Acetone 1.33 88.0 20.0 ModPIBA #4 wherein: R is nitro or —(CH2), NRoRo wherein Ro and Rio are independently hydrogen or lower alkyl hav The fuels in Table 6 were tested for IVD keep clean per ing 1 to 6 carbon atoms and n is 0 or 1; Rs is hydrogen, formance by running them in a General Motors 3.8 liter V-6 hydroxy, nitro or —NR, R2, wherein R and R are engine dynamometer test rig for 20 hours. The continuously 35 independently hydrogen or lower alkyl having 1 to 6 repeated speed-load cycle for these tests consisted of 2000 carbonatoms; R and R-7, are independently hydrogen or rpm at manifold absolute pressure of 230 kPa (approximately lower alkyl having 1 to 6 carbon atoms; and Rs is a 9 ft-lb) for 240 seconds and 2800 rpm at manifold absolute polyalkyl group having an average molecular weight in pressure of 540 kPa (approximately 60ft-lbs) for 480 seconds the range of about 450 to 5,000. with an approximately 30 second ramp up or ramp down 40 2. The liquid automotive fuel of claim 1 wherein R of the transition between conditions. aldehyde contains from 1 to 8 carbon atoms. 3. The liquid automotive fuel of claim 1 wherein R con TABLE 6 tains from 1 to 12 atoms. 4. The liquid automotive fuel claim 1 wherein the liquid DCA equivalent CRC Valve Average automotive fuel comprises about 2 to about 30 volume per Fuel DCA treat rate, LAC Rating IVD, mg cent of the at least one alcohol. Baseline 2.5X AP-NA4M 2.5X 8.9 47.3 5. The liquid automotive fuel of claim 1 wherein the at least unmodified + AP-NA4M - 125X -- 9.0 49.O one alcohol comprises ethanol or a butanol or both. modified #1 ModPIBA #1 1.2SX Baseline 4.0X AP-NA4M 4.OX 9.2 31.3 6. The liquid automotive fuel of claim 5 wherein the at least Modified H1 ModPIBA #2 4.OX 9.1 29.7 50 one alcohol comprises a butanol isomer. Modified H2 ModPIBA #3 4.OX 8.8 46.8 7. The liquid automotive fuel of claim 6 wherein the at least Modified i3 ModPIBA #4 4.OX 9.2 30.8 one alcohol comprises isobutanol. 8. The liquid automotive fuel of claim 1 comprising the The results in Table 6 demonstrate that the deposit control imine or tertiary amine product of the reaction between the additives of the present invention perform similarly to the 55 aldehyde and a primary amine functionality. conventional deposit control additives 9. The liquid automotive fuel of claim 1 comprising from Thus, the performance in internal combustion engines of about 50 to about 4000 parts per million by volume of the the detergent or deposit control additives of the present inven imine or tertiary amine. tion is not affected by carbonyl impurities that may be present 10. The liquid automotive fuel of claim 9 wherein the imine in bio-derived fuels or blends and have improved capability. 60 or tertiary amine is at a level of from about 100 to about 2000 The additives of the present invention exhibit intake-valve parts per million by Volume. keep-clean and clean-up performance that is comparable to 11. The liquid automotive fuel of claim 10 wherein the the aforesaid conventional additives described above. More imine or tertiary amine is at a level of from about 100 to about over, the low temperature valve-sticking performance of the 1000 parts per million by volume. additives of the present invention is improved such that the k k k k k