Diagnostics 13 01812 v2
Diagnostics 13 01812 v2
Diagnostics 13 01812 v2
Adrenal Failure: An Evidence-Based Diagnostic Approach
Salomi Shaikh 1,† , Lakshmi Nagendra 2,† , Shehla Shaikh 3 and Joseph M. Pappachan 4,5,6, *
Abstract: The diagnosis of adrenal insufficiency (AI) requires a high index of suspicion, detailed
clinical assessment including detailed drug history, and appropriate laboratory evaluation. The
clinical characteristics of adrenal insufficiency vary according to the cause, and the presentation may
be myriad, e.g. insidious onset to a catastrophic adrenal crisis presenting with circulatory shock
and coma. Secondary adrenal insufficiency (SAI) often presents with only glucocorticoid deficiency
because aldosterone production, which is controlled by the renin angiotensin system, is usually
intact, and rarely presents with an adrenal crisis. Measurements of the basal serum cortisol at 8 am
(<140 nmol/L or 5 mcg/dL) coupled with adrenocorticotrophin (ACTH) remain the initial tests
of choice. The cosyntropin stimulation (short synacthen) test is used for the confirmation of the
diagnosis. Newer highly specific cortisol assays have reduced the cut-off points for cortisol in the
diagnosis of AI. The salivary cortisol test is increasingly being used in conditions associated with
abnormal cortisol binding globulin (CBG) levels such as pregnancy. Children and infants require
lower doses of cosyntropin for testing. 21-hydoxylase antibodies are routinely evaluated to rule
out autoimmunity, the absence of which would require secondary causes of adrenal insufficiency
to be ruled out. Testing the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis, imaging, and ruling out
systemic causes are necessary for the diagnosis of AI. Cancer treatment with immune checkpoint
inhibitors (ICI) is an emerging cause of both primary AI and SAI and requires close follow up. Several
Citation: Shaikh, S.; Nagendra, L.;
Shaikh, S.; Pappachan, J.M. Adrenal antibodies are being implicated, but more clarity is required. We update the diagnostic evaluation of
Failure: An Evidence-Based AI in this evidence-based review.
Diagnostic Approach. Diagnostics
2023, 13, 1812. https://doi.org/ Keywords: adrenal failure; cortisol; adrenocorticotrophin (ACTH); primary adrenal insufficiency
10.3390/diagnostics13101812 (PAI); secondary adrenal insufficiency (SAI)
stress, a condition associated with high morbidity and mortality [3–6]. Moreover, though
classical cases of primary AI may not pose much diagnostic challenges to physicians and
laboratory scientists, some patients with AI can present with atypical symptoms and signs
and cause a dilemma in clinical and laboratory evaluation. Therefore, we attempt to
appraise the latest evidence on the diagnostic evaluation of the disease to enable physicians
to rationally approach any case of AI in this article.
Diagnostics 2023, 13, 1812 individual without stress factors such as infections [24] (see Figure 1). If only a basal cor-4 of 12
tisol test before 9:00 a.m. is performed, values of <100 nmol/L strongly suggest PAI [25].
Figure 1. Biochemical
Figure screening
1. Biochemical evaluation
screening for suspected
evaluation adrenal
for suspected insufficiency
adrenal (AI). ACTH:
insufficiency adreno-
(AI). ACTH: adreno-
corticotrophin; HPA axis: hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis; SAI: secondary adrenal insuffi-
corticotrophin; HPA axis: hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis; SAI: secondary adrenal insufficiency;
ciency; ULN: upper limit of normal.
ULN: upper limit of normal.
Cortisol is predominantly
Cortisol is predominantly transported
the body
body viaviacortisol-binding
globulin (CBG)
(CBG) and albumin; only a small fraction (~10%) of the total serum cortisol
and albumin; only a small fraction (~10%) of the total serum cortisol is unbound and is unbound
and biologically
biologically active.
measurethe the total
total cortisol
cortisol (bound
(bound andandfreefree
forms), and their results can be misrepresentative in patients with altered serum
and their results can be misrepresentative in patients with altered serum protein concen- protein
trations [26].[26].Salivary
cortisolwaswas shown
shown to to correlate
correlate well
witha aserum-free
serum-free corti-
sol level
reported asas
a promising
a promising alternative testtest
alternative for for
the the
diagnosis of AI,
diagnosis of especially
AI, especially
among patients
among with with
patients altered CBG CBG
altered concentrations [27]. A[27].
concentrations basal
A morning salivary
basal morning cortisolcortisol
salivary of
<1.0 of
nmol/L may suggest
<1.0 nmol/L PAI, while
may suggest PAI,those
whilewith values
those withofvalues
>5.9 nmol/L
of >5.9 should
nmol/Lhave a con-
should have a
firmatory stimulation
confirmatory test [28].test [28].
3.2. Basal
3.2. Basal ACTH ACTH Measurement
When When the cortisol
the cortisol production
production from thefrom the adrenal
adrenal glands is glands
reducedis reduced in individuals
in individuals with
with PAI, their hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis is activated by the
PAI, their hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis is activated by the stimulation of the hy- stimulation of the
pothalamus and anterior pituitary from low plasma cortisol through the feedback looploop
hypothalamus and anterior pituitary from low plasma cortisol through the feedback
(Figure 2). This
2). This results
results in aninincreased
an increased production
production ofcorticotropin-releasing
of the the corticotropin-releasing hormone
and and
An ACTH levellevel
that that is more
is more thanthan
doubledouble the upper
the upper limitlimit
of theofnormal
the normal
laboratory rangerange in presence
in the the presence of low
of low basalbasal plasma
plasma cortisol
cortisol usually
usually indicates
indicates PAI [29].
PAI [29].
One needs to ensure that patients are not on corticosteroid therapy, including topical as as
One needs to ensure that patients are not on corticosteroid therapy, including topical
wellwell as inhaled
as inhaled formsforms of drugs,
of the the drugs, before
before evaluating
evaluating for PAI.
for PAI.
3.3. Stress Testing for Proving PAI
When the basal cortisol level is indeterminate (<354 nmol/L), a confirmatory test to
prove AI is necessary. A short synacthen test (SST) or cosyntropin stimulation test are
the most widely used stress testing methods to prove or disprove PAI. After securing the
baseline plasma ACTH (if not tested earlier) and cortisol samples, 250 mcg of synacthen
(cosyntropin; synthetic ACTH) is administered intravenously/intramuscularly with the col-
lection of blood samples again at 30 and/or 60 min for estimating the plasma cortisol levels.
Diagnostics 2023, 13, 1812 5 of 12
A stimulated peek cortisol level of ≥500 nmol/L (18 µg/dL) excludes adrenal insufficiency
as per the current international guidelines [23]. However, we have to bear in mind that
when using newer highly specific cortisol assays such as liquid chromatography–tandem
Diagnostics 2023, 13, 1812 5 of 13
mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS), the cut-off values can be lower at 412 and 485 nmol/L at
30 and 60 min (of stress testing), respectively, as shown by the newer studies [30].
Figure 2.
2. Alterations
hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis
axis in various
in various forms
forms of adrenal
of adrenal insuffi-
ACTH: ACTH: adrenocorticotrophin;
adrenocorticotrophin; CRH: corticotrophin-releasing
CRH: corticotrophin-releasing hormone;hormone;
DHEAS:DHEAS: dehydroe-
terone sulphate;sulphate; Red arrows
Red arrows indicateindicate site of disease;
site of disease; Blue arrows
Blue arrows indicate
indicate high high (upward)
(upward) or
or low
low (downward) hormone
(downward) hormone levels. levels.
Table 1. Various forms of adrenal insufficiency, the causes, and diagnostic evaluation. AI: adrenal
insufficiency; APS: autoimmune polyglandular syndrome; APLA: antiphospholipid antibody;
CAH: congenital adrenal hyperplasia; CHF: congestive heart failure, CMV: cytomegalovirus; CRH:
corticotrophin-releasing hormone; CT: computed tomography; MRI: magnetic resonance imaging;
VLCFA: very long chain fatty acid; * after ruling out pheochromocytoma.
• Adrenal metastasis
Malignancy CT/biopsy *
Diagnostics 2023, 13, 1812 7 of 12
Table 1. Cont.
• Adrenal infiltration
Amyloidosis CT/biopsy *
• Genetic AI
X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy VLCFA
Adrenal hypoplasia congenita NR0B1 mutation
ACTH insensitivity syndrome MC2R mutation
• Infection
Tubercular hypophysitis MRI/biopsy
Pyogenic abscess
• Infiltration
Lymphocytic hypophysitis MRI/biopsy
Wegener’s granulomatosis
Histiocytosis X
• Drugs Fluconazole
PAI is usually associated with a concomitant deficiency of other adrenal steroids, and
therefore, low aldosterone and DHEA levels are expected in most cases [29]. Hypoal-
dosteronism is associated with raised plasma renin activity, the measurement of which
helps in monitoring the dose titration of mineralocorticoid replacement in such patients.
Hyperkalemia and hyponatremia are manifestations of hypoaldosteronism classically seen
in patients with PAI, whereas these abnormalities are uncommon in SAI and TAI (as aldos-
terone production is not just under the control of ACTH). Eosinophilia may be a common
feature and a sensitive marker of AI [35].
Diagnostics 2023, 13, 1812 8 of 12
tional imaging studies such as CT imaging of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis, and positron
emission tomography (PET) coupled with biochemical, immunological, and microbiological
evaluation for such disorders should help in clinching the accurate diagnosis [42].
6. Areas of Uncertainty
Although several clinical practice guidelines elaborate the diagnostic approach to
various types of adrenal failure, there is no clear consensus on the cut-off levels for basal and
stimulated cortisol in special circumstances where CBG levels are altered (e.g., pregnancy,
estrogen therapy, cirrhosis, and nephrotic syndrome). There is still uncertainty about the
exact cut-off levels for the suggested alternative test, salivary cortisol (basal and stimulated)
test, in these situations, as there is only meagre evidence of its clinical utility. Similarly,
testing algorithms and the utility of various antibodies for diagnostic evaluation of patients
with ICI-induced AI is still evolving, especially because newer molecules are rapidly being
added to this group of anticancer agents.
7. Conclusions
Adrenal failure is an uncommon but life-threatening endocrinopathy with protean
manifestations. The diagnosis can often be missed without prompt clinical evaluation and
diagnostic work-up and may lead to devastating complications in the form of lethal adrenal
crisis. The clinical profile and laboratory work-up for the disease vary according to the type
of insult, namely, PAI, SAI, or TAI. Prompt assessment of the basal and stimulated cortisol
level followed by antibody testing, testing for the integrity HPA axis, various imaging
techniques, and testing for systemic insults as causes of AI are the usual approaches to di-
agnostic evaluation. Following various international clinical guidelines, when appropriate,
also helps us to plan appropriate laboratory evaluations of this uncommon but important
endocrine disorder.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, J.M.P.; Literature search and drafting, S.S. (Salomi Shaikh)
and L.N.; Supervision, S.S. (Shehla Shaikh) and J.M.P.; Revision and changes S.S. (Salomi Shaikh),
L.N., S.S. (Shehla Shaikh) and J.M.P. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of
the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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