Laser Cutting of Thick Steel Plate PDF (Published Version)
Laser Cutting of Thick Steel Plate PDF (Published Version)
Laser Cutting of Thick Steel Plate PDF (Published Version)
Harris and Brandt
Harris and Brandt
• Machining operations are not governed Given the long time that commercial laser
by workpiece hardness, with lasers able cutting technology has been available to
to cut many hard materials. industry and the significant advancements
achieved in that time, laser cutting is now
• Minimal noise pollution as the laser
considered a mature technology.
cutting process is quieter than the
Consequently, cutting technology and
competitive processes of water jet and
knowledge of the cutting mechanism for
thin and medium thickness «10mm) steels
• The narrow kerf width, typically 0.1 to have remained basically unchanged during
1.0 mm, requires little or no radial the last ten years and are considered well
compensation for beam diameter. understood. There is, however, significant
Furthermore, the possibility of nesting of demand by industry to increase cut
components in production allows thickness and the quality of cut at those
minimal wastage of raw material. thicknesses. This paper discusses issues
• The clean nature of the cut allows, in associated with the laser cutting of thick
most cases, no subsequent cut face (> 1Omm) steel plate and methods currently
processing. Molten or oxidised material being examined to cut it. Presented in
is removed by assist gas during the Section 2 are general aspects of laser cutting
cutting process or falls away during the and in Section 3 a brief description is given
separation of the part at the completion of the laser systems used for cutting.
of the cut. Section 4 summarises the chemistry of laser
cutting and Sections 5 and 6 address the
• Given that the laser cutting mechanism issues of, and novel laser technologies for
is fast and the area heated is small, there the cutting of thick plate.
is a minimal heat affected zone and
consequently minimal heat distortion.
The disadvantages of laser cutting compared
to other cutting technologies are: The process of laser cutting may be
considered as a sequence of the following
• The process effectiveness reduces as the
workpiece thickness increases. • absorption of laser radiation by material;
Commercially, workpiece thicknesses
greater than about 15 mm are generally • heating and melting of the material, and
not cut with a laser. • removal of the molten material by the
coaxial assist gas jet. If the assist gas is
• Laser cutting produces a tapered kerf oxygen the exothetmic chemical
shape. This is a result of the divergence interaction with the molten metal will
of the laser beam and is more accelerate the cutting process.
pronounced in thicker materials. The
taper can be reduced by positioning the
The key features of laser cutting are
focus below the surface of the
illustrated in Figure 1. In laser cutting, the
workpiece is placed on a CNC table and
• The heat affected zone can be a problem moved at a predetermined speed and path
in some applications because of the designed on a CAD system and converted to
changed microstructure. machine code instructions. The laser beam
Harris and Brandt
Harris and Brandt
The lasers used for cutting include CW CO2 energy to the CO2 molecule and enabling it
lasers, pulsed Nd:YAG lasers and more to remain in the upper laser leveL The
recently CW Nd: YAG lasers. Typical helium cools the gas mixture through
characteristics of these two lasers are shown collisions and transfer of stored energy from
in Table 1. The CO2 laser is by far the the CO2 molecule. The CO2 laser produces
most widely used laser for cutting because output at a wavelength of 10.6 flm (invisible
of its high power, beam quality and part of the spectrum) at power levels from
reliability. Typically, for cutting tenths of a watt to forty five kilowatts
applications the CO2 lasers range in power (Convergent) at an electrical efficiency of
up to 4.0kW. For the cutting of relatively about 10%. For conventional cutting
small, detailed and delicate parts a pulsed applications lasers with powers up to 4kW
Nd:YAG laser is normally used (van Dijk are used. Higher power lasers normally have
1993). At power levels up to 500W this type inferior beam quality which adversely
of laser yields very low thermal input into affects the cutting process.
the material and produces kerf widths of 0.1
mm to 0.2 mm compared to the 0.2 mm to The output power and beam quality of a
1.0 mm kerf widths produced with a CO2 CO2 laser are primarily determined by the
laser. Some typical cutting parameters for method of gas flow. The flow method
the two types of lasers are illustrated in determines how quickly the carbon dioxide
Figures 2 and 3. can be removed from the optical cavity so
that new ground state carbon dioxide can be
3.1 The C02 Laser introduced for excitation and stimulation.
The CO 2 lasers used for cutting can be
The CO2 laser is a gas laser, whose active classified as axial flow and no flow devices.
medium is a mixture of about 5% carbon In slow flo\v axial lasers the gas moves
dioxide, 10% nitrogen and the balance slowly in the direction of the laser beam
helium. There are several different designs through a glass tube (typically 10 to 14 mm
of CO 2 lasers depending on the method of in diameter) which is surrounded by
exciting and cooling the gas mixture in the another, co-axial water or oil-cooled tube.
resonant cavity, however, the principle of The length of the laser tube is typically 1 m
the lasing action is the same for all CO2 and it produces about 50 to 70 W of laser
lasers (Laos 1983). The active laser species power. The advantages of this type of
is the carbon dioxide molecule. The design include very good beam quality for
nitrogen acts as a catalyst, transferring focusing, high peak power when pulsed and
Harris and Brandt
(a) (b)
14~--------------------------~ 7
12 • -·-700W 6 • -'-1700W
'" • \,
~ 7 Q)
Q) Q)
g. 6 0..
rJJ 3 --~-~
Ol 0>
E 5
E:;) :'-.. .
() 4
() 2 . ; '-...:
o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ O~~L-~~~~~~~-L~~
o 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1314 1516 o 2 3 4 5 6
Material thickness (mm) Miterialthickness (nm)
Figure 2. Representative cutting speed as a function of material thickness for C02 laser cutting of (a)
mild steel with oxygen and (b) stainless steel with nitrogen assist gas.
(a) (b)
7 3.0 , . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.....
5 ..
'2 "2 2.0
:€ "E
.s 4 1
""0 Q) 1.6
Q.) Q)
0.. a.
rJJ 3 tJi
0) 0)
E::J 1E
-:"'" ".--- ~
o~~~--~~~~~~--~~~ 0.0
0 234567 B 9
o 1 234 5
Material thickness (mm) Material thickness (mm)
Figure 3. Representative cutting speed as a function of material thickness for Nd:YAG laser cutting of
(a) mild steel with oxygen and (b) stainless steel with nitrogen assist gas and optical fibres.
Harris and Brandt
reduced system complexity and the tube it is cooled with a heat exchanger.
maintenance costs. The main disadvantage Laser tube length is considerably reduced
is the laser size and the maximum output compared to slow flow tubes resulting in a
power. Lasers employing this approach are more compact device. The advantages of
large because of the necessarily long laser fast axial flow lasers include, in addition to
tubes. The maximum power generated is the compact size, high output power and an
about 2kW from some 20 laser tubes placed output which can be electronically pulsed.
in series. This number of laser tubes can The main disadvantage is that the Roots or
present a challenge in keeping the optics centrifugal compressor needed to circulate
aligned. the gas is complex and costly to maintain.
CroQl1d potenllil
In no-flow or diffusion cooled lasers the gas
mix in the optical cavity is cooled by
conduction to the walls of the optical cavity.
Shown in Figure 5 is a schematic of a
diffusion cooled laser. The design involves
two flat copper plates placed close together
that act as both the RF electrodes and a heat
sink. Since the gas transport system is not
required the unit size is very compact.
These devices are now available in the
Figure 4. lllustrated is a schematic of a RF
excited fast axial·flow C02 laser (courtesy power range from 1 kW to 3.5 kW with
Rofin Sinar). very good beam quality for cutting
Harris and Brandt
order to increase the laser po\ver produces placed close together at the axis. The inside
unacceptable strain in the crystal and leads surface of the cavity is normally coated with
to a dramatic reduction in laser power. gold in order to maximise the coupling of
lamp light into the rod. Some laser
manufacturers also manufacture ceramic
cavities which produce more uniform
pumping of the rod but at the expense of
lower efficiency (some 5% lower) compared
to that of the gold-coated cavities.
Harris and Brandt
To increase the laser power above 500 to 1999). This technology is the high power
600 W typically obtained from a single rod, laser diode and its main advantage lies in
requires an increase in the laser volume. having a very narrow spectral output
However, increasing the rod volume has compared with that of the lamp. The diode
fundamental limitations. Heat generated output is matched to the absorption bands of
within the rod causes large thermal the Nd: YAG laser rod thus increasing
gradients which lead to variations in the considerably the efficiency of the laser
refractive index, lowering beam quality, as system. Diode-pumped Nd:YAG lasers
well as large mechanical stresses, which can have much better beam quality because of
cause rod fracture. To obtain higher laser lower induced thermal stresses, are more
powers involves using multiple laser rods compact, require smaller chillers and have
(see Figure 7). The rods are ananged in much longer lifetimes compared to that of
senes and located either within the the lamp pumped systems. Rofin-Sinar and
resonator or some are placed outside the Trumpf are now offering commercial 6 kW
resonator to act as amplifiers. These diode-pumped Nd: YAG lasers with
configurations are discussed and described guaranteed 15,000 h diode operation.
in more detail by Emmelmann (1995).
There are now several systems on the 3.3 Bealn DelivelY and Focusing
market all giving in excess of 2 kW of laser
power with the highest power commercial To guide a CO2 laser beam to the
device producing 6 k W from 8 cavities workpiece, mirrors with precise mechanical
(Trumpf). guides are used to direct the beam along
lightweight, rigid, protective tubes to the
optical components near the work surface.
Different mirror arrangements are used for
2D and 3D motion. To focus a CO2 laser
beam both reflective and transmissive optics
are used. Focusing minors tend to be made
from copper as it is highly reflective at the
laser wavelength and can withstand high
energy densities without damage. Copper
mirrors are usually cooled with water to
minimize thermal distortion.
Harris and Brandt
excellent thetmal and optical properties. while giving good positioning accuracy and
The components are coated to minimize repeatability.
reflection losses. The Nd:YAG laser beam,
in addition to being able to be directed by
mirrors, can also be directed to the
workpiece through an optical fibre
(diameters typically 0.3 - 1 mm). The laser
may be easily switched between optic fibres
to share one laser between several
workstations or to share between
workstations concurrently. Fibres for
Nd:YAG transmission are typically of step
index design, meaning a high refractive
index core surrounded by a cladding of low
refractive index materiaL The change of
refractive index ensures total internal (and
highly efficient) reflection. The optic fiber
allows flexible and indeed remote operation
by robots with losses of 8% with no end
coatings and as little as 2% occurring in the
fibres with quartz windows (Rofin 2000).
Fibres as long as 100 m can be used
effectively (Ishide 1990). Fibres are Figure 9. 3D C02 laser cutting system.
surrounded by a metallic sheath to provide
mechanical protection and typically contain
continuity detection in the case of accidental An example of a 2D system is shown in
bum through, whereupon the laser is Figure 8 where a 2 axis hybrid system using
automatically turned off. a CO2 laser and flying optics can achieve
speeds exceeding 5Om/min and
3.4 Motion Systems accelerations exceeding Ims·2 with an
accuracy of ±0.01 mm. This approach
The focused laser beam is positioned on the offers great flexibility in processing large
workpiece either by moving the optics and sheets and allows complex shapes with
so the beam itself (flying optics, optical intricate detail to be cut. The main
fibres, or galvo optics) or by movement of drawback of these systems is the changing
the workpiece or a combination of both. focal spot position as it traverses the
One-dimensional systems process only in working area. Even though this change is
one direction and are typic ally used in the slight it is sufficient to affect the spot
manufacture of pipe, strip or section. Minor diameter on the workpiece and hence
process adjustments occur through process efficiency.
additional linear positioning axis. Two-
dimensional systems are used for the Three-dimensional systems use 5 or 6 axis
processing of flat surfaces. By moving the gantries or robot systems. For gantry
beam and beam guiding components less systems, positioning is performed using
inertia needs to be overcome than by three linear axes (i.e. X,Y,Z); beam
moving the workpiece. This allows high guidance can be by flexible arm or optical
speeds and high acceleration to be achieved fibre. Often the optics are moved in 2 axes
Harris and Brandt
with the third performed by movement of vapour or the material vapour pressure
the workpiece. The laser optics are also itself shears and ejects molten materiaL
equipped with two rotational axes to ensure This technique generates narrow kerfs
the working surface is perpendicular to the and high quality surfaces for thin
beam path. Figure 9 shows a 3D cutting sections.
system with a 5 axis CNC hybrid system
using a CO 2 laser with mirror beam • Fusion cutting where the incident laser
guidance. Such systems can achieve speeds beam melts the workpiece and high-
exceeding 15m/min and accelerations pressure inert gas blows the molten
exceeding Ims·2 with an accuracy of ±O.Ol material out of the kerf. This method
mm. gives increased cutting rate over
sublimation cutting but includes the
formation of striations on the cut surface
and the adherence of dross to the lower
cut edge. The use of inert gas (typically
at pressures between 1 and 2 MPa)
allows the generation of non-oxidized
cut surfaces.
4. THE LASER CUTTING Figure 11. Laser cut edge produced in mild
MECHANISM steel in the presence of oxygen assist gas. Note
the oxide layer.
The three dominant ways to cut materials
commercially are (Steen 1998): 4.1 Reactive Fusion Cutting ofMild Steel
• Sublimation cutting where the focussed Reactive fusion cutting is normally used
laser beam evaporates the material and when cutting mild steel. The interaction
the co-axial assist gas removes the between molten iron and oxygen produces
Harris and Brandt
an additional source of heat due to the series of steps shown in Figure 12 (Powell
exothennic nature of their interaction. The 1993). The cutting mechanism involves the
exothermic reaction typically provides 40% following steps:
(Ivarson 1991) of the overall heat input to
the cut. This is done by the conversion of (i) The laser beam and co-axial oxygen
approximately 50% of Fe removed to FeO move to the edge of the steel sheet and
and small amounts ofFe203. the area of beam illumination on the
plate increases and temperature rises to
The exothennic reaction between oxygen a point where initially ignition and
and iron is represented by: subsequently melting will occur.
(ii) The melt front once established moves
Fe+~02--+ FeO away from the center of the illuminated
MI = -257.58 kJ/mol (at2000K) area until reaching the outer regions of
illuminated area.
2Fe + 3/2 O2 --+ Fe203 (iii) Having left the energetic area at the site
of illumination, the melt front cools and
AH = -826.72 kJ/mo! (at 2000K) extinguishes.
The process involves melting the material in (iv) The laser then initiates ignition and
the upper section of the workpiece by the melting in the next area and the process
focused beam from the laser. This molten repeats itself.
material transfers its heat to lower areas~
which in tum also melt. All the molten
material is free to react with oxygen present
as the assist gas creating further heat by the
exotheffi1ic reactions shown above. Molten
material is removed through the bottom of
the cut by the shear with the assist gas. As butrJing extinction reinitiation striation genuation
there is continuous interaction between the
energy provided by the focused beam and Figure 12. The periodic nature of the reactive
the workpiece during cutting, a dynamic fusion cutting of steels.
steady state condition is established. The
parameters that influence the cutting process
include laser power (continuous or pulsed), This model clearly explains the regularly
focus position, surface condition of spaced striations left on the cut edges. In the
material, assist gas pressure and cutting top section, the cut striations are more
speed. The interaction between each of regular, however, in the lower half of the
these variables is not completely understood cut random ripples are created by the flow
and the influence of lesser factors (eg beam of the molten material out of the cut zone.
mode, material temperature (Powel1 1993), This random pattern increases with
nozzle clearance (O'Niell 1992») has also increasing material thickness reflecting the
been shown to be significant. An example greater disturbance of the liquid metal
of a reactive fusion cut surface is shown in through the cut zone. The final cut surface is
Figure 11. therefore the result of predominantly
thermodynamic interactions near the top of
The cutting mechanism is shown to be the cut and fluid dynamic interactions
periodic in nature and can be described by a towards the base (powell 1986).
Harris and Brandt
Harris and Brandt
2Fe + 3/2 O2--''''' Fe203 stainless steel fusion cut with high pressure
Llli =·826.72 kJ/mol (at 2000K) nitrogen.
Harris and Brandt
constant, however, the cutting speed does MPa of N2 . When using oxygen assist gas
not reduce proportionately to the thickness however, increasing the oxygen pressure
(Powell 1987). Figure 16 shows the cutting with increasing material thickness results in
speed as a function of material thickness for too much oxygen being present within the
two different qualities of cut (maximum kerf, which leads to excessive burning of
cutting speed is often achieved at the the steel due to the exothennic nature of the
expense of cut quality). It can be observed reaction. Consequently, to counter this
from the graph that a reduction in cut effect, oxygen pressure is reduced with
efficiency occurs with increasing material increasing material thickness. For example}
thickness. 8mm mild steel can be cut at a speed of
1800 mmlmin using an oxygen pressure of
0.2 MPa but when cutting 20 mm thick plate
80 at 1000 mmlrnin the oxygen pressure is
- . - Highest speed
0' 70
- . - Optimal speed
reduced to 0.08 MPa (Powell 1987).
E 60 However, the lower the oxygen pressure,
-g 50
.\\ the more difficult it becomes to shear the
.~ ~\~
g. 40 molten material from the kerf thus limiting
en .. •
30 the cut thickness.
o 20
. :
... Close control of oxygen pressure is essential
o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ to prevent uncontrollable burning of the
o 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
steel away from the heated area. Studies
Cut thickness (mm)
(Gabzdyl 1992) indicate that when cutting
Figure 16. Influence of material thickness on mild steel an increase of only 5 kPa in
cutting speed using a 2.5 kW CO2 laser (Po\vell oxygen pressure from the optimal pressure
1987). can result in excessive bUlning and excess
dross formation at the base of the cut.
Similarly, work by Heidenreich (1996)
This reduction in efficiency as the material using PrandtI boundary flow theory on thick
becomes thicker is attributed to a reduction ship steel plate demonstrated that by careful
in the effectiveness of the assist gas as a selection of oxygen assist gas pressure
melt remover and the loss of heat at the excessive burning could be controlled. Here
bottom of the cut due to conduction. a kerf width of more than 0.5 mm was
Further, as the material thickness increases produced and oxygen pressure of 0.12 MPa
the gas stream travelling downwards was used when cutting 12mrn thick steel.
experiences greater "fanning out" as a result However, solutions for satisfactory cutting
of the greater reflection off the inclined conditions using parameters of power,
cutting front thus progressively reducing the cutting velocity and oxygen assist gas
melt shearing capability of the assist gas pressure show that these three parameters
(Powell 1987). must have certain values and cannot be
varied independently (e.g. cut speed cannot
When cutting thick steels by fusion, the be altered without altering beam power and
assist gas pressure must be increased to oxygen pressure). Further to this,
allow the ejection of molten materiaL A Heidenreich (1996) also shows that changes
typical reported gas pressure (Beyer 1990) in oxygen pressure of less than 0.02 MPa
for fusion cutting of 15mm thick stainless are sufficient to change the cutting process
steels with a 5 kW CO2 laser source is 2 from metal burning to dross adherence.
Harris and Brandl
In order to increase the thickness of the in tum leads to less disturbance of the gas
material that can be cut, one approach is to stream penetrating the cut. Material removal
increase laser power and hence use the occurs as a result of melt shear by the gas
power of the laser to overcome control stream from the oxy-acetylene cutter. An
difficulties of the reactive fusion process. additional gas nozzle is also used and
While there are a number of advantages to directed into the kerf to further assist in the
this approach there are also significant removal of molten metal and prevention of
challenges. At higher laser powers (3.5 kW dross adherence or sealing of the kerf at
and higher) the beam quality beCOlnes high cutting speeds. The resultant quality of
poorer, lifetime of optical components is cut is DIN 2310 grade II with a kerf width
reduced due to thennal loading, equipment of 2.5mm and a HAZ comparable to that of
and running costs are high and cutting an oxy-acetylene cut. The cutting speed is
precision deteriorates. In view of these greater than that for conventional flame or
disadvantages, a number of alternative laser cutting alone. Experiments conducted
approaches are being investigated for on 20 rom and 30 mm thick mild steel plates
cutting thick (> 10mm) steel plate. demonstrated that they could be cut at 1200
mmlmin and 900 mm/min respectively
6. INNOVATIVE PROCESSES TO using a 2 kW CO2 laser, a 150 mm focal
CUT THICK STEEL PLATE length lens and the focus positioned 2.5 rom
ahead of the cutting front (Heidenreich
The following describes several of the 1993).
innovative methods to further increase the
depth of laser cut while still maintaining Though successfully used to cut thick mild
acceptable cut quality. Many of the steel, the method has issues of the
processes described use novel laser directionality of laser/nozzle assembly that
techniques to overcome the limitations of may be overcome by CNC control of an
thick steel cutting already discussed. additional axis. The process also involves
high capital outlay, high gas consumption
6.1 Laser Flame Cutting and lacks a niche application.
Thennal flame cutting is an effective cutting 6.2 Cutting with Dual Focus Lenses
process capable of cutting very thick steels
(Heidem'eich 1993). Its main drawback, The most effective energy source shape for
however, is that it is a slow process ("'" 400 cutting is a line source (O'Neill 1999),
mmlmin for 19 mm thick mild steel (Powell because it can distribute the energy
1993). Lasers on the other hand cut at high uniformly throughout the depth of the cut.
speed depending on the material thickness. During reactive fusion cutting of steel, the
By combining the two techniques the exothennic interaction of the melt with the
advantages of each can be exploited. narrow oxygen jet as it travels down the
kerf does assist in the creation of an ideal
In the augmented laser oxy-acetylene line energy source. For mild steels greater
technique the material is heated by an oxy- than 10 rom in thickness the focal point is
acetylene flame that is inclined at an angle typically positioned at the top surface of the
of 85° to the metal sheet with the laser beam workpiece to allow a significant intensity of
heating a small workpiece area in front of light on this surface to initiate the cutting
the oxy-acetylene cutting nozzle. The laser process and to achieve process stability with
heating creates a larger molten zone, which acceptable cut quality. For fusion cutting of
Harris and Brandt
Harris and Brandt
6.3 CO2 Beam Sawing with Adaptive Optics thickness without a decrease in cut quaHty
using a 2.2 kW CO2 laser.
This technique involves the oscillation of Using a focal length of 160 mm the initial
the focus position, by several millimetres, in focus position was Imm above the surface
the same direction as the material thickness of the workpiece. The maximum focus
as a result of one of the reflective mirrors of travel distance was 4.5 mm after which the
a CO2 laser being plastically deformed by a beam intensity at the top of the cut was
piezo-electric actuator (Geiger 1996). An reduced sufficiently to allow fonnation of
external voltage controls the defonnation excessive dross. Results show that
frequency from 0 Hz to the experimental striations in the top section of the cut reflect
limit of 100 Hz. This method has been the frequency of the oscillating beam as is
shown to cut mild steel up to 16 mm shown in Figure 18.
h! -meosur 119
.) mOl rJi~l()if
the tou sid~:
5 mrn
OXj'gen ossisled loser beam sawing 25H1 leser beam sowing tomb
Il)~erbeam Gutting
Rz -measuring
~ 3mm below
the top side
~ 1.0 mm
cutting gas: 01 pressure: 1.1*105 Po
focol shift: 4-.5 mm velocity: 0.7 m/min
Figure 19. Cut surface profile showing reduced amplitude of striations with increasing sawing
frequency (Geiger 1996).
Harris and Brandt
Harris and Brandt
buffer " is created using an outer annulus to The device shows promise for commercial
allow a turbulent mixing zone. This allows exploitation because of the ease of
the primary cutting jet to experience less integration with standard cutting head
mixing with the atmosphere (i.e. the designs. The main drawback of the device
entrainment process still occurs but in the is the increase in oxygen consumption rate.
outer jet). A combined theoretical and
experimental oxygen concentration with and 6.5 Dual-bealn CO 2 Laser Cutting of Thick
without buffer is shown in Figure 20(b). Metallic Materials
Results of cutting 10 mm, 16 mm and 20 When focusing laser light onto a workpiece
lnln grade 43A mild steel plate with and there may be coupling problems if plasma is
without the buffer jet demonstrate formed at the surface. By using two laser
significant improvement in cut quality for a beams separated by a small distance there
given cut speed when the buffer jet is used. can be improvement in coupling efficiency
There is little change in cut quality for the due to minimization of the laser plasma
10 nun plate because at a depth of 10 nun interactions. There is also an advantage due
there is only a 1% reduction in oxygen to the increased absorption associated with
concentration for a single nozzle. There is, the molten surface (Molian 1993). The dual
however, a significant improvement in cut beam approach was adopted by Molian and
quality for the 16 and 20 mm thick plate used in laser cutting experiments. The
using a central pressure of 0.05 MPa and an process involves beams from two CO2
outer flow greater than 30 Vmin. lasers of po\ver 1.5 kW each delivered
through a single beam duct. Both focused
Processing with the co-axial nozzle has beams were 0.1 mm in diameter, with foci
allowed the cutting of thick steel plate positioned 6 mm apart and set 1/3 of the
producing clean cut edges and effective material thickness below the top surface.
removal of dross as a result of increased Nozzle diameter was 10 mm with oxygen
exothermic energy at the base of the cut. pressure set at 137 kPa (Malian 1993).
Harris and Brandt
The first beam partially penetrates the and analytically demonstrated that the
moving workpiece and fonns a blind maximum cutting speed increases as beams
cylindrical keyhole. The second laser are separated in the direction of the cutting
impinges on the molten region created by velocity, the optimum depth could be gained
the first beam and further heats it, by combining the two beams into one
vaporizing some material and superheating single, more powerful beam. Technical
the remainder. The oxygen assist gas aids difficulties were reported however in
the cutting process with its exothermic achieving a stable beam coincidence within
reaction and in the ejection of molten one spot diameter (0.1 mm). Evidence of cut
droplets. A schematic of the technique is quality was not presented, the paper instead
given in Figure 21. being significant in the development of and
verification of heat flow models through
Again, this approach demonstrates an ability
~ 30 to increase the thickness of steel plate that
S 25 can be cut but its major disadvantage is that
20 it has directional dependence thus making it
c 15 difficult to use for profile cutting.
6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Thickness (mm)
Harris and Brandt
cOlnbustion of the iron takes place, the and controlled by the oxygen assist gas
power generated in such a process is given delivered co-axially with the beam.
in Table 2. Hence, large power is available
to the cutting process. However, to generate The Lasox method employs a nozzle
this power there must be sufficient oxygen assembly and a short focal length lens
delivered to the kerf. It is well documented where the focal length is within the
that during the cutting of thick steel nozzle/lens housing. This results in a highly
sections, side burning becomes an issue. To divergent laser beam exiting the nozzle with
minimize this effect oxygen pressure 1S a co-axial oxygen gas stream. The nozzle
reduced to less that 100 kPa. diameter is such that the laser interaction
area is greater than the gas jet interaction
In the Lasox process (see Figure 23) a laser area but the laser interaction still generates
beam is employed to assist the oxygen temperatures well above the critical 900°C
cutting process. The laser is used to preheat (O'Niell 1998) required for initiation of the
the material while the cutting is performed exothermic reaction.
Table 2. Calculated exothermic power generated in thick section laser cutting (O'Niell 1998).
30 2 500 18.5
50 3 300 21.52
Harris and Brandt
The laser/oxygen jet interaction ensures that this system to existing lasers making its
a reaction can be initiated across the whole implementation attractive.
of the oxygen jet, maximizing reaction yield
and ensuring that the Lasox condition is
met. Heating of the workpiece occurs at the
surface and the ensuing exothermic reaction
occurs through the depth of the cut. If the
above laser/gas condition is not met, a poor
quality cut is generated as a result of
uncontrolled metal burning. It is essential
to realize that the laser is depositing very
little energy into the depth of the cut and
that oxygen is the facilitator of melt
production. Results of cutting trials using a
2 kW CO2 laser and 20 mm, 30 mm and 50
nun mild steel plate (O'Niell 1998) sho\v
that the cutting action is driven almost Figure 24. Lasox profile cuts in 40 mm thick
exclusively by the oxygen jet reaction and EN9 steel (O'Neill 1998).
that the laser contributes little to the overall
energy of the process. lliustrated in Table 3
are the cutting speeds obtained. 6.7 Thick Plate Cutting with a Spinning
Laser Beam
It was observed that as the cut speed
increases above optimum) dross levels Another approach that has shown potential
increase dramatically. Under optimum for cutting thick section steels involves
cutting conditions the cut taper was shown spinning the laser beam while performing a
to be less than 1 degree with the top edge conventional laser reactive fusion cut. The
square as compared to conventional oxy- feasibility of this approach was
flame cutting which produces a round edge. demonstrated by Arai (1997) who used a 1.8
The HAZ was of similar thickness to flame kW CO2 laser to cut mild steel and stainless
cutting in the body of the workpiece but steel plate up to 25 mm thick while
without any increase near the top surface as maintaining high cut quality. It was also
produced by flame impingement in flame demonstrated that there was minimal HAZ
cutting. Widening of the HAZ occurs at the and distortion. To produce the desired
base of the cut if optimum conditions are effect, a window is placed in the beam path
not sustained due to a reduction of melt at an angle to the beam axis as can be seen
flow velocity. Also, piercing is found to be in Figure 25. This produces a lateral shift of
possible along with trepanning though some focal position. Rotating the window causes
amount of taper is expected. The cutting of the laser beam to form a spiral path as it is
profiles was shown to be feasible as moved across the workpiece.
illustrated in Figure 24.
While Arai demonstrated that relatively lo\v
Consequently~ Lasox is a relatively simple power lasers can be used to cut thick steel
process that shows promise for cutting of plate with acceptable quality, little
thick section steel plate using a controlled infotmation was presented as to the
ignition process and only moderate laser mechanisms responsible for the increase in
power. It may also be feasible to retrofit thickness. In order to understand the
Harris and Brandt
processes occuning during spinning beam in an increase in maximum cut depth from
laser cutting, a project was initiated to 12 to 15 mm when compared to
determine the key process controlling conventional cutting. This is illustrated in
factors and determine the maximum Figure 28 where a comparison between
material thickness that can be cut with a conventional cutting and spinning beam
fixed laser power. The project is part of a cutting of the various plate thicknesses is
larger project involving the cutting of thick shown. Attempts at cutting the 20 mm thick
steel plate with laser beams supported by plate were pal1ially successful. While the
the Co-operative Research Center for cut depth was increased, excessive dross
Intelligent Manufacturing Systems and accumulated at the base of the kerf and
Technologies (CRCIMST). there was excessive burning of the sides.
From the figure it can be observed that a
continuity of the conventional cutting
Lens characteristics extends into the spinning
beam area. That is, as cutting progresses
into those thicknesses cut by the spinning
beam, the one characteristic curve can
describe both processes for a given laser
Harris and Brandt
400um 920um
r t
(a) (b)
Figure 27. Beam marking at 200W representing (a) a conventional cut and (b) spinning beam cut at
440 RPM} 220 ~m offset and 150 mmlmin cutting speed.
Harris and Brandt
2000 RPM
Harris and Brandt
limitations inherent with the reactive fusion Belforte, D. A. (Jan. 2001). "The new year
cutting of thick steel plate. These limitations repeats the old H • Industrial Laser
are primarily attributed to a reduction in Solutions, 13 18.
shear forces produced by the assist gas as Bharti, A. and Sivakumar, R. (1996).
the cut depth increases and a need to reduce "Mechanism of material removal in laser
oxygen assist gas pressure to control fusion cutting". Lasers in Engineering, ~,
burning. These two complementary factors 87-105.
appear to limit the thickness of material that Convergent web site~ www.convergent-
may be cut. To overcome these factors a energy. com.
number of innovative cutting techniques Dawes, D. G. (Dec 1987). "Growing
described above are being investigated. The crystals for solid state lasers"', Lasers and
spinning beam method shows potential for Optronics.
cutting thick steel plate, demonstrating Duly, W. W., Semple, D. 1., Morency, J ..P.
significant increase in cutting depth when and Grovel, M. (1979). "Coupling co-
efficient for CW CO 2 laser radiation on
compared to conventional cutting at the
stainless steer'. Optics and Laser
same laser power. Further work is being
Technology~ 281.
undertaken to fully understand the
Emmelmann, C. and Lunding, S. (1995).
mechanisms responsible for this increase in
"Introduction to industrial laser material
cut thickness. processing". by Rofin Sinar Laser
GmbH, Hamburg, Germany.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Emmelmann, C. and Piening, A. (June
1999). "Diode-pumped solid-state lasers
The authors wish to thank CRCIMST for for industrial laser material processing".
funding the spinning beam project. The Proceedings 32 ISATA, Vienna, 359 -
CRCIMST was established under and is 366.
supported in part by the Australian Engblom, G. and Falck, K. (1990). "Quality
Government's Cooperative Research classification of thermally cut surfaces -
Centres Scheme. comprehensive review of different
standards". Welding in the World, 28, no.
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