Study On The Preparation of Biscuit and Cake From
Study On The Preparation of Biscuit and Cake From
Study On The Preparation of Biscuit and Cake From
Study on the Preparation of Biscuit and Cake from Amaranthus and Sorghum
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1 author:
Roman Karki
Nepal Agricultural Research Council
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Biscuit and cake were prepared from amaranthus and sorghum flour at the proportion of 20, 30, 40 and 50% with wheat
flour. Sensory evaluation was carried out and there was no significant difference (p≤0.05) in texture in the different biscuit
made from amaranthus flour. However there was significant difference in color, taste, smell and overall acceptance in
amaranthus biscuits. In case of sorghum biscuit there was significant difference in texture and no significant difference in
color, taste, smell and overall acceptance. Similarly, there was significant difference in color, texture, smell, taste and overall
acceptance between amaranthus cakes. However, there was significant difference in color of sorghum cake and the difference
was insignificant in texture, taste, smell and overall acceptance. Thus it can be concluded that biscuit and cake can be made
commercially, It can be recommended that biscuit and cake from amaranthus and sorghum can be promoted as potential
health benefiting food products.
Karki et al., : J. Food Sci. Technol. Nepal, Vol. 9 (79-84), 2016
tranquilizer effects. Thus it is used in pharmaceutical during processing (Vivas et al., 1992).
preparations and functional foods such as gammalone, dairy
products, gabaron tea and shochu (Coda et al., 2010). Materials and Methods
These underutilized cereals, with numerous health benefits, Amaranthus and sorghum was obtained from Lamgung
have ample possibility of processing them into desirable District. Biscuits were prepared from amaranthus and
and nutritious processed products by baking, germination, sorghum flour at the proportion of 20, 30, 40 and 50 % of
malting, extrusion, popping, puffing, flaking, pelleting, etc. total flour with remaining percentage of wheat flour. The
Thus local and improved cultivars of these cereals need to control was also prepared with 100% wheat flour. All the
be evaluated for processing and nutritional characteristics products were prepared in NARC laboratory, Lalitpur. The
keeping in view of retention of protein quality and quantity recipe is given below
Particulars Amount
Total flour 1000 g
Grinded Sugar 300 g
Vegetable Ghee 100 g
Baking Powder 20 g
Ammonium Bicarbonate 15 g
Water 400 ml
The wheat flour, amaranthus and sorghum flour were mixed well by sieving at 60 mesh size sieve.
Out of given proportion of water 50g grinded sugar was added in 200 ml water. Baking powder and ammonium
bicarbonate were also added.
Vegetable ghee was melted and remaining amount of grinded sugar was added to make a paste.
The paste of vegetable ghee and grinded sugar was added to the mix described in no 1.
The remaining water was added and the dough was made.
The sheet was made of thickness 4-5 mm and the biscuit were cut into circle by biscuit cutter.
The biscuits were baked in hot air baking oven at 2200 C for 17 minutes.
Particulars Amount
Total Flour 1000 g
Grinded Sugar 700 g
Vegetable Ghee 500 g
Egg 10 pieces
Baking Powder 20 g
Water 370 ml
Karki et al., : J. Food Sci. Technol. Nepal, Vol. 9 (79-84), 2016
The vegetable ghee was melted and remaining amount of grinded sugar was added to make a cream.
The cream was added to the flour in no 1 and total amount of water was added to make the batter.
The batter was added to the small bowl (half filled) and baked in hot air baking oven at 2100C for 30- 35 minutes.
Sensory evaluation
The sensory evaluation of lab prepared products was carried out by hedonic ranking scale test as per the procedure given by
Rangana, (2005).
Statistical analysis
Data obtained were analyzed statistically by using analysis of variance (ANOVA) by statistical program known as Genstat
release 7.22, Discovery edition, 2004, developed by VSN International Ltd. Sample means were compared by LSD method
at 95% level of significance.
The sensory evaluation data of biscuits made from Amaranthus is given in Table 3. There is significant difference (p ≤0.05)
in color, taste, smell and overall acceptance; the texture however is not significantly different among samples.
There was no significant difference (p≤0.05) in color flour. The control had the significantly lower value than
between the biscuit made from wheat flour (control) and 40 and 50% amaranthus flour.There was no significant
bisuit made from 20% and 30% amaranthus flour. Biscuit difference between the biscuits made from amaranthus
made from 40% amaranthus flour had significantly higher flour but biscuit made form 40 and 50% amaranthus flour
value than control, 20% and 30% amaranthus four. There had significantly higher values than control.There was no
was no significant difference between 40% and 50% significant difference (p≤0.05) among the biscuit made from
amaranthus flour where as color of biscuit made from 50% 20, 30, 40 and 50% amaranthus flour (Table 3) but biscuit
amaranthus flour had higher value than 20% amaranthus made from 40 and 50% amaranthus flour had significantly
flour.The biscuit made form 20 and 30% amaranthus flour higher value than wheat flour (control). The biscuit made
had significantly lower value than 40 and 50% amaranthus from 20% and 30% amaranthus flour had significantly
Karki et al., : J. Food Sci. Technol. Nepal, Vol. 9 (79-84), 2016
lower value than biscuit made from 40% amaranthus flour. in composite flour decrease the sensory score of biscuit.
The control has also significantly lower value than biscuit Badroja-Solarov et al., (2008) reported that bread prepared
made from 40 and 50% amaranthus flour. with 15% amaranthus flour was acceptable in terms of
sensory score)
Sindhuja et al., (2005) reported that cookies prepared from
composite wheat flour containing 25% amaranthus flour, Sensory quality of cake prepared from Amaranthus
was comparable in terms of sensory evaluation compared
to cookies prepared from wheat flour Baljeet et al., 2010 The sensory evaluation data of cake made from amaranthus
revealed that increase in percentage of buckwheat flour is given in Table 4. There was significant difference (p≤0.05)
in texture, color, taste, smell and overall acceptance.
Table 4. Sensory evaluation of cake made from amaranthus
There was significant difference between cake made from flour was significantly higher than of cake made from 40%
40% amaranthus flour and cake made from 20 and 30% and 50% Amaranthus flour. The overall acceptance of 40%
amaranthus flour. The cake made from 40% amaranthus and 50% amaranthus flour was significantly lower than cake
flour had significantly lower values. The cake made from made from 20 and 30% amaranthus flour as well as control.
wheat flour had significantly higher values than rest of
the cakes. The smell of cake made from 20% and 30% Shyam and Raghuvanshi (2015) reported that cake prepared
amaranthus flour were significantly higher value than cake from composite flour with 40% amaranthus flour was found
made from 40% and 50% amaranthus flour. The cake made to be best in terms of sensory evaluation.
from wheat flour was significantly higher than cakes made
Sensory Quality of biscuit prepared from Sorghum
from 40% and 50% amaranthus flour. The taste of cake made
from 20% amaranthus flour and control were significantly The sensory evaluation data of biscuit made from sorghum
higher than cake made from 40 and 50% amaranthus flour. (junelo) is given in Table 5. There was significant difference
The texture of cake made from 20% and 30% Amaranthus (p≤0.05) in texture of the biscuit. The difference in color,
flour were significantly higher than cake made from 50% taste, smell and overall acceptance was insignificant.
Amaranthus flour. The texture of cake made from wheat
Karki et al., : J. Food Sci. Technol. Nepal, Vol. 9 (79-84), 2016
There was no significant difference between the biscuit Adebowale et al., (2012) revealed that biscuit made from
made from different proportion of amaranthus flour and wheat flour with 20% sorghum flour were comparable in
control. There was no significantly different values for trems of physical property to biscuit made from 100% wheat
smell among the biscuit samples. The taste of the biscuit flour. Oluwamukomi et al., (2011) reported that biscuit
made from 20% seto junelo was significantly higher than made from composite flour containg 30% cassava flour was
biscuit made from 50% seto junelo, 40% rato junelo and comparable in terms of sensory score to biscuit made from
control. Similarly, 40% seto junelo biscuit had significantly 100% wheat flour.
higher than control sample. The texture of biscuit made
from wheat flour was significantly lower than biscuit made Sensory quality of cake prepared from Sorghum
from amaranthus flour. However, there wasis no significant The sensory evaluation data of cake made from sorghum
difference between biscuit made from different proportion (junelo) is given in Table 6. There was significant difference
of sorghum. The control sample is significantly lower than (p≤0.05) in color of the cake. The difference in texture,
biscuits made from 20% seto junelo (white sorghum), 40% taste, smell and overall acceptance was insignificant.
seto junelo and 20% rato junelo (red sorghum). Rests of the
samples had insignificant values for overall acceptance.
Samples LSD
Parameter Control Sorghum Sorghum Sorghum Sorghum
20% 30% 40% 50%
Color 7.62±1.04a 6.92±1.04ab 6.15±1.52b 7.77±0.93a 7.08±1.26ab 0.92
Smell 6.92±1.19 a
6.77±0.83a 7.23±0.73a 6.92±0.86a 0.73
Taste 7.08±1.04 ab
7.08±0.95 ab
6.77±0.73a 7.77±0.93b 7.0±0.82a 0.70
Texture 7.0±1.08 a
6.77±1.17 a
6.38±0.96a 7.0±0.91a 6.7±1.36a 0.87
Ove. Acc. 7.31±1.18ab 7.08±0.86ab 6.69±0.63a 7.62±0.77b 7.15±0.9ab 0.70
* Values are means± standard deviation
** Values with different superscript in same row are significantly different
There was significantly lower value of cake made from 30% values. To conclude that it is possible to make biscuits
sorghum flour with cakes made from 40% sorghum flour and from amaranth and sorghum which is comparable to biscuit
control. Rest of the samples had insignificant values. There made from wheat flour. Similarly in case of cakes there
was no significant difference in smell among the samples. was significant difference between control samples and
The cake made from 40% sorghum flour had significantly cake made from amaranth and sorghum flour. Even though,
lower value than 50% sorghum flour. Rests of the samples we can make the cake from amaranth and sorghum flour
were insignificant to each other. There was no significant comparable to wheat flour.
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