Aa 324-En
Aa 324-En
Aa 324-En
Known as LOCTITE® 324™
October -2021
Electrical Properties
Cure Speed vs. Substrate Dielectric Constant / Dissipation Factor, IEC 60250:
The rate of cure will depend on the substrate used. The graph 100-Hz 5.5 / 0.033
below shows the shear strength developed with time @ 23°C 1-kHz 5.2 / 0.031
on grit blasted steel lap shears compared to different materials 1-MHz 4.5 / 0.004
and tested according to ISO 4587. (Activator 7387™ applied to Dielectric Breakdown Strength, IEC 60243-1, 73
one surface). kV/mm
100 Surface Resistivity, IEC 60093, Ω 2×1017
% of Full Strength on Steel
75 Adhesive Properties
Aluminum After 24 hours @ 23 °C, Activator 7387™ on 1 side
Lap Shear Strength ISO 4587:
50 Steel (grit blasted):
0 mm gap N/mm² 18
(psi) (2,600)
25 0.5 mm gap N/mm² 11
(psi) (1,600)
For the most direct access to local sales and technical support visit: www.henkel.com/industrial
TDS LOCTITE® AA 324, October -2021
100 °C
Storage information may be indicated on the product container
75 labeling.
120 °C Optimal Storage: 8 °C to 21 °C. Storage below 8 °C or
greater than 28 °C can adversely affect product properties.
50 Material removed from containers may be contaminated during
use. Do not return product to the original container. Henkel
Corporation cannot assume responsibility for product which
25 has been contaminated or stored under conditions other than
those previously indicated. If additional information is required,
please contact your local Henkel representative.
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Product Specification
Exposure Time, hours The technical data contained herein are intended as reference
only and are not considered specifications for the product.
Product specifications are located on the Certificate of Analysis
Chemical/Solvent Resistance
or please contact Henkel representative.
Aged under conditions indicated and tested @ 23°C
% of initial strength Approval and Certificate
Environment °C 720 h Please contact Henkel representative for related approval or
Motor oil (MIL-L-46152) 87 100 certificate of this product.
Humidity, 98% RH 50 50 Data Ranges
Water/glycol 50/50 150 20 The data contained herein may be reported as a typical value.
Values are based on actual test data and are verified on a
This product is not recommended for use in pure oxygen Temperature/Humidity Ranges: 23°C / 50% RH = 23+2°C / 50+
and/or oxygen rich systems and should not be selected as 5% RH
a sealant for chlorine or other strong oxidizing materials.
For safe handling information on this product, consult the Conversions
Safety Data Sheet (SDS). (°C x 1.8) + 32 = °F
kV/mm x 25.4 = V/mil
Where aqueous washing systems are used to clean the mm / 25.4 = inches
surfaces before bonding, it is important to check for µm / 25.4 = mil
compatibility of the washing solution with the adhesive. In N x 0.225 = lb
some cases these aqueous washes can affect the cure and N/mm x 5.71 = lb/in
performance of the adhesive. N/mm² x 145 = psi
MPa x 145 = psi
This product is not normally recommended for use on plastics N·m x 8.851 = lb·in
(particularly thermoplastic materials where stress cracking of N·m x 0.738 = lb·ft
the plastic could result). Users are recommended to confirm N·mm x 0.142 = oz·in
compatibility of the product with such substrates. mPa·s = cP
The information provided in this Technical Data Sheet (TDS) including
the recommendations for use and application of the product are based
on our knowledge and experience of the product as at the date of this
TDS. The product can have a variety of different applications as well as
For the most direct access to local sales and technical support visit: www.henkel.com/industrial
TDS LOCTITE® AA 324, October -2021
Trademark usage
Except as otherwise noted, all trademarks in this document are
trademarks of Henkel Corporation in the U.S. and elsewhere. ®
denotes a trademark registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark
Reference 3.5
For the most direct access to local sales and technical support visit: www.henkel.com/industrial