Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management: Configuration Guide Release 2.0.1 Service Pack 8

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Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management

Configuration Guide
Release 2.0.1 Service Pack 8

October 2012
Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management/Meter Data Management Installation and Configuration Guide,
Volume 1, Release 2.0.1 Service Pack 8
Copyright © 1999, 2012 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Primary Author: Lou Prosperi
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Chapter 1
Overview............................................................................................................................................................. 1-1
What Is This Book?........................................................................................................................................................ 1-2
Other Documentation................................................................................................................................... 1-3
Architecture Overview .................................................................................................................................................. 1-5
Oracle Utilities Application Framework Configuration Tools................................................................................ 1-6
“Lite” Business Objects ................................................................................................................................ 1-6
Data Areas....................................................................................................................................................... 1-6
Algorithms....................................................................................................................................................... 1-6
Entity Naming Conventions ........................................................................................................................ 1-7
Configuration Process Overview ................................................................................................................................. 1-8
Basic Configuration Steps - Design Your Business Objects................................................................... 1-8
Basic Configuration Steps - Create Your Business Objects .................................................................... 1-8
Basic Configuration Steps - Create Portals and Zones ............................................................................ 1-9
Basic Configuration Steps - Create Master Data....................................................................................... 1-9
Chapter 2
General Configuration ...................................................................................................................................... 2-1
Installation Options ....................................................................................................................................................... 2-2
Base Time Zone ............................................................................................................................................. 2-2
Installation Algorithms.................................................................................................................................. 2-2
Master Configuration..................................................................................................................................................... 2-3
Meter Data Framework Master Configurations........................................................................................ 2-3
Meter Data Management Master Configurations ..................................................................................... 2-4
Chapter 3
Setting Up Admin Data .................................................................................................................................... 3-1
Understanding Admin Data.......................................................................................................................................... 3-2
General Admin Data ..................................................................................................................................... 3-2
Device Management Admin Data............................................................................................................... 3-3
Device Installation Admin Data .................................................................................................................. 3-4
Device Communication Admin Data ......................................................................................................... 3-5
VEE Rule Admin Data ................................................................................................................................. 3-6
Usage Management Admin Data................................................................................................................. 3-6
Admin Setup Reference Tables.................................................................................................................................... 3-9
Setup Sequence............................................................................................................................................... 3-9
Administration Setup and Maintenance ..................................................................................................... 3-9
Chapter 4
Devices, Measuring Components, and, Device Configurations ...................................................................... 4-1
Understanding Devices, Measuring Components, and Device Configurations ................................................... 4-2
Devices ............................................................................................................................................................ 4-2
Measuring Components ................................................................................................................................ 4-2
Device Configurations .................................................................................................................................. 4-6
Devices In Detail............................................................................................................................................................ 4-7

Maintenance Object - D1-DEVICE........................................................................................................... 4-7
Meter Data Framework Base Package Device Business Objects ........................................................... 4-7
Configuration Options .................................................................................................................................. 4-8
Example Device - D1-SmartMeter.............................................................................................................. 4-8
Device Configurations In Detail ................................................................................................................................ 4-10
Maintenance Object - D1-DVCCONFIG............................................................................................... 4-10
Meter Data Framework Base Package Device Configuration Business Objects ............................... 4-10
Configuration Options ................................................................................................................................ 4-11
Example Device Configuration - D1-DeviceConfiguration ................................................................. 4-11
Measuring Component Types In Detail ................................................................................................................... 4-13
Maintenance Object - D1-MCTYPE........................................................................................................ 4-13
Meter Data Framework Base Package Measuring Component Type Business Objects................... 4-14
Configuration Options ................................................................................................................................ 4-15
Example Measuring Component Type - D1-IntervalChannelTypePhysical ...................................... 4-16
Meter Data Management Base Package Measuring Component Type Business Objects ................ 4-18
Measuring Components In Detail ............................................................................................................................. 4-19
Maintenance Object - D1-MEASRCOMP .............................................................................................. 4-19
Meter Data Framework Base Package Measuring Component Business Objects............................. 4-20
Configuration Options ................................................................................................................................ 4-21
Example Measuring Component - D1-IntervalChannel........................................................................ 4-22
Meter Data Management Base Package Measuring Component Business Objects .......................... 4-23
Base Package Interval Initial Measurement Functions........................................................................... 4-25
Base Package Measuring Component Consumption Functions .......................................................... 4-26
Configuring Devices, Measuring Components, and Device Configurations ...................................................... 4-27
Configuring Custom Devices..................................................................................................................... 4-27
Configuring Custom Device Configurations........................................................................................... 4-27
Configuring Custom Measuring Component Types .............................................................................. 4-27
Configuring Custom Measuring Components ........................................................................................ 4-28
Chapter 5
Service Points and Device Installation ............................................................................................................. 5-1
Understanding Service Points and Device Installation............................................................................................. 5-2
Service Points ................................................................................................................................................. 5-2
Contacts........................................................................................................................................................... 5-2
Installation Events ......................................................................................................................................... 5-2
Service Providers............................................................................................................................................ 5-3
Measurement Cycles ...................................................................................................................................... 5-4
Service Points in Detail.................................................................................................................................................. 5-6
Maintenance Object - D1-SP ....................................................................................................................... 5-6
Meter Data Framework Base Package Service Point Business Objects ................................................ 5-6
Configuration Options .................................................................................................................................. 5-7
Example Service Point - D1-ServicePoint ................................................................................................. 5-8
Meter Data Management Based Package Service Point Business Objects ........................................... 5-9
Contacts in Detail......................................................................................................................................................... 5-10
Maintenance Object - D1-CONTACT .................................................................................................... 5-10
Meter Data Framework Base Package Contact Business Objects........................................................ 5-10
Example Contact - D1-Business ............................................................................................................... 5-11
Install Events in Detail ................................................................................................................................................ 5-12
Maintenance Object - D1-INSTLEVT .................................................................................................... 5-12
Meter Data Framework Base Package Install Event Business Objects............................................... 5-12
Example Install Event - D1-SmartMeterInstallEvent............................................................................ 5-13
Service Providers in Detail.......................................................................................................................................... 5-15
Maintenance Object - D1-SVCPROVDR ............................................................................................... 5-15
Meter Data Framework Base Package Service Provider Business Objects ........................................ 5-15
Configuration Options ................................................................................................................................ 5-16

Example Service Provider - D1-HeadEndSystem .................................................................................. 5-16
Processing Methods in Detail..................................................................................................................................... 5-18
Maintenance Object - D1-PROCMETHD ............................................................................................. 5-18
Meter Data Framework Base Package Business Objects....................................................................... 5-18
Configuration Options ................................................................................................................................ 5-19
Example Processing Method - D1-HowToCreateMCInformation..................................................... 5-21
Meter Data Management Base Package Processing Method Business Objects and Configuration Op-
tions................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5-23
Configuring Service Point and Device Installation Objects .................................................................................. 5-25
Configuring Custom Service Points.......................................................................................................... 5-25
Configuring Custom Contacts ................................................................................................................... 5-25
Configuring Custom Install Events........................................................................................................... 5-25
Configuring Custom Service Providers .................................................................................................... 5-26
Configuring Custom Processing Methods ............................................................................................... 5-26
Chapter 6
Measurement Data............................................................................................................................................ 6-1
Understanding Initial Measurement Data and Final Measurements ...................................................................... 6-2
Initial Measurement Data ............................................................................................................................. 6-2
Final Measurements..................................................................................................................................... 6-10
Daylight Saving Time Support................................................................................................................... 6-11
Initial Measurement Data In Detail........................................................................................................................... 6-14
Maintenance Object - D1-IMD................................................................................................................. 6-14
Base Package Business Objects ................................................................................................................. 6-14
Configuration Options ................................................................................................................................ 6-16
Example Initial Measurement - D1-InitialLoadIMDInterval ............................................................... 6-16
Meter Data Management Base Package Initial Measurement Data Business Objects...................... 6-17
Measurements In Detail .............................................................................................................................................. 6-19
Maintenance Object - D1-MSRMT .......................................................................................................... 6-19
Base Package Device Business Objects.................................................................................................... 6-19
Configuration Options ................................................................................................................................ 6-19
Example Device - D1-Measurement ........................................................................................................ 6-20
Meter Data Management Base Package Measurement Business Objects ........................................... 6-21
Configuring Initial Measurements and Measurements ........................................................................................... 6-22
Configuring Custom Initial Measurements.............................................................................................. 6-22
Configuring Custom Measurements ......................................................................................................... 6-22
Chapter 7
Validation, Editing, and Estimation ................................................................................................................ 7-1
Understanding Validation, Editing, and Estimation ................................................................................................. 7-2
Overview of the Validation, Editing, and Estimation Process ............................................................... 7-2
VEE Rules and VEE Groups ...................................................................................................................... 7-2
VEE Roles ...................................................................................................................................................... 7-6
VEE Exceptions ............................................................................................................................................ 7-6
VEE Groups In Detail .................................................................................................................................................. 7-9
Maintenance Object - D1-VEEGROUP ................................................................................................... 7-9
Meter Data Framework Base Package VEE Group Business Objects ................................................. 7-9
Example VEE Group - D1-VEEGroup.................................................................................................. 7-10
VEE Rules In Detail .................................................................................................................................................... 7-11
Maintenance Object - D1-VEERULE ..................................................................................................... 7-11
Meter Data Framework Base Package VEE Rule Business Objects ................................................... 7-11
Configuration Options ................................................................................................................................ 7-13
Meter Data Management Base Package VEE Rule Business Objects................................................. 7-16
Base Package VEE Rules Summary.......................................................................................................... 7-17
Base Package VEE Rule Descriptions...................................................................................................... 7-19
VEE Eligibility Criteria In Detail............................................................................................................................... 7-54

Maintenance Object - D1-VEEELIGCR ................................................................................................ 7-54
Meter Data Framework Base Package VEE Eligibility Criteria Business Objects ............................ 7-54
Configuration Options ................................................................................................................................ 7-55
Example VEE Eligibility Criteria - D1-VEEEligibilityCriteria ............................................................ 7-55
VEE Exceptions In Detail.......................................................................................................................................... 7-56
Maintenance Object - D1-VEEEXCP ..................................................................................................... 7-56
Meter Data Framework Base Package VEE Exception Business Objects ......................................... 7-56
Example VEE Exception - D1-VEEException ..................................................................................... 7-56
Configuring VEE Groups, Rules, Eligibility Criteria, and Exceptions................................................................ 7-58
Configuring Custom VEE Groups ........................................................................................................... 7-58
Configuring Custom VEE Rules ............................................................................................................... 7-58
Configuring Custom VEE Eligibility Criteria.......................................................................................... 7-59
Configuring Custom VEE Exceptions..................................................................................................... 7-59
Creating Generic Utility VEE Rules ......................................................................................................... 7-59
Chapter 8
Device Communication and Device Events..................................................................................................... 8-1
Understanding Device Communication ..................................................................................................................... 8-2
Activities .......................................................................................................................................................... 8-2
Communications ............................................................................................................................................ 8-4
Completion Events........................................................................................................................................ 8-9
Understanding the Command Communication Process ....................................................................... 8-10
Understanding Device Events.................................................................................................................................... 8-12
Device Events............................................................................................................................................... 8-12
Activities in Detail ........................................................................................................................................................ 8-15
Maintenance Object - D1-ACTIVITY..................................................................................................... 8-15
Meter Data Framework Base Package Activity Business Objects........................................................ 8-15
Configuration Options ................................................................................................................................ 8-18
Example Activity - D1-RemoteConnect .................................................................................................. 8-18
Meter Data Management Base Package Activity Business Objects ..................................................... 8-20
Inbound Communications in Detail.......................................................................................................................... 8-21
Maintenance Object - D1-COMMIN....................................................................................................... 8-21
Meter Data Framework Base Package Inbound Communication Business Objects ........................ 8-21
Example Inbound Communication - D1-CommInLite ........................................................................ 8-22
Outbound Communications in Detail ...................................................................................................................... 8-23
Maintenance Object - D1-COMMOUT .................................................................................................. 8-23
Meter Data Framework Base Package Outbound Communication Business Objects ..................... 8-23
Example Outbound Communication - D1-CommOutLite .................................................................. 8-24
Completion Events in Detail ...................................................................................................................................... 8-25
Maintenance Object - D1-CEVT .............................................................................................................. 8-25
Meter Data Framework Base Package Completion Event Business Objects..................................... 8-25
Example Completion Event - D1-ConnectDevice ................................................................................ 8-26
Device Events in Detail............................................................................................................................................... 8-27
Maintenance Object - D1-DVCEVENT ................................................................................................. 8-27
Meter Data Framework Base Package Device Event Business Objects ............................................. 8-27
Example Device Event - D1-DeviceEvent ............................................................................................. 8-28
Configuring Device Communication and Device Event Objects ........................................................................ 8-29
Configuring Custom Activities .................................................................................................................. 8-29
Configuring Custom Inbound Communications .................................................................................... 8-29
Configuring Custom Outbound Communications................................................................................. 8-29
Configuring Custom Completion Events ................................................................................................ 8-29
Configuring Custom Device Events ......................................................................................................... 8-30

Chapter 9
Usage Subscriptions ......................................................................................................................................... 9-1
Understanding Usage Subscriptions............................................................................................................................ 9-2
Usage Subscriptions....................................................................................................................................... 9-2
Usage Subscriptions In Detail ...................................................................................................................................... 9-4
Maintenance Object - D1-US ...................................................................................................................... 9-4
Meter Data Management Base Package Usage Subscription Business Objects................................... 9-5
Example Usage Subscription - D2-UsageSubscription............................................................................ 9-5
Usage Subscription Types In Detail ............................................................................................................................ 9-7
Maintenance Object - D1-USTYPE ........................................................................................................... 9-7
Meter Data Management Base Package Usage Subscription Type Business Objects......................... 9-8
Configuration Options .................................................................................................................................. 9-8
Example Usage Subscription Type - D2-UsageSubscriptionType......................................................... 9-9
Configuring Usage Subscriptions and Usage Subscription Types ........................................................................ 9-10
Configuring Custom Usage Subscriptions ............................................................................................... 9-10
Configuring Custom Usage Subscription Types ..................................................................................... 9-10
Chapter 10
Usage Groups and Usage Rules ...................................................................................................................... 10-1
Understanding Usage Groups and Rules.................................................................................................................. 10-2
The Usage Calculation Process.................................................................................................................. 10-2
Usage Rules and Usage Groups................................................................................................................. 10-2
Usage Groups In Detail............................................................................................................................................... 10-5
Maintenance Object - D1-USGGRP ........................................................................................................ 10-5
Meter Data Management Base Package Usage Group Business Objects ........................................... 10-5
Example Usage Group - D1-UsageGroup .............................................................................................. 10-6
Usage Rules In Detail .................................................................................................................................................. 10-7
Maintenance Object - D1-USGRULE ..................................................................................................... 10-7
Meter Data Framework Base Package Usage Rule Business Objects.................................................. 10-7
Meter Data Management Base Package Usage Rule Business Objects ............................................... 10-8
Configuration Options ................................................................................................................................ 10-8
Example Usage Rule - D2-ApplyMathInt................................................................................................ 10-9
Base Package Usage Rules Summary ...................................................................................................... 10-10
Usage Rule Descriptions........................................................................................................................... 10-11
Usage Eligibility Criteria In Detail ........................................................................................................................... 10-28
Maintenance Object - D1-USGRLELIG............................................................................................... 10-28
Meter Data Framework Base Package Usage Rule Eligibility Criteria Business Objects ............... 10-28
Configuration Options .............................................................................................................................. 10-29
Example Usage Rule Eligibility Criteria - D1-UsgRuleEligibilityCriteria.......................................... 10-29
Configuring Usage Rules, Groups, and Eligibility Criteria .................................................................................. 10-30
Configuring Custom Usage Groups ....................................................................................................... 10-30
Configuring Custom Usage Rules ........................................................................................................... 10-30
Configuring Custom Usage Rule Eligibility Criteria............................................................................. 10-30
Creating Execute Usage Group Usage Rules ........................................................................................ 10-31
Creating Number Factors ......................................................................................................................... 10-31
Chapter 11
TOU Maps and Dynamic Options .................................................................................................................. 11-1
Understanding Time of Use, TOU Maps, and Dynamic Options ....................................................................... 11-2
Time of Use .................................................................................................................................................. 11-2
TOU Maps .................................................................................................................................................... 11-3
Dynamic Options and Dynamic Option Events .................................................................................... 11-5
TOU Maps in Detail .................................................................................................................................................... 11-6
Maintenance Object - D1-TOUMAP....................................................................................................... 11-6
Meter Data Management Base Package TOU Map Business Objects ................................................ 11-6

Configuration Options ................................................................................................................................ 11-7
Example TOU Map - D2-TOUMap ........................................................................................................ 11-7
Dynamic Options in Detail......................................................................................................................................... 11-8
Maintenance Object - D1-DOP ................................................................................................................ 11-8
Meter Data Management Base Package Dynamic Option Business Objects..................................... 11-8
Example Dynamic Option - D2-DynamicOption.................................................................................. 11-9
Dynamic Option Events in Detail........................................................................................................................... 11-10
Maintenance Object - D1-DOPEVT ..................................................................................................... 11-10
Meter Data Management Base Package Dynamic Option Event Business Objects ....................... 11-10
Example Dynamic Option - D2-DynamicOptionEvent ..................................................................... 11-11
Configuring TOU Maps and Dynamic Options.................................................................................................... 11-12
Configuring Custom TOU Maps............................................................................................................. 11-12
Configuring Custom Dynamic Options ................................................................................................. 11-12
Configuring Custom Dynamic Option Events ..................................................................................... 11-12
Chapter 12
Usage Transactions ......................................................................................................................................... 12-1
Understanding Usage Transactions ........................................................................................................................... 12-2
Usage Transactions Overview.................................................................................................................... 12-2
Usage Transactions - A Closer Look ........................................................................................................ 12-4
Creating Usage Transactions from External Systems ............................................................................ 12-8
Usage Transactions In Detail...................................................................................................................................... 12-9
Maintenance Object - D1-USAGETRAN............................................................................................... 12-9
Meter Data Management Base Package Usage Transaction Business Objects ................................ 12-10
Example Usage Transaction - D2-UsageTransaction .......................................................................... 12-11
Configuring Usage Transactions .............................................................................................................................. 12-12
Configuring Custom Usage Transactions .............................................................................................. 12-12
Chapter 13
Aggregations .................................................................................................................................................... 13-1
Understanding Aggregations ...................................................................................................................................... 13-2
Aggregator Measuring Components and Dimensions ........................................................................... 13-2
Types of Aggregated Data .......................................................................................................................... 13-2
Aggregation Calculations ............................................................................................................................ 13-3
Aggregator Measuring Component Types ............................................................................................... 13-6
Creating Aggregator Measuring Components ......................................................................................... 13-7
Aggregation Algorithms.............................................................................................................................. 13-8
Aggregating Specific Measuring Components......................................................................................... 13-9
Configuring Aggregations ......................................................................................................................................... 13-10
Configuring Custom Aggregations.......................................................................................................... 13-10
Meter Data Management Base Package Aggregations ......................................................................... 13-11
Chapter 14
Batch Processing.............................................................................................................................................. 14-1
Meter Data Framework Batch Controls ................................................................................................................... 14-2
Synchronization Request Batch Controls................................................................................................. 14-4
Meter Data Framework Batch Processing Guidelines ........................................................................... 14-5
Meter Data Management Batch Controls................................................................................................................. 14-8
Meter Data Management Batch Processing Guidelines......................................................................... 14-8
Meter Data Management Business Intelligence Batch Controls .......................................................... 14-9
Chapter 15
Integrating Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management with Other Systems ................................................... 15-1
Integrating with a Customer Information System................................................................................................... 15-2
Data Synchronization .................................................................................................................................. 15-2
Processing Usage Transaction Requests................................................................................................. 15-10
Integrating with Oracle Utilities Operational Device Management ................................................................... 15-14

Data Synchronization ................................................................................................................................ 15-14
Integrating with Oracle Utilities Business Intelligence ......................................................................................... 15-17
Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management Business Intelligence Products........................................ 15-17
For More Information............................................................................................................................... 15-17
Integrating with Oracle Utilities Customer Self Service....................................................................................... 15-18
Initial Measurement and Device Event XML Formats........................................................................................ 15-19
Initial Measurement Data XML Format ................................................................................................ 15-19
Device Event XML Format ..................................................................................................................... 15-28
Usage and Event Import - Message Driven Bean Configuration....................................................................... 15-33
JMS Configuration ..................................................................................................................................... 15-33
Message Driven Bean Configuration ...................................................................................................... 15-34
Chapter 16
Sample Implementation................................................................................................................................... 16-1
Implementation Description and Requirements ..................................................................................................... 16-2
Implementation Steps .................................................................................................................................................. 16-3
Design and Create Business Objects ........................................................................................................ 16-3
Create Admin Data...................................................................................................................................... 16-6
Create Master Data .................................................................................................................................... 16-17
Appendix A
Measurement Services ...................................................................................................................................... A-1
Appendix B
Glossary ............................................................................................................................................................. B-1
Appendix C
Base Package Configuration Objects ............................................................................................................... C-1
Meter Data Framework Base Package Data Areas................................................................................................... C-2
Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management Back Package Data Areas.................................................................... C-5
Meter Data Framework Base Package Extendable Lookups ................................................................................. C-7
Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management Back Package Extendable Lookups................................................... C-8

Chapter 1

This chapter provides an overview of this configuration guide and an introduction to the Oracle
Utilities Meter Data Management application. This includes:
• What Is This Book?
• Architecture Overview
• Oracle Utilities Application Framework Configuration Tools
• Configuration Process Overview

Overview 1-1
What Is This Book?

What Is This Book?

This guide describes how to configure Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management. It is intended for
implementers and system administrators responsible for configuration and initial setup of the
Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management is based on the Oracle Utilities Application Framework
(OUAF). For information about using and configuring basic Framework functions, see the Oracle
Utilities Application Framework documentation. This guide only covers configuration of
functions specific to Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management.
The body of this guide presents conceptual information to help you understand how the system
works as well as how the various configuration options affect system functionality. Once you have
an understanding of the system's capabilities, you can plan your data setup and design any
customizations you want to implement.
When you are ready to implement your design, use the Admin Setup Reference Tables in Chapter
3 to guide you through the setup process of admin data. This section lists each object that can be
configured, defines any prerequisites for configuration.
Note: The sequence in which you configure system objects is very important.
Admin Setup Reference Tables describes admin data dependencies and defines
the order in which admin objects should be configured. By following this
sequence carefully, you can streamline the configuration process and reduce the
amount of time required for setup.
This guide includes the following chapters:
• Chapter 1: Overview (this chapter) provides an overview of the Oracle Utilities Meter Data
Management architecture and of the configuration tools and process used in implementing
the product.
• Chapter 2: General Configuration provides an overview of some general configuration
options used by the system.
• Chapter 3: Setting Up Admin Data describes the different types of admin data that must be
set up and defined as part of implementing and configuring Oracle Utilities Meter Data
• Chapter 4: Devices, Measuring Components, and, Device Configurations provides an
overview of devices and measuring components and how they are used in the system, along
with technical details concerning device-related maintenance and business objects.
• Chapter 5: Service Points and Device Installation provides an overview of service points
and device installation-related objects and how they are used in the system, along with
technical details concerning related maintenance and business objects.
• Chapter 6: Measurement Data provides an overview of initial and final measurement data
and how it is used in the system, along with technical details concerning related maintenance
and business objects.
• Chapter 7: Validation, Editing, and Estimation provides an overview of the validation,
editing, and estimation process, along with technical details concerning related maintenance
and business objects.
• Chapter 8: Device Communication and Device Events provides an overview of the
device communication-related objects and how they are used in the system, along with
technical details concerning related maintenance and business objects.
• Chapter 9: Usage Subscriptions provides an overview of usage subscriptions and how they
are used in the system, along with technical details concerning related maintenance and
business objects.

1-2 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

What Is This Book?

• Chapter 10: Usage Groups and Usage Rules provides an overview of the usage calculation
process, along with technical details concerning related maintenance and business objects.
• Chapter 11: TOU Maps and Dynamic Options provides an overview of TOU maps and
dynamic options and how they are used in the system, along with technical details concerning
related maintenance and business objects.
• Chapter 12: Usage Transactions provides additional information about the usage
calculation process, along with technical details concerning usage transaction-related
maintenance and business objects.
• Chapter 14: Batch Processing provides a list of the base package batch controls provided
with the system.
• Chapter 15: Integrating Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management with Other Systems
provides a description of how Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management can be integrated
with other systems.
• Chapter 16: Sample Implementation provides a high-level description of the steps involved
in configuring Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management in a simple example implementation.
• Appendix A: Measurement Services provides a list of base package measurement services
use by VEE rules and functions.
• Appendix B: Glossary is a list of commonly used terms.
• Appendix C: Base Package Configuration Objects provides lists of base package
configuration objects that can be leveraged during an implementation.

Other Documentation
This section describes other documentation provided with Oracle Utilities Meter Data

Installation Documentation
Installation documentation describes the steps involved in the installation and initial set up of the
system, and includes the following documents:
• Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management Quick Install Guide
• Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management DBA Guide
• Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management Installation Guide

User Documentation
User documentation provides conceptual information and procedures related to working with the
various objects used in the system, and includes the following documents:
• Oracle Utilities Application Framework Business Process Guide
• Oracle Utilities Application Framework Administraton Guide
• Oracle Utilities Meter Data Framework User’s Guide
• Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management User’s Guide

Supplemental Documentation
Supplemental documentation provides technical information related to system administration
tasks and include the following documents:
• Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management Server Administration Guide
• Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management Batch Server Administration Guide

Overview 1-3
What Is This Book?

Embedded Help
Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management, like all Oracle Utilities Application Framework
applications, provides extensive internal documentation. For example, detailed descriptions of
system objects are included in the objects' maintenance portals. The lifecycle of each business
object is described on the Lifecycle tab and depicted in flow diagrams on the Summary tab. This
information is extremely useful for implementers and system administrators.
Embedded help is provided for all non-obvious fields in most portals and zones. If a field has
associated help text, a ? icon appears next to the field when the zone is displayed.

Online Help
Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management also include context-sensitive help for all the user
interface screens users will typically work with as they use the system. Online help contains
conceptual information and procedures related to working with the various objects used in the
The online help is divided into the following three sections:
• Oracle Utilities Application Framework: Describes the features and functions of the
application framework (F1)
• Oracle Utilities Meter Data Framework: Describes the features and functions provided in the
meter data framework (D1)
• Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management: Describes the features and functions provided in
the meter data management application (D2)

1-4 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Architecture Overview

Architecture Overview
Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management is used to maintain information about meters and the
service points at which they are installed. The application provides means of recording
measurements and events associated with meters in the field as well as the ability to compute
usage for the recorded measurements.
Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management comprises the following functional areas:
• Device Management: the maintenance of physical meters in the field
• Device Installation: the maintenance of service points and the installation of meters in the
field. This includes the means of registering outside systems to Oracle Utilities Meter Data
Management for provider/consumer-specific processing of meter events and activities
• Device Communication: the maintenance of communications between Oracle Utilities Meter
Data Management and head-end systems, including import of usage and events, as well as
two-way communications used in issuing meter commands.
• Validation, Editing, and Estimation: the maintenance of measurement data and the engine
used to validate and modify that data as it comes in
• Usage Management: the engine that calculates billable usage recorded on devices, applying
factors and dividing the usage into configurable time of use periods
Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management is built upon the Oracle Utilities meter data framework, a
framework that provides shared functionality used by Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management,
Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway, and other Oracle Utilities products. Oracle Utilities Meter
Data Management and the Oracle Utilities meter data framework are built atop the Oracle Utilities
Application Framework.

Overview 1-5
Oracle Utilities Application Framework Configuration Tools

Oracle Utilities Application Framework Configuration Tools

The Oracle Utilities Application Framework (OUAF) configuration tools can be used to create
and customize system entities, such as business objects, portals, zones, and UI maps. Refer to the
Oracle Utilities Application Framework configuration tools documentation for instructions on
using these tools.
This configuration guide does not duplicate the concepts and procedures presented in the Oracle
Utilities Application Framework configuration tools documentation; rather, it will identify the
specific objects used by Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management that can be configured and
customized using the configuration tools, as well as application parameters and objects that can be
managed within the application components themselves.
This guide assumes that all individuals responsible for system configuration and implementation
will be familiar with the Oracle Utilities Application Framework and will have completed training
on the Oracle Utilities Application Framework Configuration Tools.
The following sections discuss some specific topics related to the configuration tools.

“Lite” Business Objects

When a business object is read, the Framework dynamically constructs a SQL statement to
retrieve the rows and columns associated with the business object's schema. If a process only
needs only a small subset of a business object's elements, a “lite” business object that only
references these elements can be used.
These “lite” business objects are used by the business processes (typically the construction of info
strings) that only need a small subset of elements. Lite business objects are configured to never
allow instances. In other words, they are only used to read existing instances of other business
Later chapters in this book list the various “lite” business objects provided with the base package
for each of the types of business objects described (devices, measuring components, service
points, etc.)

Data Areas
As described in the Oracle Utilities Application Framework documentation, data areas provide a
common schema location for re-used schema structures. Data areas exists solely to help eliminate
redundant element declaration.For example, if you have multiple schemas that share a common
structure, you can set up a stand-alone data area schema for the common elements and then
include it in each of the other schemas.
Many of the base package schemas make use of use data areas, and Oracle recommends that you
take advantage of data areas where possible to avoid redundant data definition.
See Appendix C: Base Package Configuration Objects for a list of the base package data areas
provided with Oracle Utilities meter data framework and Oracle Utilities Meter Data

Many functions in the system are performed using user-defined algorithms (also referred to as
plug-ins). For example, user-defined algorithms can be used to perform custom validation, editing,
and estimation logic, or retrieve characteristic values for factors.
Custom algorithms allow implementers to modify how the system responds to certain system
events. The system provides system where the custom algorithms can be invoked instead of the
base package algorithms provided with the system. For instructions on creating custom algorithms
and algorithm types, see the Framework documentation. To view information about specific
algorithms provided with the base system, use the Application Viewer (also described in the

1-6 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Oracle Utilities Application Framework Configuration Tools

Framework documentation). The Application Viewer provides information about the base logic,
inputs, and outputs of each algorithm entity or plug-in spot.

Entity Naming Conventions

Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management system uses naming conventions to identify and
distinguish entities that belong to different Oracle applications. These conventions can help you
locate entities and understand their context.
Each base product uses a 2-character owner code as a prefix for all its entities. For Oracle Utilities
Meter Data Management, these prefixes are as follows:
• All Oracle Utilities Application Framework entities start with "F1"
• All Oracle Utilities meter data framework entities start with "D1"
• All Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management entities start with "D2"
Oracle recommends that you follow these naming conventions and develop your own set of
conventions for the entities you create. If you create new entities, DO NOT use these prefixes; use
the prefix "CM" (or some other unique prefix) to identify entities that have been customized.

Overview 1-7
Configuration Process Overview

Configuration Process Overview

This section provides a high-level overview of some of the steps involved in the configuration
process when implementing Oracle Utilities Application Framework products such as Oracle
Utilities Meter Data Management.
Note: The following sections are a simplification of an involved process, and
are provided as guidelines only. Refer to the Oracle Utilities Application
Framework documentation for detailed information about business objects and
other objects referenced below.

Basic Configuration Steps - Design Your Business Objects

Much of the configuration involved in implementing Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management is
centered around the creation of business objects. Nearly every object or set of data used by Oracle
Utilities Meter Data Management is defined in business object, including meters and registers
(devices and measuring components), service points, contacts, measurement data, validation rules,
usage calculation rules, and more.
Given the prominent role that business objects play, one of the most important steps in
implementing Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management is identifying the business objects you will
need to create to meet the requirements of your implementation. At a high level, this includes the
following steps:
1. Identify the data to be defined by each business object
This step defines the maintenance object to be used with the business object, and the data
elements to include in the business object’s schema. Leverage data areas where possible to
minimize redundant data definition.
2. Identify the processing to be performed by each business object
This step determines the specific algorithms/algorithm types, and business services (and
related scripts and service programs) that will be perform the processing required by your
business objects.
3. Identify how users will access and work with each business object (if applicable)
This defines the portals, zones, navigation options, BPA scripts, etc. you will need to develop
to allow users access to your business objects.

Basic Configuration Steps - Create Your Business Objects

After identifying the above information, the next step is to create the business objects used in your
implementation. At a high level, this includes the following steps:
1. Create configuration objects
Before you can create your business objects, you must first create the various configuration
objects used by each business object, including:
• Application Services
• UI Maps (display and maintenance)
• Navigation Options
• Service Scripts
• Algorithm Types/Algorithms
• BPA Scripts/Business Service
• Other business objects
• Etc.

1-8 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Configuration Process Overview

Where possible, leverage base package objects instead of creating your own to minimize data
2. Create the business object
Once the configuration objects used by the business object are in place, you can create the
actual business object itself using the Business Object portal, referencing the configuration
objects created in step 1 as appropriate.
Later chapters in this book provide examples of many of the base package business objects
provided with the system. These are provided to illustrate how the base package objects were
designed, and to serve as the basis for the business objects you create as part of your

Basic Configuration Steps - Create Portals and Zones

If the base package portals and zones are not sufficient to meet the requirements of your
implementation, you may have to create your own to allow users to work with your business
objects. This can include creating the following:
• Context Menus
• Menus and Menu Items
• Navigation Keys
• Navigation Options
• Portals
• Zones

Basic Configuration Steps - Create Master Data

The “master” data used by Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management includes the various entities
used in your implementation, such as devices, measuring components, service points, VEE rules,
etc. This data must be created in the system before you can process measurement data and create
bill determinants from the data. Creating this data includes the following steps:
1. Create admin “type” data.
Many of the objects used by Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management have corresponding
admin “type” objects that are used to define attributes common to instances of that type of
object. For example, Device Types are used to define attributes common to devices of a
specific type. One of the most important attributes defined by an admin “type” object is the
business object that will be used for instances of the object of that type. For example, devices
created from a Device Type that references the “D1-SmartMeter” device business object will
be based on that business object.
The Admin “Type” Objects table below lists the core objects used by Oracle Utilities Meter
Data Management and their corresponding admin “type” objects.
2. Create instances of the data.
Once the admin “type” data is in place, you can create the instances of the master data objects
used in your implementation. These instances are the individual devices, measuring
components, service points, VEE rules, usage subscriptions, etc. that will be used in
processing measurement data, calculating usage and bill determinants, and so on.

Overview 1-9
Configuration Process Overview

Admin “Type” Objects.

Object Admin “Type” Object

Activity Activity Type

Communication Communication Type

Contact Contact Type

Device Device Type

Device Configuration Device Configuration Type

Device Event Device Event Type

Dynamic Option Dynamic Option Type

Measuring Component Measuring Component Type

Service Point Service Point Type

TOU Map TOU Map Type

Usage Subscription Usage Subscription Type

1-10 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Chapter 2
General Configuration

This chapter describes configuration of general components, including the following:

• Installation Options
• Master Configuration

General Configuration 2-1

Installation Options

Installation Options
Installation options define the individual applications installed on your system and identify
algorithms used to implement core system functions. These options also define global parameters
such as the administrative menu style (alphabetical or functional), the country, language, currency
code, as well as the base time zone to use for this implementation.
Installation options are stored in the installation record for your system. Use the Installation
Options - Framework portal to configure these options. This portal is part of the OUAF and is
described in detail in the Framework documentation.

Base Time Zone

The date/time attributes for all time-sensitive application entities, including start and end dates,
are stored in the server application time zone in standard time and displayed in that time zone's
legal time, which is the standard time adjusted for any seasonal shift.
The server time zone, also referred to as the Base Time Zone, must be correctly specified on the
installation options record.
Note: The installation record does not dictate the server time zone, but rather
must match it.

Installation Algorithms
Installation algorithms implement global system functions and can be customized for each
implementation. The base package supports the following installation options for Meter Data
Management-related system events:
• Geocoding Service: Responsible for geocoding an address (converting an address to a
geocode latitude/longitude pair).
• Global Context: Sets global contexts (displayed in the Global Context dashboard zone)
based on the value of existing global contexts. For example, if the Service Point is specified,
this algorithm sets the Device by finding the most recently installed Device on the service
point. It then sets the Measuring Component by finding the most effective Device
Configuration and retrieving any measuring component linked to it. It then sets the Usage
Subscription by finding the most recent active usage subscription linked to the service point.
The contact is set by finding the main contact for the usage subscription.

2-2 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Master Configuration

Master Configuration
Master Configuration is a source of global parameter records used by a system implementation.
The Oracle Utilities meter data products use a Global Configuration record that controls core
system functions. This record must be set up for the system to properly operate. See Admin
Setup Reference Tables on page 3-7 for more information on when to set up this record.
Key concepts related to Master Configuration are discussed in this section. Refer to the embedded
help for descriptions of the settings on the Master Configuration page.

Meter Data Framework Master Configurations

The following master configurations are used by products that leverage the Oracle Utilities Meter
Data Framework, including Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management.

Generic BI Configuration
This master configuration defines options related to extraction of flat files used with Oracle
Utilities Business Intelligence. Note that this master configuration is used by all products based on
the Oracle Utilities Application Framework.

Hijri to Gregorian Date Mapping

The Hijri to Gregorian Date Mapping option is used to define the relationship between Hijri dates
and Gregorian dates for each year.

Master Data Synchronization Configuration

The Master Data Synchronization Configuration option is used to define all foreign key references
that need resolution. Each foreign key reference references the view that contains the external key
/ production key cross-reference. For entities that undergo both the initial and the ongoing
synchronization, two views are specified. For entities that undergo the ongoing synchronization,
an external system / ID type mapping is specified to cater for entities that might be synchronizing
from more than one external system.

MDM-Specific Business Intelligence Master Configuration

The MDM-Specific Business Intelligence Master Configuration is primarily used to configure the
information that will be used in the extraction of data for business intelligence.

ODM Integration Master Configuration

The ODM Integration Master Configuration is used to define options related to integration of
Oracle Utilities Operational Device Management to Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management.
Specific options defined include the External System that represents the Oracle Utilities
Operational Device Management application, its URL, and the number of hours Oracle Utilities
Meter Data Management waits for a response from Oracle Utilities Operational Device
Management before transitioning an outbound synchronization request to the error state.
In addition, this configuration defines specific Maintenance Objects being synchronized and
corresponding Outbound Message Types used to communicate its information to Oracle Utilities
Operational Device Management.

Seeder Sync Master Configuration

The Seeder Sync Master Configuration is used to define the maintenance objects (device, device
configuration, etc.) that require synchronization. Each maintenance object references the
synchronization business object that needs to be instantiated when processing a synchronization
request for that maintenance object. For maintenance objects that undergo both initial and the
ongoing synchronization, two business objects are specified.

General Configuration 2-3

Master Configuration

Self Service Master Configuration

The Self Service Master Configuration defines options used when integrating Oracle Utilities
Meter Data Management with Oracle Utilities Self Service. Specific options defined include:
• Processing Scripts: Used to retrieve information about measuring components, service
points/device configurations, and usage subscriptions
• Service Tasks: Used to define self-service tasks available to Oracle Utilities Self Service
• Supported Scalar Usage Groups: Used to define the scalar usage groups supported when
retrieving usage from Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management for access by Oracle Utilities
Self Service users.
• Supported Interval Usage Groups: Used to define the scalar usage groups supported when
retrieving usage from Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management for access by Oracle Utilities
Self Service users.
See the Oracle Utilities Self Service Implementation Guide for more information about configuring
Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management for use with Oracle Utilities Self Service.

Meter Data Management Master Configurations

The following master configurations are used specifically with Oracle Utilities Meter Data

MDM Master Configuration

The MDM Master Configuration is used when integrating Oracle Utilities Meter Data
Management and Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing to define options related to
calculating high and low boundary readings based on scalar readings stored in Oracle Utilities
Meter Data Management that are used in billing in Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing.

Timeliness Master Configuration

The Timeliness Master Configuration is used to define options that determine when an initial
measurement is considered late and the severity its “lateness” (late vs very late vs very, very late,
etc). These options is used in aggregation of measurement data. Specific options defined include
factors used when calculating heading and cooling degree days, the number of hours after which
an initial measurement is considered late, and a set of buckets that specify degrees of “lateness”
for each of the Value Identifier Types used by the aggregator measuring components. For
example, measurements that are “On Time” might be placed in “Value 1”, while measurements
that are between 5 and 10 hours “late” might be placed in “Value 2”, and measurements that are
between 10 and 15 hours late might be placed in “Value 3”.

2-4 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Chapter 3
Setting Up Admin Data

This chapter describes the different types of admin data that must be set up and defined as part of
implementing and configuring Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management, including:
• Understanding Admin Data
• Admin Setup Reference Tables

Setting Up Admin Data 3-1

Understanding Admin Data

Understanding Admin Data

This section describes the admin data used by the Oracle Utilities meter data framework and
Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management.

General Admin Data

General admin data are types of data used by multiple functional areas.

Exception Types
Exception types define the properties common to many exceptions.
When creating validation, editing, and estimation (VEE) rules, you might create an exception type
for each VEE rule. You might also create more general exception types, such as "Insufficient
Data" to be used to signify that a measurement didn't have sufficient data for the VEE rule to

Factor are a centrally stored set of values for use in validation rules, bill determinants calculations,
and other processes.
A factor can have different values depending upon some definable attribute of a system object,
such as customer size associated with a service point. Examples of factors can include minimum/
maximum thresholds, loss factors, etc. Classes of factors are defined that can have numeric values
(as in the above examples), or values pointing to profile measuring components, or VEE groups.
A factor's values are effective-dated values - either a number, a profile measuring component, a
VEE group, or some custom-defined value - assigned to a factor and associated to the value of
some attribute of a system object. For example, consider a service point that can be classified as
residential, commercial, or industrial. The tolerance percentage by which a customer's
consumption can exceed last month's consumption can be based on the service point category.
For this example, factor values for a single factor called "tolerance percentage" could be:
Residential - 20% Commercial - 10% Industrial - 5%.

Service Providers
Service providers are external entities that serve various roles relative to the application.
Service providers can include head-end systems, billing systems to which the application sends bill
determinant data, market participants in a deregulated environment, outage management systems
that receive meter event data from the application, or other parties that require or provide
information to the system.

Service Quantity Identifiers

Service Quantity Identifiers (SQI) are used to further distinguish between measured quantities that
have identical UOM/TOU combinations, including situations in which the distinguishing
identifier of a UOM is not accurately described as a TOU.
SQIs can also be used as a stand-alone representation of a service quantity that is not measured
(one that is not properly described as a UOM) within a usage service quantity collection (such as a
billing determinant).

Service Types
Service Types define specific types of service for which usage can be recorded and captured, such
as electric, gas, steam, etc.

3-2 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Understanding Admin Data

Time of Use
Time of Use (TOU) periods are modifiers for a given unit of measure that indicate a period of
time during which a quantity has been used, such as On-Peak (meaning during a time when the
greatest quantity of some consumable is being used), Off-Peak (meaning during a time when the
least amount of some consumable is being used), etc.

Units of Measure
Units of Measure (UOM) identify quantities measured and recorded, such as KWH, KW, cubic
feet, degrees Celsius, etc. UOMs are based on a specific service type.
Attributes used to define units of measure include the following:
• Service Type: The type of service (electric, gas, etc.) measured by the UOM
• Decimal Positions: The number of decimal places used when presenting a quantity for this
UOM in Usage service quantities
• Allowed on Measuring Component: A flag that indicates if the UOM is allowed on
Measuring Components
• Measures Peak Quantity: A flag that indicates if the UOM is used to measure peak
quantities or not. An example of a UOM that measures peak quantities is kilowatts (KW).
• Magnitude: A number that indicates the relative size of the UOM as compared to a single
unit of the UOM specified under "Base Unit of Measure." For example, megawatt hours
(MWH) have a magnitude of 1,000 as compared to a single kilowatt hour (KWH).
• Base Unit of Measure: The UOM upon which the current UOM is based. Used in
conjunction with magnitude. For example, the base unit of measure for megawatt hours
(MWH) with a magnitude of 1,000 would be kilowatt hours (KWH).

Device Management Admin Data

Device management admin data include data that defines “types” of device-related objects.

Device Configuration Types

Device configuration types define the properties of device configurations of this type, including
the valid types of measuring components that can be configured for device using configurations of
this type.

Device Types
Device types define information about a class of devices, including properties that apply to all
devices of a type. Properties defined for a device type can be overridden for an individual device.

Manufacturers are the companies that makes devices. A device's manufacturer is defined as an
attribute of the device itself.
Each manufacturer can have zero or more models defined. Models for a single manufacturer can
have diverse service types.

Measuring Component Types

Measuring component types define the most important properties of a measuring component.
Measuring component types define what a measuring component measures (KWH, temperature,
etc.), how regularly it measure it, and whether it should be connected to a physical device, or if it's
used as a scratchpad measuring component or an aggregator measuring component. Measuring
component types also specify how the measuring component's final measurements should be
stored, how the measuring component's user-defined values should be calculated, and specific

Setting Up Admin Data 3-3

Understanding Admin Data

rules governing validation, editing, and estimation (VEE) for measuring components of the type.
In addition, measuring component types define display properties and valid attribute values for
measuring components belonging to the type.
Some important characteristics defined for measuring component types include:
• Value Identifiers: These store the values of UOM, TOU, and SQI that identify the measured
amounts for measuring components of this type. Value identifiers specify the quantities
stored on the measurement records for measuring components of this type.
• Valid VEE Groups: These define the VEE groups considered valid for measuring
components of this type.
• Fallback VEE Groups: These define default VEE groups that can be used with all
measuring components of this type. This alleviates the need to specify the same VEE groups
on multiple measuring components of the same type. Each VEE group is designated a VEE
group role that indicates when and how the VEE group is used (for initial load, manual
override, or estimation).
• Eligible Profile Factors (interval only): These define the profile factors that are considered
to be eligible for interval measuring components of this type. You can also specify one or
more profile factors as a default.
• Valid Profile Factors for Conversion from Scalar to Interval (scalar only): These define
the profile factors that are considered to be eligible for scalar measuring components of this
type when converting scalar measurements to interval measurements. You can also specify
one or more profile factors as a default.
• Valid Scratchpad Measuring Component Types: These define the scratchpad measuring
component types considered valid for measuring components of this type.
• Display Properties: Defines how measurement data for measuring components of this type
is displayed, including:
• Display Configuration: Details related to how measurements are displayed, including
the number of hours of data to display, the default TOU map used, the TOU by Day
Profile factor used, and default measurement condition.
• Event Bar Profiles: The event bar profiles used when displaying measurement data for
measuring components of this type. Event bar profiles are defined as values for the 360
View Event Bar Profile extendable lookup.
• Final Values Overlay Profiles: The final values overlay profiles used when displaying
measurement data for measuring components of this type. Final values overlay profiles
are defined as values for the Final Values Overlay Profile extendable lookup.
Measuring component types are described in more detail in Chapter 4: Devices, Measuring
Components, and, Device Configurations.

Device Installation Admin Data

Device installation admin data includes data used to support the installation of devices.

Markets define the jurisdictions or regulatory environments in which a service point participates.
Markets also define market relationships for valid service providers and their roles within a market
(distributor, etc.). While each service point specifies only one market, a utility may serve more than
one market, and different service points throughout the utility's service territory can be linked to
different markets.

3-4 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Understanding Admin Data

Service Point Types

Service point types define a specific type of point at which service is delivered.
Specifically, service point types define how the application manages many aspects of the service
point’s behavior. A service point type may have one or more valid device types defined that limit
the types of devices that can be installed at service points of this type.

Contact Types
Contact types define the properties of a class of entities (businesses, persons).

Measurement Cycles
Measurement cycles define the schedule for manual meter reading of devices at service points in
that cycle. Measurement cycles can have one or more associated routes used to collect
When used with smart meters, measurement cycles can also be configured to define when to
create usage transactions for usage subscriptions associated to service points in the cycle.

Measurement Cycle Schedules

Measurement cycle schedules define the dates on which devices are scheduled to be read for a
given measurement cycle and the routes used to collect measurements for the measurement cycle.

Device Communication Admin Data

Device communication admin data includes data used to support communication with head-end

Activity Types
Activity types define properties common to a specific type of activity.
Activity types include types of communications between an application and a head-end system,
such as a connection requests, meter ping requests, or on-demand meter readings, as well as device
event types.

Communication Types
Communication types define properties common to a specific type of communication.
Communication types include types of communications between an application and a head-end
system, such as notifications (used to notify an head-end system of a command request), or
message responses (sent from a head-end system to confirm receipt of a message).

Device Event Types

Device event types define properties common to specific types of events.
Device event types represent different types of events that can take place relative to a device.
Examples of device events include power outages, power restoration, tampering alerts, and other
Device event types can be defined by the following attributes:
• Standard Event Name: the "standard" name of the event type in Smart Grid Gateway.
Device vendors may have their own specific names for device events.
• Device Event Category: a category (defined as an Extendable Lookup) used to group
device event types.
• Reporting Category: a category used to group device event types for reporting purposes.
• Activity Type: the activity type for activities created for device events of this type.

Setting Up Admin Data 3-5

Understanding Admin Data

Service Task Types

Service tasks types define properties common to specific types of service tasks.
Service task types represent types of tasks that can be performed by users of other Oracle Utilities
applications, such Oracle Utilities Customer Self Service or Oracle Utilities Network Management
System. Examples of service tasks include self service meter reads, in which users enter their own
meter reads via the Customer Self Service application.

VEE Rule Admin Data

VEE rule admin data include VEE groups and VEE rules.

VEE Groups
VEE groups are collections of VEE rules that are applied to initial measurement data.
VEE groups can be associated to a specific measuring component, or to a measuring component
type (or both). VEE groups associated with a measuring component type are applied to all
measuring components of that type, while those associated to a specific measuring component are
applied only to that measuring component.

VEE Rules
VEE rules are standard and custom Validation, Estimation and Editing (VEE) rules that perform
checking and/or manipulation of initial measurement data.
VEE rules are created for a specific VEE group. For example, if you were configuring two VEE
groups and both included a specific VEE rule, you would need to create two instances of the VEE
rule, one for each group.
Attributes used to define VEE rules typically include the following:
• Basic Information: Basic information about the VEE rule, including its name and
description, the VEE group to which the rule belongs, the sequence of the rule within the
group, the category, and start and end dates. This information is standard for most VEE
• Parameters: The parameters used by the rule. Parameters are specific to each rule.
• Exception Types and Severity: Details about how to handle exceptions, including the
Exception Type and Exception Severity for exceptions created by the rule.

VEE Rule Eligibility Criteria

VEE rule eligibility criteria are user-definable conditions that could cause a given VEE rule to be
applied or skipped. This can involve the evaluation of some attribute of the device or measuring
component, or something else entirely.
A VEE rule can have multiple eligibility criteria for determining if the rule should be applied or
skipped, based on a user-defined sequence.

Usage Management Admin Data

Usage management admin data includes data used in usage calculations, including time of use data,
usage subscription types, and usage groups and rules. Usage subscription types are described in
more detail in Chapter 9: Usage Subscriptions. Usage groups and rules are described in more
detail in Chapter 10: Usage Groups and Usage Rules.

Dynamic Option Types

Dynamic option types store information common to dynamic options of a specific type.

3-6 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Understanding Admin Data

TOU Groups
TOU Groups are groups of TOUs used to limit the set of TOUs usable in a TOU schedule. TOU
groups are used when defining a TOU schedule via a TOU map template.

TOU Map Templates

TOU Map Templates are the schedules used for TOU map data generation.
Attributes used to define TOU map templates include the following:
• TOU Group: the TOU group used by the map template
• Default TOU: the default TOU for the map template (from the TOU Group). This is the
TOU used when creating TOU map data for dates not accounted for in the TOU Schedules
• Work Calendar: the work calendar associated with the map template. Work calendars define
the days of the week on which work is performed, and specify holidays.
• Holiday TOU: the TOU used for holidays (from the TOU Group)
• Holiday Template: the TOU map template used for holidays (if applicable)
• Interval Size: the size of the intervals for TOU map data created from the map template,
represented as hours:minutes:seconds (HH:MI:SS).
• TOU Schedules: date ranges (including month, day, and time ranges) and which TOUs
should be used during each.

TOU Map Types

TOU Map Types define important properties of TOU maps of the type, including the interval size
(SPI) and the valid TOU map templates.
Attributes used to define TOU map types include the following:
• Time Zone: the time zone in which TOU maps of this type are applicable
• Interval Size: the size of the intervals for TOU map data created from maps of this type,
represented as hours:minutes:seconds (HH:MI:SS).
• Default TOU Map Template: the default TOU map template used by maps of this type
• Override TOU Map Templates: one or more TOU map templates that can be used as an
override on TOU maps of this type.

Usage Subscription Types

Usage Subscription Types define a collection of properties defining a class of usage subscriptions.
Usage subscription types also control valid values for various attributes of usage subscriptions.
Attributes used to define usage subscription types include the following:
• Service Provider: The service provider for usage subscriptions of this type
• Valid Service Point Types: One or more service point types considered valid for usage
subscriptions of this type
• Valid Service Providers: One or more service providers considered valid for usage
subscriptions of this type
• Valid Usage Groups: One or more usage groups considered valid for usage subscriptions of
this type
• Fallback Usage Groups: One or more fallback usage groups for usage subscriptions of this
type. Fallback usage groups are used in the event that a usage group defined for a usage
subscription is not in effect at the time usage is to be calculated.

Setting Up Admin Data 3-7

Understanding Admin Data

Usage Groups
Usage groups are collections of usage rules that are applied to measurement data to calculate bill
determinants for usage subscriptions.
Usage groups are associated with specific usage subscriptions and usage subscriptions types (or
both). When assigned to usage subscriptions, usage groups contain the usage rules to be used to
calculate usage and bill determinants. Usage groups associated with usage subscription types are
those groups considered valid for usage subscriptions of that type.
Usage groups can also specify a list of device configuration types that are considered valid. Usage
groups should only be associated with usage subscriptions for service points related to device
configurations of a valid device configuration type.

Usage Rules
Usage rules are standard and custom rules that perform calculations on measurement data to
generate bill determinants and other values used by external systems, such as billing systems,
customer information systems, etc.
Usage rules are created for a specific usage group. For example, if you were configuring two usage
groups and both included a specific usage rule, you would need to create two instances of the
usage rule, one for each group.
Attributes used to define usage rules typically include the following:
• Basic Information: Basic information about the usage rule, including its name and
description, the usage group to which the rule belongs, the sequence of the rule within the
group, and the usage rule category. This information is standard for most usage rules.
• Parameters: The parameters used by the rule. Parameters are specific to each rule.

Usage Rule Eligibility Criteria

Usage rule eligibility criteria are user-definable conditions that could cause a given usage rule to be
applied or skipped. This can involve the evaluation of some attribute of the usage subscription or
service point, or something else entirely.
A usage rule can have multiple eligibility criteria for determining if the rule should be applied or
skipped, based on a user-defined sequence.

3-8 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Admin Setup Reference Tables

Admin Setup Reference Tables

This section lists and describes all objects that must be defined as part of the setup process for
Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management. It identifies the order in which objects should be
defined and any prerequisites for setup.
Note: All basic Framework setup, including system and database setup and any
modifications or extensions to base business objects, must have been
completed before beginning setup tasks for Oracle Utilities Meter Data
Management. See the Framework documentation for more information.

Setup Sequence
In the setup tables that follow, the Sequence column displays the following codes:
L1 = Object has no setup prerequisites and should be defined before L2-L6 objects.
L2 = Object has some L1 prerequisites and should be defined after all L1 objects have been
defined and before L3 objects.
L3 = Object should be defined after all L1 and L2 objects have been defined.
L4 = Object should be defined after all L1, L2, and L3 objects have been defined.
L5 = Object should be defined after all L1, L2, L3, and L4 objects have been defined.

Administration Setup and Maintenance

To access the maintenance portals for the objects in this section, do one of the following:
• If you are using functional menus, select Admin Menu>[Functional Menu]>[object name]
• If you are using alphabetical menus, select Admin Menu>[object name]
The [Functional Menu] and [object name] are provided in the appropriate columns in the following

Application Framework Setup

Seq Object Functional Description Prerequisites

L1 Country General Your organization's country. None

L1 Currency Financial Your organization's native currency. None

L1 Display General Controls how dates, times, and numbers None

Profile displayed.

L1 Language General The language to use for this None


L1 Time Zone General Your organization’s base time zone. None

L1 To Do Role General Used to associate users with To Do None


L1 Work General The work calendar for your organization, None

Calendar which identifies your public holidays

L2 Installation System Control various aspects of the system. Time Zone,

Options Refer to the Installation Options section Language, Currency
earlier in this document.

Setting Up Admin Data 3-9

Admin Setup Reference Tables

Seq Object Functional Description Prerequisites

L2 Master System Enables an implementation to capture
Configuration various types of information in the

L2 To Do Type General Used to define types of To Do Entries To Do Role

L2 User Security Defines a user’s user groups, data access Language, Display
roles, portal preferences, default values, Profile, To Do
and To Do roles Roles

L2 User Group Security A group of users who have the same User
degree of security access

Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management Setup

Seq Object Functional Menu Description Prerequisites

L1 Activity Type Communications Defines properties common to a None
specific type of activity

L1 Communication Communications Define properties common to a None

Type specific type of communication

L1 Contact Type Customer Defines properties of a class of None

Information entities (businesses, persons)

L1 Device Event Communications Defines properties common to a None

Type specific types of events

L1 Exception Type Common Defines properties common to None

exceptions of a specific type

L1 Factor Common Centrally stored sets of values for use None

in validation rules, bill determinants
calculations, and other processes

L1 Market Communications Defines jurisdictions or regulatory None

environments in which a service point

L1 Measurement Device Defines the schedule for manual None

Cycle Installation meter reading of devices at service
points in that cycle

L1 Measurement Device Define the dates on which devices are None

Cycle Schedule Installation scheduled to be read for a given
measurement cycle

L1 Service Provider Communications External entities that serve various None

roles relative to the application (head-
end systems, billing systems, market
participants, outage management
systems, etc.)

L1 Service Quantity Common Used to further distinguish between None

Identifier measured quantities that have
identical UOM/TOU combinations

3-10 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Admin Setup Reference Tables

Seq Object Functional Menu Description Prerequisites

L1 Service Task Communications Defines specific types of tasks None
Type performed by external users (self-
service meter reads, self-service
outage notifications, etc.)

L1 Service Type Common Defines specific types of service for None

which usage can be recorded and
captured (electric, gas, steam, etc.)

L1 Time of Use Common Modifiers for a given unit of measure None

that indicate a period of time during
which a quantity has been used (On-
Peak, Off-Peak, etc.)

L1 VEE Group VEE Rules Collections of VEE rules that are None
applied to initial measurement data

L2 Dynamic Option Usage Defines information common to Time Zone

Type dynamic options of a specific type

L2 Manufacturer Device Individual companies that makes Service Type

devices. Manufacturers also reference

L2 TOU Group Usage Groups of TOUs used to limit the set TIme of Use
2 of TOUs usable in a TOU schedule

L2 Unit of Measure Common Quantities measured and recorded by Service Type

the system (CCF, KWH, KW, etc.)

L2 VEE Rule VEE Rules Standard and custom VEE rules that VEE Group,
perform checking and/or Exception Type
manipulation of initial measurement

L3 Measuring Device Defines the most important Factor (Profile),

Component properties of a measuring component Service Quantity
Type* Identifier,
Service Type,
Time of Use,
Unit of Measure,
VEE Group

L3 TOU Map Usage Schedules used for TOU map data TOU Group,
Template generation Work Calendar

L4 Device Device Defines properties of device Service Type,

Configuration configurations of a given type Measuring
Type Component

L4 Device Type Device Defines information about a class of Service Type,

devices Device

Setting Up Admin Data 3-11

Admin Setup Reference Tables

Seq Object Functional Menu Description Prerequisites

L4 TOU Map Type Usage Define important properties of TOU Time Zone,
maps of the type TOU Map

L4 Usage Group Usage Rules Collections of usage rules that are Device
applied to measurement data to Configuration
calculate bill determinants for usage Type

L5 Service Point Device Defines specific types of points at Service Type,

Type Installation which service is delivered Device Type

L5 Usage Rule Usage Rules Standard and custom rules that Service Quantity
perform calculations on measurement Identifier, Time
data to generate bill determinants and of Use, Unit of
other values used by external systems Measure, Usage

L5 Usage Usage Defines collections of properties Service Point

Subscription defining a class of usage subscriptions Type, Service
Type Provider, Usage

* Measuring component types also reference other measuring component types, TOU maps, and
extendable lookups.

3-12 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Chapter 4
Devices, Measuring Components, and, Device

This chapter provides descriptions of devices, device configurations, and measuring components,
• Understanding Devices, Measuring Components, and Device Configurations
• Devices In Detail
• Device Configurations In Detail
• Measuring Components In Detail
• Measuring Component Types In Detail
• Configuring Devices, Measuring Components, and Device Configurations

Devices, Measuring Components, and, Device Configurations 4-1

Understanding Devices, Measuring Components, and Device Configurations

Understanding Devices, Measuring Components, and Device

This section provides an overview of devices, measuring components, and device configurations,
including how they are used in the meter data framework and related products including Oracle
Utilities Meter Data Management and Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway.

Devices are physical or virtual objects that hold one or more measuring components that can
produce data to be handled by the system. While most devices are meters, an implementation
might set up devices for every asset that measures or monitors resource usage. For example, a
device could be set up to record average daily temperature (if temperature plays a part in usage
calculations). Examples of devices include meters, substations, transformers, demand response
devices, weather stations, etc.

Measuring Components
Measuring components are single points for which data will be received and stored in the system.

Types of Measuring Components

A measuring component can be associated to a physical device, which can have one or more
measuring components, or it can be "virtual" or "stand-alone," meaning that it is not associated to
a physical device. The meter data framework supports the following types of measuring
• Physical: Physical measuring components are those that physically exist, and that are linked
to a device that can be configured differently over time. Interval channels and scalar registers
are examples of physical measuring components.
Note: The terms register and channel are synonyms for measuring component.
• Standalone: A standalone measuring component is used to record measurements for
something that does not have a physical presence.For example, you might create a standalone
measuring component to record the average daily temperature supplied by a weather station.
• Scratchpad: User create scratchpad measuring components to experiment with
measurement manipulation functions before applying the functions to a physical or
standalone measuring component. Examples of measurement manipulation might include
experimenting with the impact of executing the "spike smooth" function on an initial
measurement, or adding or removing intervals to or from the measurement. Scratchpad
measuring components provide users with a means to manipulate "scratchpad" measurement
data without affecting existing "live" measurement data.
• Aggregator: An aggregator measuring component holds summarized usage from other
measuring components. For example, aggregator measuring components could be configured
to hold total consumption for each postal code within a service territory.
Head-end system processing statistics used by Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway are stored
as aggregated measurements for aggregator measuring components.

Scalar vs. Interval

Beyond the four types described above, measuring components generally fall into one of two
primary classes of: scalar measuring components, and interval measuring components.
• Scalar measuring components are measured at unpredictable intervals. For example, "once-a-
month" is not a predictable interval as the amount of time between reads in unpredictable and

4-2 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Understanding Devices, Measuring Components, and Device Configurations

Scalar measuring components are typically read manually

• Interval measuring components are measured at predictable intervals, such as every 15
minutes, every 30 minutes, every hour, etc.
The term Seconds-per-interval (SPI) is used to define the size of an interval measuring
component's intervals.
Note: A device may have any combination of interval and/or scalar measuring components

Measuring Component Measurements

Measuring components are configured to measure specific types of quantities. These include:
• Unit of Measure: The unit of measure for the quantity being recorded. Examples include
kilo-watt hours (kWh), kilo-watts (kW), therms, cubic feet (CCF), temperature (Farenheit or
Celsius), etc.
• Time of Use: Modifiers for a given unit of measure that indicate a period of time during
which a quantity has been used, such as On-Peak (meaning during a time when the greatest
quantity of some consumable is being used), Off-Peak (meaning during a time when the least
amount of some consumable is being used), etc.
• Service Quantity Identifiers: Used to further distinguish between measured quantities that
have identical UOM/TOU combinations, including situations in which the distinguishing
identifier of a UOM is not accurately described as a TOU. Generally, SQI is only used when
multiple measuring components measure the same thing, but in different ways. A meter that
measures both generation KWH and consumption KWH could use SQIs to differentiate
between the two.
The combination of UOM, TOU and SQI define what a measuring component measures. TOU
and SQI are optional, but UOM must be defined for all measuring components.
For example, consider a meter (as illustrated in the image below) with two measuring components,
both measuring the same unit of measure (kWh), but each measuring component measures
consumption in different time of use (TOU) periods (peak and off-peak).

Another example might be a meter that records both generated KWH and consumed KWH. This
meter would be configured to measure both UOM and SQI.

Devices, Measuring Components, and, Device Configurations 4-3

Understanding Devices, Measuring Components, and Device Configurations

A measurement is recorded each time a measuring component is measured. This means that for a
meter with two measuring components that is read once a month, two measurements, one for
each measuring component, would be recorded each month.

Subtractive vs. Consumptive Measurements

Another attribute that defines how measuring components measure quantities is the distinction
between subtractive and consumptive measuring components.
A subtractive measuring component’s usage is equal to the current measurement (also known as
the Stop or End Measurement or Reading) minus the previous measurement (also known as the
Start Measurement or Reading). To put this more simply:
Usage = End Measurement - Start Measurement
Most residential scalar KWH meters are subtractive. The table below lists a series of
measurements for a subtractive measuring component.

Date Usage

01/01/2010 0

01/31/2010 1000 1000 KWH

03/02/2010 1789 789 KWH

04/01/2010 2700 911 KWH

A consumptive measuring component’s usage is equal to its current measurement. Consumptive

measuring components are often used to measure demand, such as KW. The table below lists a
series of measurements for a consumptive measuring component.

Date Usage

01/01/2010 0

01/31/2010 10 10 KW

03/02/2010 6 6 KW

04/01/2010 5 5 KW

Interval measuring components can also be considered consumptive, in that the consumption
value of each individual interval is equal to its measurement.

Interval vs. Scalar Measurements

As noted above, interval measuring components record measurements every interval, defined by
the measuring component’s SPI (seconds per interval). For interval measuring components,

4-4 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Understanding Devices, Measuring Components, and Device Configurations

measurements are only allowed on these time boundaries. For example, measurements for an
interval measuring component with an SPI of 900 (15 minutes) on January 1, 2010 might be as

Date Time KWH

01/01/2010 10:00 AM 0

01/01/2010 10:15 AM 10

01/01/2010 10:30 AM 6

01/01/2010 10:45 AM 5

In contrast to interval measuring components, scalar measuring components are read at

unpredictable (and often inconsistent) intervals and are allowed at any point in time. In practice,
scalar measuring components are read monthly, bimonthly, quarterly, etc. For example,
measurements for an scalar measuring component from January 1, 2010 through April 1, 2010
might be as follows


01/01/2010 0

01/31/2010 1000

03/02/2010 1789

04/01/2010 2700

Note that interval and scalar measuring components can exist on the single meter. For these types
of meters, the scalar measuring component is typically used to verify and validate the interval
measurements. For example, the sum of all the interval measurements within a measurement
period should equal the scalar measurement for the same period.

Device vs. Measuring Component Attributes

The distinction between attributes used to define devices and measuring components is important
when creating devices and measuring components as part of an implementation. For example, if
you identify additional attributes you wish to capture, it’s import to store those attributes in the
most appropriate place.
Devices have attributes that are applicable to the physical object, and that are the same regardless
of the number of measuring components on the device. For example:
• The type of device
• Manufacturer and Model
• Serial Number
• Badge Number
• Head-End System (for smart meters)
Measuring components have attributes that may differ for each measuring component on a device,
for example:
• The type of measuring component (which in turn defines the measuring component’s UOM,
TOU, SQI, whether it is scalar or interval (and its SPI), and others
• Channel ID (for interval channel measuring components)

Devices, Measuring Components, and, Device Configurations 4-5

Understanding Devices, Measuring Components, and Device Configurations

• Channel (or Register) multiplier (a value by which the measured consumption is multiplied to
derive usage)
• Validation, Editing, and Estimation groups used when validating initial measurement data for
the measuring component.

Device Configurations
A measuring component’s attributes can change over time. Device configurations record how a
device's measuring components look at an instant in time. A new device configuration is required
whenever a device's measuring components are reconfigured. For example, if the register
multiplier on a measuring component changes as of June 1, 2010, the device would require a new
device configurations dated 1-Jun-2010 to reflect the change.
Note that device configurations don’t typically capture the changed information, but instead
indicate that changes of some sort have taken place on one or more of the device’s measuring

4-6 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Devices In Detail

Devices In Detail
This section provides details concerning the device objects supplied as part of the base package.
This information illustrates how the base package objects were designed, and can serve as the
basis for any custom devices you create as part of your implementation. This section includes:
• A description of the D1-DEVICE maintenance object
• Lists of the base package device business objects, including “lite” business objects
• Details concerning device-specific configuration options
• A sample device business object (D1-SmartMeter)

Maintenance Object - D1-DEVICE

Device business objects use the D1-DEVICE maintenance object. The table below outlines some
of the details of this maintenance object.

Option/Field Description

Maintenance Object D1-DEVICE

Description Device

Service Name D1-DEVICE (Device Maintenance)

Tables • D1_DVC (Device) - Primary

• D1_DVC_CHAR (Device Characteristics) - Child
• D1_DVC_IDENTIFIER (Device Identifier) - Child
• D1_DVC_LOG (Device Log) - Child
• D1_DVC_LOG_PARM (Device Log Parameter) - Child

Use the Maintenance Object portal and the Application Viewer to view more details about this
maintenance object.

Meter Data Framework Base Package Device Business Objects

The meter data framework base package includes the following device business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D1-CommComponentDevice Communication Component Device

Instances of this business object represent
individual communication components
defined in the system.

D1-ManualMeter Manual Meter

Instances of this business object represent
individual manual meters defined in the

D1-SmartMeter Smart Meter

Instances of this business object represent
individual smart meters defined in the

Devices, Measuring Components, and, Device Configurations 4-7

Devices In Detail

The meter data framework base package includes the following “lite” device business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D1-DeviceDetailsLITE Device LITE

D1-DeviceIDsLire Lite BO to Get AMI ID Type dynamically

D1-DeviceIdentifierLite Device Identifiers LITE

D1-DeviceLite Device LITE

D1-DeviceLiteAMI BO to Get AMI related details for Deive

D1-DeviceParentLite Device Parent LITE

The meter data framework base package includes the following additionl device business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D1-SynchronizationAddDevice Device Synchronization Add (used when

adding a new device as a result of a data
synchronization request)

Configuration Options
This section outlines specific configuration options, such as business object options, system
events, and other options used by device business objects.

Business Object Options

Device business objects can make use of the following business object options:
• Install Event BO: This option identifies the install event business object to use when
installing device configurations for devices defined by this business object.
For example, for the D1-SmartMeter device, this option is set to D1-SmartMeterInstallEvent,
meaning that any time a device configuration for the D1-SmartMeter device is installed, the
install event business object used will be D1-SmartMeterInstallEvent.
• Synchronization Add BO: This option identifies the business object to use when adding
new devices as a result of a data synchronization request.
• Valid Command Request BO: This option defines the valid commands available for the
device, and the activity business object to use for each command. This option is used with
Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway and can be defined multiple times for the same device,
once for each command supported by the device.
For example, for the D1-SmartMeter device, this option is defined seven times, once for each
of the following commands: On-Demand Read - Interval, On-Demand Read - Scalar, Device
Status Check, Remove Connect, Remote Disconnect, Device Commission, and Device

Example Device - D1-SmartMeter

This section lists some of the details of the D1-SmartMeter device business object.

Option/Field Description

Business Object D1-SmartMeter

Description Smart Meter

4-8 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Devices In Detail

Option/Field Description

Maintenance Object D1-DEVICE (Device)

Application Service D1-SMARTMTRBOAS (Smart Meter BO)

Instance Control Allow New Instances

Options • Install Event BO: D1-SmartMeterInstallEvent (Smart Meter

Installation Event)
• Synchronization Add BO: D1-SynchronizationAddBO
(Device Synchroniation Add)
• Valid Command Request BOs:
• D1-OnDemandReadInterval (On-Demand Read
• D1-OnDemandReadScalar (On-Demand Read Scalar)
• D1-DeviceStatusCheck (Device Status Check)
• D1-RemoteConnect (Remote Connect)
• D1-RemoteDisconnect (Remote Disconnect)
• D1-DeviceCommission (Device Commission)
• D1-DeviceDecommission (Device Decommission)
• Display UI Map: D1-SmartMeterDisplay (Smart Meter -
• Portal Navigation Option: d1dvcTabMenu (Device)
• Display Map Service Script: D1-RtSmMtrDs (Smart Meter -
Retrieve Details for Display)
• Maintenance UI Map: D1-SmartMeterMaint (Smart Meter -

Algorithms • Information: D1-SMARTINFO (Smart Meter Information)

• Validation: D1-VALRETDT (Validate Device Retirement

Lifecycle • Active (Initial)

• Retired (Final)

Use the Business Object portal to view additional details concerning this business object.

Devices, Measuring Components, and, Device Configurations 4-9

Device Configurations In Detail

Device Configurations In Detail

This section provides details concerning the device configurations supplied as part of the base
package. This information illustrates how the base package objects were designed, and can serve
as the basis for any custom device configurations you create as part of your implementation. This
section includes:
• A description of the D1-DVCCONFIG maintenance object
• Lists of the base package device configuration business objects, including “lite” business
• A sample device configuration business object (D1-DeviceConfiguration)

Maintenance Object - D1-DVCCONFIG

Device configuration business objects use the D1-DVCCONFIG maintenance object. The table
below outlines some of the details of this maintenance object.

Option/Field Description

Maintenance Object D1-DVCCONFIG

Description Device Configuration

Service Name D1-DVCCONFIG (Device Configuration Maintenance)

Tables • D1_DVC_CFG (Device Configuration) - Primary

• D1_DVC_CFG_CHAR (Device Configuration
Characteristics - Child
• D1_DVC_CFG_LOG (Device Configuration Log) - Child
• D1_DVC_CFG_LOG_PARM (Device Configuration Log
Parameter) - Child

Use the Maintenance Object portal and the Application Viewer to view more details about this
maintenance object.

Meter Data Framework Base Package Device Configuration Business Objects

The meter data framework base package includes the following device configuration business

Business Object Name Description

D1-DeviceConfiguration Device Configuration

Instances of the business object represent
individual device configurations defined in
the system.

The meter data framework base package includes the following “lite” device configuration
business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D1-DeviceConfigParentLITE Device Configuration Parent LITE

D1-DeviceConfigurationLite Device Configuration LITE

4-10 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Device Configurations In Detail

The meter data framework base package includes the following additionl device business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D1-SynchronizationAddDC Device Configuration Synchronization Add

(used when adding a new device
configuration as a result of a data
synchronization request)

Configuration Options
This section outlines specific configuration options, such as business object options, system
events, and other options used by device configuration business objects.

Business Object Options

Device configuration business objects can make use of the following business object options:
• Synchronization Add BO: This option identifies the business object to use when adding
new device configurations as a result of a data synchronization request.

Example Device Configuration - D1-DeviceConfiguration

The table below lists the details of the D1-DeviceConfiguration device configuration business

Option Description

Business Object D1-DeviceConfiguration

Description Device Configuration

Maintenance Object D1-DVCCONFIG (Device Configuration)

Application Service D1-DVCCONFIGBOAS (Device Configuration BO)

Instance Control Allow New Instances

Options • Synchronization Add BO: D1-SynchronizationAddDC

(Device Configuration Synchronization Add)
• Display UI Map: D1-DeviceConfigDisplay (Device
Configuration- Display)
• Portal Navigation Option: d1dvcfgTabMenu (Device
• Display Map Service Script: D1-D1-RtDvcCfgD (Device
Configuration - Retreive Details for Display)
• Maintenance UI Map: D1-DeviceConfigMaint (Device
Configuration- Maintenance)

Devices, Measuring Components, and, Device Configurations 4-11

Device Configurations In Detail

Option Description

Algorithms • Information: D1-DVCOINFO (Device Configuration

• Pre-Processing: D1-DELMC (Delete Associated Measuring
• Pre-Processing: D1-DEFTIMZON (Default Time Zone
value based on Installation Option)
• Validation: D1-INSTDCVAL (Earlier Installed Device
• Validation: D1-VALTIMZON (Validates BO Time Zone
value against Installation Option)

Lifecycle • Pending (Initial)

• Active (Final)

Use the Business Object portal to view additional details concerning this business object.

4-12 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Measuring Component Types In Detail

Measuring Component Types In Detail

This section provides details concerning the measuring component type objects supplied as part
of the base package. This information illustrates how the base package objects were designed, and
can serve as the basis for any custom measuring component type objects you create as part of your
implementation. This section includes:
• A description of the D1-MCTYPE maintenance object
• Lists of the base package measuring component type business objects, including “lite”
business objects
• Details concerning measuring component type-specific configuration options
• A sample measuring component type business object (D1-IntervalChannelTypePhysical)

Maintenance Object - D1-MCTYPE

Measuring component type business objects use the D1-MCTYPE maintenance object. The table
below outlines some of the details of this maintenance object.

Option/Field Description

Maintenance Object D1-MCTYPE

Description Measuring Component Type

Service Name D1-MCTYPE (Measuring Component Type Maintenance)

Tables • D1_MEASR_COMP_TYPE (Measuring Component Type) -

Component Type Value Identifier) - Child
Identifier Language) - Child
• D1_MEASR_COMP_TYPE_CHAR (Measuring Component
Type Characteristics) - Child
• D1_MEASR_COMP_TYPE_L (Measuring Component Type
Language) - Child
Component Type VEE Group) - Child
Component Type Fallback VEE Grp) - Child

Use the Maintenance Object portal and the Application Viewer to view more details about this
maintenance object.

Devices, Measuring Components, and, Device Configurations 4-13

Measuring Component Types In Detail

Meter Data Framework Base Package Measuring Component Type Business

The meter data framework base package includes the following measuring component type
business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D1-ActivityStatsAggType Activity Statistics Aggregator Type

Instances of this business object represent
individual activty statistics aggregator
measuring component types defined in the
Activty Statistics Aggregators are used to
track statistics related to device event and
measurement uploads.

D1-AutoReadRegisterType Auto-Read Register Type

Instances of this business object represent
individual auto-read register measuring
component types defined in the system.

Auto-Read Regiters are automatically read

on a regular basis but the system receives
only one measurement at a time, meaning
one measurement per Initial Measurement.
These types of measuring components are
categorized as scalar rather than interval,
even though Initial Measurements are
received on a regular basis.

D1-GenericMCType Generic MC Type (used as a parent

measuring component type)

D1-IntervalChannelTypePhysical Interval Channel Type - Physical

Instances of this business object represent
individual physical interval channel
measuring component types defined in the

D1-IntervalChannelTypeScratchp Interval Channel Type - Scratchpad

Instances of this business object represent
individual scratchpad interval channel
measuring component types defined in the

D1-RegisterTypePhysical Register Type

Instances of this business object represent
individual physical register measuring
component types defined in the system.

The meter data framework base package includes the following “lite” measuring component type
business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D1-MCTypeEstimateParmsLiteBO MC Type Periodic Estimation LITE

D1-MCTypeLite MC Type Lite

4-14 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Measuring Component Types In Detail

Business Object Name Description

D1-MCTypeMainLite Measuring Component Type LITE

D1-MCTypeParentLITE Measuring Component Type Parent LITE

D1-MeasuringCompTypeLite Measuring Component Type LITE

The meter data framework base package includes the following additional measuring component
type business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D1-MCTypeValueIdentifiers Measuring Component Type Value

Identifiers (used to retrieve the value
identifiers of a measuring component type)

D1-MeasuringCompTypeBundlingBO Bundling BO for Measuring Component


D1-MeasuringCompTypePhysicalBO Physical BO for Measuring Component


Configuration Options
This section outlines specific configuration options, such as business object options, system
events, and other options used by measuring component type business objects.

System Events
Measuring component type business objects can make use of the following system events:
• Calculate Interval Consumption: This system event defines the algorithm used to calculate
interval consumption for measuring components based on this measuring component type.
• Calculate Scalar Consumption: This system event defines the algorithm used to calculate
scalar consumption for measuring components based of this type.

Other Options
Measuring component types define many attributes of the measuring components of that type.
These options are specified when creating measuring component types based on a measuring
component type business object, and include the following:

Value Identifiers
Value identifiers store the values of UOM, TOU, and SQI that identify the measured amounts for
measuring components of this type. Value identifiers specify the quantities stored on the
measurement records for measuring components of this type.
Value identifiers must also specify a Value Derivation Algorithm based on the D1-DERIVAQTY
Algorithm Type (Derive a quantity using a formula). This algorithm is used to derive measurement
elements by applying a formula to calculate a value.

VEE Groups (Valid and Fallback)

VEE Groups define the validation, editing, and estimation rules to be applied to initial
measurement data for measuring components of this type.
• Valid VEE Groups: These define the VEE groups considered valid for measuring
components of this type.

Devices, Measuring Components, and, Device Configurations 4-15

Measuring Component Types In Detail

• Fallback VEE Groups: These define default VEE groups that can be used with all
measuring components of this type. This alleviates the need to specify the same VEE groups
on multiple measuring components of the same type. Each VEE group is designated a VEE
group role that indicates when and how the VEE group is used (for initial load, manual
override, or estimation).

Profile Factors
Profile factors are factors of type profile used when displaying initial measurement data on the
Measuring Component portal of the 360 Degree View. Measuring component types reference the
following types of profile factors:
• Eligible Profile Factors (interval only): These define the profile factors that are considered
to be eligible for interval measuring components of this type. You can also specify one or
more profile factors as a default.
• Valid Profile Factors for Conversion from Scalar to Interval (scalar only): These define
the profile factors that are considered to be eligible for scalar measuring components of this
type when converting scalar measurements to interval measurements. You can also specify
one or more profile factors as a default.

Valid Scratchpad Measuring Component Types

These define the scratchpad measuring component types considered valid for measuring
components of this type.

Display Properties
Measuring component types reference the following display properties:
• Event Bar Profiles: used when displaying measurement data for measuring components of
this type. Event bar profiles are business objects defined as values for the “360 View Event
Bar Profile” extendable lookup (D1-360EventBarProfile).
• Final Values Overlay Profiles: This display option is used when displaying final
measurement data for measuring components of this type. Final values overlay profiles are
business objects defined as values for the “Final Values Overlay Profile” extendable lookup

Example Measuring Component Type - D1-IntervalChannelTypePhysical

The table below lists the details of the D1-IntervalChannelTypePhysical measuring component
type business object.

Option Description

Business Object D1-IntervalChannelTypePhysical

Description Interval Channel Type - Physical

Maintenance Object D1-MCTYPE (Measuring Component Type)

Application Service D1-MCTYPE (Measuring Component Type MO)

Instance Control Allow New Instances

Options • Display UI Map: D1-IntervalChannelTypeDisplay (Interval

Channel Type - Display)
• Portal Navigation Option: d1mctypeTabMenu (Measuring
Component Type)
• Maintenance UI Map: D1-IntervalChannelTypeMaint
(Interval Channel Type - Maintenance)

4-16 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Measuring Component Types In Detail

Option Description

Algorithms • Calculate Interval Consumption: D1-IN-CNSUMP (Calculate

Interval Consumption)
• Validation: D1-INTSCRVAL (Validate List of Scratchpad
Measuring Component Types)
• Validation: D1-DEFTOUVAL (Validate Interval Size of TOU
Map for Display)
• Validation: D1-ELPRFTVAL (Validate Factors for Eligible
Profile Factors)
• Validation: D1-FNVALOVAL (Validate Final Values Overlay
• Validation: D1-EVTBARVAL (Validate Event Bar Profiles)
• Validation: D1-HRDATAVAL (Hours of Data to Display

Use the Business Object portal to view additional details concerning this business object.

Devices, Measuring Components, and, Device Configurations 4-17

Measuring Component Types In Detail

Meter Data Management Base Package Measuring Component Type Business

Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management base package includes the following measuring
component type business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D2-AggregatorType Aggregator Type

Instances of this business object represent
individual aggregator measuring
component types defined in the system.

D2-SubMeasurementAggType Sub Measurement Aggregator Type

Instances of this business object represent
individual sub measurement aggregator
measuring component types defined in the

Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management base package includes the following “lite” measuring
component type business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D2-AggregatorTypeLite Aggregator Type - Lite

D2-MCTypeLite1 Measuring Component Type Lite

D2-MCTypeScratchPads Measuring Component Type Scratchpads


D2-MQAggregatorTypeLite Measurement Quantity Aggregator Type


D2-MasterMsrmtAggregatorType Master Measurement Aggregator Type

D2-ReadMethodRegisterTypeLite Register Type Lite BO

D2-ServiceTypeMCTypeLite Service Type MC Type List

Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management base package includes the following additional measuring
component type business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D2-MCTypeEligibleProfileFactor Measuring Component Type Profile

Factors (used to read the eligible profile
factors of a measuring component type)

D2-ScalarMCTypeProfileFactors Measuring Component Type Profile

Factors (used to read the eligible profile
factors used to convert scalar to interval.)

4-18 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Measuring Components In Detail

Measuring Components In Detail

This section provides details concerning the measuring components supplied as part of the base
package. This information illustrates how the base package objects were designed, and can serve
as the basis for any custom measuring components you create as part of your implementation.
This section includes:
• A description of the D1-MEASRCOMP maintenance object
• Lists of the base package measuring component business objects, including “lite” business
• Details concerning measuring component-specific configuration options
• A sample measuring component business object (D1-IntervalChannel)
• Lists of base package measurement functions including the BPA Script, Service Script, and a
brief description of each

Maintenance Object - D1-MEASRCOMP

Measuring component business objects use the D1-MEASRCOMP maintenance object. The table
below outlines some of the details of this maintenance object.

Option/Field Description

Maintenance Object D1-MEASRCOMP

Description Measuring Component

Service Name D1-MEASRCOMP (Measuring Component Maintenance)

Tables • D1_MEASR_COMP (Measuring Component) - Primary

• D1_MEASR_COMP_CHAR (Measuring Component
Characteristics) - Child
• D1_MEASR_COMP_IDENTIFIER (Measuring Component
Identifier) - Child
• D1_MEASR_COMP_LOG (Measuring Component Log) -
• D1_MEASR_COMP_LOG_PARM (Measuring Component
Log Parameter) - Child
• D1_MEASR_COMP_REL (Related Measuring Component)
- Child
Component VEE Group) - Child

Use the Maintenance Object portal and the Application Viewer to view more details about this
maintenance object.

Devices, Measuring Components, and, Device Configurations 4-19

Measuring Components In Detail

Meter Data Framework Base Package Measuring Component Business Objects

The meter data framework base package includes the following measuring component business

Business Object Name Description

D1-IntervalChannel Interval Channel

Instance of this business object represent
individual interval channel measuring
components defined in the system.

D1-IntervalScratchpad Interval Scratchpad

Instance of this business object represent
individual interval scratchpad measuring
components defined in the system.

D1-PayloadStatsAggEvent Payload Statistics Aggregator Event

Instance of this business object represent
individual event payload statistics
saggregator measuring components
defined in the system.

D1-PayloadStatsAggIMD Payload Statistics Aggregator - IMD

Instance of this business object represent
individual measurement payload statistics
saggregator measuring components
defined in the system.

D1-Register Register
Instance of this business object represent
individual register measuring components
defined in the system.

D1-RegsiterAutoRead Register - Auto-Read

Instance of this business object represent
individual auto-read register measuring
components defined in the system.

D1-StatsAggregator Statistics Aggregator (used as a parent to

payload statistics aggregators)..

The meter data framework base package includes the following “lite” measuring component
business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D1-MCLatestMeasrDttm Measuring Component Lite BO for Latest

Measurement Date/Time

D1-MCLite Measuring Component LITE

D1-MCScratchpadLite MC Lite Scratchpad

D1-MCStandAlone Measuring Component Standalone Lite

D1-MeasuringCompParentLITE Measuring Component Parent LITE

4-20 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Measuring Components In Detail

The meter data framework base package includes the following additional measuring component
business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D1-SynchronizationAddMC Measuring Component Synchronization Add (used when

adding a new measuring component as a result of a data
synchronization request)

Configuration Options
This section outlines specific configuration options, such as business object options, system
events, and other options used by measuring component business objects.

Business Object Options

Measuring component business objects can make use of the following business object options:
• Estimation Initial Measurement Data BO: This option identifies the initial measurement
data business object to use when creating new “estimation” type initial measurement data for
the measuring component.
For example, for the D1-IntervalChannel measuring component business object, this option
is set to D1-EstimationIMDInterval, meaning that new “estimation” type initial measurement
data for measuring components based on the D1-IntervalChannel business object would use
the D1-EstimationIMDInterval business object.
• Interval Initial Measurement Function: This option defines the BPA Script used to apply
a function to an interval initial measurement curve on the Initial Measurement Lens zone of
the Initial Measurement portal. This option can be defined multiple times for the same
measuring component.
• Manual Override IMD BO: This option identifies the initial measurement data business
object to use when creating new “manual” type initial measurement data for the measuring
For example, for the D1-IntervalChannel measuring component business object, this option
is set to D1-ManualIMDInterval, meaning that new “manual” type initial measurement data
for measuring components based on the D1-IntervalChannel business object would use the
D1-ManualIMDInterval business object.
• Measuring Component Consumption Function: This option defines the BPA Script used
to apply a function to the measuring component's consumption on the zones of the
Measuring Component portal in the 360 Degree View. This option can be defined multiple
times for the same measuring component.
• Synchronization Add BO: This option identifies the business object to use when adding
new measuring components as a result of a data synchronization request.

System Events
Measuring component business objects can make use of the following system events:
• Find Constituent Measuring Components: This system event defines the algorithm to use
to identify constituent measuring components related to an aggregator measuring
component. (An aggregator’s constituent measuring components are the individual
measuring components whose measurement data is aggregated when creating aggregation
measurement data).
• Periodic Estimation: This system event defines the algorithm to use when performing
periodic estimation for the measuring component.

Devices, Measuring Components, and, Device Configurations 4-21

Measuring Components In Detail

Example Measuring Component - D1-IntervalChannel

The table below lists the details of the D1-IntervalChannel measuring component business object.

Option Description

Business Object D1-IntervalChannel

Description Interval Channel

Maintenance Object D1-MEASRCOMP (Measuring Component)

Application Service D1-MEASURINGCOMP (Measuring Component MO)

Instance Control Allow New Instances

Options • Estimation Initial Measurement Data BO: D1-

EstimationIMDInterval (Estimation IMD (Interval))
• Manual Override IMD BO: D1-ManualIMDInterval (Manual
IMD (Interval))
• Synchronization Add BO: D1-SynchronizationAddMC
(Measuring Component Synchronization Add)
• Measuring Component Consumption Functions:
• D2-CScIntFnc (Create Scratchpad)
• D2-IETExc (Export to Excel)
• D2-NewIntFnc (New IMD via XML)
• D2-OvrIntFnc (Create/Override)
• D2-RedValFnc (Rederive Values)
• D2-SAsIntFnc (Save As)
• Interval Initial Measurement Functions:
• D2-AdjMathF (Adjust Intervals Using Math)
• D2-AdjScalF (Adjust Intervals to Scalar Quantity)
• D2-IIMDSAsF (Save As)
• D2-InsIntF (Insert Intervals)
• D2-RemIntF (Remove Intervals)
• D2-SetCondsF (Set Conditions)
• D2-ShiftIntF (Shift Intervals)
• D2-SmoSpikeF (Smooth Spikes)
• Display UI Map: D1-IntervalChannelDisplay (Interval
Channel - Display)
• Portal Navigation Option: d1mcTabMenu (Measuring
• Display Map Service Script: D1-RtMcIcChs (Interval Channel
- Retreive Details for Display)
• Maintenance UI Map: D1-IntervalChannelMaint (Interval
Channel - Maintenance)

4-22 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Measuring Components In Detail

Option Description

Algorithms • Periodic Estimation: D1-CRIMTODO (Create Initial

Measurement and To Do Entry)
• Information: D1-SMTMCINFO (Measuring Component for
Smart Devices - Information)
• Pre-Processing: D1-DIMDCPRE (Delete Initial Measurement
Data of Measuring Component.
• Validation: D1-RELMCCVAL (Validate Consumption
Reference Measuring Component)
• Validation: D1-INTMCVAL (Check if Measuring
Component’s Type is Interval)

Use the Business Object portal to view additional details concerning this business object.

Meter Data Management Base Package Measuring Component Business

The Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management base package includes the following “lite”
measuring component business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D2-AggregatorLite Aggregator Lite

D2-MCLite1 Measuring Component Attributes LITE

D2-RelatedMC Related Measuring Components LITE

(used to read the related measuring
components of a measuring component)

The Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management base package includes the following additional
measuring component business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D2-Aggregator Service Type and Postal Aggregator

Instances of this business object represent individual
service type and postal aggregator measuring
components defined in the system.

D2-ConsumptionReferenceMC Consumption Reference Measuring Component

(used to read the consumption reference measuring
component associated with interval measuring

D2-MeasuredQuantityAggregator Measurement Measured Quantity Aggregator

Instances of this business object represent individual
measured quantity aggregator measuring
components defined in the system.

D2-MsrmtQualityCountAggregator Measurement Quality Count Aggregator

Instances of this business object represent individual
quality count aggregator measuring components
defined in the system.

Devices, Measuring Components, and, Device Configurations 4-23

Measuring Components In Detail

Business Object Name Description

D2-MsrmtTimelinessCountAggr Measurement Timeliness Count Aggregator

Instances of this business object represent individual
timeliness count aggregator measuring components
defined in the system.

D2-MsrmtTimelinessQuantityAggr Measurement Timeliness Quantity Aggregator

Instances of this business object represent individual
timeliness quantity aggregator measuring
components defined in the system.

4-24 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Measuring Components In Detail

Base Package Interval Initial Measurement Functions

The following table lists the back package interval initial measurement functions. Each of these
functions is implemented as a BPA Script and corresponding Service Script.

Function BPA Script Service Script Description

Adjust Intervals to D2-AdjScalF D2-AdjScalS Adjusts all interval values within a

Scalar Quantity user-defined time period in an interval
measurement such that the total of all
interval values equals a user-defined
scalar quantity.

Adjust Intervals Using D2-AdjMathF D2-AdjMathS Adjusts all interval values within a
Math user-defined time period using math
operations (add, subtract, multiply, or

Insert Intervals D2-InsIntF D2-InsIntS Inserts intervals into initial

measurement data.

Remove Intervals D2-RemIntF D2-RemIntBck Removes intervals from initial

measurement data

Save As D2-IMDSAsF D2-IMDSAs Creates new initial measurement data

for a measuring component other than
that being displayed by copying all or
some of the final measurements
shown in the zone.

Set Conditions D2-SetCondsF D2-SetCondsS Sets condition codes within initial

measurement data. Condition codes
indicate the circumstances (estimated,
missing, etc.) of individual
measurements. Condition codes are
assigned to both scalar and interval
measurement data both for initial
measurement data and final

Shift Intervals D2-ShfIntF D2-ShfIntBck Shifts intervals of initial measurement

data to a new start date and time.

Smooth Spikes D2-SmSpkF D2-SmoSpikeS Reduces "spike" intervals (intervals

with values that are more than a user-
defined percentage higher than other
intervals within the initial
measurement data).

Use the Script portal to view more details about these functions. The scripts listed above use a set
of base package measurement services. See Appendix A:Measurement Services for a list of
available base package measurement services.

Devices, Measuring Components, and, Device Configurations 4-25

Measuring Components In Detail

Base Package Measuring Component Consumption Functions

The following table lists the back package interval initial measurement functions. Each of these
functions is implemented as a BPA Script and corresponding Service Script.

Function BPA Script Service Script Description

Create Scratchpad D2-CScIntFnc D2-CScIntBck Creates a scratchpad measuring

component along with new initial
measurement data by copying all or
some of the final measurements from
the measuring component displayed in
the zone.

Convert Scalar to Interval D2-CnvSTIFnc D2-CnvSTIBck


Create/Override Interval D2-OvrIntFnc D2-OvrIntBck Creates new initial measurement data

Create/Override Scalar D2-OvrScaFnc D2-OvrScaBck for a selected measuring component
for all or part of a selected time period.
This function can either copy existing
final measurements or create new
measurement data for the initial
measurement it creates.

Export to Excel D2-IETxc Exports measurement data to a

D2-ScaETxc comma-separated values spreadsheet

New IMD via XML D2-NewIntFnc D2-NewIntBck Creates a new initial measurement
New Reading D2-NewScaFnc D2-NewScaBck reading (interval or scalar) for the
measuring component.

Rederive Values D2-RedValFnc D2-RederVal Rederives the measurement's values

displayed in the zone.

Rederive Scalar Values: D2-SRedVaFnc D2-SRederVal Rederives the measurement's values

displayed in the zone.

Save As D2-SAsIntFnc D2-SAsIntBck Creates new initial measurement data

for a measuring component other than
that being displayed by copying all or
some of the final measurements
shown in the zone.

Use the Script portal to view more details about these functions. The scripts listed above use a set
of base package measurement services. See Appendix A:Measurement Services for a list of
available base package measurement services.

4-26 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Configuring Devices, Measuring Components, and Device Configurations

Configuring Devices, Measuring Components, and Device

This section provides high-level overviews of the steps involved in configuring custom devices,
device configurations, measuring component types, and measuring components. See
Configuration Process Overview in Chapter One for a high-level overview of the overall
configuration process.
Note: The procedures below focus on specific configuration tasks and options related to each of
the objects described in this chapter, and do not address all the steps involved in creating business
objects and other configuration objects. For more information about these subjects, refer to the
Oracle Utilities Application Framework documentation.

Configuring Custom Devices

Configuring custom devices involves the following steps:
1. Design the device business objects you will need to create for your implementation, including
the data and processing required for each.
2. Create the custom device-related configuration objects required for your business objects,
Business Object Options: Create business objects for the following business object
• Install Event BO
• Synchronization Add BO
• Valid Command Request BO (if using Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway)
3. Create your device business objects, referencing the configuration objects created above as
4. Set up admin records that define the device types you will use in your implementation.

Configuring Custom Device Configurations

Configuring custom device configurations involves the following steps:
1. Design the device configuration business objects you will need to create for your
implementation, including the data and processing required for each.
2. Create the custom device configuration-related configuration objects required for your
business objects, including:
Business Object Options: Create business objects for the following business object
• Synchronization Add BO
3. Create your device configuration business objects, referencing the configuration objects
created above as appropriate.
4. Set up admin records that define the device configuration types you will use in your

Configuring Custom Measuring Component Types

Configuring custom measuring component types involves the following steps:
1. Design the measuring component type business objects you will need to create for your
implementation, including the data and processing required for each.

Devices, Measuring Components, and, Device Configurations 4-27

Configuring Devices, Measuring Components, and Device Configurations

2. Create the custom measuring component type-related configuration objects required for your
business objects, including:
System Events: Create algorithms for the following system events:
• Calculate Interval Consumption (for interval and scalar measuring component types)
• Calculate Scalar Consumption (for scalar measuring component types)
Options: Create data as appropriate for the following options used when creating measuring
component types:
• Value Identifiers: Value Derivation Algorithms (based on the D1-DERIVAQTY
Algorithm Type)
• VEE Groups
• Profile Factors
• Scratchpad Measuring Component Types
• Display Properties:
• Event Bar Profiles: Values for the D1-360EventBarProfile extendable lookup
• Final Values Overlay Profiles: Values for the D1-FinalValuesOverlayProfile
extendable lookup.
3. Create your measuring component type business objects, referencing the configuration
objects created above as appropriate.
4. Set up admin records that define the measuring component types you will use in your

Configuring Custom Measuring Components

Configuring custom measuring components involves the following steps:
1. Design the measuring component business objects you will need to create for your
implementation, including the data and processing required for each.
2. Create the custom measuring component-related configuration objects required for your
business objects, including:
Business Object Options: Create business objects and algorithms for the following
business object options:
• Estimation Initial Measurement Data BO
• Interval Initial Measurement Function
• Manual Override IMD BO
• Measuring Component Consumption Function
• Synchronization Add BO
3. Create your measuring component business objects, referencing the configuration objects
created above as appropriate.

4-28 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Chapter 5
Service Points and Device Installation

This chapter provides descriptions of entities related to installation of meters, including service
points, contacts, install events, activities, and other entities. This chapter includes:
• Understanding Service Points and Device Installation
• Service Points in Detail
• Contacts in Detail
• Install Events in Detail
• Service Providers in Detail
• Processing Methods in Detail
• Configuring Service Point and Device Installation Objects

Service Points and Device Installation 5-1

Understanding Service Points and Device Installation

Understanding Service Points and Device Installation

This section provides an overview of entities related to the installation of devices (service points,
contacts, install events, service providers, and others) how they are used in the meter data
framework and related products, including Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management and Oracle
Utilities Smart Grid Gateway.

Service Points
Service points are physical locations at which a company supplies service. Devices are installed at
service points. The relationship between individual service points and devices can change over
time. For example, at any point in time:
• A service point may have a single device installed (or no device may be installed)
• A device may be installed at a single service point (or it may not be installed at a service
Over time:
• Different devices may be installed at a service point
• A device may be installed at different service points

An Aside: No Premise Object Exists

Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management (and other related meter data products) is not the system
of record for premises or service points. The customer information system (or some other system)
is considered the system of record for this type of information. In order to minimize the amount
of data that needs to be synchronized, premise-oriented attributes used by meter data products are
held on service points. This is an important distinction to keep in mind when creating custom
service points for your implementation.

Contacts are individuals or business entities with which a company has contact. Service points can
have associated contacts which define the individual or business entity that uses the service
(electricity, gas, water, etc.) delivered at the service point. Note that while contacts are optional for
service points, usage subscriptions must reference contacts.
Note: The base-package name search on the 360° Search looks for usage
subscription-related contacts. Use the Service Point Query portal to find a
service point using a service point-related contact.

Installation Events
Whenever a device is installed at a service point, an installation event is created. Installation events
capture the history of the devices that have been installed at a service point. This allows
consumption for a service point to be calculated over time. In technical terms, installation events
(or install events) link a specific device configuration to a service point.
While a device is installed at a service point, it may be turned off (and back on again). The
installation event that records the original installation date and time also records the dates and
times when the device has been turned on and off. When a device is removed, the original
installation event is updated with the removal date and time.

5-2 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Understanding Service Points and Device Installation

Service Providers
Service provider are external entities that serve various roles relative to the application. These can
include head-end systems, billing systems to which the application sends bill determinant data,
market participants in a deregulated environment, outage management systems that receive meter
event data from the application, or other parties that require or provide information to the system.
Service providers can have one or more associated processing methods that define the format or
means by which a service provider receives data from the application, such as bill determinants,
interval data, or meter events. Processing methods are also used to define how to create
information internal to the application such as initial measurement data and usage transactions.
Processing methods can also be used to define the information an external system wishes to
subscribe to receive from our application.

Service Providers as Head-End Systems

Head-end systems are systems that collect measurement data and meter events for eventual
submission to the application. Many devices can communicate to the application through a single
head-end system, but a utility may have numerous head-end systems through which they
communicate with devices.
As noted above, head-end systems are defined as service providers. Head-end systems utilize a
processing method that specifies the type of initial measurement data to create for devices (and
their related measuring components) based on measuring component type.

Service Providers in Deregulated Markets

Some utilities operate in deregulated markets. In implementations in deregulated markets, the
system can send information to and receive information from a variety of market entities. These
entities are defined as service providers.
For example, a service point’s distribution company and/or energy supply company may subscribe
to its consumption, or a service point’s meter service provider may send requests to ping the meter
that's installed at the service point to verify connectivity between the meter and its head-end

Different Relationship Types In Different Markets

Each market can define different relationship types between its service providers. A single
instance of Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management or Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway may
have service points in different markets where each market has different relationship types and
service providers. For example:
• In a regulated market the distribution company is the de facto energy supplier and meter
service provider.
• Another market might have two relationship types and a single service provider for each
1. There is a single energy supply company for the entire market
2. There is a single meter service provider for the entire market
• Yet a another market might have two relationship types (energy supply and meter service). In
this market, there might be multiple service providers for each relationship type. Each service
point can choose any of the relationship type's service providers. If a service point does not
declare a specific service provider for a given relationship type, the relationship type's
"fallback" service provider is assumed.

Service Points and Device Installation 5-3

Understanding Service Points and Device Installation

Measurement Cycles
Measurement cycles define the schedule for manual meter reading of devices at service points.
More specifically:
• A measurement cycle defines WHEN the service point is visited
• A route within a cycle defines a group of service points in a cycle that are visited by a meter
• A sequence within a route defines the physical position of the service point within a route
• A schedule specifies the dates on which service points are visited.
Manually read service point reference a measurement cycle, route and sequence within the route.
A batch process creates SP/Measurement Cycle Schedule Routes for each service point, which
link the dates on a measurement cycle schedule to a measuremeny cycle route defined for the
service point. These define the specific date on which a meter reader will visit service points
associated with a specific measurement cycle route, and the sequence in which the service points
on that route are visited.
Measurement Cycles can also be used to periodically push bill determinants to subscribing
systems. See Measurement Cycle And Creating Bill Determinants below for more

Measurement Cycle Batch Processing

Measurement cycle processing is managed by the following three batch processes:
• Create Pending Measurement Cycle Schedule Routes (D1-CMCS)
This batch process creates Schedule Routes for Measurement Cycle Schedules whose
schedule selection date is on or before the batch business date. This process is used if routes
have the same schedule each month, quarter, etc. This process simply copies the routes from
the Measurement Cycle to the Measurement Cycle Schedule on/after the scheduled selection
• Create Pending SP / Measurement Cycle Schedule Route Records (D1-CSPSR)
This batch process creates a “SP/Measurement Cycle Schedule Route” transaction for every
service point in the Measurement Cycle Schedule Route that is ready for processing.
• Process Pending SP / Measurement Cycle Schedule Route Records (D1-PSPSR)
This batch process transitions the Pending “SP/Measurement Cycle Schedule Route”
transactions to their Complete state. Custom algorithms can be configured to do any
additional necessary work, such as creating a “Meter Read Download” activity. This custom
algorithm would be configured as an Enter algorithm on the “Complete” state of the SP/
Measurement Cycle Schedule Route business object.

Measurement Cycle And Creating Bill Determinants

The system can be configured to periodically push bill determinants to subscribing systems. In this
case, measurement cycles can be configured to define when to create usage transactions for usage
subscriptions associated to service points in the cycle. In this case, even service points whose
meters are read automatically may reference measurement cycles.
Creating bill determinants (by creating a usage transaction) is performed by an algorithm on the
“Complete” state of the SP/Measurement Cycle Schedule Route business object (similar to
creating activities as descrived above).
When the Pending SP/Measurement Cycle Schedule Route records are processed by the “Process
Pending SP / Measurement Cycle Schedule Route Records” process (D1-PSPSR), rather than
create a handheld download activity, the algorithm can create a usage transaction (usage

5-4 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Understanding Service Points and Device Installation

transactions are transactions that cause bill determinants to be calculated for the service point’s
usage subscription(s)).
If the implementation needs to both manually read the meter and push bill determinants, both
algorithms would be plugged in on the SP/Measurement Cycle Schedule Route business object.

Service Points and Device Installation 5-5

Service Points in Detail

Service Points in Detail

This section provides details concerning the service point objects supplied as part of the base
package. This information illustrates how the base package objects were designed, and can serve
as the basis for any custom service point objects you create as part of your implementation. This
section includes:
• A description of the D1-SP maintenance object
• Lists of the base package service point business objects, including “lite” business objects
• Details concerning service point-specific configuration options
• A sample service point business object (D1-ServicePoint)

Maintenance Object - D1-SP

Service point business objects use the D1-SP maintenance object. The table below outlines some
of the details of this maintenance object.

Option/Field Description

Maintenance Object D1-SP

Description Service Point

Service Name D1-SP (Service Point Maintenance)

Tables • D1_SP (Service Point) - Primary

• D1_SP_CHAR (Service Point Characteristics) - Child
• D1_SP_CONTACT (Service Point Contact) - Child
• D1_SP_IDENTIFIER (Service Point Identifier) - Child
• D1_SP_LOG (Service Point Log) - Child
• D1_SP_LOG_PARM (Service Point Log Parameter) - Child
• D1_SP_MKT_PARTICIPANT (Service Point Market
Participant) - Child
• D1_SP_REL (Service Point Relationship) - Child

Use the Maintenance Object portal and the Application Viewer to view more details about this
maintenance object.

Meter Data Framework Base Package Service Point Business Objects

The meter data framework base package includes the following service point business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D1-ServicePoint Service Point

Instances of this business object represent
individual service points defined in the

5-6 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Service Points in Detail

The meter data framework base package includes the following “lite” service point business

Business Object Name Description

D1-SPLite Service Point Lite

D1-ServicePointODMBORead Service Point ODM BO to Read

D1-ServicePointParentLITE Service Point Parent LITE

The meter data framework base package includes the following additional service point business

Business Object Name Description

D1-SynchronizationAddSP Service Point Synchronization Add (used

when adding a new service point as a result
of a data synchronization request)

Configuration Options
This section outlines specific configuration options, such as business object options, system
events, and other options used by service point business objects.

Business Object Options

Service point business objects can make use of the following business object options:
• Synchronization Add BO: This option identifies the business object to use when adding
new service points as a result of a data synchronization request.

System Events
Service point business objects can make use of the following system events:
• Process Measurement Cycle: This system event specifies the algorithm invoked by the
Process Measurement Cycle Schedule batch process. This batch process looks for
measurement cycle routes that are scheduled to be processed and populates them on the
measurement cycle schedule. Once the schedule is prepared, the batch process invokes this
algorithm for each device in every route that is ready for processing. The Algorithm Entity
for these algorithms is “Service Point (BO) - Process Measurement Cycle.” The base package
provides the following algorithm types/algorithms for use with this system event:

Algorithm Type /

D1-CRMRDACT Create Meter Read Download Activity (Creates a

meter read download activity for a service point. The
service point must have a measurement cycle and
route whose schedule indicates a schedule type of
“Meter Read Download”)

D2-CRUSGTRN Create Usage Transaction (Creates a usage

transaction for every active usage subscription linked
to the service point. The business object used to
create the usage transaction is determined from the
processing method of the usage subscription's
service provider.)

Service Points and Device Installation 5-7

Service Points in Detail

Use the Algorithm Type / Algorithm portal and the Application Viewer to view more details
about these algorithms and algorithm types.

Example Service Point - D1-ServicePoint

The table below lists the details of the D1-ServicePoint service point business object.

Option Description

Business Object D1-ServicePoint

Description Service Point

Maintenance Object D1-SP (Service Point)

Application Service D1-SPBOAS (Service Point BO)

Instance Control Allow New Instances

Options • Synchronization Add BO: D1-SynchronizationAddSP

(Service Point Synchronization Add)
• Display UI Map: D1-SPDisplay (Service Point - Display)
• Portal Navigation Option: d1spTabMenu (Service Point)
• Pre-Processing Service Script: D1-SPMtnPre (Service Point
Maintenance Pre-Processing)
• Display Map Service Script: D1-SPRetDts (Service Point -
Retreive Details for Display)
• Maintenance UI Map: D1-SPMaint (Service Point -

Algorithms • Process Measurement Cycle: D1-CRMRDACT (Create Meter

Read Download Activity)
• Information: D1-SPINFO (Service Point Information)
• Pre-Processing: D1-DEFTIMZON (Default Time Zone
Value based on Installation Option)
• Validation: D1-SPADDRVAL (Validate Service Point’s
Address Information)
• Validation: D1-MSCYCVAL (Validate Service Point’s
Measurement Cycle Information
• Validation: D1-VALTIMZON (Validate BO Time Zone
Against Installation Option)

Lifecycle • Active (Initial)

• Inactive (Final)

Use the Business Object portal to view additional details concerning this business object.

5-8 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Service Points in Detail

Meter Data Management Based Package Service Point Business Objects

The Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management base package includes the following “lite” service
point business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D2-SPExternalID Service Point's External ID LITE

D2-SPLite1 Service Point Time Zone

D2-SPPrimaryUSLite Service Point Primary US Lite

The Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management base package includes the following additional
service point business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D2-SPMainContact Service Point's Main Contact (used to

retrieve the main contact of a service point)

Service Points and Device Installation 5-9

Contacts in Detail

Contacts in Detail
This section provides details concerning the contact objects supplied as part of the base package.
This information illustrates how the base package objects were designed, and can serve as the
basis for any custom contact objects you create as part of your implementation. This section
• A description of the D1-CONTACT maintenance object
• Lists of the base package contact business objects
• A sample contact business object (D1-Business)

Maintenance Object - D1-CONTACT

Contact business objects use the D1-CONTACT maintenance object. The table below outlines
some of the details of this maintenance object.

Option/Field Description

Maintenance Object D1-CONTACT

Description Contact

Service Name D1-CONTACT (Contact Maintenance)

Tables • D1_CONTACT (Contact) - Primary

• D1_CONTACT_CHAR (Contact Characteristics) - Child
• D1_CONTACT_EMAIL (Contact Email) - Child
• D1_CONTACT_IDENTIFIER (Contact Identifier) - Child
• D1_CONTACT_NAME (Contact Name) - Child
• D1_CONTACT_PHONE (Contact Phone) - Child

Use the Maintenance Object portal and the Application Viewer to view more details about this
maintenance object.

Meter Data Framework Base Package Contact Business Objects

The meter data framework base package includes the following contact business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D1-Business Business
Instances of this business object represent
individual business contacts defined in the

D1-Person Person
Instances of this business object represent
individual person contacts defined in the

The meter data framework base package includes the following “lite” contact business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D1-ContactLITE Usage Transaction To Do Contact LITE

5-10 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Contacts in Detail

Business Object Name Description

D1-ContactODMBORead Contact ODM BO to Read

The meter data framework base package includes the following additional contact business

Business Object Name Description

D1-SynchronizationAddContact Contact Synchronization Add (used when

adding a new contact as a result of a data
synchronization request)

Example Contact - D1-Business

The table below lists the details of the D1-Business contact business object.

Option Description

Business Object D1-Business

Description Business

Maintenance Object D1-CONTACT (Contact)

Application Service D1-CONTACT (Contact MO)

Instance Control Allow New Instances

Options • Synchronization Add BO: D1-SynchronizationAddContact

(Contact Synchronization Add)
• Display UI Map: D1-BusinessDisplay (Business - Display)
• Portal Navigation Option: d1contctTabMenu (Contact)
• Display Map Service Script: D1-RtBusDtl (Contact - Retreive
Details for Display)
• Maintenance UI Map: D1-BusinessMaint (Business -

Algorithms • Information: D1-BUS-INFO (Business Contact -


Use the Business Object portal to view additional details concerning this business object.

Service Points and Device Installation 5-11

Install Events in Detail

Install Events in Detail

This section provides details concerning the install event objects supplied as part of the base
package. This information illustrates how the base package objects were designed, and can serve
as the basis for any custom install event objects you create as part of your implementation. This
section includes:
• A description of the D1-INSTLEVT maintenance object
• Lists of the base package install event business objects, including “lite” business objects
• A sample install event business object (D1-SmartMeterInstallEvent)

Maintenance Object - D1-INSTLEVT

Install event business objects use the D1-INSTLEVT maintenance object. The table below
outlines some of the details of this maintenance object.

Option/Field Description

Maintenance Object D1-INSTLEVT

Description Install Event

Service Name D1-INSTLEVT (Install Event Maintenance)

Tables • D1_INSTLEVT (Install Event) - Primary

• D1_INSTLEVT_CHAR (Install Event Characteristics) -
• D1_INSTLEVT_LOG (Install Event Log) - Child
• D1_INSTLEVT_LOG_PARM (Install Event Log Parameter)
- Child
• D1_ON_OFF_HIST (On/Off History) - Child

Use the Maintenance Object portal and the Application Viewer to view more details about this
maintenance object.

Meter Data Framework Base Package Install Event Business Objects

The meter data framework base package includes the following install event business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D1-CommComponentInstallEvent Communication Component Install Event

Instances of this business object represent
individual communication component
installation events defined in the system.

D1-ManualMeterInstallEvent Manual Meter Installation Event

Instances of this business object represent
individual manual meter installation events
defined in the system.

D1-SmartMeterInstallEvent Smart Meter Installation Event

Instances of this business object represent
individual smart meter installation events
defined in the system.

5-12 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Install Events in Detail

The meter data framework base package includes the following “lite” install event business

Business Object Name Description

D1-CommCompInstallEventLITE Communication Component Install Event


D1-InstallEventBORead ODM Install Event BO to Read

D1-InstallEventLite Install Event Lite

D1-InstallEventMainLite Install Event Main LITE

D1-InstallEventParentLITE Install Event Parent LITE

D1-SmartMeterInstallEventLite Smart Meter Install Event LITE

The meter data framework base package includes the following additional install event business

Business Object Name Description

D1-SynchronizationAddIE Install Event Synchronization Add (used

when adding a new installation event as a
result of a data synchronization request)

Example Install Event - D1-SmartMeterInstallEvent

The table below lists the details of the D1-SmartMeterInstallEvent install event business object.

Option Description

Business Object D1-SmartMeterInstallEvent

Description Smart Meter Installation Event

Maintenance Object D1-INSTLEVT (Install Event)

Application Service D1-SMTMTRINSEVTBOAS (Smart Event Installation Event


Instance Control Allow New Instances

Options • Synchronization Add BO: D1-SynchronizationAddIE (Install

Event Synchronization Add)
• Display UI Map: D1-SmartMeterInstallEventDisplay (Smart
Meter Install Event - Display)
• Portal Navigation Option: d1inevtmTabMenu (Install Event)
• Display Map Service Script: D1-SmtIERtDt (Smart Meter
Install Event - Retreive Details for Display)
• Maintenance UI Map: D1-SmartMeterInstallEventMaint
(Smart Meter Install Event - Maintenance)

Service Points and Device Installation 5-13

Install Events in Detail

Option Description

Algorithms • Information: D1-INEVTINFO (Install Event Information)

• Pre-Processing: D1-DFLTINSTC (Default the Install Event’s
Installation Constant)
• Pre-Processing: D1-POPARMSTS (Default the Arming
• Validation: D1-DEVCFGVAL (Validate Device the
• Validation: D1-ONHISTVAL (Validate the On/Off History
based on the Previous Install Event)
• Validation: D1-CHKHISEVT (Validate the On/Off History
based on the Install Event’s Status)
• Validation: D1-CKIFOVLEX (Validate Overlapping Install
• Validation: D1-VALIERMDT (Validate Removal Info)

Lifecycle • Pending (Initial)

• Connected/Pre-Commissioned (Interim)
• Pre-Connected/Commissioned (Interim)
• Connected/Commissioned (Interim)
• Connected/Decommissioned (Interim)
• Disconnected/Commissioned (Interim)
• Disconnected/Decommissioned (Interim)
• Remove (Final)

Use the Business Object portal to view additional details concerning this business object.

5-14 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Service Providers in Detail

Service Providers in Detail

This section provides details concerning the service provider objects supplied as part of the base
package. This information illustrates how the base package objects were designed, and can serve
as the basis for any custom service provider objects you create as part of your implementation.
This section includes:
• A description of the D1-SVCPROVDR maintenance object
• Lists of the base package service provider business objects, including “lite” business objects
• Details concerning service provider-specific configuration options
• A sample service provider business object (D1-HeadEndSystem)

Maintenance Object - D1-SVCPROVDR

Service provider business objects use the D1-SVCPROVDR maintenance object. The table below
outlines some of the details of this maintenance object.

Option/Field Description

Maintenance Object D1-SVCPROVDR

Description Service Provider

Service Name D1-SVCPROVDR (Service Provider Maintenance)

Tables • D1_SPR (Service Provider) - Primary

• D1_SPR_CHAR (Service Provider Characteristics) - Child
• D1_SPR_L (Service Provider Language) - Child

Use the Maintenance Object portal and the Application Viewer to view more details about this
maintenance object.

Meter Data Framework Base Package Service Provider Business Objects

The meter data framework base package includes the following service provider business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D1-ExternalApplication External Application

Instances of this business object represent
individual external applications defined in
the system.

D1-HeadEndSystem Head-End System

Instances of this business object represent
individual head-end systems defined in the

D1-MarketParticipant Market Participant

Instances of this business object represent
individual market participants defined in
the system.

D1-ServiceProvider Service Provider (generic service provider

business object used as a parent business
object for all other service provider
business objects)

Service Points and Device Installation 5-15

Service Providers in Detail

The meter data framework base package includes the following “lite” service provider business

Business Object Name Description

D1-MarketParticipantLite Market Participant Lite

The meter data framework base package includes the following additional service provider
business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D1-ServiceProviderBundlingAdBO Bundling Add BO for Service Provider

D1-ServiceProviderPhysicalBO Physical BO for Service Provider

Configuration Options
This section outlines specific configuration options, such as business object options, system
events, and other options used by service provider business objects.

Business Object Options

Service provider business objects can make use of the following business object options:
• Service Provider Type: This option defines the type of service provider. Valid values are
defined as values for the SPR_TYPE_FLG lookup field. The base package includes the
following options:

Lookup FIeld Value Description

D1EA Edge Application

D1HE Head-End System

Example Service Provider - D1-HeadEndSystem

The table below lists the details of the D1-HeadEndSystem service provider business object.

Option Description

Business Object D1-HeadEndSystem

Description Head-End System

Maintenance Object D1-SVCPROVDR (Service Provider)

Parent Business Object D1-ServiceProvider

Application Service D1-SVCPROVIDER (Service Provider MO)

Instance Control Allow New Instances

5-16 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Service Providers in Detail

Option Description

Options • Service Provider Type: D1HE (Head-End)

• Display UI Map: D1-HeadEndSystemDisplay (Head-End
System - Display)
• Portal Navigation Option: d1svcproTabMenu (Service
• Maintenance UI Map: D1-HeadEndSystemMaint (Head-End
System - Maintenance)

Use the Business Object portal to view additional details concerning this business object.

Service Points and Device Installation 5-17

Processing Methods in Detail

Processing Methods in Detail

This section provides details concerning the processing method objects supplied as part of the
base package. This information illustrates how the base package objects were designed, and can
serve as the basis for any custom processing method objects you create as part of your
implementation. This section includes:
• A description of the D1-PROCMETHD maintenance object
• Lists of the base package processing method business objects, including “lite” business
• Details concerning processing method-specific configuration options
• A sample service processing method object (D1-HowToCreateMCInformation)

Maintenance Object - D1-PROCMETHD

Processing method business objects use the D1-PROCMETHD maintenance object. The table
below outlines some of the details of this maintenance object.

Option/Field Description

Maintenance Object D1-PROCMETHD

Description Processing Method

Service Name D1-PROCMETHOD (Processing Method Maintenance)

Tables • D1_PROC_METH (Processing Method) - Primary

• D1_PROC_METH_CHAR (Processing Method
Characteristics) - Child
• D1_PROC_METH_L (Processing Method Language) - Child

Use the Maintenance Object portal and the Application Viewer to view more details about this
maintenance object.

Meter Data Framework Base Package Business Objects

The meter data framework base package includes the following processing method business

Business Object Name Description

D1-AbstractProcessingMethod Generic Processing Method (generic

processing method business object used as
a parent business object for all other
processing method business objects)

D1-HowToCreateActivityOBComm How to Create Outbound Communication

/ Send OB Message (used to determine the
specific type of outbound communication/
message to send)

D1-HowToCreateMCInformation How To Create MC Related Information

(used to define how measuring component-
related information is created for the
service provider, including initial
measurement data)

5-18 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Processing Methods in Detail

Business Object Name Description

D1-HowToProcDvceEvtsInformation How to Process Device Event Related

Information (used to send device events to
a service provider)

D1-HowToProcessDeviceInfo How to Process Device Related

Information (used to define data
translations for head-end systems,
including how UOM codes are mapped for
devices of the head-end system, how device
events are mapped, how time zones are
translated, etc.)

D1-HowToSendActInformation How to Send Activity Related Informatoin

(used to define how activity-related
information is sent to the service provider)

D1-HowToSendActivityResponse How to Send Activity Related Outbound

Messages (used to define the outbound
message type sent to a service provider in
response to an activity)

The meter data framework base package includes the following additional processing method
business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D1-ProcessingMethodBundlingABO Bundling Add BO for Processing Method

D1-ProcessingMethodPhysicalBO Physical BO for Processing Method

Configuration Options
This section outlines specific types of BO Options and System Events used by service provider
business objects.

Business Object Options

Service provider business objects can make use of the following business object options:
• Applicable Processing Role: This option defines the processing role for the processing
method. Valid values are defined as values for the PROC_ROLE_FLG lookup field. The
base package includes the following options:

Lookup FIeld Value Description

D1AM Obtain AMI Device Identifier

D1BR Bulk Response

D1DA Activity Notification

D1DC Device Commission

D1DD Device Decommission

D1DM Device Event Mapping

D1DS Device Status Check

Service Points and Device Installation 5-19

Processing Methods in Detail

Lookup FIeld Value Description

D1EP Event Processing Default Configuration

D1FR Response - Fail

D1IM Initial Measurement Creation

D1IN On-Demand Read (Interval)

D1LC Load Check

D1MS Multi-Device Status Check

D1RC Remote Connect

D1RD Remote Disconnect

D1RM Retrieve Meter

D1RR Response - Received

D1SC On-Demand Read (Scalar)

D1SD Send Device Event

D1SQ SQI Translation

D1SR Response - Success

D1TU TOU Translation

D1TZ Time Zone Translation

D1UM UOM Translation

D1VC Verify Commission

System Events
Service provider business objects can make use of the following system events:
• Determine Processing Method(s): This system event defines the algorithm used to
determine the processing methods (business object or batch code) to use, based on the
related entity. The Algorithm Entity for available algorithms is “Proc Method (BO) -
Determine Proc Method.” The base package includes the following algorithm types and
algorithms for use with this system event:

Algorithm Type / Algorithm Description

D1-BODIFFAT / D1-BODIFFAT BO / Batch Differs By Activity Type (returns the

BO code or batch code used to send activity-
related information to a service provider for a
processing role)

D1-BODIFFAT / D1-BOBDIFFAT BO / Batch Differs By Activity Type (returns the

BO code or batch code used to send activity-
related information to a service provider for a
processing role)

5-20 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Processing Methods in Detail

Algorithm Type / Algorithm Description

D1-BODIFFDT / D1-BODIFFDT BO Differs by Device Type (returns the BO code

used in the creation of device-oriented
information for a service provider and processing

D1-BODIFFMCT / D1-BODIFFMCT BO Differs By Measuring Component Type

(returns the BO code used to create measuring
component-related information for a service
provider and processing role)

D1-DIFDVETC / D1-DIFDVETC Method Differs By Device Event Category

(returns the BO or outbound message type or
batch process used to send device events to a
service provider)

D1-OCDDT / D1-OCDDT Outbound Communication Differs by Device

Type (returns the BO used to send messages to a
service provider)

D1-OMTDAT / D1-OMTDAT Outbound Message Type Differs by Activity Type

(returns the outbound message type used to
create outbound messages for a service provider
and processing role or message category/number
if outbound message creation is not supported)

D1-OMTDCT / D1-OMTDCT Outbound Message Type Differs By

Communication Type (returns the outbound
message type used to create outbound messages
for a service provider and processing role or
message category/number if outbound message
creation is not supported))

Example Processing Method - D1-HowToCreateMCInformation

The table below lists the details of the D1-HowToCreateMCInformation business object.

Option Description

Business Object D1-HowToCreateMCInformation

Description How to Create Measuring Component Related Information

Maintenance Object D1-PROCMETHD (Processing Method)

Parent Business Object D1-AbstractProcessingMethod

Lifecycle Business Generic Processing Method


Application Service D1-PROCMETHD (Processing Method MO)

Instance Control Allow New Instances

Service Points and Device Installation 5-21

Processing Methods in Detail

Option Description

Options • Applicable Processing Role: D1IM

• Portal Navigation Option: d1svcproTabMenu (Service
• Maintenance UI Map: D1-HowToCreateMCInfoMaint (How
To Crt MC Related Info - Maintenance)

Algorithms • Determine Processing Method(s): D1-BODIFFMCT (BO

Differs by Measuring Component Type)
• Validation: D1-PROMTHVAL (Validate Processing Method)

Use the Business Object portal to view additional details concerning this business object.

5-22 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Processing Methods in Detail

Meter Data Management Base Package Processing Method Business Objects

and Configuration Options
The Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management base package includes the following processing
method business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D2-HowToCreateUSInformation How To Create US Related Information

D2-HowToSendUSInfoBatch How To Send US Related Information


D2-HowToSendUSInfoOnline How To Send US Information Online -


D2-HowToSendUSInformation How To Send US Related Information

Business Object Options

Service provider business objects can make use of the following business object options:
• Applicable Processing Role: This option defines the processing role for the processing
method. Valid values are defined as values for the PROC_ROLE_FLG lookup field. The
base package includes the following options:

Lookup FIeld Value Description

D2EB Usage Trans Error Notification - Batch

D2EO Usage Trans Error Notification - Online

D2UB Usage Transaction Notification - Batch

D2UC Usage Transaction Creation

D2UO Usage Transaction Notification - Online

D2US Usage Trans Subsequent Correction Notification

D2UT Usage Transaction Notification

System Events
Service provider business objects can make use of the following system events:
• Determine Processing Method(s): This system event defines the algorithm used to
determine the processing methods (business object or batch code) to use, based on the
related entity. The Algorithm Entity for available algorithms is “Proc Method (BO) -
Determine Proc Method.” The base package includes the following algorithm types and
algorithms for use with this system event:

Algorithm Type / Algorithm Description

D2-BOBDIFFUS / D2-BOBDIFFUS BO / Batch Differs By Usage Subscription Type

(returns the BO code or batch code used to send
usage subscription-related information to a
service provider for a processing role.)

Service Points and Device Installation 5-23

Processing Methods in Detail

Algorithm Type / Algorithm Description

D2-BODIFFUST / D2-BODIFFUST BO Differs By Usage Subscription Type (returns

the BO code used to create usage subscription-
oriented information for a service provider and
processing role)

5-24 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Configuring Service Point and Device Installation Objects

Configuring Service Point and Device Installation Objects

This section provides high-level overviews of the steps involved in configuring custom service
points, contacts, install events, service providers, and activities. See Configuration Process
Overview in Chapter One for a high-level overview of the overall configuration process.
Note: The procedures below focus on specific configuration tasks and options related to each of
the objects described in this chapter, and do not address all the steps involved in creating business
objects, UI maps, algorithms, etc. For more information about these subjects, refer to the Oracle
Utilities Application Framework documentation.

Configuring Custom Service Points

Configuring custom service points involves the following steps:
1. Design the service point business objects you will need to create for your implementation,
including the data and processing required for each.
2. Create the custom service point-related configuration objects required for your business
objects, including:
Business Object Options: Create algorithms for the following business object options:
• Process Measurement Cycle
3. Create your service point business objects, referencing the configuration objects created
above as appropriate.
4. Set up admin records that define the service point types you will use in your implementation.

Configuring Custom Contacts

Configuring custom contacts involves the following steps:
1. Design the contact business objects you will need to create for your implementation,
including the data and processing required for each.
2. Create the custom contact-related configuration objects required for your business objects.
3. Set up admin records that define the contact types you will use in your implementation.

Configuring Custom Install Events

Configuring custom install events involves the following steps:
1. Design the install event business objects you will need to create for your implementation,
including the data and processing required for each.
2. Create the custom install event-related configuration objects required for your business

Service Points and Device Installation 5-25

Configuring Service Point and Device Installation Objects

Configuring Custom Service Providers

Configuring custom service providers involves the following steps:
1. Design the service provider business objects you will need to create for your implementation,
including the data and processing required for each.
2. Create the custom service provider-related configuration objects required for your business
objects, including:
Processing Methods: Create processing method business objects for use with each service
3. Create your service provider business objects, referencing the configuration objects created
above as appropriate.
Note: Service provider business objects should reference D1-ServiceProvider as their Parent
Business Object.

Configuring Custom Processing Methods

Configuring custom processing methods involves the following steps:
1. Design the processing method business objects you will need to create for your
implementation, including the data and processing required for each.
2. Create the custom processing method-related configuration objects required for your
business objects, including:
System Events: Create algorithms for the following system events:
• Determine Processing Method(s)
3. Create your processing method provider business objects, referencing the configuration
objects created above as appropriate.
Note: Processing method business objects should reference D1-AbstractProcessingMethod
as their Parent Business Object.

5-26 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Chapter 6
Measurement Data

This chapter provides descriptions of initial and final measurement data, including:
• Understanding Initial Measurement Data and Final Measurements
• Initial Measurement Data In Detail
• Measurements In Detail
• Configuring Initial Measurements and Measurements

Measurement Data 6-1

Understanding Initial Measurement Data and Final Measurements

Understanding Initial Measurement Data and Final Measurements

This section provides an overview of initial measurements and finals measurements and how they
are used in Oracle Utilities meter data framework and Oracle Utilities Meter Data Managemen,
• Initial Measurement Data
• Final Measurements
• Daylight Saving Time Support

Initial Measurement Data

Measurements read from a measuring component are referred to as “initial measurement data” (or
initial measurements) and are used to record how much of the quantity (defined by UOM, TOU,
and SQI) measured by the measuring component was consumed.
Initial measurement data for scalar measuring components contain a single “reading” or value,
while initial measurement data for interval measuring components can contain multiple readings,
one for each interval that falls between the start time and stop time of the measurement.
At a simple level, initial measurement data goes through the following process:
1. Initial measurements are loaded into the system.
2. Initial measurement data is validated, edited, and estimated.
3. Initial measurements are converted into final measurements.
4. Final measurements are used to calculate usage (bill determinants, etc.).

Creating Initial Measurements

The IMD Seeder business object (D1-IMDSeeder) is used to create initial measurements (via
instantiating initial measurement business objects), based on the head-end system sending the
measurement. The “Initial Measurement Creation” processing method defined for the head-end
system service provider defines the specific type of initial measurement to create. If for some
reason an initial measurement can’t be created, an instance of the IMD Seeder business object is
created to allow tracking of the error (and once the error is resolved, the IMD Seeder instance can
be reprocessed.
The IMD Seeder business object determines the service provider and measuring component for
the measurement (based on attributes supplied in the incoming reading, such as device ID,
external reference ID, etc.). This is performed by the “Derive Service Provider and Measuring
Component” pre-processing algorithm (D1-DER-SPRMC).
The IMD Seeder also ensures that the Start and End Date/Time fields on the initial measurement
are populated, deriving them from the incoming reading if necessary. This step is performed by
the “Derive IMD Date/Time Values” pre-processing algorithm (D1-VALDR-INP).

Critical Validations
The IMD Seeder also performs a series of critical validations to ensure that the incokming reading
contains valid data. These critical validations include validating that the device identifier supplied is
valid and exists in the system, and performing Undercount and Overcount checks for interval
• Device Identifier: Device identifier checks validate that the device identifier provided with
the measurement is valid. Device identifiers can include serial number, badge number,
channel ID, etc.
• Undercount: An undercount occurs when an interval initial measurement contains fewer
interval values than approrpriate based on the interval size (or seconds-per-interval, or SPI)
and the Start and End Date/Time values. For example, if an initial measurement has an

6-2 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Understanding Initial Measurement Data and Final Measurements

interval size of one hour (or an SPI of 3600), and a Start Date/Time is October 27, 2011 and
End Date/Time of October 28, 2011 (a total duration of 1 day), it should contain 24 interval
values. If it contained less than 24 interval values, it could consitute an undercount.
• Overcount: An overcount occurs when an interval initial measurement contains more
interval values than approrpriate based on the interval size (or seconds-per-interval, or SPI)
and the Start and End Date/Time values. For example, if an initial measurement has an
interval size of one hour (or an SPI of 3600), and a Start Date/Time is October 27, 2011 and
End Date/Time of October 28, 2011 (a total duration of 1 day), it should contain 24 interval
values. If it contained more than 24 interval values, it could consitute an overcount.
If an incoming interval initial measurement contains either an invalid device identifier, an
undercount, or an overcount, the measurement is rejected, and an instance of the IMD Seeder
business object is created. Undercount and Overcount checks are performed by the “Perform
Date/Time Adjustments and Undercount/Overcount Check” pre-processing algorithm (D1-

Time Zone Translation

If your organization receives initial measurement from a source that provides its data in a different
time zone than the one in which the data will be stored in Oracle Utilities Meter Data
Management, a translation can be performed to translate the time zone from an external time
zone identifier to one configured within the application. This translation is defined via the Head-
End Time Zone to Standard Mapping extendable lookup.

Validation, Editing, and Estimation

Once received into the system, initial measurements are subject to validation, editing, and
estimation. This process involves the following:
• Validation: Validates that the initial measurement data is within expected tolerances, and is
• Editing: If the initial measurement data is wrong in some way, the data can be automatically
• Estimation: If initial measurement data is incomplete (for example, if one or more interval
values within an interval measurement are missing), missing values can be automatically
As noted above, the values recorded in an initial measurement can change during the validation,
editing, and estimation processing, and exceptions can be raised if initial measurements are wrong
in some way (such as out-of-tolerance quantities, incorrect values, etc.).
Note: The validation, editing, and estimation process is referred to as VEE,
and is described in more detail in a later chapter.

Skipping VEE Processing - High Quality Check for Interval Initial Measurements
Execution of VEE rules is performed by an Enter algorithm on the “VEE Complete” state of the
initial measurement business object. For interval initial measurements, the “High Quality Check -
Vector Band Based” (D1-HIGHQUALV) algorithm can be used to skip VEE processing and
transition the initial measurement directly to the “Finalized” state.
This algorithm checks whether the intervals within an initial measurement are considered to be of
“high quality” (defined below), and if they are considered “high quality”, the algorithm transitions
the current initial measurement directly to the "Finalized" state.
An interval initial measurement is considered to be of “high quality” if the following conditions
are met:
• There are no missing intervals in the initial measurement

Measurement Data 6-3

Understanding Initial Measurement Data and Final Measurements

• All interval values are within a range that extends above and below final interval values for the
corresponding intervals from the previous reading. The range is defined by the “Low
Tolerance” and “High Tolerance” algorithm parameters. These parameters define mutipliers
that are applied to the corresponding interval from the previous reading. The “Low
Tolerance” is subtracted from the previous reading’s final measurement, and the “High
Tolerance” is added the the previous reading’s final measurement to define the range within
which each interval must fall.
For example, if the previous reading’s final measurement value at 1:00 AM was 20, and the
“Low Tolerance” parameter is set to 0.2 and the “High Tolerance” parameter is set to 0.25,
the initial measurement’s value at 1:00 AM must be between between 16 (20 - 0.2*20) and 25
(20 + 0.25*20).
• All intervals have a condition code that falls between the range defined by the “Default
Bottom Range Condition Value” and “Default Top Range Condition Value” algorithm
If the initial measurement fails any part of the high quality assessment, the routine simply exits.

Pre VEE and Post VEE Quantities

Initial measurement data contains both the original and final versions of the quantities recorded by
the measuring component.
• Pre VEE quantities are consumption values derived from the measurements recorded by the
head-end system or meter reader.
• Post VEE quantities are the “final” values, after VEE processing.
Pre VEE and Post VEE quantities in an initial measurement often differ based on a number of
conditions, including:
1. The measuring component has a multiplier other than 1.
In this case, the Post VEE value is equal to the Pre VEE value times the multiplier.
2. The installation event has a constant other than 1.
In this case, the Post VEE value is equal to the Pre VEE value times the installation constant.
3. VEE rules have changed the quantities because they are missing or obviously wrong
In this, the Pre VEE values are adjusted based on the specifics of the VEE rules applied to
the initial measurement to create the Post VEE values
4. Manual changes by a user.

Condition Codes
In addition to recorded consumption values, measurements also have condition codes, used to
indicate the source and quality of a measurement. For example:
• Regularly recorded measurements might have a condition code of “Regular”
• Missing measurements might have a condition code of “Missing”
• Estimated measurements might have a condition code of “External Estimated” or “System
Estimated” based on where the estimation was performed.

6-4 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Understanding Initial Measurement Data and Final Measurements

Both Pre VEE and Post VEE values have their own condition code, which can also change during
VEE processing. For example, consider the following sample measurements from an interval
measuring component:

Pre VEE Pre VEE Post VEE Post VEE

Date / Time
Value Condition Value Condition

01/01/2010 3:00 PM 14.678 Regular 15.1 Regular

01/01/2010 4:00 PM Missing 20 Estimated

01/01/2010 5:00 PM 13.12 Regular 13.41 Regular

01/01/2010 6:00 PM 150.12 Regular 14.12 Estimated

For the 4:00 PM interval, note the Pre VEE condition indicates the interval is missing and the
Post VEE condition highlights that it was estimated.
For the 6:00 PM interval (containing a spike, or an interval with conspicuously high usage relative
to surrounding intervals), note that the system head-end (the system that recorded the
measurement) indicated the interval value was fine (Pre VEE is regular), but the VEE process
smoothed it, and set the Post VEE condition to “Estimated.”

Condition Codes Extendable Lookup

Condition codes are defined in the Measurement Condition extendable lookup (D1-
MeasurementConditionLookup). Base package condition codes delivered in this extendable
lookup include the following:

Condition Code (Value) Description

100000 No Read - System

101000 No Read - Outage

201000 Missing

301000 System Estimate

401000 External Estimate

402000 Office Estimate

501000 Regular

901000 Super

Additional condition codes can be added to this extendable lookup to meet requirements specific
to individual implementations. Gaps between the base package condition code values allow
custom condition codes to be added that represent data with conditions that fall between the base
package conditions. For example, a condition code to indicate that the measurement was estimated
based on partially incomplete data (and is considered to be of worse quality than “System
Estimate”, but better than “Missing”) would fall somewhere between 201000 and 301000.
As a general rule, condition codes used to represent bad data or error conditions should be smaller
than condition codes used to represent good data.

Subtractive Measuring Components

Initial measurement data for subtractive measuring components (such as most scalar measuring
components) also typically contain start and stop readings in addition to Pre and Post VEE usage.

Measurement Data 6-5

Understanding Initial Measurement Data and Final Measurements

For example, a set of initial measurements for s subtractive scalar measuring component might
look like the following:

Start Stop Pre VEE Pre VEE Post VEE Post VEE
Date / Time
Reading Reading Usage Condition Value Usage

01/01/2010 3:00 PM 0 1500 1500 Regular 1515 Regular

02/2/2010 4:11 PM 1500 2100 600 Regular 606 Regular

03/03/2010 5:22 PM 2100 2900 800 Regular 808 Regular

04/01/2010 1:00 PM 2900 3500 600 Regular 606 Regular

Rollover Calculations
Subtractive measuring components can “rollover” when the reading exceeds the maximum value
based on the number of dials. For example, a register with a 4 dials can record values up to 9999
before rolling over to 0000. When this occurs, consumption is calculated based on the following
attributes and calculated values.
• Rollover Threshold is the percentage of the measuring component's dial capacity at which
measurements for measuring components of this type are considered to have rolled over. Dial
capacity is the largest value that can be recorded for the measuring component, based on the
measuring component's number of dials. For example, a measuring component with 5 dials
has a dial capacity of 99999.
• MaxDialCapacity is the maximum value for the number of dials, rounded up to the next
whole multiple of 10 (or 10 raised to the power of the number of dials). For example, for a
register with 4 dials, the MaxDialValue is 10000.
• MaxAcceptableDifference is the maximum acceptable consumption that can be recorded
for the register. This is equal to the MaxDialCapacity multiplied by the rollover threshold. For
example, the MaxAcceptableDifference for a register with 4 dials and a rollover threshold of
90% would be 9000. If the consumption is greater than this value, the initial measurement is
transitioned to the Error state.
• Difference: The difference between the Stop Reading and Start Reading, obtained by
subtracting the Start Reading from the Stop Reading. If the Difference is less than zero (<0),
then add the MaxDialCapacity to calculate Rollover.
• Rollover: The adjusted consumption for a reading on a register that has rolled over. Only
applicable if the Difference (Stop Reading - Start Reading) is less than zero (<0).
• Consumption: The calculated consumption for the reading, equal to either the Difference or
Rollover. If the Difference is greater than or equal to zero, consumption is equal to the
Difference. If the Difference is less than zero (<0), and the Rollover is less than or equal to
the MaxAcceptableDifference, the consumption is equal to the Rollover.
Example: Consider an initial measurement with the following attributes:
• Number of Dials: 4
• Rollover Threshold: 90 (%)
• Start Reading: 8900
• Stop Reading: 0500
For this reading,
MaxDialCapacity = 10000
MaxAcceptableDifference = 9000 (10000 * .90)
Difference = 0500 (Stop Reading) - 8900 (Start Reading) or -8400

6-6 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Understanding Initial Measurement Data and Final Measurements

Rollover = 10000 (MaxDialCapacity) + -8400 (Difference) or 1600

Consumption is equal to 1600 (Rollover).

Estimated Initial Measurements

Over the course of time, it may happen that the system will not receive usage for a device for some
period of time. When the system detects that a measuring component is missing final
measurements, it can creates a initial measurement via estimation. This type of initial measurement
is referred to as an estimated initial measurement (as opposed to an Initial Load or Manual initial
At a high-level, the estimation process is as follows:
• Missing Measurements are detected by a “Period Estimation” system event algorithm on the
measuring component business object
• Estimated initial measurements are created for the “missing” time period by the “Period
Estimation” system event algorithm on the measuring component business object
• Values and consumption for the estimated initial measurements are calculated by
“estimation” VEE rules.
It’s important to note that the processes that detect missing measurements do NOT themselves
estimate consumption. Rather, these detection processes simply create an initial measurement and
let the estimation VEE rules estimate the consumption for the initial measurement.

Detecting Missing Measurements

The detection of missing measurements occurs at different points in time for interval and scalar
measuring components:
• For interval measuring components, a dedicated batch process exists to initiate creation of
estimated initial measurements
• For manually read scalar measuring components, a usage calculation rule creates the initial
measurement if it cannot find a measurement and it has been given permission to estimate.
(Note: the information that follows applies primarily to interval measuring components).
The batch process that detects missing consumption for interval measuring components uses two
elements on interval measurinng component type:
• Hours Before Estimation: the number of hours after the End Date and Time of the most
recent measurement that must pass before the measuring component is considered due for
estimation. For example, if set to 72 hours, estimation will only take place 72 hours after the
End Date and Time of the latest measurement.
• Number of Hours to Estimate: the number of hours of measurement data that are
estimated when estimation is performed for the measuring component.
If a measuring component has contiguous final measurements on/after a date and time equal to
the current date/time minus the “Hours Before Estimate” value, the measuring component is not
If the measuring component does NOT have contiguous final measurements on/after a date and
time equal to the current date/time minus the “Hours Before Estimate” value, the measuring
component is estimated. If the measuring component is subject to estimation, measurements will
be estimated through the a date and time equal to the current date/time minus the (Hours Before
Estimation - Number of Hours to Estimate).
The following examples illustrate how the system determines if estimation should take place.
These examples are all assume a measuring component whose measuring component type
specifies an “Hours Before Estimation” of 72 (3 days) and a “Number of Hours to Estimate” of
24 (1 day).

Measurement Data 6-7

Understanding Initial Measurement Data and Final Measurements

Example 1: On January 9, if there is contiguous consumption through January 7, estimation

would not occur because consumption exists after January 6 (3 days prior to January 9). The
diagram below illustrates this example:

Example 2: On Janury 9 if contiguous consumption existed through January 2, estimation would

take place because consumption does not exist through January 6 (3 days prior to January 9). In
this example, consumption would be estimated for missing intervals from January 2 through
January 7 (January 9 minus 48 hours (Hours Before Estimation minus Number of Hours to
Estimate). Note that this assumes that period estimation had NOT been run after January 5. The
diagram below illustrates this example:

Example 3: On Janury 9 if contiguous consumption existed through January 2 and for January 5
(but NOT for January 3-4 or 6-7), two initial measurements would be created, one for January 3-4,
and another for January 6-7. The diagram below illustrates this example:

Estimation Algorithms
Estimation for interval measuring components is detected and initiated by two algorithms, one on
the device business object, and the other on the measuring component business object.
Devices whose measuring components are subject to periodic estimation (in most cases, interval
measuring components) have a “Period Estimation” Monitor algorithm (D1-PERESTM) on their
Active state. This monitoring algorithm retrieves the device's measuring component and invokes
the algorithm on the “Periodic Estimation” system event on the measuring component business
object. Note - the device monitoring algorithm can be configured to look at device configurations
from a number of days in the past defined by an algorithm parameter. The base package includes
this algorithm on the Active state of the Smart Meter (D1-SmartMeter) device business object.
The “Periodic Estimation” monitor algorithm can be triggered by the “Smart Meter State Monitor
Process” batch process (D1-SMMTR).
The “Periodic Estimation” System Event algorithm determines if a measuring component is
missing final measurements (as described above), and if final measurements are missing, estimates
initial measurements and/or creates a To Do Entry. In the base package, this algorithm is the
“Create Initial Measurement and To Do Entry” algorithm (D1-CRIMTODO). Algorithm
parameters can specify if an initial measurement is to be created, if an To Do Entry is to be

6-8 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Understanding Initial Measurement Data and Final Measurements

created, and the To Do Type and Role (if applicable) for any To Do entries created. The base
package includes this algorithm on the Period Estimation system event state of the Interval
Channel (D1-IntervalChannel) measuring component business object.

Estimation Calculations
When new estimated initial measurements are created (for either interval or scalar measuring
components), the Pre-VEE and Post-VEE values are initially set to zero. When the initial
measurement enters the “VEE Complete” state, the VEE rules within the VEE group defined for
the “Estimation” VEE role (defined by the “VEE Group For Estimation” field on the measuring
component) calculate values and consumption for the initial measurement.
Note that the VEE rules used in this process can also include validation rules that perform
validation on the estimated values and consumption. For example, the “estimation” VEE group
might contain rules to estimate interval values from a profile, and then perform a sum check to
validate the resulting interval measurement against measurements from a consumption reference
measuring component. In this example, the sum check validation would be configured to be
applied after the interval profile estimation.
Estimated initial measurements are created using “estimation” initial measurement business
objects. The base package includes the Estimation IMD (Interval) and Estimation IMD (Scalar)
business objects (D1-EstimationIMDInterval or D1-EstimationIMDScalar, respectively).

Measurement Data 6-9

Understanding Initial Measurement Data and Final Measurements

Final Measurements
When an initial measurement is considered “final,” that is, it has pass all VEE processing and no
additional modifications or changes need to be made, it is transformed into a Final Measurement,
or simply a Measurement (the terms measurement, final measurement, and final consumption all
reference this same “final” measurement data).
When creating final measurements from initial measurement data:
• Final measurements are created using Post VEE quantities
• Each final measurement's condition is copied from the Post VEE condition
• Initial measurements are normalized into final measurements where each final measurement
is for a specific date and time.
• Because a single initial measurement may contain many “readings,” a separate final
measurement is created for each interval in the initial measurement. For example, if an initial
measurement contains 24 hours of 15 minute readings, 96 measurements will be created, each
with a specific date and time.
Final measurements are periodically transformed into more concise and accessible usage (also
known as bill determinants) for the subscribing systems. In this example, a time-of-use map is
applied to the final measurements for an entire month. The usage calculation process is described
in more detail in a later chapter.

Derived Values
Final measurements can record up to 10 derived values in addition to the "as measured" value.
The derivation formula for each value on a final measurement is held in an algorithm and
therefore can derive anything. For example, a set of measurements can adjusted or converted into
other units of measure:

As Measured Loss Adjusted Thermal Units

SQI: n/a SQI: n/a SQI: n/a

01/01/2010 3:00 PM 10 10.1 10.11

01/01/2010 4:00 PM 15 15.15 15.165

01/01/2010 5:00 PM 10 10.1 10.11

Derived values are not reliant on consumption values, but can also come from factors, historical
data, or another source.For example, measurements might be compared to “normal” usage for the
usage period:

Percent (%) of
As Measured Loss Adjusted Thermal Units Normal CCF
SQI: n/a SQI: n/a SQI: n/a SQI: Normal
SQI: n/a

01/01/2010 3:00 PM 10 10.1 10.11 10 100%

01/01/2010 4:00 PM 15 15.15 15.165 10 150%

01/01/2010 5:00 PM 10 10.1 10.11 10 100%

6-10 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Understanding Initial Measurement Data and Final Measurements

Updating Final Measurements

Final measurements can be updated if necessary. If final measurements are discovered to incorrect
(for whatever reason), a new initial measurement is created to correct them. This new initial
measurement contains the corrected consumption, and after the initial measurement has
completed VEE processing, the existing final measurements are updated with the newly calculated
Note: The primary key on the table used to store final measurements (the
Measurement table) is a combination of the measuring component ID and the
date/time of the measurement. This means that it is impossible for more than
one final measurement to exist for a measuring component for a given date/
The reason a new initial measurement must be created and completed to add or update
measurements because there no user interface that allows users to directly edit final measurements.

Daylight Saving Time Support

This section describes how the Oracle Utilities meter data framework and its related products
support Daylight Saving Time (DST) for measurement data, including:
• Types of Devices
• Date/Time Storage and Display
• Oracle Utilities Application Framework
• Typical Daylight Saving Time Scenarios

Types of Devices
In Oracle Utilities meter data framework initial measurement data processing, the application
understands a device that is either:
a. Aware of the fact that Local time in the device's time zone has been shifted from
"Standard", or
b. Unaware of any such shifting.
Devices in the "unaware" category ("b") will always send Oracle Utilities meter data framework
initial measurement data with measurements in Standard time. Devices in the "aware" category
("a") will always send the application initial measurement data in Local time.
Whether a device falls into category "a" (Aware) or "b" (Unaware) is configured via the Incoming
Data Shift flag on the device type (which can be overridden on the device). The values of the flag
• "Always in Local Time" (used with "aware" devices, or category "a")
• "Always in Standard Time" (used with "unaware" devices, or category "b")
This flag is used by pre-processing algorithms (Perform Date/Time Adjustments and
Undercount/Overcount Check) in the IMD Seeder business object to convert any date/times on
the initial measurement into standard time. Note that this conversion is only done if the device
falls into category "a."

Date/Time Storage and Display

Within the database, measurements are stored with two (2) date/times: Standard and Local. The
meter data framework uses the date/time in Standard as part of the prime key of the measurement
table. The presence of the Local date/time field facilitates querying measurement data using local
When displaying dates and times for initial measurement data:

Measurement Data 6-11

Understanding Initial Measurement Data and Final Measurements

• Display of the data on the Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management 360 View is in Local
• The IMD Lens zone (in the Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management version of the Initial
Measurement portal) also displays data in Local time.
• The Raw Data, Pre-VEE and Post-VEE XML Data zone on the Initial Measurement
portal does not shift the data into Local time, so if that the pre-processing algorithm has
shifted the data into standard time, the date/times displayed will be in Standard time. Please
note that the only two date/times visible in that zone will typically be the Start date/time and
End date/time of the intial measurement; the meter data framework strips off the date/times
from the individual intervals of the initial measurement at pre-processing time.
• The Measurement zone shows both the local and standard date/times as-is.

Oracle Utilities Application Framework

When during initial measurement data processing, it is determined that time shifting is required,
the meter data fanagement looks at the time zone metadata in the application. Oracle Utilities
Application Framework utilizes the configuration of an Olson DB time zone code on the time
zone metadata. This Olson DB contains the shift date/times for every time zone across the globe.
In North America for example, the available Olson DB time zone codes are much more specific
than "Eastern/Central/Mountain/Pacific", and include details for areas places such as Arizona
and Indiana where there may or may not be shifting for daylight saving time.
Oracle Utilities Application Framework provides business services that wrap the application
services that perform time shifting. These services use the time zone metadata to retrieve shift
date/times using the Olson DB.

Typical Daylight Saving Time Scenarios

The following table illustrates typical daylight saving time scenarios.

Time Springs Forward Other Days Time Falls Back

Shift & Store Shift & Store Shift & Store

DST Shifted DST Shifted DST Shifted
time as time as time as
Meter in Meter in Meter in
standard in standard in standard in
Local Time Local Time Local Time

3/14/2011 3/14/2011 7/18/2011 7/18/2011 11/7/2011 11/7/2011

1:00 1:00 1:00 0:00 1:00 0:00

3:00 2:00 2:00 1:00 2:00 1:00

4:00 3:00 3:00 2:00 2:00 2:00

5:00 4:00 4:00 3:00 3:00 3:00

6:00 5:00 5:00 4:00 4:00 4:00

7:00 6:00 6:00 5:00 5:00 5:00

8:00 7:00 7:00 6:00 6:00 6:00

9:00 8:00 8:00 7:00 7:00 7:00

10:00 9:00 9:00 8:00 8:00 8:00

11:00 10:00 10:00 9:00 9:00 9:00

12:00 11:00 11:00 10:00 10:00 10:00

6-12 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Understanding Initial Measurement Data and Final Measurements

Time Springs Forward Other Days Time Falls Back

Shift & Store Shift & Store Shift & Store

DST Shifted DST Shifted DST Shifted
time as time as time as
Meter in Meter in Meter in
standard in standard in standard in
Local Time Local Time Local Time

13:00 12:00 12:00 11:00 11:00 11:00

14:00 13:00 13:00 12:00 12:00 12:00

15:00 14:00 14:00 13:00 13:00 13:00

16:00 15:00 15:00 14:00 14:00 14:00

17:00 16:00 16:00 15:00 15:00 15:00

18:00 17:00 17:00 16:00 16:00 16:00

19:00 18:00 18:00 17:00 17:00 17:00

20:00 19:00 19:00 18:00 18:00 18:00

21:00 20:00 20:00 19:00 19:00 19:00

22:00 21:00 21:00 20:00 20:00 20:00

23:00 22:00 22:00 21:00 21:00 21:00

0:00 23:00 23:00 22:00 22:00 22:00

0:00 23:00 23:00 23:00

0:00 0:00

23 hours 23 hours 24 hours 24 hours 25 hours 25 hours

Bold-faced entries indicate times that are impacted by daylight saving time conversion.

Measurement Data 6-13

Initial Measurement Data In Detail

Initial Measurement Data In Detail

This section provides details concerning the initial measurement data objects supplied as part of
the base package. This information illustrates how the base package objects were designed, and
can serve as the basis for any custom initial measurement data objects you create as part of your
implementation. This section includes:
• A description of the D1-IMD maintenance object
• Lists of the base package initial measurement data business objects, including “lite” business
• Details concerning initial measurement data specific configuration options
• A sample initial measurement data business object (D1-InitialLoadIMDInterval)

Maintenance Object - D1-IMD

Initial measurement business objects use the D1-IMD maintenance object. The table below
outlines some of the details of this maintenance object.

Option/Field Description

Maintenance Object D1-IMD

Description Initial Measurement

Service Name D1-INITMSRMTDATA (Initial Measurement Maintenance)

Tables • D1_INIT_MSRMT_DATA (Initial Measurement) - Primary

• D1_INIT_MSRMT_DATA_CHAR (Initial Measurement
Characteristics) - Child
• D1_INIT_MSRMT_DATA_LOG (Initial Measurement Log)
- Child
Measurement Log Parameters) - Child

Use the Maintenance Object portal and the Application Viewer to view more details about this
maintenance object.

Base Package Business Objects

The base package includes the following initial measurement data business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D1-EstimationIMDInterval Estimation IMD (Interval)

Instances of this business object represent
individual estimated inteval initial
measurements in the system.

D1-EstimationIMDScalar Estimation IMD (Scalar)

Instances of this business object represent
individual estimated scalar initial
measurements in the system.

6-14 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Initial Measurement Data In Detail

Business Object Name Description

D1-InitialLoadIMDInterval Initial Load IMD (Interval)

Instances of this business object represent
individual inteval initial measurements in
the system.

D1-InitialLoadIMDScalar Initial Load IMD (Scalar)

Instances of this business object represent
individual scalar initial measurements in the

D1-ManualIMDInterval Manual IMD (Interval)

Instances of this business object represent
individual manually-created inteval initial
measurements in the system.

D1-ManualIMDScalar Manual IMD (Scalar)

Instances of this business object represent
individual manually-created scalar initial
measurements in the system.

D1-SyncIMDScalar Sync Request IMD (Scalar)

Instances of this business object represent
individual scalar initial measurements in the
system created via synchronization requests
from an external system.

Note: Initial measurements created using

this business object are not subject to VEE
processing. Because the data originate from
an external application where it had already
been loaded, this business object assumes
the reading is valid.

The base package includes the following “lite” initial measurement data business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D1-AuditList - IMD Audit List Section Only (Lite)

D1-GenericIMDMain - IMD IMD - Main Section Only LITE



D1-IMDPeriod IMD Lite for High Quality Check

D1-IMDPostVEE IMD Main and Post VEE LITE

D1-IMDPostVEERaw IMD Main and Post VEE Raw LITE

D1-IMDPreAndPostVEE IMD Pre and Post VEE - Lite


D1-IMDRawData Intial Measurement Data Raw Lite


Measurement Data 6-15

Initial Measurement Data In Detail

Business Object Name Description

D1-IMDSeederLite IMD Seeder Lite

D1-IMDTraceAndPostVEE IMD Trace and Post VEE - Lite

D1-IMDTraceZone IMD - Trace List Section Only LITE

D1-InitialLoadIMDIntervalRaw Initial Load IMD (Interval) - Raw LITE

D1-IntialLoadIMDMain Initial Load IMD - Main Section Only


D1-PostVEE Post VEE Only LITE


The base package includes the following additional initial measurement data business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D1-IMDSeeder IMD Seeder (used to instantiate initial

measurement business objects, based on
the head-end system sending the

D1-SyncIMDScalar Sync Request IMD (Scalar)

Configuration Options
This section outlines specific configuration options, such as business object options, system
events, and other options used by initial measurement data business objects.

Business Object Options

Initial measurement business objects can make use of the following business object options:
• IMD Status Extendable Lookup: This option defines an extendable lookup that can be
used to define different statuses which can apply to initial measurement data created from this
business object.
• Initial Measurement Data Type: This option defines the data type for initial measurement
data created from this business object. Valid values are based on the D1_IMD_TYPE_FLG
lookup, and include the following:

Field Value Description

D1GA IMD Seeder

D1IL Initial Load

D1MO Manual

D1ES Estimation

• Interval Status Mapping to Condition with Priority: This option defines the Interval
Status Code extendable lookup that can be used to map status codes for initial measurement
data created from this business object.

Example Initial Measurement - D1-InitialLoadIMDInterval

6-16 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Initial Measurement Data In Detail

The table below lists the details of the D1-InitialLoadIMDInterval initial measurement data
business object.

Option/Field Description

Business Object D1-InitialLoadIMDInterval

Description Initial Load IMD (Interval)

Maintenance Object D1-IMD (Initial Measurement Data)

Application Service D1-INITLOADIMDBOAS (Initial Load IMD Interval BO)

Instance Control Allow New Instances

Options • Initial Measurement Data Type: D1IL (Initial Load)

• Display UI Map: D1-IMDDisplay (Initial Measurement Data -
• Portal Navigation Option: d1imdsaTabMenu (Initial
• Display Map Service Script: D1-IMDDisp (Initial
Measurement Data Display)
• Maintenance UI Map: D1-IMDMaint (Initial Load IMD
(Interval) - Maintenance)

Algorithms • Post-Processing: D1-AUD-QTYUE (Audit Changes made to

Quantity and set User-Edited Flag)
• Validation: D1-IMD-VAL (Validates Status Condition for
• Validation: D1-IMD-COMM (Validate Initial Measurement
Data Common Input)
• Validation: D1-INT-SPEC (Validate Interval Initial
Measurement Data Input)

Lifecycle • Pending (Initial)

• Additional Mapping (Interim)
• Mapping Error (Interim)
• VEE Ready (Interim)
• Error (Interim)
• Removed from Processing (Final)
• VEE Complete (Interim)
• Exception (Interim)
• Discarded (Final)
• Force Complete (Interim)
• Finalized (Final)

Use the Business Object portal to view additional details concerning this business object.

Meter Data Management Base Package Initial Measurement Data Business


Measurement Data 6-17

Initial Measurement Data In Detail

The Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management base package includes the following initial
measurement data business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D2-IMDHoursLateLite IMD Hours Late Lite

6-18 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Measurements In Detail

Measurements In Detail
This section provides details concerning the measurement objects supplied as part of the base
package. This information illustrates how the base package objects were designed, and can serve
as the basis for any custom measurement objects you create as part of your implementation. This
section includes:
• A description of the D1-MSRMT maintenance object
• Lists of the base package measurement business objects, including “lite” business objects
• Details concerning measurement-specific configuration options
• A sample measurement business object (D1-Measurement)

Maintenance Object - D1-MSRMT

Measurement business objects use the D1-MSRMT maintenance object. The table below outlines
some of the details of this maintenance object.

Option/Field Description

Maintenance Object D1-MSRMT

Description Measurement

Service Name D1-MEASUREMENT (Measurement Maintenance)

Tables • D1-MSRMT (Measurement) - Primary

• D1-MSRMT_CHAR (Measurement Characteristics - Child

Use the Maintenance Object portal and the Application Viewer to view more details about this
maintenance object.

Base Package Device Business Objects

The base package includes the following measurement business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D1-Measurement Measurement
Instances of this business object represent
individual final measurements stored in the

The base package includes the following “lite” device business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D1-MeasurementParentLITE Measurement Parent LITE

D1-MSRMTLite Measurement LITE

Configuration Options
This section outlines specific configuration options, such as business object options, system
events, and other options used by measurement business objects.

Business Object Options

Measurement business objects can make use of the following business object options:

Measurement Data 6-19

Measurements In Detail

• Measurement Log Business Object: This option defines the business object that will be
used to log changes that have occurred to the measurement.

Example Device - D1-Measurement

The table below lists the details of the D1-Measurement device business object.

Option/Field Description

Business Object D1-Measurement

Description Measurement

Maintenance Object D1-MSRMT (Measurement)

Application Service D1-MEASUREMENT (Measurement MO)

Instance Control Allow New Instances

Options • Measurement Log Business Object: D1-MeasurementLog

(Measurement Log)
• Display UI Map: D1-MeasurementDisplay (Measurement -
• Portal Navigation Option: d1meassaTabMenu (Measurement)
• Display Map Service Script: D2-MsrmtDisp (Measurement
Data Display)

Algorithms • Audit: D1-AMSRMTLOG (Formats the standard description

of a Measurement)
• Information: D1-MSRMTINFO (Measurement Information)

Use the Business Object portal to view additional details concerning this business object.

6-20 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Measurements In Detail

Meter Data Management Base Package Measurement Business Objects

The Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management base package includes the following aggregated
measurement business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D2-MeasuredQuantityMsrmt Measured Quantity Measurement

Instances of this business object represent
individual measured quantity aggregated
measurements stored in the system.

D2-QualityCountMsrmt Quality Count Measurement

Instances of this business object represent
individual quality count aggregated
measurements stored in the system.

D2-TimelinessCountMsrmt Timeliness Count Measurement

Instances of this business object represent
individual timeliness count aggregated
measurements stored in the system.

D2-TimelinessQualityMsrmt Timeliness Quality Measurement

Instances of this business object represent
individual timeliness quality aggregated
measurements stored in the system.

Measurement Data 6-21

Configuring Initial Measurements and Measurements

Configuring Initial Measurements and Measurements

This section provides high-level overviews of the steps involved in configuring custom objects to
define initial measurements and (final) measurements. See Configuration Process Overview in
Chapter One for a high-level overview of the overall configuration process.
Note: The procedures below focus on specific configuration tasks and options related to each of
the objects described in this chapter, and do not address all the steps involved in creating business
objects, UI maps, algorithms, etc. For more information about these subjects, refer to the Oracle
Utilities Application Framework documentation.

Configuring Custom Initial Measurements

Configuring custom initial measurement objects involves the following steps:
1. Design the initial measurement business objects you will need to create for your
implementation, including the data and processing required for each.
2. Create the custom initial measurement-related configuration objects required for your
business objects, including:
Business Object Options: Create business objects for the following business object
• IMD Status Extendable Lookup
3. Create your initial measurement business objects, referencing the configuration objects
created above as appropriate.

Configuring Custom Measurements

Configuring custom measurement objects involves the following steps:
1. Design the measurement business objects you will need to create for your implementation,
including the data and processing required for each.
2. Create the custom measurement-related configuration objects required for your business
objects, including:
Business Object Options: Create business objects for the following business object
• Measurement Log Business Object
3. Create your initial measurement business objects, referencing the configuration objects
created above as appropriate.

6-22 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Chapter 7
Validation, Editing, and Estimation

This chapter provides descriptions of validation, editing, and estimation groups and rules,
• Understanding Validation, Editing, and Estimation
• VEE Groups In Detail
• VEE Rules In Detail
• VEE Eligibility Criteria In Detail
• VEE Exceptions In Detail
• Configuring VEE Groups, Rules, Eligibility Criteria, and Exceptions

Validation, Editing, and Estimation 7-1

Understanding Validation, Editing, and Estimation

Understanding Validation, Editing, and Estimation

This section describes the validation, editing, and estimation (or VEE) process used by the meter
data framework and related products, including Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management and
Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway. This section includes:
• Overview of the Validation, Editing, and Estimation Process
• VEE Rules and VEE Groups
• VEE Exceptions

Overview of the Validation, Editing, and Estimation Process

As noted in Chapter 6: Measurement Data, once received into the system, initial measurements
are subject to validation, editing, and estimation. This process involves the following:
• Validation: Validates that the initial measurement data is within expected tolerances, and is
• Editing: If the initial measurement data is wrong in some way, the data can be automatically
• Estimation: If initial measurement data is incomplete (for example, if one or more interval
values within an interval measurement are missing), missing values can be automatically
The values recorded in an initial measurement can change during this process, and exceptions can
be raised if initial measurements are wrong in some way (such as out-of-tolerance quantities,
incorrect values, etc.).
Beyond raising an exception, the VEE process can also transition an initial measurement to an
Exception state if it detects a problem that it is not able or allowed to correct.

VEE Rules and VEE Groups

The specific validation, editing, and estimation processing performed on initial measurement data
is defined in individual VEE rules, each performing a specific set of validation logic. Examples of
VEE rules include:
• Interval Size Validation: Checks to ensure that the interval size of the incoming initial
measurement data matches the value defined in the measuring component type
• Multiplier Check: Checks to ensure that the device multiplier value of the incoming initial
measurement data matches the multiplier value stored on the measuring component
• Unit of Measure Check: Checks to ensure that the Unit of Measure (UOM) of the incoming
initial measurement data matches the UOM specified on the measuring component's type
The base package contains many VEE rules you can use in your implementation, and you can also
create your own custom VEE rules.
Some VEE rules create exceptions if the initial measurement data doesn’t fall within parameters
specified by the rule. Other rules override measurements, changing measurement values as
dictated by the rule’s parameters. Some rules can both create exceptions and override the
measurement as part of a single process. By convention, VEE rules change the Post VEE
quantities of initial measurement data, but VEE rules can change ANYTHING on an initial

VEE Groups
VEE groups are collections of VEE rules that are applied to initial measurement data. During the
VEE process, the system executes the VEE rules defined in each VEE group. The rules within a

7-2 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Understanding Validation, Editing, and Estimation

VEE group are defined in a specific sequence, allowing control over the order in which the rules
are executed.
VEE groups can be associated to a specific measuring component, or to a measuring component
type (or both). VEE groups associated with a measuring component type are applied to all
measuring components of that type, while those associated to a specific measuring component are
applied only to that measuring component. VEE groups associated to a measuring component
override those assigned to a measuring component type.

Effective Dates
Every VEE rule has an effective period. Rules will only be applied if the initial measurement’s start
date is within the rule's effective period. For example, an Interval Spike Check rule with a Start
Date of 11/15/2010 will only be applied if the start date of the initial measurement is on or after
This allows you to update the specifics of a rule without removing the previous version of the rule.
For example, you might change the tolerance of an Interval Spike Check rule from 1.2 to 1.5 as of
a certain date. However, for initial measurement data for the period prior to the change, you would
want to use the tolerance for the original version of the rule (1.2) instead of the new tolerance

Eligibility Criteria
Each VEE rule may optionally have eligibility criteria that controls if the rule is applied. This
feature can greatly reduce the number of VEE groups you need to create, because it allows a single
VEE group to have conditional VEE rules based on eligibility criteria (rather than requiring a
distinct VEE group for every combination of VEE rules).
For example, you might create a rule that compares interval consumption against related scalar
consumption (such as might be the case with a device with both interval and scalar measuring
components). This rule might use eligibility criteria that specifies that the rule is only applied if the
initial measurement’s measuring component has a corresponding scalar register measuring
Another example might be a rule that compares the current consumption against standard
consumption for measuring components of a certain type for the first six months after
installation. You might create eligibility criteria that specifies that the rule is only applied if the
measuring component’s device configuration has been installed at a service point for less than six

Generic Utility Rules - Tools For Creating VEE Groups

While most VEE rules are used to validate the usage (or some other attribute) in an initial
measurement, Oracle Utilities meter data framework also provides a number of “generic utility”
VEE rules that can be used when configuring VEE groups. These include:
• Referred VEE Group Rules
• VEE Group Matrix (Factor) Rules
• Exception Handler Rules
• Successful Termination Rules

Execute VEE Group Rules - Reusing Groups Of Rules

A common situation in many implementations is in which several rules are to be applied to
multiple different types of measuring components. For example, you might want to perform
device identifier validations, multiplier checks, and UOM checks on all measuring components.
One way to meet this requirement would be to repeat these three rules in multiple VEE groups.
However, this solution becomes hard to maintain if changes to the rules are required (or if new
"global rules" are introduced) as each group would have to be updated.

Validation, Editing, and Estimation 7-3

Understanding Validation, Editing, and Estimation

Instead of this, you can create a VEE rule that executes the rules in a referenced VEE group.
Rules of this type are called Execute VEE Group rules. Rules of this type can have effective dates
and eligibility criteria, just like all VEE rules.
Using the example above, you could create a group called “Rules for All MCs” that contains a
device identifier validations rule, a multiplier check rule, and a UOM check rule, and then
reference the “Rules for All MCs” group in a Execute VEE Group rule.
Execute VEE Group rules can be “nested.” That is, a group executed by a Execute VEE Group
rule can, in turn, execute the rules in another group, and so on.

VEE Group Matrix (Factor) Rules - Using Factors To Implement Dynamic VEE Groups
Another situation likely to occur in many implementations is where specific rules may need to be
applied to measurement data based on specific criteria, such as geography. For example, some
geographic territories may have unique VEE rules in addition to rules that are applied to all
geographic territories.
This requirement could be implemented using eligibility criteria, such as only applying a rule (or a
group of rules) if the service point for an initial measurement is located in a hot summer area. If
there are limited number of these unique rules, this solution is suitable, but if there are many
territories and each territory has several unique rules, an implementation of this sort would
become hard to maintain (and slow to execute) as the VEE group would have many rules with
varying eligibility criteria.
Instead of this, you can create a VEE rule that dynamically executes another group's rules based
on specific conditions. For example, the VEE process can be configured to execute different VEE
rules based on where the service point is located, or the number of tamper events in the last 6
months, or the type of customer, or the meter's head-end system, etc. Rules of this type are called
VEE Group Matrix (Factor) rules. These rule and can have effective dates and eligibility criteria,
just like all VEE rules.
Factors are used to implement the dynamic selection of VEE group (note the term factor is
intentionally generic as factors can be used for other purposes). Factors used for these rules have a
Factor Class of “VEE group,” and use some unique rules:
• VEE group factors reference a characteristic type (with pre-defined values).
• VEE group factors reference an algorithm that retrieves or derives the value of the
characteristic type at runtime.
• Factor values for a VEE group factor are effective-dated pairings of a characteristic value and
a corresponding VEE group.
At run time, the rule retrieves / derives the characteristic value for the factor's characteristic type
and then finds the VEE group associated with the respective characteristic value.
Factors can be related to any real or dynamic attribute, so rules of this type are very flexible. For
• Real Attribute: you could create a rule that executes a VEE group based on the head-end
system of the device.
• Dynamic Attribute: you could create a rule that executes a VEE group based on the number
of tamper events linked to the measuring component in the last 180 days, executing one
group if there are 6-10 events (a characteristic value of 6-10), and another if there are more
than 10 events (a characteristic value of 10+). The number of tamper events is dynamically
calculated at execution time and is compared to the characteristic values defined for the
factor, and executes the appropriate VEE group. In this example, if the count of tamper
events was anything less than six, no VEE group would be executed.

Exception Handler Rules

Exception Handler rules are described in the section below on VEE exceptions.

7-4 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Understanding Validation, Editing, and Estimation

Successful Termination Rules

Successful Termination rules are described in the section below on VEE exceptions.

Validation, Editing, and Estimation 7-5

Understanding Validation, Editing, and Estimation

VEE Roles
Initial measurement data can come from different sources, such as a head-end system or
estimation processes, or it can be manually created by a user (to override or estimate
consumption). Measurement data from these different sources might use different VEE rules. For
• Initial measurements sent a head-end system might use strict VEE rules
• Initial measurements created by a user (to override or estimate consumption) may use less
strict rules
• Initial measurements created by the system to estimate consumption have very few (if any)
VEE rules
Applying different numbers and types of VEE rules based on the source of the initial
measurement data could be implemented using eligibility criteria (e.g., only apply a rule if the initial
measurement data’s source is X) or factor-based rules (e.g., the factor's characteristic is the initial
measurement data’s source), but both of these techniques are potentially difficult to maintain if
there are many source-dependent rules.
Instead of that approach, you can define different VEE groups for different source, or roles. The
three base package roles are:
• Estimation: Used for initial measurement data estimated by the system
• Initial Load: Used for initial measurement data received from a head-end system or import
• Manual Override: Used for initial measurement data manually created by a user
A measuring component’s Measuring Component Type can define “fallback” VEE groups for
each of these roles. In addition, an individual measuring component can specific a VEE group for
each role. If the measuring component doesn’t have a VEE group specified for a role, the
“fallback” VEE group defined for the measuring component type is used.

VEE Exceptions
Each VEE rule defines an exception type and severity that specify how exceptions are tracked by
the system. When an initial measurement fails a validation, an exception of the type specified for
the failed VEE rule is created. A single initial measurement can have multiple exceptions, one (or
more) for each rule the measurement fails. This allows users to see all of the problems detected
during the VEE process.

Exception Types
Each exception has an exception type. Exception types allow you to distinguish between different
exceptions based on the rule that triggered them. Exception types can be created each VEE rule,
at a more general level exception types, such as "Insufficient Data" to be used to signify that a
measurement didn't have sufficient data for the VEE rule to execute.

Exception Categories
There are three categories, or severities of exceptions:
• Info: Used to highlight something interesting, but not sufficient to cause the initial
measurement to be put into the Exception state. Exceptions of this category can be used to
report on the frequency of interesting, but not fatal issues.
• Issue: Used to report a problem that will prevent the initial measurement from being
finalized. Multiple "issue exceptions" can be created during VEE processing. If at least one
issue exists after all rules have been applied, the initial measurement is transitioned to the
Exception state.

7-6 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Understanding Validation, Editing, and Estimation

• Terminate: Used to report a severe issue that will cause the VEE process to stop and the
initial measurement to be transitioned immediately to the Exception state. Only one
terminate exception can be issued (as the first one causes VEE to stop on an initial

Exceptions and To Do Entries

In addition to exceptions, VEE processing can also trigger the creation of To Do Entries related
to failed validations.
If Issue or terminate exceptions exist for an initial measurement, a To Do Entry is created when
the initial measurement is transitioned to the Exception state. The To Do Type and default To Do
Role of this To Do Entry are defined on the Enter system event for the Exception state of the
business object used to define the initial measurement.
To Do Entries created in this way can be routed to different roles depending on the exception's
message category and number (using the To Do Type's Message Overrides tab).

Exception Handler Rules - Aborting When There Are Too Many Issues
There may be times when an implementation’s requirements are to terminate processing for any
initial measurement that contains a pre-defined number of exceptions. Exception Handler VEE
rules can issue a "terminate exception" if they detect too many exceptions. This is useful when
individual exceptions are not sufficient to stop VEE processing.
The criteria used by this rule can simply reference a number of exceptions of a given exception
type, or can specify more complex AND/OR criteria that must be satisfied before VEE
processing is terminated. For example, processing might terminate when 3 exceptions of one type
AND 2 exceptions of another type have been issued, or if 2 exceptions of one type OR 2
exceptions of a different type have been issued.
The terminate exception created by Exception Handler rules can be of a specific exception type.
In addition, Exception Handler rules can also create a different type of To Do Type and To Do
Role than the default.
Exception Handler rules can be placed at any point throughout a VEE group where each rule can
reference different exception types.

Successful Termination Rules

There may be times when an implementation’s requirements are to successfully terminate
processing for any initial measurement that passes a pre-defined set of validations before
accumulating a pre-defined number of exceptions. For example, a set of validation rules can be
executed early in the overall sequence of rules that proves that the data is good enough to use,
such that no further rules need to be executed. In this case, implementations might want to
terminate the VEE process to save on execution time rather than execute further rules that won't
ultimately affect the data. This is accomplished through Successful Termination rules.
The criteria used by Successful Termination rules can simply reference a number of exceptions of
a given exception type, or can specific more complex AND/OR criteria that must be satisfied
before VEE processing is terminated. For example, processing might terminate when less than 3
exceptions of one type AND less than 2 exceptions of another type have been issued, or if less
than 2 exceptions of one type OR less than 2 exceptions of a different type have been issued.
Successful termination rules can be placed at any point throughout a VEE group where each rule
can reference different exception types.

Available Actions for Initial Measurements with Exceptions

Users have a number of options for dealing with initial measurements with exceptions.
• After correcting the cause of the issues that triggered the exceptions, a user can re-VEE the
initial measurement.

Validation, Editing, and Estimation 7-7

Understanding Validation, Editing, and Estimation

• A user can discard the initial measurement.

• A user can edit the Post VEE quantities (if necessary) and manually complete the initial
measurement. This will cause final measurements to be created using the contents of the Post
VEE quantities.
Note: No VEE processing is performed on manually completed initial measurement data.
Regardless of the action taken by the user, the system will complete any open To Do Entries that
created when the initial measurement entered the Exception state.

Exceptions Are Not Deleted

Note that exceptions are not deleted when an initial measurement is adjusted or corrected. After
any issues are corrected or the initial measurement is overridden (or manually completed), the
exceptions persist (in the Closed state) for reporting purposes.

7-8 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

VEE Groups In Detail

VEE Groups In Detail

This section provides details concerning the VEE group objects supplied as part of the base
package. This information illustrates how the base package objects were designed, and can serve
as the basis for any custom VEE group objects you create as part of your implementation. This
section includes:
• A description of the D1-VEEGROUP maintenance object
• Lists of the base package VEE group business objects, including “lite” business objects
• A sample VEE group business object (D1-VEEGroup)

Maintenance Object - D1-VEEGROUP

Device business objects use the D1-VEEGROUP maintenance object. The table below outlines
some of the details of this maintenance object.

Option/Field Description

Maintenance Object D1-VEEGROUP

Description VEE Group

Service Name D1-VEEGROUP (VEE Group Maintenance)

Tables • D1_VEE_GRP (VEE Group) - Primary

• D1_VEE_GRP_CHAR (VEE Group Characteristics - Child
• D1_VEE_GRP_L (VEE Group Language) - Child

Use the Maintenance Object portal and the Application Viewer to view more details about this
maintenance object.

Meter Data Framework Base Package VEE Group Business Objects

The meter data framework base package includes the following VEE group business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D1-VEEGroup VEE Group

The meter data framework base package includes the following additional VEE group business

Business Object Name Description

D1-VEEGroupBundlingAddBO Bundling Add BO for VEE Group

D1-VEEGroupPhysicalBO Physical BO for VEE Group

Validation, Editing, and Estimation 7-9

VEE Groups In Detail

Example VEE Group - D1-VEEGroup

The table below lists the details of the D1-VEEGroup device business object.

Option/Field Description

Business Object D1-VEEGroup

Description VEE Group

Maintenance Object D1-VEEGROUP (VEE Group)

Application Service D1-VEEGROUP (VEE Group MO)

Instance Control Allow New Instances

Options • Display UI Map: D1-VEEGroupDisplay (VEE Group -

• Portal Navigation Option: d1veegrpTabMenu (VEE Group)
• Maintenance UI Map: D1-VEEGroupMaint (VEE Group -

Use the Business Object portal to view additional details concerning this business object.

7-10 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

VEE Rules In Detail

VEE Rules In Detail

This section provides details concerning the VEE rule objects supplied as part of the base
package. This information illustrates how the base package objects were designed, and can serve
as the basis for any custom VEE rule objects you create as part of your implementation. This
section includes:
• A description of the D1-VEERULE maintenance object
• Lists of the base package VEE rule business objects, including “lite” business objects
• Details concerning VEE rule-specific configuration options
• A sample VEE rule business object (D2-IntervalSpikeCheck)
• A list of base package VEE rules, including the algorithm / algorithm type and a brief
description of each

Maintenance Object - D1-VEERULE

Device business objects use the D1-VEERULE maintenance object. The table below outlines
some of the details of this maintenance object.

Option/Field Description

Maintenance Object D1-VEERULE

Description VEE Rule

Service Name D1-VEERULE (VEE Rule Maintenance)

Tables • D1_VEE_RULE (VEE Rule) - Primary

• D1_VEE_RULE_CHAR (VEE Rule Characteristics) - Child
• D1_VEE_RULE_L (VEE Rule Language) - Child

Use the Maintenance Object portal and the Application Viewer to view more details about this
maintenance object.

Meter Data Framework Base Package VEE Rule Business Objects

The meter data framework base package includes the following VEE rule business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D1-DuplicateIMDCheck Duplicate IMD Check

Instances of this business object represent
individual Duplicate IMD Check rules
defined in the system.

D1-GenericVEERule Generic VEE Rule (generic VEE rule

business object used as a parent business
object for all other VEE rule business

D1-VEERuleExceptionHandler VEE Rule Exception Handler

Instances of this business object represent
individual exception handler VEE rules
defined in the system.

Validation, Editing, and Estimation 7-11

VEE Rules In Detail

Business Object Name Description

D1-VEERuleGroupFactor VEE Group Matrix (Factor)

Instances of this business object represent
individual VEE Group Matrix (Factor)
VEE rules defined in the system.

D1-VEERuleReferredVEEGroup Execute VEE Group

Instances of this business object represent
individual Execute VEE Group VEE rules
defined in the system.

D1-VEERuleSuccessTermination Successful Termination

Instances of this business object represent
individual Successful Termination VEE
rules defined in the system.

The meter data framework base package includes the following “lite” VEE rule business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D1-VEERuleGroupFactorLite VEE Rule Group Factor LITE

D1-VEERuleParentLITE VEE Rule Parent LITE

The meter data framework base package includes the following additional VEE rule business

Business Object Name Description

D1-VEERuleBundlingAddBO Bundling Add BO for VEE Rule

D1-VEERuleExecReSequence VEE Rule Execution Resequencing (used

when resequencing VEE rules in a VEE

D1-VEERulePhysicalBO Physical BO for VEE Rule

The Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management base package includes the following VEE rule
business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D2-EnsureIMDExistsforSibling Ensure IMD Exists for Sibling MCs

D2-IntervaAdjustmentFrmScalar Interval Adjustment from Scalar

D2-IntervalAveragingEstimation Interval Averaging Estimation

D2-IntervalInterpolationEst Interval Interpolation Est

D2-IntervalProfileEstimation Interval Profile Estimation

D2-IntervalReplacementRule Interval Replacement Rule

D2-IntervalSizeValidation Interval Size Validation

D2-IntervalSpikeCheck Interval Spike Check

D2-NegativeConsumptionCheck Negative Consumption Check

D2-RaiseMissingQuantityExcp Raise Missing Quantity Exception

7-12 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

VEE Rules In Detail

Business Object Name Description

D2-RegisterMultiplierCheck Multiplier Check

D2-ScalarCalcFromInterval Scalar Calculation From Interval

D2-ScalarEstimation Scalar Estimation

D2-ScalarProfileEstimation Scalar Profile Estimation

D2-ScalarReplacementRule Scalar Replacement Rule

D2-SumCheck Sum Check

D2-UOMCheck Unit of Measure Check

D2-VEERuleHighLowCheck High/Low Check

D2-ZeroConsumptionCheck Zero Consumption Check

Configuration Options
This section outlines specific configuration options, such as business object options, system
events, and other options used by VEE rule business objects.

System Events
VEE rule business objects can make use of the following system events:
• Apply VEE Rule: This system event defines the algorithm to use when executing the VEE

Other Options
VEE rules use various parameters and properties. These options are specified when creating VEE
rules based on a VEE rule business object, and include the following:

Exception Types
Exception types define the properties common to exceptions. When creating VEE rules, you
might create an exception type for each rule. You might also create more general exception types,
such as "Insufficient Data" to be used to signify that a measurement didn't have sufficient data for
the VEE rule to execute.

Generic Utility VEE Rules

Oracle Utilities meter data framework includes three “generic utility” base package VEE rule types
that can be used when configuring VEE groups and rules. This section outlines the configuration
options you need to configure before you can create rules of these types.
Execute VEE Group: Referred VEE Group rules reference a VEE group. You must create the
VEE group to reference before can create rules of this type.
Exception Handler: Exception Handler rules are used to define options and logic to terminate
the VEE process when a set of user configured criteria are met. VEE rules of this type can be
included in a group to specify how exceptions are handled for that group, and allow for creation of
a single "parent" exception for the group. Exception Handler rules use the following options:
• To Do Type: An override To Do Type for To Do Entries created as a result of the rule. This
To Do Type is used instead of the default (specified in the Enter algorithm on the Exception
state of the initial measurement data business object’s lifecycle).

Validation, Editing, and Estimation 7-13

VEE Rules In Detail

• To Do Role: An override To Do Role for To Do Entries created as a result of the rule. This
To Do Role is used instead of the default (specified in the Enter algorithm on the Exception
state of the initial measurement data business object’s lifecycle).
• Exception Type: The Exception Type for exceptions created by this rule.
VEE Group Matrix (Factor): VEE Group Factor rules are used to define business logic to allow
reference to a factor (of type VEE group) where the values of the factor are a list of VEE groups.
This allows creating a VEE rule that can select from a list of VEE groups (referred to as a matrix)
whose rules to execute next. VEE Group Matrix (Factor) rules use the following options:
• Factor: The factor referenced by the rule. The factor must have a Factor Class of VEE
Group (i.e. it must be based on the VEE group factor business object).
• Characteristic Type: The characteristic type referenced by the factor. This characteristic
type must be one with pre-defined values.
• Characteristic Type Values: Specific values for the characteristic type. These are the values
retrieved and evaluated to determine the VEE group whose rules should be executed. These
must be values that can be retrieved from some object (device, service point, etc.) related to
the measuring component whose initial measurement data is being validated by this rule.
• Characteristic Source Algorithm: The algorithm used to retrieve the characteristic value
(which in turn determines the VEE group whose rules should be executed). The base
package includes the following algorithm types that can be used when creating this algorithm:
• Factor Characteristic Source - Device (D1-FCSDEVICE)
• Factor Characteristic Source Measuring Component (D1-FCSMC)
• Factor Characteristic Source - Service Point (D1-FCSSP)
• Factor Characteristic Source - Usage Subscription (D1-FCSUS)
• VEE Groups: The VEE groups associated with each characteristic value.

Example VEE Rule - D2-IntervalSpikeCheck

The table below lists the details of the D2-IntervalSpikeCheck VEE rule business object.

Option/Field Description

Business Object D2-IntervalSpikeCheck

Description Interval Spike Check

Maintenance Object D1-VEERULE (VEE Rule)

Parent Business Object D1-GenericVEERule (Generic VEE Rule)

Lifecycle Business Generic VEE Rule


Application Service D1-VEERULE (VEE Rule MO)

Instance Control Allow New Instances

Options • Display UI Map: D2-IntervalSpikeCheckDisplay (Interval

Spike Check - Display)
• Portal Navigation Option: d1veerleTabMenu (VEE Rule)
• Maintenance UI Map: D2-IntervalSpikeCheckMaint (Interval
Spike Check - Maintenance)

7-14 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

VEE Rules In Detail

Option/Field Description

Algorithms • Apply VEE Rule: D2-INTSPKCHK (Interval Spike Check)

• Validation: D2-INTSPKVLD (Interval Spike Check
Minimum Number of Intervals Validation)

Use the Business Object portal to view additional details concerning this business object.

Validation, Editing, and Estimation 7-15

VEE Rules In Detail

Meter Data Management Base Package VEE Rule Business Objects

The Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management base package includes the following VEE rule
business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D2-EnsureIMDExistsforSibling Ensure IMD Exists for Sibling MCs

D2-IntervaAdjustmentFrmScalar Interval Adjustment from Scalar

D2-IntervalAveragingEstimation Interval Averaging Estimation

D2-IntervalInterpolationEst Interval Interpolation Est

D2-IntervalProfileEstimation Interval Profile Estimation

D2-IntervalReplacementRule Interval Replacement Rule

D2-IntervalSizeValidation Interval Size Validation

D2-IntervalSpikeCheck Interval Spike Check

D2-NegativeConsumptionCheck Negative Consumption Check

D2-RaiseMissingQuantityExcp Raise Missing Quantity Exception

D2-RegisterMultiplierCheck Multiplier Check

D2-ScalarCalcFromInterval Scalar Calculation From Interval

D2-ScalarEstimation Scalar Estimation

D2-ScalarProfileEstimation Scalar Profile Estimation

D2-ScalarReplacementRule Scalar Replacement Rule

D2-SumCheck Sum Check

D2-UOMCheck Unit of Measure Check

D2-VEERuleHighLowCheck High/Low Check

D2-ZeroConsumptionCheck Zero Consumption Check

7-16 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

VEE Rules In Detail

Base Package VEE Rules Summary

The following table lists the back package VEE rules. Each of these VEE rules is provided as a
business object and corresponding algorithm/algorithm type.

Algorithm /
VEE Rule Business Object Description
Algorithm Type

Duplicate IMD Check D1-DuplicateIDMCheck D1-DUPIMDCHK Checks whether the current IMD is a
duplicate of one already received for the
same measuring component.

Generic VEE Rule D1-GenericVEERule N/A Parent VEE rule for all other VEE rules,
contains basic VEE rule schema elements

VEE Rule Exception Handler D1-VEERuleExceptionHandler D1-AVEER-EEH Allows a user to define a set of exception
count criteria that, if met, results in the
termination of the VEE process.

VEE Group Matrix (Factor) D1-VEERuleGroupFactor D1-AVEER-FCT Uses the factor configured on the rule to
determine a VEE group whose rules are to
be executed

Execure VEE Group D1-VEERuleReferredVEEGroup D1-AVEER-RFG Executes the rules for the VEE group
configured on the rule

Device Multiplier Check D2-RegisterMultiplierCheck D2-REGMULCHK Checks to ensure that the device multiplier
value of the incoming initial measurement
data matches the multiplier value stored on
the measuring component.

Energy Sum Check D2-SumCheck D2-SUM-CHK Checks the difference between the total
consumption of incoming initial
measurement data against the total
consumption (based on final
measurements) for one or more related
measuring components on the same device
over the same time period.

Ensure IMD Exists for Sibling D2-EnsureIMDExistsforSibling D2-ENSIMDMC Validates that initial measurements exist for
MCs all other measuring components associated
to the same device configuration as the
current measuring component, for the
same period of time as the current initial

High/Low Check D2-VEERuleHighLowCheck D2-HILO-CHK Compares consumption of incoming initial

measurement data against historical data as
a means of assuring the reasonableness of
the data.

Interval Averaging Estimation D2-IntervalAveragingEstimation D2-INTAVGEST Estimates missing interval initial

measurement data based on averaging
historical data for the same measuring

Interval Interpolation Est D2-IntervalInterpolationEst D2-INTINTEST Estimates missing interval initial

measurement data using linear

Interval Profile Estimation D2-IntervalProfileEstimation D2-INTPROEST Estimates missing interval initial

measurement data based on a specified
profile (a profile factor)

Validation, Editing, and Estimation 7-17

VEE Rules In Detail

Algorithm /
VEE Rule Business Object Description
Algorithm Type

Interval Replacement Rule D2-IntervalReplacementRule D2-INTREPL Determines whether or not an incoming

initial measurement will replace any
existing measurements and if so, whether
or not to allow this to happen.

Interval Size Validation D2-IntervalSizeValidation D2-INTSIZVAL Checks to ensure that the interval size of
the incoming initial measurement data
matches the value defined in the measuring
component type.

Interval Spike Check D2-IntervalSpikeCheck D2-INTSPKCHK Examines incoming initial measurement

data to identify intervals with
conspicuously high usage relative to
surrounding intervals.

Negative Consumption D2-NegativeConsumptionCheck D2-NCON-CHK Checks for negative consumption.

Raise Missing Quantity D2-RaiseMissingQuantityExcp D2-RAIMISQTY Raises an exception if a percentage of the

Exception measurements within an initial
measurement are marked with a condition
code that falls within a specified range

Scalar Estimation D2-ScalarEstimation D2-SCALAREST Estimates missing scalar initial

measurement data based on historical data
for the same measuring component.

Scalar Replacement Rule D2-ScalarReplacementRule D2-SCAREPRL Identifies whether or not a scalar reading
will completely replace an existing
measurement and if so, whether or not to
allow this to happen.

Unit Of Measure Check D2-UOMCheck D2-UOMCHK Checks to ensure that the Unit of Measure
(UOM) of the incoming initial
measurement data matches the UOM
specified on the measuring component's

Zero Consumption Check D2-ZeroConsumptionCheck D2-ZEROCNCHK Checks for zero consumption.

Use the Business Object portal and Algorithm portal (or Application Viewer) to view additional
details about these VEE rules. The algorithm types listed above use a set of base package
measurement services. See Appendix A:Measurement Services for a list of available base
package measurement services.

7-18 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

VEE Rules In Detail

Base Package VEE Rule Descriptions

This section provides detailed descriptions of each of the base package VEE rules provided with
Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management. The descriptions of the VEE rules below contain the
following information
• Rule Name: The name of the rule
• Base Package VEE Rule Business Object: The base package business object used by the
• Apply VEE Rule Algorithm Type / Algorithm: The base package algorithm type and
algorithm specified in the “Apply VEE Rule” system event for the rule
• Apply VEE Rule Algorithm Parameters: The “soft” parameters (if any) used by the
algorithm used by the rule.
Most parameters used by “Apply VEE Rule” algorithms are used to define ranges of
measurement conditions used in validation processing (measurement conditions are assigned
a numerical value as well as a description). The algorithm parameters used by these validations
specify the top and bottom measurement conditions in a particular measurement condition
range. For example, some validations must taken into account whether or not a measurement
value was estimated. Estimated measurements are designated through a set of base package
measurement conditions including “System Estimate”, “External Estimate, and “Office
Estimate” that span a numeric range from 201000 through 402000. Specifying a “top range
value” of 201000, and a “bottom range value” of 402000, means that any measurement whose
measurement condition falls within that range is considered to be estimated.
• Validation Algorithm Type / Algorithm: The base package algorithm type and algorithm
specified in the “Validation” system event for the rule, if applicable. If specified, a brief
description of the algorithm is also provided. Validation algorithms used by VEE rules do not
use “soft” parameters.
• Rule Parameters: Parameters used to define the rule (if applicable). Does not include
common parameters used by all rules (see Common Parameters on page 7-19).
• Processing Logic: A description of the processing performed by the rule. Processing logic is
performed by the “Apply VEE Rule” algorithm specified on the VEE rule business object.
• Example: An example configuration of the rule. Note that all examples use default values for
all “Apply VEE Rule Algorithm Parameters”.

Common Parameters
All VEE rules use the following common parameters:
• VEE Group: The VEE group to which the rule belongs
• VEE Rule: The user-defined name given to the VEE rule
• Sequence: The sequence within its VEE group that the rule will be executed
• Description: A short description of the rule. This is used as the Information String for the
rule in the user interface.
• Detailed Description: A detailed description of the rule
• Category: The rule’s category. Base package options include “Automatic Correction of
Invalid Data,” “Estimation Rules,” and “Validation Rules.”
• Start Date: The date on which the rule is considered in effect. VEE rules are not applied to
initial measurements whose start dates are earlier than this date.
• End Date: The date after which the rule is considered no longer in effect. VEE rules are not
applied to initial measurements whose stop dates are later than this date.

Validation, Editing, and Estimation 7-19

VEE Rules In Detail

Validation Rules
This section provides descriptions for the base package VEE rules used in validation of initial
measurement data. Validation rules are used to validate that an initial measurement is within
expected tolerances, and is correct. Some validation rules can also perform edits to the initial
measurement. Base package validation rules include:
• Duplicate IMD Check
• Ensure IMD Exists for Sibling MCs
• High/Low Check
• Interval Replacement Rule
• Interval Size Validation
• Interval Spike Check
• Multiplier Check
• Negative Consumption Check
• Raise Missing Quantity Exception
• Scalar Replacement Rule
• Sum Check
• Unit Of Measure Check
• Zero Consumption Check

Duplicate IMD Check

Duplicate IMD Check rules check to determine whether the current initial measurement is a
duplicate of one already received for the same measuring component. If the initial measurement is
determined to be a duplicate, the rule produces a VEE exception of the type and severity defined
on the rule when it is configured.
• Rule Name: Duplicate IMD Check
• Base Package VEE Rule Business Object: D1-DuplicateIMDCheck
• Apply VEE Rule Algorithm Type / Algorithm: D1-DUPIMDCHK
• Apply VEE Rule Algorithm Parameters: N/A
• Validation Algorithm Type / Algorithm: N/A
• Rule Parameters:
• Duplicate IMD Exception Configuration: Defines the Exception Type and Severity
for exceptions created when a duplicate IMD is detected. In addition, an Override To
Do Type and Override To Do Role can also be defined.
• Processing Logic
Duplicate IMD Check rules check for duplicate initial measurements by looking for:
• Initial measurements associated to the same measuring component as the current initial
• Initial measurements that utilize the same business object as the current initial
measurement (for example, Initial Load Scalar)
• Initial measurements that reference the same To Date/Time (ends on the same date) as
the current initial measurement
• Initial measurements that exist in a "Finalized" state

7-20 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

VEE Rules In Detail

• Initial measurements that with pre-VEE contents identical to the pre-VEE contents of
the current initial measurement
If any existing initial measurements are found that meet all of the above criteria, the current
initial measurement is deemed to be a duplicate, and an exception is created using the
Exception Type and Severity defined for the “Duplicate IMD Exception Configuration”
parameters. This exception will have a Message Category of 11802 and a Message Number of
• Example: The following VEE rule creates an exception if the current initial measurement is
determined to be a duplicate of an existing “Final” initial measurement.for the same
measuring component.
VEE Group: Initial Load Validations
Sequence: 10
Description: Duplicate IMD Check
Category: Validation Rules.
Start Date: 05-01-2010
End Date: N/A
Duplicate IMD Exception Configuration:
• Exception Type: Duplicate IMD Detected
• Exception Severity: Terminate
• Override To Do Type: N/A
• Override To Do Role: N/A

Ensure IMD Exists for Sibling MCs

Ensure IMD Exists for Sibling MCs rules check to ensure that all sibling measuring components
of the current initial measurement's measuring component each have initial measurements
associated to them for the same period as the current initial measurement. If one or more of
sibling measuring components does not have an initial measurement for the same period as the
current initial measurement, the rule creates an exception. Sibling measuring components are
those associated to the same device configuration as the current initial measurement's measuring
• Rule Name: Ensure IMD Exists for Sibling MCs
• Base Package VEE Rule Business Object: D2-EnsureIMDExistsForSibling
• Apply VEE Rule Algorithm Type / Algorithm: D2-ENSIMDMC
• Apply VEE Rule Algorithm Parameters: N/A
• Validation Algorithm Type / Algorithm: N/A
• Rule Parameters:
• Insufficient Input Data Exception: Defines the Exception Type and Severity for
exceptions created when there is insufficient data to execute the VEE rule.
• IMD Not Found Exception: Defines the Exception Type and Severity for exceptions
created when no initial measurement data can be found for the sibling measuring
• Processing Logic
Ensure IMD Exists for Sibling MCs rules validate that initial measurements exist for all of the
other measuring components associated to the same device configuration as the current

Validation, Editing, and Estimation 7-21

VEE Rules In Detail

measuring component, for the same period of time as the initial measurement being validated.
These rules also check that all of the initial measurements have the same External Source ID
(indicating that they all came from the same usage file).
If either of these validations fails, an exception is created using the Exception Type and
Severity defined for the “IMD Not Found Exception” parameter. This exception will have a
Message Category of 11802 and a Message Number of 10021.
If the measuring component is not supplied in the initial measurement, an exception is
created using the Exception Type and Severity defined for the “Insufficient Input Data
Exception” parameter. This exception will have a Message Category of 11802 and a Message
Number of 10115.
If an external source id is not supplied in the initial measurement, an exception is created
using the Exception Type and Severity defined for the “Insufficient Input Data Exception”
parameter. This exception will have a Message Category of 11802 and a Message Number of
• Example: The following VEE rule creates an exception if initial measurements are not found
for all sibling measuring components of the current initial measurement's measuring
VEE Group: Initial Load Validations
Sequence: 10
Description: Check IMDs for Sibling MCs
Category: Validation Rules.
Start Date: 05-01-2010
End Date: N/A
Insufficient Input Data Exception:
• Exception Type: Insufficient Input Data
• Exception Severity: Issues
IMD Not Found Exception:
• Exception Type: No Data Found
• Exception Severity: Issues

High/Low Check
High/Low Check rules compare consumption of an incoming initial measurement against
historical data as a means of assuring reasonable data. High/Low Check rules can be used with
both scalar and interval initial measurements.
• Rule Name: High/Low Check
• Base Package VEE Rule Business Object: D2-VEERuleHighLowCheck
• Apply VEE Rule Algorithm Type / Algorithm: D2-HILO-CHK
• Apply VEE Rule Algorithm Parameters:
• Condition - bottom range value representing Non-Normal measurements
• Condition - top range value representing Non-Normal measurements
• Condition - bottom range value for System-Estimated measurements
• Condition - top range value for System-Estimated measurements
• Condition - bottom range value for measurements during an Outage

7-22 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

VEE Rules In Detail

• Condition - top range value for measurements during an Outage

• Validation Algorithm Type / Algorithm: D2-HILO-VAL
This algorithm ensures that if the rule is configured to perform a high check or a low check
(or both) that the corresponding tolerance is supplied. For each option, this validation
ensures that either a tolerance percentage or a tolerance factor is configured, but not both.
• Rule Parameters:
• High/Low Check: Indicates if the rule should check for high usage, low usage, or both
when comparing the initial measurement to historical data.
• High Tolerance (%): The percentage tolerance by which the measurement data can
exceed historical data before failing the validation.
• High Tolerance Factor: A factor containing the tolerance by which the measurement
data can exceed historical data before failing the validation.
• Low Tolerance (%): The percentage tolerance by which the measurement data can be
below historical data before failing the validation.
• Low Tolerance Factor: A factor containing the tolerance by which the measurement
data can be below historical data before failing the validation.
• Required Historical Data (%): The percentage amount of historical data required for
the validation to be executed, relative to the duration of the initial measurement being
validated. For example, if the duration of the initial measurement is 1 day and this
parameter is set to 50%, the system must find at least ½ day of historical data in order for
the rule to execute. Note that this field can be set to values higher than 100%.
• Historical Pre-Window: The number of days prior to the start date to find historical
• Historical Post-Window: The number of days after the stop date to find historical data.
• Allowed Historical User Edited Data(%): The percentage amount of historical data
allowed if some of the data has been user edited.
• Allowed Historical System Estimated Data(%): The percentage amount of historical
data allowed if some of the data has been system estimated.
• Allowed Historical Non Normal Data(%): The percentage amount of historical data
allowed if some of the data is "non-normal". This parameter is only used for interval
measuring component types.
• Historical Look First: Specifies the first point in time to find historical data. Options
include “Last Reading”, “Last Year”, and “Input Dates.”
• Comparison Method: The method by which historical data and the measurement data
are compared (Average or Maximum).
• Perform Outage Check: Specifies the rule should check for an outage for the device
that supplied the measurement.
• Outage Activity Type: Specifies an activity type that designates an outage for the device
that supplied the measurement.
• Insufficient Input Data Exception: Defines the Exception Type and Severity for
exceptions created when there is insufficient data to execute the VEE rule.
• No Historical Data Found Exception: Defines the Exception Type and Severity for
exceptions created when there is no historical data found.
• High Check Exception: Defines the Exception Type and Severity for exceptions
created when the measurement fails a high check.

Validation, Editing, and Estimation 7-23

VEE Rules In Detail

• Low Check Exception: Defines the Exception Type and Severity for exceptions
created when the measurement fails a low check.
• Low Check Outage Exception: Defines the Exception Type and Severity for
exceptions created when the rule detects an outage for the device that supplied the
• Processing Logic:
High/Low Check rules compare either the Average Daily Usage (ADU) or the maximum
value of the initial measurement being validated with the ADU / max for historical
measurements. Historical measurements can be based on measurements from either one year
ago or from the most recent reading for the initial measurement’s measuring component. If
insufficient usable data is found using the first historical option, measurement data for the
second historical option is evaluated. These rules can be configured to specify whether to
check measurements from one year ago or the most recent reading first. It can also specify
whether to perform both High and Low checking, or only one or the other.
When performing a High check, the rule checks to determine if the ADU/Maximum of the
initial measurement is greater than (within a tolerance defined by the “High Tolerance (%)”
and “High Tolerance Factor” parameters) of the historical data. When performing a Low
check, the rule checks to determine if the ADU/Maximum of the initial measurement is less
than (within a tolerance defined by the “Low Tolerance (%)” and “Low Tolerance Factor”
parameters) of the historical data.
The “Required Historical Data” parameter defines the percentage of historical data required
for the rule to execute. This percentage is relative to the duration of the initial measurement
being validated. If the specified amount of historical data is not found, the rule does not
The Rule can be configured to reject historical data based on the condition codes of the data.
These options can be used to find measurement data that is likely to produce a reasonable
ADU/Maximum for comparison to the current data.
Non-Normal Data
The “Allowed Historical Non Normal Data(%)” parameter specifies the maximum
percentage amount of historical data allowed if some of the data is "non-normal". For
interval data, the percentage calculation is calculated based on the number of
measurements compared to the total number of measurements in the period. For scalar
data, the time span of the measurement relative to the length of the historical period is
used to determine the percentage
The “Condition - bottom range value representing Non-Normal measurements” and
“Condition - top range value representing Non-Normal measurements” parameters are
used to define the range of condition values for measurements that should be
categorized as Non-Normal. For example, Non-Normal data might be any measurement
whose condition code is between Missing (201000) and Office Estimate (402000).
Depending upon how condition codes are configured, the bottom range condition
parameter might be set as 200000, and the top range condition parameter as 402999. If
custom conditions have been added in the Office Estimate category, such as 402500
(corresponding to "Office Estimate to Correct Spike", for example) measurements
referencing those custom conditions will also be treated as "Non-Normal".
System Estimated Data
The “Allowed Historical System Estimated Data(%)” parameter specifies the maximum
percentage amount of historical data allowed if some of the data has been system
The “Condition - bottom range value representing System-Estimated measurements”
and “Condition - top range value representing System-Estimated measurements”
parameters are used to define the range of condition values for measurements that

7-24 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

VEE Rules In Detail

should be categorized as System-Estimated. For example, System-Estimated data might

be any measurement whose condition code is between 300000 (below the System-
Estimated value of 301000) and 399999 (just below Office Estimate). To evaluate Office
Estimates along with System Estimates, the top range can be extended to include Office
Estimate condition values.
If the ADU/Maximum for the current initial measurement is higher or lower than the
historical ADU/Maximum, taking into account the tolerances configured on the rule, an
exception is logged using the Exception Type and Severity defined for the “High Check
Exception” or “Low Check Exception” parameters (respectively).
The rule can also check for outages for the initial measurements’ device between the
measurement’s start and end time. Outages can be determined by either the presence of an
outage activity for the measurement’s device, or if the measurement contains condition codes
that fall within the range of “outage” conditions defined on the algorithm. The “Outage
Activity Type” parameter specifies the Activity Type used to designate an outage for the
measurement’s device. The “Condition - bottom range value for measurements during an
Outage” and “Condition - top range value for measurements during an Outage” algorithm
parameters define the range of outage conditions for the rule. Outage checks are performed
when the initial measurement’s ADU/Maximum is lower than the historical ADU/Maximum
tolerance. If an outage is detected, an exception is created using the Exception Type and
Severity defined for the “Low Check Outage Exception” parameter.
• Example: The following VEE rule performs both a High check and Low check against
historical data. When gathering historical data for comparison, the rule will use up to 5%
user-edited data, up to 20% system estimated data, and up to 10% non-normal data. In
addition, if consumption for the current initial measurement is deemed to be “low”, the rule
will also check for outages.
VEE Group: Initial Load Validations
Sequence: 10
Description: High/Low Check
Category: Validation Rules.
Start Date: 05-01-2010
End Date: N/A
High Low Check:
• High Low Check: Both
• High Tolerance (%): 200
• Low Tolerance (%): 49
• Required Historical Data (%): 20
• Historical Pre-Window: 10
• Historical Post-Window: 0
• Allowed Historical User Edited Data (%): 5
• Allowed Historical System Estimated Data (%): 20
• Allowed Historical Non Normal Data (%): 10
• Historical First Look: Last Reading
• Comparison Method: Average
• Perform Outage Check: Perform If Low Consumption

Validation, Editing, and Estimation 7-25

VEE Rules In Detail

• Outage Activity Type: Outage Activity

Insufficient Input Data Exception:
• Exception Type: Insufficient Input Data
• Exception Severity: Issues
No Historical Data Found Exception:
• Exception Type: No Data Found
• Exception Severity: Issues
High Check Exception:
• Exception Type: Consumption Exceeds Threshold
• Exception Severity: Issues
Low Check Exception:
• Exception Type: Consumption Less Than Threshold
• Exception Severity: Issues
Low Check Outage Exception:
• Exception Type: Consumption Less Than Threshold due to Outage
• Exception Severity: Issues

Interval Replacement Rule

Interval Replacement rules determine whether or not an interval reading will replace any existing
measurements and specify whether or not to allow this to happen.
• Rule Name: Interval Replacement Rule
• Base Package VEE Rule Business Object: D2-IntervalReplacementRule
• Apply VEE Rule Algorithm Type / Algorithm: D2-INTREPRL
• Apply VEE Rule Algorithm Parameters: N/A
• Validation Algorithm Type / Algorithm: N/A
• Rule Parameters:
• Replacement Handling Method: Indicates if the rule should reject all replacement
readings (Reject All), or reject only those replacement readings that would replace a
reading that has been manually edited (Reject If Existing Data Is Manually Edited)
• Insufficient Input Data Exception: Defines the Exception Type and Severity for
exceptions created when there is insufficient data to execute the VEE rule.
• Interval Replacement Exception: Defines the Exception Type and Severity for
exceptions created when this rule replaces an existing reading.
• Processing Logic:
Interval Replacement rules check if the intervals in an interval initial measurement will
replace existing final measurements.
If the “Replacement Handling Method” parameters is set to "Reject All", the rule creates an
exception and exits from processing if the incoming measurement would replace existing final
measurements using the Exception Type and Severity defined for the “Interval Replacement
Exception” parameter. This exception will have a Message Category of 11802 and a Message
Number of 10007.
If the “Replacement Handling Method” parameters is set to "Reject If Existing Data Is
Manually Edited", the rule creates logs an exception and exits from processing if the

7-26 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

VEE Rules In Detail

incoming measurement would replace existing final measurements that had been user
(manually) edited. The exception is created using the Exception Type and Severity defined for
the “Interval Replacement Exception” parameter. This exception will have a Message
Category of 11802 and a Message Number of 10022.
• Example: The following VEE rule determines whether or not an interval reading would
replace any existing measurements and if so, will reject the incoming measurements.
VEE Group: Interval Validations
Sequence: 10
Description: Interval Replacement Rule
Category: Validation Rules.
Start Date: 05-01-2010
End Date: N/A
Replacement Handling Method: Reject All
Insufficient Input Data Exception:
• Exception Type: Insufficient Input Data
• Exception Severity: Issues
Interval Replacement Exception:
• Exception Type: Interval Data Replacement
• Exception Severity: Issues

Interval Size Validation

Interval Size Validation rules check to ensure that the interval size of the incoming initial
measurement data matches the value defined in the measuring component type.
• Rule Name: Interval Size Validation
• Base Package VEE Rule Business Object: D2-IntervalSizeValidation
• Apply VEE Rule Algorithm Type / Algorithm: D2-INTSIZVAL
• Apply VEE Rule Algorithm Parameters: N/A
• Validation Algorithm Type / Algorithm: N/A
• Rule Parameters:
• Insufficient Input Data Exception: Defines the Exception Type and Severity for
exceptions created when there is insufficient data to execute the VEE rule.
Interval Size Validation rules require the interval size (Seconds-Per-Interval or SPI) be
supplied in the initial measurement.
• Invalid Interval Size Exception: Defines the Exception Type and Severity for
exceptions created if the measurement fails this validation.
• Processing Logic:
Interval Size Validation rules validate that the seconds per interval (SPI) supplied with the
initial measurement being validated is equal to the interval size defined on measurement’s
measuring component type. If these are not equal, the rule creates an exception using the
Exception Type and Severity defined for the “Invalid Interval Size Exception” parameter.
This exception will have a Message Category of 11802 and a Message Number of 10009.

Validation, Editing, and Estimation 7-27

VEE Rules In Detail

If the SPI is not supplied in the initial measurement, an exception is created using the
Exception Type and Severity defined for the “Insufficient Input Data Exception” parameter.
This exception will have a Message Category of 11802 and a Message Number of 10018.
• Example: The following VEE rule issues an exception if the interval size of the incoming
initial measurement does not match the value defined for its measuring component type.
VEE Group: Interval Validations
Sequence: 10
Description: SPI Check
Category: Validation Rules.
Start Date: 05-01-2010
End Date: N/A
Insufficient Input Data Exception:
• Exception Type: Insufficient Input Data
• Exception Severity: Issues
Invalid Interval Size Exception:
• Exception Type: Interval Size Discrepancy
• Exception Severity: Issues

Interval Spike Check

Interval Spike Check rules examine interval data to identify intervals with conspicuously high
usage relative to surrounding intervals. Interval Spike Check rules identify spikes by subtracting
the third-highest peak from the highest peak minus, and dividing the result by the third-highest
peak. If the percent result is larger than the tolerance configured on the rule, the rule creates an
• Rule Name: Interval Spike Check
• Base Package VEE Rule Business Object: D2-IntervalSpikeCheck
• Apply VEE Rule Algorithm Type / Algorithm: D2-INTSPKCHK
• Apply VEE Rule Algorithm Parameters: N/A
• Validation Algorithm Type / Algorithm: D2-INTSPKVLD
This algorithm ensures that the "minimum number of intervals" parameter on the Interval
Spike Check VEE rule has a value greater than or equal to 3. (The rule requires the first- and
third-highest intervals, and so by definition requires 3 intervals.)
• Rule Parameters:
• Minimum Number of Intervals: The minimum number of interval data values
required in the measurement for the rule to be executed.
• Spike Check Method: Specifies whether to check for spikes for the entire interval cut
(Entire Interval Cut), or for each 24 hour period within the cut (Repeat for Each 24
Hour Period).
• Spike Tolerance (%): Percentage value used to determine if an interval data value is
considered a spike. This value is compared against a value equal to the highest peak
minus the third-highest peak, divided by the third-highest peak. If this value is greater
than the specified tolerance, the measurement fails this validation, and an exception is

7-28 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

VEE Rules In Detail

• Condition Flag Value to identify spike(s): The condition value assigned to interval
data values that are adjusted as a result of being identified as a spike.
• Insufficient Input Data Exception: Defines the Exception Type and Severity for
exceptions created when there is insufficient data to execute the VEE rule.
• Interval Spike Detected: Defines the Exception Type and Severity for exceptions
created when a spike is identified within the measurement.
• Processing Logic:
Interval Spike Check rules identify spikes by subtracting the third-highest peak from the
highest peak, and dividing the result by the third-highest peak. If the percent result is larger
than the “Spike Tolerance (%)” parameter, the rule creates an exception using the Exception
Type and Severity defined for the “Interval Spike Detected” parameter.
These rules can be executed in one of two modes, based on the “Spike Check Method”
• Repeat for Each 24 Hour Period: The spike check is performed for every 24-hour
portion of data in the initial measurement.
• Entire Interval Cut: The spike check is performed for the entire initial measurement
Note that this rule uses a measurement service to identify spikes. To access this logic outside
of the context of this rule, please refer to the D1-IdentifySpikes business service along with
its underlying service.
• Example: The following VEE rule checks the entire measurement for interval spikes, and
flags those interval values identified as spikes, based on a spike tolerance of 70%.
VEE Group: Interval Validations
Sequence: 10
Description: Interval Spike Check
Category: Validation Rules.
Start Date: 05-01-2010
End Date: N/A
Minimum Number of Intervals: 8
Spike Check Method: Entire Cut
Spike Tolerance (%): 70
Condition Flag Value to Interval Spike(s): Spike - Treat As Missing
Insufficient Input Data Exception:
• Exception Type: Insufficient Input Data
• Exception Severity: Issues
Interval Spike Check Exception:
• Exception Type: Interval Check Detected
• Exception Severity: Issues

Validation, Editing, and Estimation 7-29

VEE Rules In Detail

Multiplier Check
Multiplier Check rules check to ensure that the device multiplier value of the incoming initial
measurement data matches the multiplier value stored on the measuring component.
• Rule Name: Multiplier Check
• Base Package VEE Rule Business Object: D2-RegisterMultiplierCheck
• Apply VEE Rule Algorithm Type / Algorithm: D2-REGMULCHK
• Apply VEE Rule Algorithm Parameters: N/A
• Validation Algorithm Type / Algorithm: N/A
• Rule Parameters:
• Insufficient Input Data Exception: Defines the Exception Type and Severity for
exceptions created when there is insufficient data to execute the VEE rule.
Multiplier Check rules require the register multiplier be supplied in the initial
• Multiplier Exception: Defines the Exception Type and Severity for exceptions created
if the measurement fails this validation
• Processing Logic:
Multiplier Check rules validate that the register multiplier supplied with the initial
measurement is equal to the multiplier stored on the measuring component. If these are not
equal, the rule creates an exception using the Exception Type and Severity defined for the
“Multiplier Exception” parameter. This exception will have a Message Category of 11802 and
a Message Number of 10010
If the register multiplier is not supplied in the initial measurement, the rule creates an
exception using the Exception Type and Severity defined for the “Insufficient Input Data
Exception” parameter. This exception will have a Message Category of 11802 and a Message
Number of 10015.
• Example: The following VEE rule checks if the meter multiplier supplied in the initial
measurement differs from the meter multiplier defined for the measuring component.
VEE Group: Initial Load Validations
Sequence: 10
Description: Multiplier Check
Category: Validation Rules.
Start Date: 05-01-2010
End Date: N/A
Insufficient Input Data Exception:
• Exception Type: Insufficient Input Data
• Exception Severity: Issues
Multiplier Exception:
• Exception Type: Device Multiplier Discrepancy
• Exception Severity: Issues

7-30 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

VEE Rules In Detail

Negative Consumption Check

Negative Consumption Check rules check for negative consumption. Negative consumption
occurs if the total consumption for the initial measurement (calculated by summing all
measurements from the initial measurement) is less than zero. Note that Negative Consumption
Check rules should not be applied to measurements received from devices that can have negative
• Rule Name: Negative Consumption Check
• Base Package VEE Rule Business Object: D2-NegativeConsumptionCheck
• Apply VEE Rule Algorithm Type / Algorithm: D2-NCON-CHK
• Apply VEE Rule Algorithm Parameters: N/A
• Validation Algorithm Type / Algorithm: N/A
• Rule Parameters:
• Insufficient Input Data Exception: Defines the Exception Type and Severity for
exceptions created when there is insufficient data to execute the VEE rule.
• Negative Consumption: Defines the Exception Type and Severity for exceptions
created when negative consumption is detected.
• Processing Logic:
Negative Consumption Check rules create an exception if the total consumption, calculated
by summing all measurements from the initial measurement, is less than zero. The exception
is created using the Exception Type and Severity defined for the “Negative Consumption”
parameters. Note if the rule encounters negative consumption, an exception will be created
only if the measuring component type is not configured to "Allow Negative Consumption".
• Example: The following VEE rule checks for negative consumption and creates an
exception if negative consumption is detected.
VEE Group: Initial Load Validations
Sequence: 10
Description: Negative Consumption Check
Category: Validation Rules.
Start Date: 05-01-2010
End Date: N/A
Insufficient Input Data Exception:
• Exception Type: Insufficient Input Data
• Exception Severity: Issues
Negative Consumption Exception:
• Exception Type: Unexpected Negative Consumption
• Exception Severity: Issues

Raise Missing Quantity Exception

Raise Missing Quantity Exception rules create an exception if a specified percentage of
measurements within the initial measurement are missing, excluding intervals associated with an
Outage event.
• Rule Name: Raise Missing Quantity Exception
• Base Package VEE Rule Business Object: D2-RaiseMissingQuantityExcp

Validation, Editing, and Estimation 7-31

VEE Rules In Detail

• Apply VEE Rule Algorithm Type / Algorithm: D2-RAIMISQTY

• Apply VEE Rule Algorithm Parameters:
• Condition - bottom range value to include
• Condition - top range value to include
• Condition - bottom range value to exclude
• Condition - top range value to exclude
• Threshold Percentage XPath
• Exception Type XPath
• Exception Severity XPath
• Validation Algorithm Type / Algorithm: N/A
• Rule Parameters:
• Percentage Threshold of Missing Intervals: Defines the percentage of missing
intervals that must fall within the "missing" range before an exception will be created.
The "missing" range is defined on the algorithm used by this rule. Note that this
parameter is not required when validation usage for scalar measuring components.
• Insufficient Input Data Exception: Defines the Exception Type and Severity for
exceptions created when there is insufficient data to execute the VEE rule.
• Missing Quantity Exception: Defines the Exception Type and Severity for exceptions
created when the percentage of "missing" interval measurements exceeds the Percentage
Threshold of Missing Intervals.
• Processing Logic:
Raise Missing Quantity Exception rules create an exception if the percentage of
measurements within an interval initial measurement (defined by the “Percentage Threshold
of Missing Intervals” parameter) is considered “missing.” The exception is created using the
Exception Type and Severity defined for the “Missing Quantity Exception” parameter.
Missing intervals are those marked with a condition code that falls between the condition
range defined by the “Condition - bottom range value to include” and the “Condition - top
range value to include” algorithm parameters. The “Condition - bottom range value to
exclude” and the “Condition - top range value to exclude” algorithm parameters can be used
to define a range of conditions for intervals to be excluded by the rule. The condition ranges
can overlap (the range for “missing” might contain a superset of conditions that includes
those for “outage” or some other condition). For example, assume the condition range for
"missing" spans entirely the condition range for "outage". This rule could be configured to
raise an exception for any interval that has a value in the range of "missing" conditions, but at
the same time exclude intervals marked with "outage" conditions from triggering the
exception creation.
The “Threshold Percentage XPath”, “Exception Type XPath” and “Exception Severity
XPath” algorithm parameters identify the XPath location within the VEE rule BO schema
for the corresponding elements. These parameters should only be changed if a custom
version of this rule is created, and the XPath location for these elements in the VEE rule BO
schema is changed from the BO schema provided with the base package.
• Example: The following VEE rule creates an exception if more than 10 percent of the
interval values within an initial measurement are missing.
VEE Group: Interval Validations
Sequence: 10

7-32 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

VEE Rules In Detail

Description: Excessive Gaps

Category: Validation Rules.
Start Date: 05-01-2010
End Date: N/A
Missing Quantity Data:
• Percentage Threshold of Missing Intervals: 10
Insufficient Input Data Exception:
• Exception Type: Insufficient Input Data
• Exception Severity: Issues
Missing Quantity Exception:
• Exception Type: Gaps Detected in Data
• Exception Severity: Issues

Scalar Replacement Rule

Scalar Replacement rules identify whether or not a scalar reading will completely replace an
existing measurement and specify whether or not to allow this to happen.
• Rule Name: Scalar Replacement Rule
• Base Package VEE Rule Business Object: D2-ScalarReplacementRule
• Apply VEE Rule Algorithm Type / Algorithm: D2-SCAREPRL
• Apply VEE Rule Algorithm Parameters: N/A
• Validation Algorithm Type / Algorithm: N/A
• Rule Parameters:
• Replacement Handling Method: Indicates if the rule should reject all replacement
readings (Reject All), or reject only those replacement readings that would replace a
reading that has been manually edited (Reject If Existing Data Is Manually Edited)
• Insufficient Input Data Exception: Defines the Exception Type and Severity for
exceptions created when there is insufficient data to execute the VEE rule.
• Scalar Replacement Exception: Defines the Exception Type and Severity for
exceptions created when this rule replaces an existing reading.
• Processing Logic:
Scalar Replacement rules check if a scalar initial measurement will replace an existing final
If the “Replacement Handling Method” parameters is set to "Reject All", the rule creates an
exception and exits from processing if the incoming measurement would replace an existing
final measurement using the Exception Type and Severity defined for the “Scalar
Replacement Exception” parameter. This exception will have a Message Category of 11802
and a Message Number of 10008.
If the “Replacement Handling Method” parameters is set to "Reject If Existing Data Is
Manually Edited", the rule creates logs an exception and exits from processing if the
incoming measurement would replace an existing final measurement that had been user
(manually) edited. The exception is created using the Exception Type and Severity defined for
the “Scalar Replacement Exception” parameter. This exception will have a Message Category
of 11802 and a Message Number of 10023.

Validation, Editing, and Estimation 7-33

VEE Rules In Detail

• Example: The following VEE rule determines whether or not a scalar reading will replace
existing measurements and if so, whether it will reject the incoming measurements if the
existing measurements were manually edited.
VEE Group: Scalar Validations
Sequence: 10
Description: Scalar Replacement
Category: Validation Rules.
Start Date: 05-01-2010
End Date: N/A
Replacement Handling Method: Reject If Existing Data Is Manually Edited
Insufficient Input Data Exception:
• Exception Type: Insufficient Input Data
• Exception Severity: Issues
Scalar Replacement Exception:
• Exception Type: Scalar Data Replacement
• Exception Severity: Issues

Sum Check
Sum Check rules compare the difference between the total consumption of an incoming initial
measurement against the total consumption (based on final measurements) for a related measuring
component on the same device over the same time period. If the difference exceeds a specified
tolerance, the rule creates an exception. Related measuring components are those defined as
“Consumption Reference Measuring Components” for the initial measurement’s measuring
• Rule Name: Sum Check
• Base Package VEE Rule Business Object: D2-SumCheck
• Apply VEE Rule Algorithm Type / Algorithm: D2-SUM-CHK
• Apply VEE Rule Algorithm Parameters: N/A
• Validation Algorithm Type / Algorithm: D2-SUMCHKVAL
This algorithm ensures that for the Sum Check VEE rule, only one sum check tolerance type
is supplied (either percentage, hard value, or meter multiplier-based), and that its value is not
• Rule Parameters:
• Sum Check: Defines the different types of tolerance that can be used by this rule,
• Percentage Tolerance (%): The percentage difference between the consumption
of the two measuring components. If the percentage difference is higher than this
tolerance, the measurement fails the validation.
• Tolerance: The difference between the consumption of the two measuring
components. If the difference is higher than this tolerance, the measurement fails
the validation.
• Meter Multiplier Tolerance (%): The tolerance based on the multiples of the
meter multiplier. For example, if this tolerance is set to "2", for a measuring

7-34 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

VEE Rules In Detail

component that measures KWH with a multiplier 3.5, an exception is created if the
difference between the consumption and the total related consumption exceeds 7%
(3.5*2). If the percentage difference is higher than this tolerance, the measurement
fails the validation.
Note: Only one tolerance can be defined for this rule.
• Insufficient Input Data Exception: Defines the Exception Type and Severity for
exceptions created when there is insufficient data to execute the VEE rule.
• Sum Check: Defines the Exception Type and Severity for exceptions created when
consumption does not match between the initial measurement data and measurement
data for the related measuring component.
• No Data Found: Defines the Exception Type and Severity for exceptions created when
there is no data found for related measuring components.
• Processing Logic:
Sum Check rules evaluate whether consumption for the current initial measurement is within
a specified tolerance of the sum of the consumption during the same time period for any
measuring components related to the current initial measurement’s measuring component. If
the values are not within the defined tolerance of each other, an exception is created using the
Exception Type and Severity defined for the “Sum Check Exception” parameter. If no
measurement data can be found for the related measuring component for the same time
period, an exception is created using the Exception Type and Severity defined for the “No
Data Found Exception” parameter.
The rule can be used to evaluate consumption totals for an interval measuring component
that has a related scalar measuring component with the same UOM, to ensure that the total
consumption of the interval measuring component is within a tolerance of that of the scalar
value. It can also be used to evaluate consumption totals for scalar TOU meters that have a
"check" register (for example, three registers that measure ON-PEAK, OFF-PEAK, and
SHOULDER, with a fourth check register that measures the total consumption).
• Example: The following VEE rule creates an exception if the percentage difference between
the consumption of the incoming initial measurement and consumption for its related
measuring components is more than 95%.
VEE Group: Interval Validations
Sequence: 10
Description: Sum Check
Category: Validation Rules.
Start Date: 05-01-2010
End Date: N/A
Sum Check:
• Percentage Tolerance (%): 95
• Tolerance: N/A
• Meter Multiplier Tolerance: N/A
Insufficient Input Data Exception:
• Exception Type: Insufficient Input Data
• Exception Severity: Issues
Sum Check Exception:

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VEE Rules In Detail

• Exception Type: Consumption Differs from Reference Amount

• Exception Severity: Issues
No Data Found Exception:
• Exception Type: No Data Found
• Exception Severity: Issues

Unit Of Measure Check

Unit Of Measure Check rules check that the Unit of Measure (UOM) of the incoming initial
measurement data matches the UOM specified on the measuring component's type.
• Rule Name: Unit of Measure Check
• Base Package VEE Rule Business Object: D2-UOMCheck
• Apply VEE Rule Algorithm Type / Algorithm: D2-UOMCHK
• Apply VEE Rule Algorithm Parameters: N/A
• Validation Algorithm Type / Algorithm: N/A
• Rule Parameters:
• Insufficient Input Data Exception: Defines the Exception Type and Severity for
exceptions created when there is insufficient data to execute the VEE rule.
Unit of Measure Check rules require that the unit of measure be supplied in the initial
• UOM Check: Defines the Exception Type and Severity for exceptions created if the
measurement fails this validation.
• Processing Logic:
Unit Of Measure Check rules check the unit of measure passed in with the initial
measurement against the primary unit of measure configured on the initial measurement’s
measuring component type. If the two are not equal, the rule creates an exception using the
Exception Type and Severity defined for the “Unit Of Measure Exception” parameter. This
exception will have a Message Category of 11802 and a Message Number of 10011.
If the UOM is not supplied on the initial measurement, the rule creates an exception using
the Exception Type and Severity defined for the “Insufficient Input Data Exception”
parameter. This exception will have a Message Category of 11802 and a Message Number of
• Example: The following VEE rule creates an exception if the unit of measure specified in
the initial measurement does not match the unit of measure defined for its measuring
components' type.
VEE Group: Initial Load Validations
Sequence: 10
Description: Unit of Measure Check
Category: Validation Rules.
Start Date: 05-01-2010
End Date: N/A
Insufficient Input Data Exception:
• Exception Type: Insufficient Input Data

7-36 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

VEE Rules In Detail

• Exception Severity: Issues

Unit of Measure Exception:
• Exception Type: Unit of Measure Discrepancy
• Exception Severity: Issues

Zero Consumption Check

Zero Consumption Check rules check for zero consumption for an incoming initial measurement,
and can also optionally check for an outage (of a specified Outage Activity Type) for the usage
period if zero consumption is detected.
• Rule Name: Zero Consumption Check
• Base Package VEE Rule Business Object: D2-ZeroConsumptionCheck
• Apply VEE Rule Algorithm Type / Algorithm: D2-ZEROCNCHK
• Apply VEE Rule Algorithm Parameters:
• Outage Bottom Range Condition
• Outage Top Range Condition
• Validation Algorithm Type / Algorithm: D2-OACHKVAL
This algorithm validates to ensure that Outage Activity Type is populated if "Perform Outage
Check if Zero Consumption" flag is set to “Yes”.
• Rule Parameters:
• Perform Outage Check If Zero Consumption: Specifies whether or not the rule
should check for an outage
• Outage Activity Type: Specifies the activity type that represents an outage (used if
“Perform Outage Check If Zero Consumption” is set to “Yes.”)
• Insufficient Input Data Exception: Defines the Exception Type and Severity for
exceptions created when there is insufficient data to execute the VEE rule.
• Zero Consumption: Defines the Exception Type and Severity for exceptions created
when the rule detects zero consumption for the current initial measurement.
• Processing Logic:
Zero Consumption Check rules detect if the total consumption for the current initial
measurement is zero. For interval measurements, the rule sums all the Post-VEE
measurement quantities to obtain the total consumption for the interval measurement. For
scalar measurements, the rule retrieves the Post-VEE measurement quantity to obtain the
total consumption. Note: if the current scalar initial measurement is the first measurement for
the measuring component (measurement quantity is zero and start date time is not
populated), the rule exits.
If the consumption for the initial measurement is zero and the "Perform Outage Check if
Zero Consumption" parameter is set to “Yes”, the rule also checks for outages for the initial
measurements’ device between the measurement’s start and end time. Outages can be
determined by either the presence of an outage activity for the measurement’s device, or if the
measurement contains condition codes that fall within the range of “outage” conditions
defined on the algorithm. The “Outage Activity Type” parameter specifies the Activity Type
used to designate an outage for the measurement’s device. The “Outage Bottom Range
Condition” and “Outage Top Range Condition” algorithm parameters define the range of
outage conditions for the rule. If an outage is detected, an exception is created using the
Exception Type and Severity defined for the “Zero Consumption Outage” parameter. This
exception will have a Message Category of 11802 and a Message Number of 10110.

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VEE Rules In Detail

If the consumption for the initial measurement is zero and an outage is not detected, or if the
"Perform Outage Check if Zero Consumption" parameter is set to “No”, the rule creates an
exception using the Exception Type and Severity defined for the “Zero Consumption”
parameter. This exception will have a Message Category of 11802 and a Message Number of
• Example: The following VEE rule creates an exception if the total consumption for the
incoming initial measurement is zero. If the consumption is zero, this rule will also check for
outage activities.
VEE Group: Initial Load Validations
Sequence: 10
Description: Zero Consumption Check
Category: Validation Rules.
Start Date: 05-01-2010
End Date: N/A
Perform Outage Check If Zero Consumption: Yes
Outage Activity Type: Outage Activity
Insufficient Input Data Exception:
• Exception Type: Insufficient Input Data
• Exception Severity: Issues
Zero Consumption:
• Exception Type: Zero Consumption
• Exception Severity: Issues
Zero Consumption Outage:
• Exception Type: Zero Consumption Due to Outage
• Exception Severity: Issues

7-38 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

VEE Rules In Detail

Estimation Rules
This section provides descriptions for the base package VEE rules used in estimation of initial
measurement data. Estimation rules are used to estimate initial measurement data based on
existing data. Estimation calculations can be based on averaging of historical data, profile
application, or adjusting and calculating values based on related measurement data. Base package
estimation rules include:
• Interval Adjustment From Scalar
• Interval Averaging Estimation
• Interval Interpolation Estimation
• Interval Profile Estimation
• Scalar Calculation From Interval

• Scalar Profile Estimation

Interval Adjustment From Scalar

Interval Adjustment From Scalar rules adjust interval measurements based on existing scalar
measurements such that the total of the intervals equals the scalar measurement value for the same
time period.
This adjustment can be performed on either all intervals in the interval measurement, or only on
those intervals that fall within a specified condition range. Both options require that a scalar
measuring component be related to the current interval measuring component as a “Consumption
Reference Measuring Component”, and that one or more final measurements be present for the
related measuring component between the start and end date/times of the current initial
• Rule Name: Interval Adjustment From Scalar
• Base Package VEE Rule Business Object: D2-IntervalAdjustmentFrmScalar
• Apply VEE Rule Algorithm Type / Algorithm: D2-INTADJSCA
• Apply VEE Rule Algorithm Parameters: N/A
• Validation Algorithm Type / Algorithm: N/A
• Rule Parameters:
• Interval Adjustment From Scalar: Defines the parameters used by the VEE rule,
• Intervals to Adjust: Specifies which interval data values should be subject to
adjustment. Can be either the entire range of interval data values (All), or only those
interval data values that have a condition within a defined range (Restrict by
• Bottom Range Condition Value: Specifies the bottom of the range of condition
values for intervals that will be subject to adjustment.
• Top Range Condition Value: Specifies the top of the range of condition values for
intervals that will be subject to adjustment.
• Condition Value for Adjusted Intervals: The condition value assigned to intervals
adjusted by this rule.
• Insufficient Input Data Exception: Defines the Exception Type and Severity for
exceptions created when there is insufficient data to execute the VEE rule.
• Interval Adjustment Exception: Defines the Exception Type and Severity for
exceptions created to indicate that the measurement has been adjusted.

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VEE Rules In Detail

• Processing Logic:
Interval Adjustment From Scalar rules adjust an interval initial measurement such that the
total of the interval values in the measurement equal a scalar value. This rule can adjust either
all the interval in the measurement or a subset of intervals, based on condition.
When the “Intervals to Adjust” parameter is set to “All”, the scalar consumption provides a
value that is then used to proportionally adjust all of the intervals in the measurement. The
formula used to calculate the value of each interval is:
(Scalar Consumption / Total Initial Measurement Consumption) * Interval Amount
If the total of all of the intervals is equal to zero, the rule adjusts all of the intervals to the
same value.
When the “Intervals to Adjust” parameter is set to “Restrict by Condition”, the rule only
adjusts those intervals with a condition code that falls within the range of conditions defined
by the “Bottom Range Condition Value” and the “Top Range Condition Value” parameters.
In this case, the formula used to calculate the value of each interval is:
(Scalar Consumption / Conditional Initial Measurement Consumption) * Interval Amount
If the total of the intervals that match the specified condition is equal to zero, the rule adjusts
all of the intervals to the same value.
Any adjusted intervals are assigned a condition based on the “Condition Value for Adjusted
Intervals” parameter.
• Example: The following VEE rule adjusts all interval values in an interval measurement
based on final measurements for a related scalar measuring component, and flags all adjusted
intervals as “system estimate”.
VEE Group: Interval Estimations
Sequence: 10
Description: Interval Adjustment From Scalar
Category: Estimation Rules.
Start Date: 05-01-2010
End Date: N/A
Interval Adjustment From Scalar:
• Interval to Adjust: All
• Bottom Range Condition Value:
• Top Range Condition Value:
• Condition Value for Adjusted Intervals: System Estimate
Insufficient Input Data Exception:
• Exception Type: Insufficient Input Data
• Exception Severity: Information
Interval Adjustment Exception:
• Exception Type: Interval Measurement Adjusted Per Scalar Value
• Exception Severity: Information

7-40 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

VEE Rules In Detail

Interval Averaging Estimation

Interval Averaging Estimation rules estimate missing interval values based on averaging of
historical data for the same device and measuring component. Rules of this type can be configured
to specify a maximum allowed percentage of missing interval values, whether or not to include
user-edited measurements when averaging historical data, and other parameters related to selecting
historical measurements for averaging.
• Rule Name: Interval Averaging Estimation
• Base Package VEE Rule Business Object: D2-IntervalAveragingEstimation
• Apply VEE Rule Algorithm Type / Algorithm: D2-INTAVGEST
• Apply VEE Rule Algorithm Parameters:
• Missing Bottom Range Condition
• Missing Top Range Condition
• Outage Bottom Range Condition
• Outage Top Range Condition
• Regular Bottom Range Condition
• Regular Top Range Condition
• Validation Algorithm Type / Algorithm: N/A
• Rule Parameters:
• Interval Averaging Estimation: Defines the parameters used when estimating missing
interval data values using averaging, including:
• Work Calendar: The work calendar used to define which days are work days,
weekends, and holidays.
• Maximum Percentage Missing Intervals: The maximum percentage of missing
values allowable in the initial measurement being estimated.
• Estimate if Not Attached to SP: Specifies whether or not to estimate missing
values if the measurement is not attached to a service point.
• Include User Edited Intervals: Indicates that user edited intervals are included
when summing the interval consumption amounts to average.
• Holiday Scan Range: This identifies how many previous/next holidays to use in
collecting consumption amounts used for interval estimation.
• Sunday Scan Range: This identifies how many previous/next Sundays to use in
collecting consumption amounts used for interval estimation.
• Same Day of Week Scan Range: The number of weeks to check back/forward for
intervals on the same day of the week. After this number of weeks has been reached,
the rule will switch to looking at ""Like Days"", which scans back/forward on days
immediately next to the interval date.
• Neighboring Day Scan Range: The number of days to check back/forward
immediately next to the interval date.
• Intervals to Average: The number of days to average when using averages to
estimate missing data.
• Condition Value for Estimates Created: The condition value assigned to
estimated interval data values created by this rule.
• Insufficient Input Data Exception: Defines the Exception Type and Severity for
exceptions created when there is insufficient data to execute the VEE rule.

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VEE Rules In Detail

• Max Percentage Missing Intervals Exception: Defines the Exception Type and
Severity for exceptions created if the measurement has more missing interval data values
that specified in the Maximum Percentage Missing Intervals parameter.
• Processing Logic:
Interval Averaging Estimation rules estimate missing consumption by aggregating
consumption history for a measuring component and using the average consumption as the
estimated amount. The selection of historical data is based on the type of day being estimated.
For example, if the missing interval values fall on a holiday, only historical data from holidays
and Sundays are used. Likewise, if missing interval is a non-holiday weekend day, historical
data from weekend days is used.
The number of days to scan, the specific calendar to use, and the number of historical days of
data to average are defined as rule parameters.
The rule calculates the percentage of missing intervals by totaling the number of intervals
whose condition codes indicate they are either missing or occurred during an outage. Missing
intervals are those marked with a condition code that falls between the condition range
defined by the “Missing Bottom Range Condition” and the “Missing Top Range Condition”
algorithm parameters. Intervals considered to be missing due to an outage are those marked
with a condition code that falls between the condition range defined by the “Outage Bottom
Range Condition” and the “Outage Top Range Condition” algorithm parameters.
The rule calculates average interval values based on “regular” intervals values from historical
data. “Regular” intervals are those marked with a condition code that falls between the
condition range defined by the “Regular Bottom Range Condition” and the “Regular Top
Range Condition” algorithm parameters.
The algorithm performs estimation as follows:
First, the rule determines if the measurement is eligible for estimation. Estimation is
performed only if the following conditions are true.
• The measuring component is interval.
• The measuring component is linked to a service point, or the “Estimate If Not Attached
to SP” parameter is set to “Estimate”.
• The percentage of missing intervals is less than the value set for the “Maximum
Percentage Missing Intervals” parameter. If the percentage of missing interval is greater
than this parameter, the rule creates an exception using the Exception Type and Severity
defined for the “Max Percentage Missing Intervals Exception” parameter.
If the measurement is eligible for estimation, each missing interval is estimated using
averaging as follows:
• For Holiday Estimation:
Sum all of the measuring component’s consumption alternating between previous and
next holiday dates, whichever holiday date is nearer to the date/time of the interval to be
estimated. This is repeated until either the number of days specified in the “Holiday Scan
Range” parameter is reached or until a number of intervals equal to the “Number of
Intervals to Average” parameter have been found.
If the number of days specified in the “Holiday Scan Range” parameter is reached but
the number of intervals equal to the “Number of Intervals to Average” parameter is not
met, sum all of the measuring component’s consumption alternating between previous
and next Sundays. This is repeated until either the number of days specified in the
“Sunday Scan Range” parameter is reached or until a number of intervals equal to the
“Number of Intervals to Average” parameter have been found.
• For Non-Holiday Estimation:

7-42 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

VEE Rules In Detail

Sum all of the measuring component’s consumption alternating between previous and
next same days of the week, excluding holidays. This is repeated until either the number
of days specified in the “Same Day Scan Range” parameter is reached or until a number
of intervals equal to the “Number of Intervals to Average” parameter have been found.
If the number of days specified in the “Same Day Scan Range” parameter is reached but
the number of intervals equal to the “Number of Intervals to Average” parameter is not
met, sum all of the measuring component’s consumption alternating between previous
and next neighboring days excluding holidays until either the number of days specified in
the “Neighboring Scan Range” parameter is reached or until a number of intervals equal
to the “Number of Intervals to Average” parameter have been found.
• Once a number of “regular” intervals equal to the “Number of Intervals to Average”
parameter have been found, estimated consumption is calculated as follows:
Total Accumulated Consumption / Total Number of Intervals.
• Example: The following VEE rule estimates interval values in an initial measurement based
on averaging of three historical interval values providing that no more than 10% of the
interval values in the measurement are missing.
VEE Group: Interval Estimations
Sequence: 10
Description: Interval Averaging Estimation
Category: Estimation Rules.
Start Date: 05-01-2010
End Date: N/A
Interval Averaging Estimation:
• Work Calendar: US Work Calendar 1
• Maximum Percentage Missing Intervals: 10
• Estimate if Not Attached to SP: Estimate
• Include User Edited Intervals: Include
• Same Day of Week Scan Range: 3
• Neighboring Day Scan Range: 3
• Sunday Scan Range: 3
• Holiday Scan Range: 2
• Intervals to Average: 3
• Condition Value Estimates Created: System Estimate
Insufficient Input Data Exception:
• Exception Type: Insufficient Input Data
• Exception Severity: Information
Max Percentage Missing Intervals Exception:
• Exception Type: Maximum Percentage of Missing Data Exceeded
• Exception Severity: Information

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VEE Rules In Detail

Interval Interpolation Estimation

Interval Interpolation Estimation rules estimate gaps of missing interval values based on linear
interpolation. When performing interpolation, interval values to either side of the missing
intervals are used as the basis for interpolation. An "estimation adder" value equal to (preceding
value - subsequent value)/(number of intervals in gap + 1) is added to the interval preceding the
first missing interval to calculate the value of the first interval. The estimation adder is then added
to the first missing interval's interpolated value to derive the second missing interval value, and
process is repeated for each subsequent missing interval.
If missing intervals lie at the beginning or end of the initial measurement, the rule uses final
measurements immediately before or after the measurement (respectively) in an attempt to find
two reference measurement values for interpolation. If a valid measurement can be found for only
one side of a gap, the rule assigns each interval in the gap the value of the available measurement.
This is referred to as applying a "flat load".
Interval Interpolation Estimation rules can be configured to specify to specify a maximum
duration allowed for interpolation, and a maximum allowed percentage of missing interval values.
• Rule Name: Interval Interpolation Estimation
• Base Package VEE Rule Business Object: D2-IntervalInterpolationEst
• Apply VEE Rule Algorithm Type / Algorithm: D2-INTINTEST
• Apply VEE Rule Algorithm Parameters:
• Condition - bottom range value for Missing
• Condition - top range value for Missing
• Condition - bottom range value for Outage
• Condition - top range value for Outage
• Validation Algorithm Type / Algorithm: N/A
• Rule Parameters:
• Interval Interpolation Estimation: Defines the parameters used when estimating
missing interval data values using interpolation, including:
• Maximum Percentage Missing Intervals: The maximum percentage of missing
values allowable for estimations.
• Estimate if Not Attached to SP: Specifies whether or not to estimate missing
values if the measurement is not attached to a service point.
• Maximum Hours to Interpolate: The maximum number of hours to be
• Condition Value for Estimates Created: The condition value assigned to
estimated interval data values created by this rule.
• Insufficient Input Data Exception: Defines the Exception Type and Severity for
exceptions created when there is insufficient data to execute the VEE rule.
• Maximum Hours Exceeded Exception: Defines the Exception Type and Severity for
exceptions created if the measurement has more missing hours of data than the
Maximum Hours to Interpolate parameter.
• Max Percentage Missing Intervals Exception: Defines the Exception Type and
Severity for exceptions created if the measurement has more missing interval data values
than specified in the Maximum Percentage Missing Intervals parameter.
• Processing Logic:
Interval Interpolation Estimation rules estimate gaps in interval initial measurements using
prior and subsequent intervals as starting points for linear interpolation. The rule estimates

7-44 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

VEE Rules In Detail

intervals that are designated as “missing” based on condition codes, but not those designated
as having occurred during an outage.
Two pairs of algorithm parameters are used to define the range of condition values that
correspond to "missing" and "outage" intervals. The “Condition - bottom range value for
Missing” and the “Condition - top range value for Missing” parameters define the condition
range for “missing” intervals, while the “Condition - bottom range value for Outage” and the
“Condition - top range value for Outage” parameters define the condition range for “outage”
intervals. The condition ranges can overlap (the range for “missing” might contain a superset
of conditions that includes those for “outage” or some other condition). For example, assume
the condition range for "missing" spans entirely the condition range for "outage". This rule
could be configured to perform estimation for any interval that has a value in the range of
"missing" conditions, but at the same time exclude intervals marked with "outage" conditions
from estimation calculation.
The “Maximum Hours to Interpolate” parameter specifies the maximum number of
consecutive intervals within a gap before that gap can no longer be interpolated.
When estimating values for intervals in the middle of the initial measurement, interval values
to either side of the missing intervals are used as the basis for interpolation. An "estimation
adder" value equal to (preceding value - subsequent value)/(number of intervals in gap + 1) is
added to the interval preceding the first missing interval to calculate the value of the first
interval. The estimation adder is then added to the first missing interval's interpolated value
to derive the second missing interval value, and process is repeated for each subsequent
missing interval.
If missing intervals lie at the beginning or end of the initial measurement, the rule uses final
measurements immediately before or after the measurement (respectively) in an attempt to
find two reference measurement values for interpolation. If a valid measurement can be
found for only one side of a gap, the rule assigns each interval in the gap the value of the
available measurement. This is referred to as applying a "flat load". Note that final
measurements used for interpolation at the beginning or end of an initial measurement must
not be either “missing” or “outage” intervals, based on the algorithm parameters described
above. In the event that the gap to be estimated is the entire length of the initial measurement
(and the rule is configured such that this is not too large of a gap), the rule attempts to find
final measurements as described above.
Estimated intervals are assigned a condition value as defined for the “Condition Value for
Estimates Created” parameter.
• Example: The following VEE rule estimates up to three hours of missing interval values
using linear interpolation providing that no more than 20% of the interval values in the
measurement are missing.
VEE Group: Interval Estimations
Sequence: 10
Description: Interpolate Gaps
Category: Estimation Rules.
Start Date: 05-01-2010
End Date: N/A
Interval Interpolation Estimation:
• Maximum Percentage Missing Intervals: 20
• Estimate if Not Attached to SP: Estimate
• Maximum Hours to Interpolate: 3

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VEE Rules In Detail

• Condition Value for Estimates Created: System Estimate

Insufficient Input Data Exception:
• Exception Type: Insufficient Input Data
• Exception Severity: Information
Maximum Hours Exceeded Exception:
• Exception Type: Maximum Gaps Size for Estimation Exceeded
• Exception Severity: Information
Max Percentage Missing Intervals Exception:
• Exception Type: Maximum Percentage of Missing Data Exceeded
• Exception Severity: Information

Interval Profile Estimation

Interval Profile Estimation rules estimate missing interval values based on an associated profile
measuring component. Rules of this type can be configured to specify to specify a maximum
allowed percentage of missing interval values. Note that the profile measuring component must
contain measurement data for the same time period as the initial measurement to be estimated.
• Rule Name: Interval Profile Estimation
• Base Package VEE Rule Business Object: D2-IntervalProfileEstimation
• Apply VEE Rule Algorithm Type / Algorithm: D2-INTPROEST
• Apply VEE Rule Algorithm Parameters:
• Condition - bottom range value for Missing
• Condition - top range value for Missing
• Condition - bottom range value for Outage
• Condition - top range value for Outage
• Validation Algorithm Type / Algorithm: N/A
• Rule Parameters:
• Interval Profile Estimation: Defines the parameters used when estimating missing
interval data values from a profile, including:
• Maximum Percentage Missing Intervals: The maximum percentage of missing
values allowable for estimations.
• Estimate if Not Attached to SP: Specifies whether or not to estimate missing
values if the measurement is not attached to a service point.
• Profile Factor: The profile factor to be used when estimating interval data values.
• Condition Value for Estimates Created: The condition value assigned to
estimated interval data values created by this rule.
• Insufficient Input Data Exception: Defines the Exception Type and Severity for
exceptions created when there is insufficient data to execute the VEE rule.
• Max Percentage Missing Intervals Exception: Defines the Exception Type and
Severity for exceptions created if the measurement has more missing interval data values
than specified in the Maximum Percentage Missing Intervals parameter.
• Processing Logic:
Interval Profile Estimation rules use a profile measuring component's interval consumption
as a source of values to assign to intervals in the current initial measurement that are

7-46 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

VEE Rules In Detail

designated "missing" (based on the interval's condition). The rule does not estimate intervals
designated as an "outage".
Two pairs of algorithm parameters are used to define the range of condition values that
correspond to "missing" and "outage" intervals. The “Condition - bottom range value for
Missing” and the “Condition - top range value for Missing” parameters define the condition
range for “missing” intervals, while the “Condition - bottom range value for Outage” and the
“Condition - top range value for Outage” parameters define the condition range for “outage”
For each interval in the current initial measurement that falls into the category of "missing"
and does not fall into the category of "outage", the measurement value for the same date and
time from the profile measuring component (defined by the “Profile Factor” parameter) is
used as the estimated value. The condition of the estimated interval is then updated to a new
condition defined by the “Condition Value for Estimates Created” parameter.
If a measurement is not available for the profile measuring component on the date and time
of an interval, the interval is left unchanged.
This rule will only estimate a specified percentage of missing intervals. This percentage is
defined by the “Maximum Percentage Missing Intervals”. If the initial measurement has more
missing intervals than this percentage, the rule creates an exception using the Exception Type
and Severity defined for the “Max Percentage Missing Exception” parameter. If consumption
data for the profile measuring component cannot be found for the date and time of an
interval to be estimated, the rule creates an exception using the Exception Type and Severity
defined for the “Insufficient Input Data Exception” parameter.
• Example: The following VEE rule estimates interval measurements based on the “kWh -
Profile:” profile measuring component (defined as a factor) provided that no more than 20%
of the interval values in the measurement are missing.
VEE Group: Interval Estimations
Sequence: 10
Description: Interval Profile Estimation
Category: Estimation Rules.
Start Date: 05-01-2010
End Date: N/A
Interval Profile Estimation:
• Maximum Percentage Missing Intervals: 20
• Estimate if Not Attached to SP: Estimate
• Factor: kWh - Profile
• Condition Value for Estimates Created: System Estimate
Insufficient Input Data Exception:
• Exception Type: Insufficient Input Data
• Exception Severity: Information
Max Percentage Missing Intervals Exception:
• Exception Type: Maximum Percentage of Missing Data Exceeded
• Exception Severity: Information

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VEE Rules In Detail

Scalar Calculation From Interval

Scalar Calculation From Interval rules calculate a scalar value from measurements for a related
interval measuring component for the same time period as the initial measurement being
• Rule Name: Scalar Calculation From Interval
• Base Package VEE Rule Business Object: D2-ScalarCalcFromInterval
• Apply VEE Rule Algorithm Type / Algorithm: D2-SCACALINT
• Apply VEE Rule Algorithm Parameters: N/A
• Validation Algorithm Type / Algorithm: N/A
• Rule Parameters:
• Insufficient Input Data Exception: Defines the Exception Type and Severity for
exceptions created when there is insufficient data to execute the VEE rule.
• IMD Created Condition Value: The condition value assigned to estimated scalar data
created by this rule.
• Processing Logic:
Scalar Calculation From Interval rules calculate a single consumption amount for a scalar
initial measurement using the total consumption for the same date/time range for a related
interval measuring component.
The calculated scalar value replaces any existing value within the initial measurement (in the
post-VEE list) and updates the condition to the value defined by the “IMD Created
Condition Value” parameter”.
If this rule is executed for an interval measuring component, the rule does not produce an
error, and does not attempt to perform any processing.
• Example: The following VEE rule calculates a scalar measurement value based on the total
consumption for the same date/time range for a related interval measuring component.
VEE Group: s
Sequence: 10
Description: Scalar Calculation From Interval
Category: Estimation Rules.
Start Date: 05-01-2010
End Date: N/A
Scalar Calculation From Interval:
• IMD Created Condition Value: System Estimate
Insufficient Input Data Exception:
• Exception Type: Insufficient Input Data
• Exception Severity: Information

rules estimate scalar usage based on Average Daily Use (ADU) for the same measuring
component from one year-ago or from its most recent measurements. If historical data is not
available for the previous year, the rule will use the most recent reading for the initial
measurement's measuring component. Rules of this type can be configured to specify to specify a
required percentage of historical data for estimation, the maximum percentage of user-edited or

7-48 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

VEE Rules In Detail

system estimated historical allowed in estimation calculations, and high and low tolerances for
estimated values relative to earlier measurements for the same measuring component.
• Rule Name:
• Base Package VEE Rule Business Object: D2-ScalarEstimation
• Apply VEE Rule Algorithm Type / Algorithm: D2-SCALAREST
• Apply VEE Rule Algorithm Parameters:
• Condition - bottom range value for System-Estimated
• Condition - top range value for System-Estimated
• Condition - bottom range value for Regular
• Condition - top range value for Regular
• Condition - bottom range value for No Read
• Condition - top range value for No Read
• Validation Algorithm Type / Algorithm: N/A
• Rule Parameters:
• : Defines the parameters used by this rule, including:
• Historical Percentage Required: The percentage amount of history required for
the validation to be executed.
• Historical Look First: Specifies the first point in time to find historical data (Last
Reading, Last Year)
• Historical Pre-Window: The number of days prior to the start date to find
historical data.
• Historical Post-Window: The number of days after the stop date to find historical
• Allowed Historical System Estimated Data (%): The percentage of system
estimated historical data allowed in the estimation calculation.
• Allowed Historical User Edited Data (%): The percentage of user edited
historical data allowed in the estimation calculation.
• Interim Reading High Threshold Percentage: When estimating consumption
for a date/time after which there are existing measurements, this field defines the
percentage by which an estimated consumption value can be greater than the
consumption derived from an interpolated reading for that date/time. This value
can be greater than 100%.
• Interim Reading Low Threshold Percentage: When estimating consumption for
a date/time after which there are existing measurements, this field defines the
percentage by which an estimated consumption value can be less than the
consumption derived from an interpolated reading for that date/time.
• Condition Value for Estimates Created: The condition value assigned to
estimated interval data values created by this rule.
• Insufficient Input Data Exception: Defines the Exception Type and Severity for
exceptions created when there is insufficient data to execute the VEE rule.
• Estimated Value Exceed Limit Exception: Defines the Exception Type and Severity
for exceptions created when the estimated value exceeds the limits based on existing

Validation, Editing, and Estimation 7-49

VEE Rules In Detail

• Processing Logic:
rules use historical data for the same measuring component to derive an estimated value for a
scalar initial measurement. The rule can use historical data from either the previous year or
the previous reading, based on the “Historical Look First” parameter.
If the data for the selected historical period (Last Reading or Last Year) turns out to be
unusable, the second historical period is evaluated. Whether historical data qualifies for use in
estimation is determined through a combination of rule parameters and a set of algorithm
The “Condition - bottom range value for System Estimated” and the “Condition - top range
value for System Estimated” parameters define the condition range for system estimated
intervals, while the “Condition - bottom range value for Regular” and the “Condition - top
range value for Regular” parameters define the condition range for regular intervals The rule
does not attempt to estimate if there is already a value present in the initial measurement that
has a condition that falls within the ranges defined as either "system-estimated" or "regular"
based on the algorithm parameters.
Estimated values are calculated based on whether or not the measuring component measures
a “peak quantity” (such as demand measured by kilowatts).
• If the measuring component references a unit of measure that does not "measure peak
quantity", the rule calculates an estimated value by finding an "average daily usage" for
the historical period, and applying that value to the length of the current period of the
initial measurement. For example, if the initial measurement is 30 days, and the calculated
average daily usage is 50, the initial measurement would be equal to 1500 (30 days X 50
per day).
• If the measuring component references a unit of measure that "measures peak quantity",
the routine uses the maximum returned from the historical period as the estimated value.
In both cases, the rule calls a common routine to arrive at the estimated value that is also used
by the High/Low Check.
The rule rejects consumption from a historical period as unusable for estimation if too great a
portion of the period is covered by final measurements that are not high-quality. The
“Allowed Historical System Estimated Data (%)” and “Allowed Historical User Edited Data
(%)” parameters define the maximum percentage of system estimated or user edited historical
data (respectively) that is allowed to be used in estimation calculations.
Once an estimated value is calculated, the routine backs into a reading, which involves
backing out multipliers and, if the measuring component is subtractive, adding the result to
the prior reading. The Calculate Scalar Consumption (D1-SC-CNSUMP) algorithm does this
in a special "Back Into Reading" mode.
Assuming the measuring component does not "measure peak quantity" (in other words,
assuming it measures consumption), and that it does not allow negative consumption, the rule
then validates that the current estimate is in line with any subsequent measurement (if one
exists), and compares it to a “reasonable” value, as follows
• If the estimate is greater than the consumption represented by the subsequent
measurement, an exception is created and the estimated value is not used. To find the
consumption represented by the subsequent measurement, the rule calls the Calculate
Scalar Consumption algorithm using the start reading of the current initial measurement
and end reading of the subsequent measurement.
• If the estimate does not exceed the consumption represented by the subsequent
measurement, the rule evaluates whether the estimate exceeds a "reasonable" value by
some percentage. The "reasonable" value is found by calculating an average daily usage
for the consumption represented by the subsequent measurement, and multiplying this
average by the number of days of the current initial measurement. The percentage
difference is found by taking the difference between the "reasonable" value and the

7-50 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

VEE Rules In Detail

estimate, and dividing by the reasonable value. If the resulting percentage exceeds the
value specified for the “Interim High Reading Threshold” parameter, the estimate is
rejected and an exception is logged.
If the estimate passes these checks, the Initial Measurement is updated with its value, and the
condition is updated with the new condition specified by the “Condition Value for Estimates
Created” parameter.
• Example: The following VEE rule estimates scalar usage based on measurements from one
year-ago, providing that no more than 20% of the historical data was either user-edited to
VEE Group: s
Sequence: 10
Category: Estimation Rules.
Start Date: 05-01-2010
End Date: N/A
• Historical Percentage Required: 50
• Historical First Look: Last Year
• Historical Pre-Window: 10
• Historical Post-Window: 5
• Allowed Historical System Estimated Data (%): 20
• Allowed Historical User Edited Data (%): 20
• Interim Reading High Threshold Percentage: 50
• Interim Reading Low Threshold Percentage: 50
• Condition Value Estimates Created: System Estimate
Insufficient Input Data Exception:
• Exception Type: Insufficient Input Data
• Exception Severity: Information
Estimated Value Exceeds Limit Exception:
• Exception Type: Consumption Differs from Reference Amount
• Exception Severity: Information

Scalar Profile Estimation

Scalar Profile Estimation rules estimate missing scalar readings based on an associated profile
measuring component. Rules of this type can be configured to specify to specify a required
percentage of historical data for estimation, the maximum percentage of system estimated
historical allowed in estimation calculations, and high and low tolerances for estimated values
relative to earlier measurements for the same measuring component.
• Rule Name: Scalar Profile Estimation
• Base Package VEE Rule Business Object: D2-ScalarProfileEstimation
• Apply VEE Rule Algorithm Type / Algorithm: D2-SCAPROEST

Validation, Editing, and Estimation 7-51

VEE Rules In Detail

• Apply VEE Rule Algorithm Parameters:

• Condition bottom range value for System-Estimated
• Condition top range value for System-Estimated
• Condition code bottom range value for Regular
• Condition code top range value for Regular
• No Read Bottom Range Condition
• No Read Top Range Condition
• Validation Algorithm Type / Algorithm: N/A
• Rule Parameters:
• Scalar Profile Estimation: Defines the parameters used when estimating missing scalar
data from a profile, including:
• Historical Percentage Required: The percentage amount of history required for
the validation to be executed.
• Allowed Historical System Estimated Data (%): The percentage of system
estimated historical data allowed in the estimation calculation.
• Estimation Profile Factor: Defines the profile factor referencing the measuring
component to use for generating estimates if no historical data for the same
measuring component can be found. If it's not populated, profile-based estimation
will not be performed when no historical data is found to be usable from the current
measuring component.
• Interim Reading High Threshold Percentage: When estimating consumption
for a date/time after which there are existing measurements, this element defines
the percentage by which an estimated consumption value can be greater than the
consumption derived from an interpolated reading for that date/time. This value
can be greater than 100%.
• Interim Reading Low Threshold Percentage: When estimating consumption for
a date/time after which there are existing measurements, this element defines the
percentage by which an estimated consumption value can be less than the
consumption derived from an interpolated reading for that date/time.
• Condition Value for Estimates Created: The condition value assigned to
estimated interval data values created by this rule.
• Insufficient Input Data Exception: Defines the Exception Type and Severity for
exceptions created when there is insufficient data to execute the VEE rule.
• Estimated Value Exceed Limit Exception: Defines the Exception Type and Severity
for exceptions created when the estimated value exceeds the limits based on existing
• Processing Logic:
Scalar Profile Estimation rules calculate a scalar estimate by looking at final measurements for
a profile measuring component covering the same date range as the current initial
measurement. The profile measuring component to be used as a source of measurement data
is defined in the “Estimation Profile Factor” parameter. This rule is meant primarily for a
configuration in which the profile measuring components are interval, although the profile
could be scalar as well.
The “Condition bottom range value for System Estimated” and the “Condition top range
value for System Estimated” algorithm parameters define the condition range for system
estimated intervals, while the “Condition code bottom range value for Regular” and the
“Condition code top range value for Regular” algorithm parameters define the condition

7-52 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

VEE Rules In Detail

range for regular intervals The rule does not attempt to estimate if there is already a value
present in the initial measurement that has a condition that falls within the ranges defined as
either "system-estimated" or "regular" based on the algorithm parameters.
These algorithm parameters are also used in the evaluation of the quality of the profile
measuring component's data. The "system estimated" condition range algorithm parameter
values are used in conjunction with the “Allowed Historical System Estimated Data (%)”
parameter to reject the profile data if too high a percentage of the data has a condition inside
the "system estimated" range.
If the measuring component references a unit of measure that "measures peak quantity", the
maximum value returned from the profile data is used as the estimated value. Otherwise, an
“average daily usage” value is calculated using the profile data, and that value is applied to the
length of the current period of the initial measurement. For example, if the initial
measurement is 30 days, and the calculated average daily usage is 50, the initial measurement
would be equal to 1500 (30 days X 50 per day).
Note that the logic in this algorithm calls the same common routine used in the High/Low
Check and rules.
• Example: The following VEE rule estimates scalar measurement values based on a specified
profile measuring component, providing that no more than 20% of the historical data was
VEE Group: s
Sequence: 10
Description: Scalar Profile Estimation
Category: Estimation Rules.
Start Date: 05-01-2010
End Date: N/A
Scalar Profile Estimation:
• Historical Percentage Required: 50
• Allowed Historical System Estimated Data (%): 20
• Estimation Profile Factor: kWh - Profile
• Interim Reading High Threshold Percentage: 50
• Interim Reading Low Threshold Percentage: 50
• Condition Value for Estimates Created: System Estimate
Insufficient Input Data Exception:
• Exception Type: Insufficient Input Data
• Exception Severity: Information
Estimated Value Exceeds Limit Exception:
• Exception Type: Consumption Differs from Reference Amount
• Exception Severity: Information

Validation, Editing, and Estimation 7-53

VEE Eligibility Criteria In Detail

VEE Eligibility Criteria In Detail

This section provides details concerning the VEE eligibility criteria objects supplied as part of the
base package. This information illustrates how the base package objects were designed, and can
serve as the basis for any custom VEE eligibility criteria objects you create as part of your
implementation. This section includes:
• A description of the D1-VEEELIGCR maintenance object
• Lists of the base package VEE eligibility criteria business objects, including “lite” business
• Details concerning VEE eligibility criteria-specific configuration options
• A sample VEE eligibility criteria business object (D1-VEEEligibilityCriteria)

Maintenance Object - D1-VEEELIGCR

VEE eligibility criteria business objects use the D1-VEEELIGCR maintenance object. The table
below outlines some of the details of this maintenance object.

Option/Field Description

Maintenance Object D1-VEEELIGCR

Description VEE Eligibility Criteria

Service Name D1-VEEELIGCR (VEE Eligibility Criteria)

Tables • D1_VEE_ELIG_CRIT (VEE Eligibility Criteria) - Primary

• D1_VEE_ELIG_CRIT_CHAR (VEE Eligibility Criteria
Characteristics) - Child
• D1_VEE_ELIG_CRIT_L (VEE Eligibility Criteria
Language) - Child

Use the Maintenance Object portal and the Application Viewer to view more details about this
maintenance object.

Meter Data Framework Base Package VEE Eligibility Criteria Business Objects
The meter data framework base package includes the following VEE eligibility criteria business

Business Object Name Description

D1-VEEEligibilityCriteria VEE Eligibility Criteria

Instances of this business object represent
individual eligibility criteria defined in the

The meter data framework base package includes the following additional VEE eligibility criteria
business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D1-VEEEligCritBundlingAddBO Bundling Add BO for VEE Eligibility Criteria

D1-VEEEligCritPhysicalBO Physical BO for VEE Eligibility Criteria

7-54 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

VEE Eligibility Criteria In Detail

Configuration Options
This section outlines specific configuration options, such as business object options, system
events, and other options used by VEE eligibility criteria business objects.

System Events
VEE eligibility criteria business objects can make use of the following system events:
• Apply VEE Rule Eligibility Criteria: This system event defines the algorithm to use to
apply eligibility criteria to a VEE rule.

Example VEE Eligibility Criteria - D1-VEEEligibilityCriteria

The table below lists the details of the D1-SmartMeter device business object.

Option/Field Description

Business Object D1-VEEEligibilityCriteria

Description VEE Eligibility Criteria

Maintenance Object D1-VEEELIGCR (VEE Eligibility Criteria)

Application Service D1-VEEELIGCR(VEE Eligibility Criteria MO)

Instance Control Allow New Instances

Options • Portal Navigation Option: d1veerleTabMenu (VEE Rule)

• Maintenance UI Map: D1-VEEEligibilityCritMaint (VEE
Eligibility Criteria - Maintenance)

Algorithms • Apply VEE Rule Eligibility Criteria: D1-ECF-APECT

(Evaluate Criteria Field - Apply Eligibility Criteria)

Use the Business Object portal to view additional details concerning this business object.

Validation, Editing, and Estimation 7-55

VEE Exceptions In Detail

VEE Exceptions In Detail

This section provides details concerning the VEE exception objects supplied as part of the base
package. This information illustrates how the base package objects were designed, and can serve
as the basis for any custom VEE exception objects you create as part of your implementation.
This section includes:
• A description of the D1-VEEEXCP maintenance object
• Lists of the base package VEE exception business objects, including “lite” business objects
• A sample VEE exception business object (D1-VEEException)

Maintenance Object - D1-VEEEXCP

VEE exceptions business objects use the D1-VEEEXCP maintenance object. The table below
outlines some of the details of this maintenance object.

Option/Field Description

Maintenance Object D1-VEEEXCP

Description VEE Exception

Service Name D1-VEEEXCP (VEE Exception Maintenance)

Tables • D1_VEE_EXCP (VEE Exception) - Primary

• D1_VEE_EXCP_CHAR (VEE Exception Characteristics) -
• D1_VEE_EXCP_PARM (VEE Exception Parameter) - Child

Use the Maintenance Object portal and the Application Viewer to view more details about this
maintenance object.

Meter Data Framework Base Package VEE Exception Business Objects

The meter data framework base package includes the following VEE exception business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D1-VEEException VEE Exception

Example VEE Exception - D1-VEEException

The table below lists the details of the D1-SmartMeter device business object.

Option/Field Description

Business Object D1-VEEException

Description VEE Exception

Maintenance Object D1-D1-VEEEXCP (VEE Exception)

Application Service D1-D1-VEEEXCP (VEE Exception MO)

Instance Control Allow New Instances

7-56 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

VEE Exceptions In Detail

Option/Field Description

Options • Display UI Map: D1-VEEExceptionDisplay (VEE Exception

- Display)
• Display Map Service Script: D1-VEEExcptn (Display VEE
Exception Message Details)

Algorithms • Information: D1-VEXCPINFO (VEE Exception


Use the Business Object portal to view additional details concerning this business object.

Validation, Editing, and Estimation 7-57

Configuring VEE Groups, Rules, Eligibility Criteria, and Exceptions

Configuring VEE Groups, Rules, Eligibility Criteria, and

This section provides high-level overviews of the steps involved in configuring custom VEE
groups and rules. See Configuration Process Overview in Chapter One for a high-level
overview of the overall configuration process.
This section also provides information related to creating instances of the “generic utility” VEE
rules described earlier in this chapter.
Note: The procedures below focus on specific configuration tasks and options related to each of
the objects described in this chapter, and do not address all the steps involved in creating business
objects, UI maps, algorithms, etc. For more information about these subjects, refer to the Oracle
Utilities Application Framework documentation.

Configuring Custom VEE Groups

Configuring custom VEE groups involves the following steps:
1. Design the VEE group business objects you will need to create for your implementation,
including the data and processing required for each.
2. Create the custom VEE group-related configuration objects required for your business
3. Create your VEE group business objects, referencing the configuration objects created above
as appropriate.

Configuring Custom VEE Rules

Configuring custom VEE rules involves the following steps:
1. Design the VEE rule business objects you will need to create for your implementation,
including the data and processing required for each.
2. Create the custom VEE rule-related configuration objects required for your business objects,
System Events: Create algorithms for the following system events:
• Apply VEE Rule
Options: Create data as appropriate for the following options used when creating VEE rules:
• Exception Types
• Generic Utility VEE Rules: Define the following options used with “generic utility”
VEE rules
• Referred VEE Group: VEE groups to be referenced by these rules.
• Exception Handler: To Do Type, To Do Role, and Exception Type used by these
• VEE Group Matrix (Factor): Factor, Characteristic Type and Values, Characteristic
Source Algorithm, VEE groups
3. Create your VEE rule business objects, referencing the configuration objects created above as
Note: VEE rule business objects should reference D1-GenericVEERule as their Parent
Business Object.

7-58 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Configuring VEE Groups, Rules, Eligibility Criteria, and Exceptions

Configuring Custom VEE Eligibility Criteria

Configuring custom VEE eligibility criteria involves the following steps:
1. Design the VEE eligibility criteria business objects you will need to create for your
implementation, including the data and processing required for each.
2. Create the custom VEE eligibility criteria-related configuration objects required for your
business objects, including:
System Events: Create algorithms for the following system events:
• Apply VEE Rule Eligibility Criteria
3. Create your VEE eligibility criteria business objects, referencing the configuration objects
created above as appropriate.

Configuring Custom VEE Exceptions

Configuring custom VEE exceptions involves the following steps:
1. Design the VEE exception business objects you will need to create for your implementation,
including the data and processing required for each.
2. Create the custom VEE exception-related configuration objects required for your business
3. Create your VEE exception business objects, referencing the configuration objects created
above as appropriate.

Creating Generic Utility VEE Rules

This section outlines the steps involved in creating instances of the “generic utility” VEE rules.
Refer to the Oracle Utilities Meter Data Framework online help and user’s guide for general
procedures used in creating VEE rules.

Creating Execute VEE Group VEE Rules

Use the following procedure to create Execute VEE Group VEE rules:
1. Create the VEE group to which the rule will belong.
2. Create the VEE group that the rule will reference
3. Create the VEE rule referencing the group created in the previous step

Creating VEE Group Matrix (Factor) VEE Rules

Use the following procedure to create VEE Group Matrix (Factor) VEE rules:
1. Create the Characteristic Type and Values to be used by the factor that will be referenced by
the rule.
2. Create the Characteristic Source Algorithm to be used by the factor that will be referenced by
the rule.
3. Create the VEE Groups to be associated to the characteristic values.
4. Create the Factor that will be referenced by the rule.
5. Create the Factor Values for the factor, each referencing an effective-dated characteristic
value/VEE group pairings.
6. Create the rule, referencing the factor

Validation, Editing, and Estimation 7-59

Configuring VEE Groups, Rules, Eligibility Criteria, and Exceptions

Creating Exception Handler VEE Rules

Use the following procedure to create Exception Handler VEE rules:
1. Create the To Do Type to be used by the rule.
2. Create the To Do Role to be used by the rule.
3. Create the Exception Type to be used by the rule.
4. Create the rule, including:
• To Do Type, To Do Role, and Exception Type created in the previous steps.
• Criteria comparison for the rule.

7-60 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Chapter 8
Device Communication and Device Events

This chapter provides descriptions of entities related to device communications, including

activities, communications, and completion events. This chapter also describes entities related to
device events. This chapter includes:
• Understanding Device Communication
• Understanding Device Events
• Inbound Communications in Detail
• Outbound Communications in Detail
• Completion Events in Detail
• Device Events in Detail
• Configuring Device Communication and Device Event Objects

Note: The command, communication, and completion event functionality described in this
chapter is available only with Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway.

Device Communication and Device Events 8-1

Understanding Device Communication

Understanding Device Communication

This section provides an overview of entities related to device communications, including
activities, communications, and completion events and how they are used in the meter data
framework and related products, including Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management and Oracle
Utilities Smart Grid Gateway.

Activities are records of a communication related to a device, measuring component, or other
entity in the system. Examples of activities include meter read downloads (for manually read
meters) or “last gasp” messages sent by devices when they detects they are about to power down.
Activities are used extensively in Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway to record meter commands
such as device commissioning/decommissioning, remote connect/disconnect, device status
check, or on-demand reading commands. Activities are also used in Oracle Utilities Smart Grid
Gateway to track statistics related to uploading initial measurements and device events sent from
head-end systems.

Commands issued to devices, such as remote connect, remote disconnect, and others are defined
as activities. These represent commands sent via Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway to devices to
invoke a specific type of action.
The table below outlines the commands supported by Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway.

Command Description

Commission Device A command issued to establish communication between a device

and the head-end system. The goal is to ensure connectivity has
been established with the device, that any information needed to
communicate with the device has been defined in both Oracle
Utilities Smart Grid Gateway and the head-end system, and that
the device will begin capturing usage and events.

Decommission Device A command issued to inform the head-end system when a device
needs to be removed from a service point, so that no further reads
or events will arrive from the device. Decommissioning is invoked
when a device must be removed or deactivated. The goal is to stop
any communication between the device and the head-end system.

Device Status Check A command used to test whether the device is communicating
with the network, determine the connection status of the device,
and when possible, and check if there are any known malfunctions.

On-Demand Read A request for the most up-to-date reading from a particular device.
These commands are not guaranteed to return immediately. In
some cases, completing the command might require a person to
manually read the device. The purposes are to check the
operational status of the device and/or obtain a more recent
reading than is currently available.

Remote Connect A command issued when a device needs to be connected at a

service point.

Remote Disconnect A command issued when a device needs to be disconnected or

shut off at a service point.

8-2 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Understanding Device Communication

Attributes used to define commands include the following:

• Parent Activity: the parent activity (if any) for the command.
• Command Effective Date/Time: the date and time on which the command takes effect.
Commands issued prior to this date and time remain in the "Waiting for Effective Date"
status until this time, at which time the command is executed.
• Command Expiration Date/Time: the date time when the command expires. The
command cannot be executed after this date and time.
• Priority: the priority for the command.
• Requester: the application sending the command.
• Requester User: the user who initiated the command.
• Requester Transaction ID: an ID for the command, defined by the requester.
• Utility Device ID: ID of the device used by the utility. Used to derive the device ID if the
device ID is not provided.
When a command is initiated, it in turn creates an outbound communication which sends the
command request to the head-end system.

Upload Statistics
Upload statistics are statistics related to the uploading of initial measurement data and device
events sent from a head-end system, and are defined as activities in the system. This section
describes upload statistics and how they are captured and maintained in Oracle Utilities Smart
Grid Gateway, including:
• Upload Statistics Activities
• Upload Statistics - XAI Inbound Services
• Head-End System Processing Statistics

Upload Statistics Activities

There are three types of upload statistics activities:
• Payload Statistics: Contains statistics related to a specific payload (file) containing one or
more initial measurements or device events. Payload Statistics activities contain:
• Basic information about the payload (head-end system, file name, and status)
• Middleware statistics including specifics about the file, the total number of initial
measurements or device events processed, the number of initial measurement or device
events errors, and total processing time
• Initial measurement statistics including the number of initial measurements processed
• Device event statistics including the number of device events processed
• Payload Error Notification: Contains details concerning processing errors encountered in
an individual payload (file) containing one or more initial measurements or device events.
Payload Error Notification activities are related to Payload Statistics activities.
• Payload Summary: Contains processing summary statistics for an individual payload (file)
containing one or more initial measurements or device events. Payload Summary activities are
related to Payload Statistics activities, and are used to update related payload statistics upon
the completion of payload processing.
Upload statistics activities are created during processing of payload files as follows:
• When processing begins for a payload, a Payload Statistics activity is created to record the

Device Communication and Device Events 8-3

Understanding Device Communication

• If an error occurs during processing, a Payload Error Notification activity is created.

• When payload processing is complete, a Payload Summary activity is created, which in turn,
updates the Payload Statistics activity with details concerning the processing of the payload,
including the start and end time of the processing, the total processing time, the number of
initial measurements or device events processed, and the number of initial measurement or
device event errors (if any).

Upload Statistics - XAI Inbound Services

Upload statistics activities are created by the middleware components used by Smart Grid
Gatewaty adapters via XAI inbound services. XAI inbound services define the details of how
messages are received from an external system, including the activity business object to be invoked
when the response message is received. Smart Grid Gateway adapters use a set of XAI inbound
services to create upload statistics activities, outlined in the table below:

This type of Upload Is created by this type of

Statistics Activity... XAI Inbound Service

D1-PayloadStatistics D1-PayloadStatistics

D1-PayloadSummary D1-PayloadSummary

D1-PayloadErrorNotif D1-PayloadErrorNotif

Refer to the Oracle Utilities Application Framework documentation for more information about
XAI Inbound Services.

Head-End System Processing Statistics

As Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway processes payloads containing initial measurements or
device events, statistics for each payload are captured in Payload Statistics activities. Over time,
payload statistics for each head-end system are summarized to allow administrators to view
summary statistics for the head-end system. These summarized statistics are referred to as head-
end system processing statistics.
Head-end system processing statistics are stored as aggregated measurements for aggregator
measuring components. A separate aggregator measuring component must be set up for each
head-end system for which processing statistics will be aggregated.

Communications are records of messages sent between Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway and
an external system, such as a head-end system or edge application as a result of initiating a
command for a device. Communications can flow both outbound and inbound. Communications
are most often created as a result of a command activity.
Attributes used to define communications include the following:
• Device ID: the ID of the device related to the communication. All communications (and
their related commands) are related to a device.
• AMI Device Identifier Number: the identifier for the device used by the head-end system.
• Event Date/Time: the date and time of the message.
• Command Information: details concerning the command that created the communication,
• Recipient: the recipient of the command (recipients are defined as service providers)
• Transaction ID: an ID for the command that created the communication.
• External Transaction ID: ID for the command that created the communication in the
external system that sent or received the communication.

8-4 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Understanding Device Communication

• Event Date/Time: the date and time of the command that created the communication.
See Undestanding the Command Communication Process below for more information
about the role of communications in the device communication process.

Outbound Communications
Outbound Communications represent messages sent from Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway to
an external system, such as a head-end system or edge application (such as Oracle Customer Care
and Billing). Outbound communications use the following types of objects:
• Outbound Communication Business Objects
• Outbond Message Types
• XAI Senders
• External Systems

Outbound Communication Business Objects

An outbound communication business object must be created for each type of message to be sent
to an external system. For head-end systems, this is based on the types of messages the system is
designed to accept. For example, suppose a head-end system supports the types of commands
outlined above (device commission, device decommission, device status check, on-demand
readings, remote connect, and remote disconnect), and that this head-end system accepts a
separate type of message for each command. For this example, you would need to create
outbound communication business objects for each command, as follows:

Command Outbound Communication Business Object

Commission Device Commission Device Outbound Communication

Decommission Device Decommission Device Outbound Communication

Device Status Check Device Status Check Outbound Communication

On-Demand Read On-Demand Read Outbound Communication

Remote Connect Remote Connect Outbound Communication

Remote Disconnect Remote Disconnect Outbound Communication

Outbond Message Types

A outbound message type must also be created for each type of message to be sent to an external
system. Again, this is based on the types of messages the system is designed to accept. To continue
the example above, you might create the following outbound message types:

Command Outbound Message Type

Commission Device Commission Device

Decommission Device Decommission Device

Device Status Check Device Status Check

On-Demand Read On-Demand Read

Remote Connect Connect Device

Remote Disconnect Disconnect Device

Refer to the Oracle Utilities Application Framework documentation for more information about
outbound message types.

Device Communication and Device Events 8-5

Understanding Device Communication

XAI Senders
You must also create an XAI Sender for each type of message to be sent to an external system.
XAI senders define the details of how messages are sent to an external system. As in the case of
outbound communication business objects and outbound message types, the set of XAI senders
you need to create is based on the types of messages the system is designed to accept. To continue
the example above, you might create the following XAI senders:

Command XAI Sender

Commission Device Commission Device

Decommission Device Decommission Device

Device Status Check Device Status Check

On-Demand Read On-Demand Read

Remote Connect Connect Device

Remote Disconnect Disconnect Device

Refer to the Oracle Utilities Application Framework documentation for more information about
XAI senders.

External Systems
You must also create an External System for each external system to which Oracle Utilities Smart
Grid Gateway will send messages. Each external system defines a set of outbound message types
that will be sent to that system. Each external system outbound message type also specifies the
• The processing method used to send the message (Batch, XAI, or Real-time)
• The corresponding XAI senders
• Batch Control (if Processing Method is set to Batch)
• Message XSL, W3C Schema, and Response XSL (as applicable)
To continue the example above, you might create the following external system:

Head-End System

Outbound Message Processing Message XSL /

XAI Sender
Type Method Response XSL

Commission Device Real-time Commission Device HES-Request.xsl /


Decommission Device Real-time Decommission Device HES-Request.xsl /


Device Status Check Real-time Device Status Check HES-Request.xsl /


On-Demand Read Real-time On-Demand Read HES-Request.xsl /


Remote Connect Real-time Connect Device HES-Request.xsl /


Remote Disconnect Real-time Disconnect Device HES-Request.xsl /


8-6 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Understanding Device Communication

Refer to the Oracle Utilities Application Framework documentation for more information about
external systems.

Inbound Communications
Inbound Communications represent messages sent from a head-end system or edge application
(such as Oracle Customer Care and Billing) to Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway. Inbound
communications are typically sent in response to a command. Inbound communications use the
following types of objects:
• Inbound Communication Business Objects
• XAI Inbound Service

Inbound Communication Business Objects

An inbound communication business object must be created for each type of message to be
received from an external system. For head-end systems, this is based on the types of messages the
system is designed to send. To continue the above example, a head-end system supports the types
of commands outlined above (device commission, device decommission, device status check, on-
demand readings, remote connect, and remote disconnect), and sends a separate type of message
in response to each command. For this example, you would need to create the following inbound
communication business objects:

Command Being
Inbound Communication Business Object
Responded To

Commission Device Commission Device Response

Decommission Device Decommission Device Response

Device Status Check Device Status Check Response

On-Demand Read On-Demand Read Response

Remote Connect Remote Connect Response

Remote Disconnect Remote Disconnect Response

XAI Inbound Service

You must also create an XAI Inbound Service for each type of message to be received from an
external system. XAI inbound services define the details of how messages are received from an
external system, including the inbound communication business object (or business service or
service script) to be invoked when the response message is received. As in the case of inbound
communication business objects, the set of XAI inbound services you need to create is based on
the types of messages the system is designed to send. To continue the example above, you might
create the following XAI inbound services:

XAI Inbound Service
(Inbound Communication Business Object)

Commission Device Response Commission Device Response

Decommission Device Response Decommission Device Response

Device Status Check Response Device Status Check Response

On-Demand Read Response On-Demand Read Response

Connect Device Response Remote Connect Response

Disconnect Device Response Remote Disconnect Response

Device Communication and Device Events 8-7

Understanding Device Communication

Refer to the Oracle Utilities Application Framework documentation for more information about
XAI Inbound Services.

8-8 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Understanding Device Communication

Completion Events
Completion events are used to create or update data to reflect the effect of an activity or
command. Completion events are created upon successful receipt of inbound communications
related to an activity or command. For example, a commission device command could result in the
creation or update of an install event, while a on-demand read command could result in the
creation of an initial measurement.
Attributes used to define completion device events include the following:
• Activity: the activity (command) that initiated the completion event.
• Sequence: defines the relative order by which completion events for the activity are executed
(in the event that more than one completion event is created for an activity).
• Inbound Communication: the inbound communication that triggered the completion
• Event Date/Time: the date and time of the completion event.
Several of the commands supported by Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway have related
completion events. The table below describes the completion events for each command.

Command Completion Event

Commission Device Device Commissioning Completion Event

• Creates an install event for the device (if one doesn’t
• Updates the device’s install event status to reflect
that the device has been commissioned

Decommission Device Device Decommissioning Completion Event

• Updates the device’s install event status to reflect
that the device has been decommissioned

On-Demand Read Create IMD Completion Event

• Creates an initial measurement for the device

Remote Connect Connect Device Completion Event

• Updates the device’s install event status to reflect
that the device has been connected

Remote Disconnect Disconnect Device

• Updates the device’s install event status to reflect
that the device has been disconnected

See Undestanding the Command Communication Process below for more information
about the role of completion events in the device communication process.

Device Communication and Device Events 8-9

Understanding Device Communication

Understanding the Command Communication Process

This section provides an overview of the communication process that takes place when a
command is initiated for a device. For each step in the process, the table below provides a brief
description of the processing that takes place, and lists the specific objects used by the Oracle
Utilities Smart Grid Gateway Adapter for Landis+Gyr. Refer to the Oracle Utilities Smart Grid
Gateway Adapter for Landis+Gyr Configuration Guide for more details about the configuration objects
used by this adapter.
Note that the process outlined below has been simplified for illustrative purposes, and does not
reference every step performed in this process.

Step Process Landis+Gyr Adapter Objects

1. A user initiates a remote connect command for Activity BO: Remote Connect (D1-
a device.s RemoteConnect)

A remote connect activity business object is

instantiated for the command.

2. The remote connect command activity business Outbound Comunication BO: Initiate
object creates an outbound communication. Connect Disconnect (D3-
The specific type of outbound communication
business object created is determined by the
head-end system service provider (based on the
processing role defined in the Enter algorithm
of the “Awaiting Response” status of the
outbound communication business object’s

3. The outbound communication creates an Outbound Message Type: Connect Device

outbound message. (D3-CONNECT)

The specific type of outbound message created

is determined by the head-end system service
provider. (based on the processing role defined
in the Enter algorithm of the “Awaiting
Response” status of the outbound
communication business object’s lifecycle).

4. The outbound message is sent to middleware External System: Landis+Gyr Head End
components via an External System and XAI System
XAI Sender: Connect Device (D3-
Middleware components utilize Business Connect)
Process Execution Language (BPEL).

5. The middleware converts the outbound message

from SGG format into the format used by the
head-end system, and sends the message to the
head-end system.

6. When the head-end system sends a response, XAI Inbound Service: D3-
the middlware receives the response message ConDisconStChgNotification
from the head-end system, and converts it from (D361040925)
the format used by the head-end system to SGG
format and invokes an XAI Inbound Service.

8-10 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Understanding Device Communication

Step Process Landis+Gyr Adapter Objects

7. The XAI Inbound Service picks up the message, XAI Inbound Service: D3-
and creates a corresponding inbound ConDisconStChgNotification
communication. (D361040925)

The specific type of inbound communication Inbound Communication BO: Connect

business object created is determined by the Disconnect State Changed Notification
XAI Inbound Service.. (Multispeak) (D3-

8. The inbound communication identifies the Outbound Comunication BO: Initiate

parent outbound communication. Connect Disconnect (D3-

9. The inbound communication creates a Completion Event BO: Connect Device

completion event to update the status of the (D1-ConnectDevice)
device to indicate it has been connected.
Algorithm: D3-CCE (Create Completion
The specific type of completion event business Event)
object created is specified in an Enter algorithm
on the “Create Completion Event” Status of the
inbound communication business object’s

10. The inbound communication updates the Outbound Comunication BO: Initiate
outbound communication. Connect Disconnect (D3-
This update is performed by an Enter algorithm
on the “Completed” Status of the inbound
communication business object’s lifecycle.

11. The outbound communication updates the Outbound Comunication BO: Initiate
“Connect/Disconnect Completion Flag” and Connect Disconnect (D3-
the original activity business object. InitiateConnectDisconnect)

This update is performed by an Enter algorithm

on the “Completed” Status of the outbound
communication business object’s lifecycle.

Device Communication and Device Events 8-11

Understanding Device Events

Understanding Device Events

This section provides an overview of device events and how they are used in the meter data
framework and related products, including Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management and Oracle
Utilities Smart Grid Gateway.

Device Events
Device events are events of some sort that have taken place relative to a device, and can include
power outages, power restorations, tampering alerts, command completions, and other events.
Attributes used to define device events include the following:
• Device Event Date/Time: the date and time of the event. For events with a duration, such
as a power outage, this is the start date and time of the duration.
• Device Event End Date/Time: the end date and time of events with durations (such as
power outages). Not applicable to events with no duration, such as a tampering alter or power
In addition, device events also reference details specific to the head-end system that sent the event,
including the following:
• Sender: the head-end system (defined as a service provider in SGG) from which the event
was sent.
• External Sender ID: the external ID for the head-end system that sent the event.
• External Event Name: the external, head-end-specific name for the event. This name is
translated into a "standard" event name within SGG.
• External Source Identifier: an identifier for the source of the event.

Standard vs. Paired Device Events

Some device events represent events that occur without a duration, such as a tampering alert,
while other device events represent events with a duration, such as an outage (the duration being
the time between the start and end of the outage period.
Device events with no duration are defined using “standard” device event business objects. The
meter data framework base package provides a sample standard device event business object that
can be extended as needed to support implementation-specific requirements. Instances of the
standard event business object represent individual device events received into the system.
Device events with a duration are defined using “paired event” business objects, with the first of
the pair representing the start of the event, and the last of the pair representing the end of the
event. The meter data framework base package provides a sample set of paired device event
business objects that can be extended as needed to support implementation-specific requirements.
Events of this type can be configured to create or complete activities that represent the event. For
example, an outage event might create an outage activity that is completed when power is restored.
In this example, the outage event would be the first of the pair, while the power restoration event
would be the last of the pair.
When pairs of events arrive in rapid succession (such as a last gasp followed quickly by a power
restoration), these "paired event" business objects are designed to prevent them from being sent
to subscribing applications.

Sending Device Events to Subscribing Systems

When device events are received, they are typically passed onto to another subscribing system,
such as Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management, a customer information system (such as Oracle
Utilities Customer Care and Billing), an outage system (such as Oracle Utilities Network
Management System), or some other application.

8-12 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Understanding Device Events

The means of sending device event information to subscribing system is defined in the “How to
Send Device Event Related Information” processing method for the service provider representing
the subscribing system. Device event information can be sent via outbound communication
business object, outbound communication, or batch process.
The method for sending device events to subscribing systems (business object, outbound
message, or batch process) can be defined for each device event category, and can be overridden
for individual device event types (including the ability to exclude specific device event types within
a category. In addition, a default event processing method can be also be configured that applies
when methods of transmission aren't specified at the individual category level.
The “Subscribe to Device Event” business service is used to process device event subscription
requests, and allow external applications to manage the categories of events they receive.

Understanding Device Event Processing

This section provides an overview of the process that takes place when device events are received.
For each step in the process, the table below provides a brief description of the processing that
takes place, and lists the specific objects used by the meter data framework
Note that the process outlined below has been simplified for illustrative purposes, and does not
reference every step performed in this process.

Step Process Meter Data Framework Objects

1. The head-end system sends a payload of device

events to middleware components. The payload
contains both standard and paired device events.

Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway adapters

use Oracle Service Bus. (OSB) as the
middleware components for import of usage
readings and device events,

2. The middleware parses the payload into

individual device events, and then transforms
each from the format used by the head-end
system into the SGG format.

3. The middleware then invokes the Device Event XAI Inbound Service: D1-
Seeder XAI Inbound Service for each device DeviceEventSeeder (D103879193)
event. The Device Event Seeder XAI Inbound
Service is mapped to the Device Event Seeder
business object.

4. The Device Event Seeder business object Processing Method: D1-

determines the type of device event business HowToProcessDeviceInfo (How to
object to create based on the Device Event Process Device Related Information)
Mapping business object (extendable lookup)
defined for the head-end system service Device Event Mapping BO: D1-
provider. DeviceEventMappingLookup

Different head-end systems may use different

names for the same type of event. This process
maps device event names sent by the head-end
system to standard device event names.

Device Communication and Device Events 8-13

Understanding Device Events

Step Process Meter Data Framework Objects

5. An instance of the appropriate device event Standard Device Event BO: D1-
business object is created in the system for each StandardDeviceEvent
device event received.
Paired (First) Device Event BO: D1-
For paired events, the first event business PairedEventFirstDeviceEvent (Device
objects may create activities to represent the Event - Paired Event (First)
Paired (Last) Device Event BO: D1-
PairedEventLastDeviceEvent (Device
Event - Paired Event (Last)

6. If there are systems that subscribe to device Procesing Method: D1-

events (defined in a processing method for the HowToProcDveEvtsInformation (How to
system service provider), the device event is sent Process Device Event Related Info)
to those systems.

Sending device event information is triggered by

an Enter algorithm on the “Sent to Subscribers”
Status of the device event business object’s

Note: Sending device event information may

involve configuration of XAI senders, outbound
message types, and external systems. Refer to
the Oracle Utilities Application Framework for
more information about using XAI.

Time Zone Translation

If your organization receives device events from a source that provides its data in a different time
zone than the one in which the data will be stored in Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management, a
translation can be performed to translate the time zone from an external time zone identifier to
one configured within the application. This translation is defined via the Head-End Time Zone to
Standard Mapping extendable lookup.

8-14 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Activities in Detail

Activities in Detail
This section provides details concerning the activity objects supplied as part of the base package.
This information illustrates how the base package objects were designed, and can serve as the
basis for any custom activity objects you create as part of your implementation. This section
• A description of the D1-ACTIVITY maintenance object
• Lists of the base package activity business objects
• Details concerning activity-specific configuration options
• A sample activity business object (D1-RemoteConnect)

Maintenance Object - D1-ACTIVITY

Activity business objects use the D1-ACTIVITY maintenance object. The table below outlines
some of the details of this maintenance object.

Option/Field Description

Maintenance Object D1-ACTIVITY

Description Activity

Service Name D1-ACTIVITY (Activity Maintenance)

Tables • D1_ACTIVITY (Activity) - Primary

• D1_ACTIVITY_CHAR (Activity Characteristics) - Child
• D1_ACTIVITY_IDENTIFIER (Activity Identifier) - Child
• D1_ACTIVITY_LOG (Activity Log) - Child
• D1_ACTIVITY_LOG_PARM (Activity Log Parameter) -
• D1_ACTIVITY_REL (Activity Relationship) - Child
• D1_ACTIVITY_REL_OBJ (Activity Related Object) - Child

Use the Maintenance Object portal and the Application Viewer to view more details about this
maintenance object.

Meter Data Framework Base Package Activity Business Objects

The meter data framework base package includes the following activity business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D1-BulkRequestHeader Bulk Request Header

Instances of this business object represent
individual bulk requests headers in the
system. Used with bulk commands.

D1-BulkResponse Bulk Response

Instances of this business object represent
individual bulk responses in the system.
Used with bulk commands.

Device Communication and Device Events 8-15

Activities in Detail

Business Object Name Description

D1-CancelCommand Cancel Command

Instances of this business object represent
individual command cancellations in the

D1-DeviceCommission Device Commission

Instances of this business object represent
individual device commission commands
initiated in the system.

D1-DeviceDecommission Device Decommission

Instances of this business object represent
individual device decommission commands
initiated in the system.

D1-DeviceStatusCheck Device Status Check

Instances of this business object represent
individual device status check (ping)
commands initiated in the system.

D1-DeviceWithDurationActivity Outage Activity with Duration

Instances of this business object represent
individual outage activities (triggered by
outage device events) in the system.

D1-DeviceWithDurationActParent Device Activity with Duration Parent (used

a parent for device activity with duration
business objects)

D1-EnableService Enable Service

D1-GenericConnect Generic Connect Device

D1-GenericDisconnect Generic Disconnect Device

D1-GenericReadDevice Generic Read Device

D1-MeterReadDownloadActivity Meter Read Download Activity

Instances of this business object represent
individual meter read downloads in the

D1-MultiDeviceStatusCheck Multi-Device Status Check

Instances of this business object represent
individual multi-device status check (ping)
commands initiated in the system

D1-OnDemandReadAbstract On-Demand Read Abstract Parent (used a

a parent for on-demand read activity
business objects)

D1-OnDemandReadInterval On-Demand Read Interval

Instances of this business object represent
individual interval on-demand read
commands initiated in the system.

8-16 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Activities in Detail

Business Object Name Description

D1-OnDemandReadScalar On-Demand Read Scalar

Instances of this business object represent
individual scalar on-demand read
commands initiated in the system.

D1-PayloadErrorNotif Payload Error Notification

Instances of this business object represent
individual payload error notifications in the

D1-PayloadExtractScheduler Payload Extract Scheduler (used a a parent

for vendor-specific event and usage extract
activity business objects)

D1-PayloadNotification Payload Notification

Instances of this business object represent
individual payload notifications in the

D1-PayloadStatistics Payload Statistics

Instances of this business object represent
individual payload statistics in the system.

D1-PayloadSummary Payload Summary

Instances of this business object represent
individual payload statistics summaries in
the system.

D1-RemoteConnect Remote Connect

Instances of this business object represent
individual remote connect commands
initiated in the system.

D1-RemoteDisconnect Remote Disconnect

Instances of this business object represent
individual remote disconnect commands
initiated in the system.

D1-SPActivityOrchestration SP Activity Orchestation

D1-UTCorrectnPrcessrActvity Usage Transaction Correction Processor

Instances of this business object are created

via Initial Measurement Data (IMD)
processing when the IMD being processed
may have resulted in a change to one or
more usage transactions for usage
subscriptions linked to the measuring
component's device via one of its service

The meter data framework base package includes the following “lite” activity business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D1-ActivityBIBOToRead Activity BI BO To Read

D1-ActivityLite Activity LITE

Device Communication and Device Events 8-17

Activities in Detail

Configuration Options
This section outlines specific types of BO Options used by activity business objects.

Business Object Options

Activity business objects can make use of the following business object options:
• Initiate Command Processing Role: This option defines the processing role used to
initiate the command for the activity. Valid values are defined as values for the
PROC_ROLE_FLG lookup field. The base package includes the following options:

Lookup FIeld Value Description

D1AM Obtain AMI Device Identifier

D1DA Activity Notification

D1DC Device Commission

D1DD Device Decommission

D1DM Device Event Mapping

D1DS Device Status Check

D1EP Event Processing Default Configuration

D1FR Response - Fail

D1IM Initial Measurement Creation

D1IN On-Demand Read (Interval)

D1LC Load Check

D1RC Remote Connect

D1RD Remote Disconnect

D1RM Retrieve Meter

D1RR Response - Received

D1SC On-Demand Read (Scalar)

D1SD Send Device Event

D1SR Response - Success

D1UM UOM Mapping

Example Activity - D1-RemoteConnect

The table below lists the details of the D1-RemoteConnect activity business object.

Option Description

Business Object D1-RemoteConnect

Description Remote Connect

Maintenance Object D1-ACTIVITY (Activity)

Application Service D1-REMOTECONNECTBOAS (Remote Connect BO)

8-18 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Activities in Detail

Option Description

Instance Control Allow New Instances

Options • Applicable Processing Role: D1RC (Remote Connect)

• Applicable Processing Role: D1SC (On-Demand Read -
• Applicable Processing Role: D1LC (Load Check)
• Related Administration BO: D1-RemoteConnectType
(Remote Connect Type)
• Display UI Map: D1-RemoteConnectDisplay (Remote
Connect - Display)
• Portal Navigation Option: d1ActivityNavOpt (Activity
Navigation Option)
• Display Map Service Script: D1-RtRCDtls (Remote Connect -
Retreive Details for Display)
• Maintenance UI Map: D1-RemoteConnectMaint (Remote
Connect - Maintenance)

Algorithms • Information: D1-CRAINFO (Command Request Activity

• Pre-Processing: D1-DETACTTYP (Determine Activity Type)
• Pre-Processing: D1-DMRO (Default Measurement Requested
• Pre-Processing: D1-DDR (Determine Device and Recipient)
• Validation: D1GINPVAL (Common Input Validation
• Validation: D1-VALMDEST (Validate Measurement
• Validation: D1-VALMREQO (Validate Measurement
Requested Override)

Device Communication and Device Events 8-19

Activities in Detail

Option Description

Lifecycle • Pending (Initial)

• Validation (Interim)
• Validation Error (Interim)
• Waiting for Effective Date (Interim)
• Connection Ready (Interim)
• Communication in Progress (Interim)
• Communication Error (Interim)
• Retry (Interim)
• Execute Completion Events (Interim)
• Completion Events Error (Interim)
• Waiting for Measurement (Interim)
• Wait Expired (Interim)
• Completed (Final)
• Discarded (Final)

Use the Business Object portal to view additional details concerning this business object.

Meter Data Management Base Package Activity Business Objects

The Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management base package includes the following activity business
objects. These are used to create aggregator measuring components. See Automatic Creation of
Aggregator Measuring Components on page 13-7 for more information.

Business Object Name Description

D2-ActivityAggDimScanner Aggregator Creator - Postal/Service Type

D2-MsrmtQuantityAggScanner Measurement Quantity Scanner

8-20 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Inbound Communications in Detail

Inbound Communications in Detail

This section provides details concerning the inbound communication objects supplied as part of
the base package. This information illustrates how the base package objects were designed, and
can serve as the basis for any custom inbound communication objects you create as part of your
implementation. This section includes:
• A description of the D1-COMMIN maintenance object
• Lists of the base package inbound communication business objects, including “lite” business
• A sample inbound communication business object (D1-CommInLite)

Maintenance Object - D1-COMMIN

Inbound communication business objects use the D1-COMMIN maintenance object. The table
below outlines some of the details of this maintenance object.

Option/Field Description

Maintenance Object D1-COMMIN

Description Communication In

Service Name D1-COMMIN (Communication In Maintenance)

Tables • D1_COMM_IN (Communication In) - Primary

• D1_COMM_IN_CHAR (Communication In Characteristics)
- Child
• D1_COMM_IN_IDENTIFIER (Communication In
Identifier) - Child
• D1_COMM_IN_LOG (Communication In Log) - Child
• D1_COMM_IN_LOG_PARM (Communication In Log
Parameter) - Child
• D1_COMM_IN_REL_OBJ (Communication In Related
Object) - Child

Use the Maintenance Object portal and the Application Viewer to view more details about this
maintenance object.

Meter Data Framework Base Package Inbound Communication Business

The meter data framework base package includes the following “lite” inbound communication
business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D1-CommInLite Inbound Communication Lite

Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway adapters include vendor-specific inbound communication
business objects.

Device Communication and Device Events 8-21

Inbound Communications in Detail

Example Inbound Communication - D1-CommInLite

The table below lists the details of the D1-CommInLite inbound communication business object.

Option Description

Business Object D1-CommInLite

Description Inbound Communication Lite

Maintenance Object D1-COMMIN (Communication In)

Application Service F1-DFTAPS (Default Execution Application Service)

Instance Control Allow New Instances

Use the Business Object portal to view additional details concerning this business object.

8-22 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Outbound Communications in Detail

Outbound Communications in Detail

This section provides details concerning the outbound communication objects supplied as part of
the base package. This information illustrates how the base package objects were designed, and
can serve as the basis for any custom outbound communication objects you create as part of your
implementation. This section includes:
• A description of the D1-COMMOUT maintenance object
• Lists of the base package outbound communication business objects, including “lite”
business objects
• A sample inbound communication business object (D1-CommOutLite)

Maintenance Object - D1-COMMOUT

Inbound communication business objects use the D1-COMMOUT maintenance object. The table
below outlines some of the details of this maintenance object.

Option/Field Description

Maintenance Object D1-COMMOUT

Description Communication Out

Service Name D1-COMMOUT (Communication Out Maintenance)

Tables • D1_COMM_OUT (Communication Out) - Primary

• D1_COMM_OUT_CHAR (Communication Out
Characteristics) - Child
• D1_COMM_OUT_IDENTIFIER (Communication Out
Identifier) - Child
• D1_COMM_OUT_LOG (Communication Out Log) - Child
• D1_COMM_OUT_LOG_PARM (Communication Out Log
Parameter) - Child
• D1_COMM_OUT_REL_OBJ (Communication Out Related
Object) - Child

Use the Maintenance Object portal and the Application Viewer to view more details about this
maintenance object.

Meter Data Framework Base Package Outbound Communication Business

The meter data framework base package includes the following “lite” outbound communication
business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D1-CommOutLite Outbound Communication Lite

D1-CommOutPlacerBO Communication Out Placer BO

D1-CommunicationLite Communication Lite

Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway adapters include vendor-specific outbound communication
business objects.

Device Communication and Device Events 8-23

Outbound Communications in Detail

Example Outbound Communication - D1-CommOutLite

The table below lists the details of the D1-CommOutLite outbound communication business

Option Description

Business Object D1-CommOutLite

Description Outbound Communication Lite

Maintenance Object D1-COMMOUT (Communication Out)

Application Service F1-DFTAPS (Default Execution Application Service)

Instance Control Allow New Instances

Use the Business Object portal to view additional details concerning this business object.

8-24 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Completion Events in Detail

Completion Events in Detail

This section provides details concerning the completion event objects supplied as part of the base
package. This information illustrates how the base package objects were designed, and can serve
as the basis for any custom completion event objects you create as part of your implementation.
This section includes:
• A description of the D1-CEVT maintenance object
• Lists of the base package completion event business objects
• A sample completion event business object (D1-ConnectDevice)

Maintenance Object - D1-CEVT

Completion event business objects use the D1-CEVT maintenance object. The table below
outlines some of the details of this maintenance object.

Option/Field Description

Maintenance Object D1-CEVT

Description Completion Event

Service Name D1-CEVT (Completion Event Maintenance)

Tables • D1_COMPL_EVT (Completion Event) - Primary

• D1_COMPL_EVT_CHAR (Completion Event
Characteristics) - Child
• D1_COMPL_EVT_LOG (Completion Event Log) - Child
• D1_COMPL_EVT_LOG_PARM (Completion Event Log
Parameters) - Child
• D1_COMPL_EVT_REL_OBJ (Completion Event Related
Objects) - Child

Use the Maintenance Object portal and the Application Viewer to view more details about this
maintenance object.

Meter Data Framework Base Package Completion Event Business Objects

The meter data framework base package includes the following completion event business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D1-CommissionDevice Commission Device Completion Event

Instances of this business object represent
individual commission device completion
events in the system.

D1-CompletionEvent Completion Event (generic completion

event business object used as a parent
business object for all other completion
event business objects)

D1-ConnectDevice Connect Device Completion Event

Instances of this business object represent
individual connect device completion
events in the system.

Device Communication and Device Events 8-25

Completion Events in Detail

Business Object Name Description

D1-CreateIMD Create IMD Completion Event

Instances of this business object represent
individual create IMD completion events in
the system.

D1-DecommissionDevice Decommission Device Completion Event

Instances of this business object represent
individual decommission device
completion events in the system.

D1-DisconnectDevice Disconnect Device Completion Event

Instances of this business object represent
individual disconnect device completion
events in the system.

Example Completion Event - D1-ConnectDevice

The table below lists the details of the D1-ConnectDevice completion event business object.

Option Description

Business Object D1-ConnectDevice

Description Connect Device

Maintenance Object D1-CEVT (Completion Event)

Parent Business Object D1-CompletionEvent (Completion Event)

Lifecycle Business Completion Event


Application Service D1-CEVTBOAS (Completion Event BO)

Instance Control Allow New Instances

Options • Display UI Map: D1-ConnectDeviceCEvtDisp (Connect

Device Completion Event - Display)
• Portal Navigation Option: d1cevtTabMenu (Completion
• Display Map Service Script: D1-D1-CEvtRetDt (Completion
Event - Retreive Details for Display)
• Maintenance UI Map: D1-ConnectDeviceCEvtMaint
(Connect Dvc Completion Event - Maintenance)

Algorithms • Validation: D1-VALTRCEVT (Validate Transition

Completion Events)

Use the Business Object portal to view additional details concerning this business object.

8-26 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Device Events in Detail

Device Events in Detail

This section provides details concerning the device event objects supplied as part of the base
package. This information illustrates how the base package objects were designed, and can serve
as the basis for any custom device event objects you create as part of your implementation. This
section includes:
• A description of the D1-DVCEVENT maintenance object
• Lists of the base package device event business objects, including “lite” business objects
• A sample device event business object (D1-SmartMeterdeviceEvent)

Maintenance Object - D1-DVCEVENT

Device event business objects use the D1-DVCEVENT maintenance object. The table below
outlines some of the details of this maintenance object.

Option/Field Description

Maintenance Object D1-DVCEVENT

Description Device Event

Service Name D1-DVCEVENT (Device Event Maintenance)

Tables • D1_DVC_EVT (Device Event) - Primary

• D1_DVC_EVT_CHAR (Device Event Characteristic) - Child
• D1_DVC_EVT_IDENTIFIER (Device Event Identifier)
• D1_DVC_EVT_LOG (Device Event Log) - Child
• D1_DVC_EVT_LOG_PARM (Device Event Log Parameter)
- Child
• D1_DVC_EVT_REL_OBJ (Device Event Related Object) -

Algorithms • Transition Error: D1-GEN-MOERR (MO Transition Error)

Use the Maintenance Object portal and the Application Viewer to view more details about this
maintenance object.

Meter Data Framework Base Package Device Event Business Objects

The meter data framework base package includes the following device event business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D1-DeviceEvent Device Event (generic device event

business object used as a parent business
object for all other device event business

D1-DeviceEventSeeder Device Event Seeder (used to to determine

the device event business object to use
when creating new device events)

Device Communication and Device Events 8-27

Device Events in Detail

Business Object Name Description

D1-DeviceEvtComResp Device Event Communication Response

Instances of this business object represent
communications created in response to
device events

D1-PairedEventFirstDeviceEvent Device Event - Paired Event (First)

Instances of this business object represent
individual paired event (first) device events
in the system.

D1-PairedEventLastDeviceEvent Device Event - Paired Event (Last)

Instances of this business object represent
individual paired event (last) device events
in the system.

D1-StandardDeviceEvent Standard Device Event

Instances of this business object represent
individual standard device events in the

Example Device Event - D1-DeviceEvent

The table below lists the details of the D1-DeviceEvent device event business object. Note that
this business object is used as a parent business object for other device events busines objects.

Option Description

Business Object D1-DeviceEvent

Description Device Event

Maintenance Object D1-DVCEVENT (Device Event)

Application Service D1-DEVICEEVENTBOAS (Device Event BO)

Instance Control Allow New Instances

Options None (options are defined for child business objects)

Algorithms • Information: D1-DEVTINFO (Device Event Info)

(apply to all child
• Validation: D1-VALDVCEVT (Validate Device Event)
business objects)
• Validation: D1-VALDEXEVT (Validate External Event

Lifecycle • Pending (Initial)

(apply to all child
• Additional Processing (Interim)
business objects)
• Help (Interim)
• Discarded (Final)
• Sent to Subscribers (Final)

Use the Business Object portal to view additional details concerning this business object.

8-28 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Configuring Device Communication and Device Event Objects

Configuring Device Communication and Device Event Objects

This section provides high-level overviews of the steps involved in configuring custom activities,
communications (inbound and outbound), completion events, and device events. See
Configuration Process Overview in Chapter One for a high-level overview of the overall
configuration process.
Note: The procedures below focus on specific configuration tasks and options related to each of
the objects described in this chapter, and do not address all the steps involved in creating business
objects, UI maps, algorithms, etc. For more information about these subjects, refer to the Oracle
Utilities Application Framework documentation.

Configuring Custom Activities

Configuring custom activities involves the following steps:
1. Design the activity business objects you will need to create for your implementation,
including the data and processing required for each.
2. Create the custom activity-related configuration objects required for your business objects,
System Events: Create algorithms for the following system events:
• Applicable Processing Role(s)
3. Set up admin records that define the activity types you will use in your implementation.

Configuring Custom Inbound Communications

Configuring custom inbound communications involves the following steps:
1. Design the inbound communication business objects you will need to create for your
implementation, including the data and processing required for each.
2. Create your inbound communication business objects..
3. Set up admin records that define the inbound communication types you will use in your

Configuring Custom Outbound Communications

Configuring custom outbound communications involves the following steps:
1. Design the outbound communication business objects you will need to create for your
implementation, including the data and processing required for each.
2. Create your outbound communication business objects.
3. Set up admin records that define the outbound communication types you will use in your

Configuring Custom Completion Events

Configuring custom completion events involves the following steps:
1. Design the completion event business objects you will need to create for your
implementation, including the data and processing required for each.
2. Create your completion event business objects.
Note: Completion event business objects should reference D1-CompletionEvent as their
Parent Business Object.

Device Communication and Device Events 8-29

Configuring Device Communication and Device Event Objects

Configuring Custom Device Events

Configuring custom device events involves the following steps:
1. Design the device event business objects you will need to create for your implementation,
including the data and processing required for each.
2. Create your device event business objects.
Note: Device event business objects should reference D1-DeviceEvent as their Parent
Business Object.

8-30 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Chapter 9
Usage Subscriptions

This chapter provides descriptions of usage subscriptions and usage subscription types, including:
• Understanding Usage Subscriptions
• Usage Subscriptions In Detail
• Usage Subscription Types In Detail
• Configuring Usage Subscriptions and Usage Subscription Types

Usage Subscriptions 9-1

Understanding Usage Subscriptions

Understanding Usage Subscriptions

This section describes usage subscriptions and their role in the usage calculation process.

Usage Subscriptions
Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management can calculate and send bill determinants to other
systems, such as a customer information system (CIS), an external billing system, or some other
application. Before bill determinants can be calculated, you must first create a usage subscription.
A usage subscription can be thought of as an ongoing request to send one or more service points'
usage to one or more external systems, and defines the service point’s bill determinants are
Bill determinants (usage) are derived from the final measurements of the measuring components
installed at the usage subscription's service points during the calculation period. A service point is
linked to measuring components through a install event linked to the measuring components’
device configuration.

An Aside: No Account Object Exists

Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management (and related meter data products) is not considered the
system of record for accounts or usage subscriptions. The customer information system (or some
other system) is considered the system of record for this type of information. In order to minimize
the amount of data that must be synchronized between systems, account-oriented attributes used
by the meter data products are held on usage subscriptions. For example, if an account’s ID and its
customer class are relevant to usage calculations, each usage subscription must reference both
elements. This is an important distinction to keep in mind when creating custom usage
subscriptions for your implementation.

Multiple Service Points and Multiple Measuring Components

At any instance in time:
• A usage subscriptions may be linked to multiple service points.
• A service point may be linked to a single device configuration
• A device configuration may have multiple measuring components
The calculation period for bill determinant calculations can span many days and over this period:
• The service points linked to the usage subscription can change (service points can be added
and removed)
• The device configurations installed at the service point can change (due to device
reconfigurations and meter exchanges)
This means that values for each bill determinants can be calculated using multiple service points
and measuring components.

Contacts are individuals or business entities with which a company has contact. A contact exists
for every individual or business related to a usage subscription. A single usage subscription can
have many contacts, and a single contact may be referenced on many different usage subscriptions.
Contacts have a 1-to-1 correlation with a "person" in a customer information system (CIS) and
the CIS is considered the system of record for contact information.

Service Points and Contacts

As noted in the description of service points, service points can reference contacts. While this is
optional, all usage subscriptions must reference at least one contact.

9-2 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Understanding Usage Subscriptions

Note: The base-package name search on the 360° Search looks for usage
subscription-related contacts. Use the Service Point Query portal to find a
service point using a service point-related contact.

Service Providers
As noted in the service point chapter, service providers can be associated with a market and/or
the service points in a market. This is optional and typically only set up in deregulated markets.
Usage subscriptions, on the other hand, must reference a service provider. The service provider is
used as the identity of the subscribing system. In other words, you must set up a service provider
for any system that subscribes to bill determinants.

Usage Subscriptions 9-3

Usage Subscriptions In Detail

Usage Subscriptions In Detail

This section provides details concerning the usage subscription objects supplied as part of the
base package. This information illustrates how the base package objects were designed, and can
serve as the basis for any custom usage subscription objects you create as part of your
implementation. This section includes:
• A description of the D1-US maintenance object
• Lists of the base package usage subscription business objects, including “lite” business
• Details concerning usage subscription-specific configuration options
• A sample usage subscription business object (D2-UsageSubscription)

Maintenance Object - D1-US

Usage subscription business objects use the D1-US maintenance object. The table below outlines
some of the details of this maintenance object

Option/Field Description

Maintenance Object D1-US

Description Usage Subscription

Service Name D1-US (Usage Subscription Maintenance)

Tables • D1_US (Usage Subscription) - Primary

• D1_US_CHAR (Usage Subscription Characteristics) - Child
• D1_US_CONTACT(Usage Subscription - Contact) - Child
• D1_US_FACTOR_OVRD (Usage Subscription Factor
Override) - Child
• D1_US_IDENTIFIER (Usage Subscription Identifier) -
• D1_US_LOG (Usage Subscription Log) - Child
• D1_US_LOG_PARM (Usage Subscription Log Parameters) -
• D1_US_SP (Usage Subscription - Service Point) - Child
• D1_US_SP_CHAR (Usage Subscription - SP Characteristics)
- Child
• D1_US_USG_GRP (Usage Subscription - Usage Group) -

Use the Maintenance Object portal and the Application Viewer to view more details about this
maintenance object.

9-4 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Usage Subscriptions In Detail

Meter Data Management Base Package Usage Subscription Business Objects

The Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management base package includes the following usage
subscription business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D2-UsageSubscription Usage Subscription

Instances of this business object represent
individual usage subscriptions defined in
the system.

The Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management base package includes the following “lite” usage
subscription business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D2-USMainContact Usage Subscription’s Main Contact LITE

(used to retrieve the usage subscription's
main contact)

D2-USMainContactLITE Usage Subscription Main Contact LITE

(used to retrieve the usage subscription's
main contact)

D2-UsageSubscription-Ext-Char Usage Subscription LITE

D2-UsageSubscriptionParentLITE Usage Subscription Parent LITE

D2-UsgTranProUsgSub Usage Subscription Transaction Processing

(describes the structure and rules applicable
to Usage Subscription Transaction)

D2-USSPLite Usage Subscription Service Point Lite

The Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management base package includes the following additional usage
subscription business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D2-SynchronizationAddUS US Synchronization Add (used when

adding a new usage subscription as a result
of a data synchronization request)

Example Usage Subscription - D2-UsageSubscription

The table below lists the details of the D2-UsageSubscription usage subscription business object.

Option/Field Description

Business Object D2-UsageSubscription

Description Usage Subscription

Maintenance Object D1-US (Usage Subscription)

Application Service D2-USBOAS (Usage Subscription BO)

Instance Control Allow New Instances

Usage Subscriptions 9-5

Usage Subscriptions In Detail

Option/Field Description

Options • Synchronization Add BO: D2-SynchronizationAddUS (US

Synchronization Add)
• Display UI Map: D2-USDisplay (Usage Subscription -
• Portal Navigation Option: d1usmTabMenu (Usage
• Display Map Service Script: D2-USRetDtls (Usage
Subscription Retrieve Details for Display)
• Maintenance UI Map: D2-USMaint (Usage Subscription -

Algorithms • Information: D2-USINFO (Usage Subscription Information)

• Pre-Processing: D1-DEFTIMZON (Default Time Zone
value based on Installation Option)
• Validation: D2-USSPPRVAL (Validate that US can not be
linked to Non-Parent Service Points)
• Validation: D2-USSPDTVAL (Validate Start and Stop Dates
of Usage Subscription’s Service Points)
• Validation: D2-USUGDTVAL (Validate Effectivity Period of
Usage Subscription’s Usage Groups)
• Validation: D2-USFOVAL (Validate the Start and Stop Dates
of US’ Factor Overrides)
• Validation: D1-VALTIMZON (Validates BO Time Zone
value against Installation Option

Lifecycle • Active (Initial)

• Inactive (Final)

Use the Business Object portal to view additional details concerning this business object.

9-6 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Usage Subscription Types In Detail

Usage Subscription Types In Detail

This section provides details concerning the usage subscription type objects supplied as part of
the base package. This information illustrates how the base package objects were designed, and
can serve as the basis for any custom usage subscription type objects you create as part of your
implementation. This section includes:
• A description of the D1-USTYPE maintenance object
• Lists of the base package usage subscription type business objects, including “lite” business
• Details concerning usage subscription type-specific configuration options
• A sample usage subscription type business object (D2-UsageSubscriptionType)

Maintenance Object - D1-USTYPE

Usage subscription type business objects use the D1-USTYPE maintenance object. The table
below outlines some of the details of this maintenance object

Option/Field Description

Maintenance Object D1-USTYPE

Description Usage Subscription Type

Service Name D1-USTYPE (Usage Subscription Type Maintenance)

Tables • D1_US_TYPE (Usage Subscription Type) - Primary

• D1_US_TYPE_CHAR (Usage Subscription Type
Characteristics) - Child
• D1_US_TYPE_FB_USG_GRP (Usage Subscription Type -
Fallback Usg Grp) - Child
• D1_US_TYPE_L (Usage Subscription Type - Language) -
• D1_US_TYPE_VAL_SPR (Usage Subscription Type - Valid
Service Provider) - Child
• D1_US_TYPE_SP_TYPE (Usage Subscription Type - Valid
Valid SP Type) - Child
• D1_US_TYPE_VAL_USG_GRP (Usage Subscription Type -
Valid Usage Group) - Child

Use the Maintenance Object portal and the Application Viewer to view more details about this
maintenance object.

Usage Subscriptions 9-7

Usage Subscription Types In Detail

Meter Data Management Base Package Usage Subscription Type Business

The Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management base package includes the following usage
subscription type business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D2-UsageSubscriptionType Usage Subscription Type

Instances of this business object represent
individual usage subscription types defined
in the system.

The Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management base package includes the following “lite” usage
subscription type business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D1-UsageSubscriptionTypeLite Usage Subscription Type - LITE

D2-UsageSubscriptionTypeLITE Usage Subscription Type LITE

D2-USTypeParentLITE Usage Subscription Type Parent LITE

D2-UsgTranProSubTyp Usage Subscription Type Transaction LITE

(describes the structure and rules applicable
to Usage Subscription Type Transaction)

The Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management base package includes the following additional usage
subscription type business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D1-UsageSubscrTypeBundlingAddBO Bundling Add BO for Usage Subscription Type

D1-UsageSubscrTypeBO Physical BO for Usage Subscription Type

Configuration Options
This section outlines specific configuration options, such as business object options, system
events, and other options used by usage subscription type business objects.

Other Options
Usage subscription types define many attributes of the usage subscriptions of that type. These
options are specified when creating usage subscriptions based on a usage subscription business
object, and include the following:

Valid Service Point Types

These define the service point types considered valid for usage subscriptions of this type.

Valid Service Providers

These define the service providers considered valid for usage subscriptions of this type.

Usage Groups (Valid and Fallback)

Usage Groups define the usage rules to be applied to initial measurement data for usage
subscriptions of this type.
• Valid Usage Groups: These define the usage groups considered valid for measuring
components of this type.

9-8 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Usage Subscription Types In Detail

• Fallback Usage Groups: These define the usage groups that can be used with all usage
subscriptions of this type in situations where the usage groups defined for the usage
subscriptions are not in effect. at the time usage is to be calculated Fallback usage groups have
effective dates which define the point in time after which they are considered in effect.

Example Usage Subscription Type - D2-UsageSubscriptionType

The table below lists the details of the D2-UsageSubscription usage subscription type business

Option/Field Description

Business Object D2-UsageSubscriptionType

Description Usage Subscription Type

Maintenance Object D2-USTYPE (Usage Subscription Type)

Application Service D2-USTYPE (Usage Subscription Type BO)

Instance Control Allow New Instances

Options • Display UI Map: D2-USTypeDisplay (Usage Subscription

Type - Display)
• Portal Navigation Option: d1ustypeTabMenu (Usage
Subscription Type)
• Maintenance UI Map: D2-USTypeMaint (Usage Subscription
Type - Maintenance)

Use the Business Object portal to view additional details concerning this business object.

Usage Subscriptions 9-9

Configuring Usage Subscriptions and Usage Subscription Types

Configuring Usage Subscriptions and Usage Subscription Types

This section provides high-level overviews of the steps involved in configuring custom usage
subscriptions and usage subscription types. See Configuration Process Overview in Chapter
One for a high-level overview of the overall configuration process.
Note: The procedures below focus on specific configuration tasks and options related to each of
the objects described in this chapter, and do not address all the steps involved in creating business
objects, UI maps, algorithms, etc. For more information about these subjects, refer to the Oracle
Utilities Application Framework documentation.

Configuring Custom Usage Subscriptions

Configuring custom usage subscriptions involves the following steps:
1. Design the usage subscription business objects you will need to create for your
implementation, including the data and processing required for each.
2. Create the custom usage subscription-related configuration objects required for your business
3. Create your usage subscription business objects, referencing the configuration objects created
above as appropriate.

Configuring Custom Usage Subscription Types

Configuring custom usage subscription types involves the following steps:
1. Design the usage subscription type business objects you will need to create for your
implementation, including the data and processing required for each.
2. Create the custom usage subscription type-related configuration objects required for your
business objects, including:
Options: Create data as appropriate for the following options used when creating usage
subscription types:
• Valid Service Point Types
• Valid Service Providers
• Usage Groups (Valid and Fallback)
3. Create your usage subscription type business objects, referencing the configuration objects
created above as appropriate.
4. Set up admin records that define the usage subscription types you will use in your

9-10 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Chapter 10
Usage Groups and Usage Rules

This chapter provides descriptions of usage groups and rules, including:

• Understanding Usage Groups and Rules
• Usage Groups In Detail
• Usage Rules In Detail
• Usage Eligibility Criteria In Detail
• Configuring Usage Rules, Groups, and Eligibility Criteria

Usage Groups and Usage Rules 10-1

Understanding Usage Groups and Rules

Understanding Usage Groups and Rules

This section describes the usage calculation process used Oracle Utilities meter data framework
and Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management, including descriptions of usage groups and rules.

The Usage Calculation Process

Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management can calculate and publish usage calculated from
measurement data to service providers on an ongoing basis. In addition, external systems can
request usage whenever needed. Usage calculations derive a usage transaction's usage quantities
using the measurements linked to a usage subscription’s service points.
The usage calculation engine and process is very similar to the VEE engine in that it is driven by
configurable rules. These rules calculate a usage transaction's usage (also known as bill
determinants). Usage calculation rules can also be configured to validate the usage that was
calculated by earlier rules. If problems are found, exceptions are created and the usage transaction
is not finalized.
Most requests for usage result in the creation of a usage transaction, but it is possible for an
external application to invoke the usage calculation engine real-time. In other words, usage can be
retrieved for a usage subscription real-time without creating a usage transaction. This technique is
only recommended for online requests, not as part of batch processes.
See Chapter 12: Usage Transactions for more information about the usage calculation process.

Usage Rules and Usage Groups

The specific usage calculation processing performed on (final) measurement data is defined in
individual usage rules, each performing a specific set of calculations. The base package includes
rules that calculate common bill determinants including:
• Scalar reads
• Time-of-use consumption (by applying a time-of-use map to an interval channel)
• Interval curves (either real or derived)
• Virtually anything else that can be calculated from the information in the system
The base package contains several usage rules you can use in your implementation, and you can
also create your own custom usage rules based on your requirements.

Usage Groups
Usage groups are collections of usage rules that are applied to measurement data. During the
usage calculation process, the system executes the usage rules defined in each usage group. The
rules within a usage group are defined in a specific sequence, allowing control over the order in
which the rules are executed.

Fallback and Valid Usage Groups

Usage groups can be associated to a specific usage subscription, or to a usage subscription type (or
both). Usage groups associated to a usage subscription type are considered “fallback” usage
groups. In addition, a usage subscription’s usage subscription type also defines the usage groups
that can be defined for individual usage subscriptions, and that are considered “valid” to override
the fallback usage groups. Only the valid usage groups on the usage subscription type can be
referenced on an individual usage subscription. An individual usage subscription can have override
usage groups. If the usage subscription doesn't have an override usage group for a bill
determinant's calculation period, the fallback group defined on the usage subscription type is used.

10-2 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Understanding Usage Groups and Rules

Effective Dates
Unlike VEE rules, usage rules do not have individual effective dates. Usage groups associated to a
usage subscription have effective and expiration dates, which define the date range during which
they can applied to usage calculations for the usage subscription. A usage subscription can have
many usage groups where each has a different effective period (and multiple usage groups can be
effective during a usage transaction's period). In other words, the entire usage group is effective-
dated rather than the individual rules.
Note: In MDM 2.0.0, the system uses the group effective at the start of the
calculation period. In MDM 2.0.1, the system calculates separate sets of bill
determinants for each group in effect during the usage period

Eligibility Criteria
Each usage rule may optionally have eligibility criteria that controls if the rule is applied. This
feature can greatly reduce the number of usage groups you need to create, because it allows a
single usage group to have conditional usage rules based on eligibility criteria (rather than
requiring a distinct usage group for every combination of v rules).
For example, you might use eligibility criteria that specifies that a rule is only applied if the
customer has solar power (or some other unique characteristic).

Referred Usage Group Rules - Reusing Groups Of Rules

Just like VEE rules, a usage rule can reference a different usage group, so commonly used rules
can be encapsulated in reusable usage groups. A usage rule that executes the rules in a referenced
usage group is called an Execute Usage Group rule. Rules of this type can have effective eligibility
criteria, just like all usage rules.
Execute Usage Group rules can be “nested.” That is, a group executed by a Execute Usage Group
rule can, in turn, execute the rules in another group, and so on.

Using Factors For Variables

A situation common in many implementations involves converting one unit of measure (UOM) to
another. However, the conversion factor used in conversions of this can differ based on many
different types of criteria, such as the location of the service point or other characteristics. This
sort of calculation can be implemented as a usage rule that accumulates consumption for one
UOM and converts the consumption to a different UOM by applying a factor to it.
Factors used for this purpose have a Factor Class of “Number,” and use some unique rules:
• Number factors reference a characteristic type (with pre-defined values).
• Number factors reference an algorithm that retrieves or derives the value of the characteristic
type at runtime.
• Factor values for a Number factor are effective-dated pairings of a characteristic value and a
corresponding value. Because these pairings are effective-dated, the value returned from the
factor can change over time for each characteristic value
At run time, the rule retrieves / derives the characteristic value for the factor's characteristic type
and then finds the value associated with the respective characteristic value.
Factors can be related to any real or dynamic attribute, so rules of this type are very flexible. For
• Real Attribute: you could create a rule that retrieves a specific value based on the location of
a service point.
• Dynamic Attribute: you could create a rule that retrieves a percentage value based on the
amount the customer conserved as compared to the same period in the prior year, returning
one value if the amount conserved is between 5% and 10%, another value if the amount
conserved is between 10% and 20%, and yet a third value if the amount conserved is greater

Usage Groups and Usage Rules 10-3

Understanding Usage Groups and Rules

than 20%. The amount conserved is dynamically calculated at execution time and is
compared to the characteristic values defined for the factor, and returns the appropriate value.
In this example, if the amount conserved was anything less than 5%, no percentage value
would be returned.

10-4 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Usage Groups In Detail

Usage Groups In Detail

This section provides details concerning the usage group objects supplied as part of the base
package. This information illustrates how the base package objects were designed, and can serve
as the basis for any custom usage group objects you create as part of your implementation. This
section includes:
• A description of the D1-USGGRP maintenance object
• Lists of the base package usage group business objects, including “lite” business objects
• A sample usage group business object (D1-UsageGroup)

Maintenance Object - D1-USGGRP

Usage group business objects use the D1-USGGRP maintenance object. The table below outlines
some of the details of this maintenance object

Option/Field Description

Maintenance Object D1-USGGRP

Description Usage Group

Service Name D1-USAGEGRP (Usage Group Maintenance)

Tables • D1_USG_GRP (Usage Group) - Primary

• D1_USG_GRP_CHAR (Usage Group Characteristics) -
• D1_USG_GRP_L (Usage Group Language) - Child
• D1_USG_GRP_VAL_DC_TYPE (Usage Group - Valid DC
Types) - Child

Use the Maintenance Object portal and the Application Viewer to view more details about this
maintenance object.

Meter Data Management Base Package Usage Group Business Objects

The Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management base package includes the following usage group
usage business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D1-UsageGroup Usage Group

Instances of this business object represent
individual usage groups defined in the

The Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management base package includes the following additional usage
group business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D1-UsageGroupBundlingAddBO Bundling Add BO for Usage Group

D1-UsageGroupPhysicalBO Physical BO for Usage Group

Usage Groups and Usage Rules 10-5

Usage Groups In Detail

Example Usage Group - D1-UsageGroup

The table below lists the details of the D1-UsageGroup device business object.

Option/Field Description

Business Object D1-UsageGroup

Description Usage Group

Maintenance Object D1-USGGRP (Usage Group)

Application Service D1-USAGEGRP (Usage Group MO)

Instance Control Allow New Instances

Options • Display UI Map: D1-UsageGroupDisplay (Usage Group -

• Portal Navigation Option: d1usggrpTabMenu (Usage Group)
• Maintenance UI Map: D1-UsageGroupMaint (Usage Group -

Use the Business Object portal to view additional details concerning this business object.

10-6 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Usage Rules In Detail

Usage Rules In Detail

This section provides details concerning the usage rule objects supplied as part of the base
package. This information illustrates how the base package objects were designed, and can serve
as the basis for any custom usage rule objects you create as part of your implementation. This
section includes:
• A description of the D1-USGRULE maintenance object
• Lists of the base package usage rule business objects, including “lite” business objects
• Details concerning usage rule-specific configuration options
• A sample usage rule business object (D2-ApplyMathInt)
• A list of base package usage rules, including the algorithm / algorithm type and a brief
description of each

Maintenance Object - D1-USGRULE

Device business objects use the D1-USGRULE maintenance object. The table below outlines
some of the details of this maintenance object

Option/Field Description

Maintenance Object D1-USGRULE

Description Usage Rule

Service Name D1-USAGERULE (Usage Rule Maintenance)

Tables • D1_USG_RULE (usage Rule) - Primary

• D1_USG_RULE_CHAR (usage Rule Characteristics) - Child
• D1_USG_RULE_L (usage Rule Language) - Child

Use the Maintenance Object portal and the Application Viewer to view more details about this
maintenance object.

Meter Data Framework Base Package Usage Rule Business Objects

The meter data framework base package includes the following usage rule business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D1-GenericUsageRule Generic Usage Rule (generic usage rule

business object used as a parent business
object for all other usage rule business

D1-UsageRuleReferredUsageGroup Execute Usage Group

Instances of this business object represent
individual Execute Usage Group usage
rules defined in the system.

The meter data framework base package includes the following “lite” usage rule business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D1-UsageRuleExeReSequenceLite Usage Rule Execution Resequencing LITE

Usage Groups and Usage Rules 10-7

Usage Rules In Detail

Business Object Name Description

D1-UsageRuleParentLITE Usage Rule Parent LITE

The meter data framework base package includes the following additional usage rule business

Business Object Name Description

D1-UsageRuleBundlingAddBO Bundling Add BO for VEE Rule

D1-UsageRulePhysicalBO Physical BO for VEE Rule

Meter Data Management Base Package Usage Rule Business Objects

The Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management base package includes the following usage rule
business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D2-ApplyMathInt Apply Math (Interval Data)

D2-GetIntervalData Get Interval Data

D2-GetScalar Get Scalar Details

D2-GetTOUUsage Get TOU Mapped Usage

D2-Math Math

D2-ValAgainstTol Validate Against Tolerance

Configuration Options
This section outlines specific configuration options, such as business object options, system
events, and other options used by usage rule business objects.

System Events
Usage rule business objects can make use of the following system events:
• Apply Usage Rule: This system event defines the algorithm to use when executing the usage
• Validation: This system event defines the algorithm to use to validate the measurement data
used by the usage rule.

Other Options
Usage rules use various parameters and properties. These options are specified when creating
usage rules based on a usage rule business object, and include the following:

Generic Utility VEE Rules

The meter data framework includes one "generic utility" base package usage rule type that can be
used when configuring usage groups and rules. This section outlines the configuration options you
need to configure before you can create rules of these types.
Execute Usage Group: Execute Usage Group rules reference a usage group. You must create the
usage group to reference before can create rules of this type.

10-8 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Usage Rules In Detail

Example Usage Rule - D2-ApplyMathInt

The table below lists the details of the D2-ApplyMathInt device business object.

Option/Field Description

Business Object D2-ApplyMathInt

Description Apply Math (Interval Data)

Maintenance Object D1-USGRULE (Usage Rule)

Parent Business Object D1-GenericUsageRule (Generic Usage Rule)

Lifecycle Business Generic Usage Rule


Application Service D1-USAGERULE (Usage Rule MO)

Instance Control Allow New Instances

Options • Display UI Map: D2-ApplyMathIntDisplay (Usage Rule-

Apply Math (Interval Data) Display)
• Portal Navigation Option: d1usgrleTabMenu (Usage Rule)
• Maintenance UI Map: D2-ApplyMathIntMaint (Usage Rule-
Apply Math (Int) - Maintenance)

Algorithms • Apply Usage Rule: D2-APPMATHIN Apply Math (interval

• Validation: D2-VALAPPMTH (Apply Math on Interval Data
- Validation)

Use the Business Object portal to view additional details concerning this business object.

Usage Groups and Usage Rules 10-9

Usage Rules In Detail

Base Package Usage Rules Summary

The following table lists the back package usage rules. Each of these usage rules is provided as a
business object and corresponding algorithm/algorithm type.

Algorithm /
Usage Rule Business Object Description
Algorithm Type

Generic Usage Rule D1-GenericUsageRule N/A Parent usage rule for all other usage rules,
contains basic usage rule schema elements

Apply Math (Interval Data) D2-ApplyMathInt D2-APPMATHIN A usage rule used to summarize interval
measurements and apply a mathematical
formula against the results to derive a
usage quantity.

Get Interval Data D2-GetIntervalData D2-GETINTDAT A usage rule used to get interval data for a
measuring component and date range.

Get Scalar Details D2-GetScalar D2-GETSCALAR A usage rule used to assemble scalar
readings and measurements

Get TOU Mapped Usage D2-GetTOUUsage D2-GETTOUUSG A usage rule used to summarize interval
measurements into TOU buckets based on
a TOU map (where the TOU map is
created based on the schedule defined
within a TOU map template).

Math D2-Math D2-MATH A usage rule used to derive a curve of

interval values given a formula, apply TOU
mapping to a derived curve, and perform
mathematical operations on Usage
Transaction Service Quantity entries.

Validate Against Tolerance D2-ValAgainstTol D2-VALUSGTOL A usage rule used to validate calculated
usage against a specified tolerance.

Use the Business Object portal and Algorithm portal (or Application Viewer) to view additional
details about these usage rules.

10-10 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Usage Rules In Detail

Usage Rule Descriptions

This section provides detailed descriptions of each of the base package usage rules provided with
Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management. The descriptions of the usage rules below contain the
following information
• Rule Name: The name of the rule
• Rule Description: A brief description of the rule
• Base Package Usage Rule Business Object: The base package business object used by the
• Apply Usage Rule Algorithm Type / Algorithm: The base package algorithm type and
algorithm specified in the “Apply Usage Rule” system event for the rule
• Apply Usage Rule Algorithm Parameters: The “soft” parameters (if any) used by the
“Apply Usage Rule” algorithm used by the rule
• Validation Algorithm Type / Algorithm: The base package algorithm type and algorithm
specified in the “Validation” system event for the rule, if applicable
• Rule Parameters: Parameters used to define the rule (if applicable). Does not include
common parameters used by all rules (see Common Parameters on page 10-11).
• Processing Logic: A description of the processing performed by the rule.
• Example: One or more example configurations of the rule. Note that all examples use
default values for all “Apply Usage Rule Algorithm Parameters”.

Common Parameters
All usage rules use the following common parameters:
• Usage Group: The usage group to which the rule belongs
• Usage Rule: The user-defined name given to the usage rule
• Sequence: The sequence within its usage group that the rule will be executed
• Description: A short description of the rule. This is used as the Information String for the
rule in the user interface.
• Detailed Description: A detailed description of the rule
• Usage Rule Category: The rule’s category. Base package options include “Usage
Calculation” and “Validation”.

Usage Rules
This section provides descriptions for the base package usage rules used when calculating usage
for usage subscriptions. Usage rules are standard and custom rules that perform calculation on
measurement data to generate bill determinants and other values used by external systems, such as
billing systems, customer information systems, etc. The results of usage rule calculations are
stored in usage transactions as Service Quantities. Base package usage rules include:
• Apply Math (Interval Data)
• Get Interval Data
• Get Scalar Details
• Get TOU Mapped Usage
• Math
• Validate Against Tolerance

Usage Groups and Usage Rules 10-11

Usage Rules In Detail

Apply Math (Interval Data)

Apply Math (Interval Data) rules summarize interval measurements and apply a mathematical
formula against the results to calculate usage quantities.
• Rule Name: Apply Math (Interval Data)
• Base Package Usage Rule Business Object: D2-ApplyMathInt
• Apply Usage Rule Algorithm Type / Algorithm: D2-APPMATHIN
• Algorithm Parameters: N/A
• Validation Algorithm Type / Algorithm: D2-VALAPPMTH
This algorithm performs the following validations:
• A UOM and/or TOU and/or SQI must be supplied in the “Result” section.
• If the Calculation Type is “Single Value”, a Single Value Variable must be supplied.
• If the Calculation Type is “Math Function”, a Math Function and one or more Member
Variables must be supplied.
• If the Calculation Type is “Mathematical Expression”, a Mathematical Expression must
be supplied.
• For each entry in the Variables list
• If the Variable Type is “Channel Accumulation”, a UOM and/or TOU and/or SQI
and a Set Function must be supplied.
• If the Variable Type is “Factor”, a Factor must be supplied
• Rule Parameters:
• Result: Specifies the resulting entries the rule will insert into the usage transaction
service quantity list. Options include:
UOM: the Unit of Measure to be used when inserting service quantity entries
TOU: the Time of Use to be used when inserting service quantity entries
SQI: the Service Quantity Identifier to be used when inserting service quantity entries
• Calculation Details: This section defines details related to the type of calculation
performed, including arguments and expressions used in calculations.
Calculation Type: Defines the type of operation to perform using variables defined in
the Variables section. Options include:
• Single Value: The rules returns the value of a single variable defined in the Single
Value Variable field.
• Math Function: The rule returns the Sum, Maximum, or Minimum value based on
variables defined in the Member Variables field.
• Mathematical Expression: The rule returns the result of a mathematical
expression defined in the Mathematical Expression field.
Single Value Variable: The Variable Name of the variable used by Single Value
calculations. Example: V1
Member Variables: The Variable Names, separated by a space, of the variables used by
Math Function calculations. Example: V1 V2 V3
Mathematical Expression: The mathematical expression used by Mathematical
Expression calculations.
Example 1: (V1 + V2) / V3
Example 2: SQRT(V1^2 + V2^2)

10-12 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Usage Rules In Detail

• Variables: This section defines the variables used in calculations defined in the
Calculation Details section.
Variable Name: The name of the variable.
Variable Type: The type of variable. Options include:
• Channel Accumulation: Used to reference one or more interval measuring
components (linked to the subscription's service points) that share common traits
(for example, all measuring components with a given UOM). The UOM and/or
TOU and/or SQI and a Set Function are required for this type of variable.
• Factor: Used when a factor is used in the calculation.
• Usage Period Hours: Used when total number of hours in the usage period is used
in the calculation.
UOM: Specifies the UOM of the measurement data when the Variable Type is Channel
TOU: Specifies the TOU of the measurement data when the Variable Type is Channel
SQI: Specifies the SQI of the measurement data when the Variable Type is Channel
Set Function: The function to apply to the measurement data when the Variable Type is
Channel Accumulation. Options include:
• Sum: Returns the sum of the UOM/TOU/SQI specified. This is used when
calculating the total usage for an interval measurement.
• Max: Returns of the interval maximum value for the UOM specified.
• Min: Returns the minimum interval value for the UOM specified.
Target Unit of Measure: The target UOM of the calculation when the Variable Type is
Channel Accumulation.
Factor: The factor to retrieve when the Variable Type is Factor.
• Processing Logic:
Apply Math (Interval Data) rules perform calculations on interval data and store the results in
the usage transaction's service quantities. Calculations are based on calculation type and
variables defined in the rule.
Calculation Types can be one of the following:
• Single Value: For Single Value calculations, the Single Variable Name is required, which
identifies the variable to process.
• Math Function: For Math Function cal cu a lt ions, a Math Function is required and one
or more Member Variables are required. These define the function to apply to the
Member Variables specified.
• Mathematical Expression: For Mathematical Expression cal cu a lt ions, the
Mathematical Expression is required, which identifies the mathematical expression and
variables to use.
Variables can be one of the following types:
• Channel Accumulation: For Channel Accumulation variables, a UOM/TOU/SQI is
required, which is used to identify the measuring components (linked to the usage
subscription's service points) to process. A Target Unit Of Measure is optional, and
is used UOM conversions, such as converting KWH to KW.

Usage Groups and Usage Rules 10-13

Usage Rules In Detail

• Factor: For Factor variables, a Factor is required that identifies the factor to use
when retrieving the variable value.
• Usage Period Hours: Usage Period Hours variables are used when the number of
hours in the usage period is a variable to be used in the calculation.
The rule applies the calculation type to the specified variables to calculate usage quantities.
• Example: The following usage rule calculates usage based on an interval measurement by
calculating the total of the interval values for measuring components that measure KWH.
Usage Group: Interval Usage
Usage Rule: TOTAL_KWH
Sequence: 10
Description: Total KWH
Category: Usage Calculation
• UOM: Kilowatt-Hours
• TOU:
• SQI:
Calculation Details:
• Calculation Type: Single Value
• Single Value Variable: V1
• V1:
• Variable Type: Channel Accumulation
• UOM: Kilowatt-Hours
• Set Function: Sum
• Example: The following usage rule calculates usage based on the higher value between
measuring components that measure KWH and KVARH.
Usage Group: Interval Usage
Usage Rule: CALC_MAX
Sequence: 10
Description: Calculate Maximum Value for KWH or KVARH
Category: Usage Calculation
• UOM: Kilowatt-Hours
• TOU:
• SQI:
Calculation Details:
• Calculation Type: Math Function
• Math Function: Max
• Member Variables: V1 V2

10-14 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Usage Rules In Detail

• V1:
• Variable Type: Channel Accumulation
• UOM: Kilowatt-Hours
• Set Function: Sum
• V2:
• Variable Type: Channel Accumulation
• UOM: Kilovolt-Ampere Reactive Hours
• Set Function: Sum
• Example: The following usage rule calculates usage based on an interval measurement by
multiplying the total of the interval values in the measurement by a “power factor” stored as a
Usage Group: Interval Usage
Sequence: 10
Description: Apply Power Factor to Interval Data Total
Category: Usage Calculation
• UOM: Kilowatt-Hours
• TOU:
• SQI: Power Factor Applied
Calculation Details:
• Calculation Type: Mathematical Expression
• Mathematical Expression: V1*V2
• V1:
• Variable Type: Channel Accumulation
• UOM: Kilowatt-Hours
• Set Function: Sum
• V2:
• Variable Type: Factor
• Factor: Power Factors

Usage Groups and Usage Rules 10-15

Usage Rules In Detail

Get Interval Data

Get Interval Data rules calculate interval data quantities from interval measurements for a
specified UOM, TOU, or SQI.
• Rule Name: Get Interval Data
• Base Package Usage Rule Business Object: D2-GetIntervalData
• Apply Usage Rule Algorithm Type / Algorithm: D2-GETINTDAT
• Algorithm Parameters: N/A
• Validation Algorithm Type / Algorithm: Rule: D2-VALINTDAT
This algorithm performs the following validations:
• A UOM and/or TOU and/or SQI must be supplied.
• Parameters:
• Interval Data Details: Specifies the resulting interval data entries the rule will insert
into the usage transaction service quantity list. Options include:
• UOM: The unit of measure to be retrieved from the interval measurement. Should
be used only with measuring components that measure one or more UOMs.
• TOU: The time of use to be retrieved from the interval measurement. Should be
used only with measuring components that measure one or more TOUs.
• SQI: The service quantity identifier to be retrieved from the interval measurement.
Should be used only with measuring components that measure one or more SQIs.
• Calculation Function: How usage is calculated from the interval data (Max or
• Processing Logic:
Get Interval Data rules get interval quantities from interval measuring components installed
in the service points linked to the usage subscription for the specified 'interval' usage period.
Only measuring components that match the UOM/TOU/SQI defined in the usage rule are
Measurements within the period are stored in the usage transaction's service quantities'
interval data list. The service quantity entry's quantity is calculated based on the Calculate
Function (Max or Sum) defined in the usage rule. This is done for every entry in the usage
period list.
• Example: The following usage rule calculates the sum of the interval values in interval
measurements that record kilowatt hours.
Usage Group: Interval Usage
Sequence: 10
Description: Get Interval Data - KWH
Category: Usage Calculation
Interval Data Details:
• UOM: Kilowatt-Hours
• TOU:
• SQI:
• Calculation Function: Sum

10-16 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Usage Rules In Detail

Get Scalar Details

Get Scalar Details rules assemble scalar readings and measurements.
• Rule Name: Get Scalar Details
• Base Package Usage Rule Business Object: D2-GetScalar
• Apply Usage Rule Algorithm Type / Algorithm: D2-GETSCALAR
• Algorithm Parameters:
• Estimate Bottom Range Condition
• Estimate Top Range Condition
• Measurement Cycle Schedule Thru Date Option (1 - Usage Period End Date, 2 - Retry
Until Date)
• Characteristic Type To Identify "Summary Account" Usage Subscriptions
• Characteristic Value To Identify "Summary Account" Usage Subscriptions
• Validation Algorithm Type / Algorithm: Rule: D2-VALSCALAR
This algorithm performs the following validations:
• A UOM and/or TOU and/or SQI must be supplied.
• Rule Parameters:
• Scalar Details: Defines specific UOMs, TOUs, or SQIs to be retrieved by the usage
rule, and if the results should be added to the service quantity (SQ) list for the usage
period. If not specified, the rule processes all scalar measuring components for the usage
transaction’s service point.
• Processing Logic:
Get Scalar Details rules get usage from scalar measuring components installed in the service
points linked to the usage subscription for the specified ‘scalar' usage period.
By default all scalar measuring components are processed, but if specific UOMs/TOUs/
SQIs are defined in the usage rule, then only applicable measuring components are processed.
Measurements within the usage period are retrieved. The usage transaction request may
indicate whether or not 'Estimate' measurements are allowed. The “Estimate Bottom Range
Condition” and “Estimate Top Range Condition” algorithm parameters are used to define
the range of measurement condition values that correspond to 'Estimate' measurements.
The measurement details are stored in the usage transaction's scalar details. The usage is also
stored in the usage transaction's service quantities unless otherwise specified in the usage rule
(using Build Service Quantity indicator).
The “Measurement Cycle Schedule Thru Date Option (1 - Usage Period End Date, 2 - Retry
Until Date)”, “Characteristic Type To Identify "Summary Account" Usage Subscriptions”,
and “Characteristic Value To Identify "Summary Account" Usage Subscriptions” paramters
are used when integrating Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management to Oracle Utilities
Customer Care and Billing. The “Measurement Cycle Schedule Thru Date Option (1 - Usage
Period End Date, 2 - Retry Until Date)” parameter is used to define the thru date for
measurement cycles. Available values are:
1. Usage Period End Date
2. Retry Until Date (the bill cycle window end date)
The “Characteristic Type To Identify "Summary Account" Usage Subscriptions”, and
“Characteristic Value To Identify "Summary Account" Usage Subscriptions” parameters are
used to define the characteristic type and value (respectively) used as indicators in custom
algorithms used to trigger estimation prior to the bill cycle window end date.

Usage Groups and Usage Rules 10-17

Usage Rules In Detail

• Example: The following usage rule retrieves kilowatt hours from scalar measurements and
adds the results to the Service Quantity list in the usage transaction.
Usage Group: Scalar Usage
Sequence: 10
Description: Get Scalar KWH
Category: Usage Calculation
Scalar Details:
• UOM: Kilowatt-Hours
• TOU:
• SQI:
• Build Service Quantity: Yes (checked)

10-18 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Usage Rules In Detail

Get TOU Mapped Usage

Get TOU Mapped Usage rules calculate usage from interval measurements based on a TOU map.
Service quantities are created for each TOU period defined for the TOU map used by the rule.
For example, usage calculated from a TOU map with "On-Peak" and "Off-Peak" TOU periods
would result in both "On-Peak" and "Off-Peak" service quantities.
• Rule Name: Get TOU Mapped Usage
• Base Package Usage Rule Business Object: D2-GetTOUUsage
• Apply Usage Rule Algorithm Type / Algorithm: D2-GETTOUUSG
• Algorithm Parameters:
• Validation Algorithm Type / Algorithm: Rule: D2-VALTOUUSG
This algorithm performs the following validations:
• UOM and/or SQI must be supplied
• Rule Parameters:
• TOU Mapping Details: Specifies details of how interval measurements are mapped
into TOU quantities, including:
• Result SQI: The resulting SQI for entries inserted into the service quantities list by
the rule
• Unit of Measure: The UOM used to filter the measuring components from which
interval measurements are used by the rule.
• Service Quantity Identifier: The SQI used to filter the measuring components
from which interval measurements are used by the rule.
• Time of Use Calculate Function: The function used to calculate TOU data (Max
or Sum)
• TOU Map: The ID of the TOU map used.
• Processing Logic:
Get TOU Mapped Usage rules get time of use quantities from interval measuring
components installed in the service points linked to the usage subscription for the specified
'interval' usage period. Only measuring components that match the UOM/SQI defined in the
usage rule instance are processed.
Measurements within the period are mapped to time of use quantities based on the TOU map
defined in the “TOU Map” parameter. If dynamic options are specified in the referenced
TOU map and if there are dynamic option events in effect within the usage period, the TOU
map associated with the dynamic option is used for the entire dynamic option event period.
This is done for every usage period requested.
The calculated time of use quantities are stored in the usage transaction's service quantities.
• Example: The following usage rule calculates TOU values from interval measurements that
record kilowatt hours based on a specified TOU map.
Usage Group: Interval Usage
Sequence: 10
Description: Get TOU Mapped KWH Usage
Category: Usage Calculation
TOU Mapping Details:
• Result SQI:

Usage Groups and Usage Rules 10-19

Usage Rules In Detail

• Unit of Measure: Kilowatt-Hours

• Service Quantity Identifier:
• Time of Use Calculate Function: Sum
• TOU Map: Summer / Winter, 15 minute interval

Math rules derive interval data measurements based on a formula, and apply TOU mappings and/
or other operations to the derived data to calculate usage quantities. Math rules can also perform
operations on existing Usage Transaction Service Quantity entries.
• Rule Name: Math
• Base Package Usage Rule Business Object: D2-Math
• Apply Usage Rule Algorithm Type / Algorithm: D2-MATH
• Algorithm Parameters:
• Validation Algorithm Type / Algorithm: Rule: D2-VALMATH
This algorithm validates the Math entries.
• Rule Parameters:
• Vector 1 (Vector 2, Vector 3, ... Vector 5): Defines the vectors to be used in the
calculation. When used in formulas, interval values for this vector are designated as IV1,
IV2, IV3, IV4, or IV5.
Type: the source of values for this vector:
• Channels Linked To Usage Subscription: retrieves values from channels linked
to the usage subscription (via its related service point, and their related devices and
measuring components), based on specified UOM, TOU, and SQI
• Profile Factor: retrieves values from the profile measuring component defined on
the profile factor
• Specific Measuring Component: retrieves values from a specified measuring
• Usage Transaction Service Quantity: retrieves values from the usage transaction
service quantity entries, identified by UOM, TOU, and SQI.
Unit of Measure: the UOM of the values to be retrieved. This is applicable if type is
Channels Linked to Usage Subscription or Usage Transaction Service Quantity. If type is
either Profile Factor or Specific Measuring Component, this is only applicable if Use
Primary Measurement is set to No.
Time of Use: the TOU of the values to be retrieved. This is applicable if type is
Channels Linked to Usage Subscription or Usage Transaction Service Quantity. If type is
either Profile Factor or Specific Measuring Component, this is only applicable if Use
Primary Measurement is set to No.
Service Quantity Identifier: the SQI for the values to be retrieved. This is applicable if
type is Channels Linked to Usage Subscription or Usage Transaction Service Quantity. If
type is either Profile Factor or Specific Measuring Component, this is only applicable if
Use Primary Measurement is set to No.
Target Unit of Measure: if specified, the retrieved values are further converted. In
order to perform UOM conversion, the UOM and Target UOM must have the same
Base UOM. For example, KWH and MWH. This is applicable only if type is Channels
Linked To Usage Subscription.

10-20 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Usage Rules In Detail

Profile Factor: the profile factor used to retrieve the profile measuring component from
which the values are retrieved. This is applicable only if type is Profile Factor.
Profile: if specified, this is the profile (based on the profile factor above) used to retrieve
the profile measuring component. This is applicable only if type is Profile Factor.
Use Primary Measurement: indicates that the primary measurement values measured
by the referenced measuring component are to be used in calculations. This is applicable
only if type is either Profile Factor or Specific Measuring Component
Measuring Component ID: the measuring component from which the values are
retrieved. This is applicable only if type is either Profile Factor or Specific Measuring
• Scalar Variables: Defines scalar variables to be used in the calculation. When used in
formulas, scalar variables are designated as Vn, where n is the number of the variable
(based on the sequence in which they are defined in the list).
Type: the type of variable. Can be one of the following:
• Factor: the value for a specified factor that is in effect for the usage period.
• Set Function: the result of applying a function to a set of interval measurement
values (defined as a vector).
• Usage Transaction Service Quantity: service quantities from the current usage
transaction, based on a specified UOM, TOU, or SQI. This type of variable allows
this rule to make use of values calculated by other rules.
Set Function: the function used to calculate a scalar value from a set of interval
measurement values (defined as a vector). This is applicable only if Type is Set Function).
Can be one of the following:
• Average: calculates the average of the vector's interval measurement values.
• Count: returns the number of interval measurements.
• Max: returns the maximum value from the vector's interval measurement values.
• Min: returns the minimum value from the vector's interval measurement values.
• Total: calculates the total of the vector's interval measurement values.
Interval Set: the vector to be used for this variable (applicable only if Type is Set
Function). Can be one of the following:
• FV (Final Vector Interval Value): the vector containing the results of the formula
defined in the Vector Processing section.
• IV1 (Vector 1 Interval Value): the vector defined as Vector 1.
• IV2 (Vector 2 Interval Value): the vector defined as Vector 2.
• IV3 (Vector 3 Interval Value): the vector defined as Vector 3.
• IV4 (Vector 4 Interval Value): the vector defined as Vector 4.
• IV5 (Vector 5 Interval Value): the vector defined as Vector 5.
Factor: the factor used to retrieve the variable value (applicable only if Type is Factor).
Unit of Measure: the UOM for service quantities to retrieve from the usage
transaction's service quantity list (applicable only if Type is Usage Transaction Service
Time of Use: the TOU for service quantities to retrieve from the usage transaction's
service quantity list (applicable only if Type is Usage Transaction Service Quantity).

Usage Groups and Usage Rules 10-21

Usage Rules In Detail

Service Quantity Identifier: the SQI for service quantities to retrieve from the usage
transaction's service quantity list (applicable only if Type is Usage Transaction Service
• Vector Processing: Defines how to calculate the interval values for the curve/vector to
be derived. This is not applicable when performing purely scalar calculations.
Common Interval Size: the common interval size (designated as
hours:minutes:seconds) to which interval measurement values (from defined vectors)
should be scaled before performing calculations. This is required if multiple vectors are
Vector Formula Source: the type of formula to be used to derive the interval values.
Can be one of the following:
• Simple Vector Formula: indicates that a simple formula will be used.
• Conditional Vector Formula: indicates that a conditional formula will be used.
This allows comparison between one or more pairs of operands to determine the
specific formula to execute.
Simple Vector Formula: the simple formula used to derive the interval values. Can
reference a vector (designated as IVn, where n is the number of the vector) or an
expression referencing one or more vectors or a scalar variable (designated as Vn).
Conditional Vector Formula: the conditional formula used to derive the interval
measurement values. A conditional formula can utilize one or more conditions. Each
condition comprises the following:
• Operand 1: the first operand in the condition. Can reference a vector (designated as
IVn, where n is the number of the vector) or an expression referencing one or more
vectors or a scalar variable (designated as Vn).
• Criteria Operator: the operator used to compare Operand 1 with Operand 2.
• Operand 2: the second operand in the condition. Can reference a vector
(designated as IVn, where n is the number of the vector) or an expression
referencing one or more vectors or a scalar variable (designated as Vn).
• True Action: indicates how to proceed if the comparison between the operands is
true. Can be one of the following:
• Apply True Formula: indicates that the True Formula be executed.
• Check Next Condition: indicates that the next condition should be checked.
• True Formula: the formula to apply if True Action is set to Apply True Formula.
Can reference a vector (designated as IVn, where n is the number of the vector) or
an expression referencing one or more vectors or a scalar variable (designated as
• False Action: indicates how to proceed if the comparison between the operands is
false. Can be one of the following:
• Apply False Formula: indicates that the False Formula be executed.
• Check Next Condition: indicates that the next condition should be checked.
• False Formula: the formula to apply if the False Action is set to Apply False
Formula. Can reference a vector (designated as IVn, where n is the number of the
vector) or an expression referencing one or more vectors or a scalar variable
(designated as Vn).
• Result: This usage rule can insert one or more entries into the usage transaction service
quantity list.
Unit of Measure: the UOM to be used when inserting service quantity entries

10-22 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Usage Rules In Detail

Service Quantity Identifier: the SQI to be used when inserting service quantity entries
Insert SQ Entry: indicates whether or not to insert an entry into the usage transaction
service quantity list. This should always be set to Yes if Apply TOU Map To Derived
Vector is set to No.
SQ Entry Quantity Source: indicates the method to use to calculate for the service
quantity (applicable only if Insert SQ Entry is Yes). Can be one of the following:
• Set Function Against Derived Vector: applies a function to the derived interval
measurement values. The function to be applied is specified in the Set Function
Against Derived Vector field.
• Scalar Formula Result: applies a user-defined formula. The formula is specified in
the Scalar Formula field.
Set Function Against Derived Vector: the function to apply to the derived interval
measurement values (applicable only if SQ Entry Quantity Source is set to Set Function
Against Derived Vector). Can be one of the following:
• Average: calculates the average of the derived interval measurement values.
• Count: returns the number of derived interval measurements.
• Max: returns the maximum value from the derived interval measurement values.
• Min: returns the minimum value from the derived interval measurement values.
• Total: calculates the total of the derived interval measurement values.
Scalar Formula: the formula to apply (applicable only if SQ Entry Quantity Source is
set to Scalar Formula). Variables used in this formula must be defined in the Scalar
Variables section. When referenced in formulas, scalar variables are designated as Vn
(where n is the number of the variable).
Save Derived Vector: indicates whether or not to store the derived interval
measurement values in the usage transaction service quantity entry to be inserted
(applicable only if Insert SQ Entry is set to Yes).
Apply TOU Map To Derived Vector: indicates if a TOU map should be applied to the
derived interval measurement values. If TOU periods and values are returned as a result
of TOU mapping, then service quantity entries are inserted regardless on how Insert SQ
Entry is set.
TOU Map: the TOU Map to apply to the derived interval measurement values
(applicable only if Apply TOU Map To Derived Vector is set to Yes).
Time of Use Calculate Function: the function to apply to the derived interval
measurement values when calculating for the time of use values (applicable only of Apply
TOU Map To Derived Vector is set to Yes). Can be one of the following:
• Max: returns the maximum value from the derived interval measurement values for
each TOU period.
• Sum: returns the sum of the derived interval measurement values for each TOU
• Processing Logic:
Math rules derive interval data measurements based on a formula, and apply TOU mappings
and/or other operations to the derived data to calculate usage quantities. Examples include
the following:
• Derive an interval data curve (vector) given a formula. For example, derive a power
factor curve given a formula using kWh and kvarh curves.

Usage Groups and Usage Rules 10-23

Usage Rules In Detail

• Apply TOU mapping to a derived interval data curve. For example, after deriving the
power factor curve, perform TOU mapping on the result.
• Perform mathematical operations on Usage Transaction Service Quantity entries. For
example, get total kWh consumption by adding “kWh On Peak”, “kWh Off Peak”, and
“kWh Shoulder Peak” where “kWh On Peak”, “kWh Off Peak”, and “kWh Shoulder
Peak” were calculated by a previous usage rule.
Each interval data curve is defined as a vector parameter (the rule can define up to 5 vectors).
Mathematical operations defined by the “Vector Processing” parameters can be performed
between vectors (e.g. IV1 * IV2) and between vectors and scalar variables (e.g. IV1 * V1).
When performing mathematical operations on more than one vector, the “Common Interval
Size” parameter specifies the interval size that each vector is to be scaled to prior to
calculations. For example, in the above example (IV1 * IV2), if vector IV1 contains 15 minute
intervals, and vector IV2 contains 1 hour intervals, the 15 minute vector is scaled to 1 hour
intervals prior to multiplying the two vectors. The values used for service quantities are
derived from the resulting derived vector.
• Example: The following usage rule calculates KVA (kilovolt amperes) from KW (kilowatts)
and KVAR (kilovolt amperes reactive).
Usage Group: Interval Usage
Usage Rule: CALC_KVA
Sequence: 10
Description: Calculate KVA from KW and KVAR
Category: Usage Calculation
Vector 1: (IV1)
• Type: Channels Linked To Usage Subscription
• Unit of Measure: Kilowatts
• Time of Use:
• Service Quantity Identifier:
• Target Unit of Measure: Kilowatts
Vector 2: (IV2)
• Type: Channels Linked To Usage Subscription
• Unit of Measure: Kilovolt-Amperes Reactive
• Time of Use:
• Service Quantity Identifier:
• Target Unit of Measure: Kilovolt-Amperes Reactive
Scalar Variables: N/A
Vector Processing:
• Common Interval Size: 01:00:00
• Vector Formula Source: Simple Vector Formula
• Simple Vector Formula: (IV1=IV2)
• Unit of Measure: Kilovolt-Amperes
• Service Quantity Identifier:

10-24 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Usage Rules In Detail

• Insert SQ Entry: Yes

• SQ Entry Quantity Source: Set Function Against Derived Vector
• Set Function Against Derived Vector: Max
• Save Derived Vector: Yes
• Apply TOU Map to Derived Vector: No
• Example: The following usage rule calculates net usage for customers with solar panels by
subtracting generated usage from consumed usage, and multiplying the resulting interval
values by a "power factor" stored as a factor.
Usage Group: Interval Usage
Sequence: 10
Description: Calculate Net Usage with Power Factor Applied
Category: Usage Calculation
Vector 1: (IV1)
• Type: Channels Linked To Usage Subscription
• Unit of Measure: Kilowatt-Hours
• Time of Use:
• Service Quantity Identifier: Consumed
• Target Unit of Measure: Kilowatt-Hours
Vector 2: (IV2)
• Type: Channels Linked To Usage Subscription
• Unit of Measure: Kilowatt-Hours
• Time of Use:
• Service Quantity Identifier: Generated
• Target Unit of Measure: Kilowatt-Hours
Scalar Variables:
• V1:
• Sequence: 1
• Factor: Power Factors
Vector Processing:
• Common Interval Size: 01:00:00
• Vector Formula Source: Simple Vector Formula
• Simple Vector Formula: (IV1=IV2)*V1
• Unit of Measure: Kilowatt-Hours
• Service Quantity Identifier: Net Consumption
• Insert SQ Entry: Yes
• SQ Entry Quantity Source: Set Function Against Derived Vector
• Set Function Against Derived Vector: Total

Usage Groups and Usage Rules 10-25

Usage Rules In Detail

• Save Derived Vector: Yes

• Apply TOU Map to Derived Vector: Yes
• TOU Map: Year round schedule, 15 minute interval
• Time of Use Calculate Function: Sum

Validate Against Tolerance

Validate Against Tolerance rules validate calculated usage service quantities against a specified
tolerance. These rules are typically used later in the usage calculation process to validate results of
previously executed usage rules. For example, after calculating kilowatt hour usage for a particular
service point, a rule of this type could be used to validate that the calculated usage does not exceed
a certain threshold.
• Rule Name: Validate Against Tolerance
• Base Package Usage Rule Business Object: D2-ValAgainstTol
• Apply Usage Rule Algorithm Type / Algorithm: D2-VALUSGTOL
• Algorithm Parameters:
• Validation Algorithm Type / Algorithm: Rule: D2-VALTOL
This algorithm performs the following validations:
• A UOM and/or TOU and/or SQI must be supplied.
• Either a Tolerance Value or Tolerance Factor must be supplied.
• Rule Parameters:
• Validation Details: Defines details of how the usage is validated, including:
• UOM: The UOM whose quantity is validated by the rule.
• TOU: The TOU whose quantity is validated by the rule.
• SQI: The SQI whose quantity is validated by the rule.
• Set Function: The function (Sum, Max, or Min) used to calculate the usage value to
be validated.
• Tolerance Value: A user-defined value that serves as the tolerance value in the
• Tolerance Factor: The factor used to define the tolerance value in the validation.
• Comparison Operator: The mathematical operator used to compare the usage
value to the tolerance value.
• Exception Severity: The severity of exceptions triggered if the usage value fails the
• Processing Logic:
Validate Against Tolerance rules validate the calculated usage against a tolerance value. When
configuring the usage group, this usage rule must be placed after all the usage calculation
usage rules.
This rule aggregates all usage transaction service quantities that match the UOM/TOU/SQI
defined in the usage rule. Depending on the function defined in the “Set Function”
parameter, the aggregated value can either be the highest quantity, the lowest quantity or the
sum of all quantities.
The tolerance value may either come from the value specified in the “Tolerance Value”
parameter or a factor value for the factor defined in the “Tolerance Factor” parameter.

10-26 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Usage Rules In Detail

The “Comparison Operator” parameter determines how the two values (the aggregated value
and the tolerance) are compared. If comparison results to True, an entry is inserted into the
Exceptions List, based in the “Exception Severity” parameter.
• Example: The following usage rule validates that the sum of calculated usage values for
kilowatt hours is less than or equal to a specified tolerance.
Usage Group: Interval Usage
Sequence: 10
Description: Validate Against Tolerance
Category: Usage Calculation
Validation Details:
• UOM: Kilowatt-Hours
• TOU:
• SQI:
• Set Function: Sum
• Tolerance Value: 1000
• Comparison Operator: <=
• Exception Severity: Information

Usage Groups and Usage Rules 10-27

Usage Eligibility Criteria In Detail

Usage Eligibility Criteria In Detail

This section provides details concerning the usage rule eligibility criteria objects supplied as part
of the base package. This information illustrates how the base package objects were designed, and
can serve as the basis for any custom usage rule eligibility criteria objects you create as part of your
implementation. This section includes:
• A description of the D1-USGRLELIG maintenance object
• Lists of the base package usage rule eligibility criteria business objects, including “lite”
business objects
• Details concerning usage eligibility criteria-specific configuration options
• A sample usage rule eligibility criteria business object (D1-UsgRuleEligibilityCriteria)

Maintenance Object - D1-USGRLELIG

usage eligibility criteria business objects use the D1-USGRLELIG maintenance object. The table
below outlines some of the details of this maintenance object

Option/Field Description

Maintenance Object D1-USGRLELIG

Description Usage Rule Eligibility Criteria

Service Name D1-USGRLELIG (Usage Eligibility Criteria Maintenance)

Tables • D1_USG_RULE_ELIG_CRIT (Usage Rule Eligibility

Criteria) - Primary
Characteristics) - Child
• D1_USG_RULE_ELIG_CRIT_L (Usage Rule Eligibility
Criteria Language) - Child

Use the Maintenance Object portal and the Application Viewer to view more details about this
maintenance object.

Meter Data Framework Base Package Usage Rule Eligibility Criteria Business
The meter data framework base package includes the following usage rule eligibility criteria
business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D1-UsgRuleEligibilityCriteria Usage Rule Eligibility Criteria

Instances of this business object represent
individual usage rule eligibility criteria
defined in the system.

The meter data framework base package includes the following additional usage rule eligibility
criteria business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D1-UsageRuleEligCritBundlingAddBO Bundling Add BO for VEE Eligibility Criteria

10-28 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Usage Eligibility Criteria In Detail

Business Object Name Description

D1-UsageRuleEligCritPhysicalBO Physical BO for VEE Eligibility Criteria

Configuration Options
This section outlines specific configuration options, such as business object options, system
events, and other options used by usage rule eligibility criteria business objects.

System Events
Usage rule eligibility criteria business objects can make use of the following system events:
• Apply Usage Rule Eligibility Criteria: This system event defines the algorithm to use to
apply eligibility criteria to a usage rule.

Example Usage Rule Eligibility Criteria - D1-UsgRuleEligibilityCriteria

The table below lists the details of the D1-UsgRuleEligibilityCriteria usage rule eligibility criteria
business object.

Option/Field Description

Business Object D1-UsgRuleEligibilityCriteria

Description Usage Rule Eligibility Criteria

Maintenance Object D1-USGRLELIG (Usage Rule Eligibility Criteria)

Application Service D1-USGRLELIG (Usage Rule Eligibility Criteria MO)

Instance Control Allow New Instances

Options • Portal Navigation Option: d1usgrleTabMenu (Usage Rule)

• Maintenance UI Map: D1-UsageEligibilityCritMaint (Usage
Rule Eligibility Criteria Maintenance)

Algorithms • Apply Usage Rule Eligibility Criteria: D1-ECF-APUSG

(Evaluate Criteria Field - Apply Eligibility Criteria)

Use the Business Object portal to view additional details concerning this business object.

Usage Groups and Usage Rules 10-29

Configuring Usage Rules, Groups, and Eligibility Criteria

Configuring Usage Rules, Groups, and Eligibility Criteria

This section provides high-level overviews of the steps involved in configuring custom usage
groups and rules. See Configuration Process Overview in Chapter One for a high-level
overview of the overall configuration process.
This section also provides information related to creating instances of the Referred Usage Group
“generic utility” usage rule described earlier in this chapter.
Note: The procedures below focus on specific configuration tasks and options related to each of
the objects described in this chapter, and do not address all the steps involved in creating business
objects, UI maps, algorithms, etc. For more information about these subjects, refer to the Oracle
Utilities Application Framework documentation.

Configuring Custom Usage Groups

Configuring custom usage groups involves the following steps:
1. Design the usage group business objects you will need to create for your implementation,
including the data and processing required for each.
2. Create the custom usage group-related configuration objects required for your business
3. Create your usage group business objects, referencing the configuration objects created above
as appropriate.

Configuring Custom Usage Rules

Configuring custom usage rules involves the following steps:
1. Design the usage rule business objects you will need to create for your implementation,
including the data and processing required for each.
2. Create the custom usage rule-related configuration objects required for your business objects,
System Events: Create algorithms for the following system events:
• Apply Usage Rule
Options: Create data as appropriate for the following options used when creating usage rules:
• Generic Utility Usage Rules: Define the following options used with “generic utility”
usage rules
• Referred Usage Group: Usage groups to be referenced by these rules.
3. Create your usage rule business objects, referencing the configuration objects created above
as appropriate.
Note: Usage rule business objects should reference D1-GenericUsageRule as their Parent
Business Object.

Configuring Custom Usage Rule Eligibility Criteria

Configuring custom usage eligibility criteria involves the following steps:
1. Design the usage eligibility criteria business objects you will need to create for your
implementation, including the data and processing required for each.
2. Create the custom usage eligibility criteria-related configuration objects required for your
business objects, including:
System Events: Create algorithms for the following system events:

10-30 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Configuring Usage Rules, Groups, and Eligibility Criteria

• Apply Usage Rule Eligibility Criteria

3. Create your usage eligibility criteria business objects, referencing the configuration objects
created above as appropriate.

Creating Execute Usage Group Usage Rules

Use the following procedure to create Execute Usage Group usage rules:
1. Create the usage group to which the rule will belong.
2. Create the usage group that the rule will reference
3. Create the usage rule referencing the group created in the previous step

Creating Number Factors

Use the following procedure to create number factors used in usage rules.
1. Create the Characteristic Type and Values to be used by the factor that will be referenced by
the rule.
2. Create the Characteristic Source Algorithm to be used by the factor that will be referenced by
the rule.
3. Create the Factor that will be referenced by the rule.
4. Create the Factor Values for the factor, each referencing an effective-dated characteristic
value/value pairings.

Usage Groups and Usage Rules 10-31

Configuring Usage Rules, Groups, and Eligibility Criteria

10-32 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Chapter 11
TOU Maps and Dynamic Options

This chapter provides descriptions of time of use (TOU) maps and dynamic options. This chapter
• Understanding Time of Use, TOU Maps, and Dynamic Options
• TOU Maps in Detail
• Dynamic Options in Detail
• Dynamic Option Events in Detail
• Configuring TOU Maps and Dynamic Options

TOU Maps and Dynamic Options 11-1

Understanding Time of Use, TOU Maps, and Dynamic Options

Understanding Time of Use, TOU Maps, and Dynamic Options

This section describes time of use, TOU maps, dynamic options, and dynamic option events, and
how they are used in Oracle Utilities meter data framework and Oracle Utilities Meter Data

Time of Use
A type of rate used at many utilities is known as a “time of use” rate. For these rates, the price is
based on when the usage occurs. For example, prices are typically higher during peak consumption
periods (commonly referred to as “On Peak” periods) to encourage lower use during these times.
The time range when a given price is applicable is known as a time-of-use (TOU) period.
Time of use periods can (and often do) change during the year.
For example, in the summer, TOU periods might be defined as follows:

Time of Use Period Time Periods

On Peak 8:00 AM - 9:00 PM Monday - Friday

Off Peak 12:00 AM - 8:00 AM Monday - Friday

9:00 PM - 12:00 AM Monday - Friday
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM Saturday, Sunday, and Holidays

While winter TOU periods might be defined as follows:

Time of Use Period Time Periods

On Peak 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM Monday - Friday

Off Peak 12:00 AM - 11:00 AM Monday - Friday

5:00 PM - 12:00 AM Monday - Friday
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM Saturday, Sunday, and Holidays

This is an example of a "simple" mass-market time-of-use schedule; commercial and industrial

schedules can be much more complex.

Recording Usage for Time of Use Periods

Generally speaking, there are two different types of meters that can be installed at service points
that participate in TOU rates:
• Scalar meters with dedicated registers for each TOU period. For this type of meter, the scalar
measurements are the TOU consumption and no special derivation is necessary.
• Interval meters that measure how much is consumed each interval. For this type of meter, the
interval measurements are used to derive the consumption in each TOU period.

TOU Periods are Used by the User Interface and Usage Calculation Process
While the requirement to aggregate interval consumption into TOU periods is the principal
reason behind TOU maps, the system has many zones that display interval consumption using
TOU periods.
The TOU concepts described in this chapter are also used when bill determinants are aggregated
into TOU periods as part of the usage calculation process.

11-2 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Understanding Time of Use, TOU Maps, and Dynamic Options

TOU Maps
Interval consumption is mapped into time-of-use periods using a TOU map. TOU maps define
the TOU periods for each interval. TOU map data is structured in a format very similar to final
measurement data, with specified intervals of time each designated a TOU period (instead of a
measurement value). For example, the table below lists a set of TOU map data and corresponding
final measurements for a period of 4 hours on January 1, 2010.

TOU Map: 463524764 Measuring Component ID: 31425364

Date/Time TOU Code Date/Time Final Consumption

1-Jan-10 3:00pm ONPEAK 1-Jan-10 3:00pm 14.678

1-Jan-10 4:00pm ONPEAK 1-Jan-10 4:00pm 29.12

1-Jan-10 5:00pm ONPEAK 1-Jan-10 5:00pm 12.12

1-Jan-10 6:00pm OFFPEAK 1-Jan-10 6:00pm 17.16

Any type of final measurement can be mapped to a TOU period, including derived quantities,

TOU Periods and TOU Groups

Some utilities use many TOU periods. For example, a TOU rate might have different prices
depending on:
• The season of the year (winter, spring, summer, fall)
• The time of day (peak, off peak, shoulder)
• The actual temperature as compared to the historic average (normal, hotter, colder)
This rate would require 24 TOU periods (4 seasons * 3 time of days * 3 temperature bands). In
contrast to this, another rate might have prices that differ only depending on the time of day (peak,
off peak, shoulder). This rate would requires only 3 TOU periods.
To help in tracking and maintaining TOU periods, you can create TOU groups, which define the
TOU periods that can be used on a TOU map.
When TOU data is created for a TOU map, only TOU periods defined on a specified TOU group
can be specified.

TOU Map Templates

Every TOU map references a TOU map template that defines the rules for generating TOU data
from that TOU map. Specifically, TOU map templates define:
• The TOU group (defines the valid TOU periods for the template) used for the TOU map
• The default TOU period used for periods not explicitly defined. (This means you don’t have
to specify dates and times for all periods. For example, if your default TOU period is “Off
Peak” you only need to define dates and days and times for On Peak or other TOU periods.)
• The specific date ranges, days of the week, and time periods designated for each TOU period.
The system periodically generates TOU map data for TOU maps by interpreting the rules defined

Many utilities categorize consumption on holidays differently than on the day of week on which
the holiday falls. For example, holiday consumption might be categorized as Off-Peak regardless
of the day it falls on. TOU map templates can define rules for different TOU periods for holidays
by specifying the following:

TOU Maps and Dynamic Options 11-3

Understanding Time of Use, TOU Maps, and Dynamic Options

• A Work Calendar that defines when holidays start and end

• Either:
• A Holiday TOU period for consumption on holiday
• A Holiday TOU Map Template that defines the TOU codes to use for different times in
the year

TOU Map Template Interval Size

TOU map templates can also specify an interval size (in seconds-per-interval, or SPI). This value
specifies the duration of the individual TOU map data records, and also controls the values
allowed in the Start and End Times. For example, if a TOU map template sets the interval size at
15 minutes, Start and End times must be in units of the interval size (10:00, 10:15, 10:30, etc.).
A TOU map template can be used to generate TOU map data for TOU maps whose SPI is
divisible by the template's SPI. For example, a 60 minute template can be used to generate TOU
data for TOU maps with SPIs of 60 minutes, 15 minutes, 5 minutes, etc. This means separate map
templates are not needed for every SPI.

TOU Map Types

TOU map types define attributes shared by TOU maps of a given type. Among these are the
business object used for TOU maps of the given type, as well as interval size and TOU map

TOU Map Type Interval Size

As noted in the Chapter 4: Devices, Measuring Components, and, Device Configurations, a
measuring component’s measuring component type defines its interval size (or SPI), which in turn
controls the times on the measuring component’s measurements.
In a similar way, every TOU map references a TOU map type that defines its interval size (and
other properties). This SPI controls the times on the TOU map's TOU data.
The SPI of a TOU map must divide evenly into the SPI of any measuring component that uses the
map (because the system joins the date/time of the measurement to the date/time of the TOU
data). This means that it is possible to use a 15 minute TOU map with a 60 minute measuring
component. However, it is not OK to have a 60 minute TOU map used with a 15 minute
measuring component because the join will miss 3 out of 4 measurements.

Default and Override TOU Map Templates

While most TOU maps will use the TOU map template defined on the TOU map type, TOU
maps also support a fallback/override pattern used in other areas of the system.
• A TOU map's TOU map type defines the default (or "fallback") TOU map template that's
used to generate its TOU data.
• A TOU map's type defines the TOU map templates that can be referenced on individual
TOU maps to override the "fallback" template.
• An individual TOU map can have an override template. If the TOU map doesn't have an
override template, the fallback template defined on the TOU map type is used to generate the
map's TOU data.

11-4 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Understanding Time of Use, TOU Maps, and Dynamic Options

Dynamic Options and Dynamic Option Events

There are circumstances and conditions during which the rules for creating TOU map data might
need to be calculated differently than according to the utility’s standard rules. Examples of this
might include critical peak periods, curtailment requests, or demand response events. During these
types of events, the TOU rules defined for a TOU map must be overridden. This is done through
the use of dynamic options, and dynamic option events.
Dynamic options define specific types of events which can impact how TOU map data is
generated. Using the examples listed above, you might create dynamic options such as the
• Critical Peak Period (CPP)
• Curtailment (CURTAIL)
• Demand Response Event (DR_EVENT)
Dynamic option events define the specific periods of time during which a dynamic option is in
effect. For example, if the utility identifies the period between 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM on August 2
as a critical peak period, a dynamic option event for this might look like this:
• Dynamic Option ID: Critical Peak Period
• Start Date/Time: 08/02/2010 10:00 AM
• Stop Date/Time: 08/02/2010 2:00 PM
A dynamic option may have many dynamic option events over time.

Dynamic Options and TOU Maps

To apply a dynamic option (and one or more of its related dynamic option events), you reference
the dynamic option on a TOU map, along with a corresponding “dynamic” TOU map to be used
during the dynamic option event.
To continue the example from above, for Critical Peak Periods you might add a new TOU period
(called “Critical Peak”), and create a new TOU map that is the same as your standard TOU map,
but that also includes your Critical Peak TOU period. For example, in the summer your new set of
TOU periods might be defined as follows:

Time of Use Period Time Periods

Critical Peak 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Monday - Friday

On Peak 8:00 AM - 9:00 PM Monday - Friday

Off Peak 12:00 AM - 8:00 AM Monday - Friday

9:00 PM - 12:00 AM Monday - Friday
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM Saturday, Sunday, and Holidays

If a dynamic option event occurs during a usage transaction period, the standard TOU map is
overridden with the “dynamic” TOU map. In our example, a usage transaction period that
includes August 2010 would use the dynamic TOU map when generating TOU map data for the
time between 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM on August 2, but would use its standard TOU map for the
rest of the month.

TOU Maps and Dynamic Options 11-5

TOU Maps in Detail

TOU Maps in Detail

This section provides details concerning the TOU map objects supplied as part of the base
package. This information illustrates how the base package objects were designed, and can serve
as the basis for any custom TOU map objects you create as part of your implementation. This
section includes:
• A description of the D1-TOUMAP maintenance object
• Lists of the base package TOU map business objects, including “lite” business objects
• Details concerning TOU map-specific configuration options
• A sample TOU map business object (D2-TOUMap)

Maintenance Object - D1-TOUMAP

Service point business objects use the D1-TOUMAP maintenance object. The table below
outlines some of the details of this maintenance object

Option/Field Description

Maintenance Object D1-TOUMAP

Description Time of Use Map

Service Name D1-TOUMAP (Time of Use Maintenance)

Tables • D1_TOU_MAP (Time of Use Map) - Primary

• D1_TOU_MAP_CHAR (Time of Use Map Characteristics) -
• D1_TOU_MAP_DYN_OPT (Time of Use Map Dynamic
Option) - Child
• D1_TOU_MAP_L (Time of Use Map Language) - Child
• D1_TOU_MAP_LOG (Time of Use Map Log) - Child
• D1_TOU_MAP_LOG_PARM (Time of Use Map Log
Parameter) - Child

Use the Maintenance Object portal and the Application Viewer to view more details about this
maintenance object.

Meter Data Management Base Package TOU Map Business Objects

The Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management base package includes the following TOU map
business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D2-TOUMap Time of Use Map

Instances of this business object represent
individual time of use maps defined in the

The base package includes the following “lite” service point business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D2-TOUMapLite Time of Use Map LITE

11-6 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

TOU Maps in Detail

Business Object Name Description

D2-TOUMapParentLITE Time of Use Map Parent LITE

Configuration Options
This section outlines specific configuration options, such as business object options, system
events, and other options used by TOU map business objects.

Business Object Options

TOU map business objects can make use of the following business object options:
• TOU Map Data Business Object: This option defines the business object used for TOU
map data created by TOU maps created from this business object.

System Events
TOU map business objects can make use of the following system events:
• TOU Map (BO) - Create TOU Map Data: This system event defines the algorithm used
for create TOU map data for TOU maps created from this business object.

Example TOU Map - D2-TOUMap

The table below lists the details of the D2-TOUMap TOU map business object.

Option Description

Business Object D2-TOUMap

Description Time of Use Map

Maintenance Object D1-TOUMAP (Time of Use Map)

Application Service D1-TOUMAPBOAS (TOU Map BO)

Instance Control Allow New Instances

Options • TOU Map Data Business Object: D2-TOUMapData (TOU

Map Data)
• Display UI Map: D2-TOUMapDisplay (TOU Map - Display)
• Portal Navigation Option: d1toumapTabMenu (TOU Map)
• Display Map Service Script: D2-TOUMapDis (TOU Map
• Maintenance UI Map: D2-TOUMapMaint (TOU Map -

Algorithms • TOU Map (BO) - Create TOU Map Data: D2-CRETMD-CT

(Create TOU Map Data)
• Pre-Processing: D2-DEL-TOUMD (Delete TOU Map Data)
• Validation: D2-TOUMAP-VL (TOU Map Validation)

Lifecycle • Active (Initial)

• Inactive (Final)

Use the Business Object portal to view additional details concerning this business object.

TOU Maps and Dynamic Options 11-7

Dynamic Options in Detail

Dynamic Options in Detail

This section provides details concerning the dynamic option objects supplied as part of the base
package. This information illustrates how the base package objects were designed, and can serve
as the basis for any custom dynamic option objects you create as part of your implementation.
This section includes:
• A description of the D1-DOP maintenance object
• Lists of the base package dynamic option business objects
• A sample dynamic option business object (D2-DynamicOption)

Maintenance Object - D1-DOP

Dynamic option business objects use the D1-DOP maintenance object. The table below outlines
some of the details of this maintenance object

Option/Field Description

Maintenance Object D1-DOP

Description Dynamic Option

Service Name D1-DOP (Dynamic Option Maintenance)

Tables • D1_DYN_OPT (Dynamic Option) - Primary

• D1_DYN_OPT_CHAR (Dynamic Option Characteristics) -
• D1_DYN_OPT_L (Dynamic Option Language) - Child
• D1_DYN_OPT_LOG (Dynamic Option Log) - Child
• D1_DYN_OPT_LOG_PARM (Dynamic Option Log
Parameter) - Child

Use the Maintenance Object portal and the Application Viewer to view more details about this
maintenance object.

Meter Data Management Base Package Dynamic Option Business Objects

The base package includes the following dynamic option business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D2-DynamicOption Dynamic Option

Instances of this business object represent
individual dynamic options defined in the

11-8 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Dynamic Options in Detail

Example Dynamic Option - D2-DynamicOption

The table below lists the details of the D2-DynamicOption dynamic option business object.

Option Description

Business Object D2-DynamicOption

Description Dynamic Option

Maintenance Object D1-DOP (Dynamic Option)

Application Service D1-DOPBOAS (Dynamic Option BO)

Instance Control Allow New Instances

Options • Related Transaction BO: D2-DynamicOptionEvent (Dynamic

Option Event)
• Display UI Map: D2-DyOpDisplay (Dynamic Option -
• Portal Navigation Option: d1dyopmTabMenu (Dynamic
• Display Map Service Script: D2-DynOpSt (Dynamic Option
Status Description)
• Maintenance UI Map: D2-DyOpMaint (Dynamic Option -

Algorithms • Information: D2-DOP-INFO (Dynamic Option


Lifecycle • Active (Initial)

Use the Business Object portal to view additional details concerning this business object.

TOU Maps and Dynamic Options 11-9

Dynamic Option Events in Detail

Dynamic Option Events in Detail

This section provides details concerning the dynamic option event objects supplied as part of the
base package. This information illustrates how the base package objects were designed, and can
serve as the basis for any custom dynamic option event objects you create as part of your
implementation. This section includes:
• A description of the D1-DOPEVT maintenance object
• Lists of the base package dynamic option event business objects
• A sample dynamic option event business object (D2-DynamicOptionEvent)

Maintenance Object - D1-DOPEVT

Dynamic option business objects use the D1-DOPEVT maintenance object. The table below
outlines some of the details of this maintenance object

Option/Field Description

Maintenance Object D1-DOPEVT

Description Dynamic Option Event

Service Name D1-DOPEVT (Dynamic Option Event Maintenance)

Tables • D1_DYN_OPT_EVENT (Dynamic Option Event) - Primary

• D1_DYN_OPT_EVENT_CHAR (Dynamic Option Event
Characteristics) - Child
• D1_DYN_OPT_EVENT_LOG (Dynamic Option Event
Log) - Child
• D1_DYN_OPT_EVENT_LOG_PARM (Dynamic Option
Event Log Parameter) - Child

Use the Maintenance Object portal and the Application Viewer to view more details about this
maintenance object.

Meter Data Management Base Package Dynamic Option Event Business

The Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management base package includes the following dynamic option
business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D2-DynamicOptionEvent Dynamic Option Event

Instances of this business object represent
individual dynamic option events defined in
the system.

11-10 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Dynamic Option Events in Detail

Example Dynamic Option - D2-DynamicOptionEvent

The table below lists the details of the D2-DynamicOptionEvent dynamic option event business

Option Description

Business Object D2-DynamicOptionEvent

Description Dynamic Option Event

Maintenance Object D1-DOPEVT (Dynamic Option)

Application Service D1-DOPEVTBOAS (Dynamic Option Event BO)

Instance Control Allow New Instances

Options • Display UI Map: D2-DyOpEDisplay (Dynamic Option Event

- Display)
• Portal Navigation Option: d1dyopemTabMenu (Dynamic
Option Event)
• Pre-Processing Service Script: D2-DyOpEPre (Dynamic
Option Event Preprocessing Service Script)
• Display Map Service Script: D2-DyOpEStat (Dynamic
Option Event Status Description)
• Maintenance UI Map: D2-DyOpEMaint (Dynamic Option
Event - Maintenance)

Algorithms • Information: D2-DOPEVTINF (Dynamic Option Event

• Pre-Processing: D2-DYOPEPR (Shift Dynamic Option
Event Date/Times into Standard Time)

Lifecycle • Frozen (Initial)

Use the Business Object portal to view additional details concerning this business object.

TOU Maps and Dynamic Options 11-11

Configuring TOU Maps and Dynamic Options

Configuring TOU Maps and Dynamic Options

This section provides high-level overviews of the steps involved in configuring custom TOU
maps, dynamic options, and dynamic option events. See Configuration Process Overview in
Chapter One for a high-level overview of the overall configuration process.
Note: The procedures below focus on specific configuration tasks and options related to each of
the objects described in this chapter, and do not address all the steps involved in creating business
objects, UI maps, algorithms, etc. For more information about these subjects, refer to the Oracle
Utilities Application Framework documentation.

Configuring Custom TOU Maps

Configuring custom TOU maps involves the following steps:
1. Design the TOU map business objects you will need to create for your implementation,
including the data and processing required for each.
2. Create the custom TOU map-related configuration objects required for your business objects,
Business Object Options: Create business objects for the following business object
• TOU Map Data Business Object
System Events: Create algorithms for the following system events:
• TOU Map (BO) - Create TOU Map Data
3. Create your TOU map business objects, referencing the configuration objects created above
as appropriate.
4. Set up admin records that define the TOU map types you will use in your implementation.

Configuring Custom Dynamic Options

Configuring custom dynamic options involves the following steps:
1. Design the dynamic option business objects you will need to create for your implementation,
including the data and processing required for each.
2. Create the custom dynamic option-related configuration objects required for your business
3. Create your dynamic option business objects, referencing the configuration objects created
above as appropriate.

Configuring Custom Dynamic Option Events

Configuring custom dynamic option events involves the following steps:
1. Design the dynamic option event business objects you will need to create for your
implementation, including the data and processing required for each.
2. Create the custom dynamic option event-related configuration objects required for your
business objects.
3. Create your dynamic option event business objects, referencing the configuration objects
created above as appropriate.

11-12 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Chapter 12
Usage Transactions

This chapter provides descriptions of usage transactions, including:

• Understanding Usage Transactions
• Usage Transactions In Detail
• Configuring Usage Transactions

Usage Transactions 12-1

Understanding Usage Transactions

Understanding Usage Transactions

This section describes usage transactions and their role in the usage calculation process.

Usage Transactions Overview

Usage transactions are records of bill determinant calculations for a usage subscription. Attributes
used to define usage transactions can include the following:
• Usage Subscription: The usage subscription for which the usage transaction was created.
• Previous Usage Transaction: The previous usage transaction for the referenced usage
• Usage External ID: An ID used by external systems used to identify the usage transaction.
When Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management is integrated with Oracle Utilities Customer
Care and Billing, Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing can send this to help identify the
previous usage transaction.
• Status: the current state of the usage transaction
• Start and End Date and Times: The start and end times that define the time period for the
usage transaction.
• Usage Group: The usage group (or groups) used to calculate usage for the usage transaction.
• Bill Condition: The status of the bill associated with the usage transaction (if applicable),
used for informational purposes only. Valid values include Initial, Interim, and Closing.
• Automated Retry: A flag that indicates if creation of the usage transaction should be
automatically retried in the event of an error.
• Next Retry Date/Time: The date and time of the next attempt to create the usage
transaction (applicable only if the Automated Retry flag is set to “Yes”).
• Retry Until Date/Time: The date time until which the system will attempt to retry creating
the usage transaction in the event of an error (applicable only if the Automated Retry flag is
set to “Yes”).
• Sub Usage Transactions Exist: A flag that indicates (Yes or No) if the usage transaction is
a “parent” transaction and if sub-usage transaction exist for the usage transaction.
• Defer Calculation: A flag that indicates (Yes or No) if calculation of the usage transaction
should be deferred.
• Trace: Indicates if tracing is on for the usage transaction.
• Next Scheduled Read Date: The next scheduled read date for the device from which the
measurements used to create the usage transaction came.
• Interval Measuring Component: Start and End dates and times for the interval measuring
component that created the measurements used in calculating usage for the usage transaction
(if applicable).
• Scalar Measuring Component: Start and End dates and times (and other details) for the
scalar measuring component that created the measurements used in calculating usage for the
usage transaction (if applicable).
• Date Break: One or more date breaks for the usage transaction. Date breaks are used to
break up a usage period into sub-periods based on the dates on which rate changes took place
for the service point (and its related account).
• Issues: A list of issues or exceptions related to the usage transaction
• Scalar Detail: Details of scalar measurements used in calculating for the usage transaction

12-2 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Understanding Usage Transactions

• Usage Period: A list of the service quantities calculated for the usage transaction, including
the following:
• UOM, TOU, SQI (as applicable)
• Quantity
• Service Point
• SQ (Service Quantity) Type
• Measuring Component
• TOU Map (if applicable)
• Usage Group
• Usage Rule

Usage Transactions 12-3

Understanding Usage Transactions

Usage Transactions - A Closer Look

This section provides more details concerning some specific aspects of usage transactions.

Calculation Period
Usage transaction requests must specify the date range for the usage transaction. This date range is
referred to as the calculation period for the usage transaction. The dates that define the calculation
period are specified by a subscribing system when it requests a usage transaction.

Date Breaks
As noted above, date breaks are used to break up a usage period into sub-periods based on the
dates on which rate changes took place for the service point. For example, suppose a subscribing
system requests usage for the month of January. The customer for this request has an interval
meter, and the customer's usage is calculated by applying a TOU map to their interval
consumption. The subscribing system detects that the customer's rate changed in the middle of
January (January 16) and wants the TOU consumption calculated in two "chunks" (before and
after the rate change). Because the customer has an interval meter, the exact consumption
amounts before and after the rate change can be precisely calculated (as opposed to calculating
each period's amount by dividing the total usage by the number of days in each period).
One approach to this situation would be for the subscribing system to request two usage
transactions (where each has the desired date range). Another approach is for the subscribing
system to request a single usage transaction with date breaks that define the date ranges before and
after the rate change. To continue the above example, a usage transaction could be created with a
date break on January 16.
If a usage transaction has date break(s), the usage calculation engine segregates the usage into
multiple usage periods based on the date breaks. If there are no date breaks in the usage
transaction, a single usage period is created for the entire calculation period.
As of the v2.0.0 release, the only way a usage transaction can have date breaks is if the subscribing
system supplies these when it requests usage (only the subscribing system knows if and when its
prices and pricing rules change during the billing period). If an implementation has additional
criteria that causes date breaks, these criteria can be easily added to the usage transaction's
business rules.

Service Quantities
Every usage period created for a usage transaction contains one or more service quantities.
Service quantities are calculated by the usage group’s rules specified for the usage subscription
from which the usage transaction is created. For example, a usage transaction might have service
quantities calculated by a single rule that applies a TOU map to the kWh channel on the device
configuration installed at the service point.
Each service quantity lists details about that quantity, including a UOM (or TOU or SQI as
appropriate) and a quantity. In addition, each service quantity also references the source
(measuring component) of the quantities (for audit purposes).
The base-package usage rules can calculate different types of service quantities. For example, a
usage group with two rules might create the following types of service quantities:
• One that retrieves and snapshots the interval for the kWh channel
• One that applies a TOU map to the channel and saves the results
Performance Note: the base-package rule that snapshots intervals can create a
large amount of data. This should only be used if the subscribing system
requires the intervals. For example, you should not snapshot intervals on a
usage transaction for audit purposes.

12-4 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Understanding Usage Transactions

Service Quantities for Scalar Usage

Usage transactions and service quantities for scalar usage differ in some ways from those created
from interval usage. For example, suppose a subscribing system requests usage for the month of
January for a customer with a scalar meter that has been exchanged mid-month. In this case, the
customer's usage is calculated by finding the scalar readings in the requested period (including all
meter exchanges), and the subscribing system requires a record of all scalar readings AND a total
of their consumption
Scalar rules cannot use date breaks because the system doesn’t store interval values so it cannot
accurately compute the amount in each period. In this case, scalar usage rules retrieve scalar
readings for the service points linked to the usage subscription, and then creates a single usage
period for the usage transaction’s entire calculation period. The individual scalar readings are
captured as “scalar details” in the usage transaction.
To continue the example above, there would be 2 entries in the Scalar Details, one for each meter,
and a single usage period that contains the total consumption for the entire calculation period.
The tables below illustrate what this might look like.
Scalar Details:

Service Measuring Start Stop
Final Usage Usage Group Usage
Point Component Reading Reading

202 BTU Residential / 200 CCF 39191912312 8382821921 1-Jan-10 3pm 15-Jan-10 6pm
Retrieve Scalar (18 Main St) (CCF register) 10000 10200

303 BTU Residential / 300 CCF 39191912312 8382821921 15-Jan-10 6pm 30-Jan-10 4pm
Retrieve Scalar (18 Main St) (CCF register) 10200 10500

Usage Period:

Date/Time Range

1-Jan-10 3:00pm to 30-Jan-10 4:00pm



This example also illustrates how a usage rule can convert a Measured UOM (CCF) into a Final
UOM (therms).

Usage Transaction Corrections Based on Initial Measurement

In some situations, existing usage transactions can be impacted by incoming initial measurement
data if the start and stop date/time of the initial measurement overlaps with the date range of the
usage transaction. The “Finalized” state of the initial measurement business objects have been
updated to invoke a new algorithm (D1-TRAN-UT) that creates a “Usage Transaction Correction
Processor” activity for each usage transaction that may have been impacted by an initial
This algorithm retrieves all usage transactions that overlap with the current initial measurement’s
Start and End Date/Times and that are linked to a usage subscription associated to a service point
at which the device is installed for the initial measurement’s measuring component The usage
transaction selection filters out the sub usage transactions and processes only “parent” usage
For each usage transaction retrieved, the algorithm checks to see whether there is a Usage
Transaction Correction Processor activity (of the same business object as referenced in the
algorithm’s soft parameter) in a non-final state that references the current usage transaction. If so,

Usage Transactions 12-5

Understanding Usage Transactions

the current usage transaction is ignored and the next usage transaction is processed among those
impacted by the current initial measurement.
If there is no Usage Transaction Correction Processor activity existing for the usage transaction
(or if the only Usage Transaction Correction Processors existing for the usage transaction are in a
final state), a new Usage Transaction Correction Processor activity is created using the business
object referenced in the soft parameter (If the soft parameter is left blank or an active Activity
Type cannot be found for the business object referenced in the soft parameter, no Usage
Transaction Correction Processor activity will be created).

Usage Transaction Exceptions

Usage rules can both calculate usage and validate that the calculated usage is reasonable. The usage
calculation process creates an exception for each problem encountered. Multiple exceptions can
be created when a usage transaction is subject to validation. This allows users to see all of the
problems detected by the usage calculate process.
Note: Usage exceptions are held within the usage transaction (in its CLOB).
This contrast to VEE exceptions is intentional as usage transaction exceptions
should be very rare whereas VEE exceptions are relatively common.

Exception Categories
Similar to VEE exceptions, there are three categories, or severities of usage exceptions:
• Info: Used to highlight something interesting, but not sufficient to cause the usage
calculation to be put into the exception state.
• Issue: Used to report a problem that will prevent the usage transaction from being finalized.
Multiple "issue exceptions" can be created during usage calculation. If at least one issue exists
after all rules have been applied, the usage transaction is transitioned to the exception state.
• Terminate: Used to report a severe issue that will cause the usage calculation process to stop
and the usage transaction to be transitioned immediately to the exception state. Only one
terminate exception can be issued (as the first one causes usage calculation to stop).

Exceptions and To Do Entries

In addition to exceptions, usage processing can also trigger the creation of To Do Entries related
to failed validations.
If Issue or terminate exceptions exist for an initial measurement, a To Do Entry is created when
the usage transaction is transitioned to the Exception state. The To Do Type and default To Do
Role of this To Do Entry are defined on the Enter system event for the Exception state of the
business object used to define the usage transaction.
To Do Entries created in this way can be routed to different roles depending on the exception's
message category and number (using the To Do Type's Message Overrides tab).

Available Actions for Usage Transactions with Exceptions

Users have a number of options for dealing with usage transactions with exceptions.
• After correcting the cause of the issues that triggered the exceptions, a user can re-calculate
the usage transaction.
• A user can discard the usage transaction.
• A user can manually complete the usage transaction. This sends the usage transaction to the
subscribing system “as is”
• A user can edit the Post VEE quantities (if necessary) and manually complete the initial
measurement. This will cause final measurements to be created using the contents of the Post
VEE quantities.
Note: No VEE processing is performed on manually completed initial measurement data.

12-6 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Understanding Usage Transactions

Regardless of the action taken by the user, the system will complete any open To Do Entries that
created when the usage transaction entered the Exception state.

Usage Transactions 12-7

Understanding Usage Transactions

Creating Usage Transactions from External Systems

When Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management is integrated with a customer information system
(such as Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing), usage transactions can be created via a
request from the customer information system.
To invoke a usage transaction request, the external system must invoke an XAI Inbound Service
mapped to the Usage Transaction Seeder (D2-UsgTranSeeder) business object. This business
object does the following:
• Determines the usage subscription ID based on an external usage subscription ID
This processing is performed via the Determine Usage Subscription ID (D2-DETUSID)
Pre-Processing algorithm.
• Determines the appropriate usage transaction business object to create.
This processing is performed via the Determine Usage Transactions Business Object (D2-
DETUTBO) Pre-Processing algorithm.
This algorithm uses the “How To Create Usage Subscription Related Information” (D2-
HowToCreateUSInformation) processing method defined for the “Usage Transaction
Creation” processing role on the service provider that represents the external system.
In addition to the Usage Transaction Seeder business object, the Oracle Utilities Meter Data
Management base package also includes the following XAI configuration options to support
creating usage transactions from external systems:
• XAI Inbound Service: D2-UsageTransactionRequestInbound (D264745327)
This inbound service is mapped to the Usage Transaction Seeder (D2-UsgTranSeeder)
business object.

12-8 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Usage Transactions In Detail

Usage Transactions In Detail

This section provides details concerning the usage transaction objects supplied as part of the base
package. This information illustrates how the base package objects were designed, and can serve
as the basis for any custom usage transaction objects you create as part of your implementation.
This section includes:
• A description of the D1-USAGETRANS maintenance object
• Lists of the base package usage transaction business objects, including “lite” business objects
• A sample usage transaction business object (D2-UsageTransaction)

Maintenance Object - D1-USAGETRAN

Usage transaction business objects use the D1-US maintenance object. The table below outlines
some of the details of this maintenance object

Option/Field Description

Maintenance Object D1-USAGETRAN

Description Usage Transaction

Service Name D1-USAGETRAN (Usage Transaction Maintenance)

Tables • D1_USAGE (Usage) - Primary

• D1_USAGE_CHAR (Usage Characteristics) - Child
• D1_USAGE_LOG (Usage Log) - Child
• D1_USAGE_LOG_PARM (Usage Log Parameters) - Child
• D1_USAGE_PERIOD (Usage Period) - Child
• D1_USAGE_PERIOD_SQ (Usage Period Service Quantity)
- Child
• D1_USAGE_REL (Usage Relationship) - Child
• D1_USAGE_SCALAR_DTL (Usage Scalar Detail) - Child

Algorithms • Information: D1-USAGEINFO (Usage Transaction


Use the Maintenance Object portal and the Application Viewer to view more details about this
maintenance object.

Usage Transactions 12-9

Usage Transactions In Detail

Meter Data Management Base Package Usage Transaction Business Objects

The Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management base package includes the following usage
transaction business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D2-SubUsageTransaction Sub Usage Transaction

Instances of this business object represent
individual sub usage transactions created in
the system.

D2-UsageTransaction Usage Transaction

Instances of this business object represent
individual usage transactions created in the

The base package includes the following “lite” usage transaction business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D1-UsageTransactionParentLite Usage Transaction Parent LITE

D2-UsageIntervalDataLite Usage Transaction Interval Data LITE

D2-UsageTranExceptionsLITE Usage Transaction Exceptions LITE

D2-UsageTranScalarDetailsLite Usage Transaction Scalar Details LITE

D2-UsageTransactionDateBreaks Usage Transaction Date Breaks LITE

D2-UsageTransactionExceptions Usage Transaction Exceptions LITE

D2-UsageTransactionMini1 Usage Group Transaction Processing

D2-UsageTransactionStatusLite Usage Transaction Status LITE

D2-UsageTransacitonTrace Usage Transaction Trace LITE

D2-UsageTransactionUsagePeriod Usage Transaction Usage Periods LITE

D2-UsgTranChkSubLITE Usage Transaction Check Sub LITE

D2-UsgTranDeferLITE Usage Transaction Defer LITE

D2-UsgTranRetryLITE Usage Transaction Retry LITE

D2-UsgTranSkipDetailsLite Usage Transaction Skip Details Lite

D2-UsgTranSubLITE Usage Transaction Sub LITE

The base package includes the following additional usage transaction business objects:

Business Object Name Description

D2-UsgTranSeeder Usage Transaction Seeder (used to

determine the usage transaction business
object to use when creating new usage

12-10 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Usage Transactions In Detail

Example Usage Transaction - D2-UsageTransaction

The table below lists the details of the D2-UsageSubscription usage transaction business object.

Option/Field Description

Business Object D2-UsageTransaction

Description Usage Transaction

Maintenance Object D1-USAGETRAN (Usage transaction)

Application Service D2-USAGETRANBOAS (Usage transaction BO)

Instance Control Allow New Instances

Options • Display UI Map: D2-UsageTranDisplay (Usage Transaction -

• Portal Navigation Option: d1utnmTabMenu (Usage
• Pre-Processing Service Script: D2-UsgTraPre (Usage
Transaction Pre-Processing)
• Display Map Service Script: D2-UsgRetDts (Usage Retrieve
Details for Display)
• Maintenance UI Map: D2-UsageTranMaint (Usage
Transaction - Maintenance)

Algorithms • Validation: D2-DEL-ACT (Delete Validation)

• Validation: D2-SQTYP-VAL (Validate Usage Transaction
Service Quantity Entries)
• Validation: D2-INSCP-VAL (Interval and Scalar Period

Lifecycle • Pending (Initial)

• Calculate (Interim)
• Prorated (Final)
• Approval In Progress (Interim)
• Issue Detected (Interim)
• Approve (Interim)
• Sent (Final)
• Subsequent Correction (Final)
• Discarded (Final)
• Calculation Deferred (Interim)
• Calculate in Progress (Interim)

Use the Business Object portal to view additional details concerning this business object.

Usage Transactions 12-11

Configuring Usage Transactions

Configuring Usage Transactions

This section provides high-level overviews of the steps involved in configuring custom usage
transactions. See Configuration Process Overview in Chapter One for a high-level overview of
the overall configuration process.
Note: The procedures below focus on specific configuration tasks and options related to each of
the objects described in this chapter, and do not address all the steps involved in creating business
objects, UI maps, algorithms, etc. For more information about these subjects, refer to the Oracle
Utilities Application Framework documentation.

Configuring Custom Usage Transactions

Configuring custom usage transactions involves the following steps:
1. Design the usage transaction business objects you will need to create for your
implementation, including the data and processing required for each.
2. Create the custom usage transaction-related configuration objects required for your business
3. Create your usage transaction business objects, referencing the configuration objects created
above as appropriate.

12-12 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Chapter 13

This chapter describes aggregations and how they are performed in Oracle Utilities Meter Data
Management, including:
• Understanding Aggregations
• Configuring Aggregations

Aggregations 13-1
Understanding Aggregations

Understanding Aggregations
This section describes aggregations and how they are created and calculated in Oracle Utilities
Meter Data Management.
The term aggregation refers to the summarization of measurements and statistical values from a
group of related measuring components. Aggregated values are used primarily for analysis. For
example, an electric utility may want to see aggregated consumption for each transformer within
its service territory, where a transformer is uniquely identified by 3 values:
• The Transformer itself,
• The Feeder associated with the Transformer, and
• The Substation associated with the Feeder.

Aggregator Measuring Components and Dimensions

Aggregator measuring component holds summarized usage from other measuring components.
For example, aggregator measuring components could be configured to hold total consumption
for each postal code within a service territory, or for each transformer within its service territory
(as above). The aggregated values of an aggregator measuring component’s constituent measuring
components are its final measurements. Aggregator measuring components do NOT have initial
Every type of aggregation has one or more dimensions that define how to gather the constituent
measuring components from which measurements are aggregated. For example, the transformer
aggregation referenced above has 3 dimensions: Substation / Feeder / Transformer.
An aggregator measuring component must exist for every distinct combination of dimensions.
For example, the transformer aggregation requires a separate measuring component for every
distinct combination of substation / feeder / transformer found on the electric service points.
Any combination of dimensions is possible. The prior example illustrated an aggregator
measuring component whose dimensions are all derived from the same type of object, in this case,
the substation, feeder, and transformer defined on electric service points.
Aggregator measuring components can exist for dimensions derived from any data (including
admin objects). For example:
• A Postal Code / Measuring Component Type aggregation has a separate aggregator
measuring component for every combination of postal code and measuring component type
• Postal code is an attribute of each service point
• Measuring Component Type is an attribute of each measuring component
• A Rate / Postal Code aggregation has a separate aggregator measuring component for every
combination of rate and postal code
• Rate is an attribute of each usage subscription
• Postal code is an attribute of each service point
The base package and demonstration data include several examples of different dimensional
combinations. Implementations can introduce others based on their requirements.

Types of Aggregated Data

Any of the quantities on final measurements can be aggregated.
Interval measuring components of different magnitudes, such as KW vs MW, SPIs (15 minute vs
60 minute) and, in some cases, units of measure can be aggregated together.

13-2 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Understanding Aggregations

Note: Not all units of measure can be aggregated together. Only those that
share a common Base Unit of Measure can be aggregated together. For
example, KW can be converted to kWh and vice versa, but BTU measurements
cannot be converted to KW.
This requires each constituent measuring component to be converted into a common UOM and
SPI. Converting different UOMs to a common UOM uses the Base Unit of Measure and
Magnitude attributes. Converting differing SPIs to a common SPI involves scaling the interval
values up or down accordingly.
Both scalar and interval measuring components can also be aggregated together. This requires the
scalar consumption to be intervalized into the aggregator measuring component's UOM and SPI
prior to aggregation.

Aggregating Aggregations
Aggregations can also be aggregated into higher levels. For example, the aggregator measuring
components whose measurements hold aggregated consumption for each Substation / Feeder /
Transformer combination can be used to aggregate consumption at each Substation / Feeder.
In this case, distinct aggregator measuring components must exist for every Substation / Feeder
combination. The measurements of these aggregator measuring components are the sum of the
consumption on the transformers linked to each feeder.
Note that these values can be derived from the Substation / Feeder / Transformer aggregator
measuring components, meaning that it is only necessary to aggregate the transformer
measurements once.
In turn, aggregator measuring components that hold aggregated consumption for each Substation
/ Feeder combination could be used to aggregate consumption at each Substation. Again, distinct
aggregator measuring components exist for every Substation, and their measurements would
represent the sum of their feeders.
Finally, total consumption for all substations could be aggregated using the same technique.

Aggregation Calculations
The system periodically aggregates consumption via batch process, using a deferred monitor on
the aggregator measuring components. In addition, users can re-aggregate data in real-time if they
don’t wish to wait for the batch process, or if the original aggregation needs to be re-calculated due
to incorrect data. Users can also create ad hoc aggregations "on the fly" and these will persist in
the database in the same manner as other aggregations.

Understanding Aggregation Periods

The start and end dates and times for aggregation calculations are based on the following:
• Aggregation Horizon
• Aggregation Lag
• Aggregation Cut Off Time
Whenever aggregation is performed for an aggregator measuring component, consumption is
aggregated for every day in its “Aggregation Horizon.” The “Aggregation Horizon” is the number
of days during which there's a potential change in measurement data for one or more of the
measuring components associated an aggregator measuring component.
Aggregation calculations typically lag behind the current date by a few days to give the system time
to upload and perform validations and create final measurements. The amount of lag time is
referred to as the “Aggregation Lag” and is the number of days between the date on which
aggregation calculations are performed and the end date of the aggregation period. This defines
the time period between the aggregation calculation date and the end of the aggregation horizon

Aggregations 13-3
Understanding Aggregations

that serves to allow all measurements to arrive. This together with the Aggregation Horizon is
used to determine the start and end dates of an aggregation period. For example, with an
Aggregation Horizon of 5 and an Aggregation Lag of 2, aggregation calculations performed on
January 9 would be for an aggregation period of January 3 through January 7. The next day
(January 10), the aggregation period would shift to January 4 through January 8.

Aggregation is always performed through a given "through time" (such as 12:00 AM) rather than
through the actual time of the aggregation calculation. This time is referred to as the “Aggregation
Cut Off Time.” For example, the stop time for aggregation calculations with an Aggregation Lag
of 2, and an Aggregation Cut Off Time of 10:00 PM will always be 10:00 PM 2 days prior to the
date on which the calculations are performed. In the above examples, aggregations performed on
January 9 would have an end date/time of 10:00 PM on January 7, and aggregations performed on
January 10 would have an end date/time of 10:00 PM on January 8.
The Aggregation Horizon, Aggregation Lag, and Aggregation Cut Off Time are configured for
each aggregator measuring component type.

Aggregation and Re-Aggregation

The use of the aggregation horizon means that aggregated totals for some days will be re-
aggregated until those days are no longer covered by the aggregation horizon. For example, with
an aggregation horizon of 5 days and an aggregation lag of 2 days, on the night of January 9 the
aggregation period would be January 3 through January 7 (as in the above example).
On the night of January 10, the horizon will shift 1 day (to January 4 through January 10, again as
above). This means the following:
• The totals for January 3 calculated on January 9 will be untouched (January 3 now falls outside
the aggregation horizon)
• The totals for January 4 through January 7 will be re-derived because corrections may have
occurred (and they still fall within the aggregation horizon)
• The totals for January 8 will be calculated for the first time (because it now is within the
aggregation horizon).

13-4 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Understanding Aggregations

Manually Read Meters and Aggregation Lag

Aggregations that include manually read meters often have much longer aggregation lags than
those for automatically read meters. This allows more time for manual meter readings to be
imported into the system for use in aggregations.
For example, suppose a situation where manual meter reads arrive approximately 1 month after
the date of the reading. In this case, it wouldn’t be until a meter read upload on February 7 that the
last manual reads including consumption from January 6 will exist. Since we don't want to perform
aggregations for January 6 until there's a decent chance that all consumption for that date exists,
an aggregation lag of 32 days ensures that the data for January 6 is in the system when the
aggregation is performed on February 7.

When An Aggregator Measuring Component Contains Both Manual and AMI Measuring
The previous section suggests that if an aggregator measuring component contains both manually
read and AMI measuring components, the aggregator measuring component should have a long
lag time rather than the short time shown in the earlier example.
While this is one possible approach, an alternative approach could allow users to see timely
aggregations of the AMI channels and only lag the manual channels. To do this they could
configure the system as follows:
• Create an aggregator measuring component that only aggregates manual measuring
component types (horizon: 5 days, lag: 31 days)
• Create a separate aggregator measuring component that only aggregates interval measuring
component type: 5 days types (horizon: 5 days, lag: 2 days)
• Create a third aggregator measuring component that aggregates the above aggregator
measuring component types (horizon: 5 days, lag 31 days)

Expanding The Aggregation Horizon Periodically

Even with a 30-ish day aggregation lag, it's possible for an account with several months of
estimated consumption to have its consumption "invalidated" when real readings arrive whose dial
readings are less than the estimated readings (or when major retroactive data change takes place).
Another similar situation is when a user manually corrects consumption after the aggregation
horizon has moved forward.
To address situations like these, the use of ad-hoc aggregations with a user-specified aggregation
horizon supports the notion of periodically (such as once a month or once a week) aggregating
with a long aggregation horizon (up to 90 days) to catch as many retroactive changes as possible.

Aggregations 13-5
Understanding Aggregations

A Note About Using Non-Effective Dated Dimensions

Be aware that whenever aggregation takes place, the system uses master data that exists as of that
date. For example, if an aggregation is performed using non effective-dated master data attributes
(for example, aggregating by measuring component type) and a measuring component's type is
changed, all days in the aggregation horizon will reflect the change regardless of when the user
makes the change, because the measuring component type relationship is not effective-dated.
The impact of this depends on the nature of the change:
• If the master data was wrong, this provides a way to re-aggregate the data to accurately reflect
the master data.
• If the change occurred effective as of a given date (but there's no effective dated attribute),
this can result in incorrect aggregation values.
Because of this, it is recommended that where possible dimensions used in aggregations be

Aggregator Measuring Component Types

Aggregator measuring components have measuring component types just like all measuring
components. In the case of aggregator measuring components, the measuring component type
controls the aggregation period (horizon, lag, and cut off time) as well as the type of measuring
components that are aggregated.

Aggregation Group
These attributes are used to define the aggregation period as described above, and include:
• Aggregation Horizon (in days): the number of days during which there's a potential change in
measurement data for one or more of the measuring components associated an aggregator
measuring component type.
• Aggregation Lag (in days): the number of days between the date on which aggregation
calculations are performed and the end date of the aggregation period.
• Aggregation Cut Off Time (a time): the end time for aggregation calculations performed for
aggregator measuring components of this type. This is used to ensure a consistent end time
on all aggregation horizons and this is important if an aggregator is going to aggregate other

Valid MC Types to Aggregate

Defines the valid measuring component types that can be included for aggregation calculations
for aggregator measuring components of this type. Only measuring components whose types are
defined here will be included in aggregation calculations for aggregator measuring components of
this type. Note that any measuring component type (aggregator, physical, scratchpad, etc.) can be
defined as long as the UOM of the identified value can be converted into the UOM of the
aggregator measuring component's primary measurement value.

Value Identifiers
Defines value identifiers related to the current measuring component type. Value identifiers are
used to provide short descriptions for the various types of values measured by the measuring
component (KWH, KW, etc.).
Aggregator measuring components can derive up to 10 values in addition to the basic value (just
like other measuring components). For example, the minimum, maximum, and average values
could be stored on each measurement. The way the other values are derived is controlled by an
enter algorithm on the Aggregate state.

13-6 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Understanding Aggregations

Measuring Component Attributes

In addition the attributes on an aggregator measuring component’s type, aggregator measuring
components also have attributes that define how aggregations are performed. These include:

One Time Aggregation

Controls if the aggregator measuring component is used for one-time aggregations (used for ad
hoc aggregations).

Consumption Aggregated Through Date Time

The date and time up to which consumption has been aggregated for the measuring component,
based on the aggregation horizon used during the last aggregation calculation.

Next Aggregation Horizon

Defines the horizon for the next aggregation (either entered by a user or computed by the monitor
algorithm when it determines it's time to aggregate).

Creating Aggregator Measuring Components

There are two ways in which aggregator measuring components are created:
• Automatically: The system will periodically create new aggregator measuring components
when new "dimensional values" are detected. For example, if a new substation is added to the
system, a new aggregator measuring component will be created for the substation.
• Manually: An end-user can create an aggregator measuring component at their discretion

Automatic Creation of Aggregator Measuring Components

The system automatically creates aggregator measuring components when it detects new instances
of the dimension(s) being aggregated. This activity is referred to as dimension scanning. For
example, if the system is configured to aggregate individual substations, a user will NOT have to
manually set up an aggregator measuring component when a new substation if referenced on a
service point. Rather, the system will create the new aggregator when it detects a substation on a
service point that doesn't have an aggregator measuring component.
Similarly, if is configured to aggregate distinct combinations of rate class (on usage subscription
type) and postal code (on service point), the system will create an aggregator measuring
component when it detects new combinations of rate class and postal code.
The periodic monitoring to ensure sufficient aggregation measuring components exist is
implemented via monitoring algorithms on a related activity business object that references a
corresponding measuring component type. This means that there must be a separate activity type
/ activity combination for every type of aggregation performed. These monitor algorithms
• A Monitor algorithm on the Active state that simply transitions the activity to the transitory
Scan state.
Users can manually transition the activity to the Scan state by clicking the “Scan” button on
the activity.
• An Enter algorithm on the Scan state finds the distinct combinations of dimensional values
for this type of aggregation and checks that an aggregator measuring component that
references the activity's aggregator measuring component type exists for every instance and
creates new aggregator measuring components as appropriate. The algorithm also populates
the dimensional values on the new measuring components (mapped to searchable
characteristics), and sets the Consumption Aggregated Through Date/Time field on the new
aggregator measuring components to the current date and the Aggregation Cut Off Time on
the aggregator measuring component type.

Aggregations 13-7
Understanding Aggregations

Hard-Wiring Service Types for Aggregations

If the dimensions used for aggregation do not include at least one service type-specific dimension
(for example, in the case of aggregating by postal code only) AND the aggregation should not
commingle measurements of different service types, it's important to:
• Declare the specific service type for the aggregation on the dimension scanner activity
• Declare the desired service type-specific measuring component types on the aggregator
measuring component type
For example, if an electric and gas implementation aggregates consumption by postal code, they
will need 2 activities: one will reference the Electric service type and the desired aggregator
measuring component type, the other will reference the Gas service type and its aggregator
measuring component type
The aggregator measuring components will have two dimensional attributes: postal code and
service type.

Manual Creation Of Aggregator Measuring Components

Users can also create aggregator measuring component manually. This is useful when an ad hoc
aggregation for an ad hoc time period is required, or when there is no activity that automatically
creates instances of a given combination of dimensions.
To do this, the user simply clicks the “Add” link on the Aggregator Search zone title bar. The BPA
• Prompts the user to define the type of aggregation (this will present a list of measuring
component types whose measuring component category is aggregator)
• Prompts the user to define the dimensional value(s), the desired aggregation time, and if this
aggregation should be performed indefinitely or if it is a "one time"

Aggregation Algorithms
The base package includes an aggregation algorithm that can populate columns on aggregated
final measurements with the sum, max, min, average, and count of measurements in an interval.
Additional algorithms can be developed by implementations teams to support other types of
aggregations. For example, imagine a scenario where a user wants to see aggregated consumption
during a critical peak period and contrast this to "normal" consumption. In this case, columns on
the aggregated measurement could contain values like:
• Actual consumption
• “Normal” consumption
• The count of customers who reduced consumption between 0 and 10%
• The count of customers who reduced consumption between 10 and 25%
• The count of customers who reduced consumption more than 25%
• The count of customers who increased consumption between 0 and 10%
• The count of customers who increase consumption more than 10%
This scenario would necessitate the creation of a new aggregation algorithm that could piggy back
on the base package version, and would only need additional logic to calculate each customer’s
"normal" consumption for each interval and populate the "counts" accordingly.

13-8 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Understanding Aggregations

Aggregating Specific Measuring Components

The above sections describe dimension-oriented aggregations, of the means of aggregating a
variety of measuring components that are related to a given set of dimensional values (such as all
measuring components for a given service type in a given postal code.
However, there is another class of aggregations where the requirements call for aggregating a set
of specific measuring components. In addition, the aggregation formulae can be very unique, such
as (56.2% of MC1 - 45.3% of MC2) * 1.034.
Very specific aggregations of this should be implemented using usage rules, not aggregator
measuring components.

Aggregations 13-9
Configuring Aggregations

Configuring Aggregations
This section provides high-level overviews of the steps involved in configuring custom
aggregations. See Configuration Process Overview in Chapter One for a high-level overview
of the overall configuration process.

Configuring Custom Aggregations

Configuring custom aggregations involves the following steps:
1. Create a business object for the aggregator measuring component.
This will flatten the dimensional value(s) into searchable characteristics.
Whether this business object is a parent or a child of another aggregator business object
depends on when periodic aggregation should occur:
• If you want the periodic aggregation to occur when another aggregation occurs, it can be
a child business object (meaning that it inherits the lifecycle (and therefore the deferred
monitor) of the parent)
• If you want to schedule its periodic aggregation independently from other aggregation
business objects, this must NOT be a child business object as it will require its own
deferred monitor (and deferred monitors can only be defined on parent business objects)
2. Create UI maps for the aggregator business object as follows:
• One to display the aggregator measuring component (Display)
• One to allow user to change / add a new one (Maintenance)
3. Create an info plug-in for the aggregator business object that concatenates together its
dimension types and values.
4. Create a "Find Constituent Measuring Components" algorithm and plug it on the aggregator
business object.
This will be passed the aggregator measuring component and the from and to date/times. It
will insert the constituent measuring component IDs and the respective from / to date-time
of each onto a temporary table.
5. Create an measuring component type instance and reference the new aggregator measuring
component business object (as well as the types of constituent measuring component types
that should be aggregated).
6. Create a query zone for Consumption Statistics search to allow users to find the aggregator
measuring component.
7. Create a business object for the dimension scanner activity.
This should be a child business object of the base package dimension scanner business object.
8. Create UI maps for the activity business object, as follows:
• One to display the dimension scanner activity (Display)
• One to allow users to change / add a new one (Maintenance)
9. Create an info plug-in that will describe what it scans.
10. Create an Enter algorithm on the Scan state that finds distinct combinations of the
dimensional values and creates new aggregator measuring components when new ones are
You can reuse the base package deferred monitor batch control.

13-10 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Configuring Aggregations

11. Create an activity type and reference the new dimension scanner business object.

Meter Data Management Base Package Aggregations

The Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management base package includes the following base package
aggregators, delivered as aggregator measuring component business objects and measuring
component types.

Business Intelligence Aggregators

The following aggregators are used by Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management Business
Intelligence, and aggregate measurement data (including quantities and counts) for constituent
measuring components based on the following dimensions: Postal, City, Head-End, Device Type,
Usage Calculation Group, Market and Service Provider, and Service Type.

Aggregator Description

Measurement Measured Quantity Aggregator Aggregates measurement quantities and

(D2-MeasuredQuantityAggregator) distributes the constituents' measurements
across Value Identifiers based on condition

Measurement Quality Count Aggregator Aggregates measurement counts and

(D2-MsrmtQualityCountAggregator) distributes the constituents' counts across
Value Identifiers based on condition codes.

Measurement Timeliness Count Aggregator Aggregates measurement counts that

(D2-MsrmtTimelinessCountAggr) arrived on time or are late.

Measurement Timeliness Quantity Aggregator Aggregates measurement quantities that

(D2-MsrmtTimelinessQuantityAggr) arrived on time or are late.

Sample Aggregator - Postal and Service Type

The Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management base package also includes an example aggregation
that aggregates measurement quantities for constituent measuring components based on postal
code and service type dimensions. The table below outlines the types of objects used in this
aggregation, based on the steps outlined above), and the specific objects for each type.

Object Type Base Package Example

Aggregator Measuring Component Business D2-Aggregator (Aggregator - Postal and

Object (Step 1) Service Type)

Aggregator Measuring Component UI Maps Display: D2-AggMCDisp (Service Type

(Step 2) and Postal Aggregator-Display)

Maintenance: D2-AggMCMaint (Service

Type and Postal Aggregator-Maintenance)

Aggregator Business Object Info Algorithm D2-AMC-INFO (Service Type and Postal
(Step 3) Aggregator - Information)

Find Constituent Measuring Components D2-DET-CMC (Find Constituent

Algorithm (Step 4) Measuring Components Based on Service
Type and Postal)

Measuring Component Type (Step 5) D2-AggregatorType (Aggregator Type)

Aggregations 13-11
Configuring Aggregations

Object Type Base Package Example

Query Zone for Consumption Statistics Portal D2-AGGMCQRY (Aggregator Search)

(Step 6)

Dimension Scanner Activity Business Object D2-ActivityAggDimScanner (Aggregator

(Step 7) Creator - Postal / Service Type)

Dimension Scanner Activity UI Maps (Step 8) Display: D2-AggDimScannerActDisp

(Aggregator DS Activity-Display)

Maintenance: D2-
AggDimScannerActMaint (Aggregator DS

Dimension Scanner Activity Business Object D2-ADS-INFO (Aggregator Dimension

Info Algorithm (Step 9) Scanner Information)

Enter Algorithm for Scan State (Step 10) D2-CRE-AGGMC (Aggregator MC

Creation for Post Code and Service Type)

Activity Type (Step 11) D2-ActivityTypeAggDimScanner

(Aggregator Dimension Scanner Activity

13-12 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Chapter 14
Batch Processing

This chapter describes the base package batch processes provided with Oracle Utilities meter data
framework and Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management. Use the Batch Control portal and
Application Viewer for more details about these batch processes. This chapter includes:
• Meter Data Framework Batch Controls
• Meter Data Management Batch Controls
Refer to the following documentation for more information about batch processing:
• Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management Batch Server Administration Guide
• Oracle Utilities Application Framework Business Process Guide (Batch Jobs)
• Oracle Utilities Application Framework Administration Guide (Defining Background

Batch Processing 14-1

Meter Data Framework Batch Controls

Meter Data Framework Batch Controls

The table below lists the batch controls provided in the meter data framework base package.

Batch Control Name / Description

D1-ACTVY Activity Monitor

Invokes the generic Application Framework auto-transition batch
process that can do automatic/scheduled transition for activities

D1-CMCS Create Measurement Cycle Schedule Routes

D1-COMM Batch Control for Communications

D1-CPSR Complete Pending Msrmt Cycle Schd Routes - DEPRECATED

D1-CRERR Command Request Error - Retry

D1-CRWT Command Request Wait - Monitor

D1-CSPSR Create SP Msrmt Cycle Schedule Rte Records

D1-DVEVS Device Event Seeder Monitor Process

D1-DVEVT Device Event MO Periodic Monitor Process

D1-EXTSC Usage/Event Extract Scheduler Monitor

D1-GNIMD Generic IMD Monitor

D1-ICERR Inbound Communication Error - Retry

D1-IMD IMD Monitor

Invokes monitoring rules associated with the current state of an initial
measurement. All monitoring rules throughout the initial
measurement's business object's inheritance chain are considered.

Batch parameters govern whether the processing is further restricted by

batch code, business object, status, etc.

D1-IMDMC IMD Monitor Unattached MCs

D1-INEVT Install Event MO Periodic Monitor Process

Invokes monitoring rules associated with the current state of an install
event. All monitoring rules throughout the install event's business
object's inheritance chain are considered.

By default, the process periodically monitors install events whose

current state is not associated with a batch code. Batch parameters
govern whether the processing is further restricted by batch code,
business object and status.

D1-MC MC MO Periodic Monitor Process

Invokes monitoring rules associated with the current state of a
measuring component. All monitoring rules throughout the measuring
component's business object's inheritance chain are considered.

By default, the process periodically monitors measuring components

whose current state is not associated with a batch code. Batch
parameters govern whether the processing is further restricted by batch
code, business object and status.

14-2 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Meter Data Framework Batch Controls

Batch Control Name / Description

D1-MSRMT Measurement - Derive Other Values

Initiates a reprocessing of Derive Other Values for Measurements. To
do this, it moves the status of the Measurement from OK to
REDERIVEVAL. The REDERIVEVAL status will have a monitor
algorithm that will execute all "Derive Other Values" algorithms that
have been attached to the business object's Plug-in spot.

Batch parameters are required and are used to select the specific
business object as well as the starting date and ending date for the
records to be processed.

D1-OCERR Outbound Communication Error - Retry

D1-OCWT Outbound Communication Wait - Monitor

D1-PMCS Process Measurement Cycle Schedule

Looks for measurement cycle routes that are scheduled to be processed
and populates them on the measurement cycle schedule. Once the
schedule is prepared, the Process Measurement Cycle algorithm
(specified on the service point business object) is then invoked for each
device in every route that is ready for processing.

D1-PSPSR Process SP / MC Schedule Route Records

D1-SMMTR Smart Meter State Monitor Process

D1-SP Service Point MO Periodic Monitor Process

Invokes monitoring rules associated with the current state of a service
point. All monitoring rules throughout the service point's business
object's inheritance chain are considered.

By default, the process periodically monitors service points whose

current state is not associated with a batch code. Batch parameters
govern whether the processing is further restricted by batch code,
business object and status.

D1-SYNC Data Sync MO Periodic Monitor Process

D1-TOUTR Time of Use Map Data Generation Monitor

Invokes monitor algorithms for Time Of Use Map instances whose
current state does not reference a monitor process.

D1-UT Usage Transaction Monitor Process - NOT USED

D1-UTCD Usage Transaction Calculate Defer Monitor - NOT USED

D1-UTID Usage Transaction Issue Detected Monitor - NOT USED

D1-UTSED Usage Transaction Seeder - Error - NOT USED

Batch Processing 14-3

Meter Data Framework Batch Controls

Synchronization Request Batch Controls

The table below lists the batch controls used by the meter data framework for data
synchronization. “Initial Sync Request - Load Data <batch control>” batch controls load data
(created new instances of business objects) for requests of the appropriate type (device, measuring
component, etc,). “Initial Sync Request - Resolve Keys <batch control>” batch controls invoke a
generic maintenance object transition process to invoke the “Resolve Keys - Initial Sync”
algorithm for synchronization requests of the appropriate type.

Batch Control Description

D1-CMSYN Composite Sync Request

Transition Composite Sync Request BO instances in Pending state to
the next state.

D1-SIIER Initial Sync Request - Error

Transition Initial Inbound Sync Request BO instances in Error state to
the next state.

D1-SILCN Initial Sync Request - Load Data Contact

D1-SILDC Initial Sync Request - Load Data DC

D1-SILDV Initial Sync Request - Load Data Device

D1-SILIE Initial Sync Request - Load Data IE

D1-SILMC Initial Sync Request - Load Data MC

D1-SILSP Initial Sync Request - Load Data SP

D1-SILUS Initial Sync Request - Load Data US

D1-SIKCN Initial Sync Request - Resolve Keys Contact

D1-SIKDC Initial Sync Request - Resolve Keys DC

D1-SIKDC Initial Sync Request - Resolve Keys Device

D1-SIKIE Initial Sync Request - Resolve Keys IE

D1-SIKMC Initial Sync Request - Resolve Keys MC

D1-SIKSP Initial Sync Request - Resolve Keys SP

D1-SIKUS Initial Sync Request - Resolve Keys US

D1-SIOER Ongoing Sync Request -Error

Transition Ongoing Inbound Sync Request BO instances in Error state
to the next state.

D1-SIOPE Ongoing Sync Request - Pending

Transition Ongoing Inbound Sync Request BO instances in Pending
state to the next state.

D1-SRSDE Snyc Request Seeder - Error

Transition Sync Request Seeder BO instances in Error state to the next

D2-SIKUS Initial Sync Request - Resolve Keys US

D2-SILUS Initial Sync Request - Load Data US

14-4 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Meter Data Framework Batch Controls

Meter Data Framework Batch Processing Guidelines

This section provides some guidelines around how to schedule batch processing for the batch
controls used with Meter Data Framework (including those used by Oracle Utilities Meter Data
Management and Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway). Note that there are no strict dependencies
between batch controls, meaning there are no situations in which you must run a specific batch
process before running any other. Dependencies are based on the way a utility wants to run their

Ongoing Processes
Throughout the course of the day, utilities will likely want to run jobs to bring measurement and
event data in from their various metering / head-end systems and other external systems. To
accompany this, they might want to run the following batch processes:

Ongoing Master Data Sync Processing

If the system is integrated with a customer information system such as Oracle Utilities Customer
Care and Billing and synchronizing master data such as service points, install events, usage
subscriptions, etc. on an ongoing basis, this data should be as up-to-date as possible when loading
and processing data. This can include:
• Processing composite sync requets that will create individual sync requests for multiple
objects (D1-CMSYN)
• "Cleaning out" any ongoing sync requests in error from previous runs (D1-SIOER) and
those that have more severe issues and remain as sync request "seeders" (D1-SRSDE)
• Processing sync records that are pending (D1-SIOPE), and again those in error (D1-SIOER).
Note: Processing records in error after processing the batch of "pending" ongoing sync requests is
a recommended practice as it serves to clean up dependent sync requests that may have been
picked up in an incorrect order. For example, attempting to process a Usage Subscription sync
request referencing a Service Point before processing that service point’s sync request will put the
usage subscription sync request in error. Running D1-SIOER will pick up that usage subscription
sync request that had been left behind, and can process it successfully now that the service point it
references has been synced in.
Ongoing master data sync could be part of a nightly schedule rather than running it throughout
the day, depending on whether the attributes being synced impact VEE and/or usage processing.
If nothing synced from a source system impacts VEE, then sync processing need not be run
before VEE.

Command Processing
If using Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway to process device commands, it’s important to keep
communications flowing to and from smart meters to provide the most accurate picture of the
state of a given meter. This would include:
• Retrying inbound communications in error (D1-ICERR)
• Retrying outbound communications in error (D1-OCERR)
• Processing outbound communications waiting for a response (D1-OCWT) to see if they
should be timed out.
• Processing command request activities in error (D1-CRERR) and those that are waiting (D1-
Note that base package business objects for communications and command activities are designed
to trap any processing errors encountered and transition the object into an Error state. To deal
with unexpected errors that can't be traped, which could leave communications / command
activities in unmonitored states, implementations can choose to configure their own batch
controls based on the delivered D1-ACTVY and D1-COMM batch controls, restricting records
processed by business object or maintenance object as needed.

Batch Processing 14-5

Meter Data Framework Batch Controls

Initial Measurement Processing

For initial measurement processing, the following batch processes should be scheduled on a
ongoing basis:
• Processing initial measurements in the pending state (D1-IMD)
• Processing initial measurementss in the exception state (D1-GNIMD)
In addition, processing initial measurement seeders (IMD Seeders) in error should be performed.
This can be accomplished through creation of a custom batch control that references the
following Java program used by the “Generic IMD Monitor” (D1-GNIMD):

This custom batch process could be configured to restrict processing to the IMD Seeder business
object (D1-IMDSeeder).

Event Processing
The base package is configured such that device events are processed immediately upon receipt,
since they might need to be sent to some other application such as an outage system. This can be
changed by configuring a monitor process on the device event business object to stop records in a
specified state, and then use a batch process to process the events all at once. Beyond this type
batch-oriented processing for events, other even processing could include:
• Re-processing device event "seeders" in error (D1-DVEVS),
• Picking up device events for processing if they've stopped in any state (D1-DVEVT).
If device events are configured to be held from being sent onto downstream applications, such as
to prevent "flicker" outage events (an outage event and a restore event received in rapid
succession) from being sent, device event monitoring (D1-DVEVT) should be set up to be run
periodically to ensure timely transmission of events.

In addition to the above ongoing processes, the following daily or nightly processes can also be

Periodic Interval/Smart Meter Estimation

Periodic estimation is driven by monitoring devices via the “Smart Meter State Monitor Process”
batch control (D1-SMMTR) which executes a monitor algorithm to execute the estimation
algorithm on the measuring component business object, which in turn can be configured to create
Estimated initial measurements.

Measurement Cycle Processing (Optional)

If using a billing system that doesn’t request for bill determinants and requires that bill
determinants be pushed to it, the following processes can be used:
• Creating meter read cycle schedule routes (D1-CMCS)
• Creating SP / Measurement Cycle Schedule Routes (D1-CSPSR)
• Processing SP / Measurement Cycle Schedule Routes (D1-PSPSR)
The above processes can also be used to drive the download of meter read cycle & route
information for manually-read meters.

14-6 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Meter Data Framework Batch Controls

Periodic / Ad Hoc
In addition to the above ongoing and daily/nightly processes, the following periodic processes can
be run on an as needed basis.

TOU Map Data Generation

TOU map data must be in place for all TOU maps used in usage calculations. Generation of this
data is performed using the “Time of Use Map Data Generation Monitor” batch control (D1-
TOUTR). This process can be peformed for long time periods, such as a year, generating data for
all time-of-use maps for the entire following year, or it could be done more frequently, such as
whenever schedules are updated via the TOU map templates.

Re-Derive Measurement Values

If certain data such as a factor value was found to be incorrect, derived measurement values might
need to be re-calculated across all final measurements for a given date range. This can be
performed using the “Measurement - Derive Other Values” batch control (D1-MSRMT). Given
the possible volume of data impacted by this process, careful consideration should be given before
performing this process.

Master Data Monitoring

The base package also provides batch processes intended to monitor service points (D1-SP),
install events (D1-INEVT), and measuring components (D1-MC) on an ad-hoc basis if processing
driven from the lifecycles of these objects is needed. Note that the base package contains no such

Batch Processing 14-7

Meter Data Management Batch Controls

Meter Data Management Batch Controls

The table below lists the batch controls provided in the Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management
base package.

Batch Control Name / Description

D2-ADS Aggregator Dimension Scanner Monitor

D2-AGG Aggregation Monitor

D2-SIKUS Initial Sync Request - Resolve Keys US

D2-SILUS Initial Sync Request - Load Data US

D2-UT Usage Transaction Monitor Process

D2-UTCD Usage Transaction Calculate Defer Monitor

D2-UTID Usage Transaction Issue Detected Monitor

D2-UTSED Usage Transaction Seeder - Error

Meter Data Management Batch Processing Guidelines

In addition to the batch processes outlined for the Meter Data Framework above, Oracle Meter
Data Management can employ the following ad-hoc or periodic batch processes.

Usage Transaction processing

If Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management is integrated with a billing system (such as Oracle
Utilities Customer Care and Billing) that requests bill determinants, usage transaction processing
should be coordinated with that billing system's billing process. This can include:
• Reprocessing usage transaction "seeders" in error (D2-UTSED)
• Reprocessing usage transactions in error (D2-UTID)
Requests from a billing system that have been indicated as "batch requests" (such as those
produced by Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing batch billing process) accumulate in a
"calculation deferred" state to be processed specially by the “Usage Transaction Calculate Defer
Monitor” batch control (D2-UTCD).
If unexpected errors occur that leave usage transactions in an unmonitored state, the “Usage
Transaction Monitor” batch control (D2-UT), or one based on this batch control with parameter
values tailored to any specific requirements, can be used to process those usage transactions.

Aggregation calculations should be run on an as needed basis. This can include:
• Scanning for new aggregation dimension (D2-ADS)
This process is applicable if the system is configured to use aggregation dimension scanners
to detect new aggregation dimensions (such as a service point referencing a new transformer
for which an aggregator measuring component doesn’t currently exist)
• Performing aggregation calculations (D2-AGG)
Note that aggregation calculations should precede usage transaction processing if aggregated
values serves as input to the calculation of bill determinants.

14-8 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Meter Data Management Batch Controls

Meter Data Management Business Intelligence Batch Controls

The table below lists the batch controls used with Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management
Business Intelligence.

Batch Control Name / Description

D1-ACSDX Activity BO Status/Reason Dim Extract

D1-ACSIL Activity BI Status/Reason Initial Load

D1-ACTFX Activity Accumulation Fact Extract

D1-ACTL Activity Accumulation Fact Initial Load

D1-ADRDX Address Dimension Extract

D1-ATYDX Activity Type Dimension Extract

D1-ATYIL Activity Type Dimension Initial Load

D1-DESDX Device Evt BO Status/Reason Dim Extract

D1-DESIL Device Evt BO Status/Reason Initial Load

D1-DETDX Device Event Type Dimension Extract

D1-DETIL Device Event Type Initial Load

D1-DEVFX Device Event Accumulation Fact Extract

D1-DEVL Device Event Initial Load

D1-DVCDX Device Dimension Extract

D1-DVCIL Device Dimension Initial Load

D1-IESDX Install Evt BO Status/Reason Dim Extract

D1-IESIL Install Evt BO Status/Reason Initial Load

D1-INEFX Install Event Fact Extract

D1-INEIL Install Event Initial Load

D1-LNMDX Days Since Last Normal Measurement Extract

D1-LNML Days Since Last Normal Msrmt Initial Load

D1-MCDX Measuring Component Dimension Extract

D1-MCIL Measuring Component Dimension Initial Load

D1-SPAFX Service Point Accumulation Fact Extract

D1-SPDX Service Point Dimension Extract

D1-SPIL Service Point Initial Load

D1-SPRDX Service Provider Dimension Extract

D1-SPRIL Service Provider Initial Load

D1-SPSDX SP BO Status/Reason Dimension Extract

D1-SPSFX Service Point Snapshot Fact Extract

Batch Processing 14-9

Meter Data Management Batch Controls

Batch Control Name / Description

D1-SPSIL SP BO Status/Reason Initial Load

D2-CONDX Contact Dimension Extract

D2-CONIL Contact Intial Load

D2-CSTDX Usage Snapshot Type Dimension Extract

D2-CSTIL Usage Snapshot Type Initial Load

D2-EXLIL Exception Severity Lookup Extract

D2-EXTDX Exception Type Dimension Extract

D2-EXTIL Exception Type Initial Load

D2-ITLIL IMD Type Lookup Extract

D2-LUTDX Days Since Last UT Dimension Extract

D2-LUTIL Days Since Last UT Initial Load

D2-MRCDX Measurement Condition Dimension Extract

D2-MRCIL Measurement Condition Initial Load

D2-MVREF Materialized View Refresh

D2-SPCFX Usage Snapshot Fact Extract

D2-SUAFX Unreported Usage Analysis Fact Extract

D2-SVEFX VEE Exception Snapshot Fact Extract

D2-UGDX Usage Group Dimension Extract

D2-UGIL Usage Group Initial Load

D2-USDX Usage Subscription Dimension Extract

D2-USIL Usage Subscription Initial Load

D2-UTADX Unreported Usage Analysis Type Dim Extract

D2-UTAIL SP UT Aging Snapshot Type Initial Load

D2-UTIL UOM/TOU Dimension Extract

D2-UTSIL UOM/TOU/SQI Dimension Extract

D2-VERDX VEE Rule Dimension Extract

D2-VERIL VEE Rule Dimension Initial Load

Refer to the Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management Business Intelligence Data Mapping Guide for more
information for more information about setting up batch processing for Oracle Utilities Meter
Data Management Business Intelligence.

14-10 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Chapter 15
Integrating Oracle Utilities Meter Data
Management with Other Systems

This chapter provides information related to integrating Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management
with other applications, including:
• Integrating with a Customer Information System
• Integrating with Oracle Utilities Operational Device Management
• Integrating with Oracle Utilities Business Intelligence
• Integrating with Oracle Utilities Customer Self Service
• Initial Measurement and Device Event XML Formats
• Usage and Event Import - Message Driven Bean Configuration

Integrating Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management with Other Systems 15-1
Integrating with a Customer Information System

Integrating with a Customer Information System

This section provides an overview of how Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management supports
integrations with a customer information system.
In an integration between Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management and a customer information
system such as Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing:
• Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management is typically the “system of record” for meter-related
data, including meter records, meter configurations, validation, editing, and estimation (VEE)
rules, bill determinant calculation rules, usage data, and calculated bill determinants.
• Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing (the customer information system) is typically the
“system of record” for account related and service point-related data, including the rates and
tariffs used to calculate bills for each account and customer.
Given this breakdown of data between the two systems, any integration between them must
account for the passage of data between the two to ensure that each system can accurately
perform its business functions. The integration between Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management
and Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing is based on two core business processes:
• Data Synchronization
• Processing Usage Transaction Requests

Data Synchronization
In most integrations with Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing (or other CIS), Oracle
Utilities Meter Data Management is not used as the system of record for account, customer, or
service point-related data. Synchronizing this data between the two systems ensures that all
account, customer, and service point-related data in Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management is
correct and up to date before usage transaction calculations are performed. This synchronization
process is supported through a set of business objects, master configurations, batch controls, and
pre-configured XAI Inbound Services.

Types of Requests
Data synchronization is performed via synchronization requests sent from Oracle Utilities
Customer Care and Billing via a middleware integration component. Oracle Utilities Meter Data
Management supports three types of synchronization requests:

Initial Synchronization Requests

Initial synchronization requests are used when initially setting up Oracle Utilities Meter Data
Management. They facilitate import of data that creates devices, device configurations, measuring
components, service points, install events, contacts, and usage subscriptions in Oracle Utilities
Meter Data Management based on corresponding data in Oracle Utilities Customer Care and

Ongoing Synchronization Requests

Ongoing synchronization requests are used when updating existing data in Oracle Utilities Meter
Data Management based on changes in corresponding data in Oracle Utilities Customer Care and
Billing. Ongoing synchronization requests can be used to update contacts, devices, device
configurations, measuring components, install events, service points, and usage subscriptions.

Composite Synchronization Requests

Composite synchronization requests are requests that contain synchronization requests for
multiple types of data within a single request. For example, a composite request could contain
requests to update device, device configuration, measuring component, and install event data. This
supports situations where multiple types of data must be updated based on a single change in
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing.

15-2 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Integrating with a Customer Information System

Base Package Synchronization Request Business Objects

The table below lists the base package synchronization request business objects used by Oracle
Utilities Meter Data Management.

Business Object Description

D1-CompositeSyncRequest Composite Sync Request

Used as a parent business object to define the
behavior of a composite synchronization
request that contains multiple synchronization
requests (defined as child business objects). It is
designed to accept a sync request whose
information needs to be propagated to multiple
maintenance objects. Its children business
objects contain the elements for all the
maintenance objects involved and then, within
their processing, create a sync request for each
maintenance object instance required by the
inbound request.

For example, composite synchronization

requests that contains requests for device,
device configuration, and install event could use
a composite business object with the Device,
Device Configuration, and Install Event
synchronization request business objects as
child business objects. When processed, this
business object would create instances of the
Device, Device Configuration, and Install Event
synchronization request business objects.

D1-CompositeSyncRequestDC Device Config Composite Sync Request

An example composite synchronization request.
This business object a child of the D1-
CompositeSyncRequest business object.

D1-InitialSyncRequestContact Contact Initial Sync Request

Instances of this business object represent
individual initial contact synchronization

D1-InitialSyncRequestDC Device Configuration Initial Sync Request

Instances of this business object represent
individual initial device configuration
synchronization requests.

D1-InitialSyncRequestDevice Device Initial Sync Request

Instances of this business object represent
individual initial device synchronization

D1-InitialSyncRequestIE Install Event Initial Sync Request

Instances of this business object represent
individual initial install event synchronization

Integrating Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management with Other Systems 15-3
Integrating with a Customer Information System

Business Object Description

D1-InitialSyncRequestMC Measuring Component Initial Sync Request

Instances of this business object represent
individual initial measuring components
synchronization requests.

D1-InitialSyncRequestSP Service Point Initial Sync Request

Instances of this business object represent
individual initial service point synchronization

D1-OngoingSyncReqAckMsg Ongoing Sync Request Acknowledgement

Used to send a message to the sending system
to acknowledge receipt of an ongoing
synchronization request.

D1-OngoingSyncReqScalarMtrRead Scalar Meter Read Ongoing Sync Request

Instances of this business object represent
individual ongoing scalar meter read
synchronization requests.

D1-OngoingSyncRequestContact Contact Ongoing Sync Request

Instances of this business object represent
individual ongoing contact synchronization

D1-OngoingSyncRequestDC Device Configuration Ongoing Sync Request

Instances of this business object represent
individual ongoing device configuration
synchronization requests.

D1-OngoingSyncRequestDevice Device Ongoing Sync Request

Instances of this business object represent
individual ongoing device synchronization

D1-OngoingSyncRequestIE Install Event Ongoing Sync Request

Instances of this business object represent
individual ongoing install event synchronization

D1-OngoingSyncRequestMC Measuring Component Ongoing Sync Request

Instances of this business object represent
individual ongoing measuring component
synchronization requests.

D1-OngoingSyncRequestSP Service Point Ongoing Sync Request

Instances of this business object represent
individual ongoing service point
synchronization requests.

D1-SeederSyncMasterConfig Seeder Sync Request Master Configuration

Used to define the foreign keys for each entity
being synchronized and their corresponding
views that will be used in translating the external
(old) key to production (new) key references
during initial conversion processing or ongoing
synchronization processing.

15-4 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Integrating with a Customer Information System

Business Object Description

D1-SyncRequestSeeder Sync Request Seeder

Used to identify the appropriate
synchronization business object to create when
processing synchronization requests.

D1-SynchronizationAddContact Contact Synchronization Add

Used when adding a new contact as a result of a
synchronization request.

D1-SynchronizationAddDC Device Configuration Synchronization Add

Used when adding a new device configuration
as a result of a synchronization request.

D1-SynchronizationAddDevice Device Synchronization Add

Used when adding a new device as a result of a
synchronization request.

D1-SynchronizationAddIE Install Event Synchronization Add

Used when adding a new install event as a result
of a synchronization request.

D1-SynchronizationAddMC Measuring Component Synchronization Add

Used when adding a new measuring component
as a result of a synchronization request.

D1-SynchronizationAddSP Service Point Synchronization Add

Used when adding a new service point as a
result of a synchronization request.

D2-InitialSyncRequestUS Usage Subscription Initial Sync Request

Instances of this business object represent
individual initial usage subscription
synchronization requests.

D2-OngoingSyncRequestUS Usage Subscription Ongoing Sync Request

Instances of this business object represent
individual ongoing usage subscription
synchronization requests.

D2-SynchronizationAddUS Usage Subscription Synchronization Add

Used when adding a new usage subscription as a
result of a synchronization request.

Integrating Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management with Other Systems 15-5
Integrating with a Customer Information System

Master Configurations
Master configurations are used to define aspects of the synchronization process, including
resolution of foreign keys and the type of synchronization business objects to use for each type of
data being synchronized.
The table below lists the master configurations used in data synchronization processing.

Master Configuration Description

Master Data Synchronization Configuration Lists all foreign key references that need
resolution. Each one should reference the
view that contains the external key /
production key cross-reference. For entities
that undergo both the initial and the
ongoing sync, two views are specified. For
entities that undergo the ongoing sync, an
external system / ID type mapping is
specified to cater for entities that might be
synchronizing from more than one external

Seeder Sync Request Master Configuration Lists the maintenance objects (device,
device configuration, etc.) that require
synchronization. Each references the
synchronization business object that needs
to be instantiated when processing a
synchronization request for that
maintenance object. For maintenance
objects that undergo both initial and the
ongoing synchronization, two business
objects are specified.

Refer to the Oracle Utilities Application Framework documentation for more information about
master configurations.

Batch Controls
Batch controls perform processing for initial synchronization requests such as allocating keys to
data, resolving foreign keys, and loading data (instantiating business objects representing entities
such devices, measuring components, etc.).
“Initial Sync Request - Resolve Keys XXX” batch controls invoke a generic maintenance object
transition process to invoke the “Resolve Keys - Initial Sync” algorithm for synchronization
requests of the appropriate type. Parameters used by “resolve keys” batch controls include:
• Maintenance Object: (Required) the maintenance object (device, device configuration, etc.)
to be processed. This must be set to the Sync Request maintenance object for the batch
control (device for device synchronization requests, service point for service point
synchronization requests, etc.)
• Restrict By Batch Code: Restricts processing to synchronization requests whose current
state is linked to this batch code.
• Restrict By Business Object: Restricts processing to synchronization requests linked to this
business object.
• Restrict By Status Code: Restricts processing to synchronization requests of this status
(default: KEY_ALLOCATD).
• Max Errors: Specifies the maximum number of errors allowed before the process exits.

15-6 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Integrating with a Customer Information System

“Initial Sync Request - Load Data XXX” batch controls load data (created new instances of
business objects) for requests of the appropriate type (device, measuring component, etc,).
Parameters used by “load data” batch controls include:
• Maintenance Object: (Required) the maintenance object (device, device configuration, etc.)
to be processed. This must be set to the Sync Request maintenance object for the batch
control (device for device synchronization requests, service point for service point
synchronization requests, etc.)
• Restrict By Batch Code: Restricts processing to synchronization requests whose current
state is linked to this batch code.
• Restrict By Business Object: Restricts processing to synchronization requests linked to this
business object.
• Max Errors: Specifies the maximum number of errors allowed before the process exits.
The table below lists the batch controls used by initial synchronization requests

Batch Control Description

D1-CMSYN Composite Sync Request

Transition Composite Sync Request BO instances in Pending state to
the next state.

D1-SIIER Initial Sync Request - Error

Transition Initial Inbound Sync Request BO instances in Error state to
the next state.

D1-SILCN Initial Sync Request - Load Data Contact

D1-SILDC Initial Sync Request - Load Data DC

D1-SILDV Initial Sync Request - Load Data Device

D1-SILIE Initial Sync Request - Load Data IE

D1-SILMC Initial Sync Request - Load Data MC

D1-SILSP Initial Sync Request - Load Data SP

D1-SILUS Initial Sync Request - Load Data US

D1-SIKCN Initial Sync Request - Resolve Keys Contact

D1-SIKDC Initial Sync Request - Resolve Keys DC

D1-SIKDC Initial Sync Request - Resolve Keys Device

D1-SIKIE Initial Sync Request - Resolve Keys IE

D1-SIKMC Initial Sync Request - Resolve Keys MC

D1-SIKSP Initial Sync Request - Resolve Keys SP

D1-SIKUS Initial Sync Request - Resolve Keys US

D1-SIOER Ongoing Sync Request -Error

Transition Ongoing Inbound Sync Request BO instances in Error state
to the next state.

D1-SIOPE Ongoing Sync Request - Pending

Transition Ongoing Inbound Sync Request BO instances in Pending
state to the next state.

Integrating Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management with Other Systems 15-7
Integrating with a Customer Information System

Batch Control Description

D1-SRSDE Snyc Request Seeder - Error

Transition Sync Request Seeder BO instances in Error state to the next

D2-SIKUS Initial Sync Request - Resolve Keys US

D2-SILUS Initial Sync Request - Load Data US

F1-SAKRQ Sync Request Allocate Keys Monitor

Allocates keys to the entities that needs to be added.

Batch parameters govern whether the processing is further restricted by

batch code, business object, maintenance object and max errors.

F1-SRLRQ Sync Request Load Records Monitor

Performs fast inserts using batch add.

F1-SYNRQ Sync Request Monitor Process

Invokes monitoring rules associated with the current state of sync
requests. All monitoring rules throughout the sync request's business
object's inheritance chain are considered. Batch parameters govern
whether the processing is further restricted by batch code, business
object and status.

F1-SYSRQ Sync Request Sampling Monitor (Deferred)

Invokes monitoring rules associated with the current state of inbound
synchronization requests. All monitoring rules throughout the inbound
synchronization request's business object's inheritance chain are

Batch Control Scheduling

The following table specifies the order in which the batch controls on the Initial Sync Request BO
life cycle should be executed. The first row identifies the maintenance object for which the
synchronization request is intended and the first column specifies the type of process.

Device Measuring
Contact US SP Install Event Device
Config Component

Transformation / 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Schema Validation

Allocate Keys 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Foreign Key Resolution 3 8 3 6 3 3 3

/BO Validation

Load Data 4 9 5 7 4 4 4

Note that before the Key Resolution job is run, all the Key Allocation Jobs need to finish. This
ensures that all foreign key references can be subsequently resolved.
Some business object-level validation is dependent on other entities being completely loaded first.
The sequence numbers above allow for this. For example, usage subscriptions business object
validation is dependent on service points existing; Install Event business object validation is
dependent on both service points and devices existing.

15-8 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Integrating with a Customer Information System

XAI Inbound Services

XAI inbound services are used to facilitate invoking the Sync Request Seeder business object by
the middleware components upon receipt of a synchronization request.
The table below lists the pre-configured XAI Inbound Services used to process synchronization
requests sent from Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing.

XAI Inbound Service Description Schema Name

D1-SyncRequestInbound Sync Request Inbound D1-SyncRequestSeeder (BO)

D1-SyncRequestInboundComposite Sync Request Inbound Composite D1-CompositeSyncRequestDC (BO)

Refer to the Oracle Utilities Application Framework documentation for more information about
XAI inbound services.

Understanding Synchronization Request Processing

This section provides an overview of the processing that takes place when a synchronization
request is sent. For each step in the process, the table below provides a brief description of the
processing that takes place, and lists the specific objects involved.

Step Process Objects

1. Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing sends

a synchronization request to the middleware
integration layer.

For example, consider a request to update

information about a service point.

2. The middleware components transforms the

request from the Customer Care and Billing
format, to the format used by Oracle Utilities
Meter Data Management (this format is based
on the business object schemas of the
synchronization request business objects).

3. The middleware component invoke the XAI Inbound Service: D1-

appropriate XAI Inbound Service, and sends SyncRequestInbound (mapped to the D1-
the transformed request. SynrRequestSeeder business object)

4. The XAI Inbound Service invokes the Sync Synchronization Request BO: D1-
Request Seeder business object, which in turn, OngoingSyncRequestSP
determines which synchronization request
business object to create (based on the type of
data in the synchronization request and the
Seeder Sync Master Configuration).

5. For initial synchronization requests, background

processing creates master data for each
synchronization request, including the following
• Data Transformation / Schema Validation
• Allocate Keys
• Resolve Foreign Keys / Validate Business
• Load Data
See Batch Control Scheduling on page 15-8
for more information about scheduling batch
processing for initial synchronization requests.

Integrating Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management with Other Systems 15-9
Integrating with a Customer Information System

Step Process Objects

6. For ongoing synchronization requests, the

following steps are performed by Enter
algorithms on the synchronization request
business object lifecycle states:
• Data Transformed/Basic Schema
• Determine Sync Request BO
• Setup Transformed Data Setup Transformed Data Algorithm: D1-
• Pre-Added: SETTRANDT

• Sync Request Pre-Add Data Sync Request Pre-Add Data Algorithm:

• FKs Resolved: D1-SR-PREADD

• Resolve Keys - Ongoing Sync Resolve Keys - Ongoing Sync Algorithm:

• Updating: D1-RESKEYFAL
• Sync Request Update Data Sync Request Update Data Algorithm: D1-

Processing Usage Transaction Requests

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing uses bill determinant data (usage transactions based on
meter readings) calculated and stored in Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management when calculating
bills for customers. This process allows Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing to send
requests for usage transaction calculations to Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management, which in
turn performs the requested calculations, and publishes the results back to Oracle Utilities
Customer Care and Billing. Processing usage transaction requests is supported through a set
business objects, pre-configured XAI Inbound services, and processing methods.

Business Objects
The table below lists the business objects used when processing usage transaction requests.

Business Object Description

D2-UsgTranSeeder Usage Transaction Seeder

Used to determine the usage transaction
business object to use when creating new
usage transactions.

XAI Inbound Services

XAI inbound services are used to facilitate invoking the Usage Transaction Seeder business object
by the middleware components upon receipt of a usage transaction request.
The table below lists the pre-configured XAI Inbound Services used to process usage transaction
requests sent from Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing.

XAI Inbound Service Description Schema Name

D2-UsageTransactionRequestInbound Usage Transaction Request Inbound D2-UsgTranSeeder (BO)

15-10 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Integrating with a Customer Information System

Processing Methods
Processing methods are used to determine the usage transaction business object to use when
creating usage transactions based on the requests, and for determining the method by which usage
transactions are sent back to Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing.

Processing Method Description

D2-HowToSendUSInfoOnline How To Send US Information - Online

Used to specify the method (batch control,
business object, or outbound message) by which
usage transactions are sent to subscribing
systems in real time.

D2-HowToSendUSInformation How To Send US Related Information

Used to specify the method (batch control,
business object, or outbound message) by which
usage transactions are sent to subscribing

D2-HowToCreateUSInformation How To Create US Related Information

Used to determine the type of usage transaction
business object to create.

D2-HowToSendUSInfoBatch How To Send US Related Information Batch

Used to specify the method (batch control,
business object, or outbound message) by which
usage transactions are sent to subscribing
systems via batch processing.

Understanding Usage Transaction Request Processing

This section provides an overview of the processing that takes place when a usage transaction
request is sent. For each step in the process, the table below provides a brief description of the
processing that takes place, and lists the specific objects involved.

Step Process Objects

1. Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing sends

a usage transaction request to the middleware
integration layer.

2. The middleware components transforms the

request from the Customer Care and Billing
format, to the format used by Oracle Utilities
Meter Data Management (this format is based
on the business object schemas of the
synchronization request business objects).

3. The middleware component invoke the XAI Inbound Service: D2-

appropriate XAI Inbound Service, and sends UsageTransactionRequestInbound
the transformed request. (mapped to the D2-UsgTranSeeder
business object)

Integrating Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management with Other Systems 15-11
Integrating with a Customer Information System

Step Process Objects

4. The XAI Inbound Service invokes the Usage Pre-Processing Algorithm: D2-DETUSID
Transaction Seeder business object. This (Determine Usage Subscription ID)
business object:
• Determines the usage subscription ID Pre-Processing Algorithm: D2-
based on an external usage subscription ID DETUTBO (Determine Usage
Transactions Business Object)
This processing is performed via a Pre-
Processing algorithm.
Processing Method: D2-
• Determines the appropriate usage HowToCreateUSInformation (How To
transaction business object to create. Create Usage Subscription Related
This processing is performed via a Pre- Information)
Processing algorithm and a processing
method defined for the “Usage
Transaction Creation” processing role on
the service provider that represents the
external system.

5. The usage transaction determines the usage

group(s) to use when calculating usage. These
are retrieved from the usage subscription (with a
fallback to the usage subscription type).

This base package logic can be overridden by

specifying an algorithm in the Usage Group
Determination Override Algorithm field on
the usage subscription type. If an algorithm is
specified in this field, its logic overrides the
existing method of determining the usage group.

A base package algorithm (D2-DRVUSGGRP)

is provided that can be used here. This
algorithm uses the CCB Rate Schedule
extendable lookup used to map the rate
schedules in Oracle Utilities Customer Care and
Billing to usage groups. The algorithm's logic
looks for a combination of rate history list
entries on the usage subscription and the type of
device configuration installed during the bill
period to determine the usage group(s) to use
for bill determinants calculation.

5. The usage transaction business object calculates Enter Algorithm: D2-CALCUSG

usage based on the date range provided in the (Calculate Usage)

This processing is performed by an Enter

algorithm on the “Calculate” state of the usage
transaction business object.

6. If the usage transaction has a sub usage Enter Algorithm: D2-CHKSUBUT (Check
transactions, it checks the status of each. Sub Usage Transactions)

This processing is performed by an Enter

algorithm on the “Calculation in Progress” state
of the usage transaction business object.

15-12 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Integrating with a Customer Information System

Step Process Objects

7. If the usage transaction is configured to require Enter Algorithm: D2-UTAP-TODO

an approval, a To Do Entry is created. (Create Usage Transaction Requiring
Approval To Do Entry)
This processing is performed by an Enter
algorithm on the “Approval in Progress” state of
the usage transaction business object.

8. The usage transaction then sends the usage Enter Algorithm: D2-SEND-USG (Send
transaction to any subscribing systems. Usage)

This processing is performed by an Enter Processing Method: D2-

algorithm on the “Sent” state of the usage HowToSendUSInformation (How To
transaction business object, and a processing Send US Related Information)
method for the service provider for the
subscribing systems.

Integrating Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management with Other Systems 15-13
Integrating with Oracle Utilities Operational Device Management

Integrating with Oracle Utilities Operational Device Management

This section provides an overview of how Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management supports
integrations with Oracle Utilities Operational Device Management.
In an integration between Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management and Oracle Utilities
Operational Device Management:
• Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management is typically considered the “system of record” for
service points (asset locations) and contacts, and for device installation information (MDM
Install Events)
• Oracle Utilities Operational Device Management is typically considered the “system of
record” for assets (devices)
Given this breakdown of data between the two systems, any integration between them must
account for the passage of data between the two to ensure that each system can accurately
perform its business functions. The integration between Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management
and Oracle Utilities Operational Device Management is based on data synchronization between
the two systems.

Data Synchronization
The specific data synchronization flows supported between Oracle Utilities Meter Data
Management and Oracle Utilities Operational Device Management include the following:
• Asset-Device Synchronization: As new assets are created or changed in Oracle Utilities
Operational Device Management, corresponding devices must be created or changed in
Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management
• Service Point/Contact – Asset Location/Contact: As Service Points and/or Contacts are
created or changed in Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management, corresponding Asset
Locations and Contacts must be created or changed in Oracle Utilities Operational Device
• Install Events– Asset Location/Disposition: As devices are installed/removed in Oracle
Utilities Meter Data Management, corresponding changes to an asset’s Disposition (location
and status) must be made in Oracle Utilities Operational Device Management
This synchronization process is supported through a set of business objects, master
configurations, batch controls, and pre-configured XAI Inbound Services. Refer to the Oracle
Utilities Integration for Device Operations Implementation Guide for more information about this
integration and the data synchronization processes used by this integration.

Inbound Data Synchronization Business Objects

The integration between Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management and Oracle Utilities
Operational Device Management uses the following inbound (to Oracle Utilities Mater Data
Management) synchronization business objects (based on the F1-SYNCREQIN maintenance

Business Object Description

D1-OngoingSyncRequestDevice Device Ongoing Sync Request

Used to synchronize devices in Oracle Utilities
Mater Data Management based on assets
created/updates in Oracle Utilities Operational
Device Management

15-14 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Integrating with Oracle Utilities Operational Device Management

Outbound Data Synchronization Business Objects

The integration between Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management and Oracle Utilities
Operational Device Management uses the following outbound (from Oracle Utilities Mater Data
Management) synchronization business objects (based on the F1-SYNC REQ maintenance

Business Object Description

D1-ODMContactSyncRequest ODM Sync Request

Used to synchronize contacts in Oracle Utilities
Operational Device Management based on
contacts created/updated in Oracle Utilities
Meter Data Management

D1-ODMInstallEventSyncRequest ODM Install Event Sync Request

Used to synchronize asset location/disposition
in Oracle Utilities Operational Device
Management based on install events created/
updated in Oracle Utilities Meter Data

D1-ODMSPSyncRequest OMD SP Sync Request

Used to synchronize asset locations in Oracle
Utilities Operational Device Management based
on service points created/updated in Oracle
Utilities Meter Data Management

Master Configurations
Master configurations are used to define aspects of the synchronization process, including
resolution of foreign keys and the type of synchronization business objects to use for each type of
data being synchronized.
The table below lists the master configurations used in data synchronization processing.

Master Configuration Description

Master Data Synchronization Configuration Lists all foreign key references that need
resolution. Each one should reference the
view that contains the external key /
production key cross-reference. For entities
that undergo both the initial and the
ongoing sync, two views are specified. For
entities that undergo the ongoing sync, an
external system / ID type mapping is
specified to cater for entities that might be
synchronizing from more than one external

Integrating Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management with Other Systems 15-15
Integrating with Oracle Utilities Operational Device Management

Master Configuration Description

Seeder Sync Request Master Configuration Lists the maintenance objects (device,
device configuration, etc.) that require
synchronization. Each references the
synchronization business object that needs
to be instantiated when processing a
synchronization request for that
maintenance object. For maintenance
objects that undergo both initial and the
ongoing synchronization, two business
objects are specified.

ODM Integration Master Configuration Specifies the external system used to

represent Oracle Utilities Operational
Management, and the URL for the Oracle
Utilities Operational Management

Also specifies the outbound message types

used to send synchronization requests to
Oracle Utilities Operational Management.

15-16 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Integrating with Oracle Utilities Business Intelligence

Integrating with Oracle Utilities Business Intelligence

Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management can also be integrated with Oracle Utilities Business
Intelligence to allow uses to view analytic data based on usage, events, and other data tracked in
Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management.

Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management Business Intelligence Products

Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management Business Intelligence comprises the following products:
• Oracle Utilities Meter Data Analytics: dashboards, dashboard pages, and analytics used to
view usage, event, and other data from Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management
• Oracle Utilities Meter Data Schema and Extracts: the star schema and extract programs
used by Oracle Utilities Meter Data Analytics.

Business Intelligence Batch Controls

Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management data extract and initial load is performed via a set of
batch controls provided in the base package. See Meter Data Management Business
Intelligence Batch Controls on page 14-9 for a list of batch controls used for extract and initial
load of data for use with Oracle Utilities Business Intelligence and Oracle Utilities Meter Data

For More Information

Refer to the following documentation for more information about Oracle Utilities Meter Data
Management Business Intelligence:
• Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management Business Intelligence Data Mapping Guide
• Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management Business Intelligence Metric Reference Guide
• Oracle Utilities Advanced Spatial and Operational Analytics User’s Guide

Integrating Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management with Other Systems 15-17
Integrating with Oracle Utilities Customer Self Service

Integrating with Oracle Utilities Customer Self Service

Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management can be integrated with Oracle Utilities Customer Self
Service allow utilities to allow their customers to view their usage data and create self-service
meter readings.
Oracle Utilities Customer Self Service provides the following services based on Oracle Utilities
Meter Data Management:
• Create Self-Service Meter Read: Allows users to submit their own meter reads via the
Oracle Utilities Self Service application
• Service Script: WX-CrSSMRead
• XAI Inbound Service: WX-CreateSelfServiceMeterRead
• Get Scalar Consumption Summary: Retrieves consumption data for display in the Oracle
Utilities Self Service application
• Service Script: WX-GetSCsum
• XAI Inbound Service: WX-GetScalarConsumptionSummary
• Get Usage Overview: Retrieves an overview of a customer’s usage for a user-specified
duration for display in the Oracle Utilities Self Service application
• Service Script: WX-GetUsgOVw
• XAI Inbound Service: WX-GetUsageOverview
• Get Usage Details: Retrieves usage details for a customer for a user-specific time period
(year, month, day) for display in the Oracle Utilities Self Service application
• Business Service: WX-RETWSSTOUMapping
• XAI Inbound Service: WX-RETWSSTOUMappingService
These services are based on the service scripts and business services noted above, and are invoked
via the corresponding XAI Inbound Services.
Refer to the Oracle Utilities Customer Self Service Implementation Guide for more information about
integrating Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management with Oracle Utilities Customer Self Service.

15-18 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Initial Measurement and Device Event XML Formats

Initial Measurement and Device Event XML Formats

This section provides details concerning the XML formats used when importing initial
measurements and device events, including:
• Initial Measurement Data XML Format
• Device Event XML Format

Initial Measurement Data XML Format

This section describes the XML format used for inbound initial measurement data. This includes
interval and scalar examples, descriptions of the individual XML elements, and the initial
measurement data XML schema based on the D1-IMDSeeder business object.

Example - Interval Initial Measurement Data


Integrating Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management with Other Systems 15-19
Initial Measurement and Device Event XML Formats


Example - Scalar Initial Measurement Data


15-20 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Initial Measurement and Device Event XML Formats


Element Descriptions - Initial Measurement Data

The table below provides descriptions of the elements used in the initial measurement data XML

Element Description

<{SERVICE_NAME}> Root element containing an initial

measurement. This element should match
the name of the inbound service used to
import the usage.
<serviceProvider> Name of the head-end system (defined as a
service provider) in MDM
<serviceProviderExternalId> External ID of the head-end system.
<preVEE> Element containing Pre VEE measurement
<dvcIdN> Device Identifier Number, e.g. a Serial
Number. The "type" of device identifier
that the head-end system understands is
configured within MDM - and so can differ
per head-end.
<mcId> Measuring Component ID
<mcIdN> Measuring Component Identifier Number.
Populated with channel ID. The "type" of
measuring component identifier that the
head-end system understands is configured
within MDM
<externalId> File name of ID of the XML document
containing the measurement data
<uom> Unit of Measure (Optional)
<stDt> Start Date/Time. Required for interval
measurement data. Optional for scalar
measurement data. Must be in the
following format:
<stQty> Start Reading. Optional.
<enDt> End Date/Time. Required.
Must be in the following format:

Integrating Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management with Other Systems 15-21
Initial Measurement and Device Event XML Formats

Element Description

<enQty> End Reading. Required for scalar

<imdType> Initial measurement data type. Valid values
• D1IL (Initial Load)
• D1MO (Manual)
• D1ES (Estimation)

Defaults to D1IL (Initial Load) if not

<inShift> Incoming Data Shift flag. Indicates if the
device is DST aware.
<mcm> Meter multiplier.
<nd> Number of Dials
<tz> Time Zone
<spi> Seconds-per-interval
<ccond> Measurement condition
<sts> Element containing status code
information for entire measurement.
<stsL> List of head-end system status codes for
the entire measurement
<s> Sequence
<st> Head-end status codes applicable to the
entire set of data.
<msrs> Element containing measurement data
<mL> Element containing an individual interval
measurements. Used for interval
measurement data only.
<s> Sequence of the interval measurement
<dt> Date and time of the interval measurement.
<q> Quantity of the interval measurement
<ue> Used-Edited flag. Indicates if the interval
measurement has been manually edited
<fc> Final Condition code for the interval
measurement. Optional.
<sts> Element containing lists of status codes for
each interval measurement

15-22 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Initial Measurement and Device Event XML Formats

Element Description

<stsL> Element containing a sequence/status

pairing for each interval measurement
<s> Sequence of the status code for this interval
<st> Head-end status code of the interval

Schema - IMD Seeder (D1-IMDSeeder) Business Object

<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:ouaf="http://" targetNamespace=""
<xsd:import namespace="" />
<xsd:element name="D1-InitialLoadIMD">
<xsd:element name="initialMeasurementDataId" type="xsd:string"
minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="preVEE" minOccurs="0">
<xsd:element name="simdId" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="dvcIdN" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="mcId" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="mcIdN" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="externalId" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" /
<xsd:element name="uom" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="externalUOM" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"
<xsd:element name="stDt" type="xsd:dateTime" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="stQty" type="xsd:decimal" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="enDt" type="xsd:dateTime" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="enQty" type="xsd:decimal" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="imdType" minOccurs="0">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
<xsd:enumeration value="estimation" />
<xsd:enumeration value="imdSeeder" />
<xsd:enumeration value="initialLoad" />
<xsd:enumeration value="manual" />
<xsd:element name="inShift" minOccurs="0">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
<xsd:enumeration value="notShifted" />
<xsd:enumeration value="shifted" />
<xsd:element name="mcm" type="xsd:decimal" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="nd" type="xsd:decimal" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="tz" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="spi" type="xsd:int" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="ccond" minOccurs="0">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
<xsd:enumeration value="301000" />
<xsd:enumeration value="901000" />
<xsd:enumeration value="501000" />

Integrating Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management with Other Systems 15-23
Initial Measurement and Device Event XML Formats

<xsd:enumeration value="101000" />

<xsd:enumeration value="100000" />
<xsd:enumeration value="201000" />
<xsd:enumeration value="401000" />
<xsd:enumeration value="402000" />
<xsd:element name="sts" minOccurs="0">
<xsd:element name="stsL" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs
<xsd:element name="s" type="xsd:decimal" minOccurs="0"
<xsd:element name="st" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"
<xsd:element name="msrs" minOccurs="0">
<xsd:element name="mL" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xsd:element name="s" type="xsd:decimal" minOccurs="0"
<xsd:element name="dt" type="xsd:dateTime"
minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="q" type="xsd:decimal" minOccurs="0"
<xsd:element name="ue" minOccurs="0">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
<xsd:enumeration value="userEdited" />
<xsd:element name="fc" minOccurs="0">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
<xsd:enumeration value="301000" />
<xsd:enumeration value="901000" />
<xsd:enumeration value="501000" />
<xsd:enumeration value="101000" />
<xsd:enumeration value="100000" />
<xsd:enumeration value="201000" />
<xsd:enumeration value="401000" />
<xsd:enumeration value="402000" />
<xsd:element name="sts" minOccurs="0">
<xsd:element name="stsL" minOccurs="0"
<xsd:element name="s" type="xsd:decimal"
minOccurs="0" />

15-24 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Initial Measurement and Device Event XML Formats

<xsd:element name="st" type="xsd:string"

minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="rawData" type="xsd:anyType" minOccurs="0"
maxOccurs="unbounded" />
<xsd:element name="processData" minOccurs="0">
<xsd:element name="isShiftedStartEnd" minOccurs="0">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
<xsd:enumeration value="no" />
<xsd:enumeration value="yes" />
<xsd:element name="isShiftedIntervals" minOccurs="0">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
<xsd:enumeration value="no" />
<xsd:enumeration value="yes" />
<xsd:element name="isErrorEncountered" minOccurs="0">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
<xsd:enumeration value="no" />
<xsd:enumeration value="yes" />
<xsd:element name="servicePointId" type="xsd:string"
minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="installationConstant" type="xsd:decimal"
minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="deviceId" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="logs" minOccurs="0">
<xsd:element name="logsList" minOccurs="0"
<xsd:element name="logsEntry" minOccurs="0">
<xsd:element name="sequence" type="xsd:decimal"
minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="mo" type="xsd:string"
minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="pkValue1" type="xsd:string"
minOccurs="0" />

Integrating Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management with Other Systems 15-25
Initial Measurement and Device Event XML Formats

<xsd:element name="pkValue2" type="xsd:string"

minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="pkValue3" type="xsd:string"
minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="pkValue4" type="xsd:string"
minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="pkValue5" type="xsd:string"
minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="logEntryType" minOccurs="0">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
<xsd:enumeration value="toDos" />
<xsd:enumeration value="created" />
value="statusTransitionError" />
<xsd:enumeration value="exception" />
<xsd:enumeration value="statusTransition" /
<xsd:enumeration value="system" />
<xsd:enumeration value="toDo" />
<xsd:enumeration value="userDetails" />
<xsd:element name="logDateTime"
type="xsd:dateTime" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="boStatus" type="xsd:string"
minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="description"
type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="user" type="xsd:string"
minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="logMessage" type="xsd:string"
minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="characteristicType"
type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="characteristicValue"
type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="adhocValue" type="xsd:string"
minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="fkValue1" type="xsd:string"
minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="fkValue2" type="xsd:string"
minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="fkValue3" type="xsd:string"
minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="fkValue4" type="xsd:string"
minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="fkValue5" type="xsd:string"
minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="messageCategory"
type="xsd:decimal" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="messageNumber"
type="xsd:decimal" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="messageParm1"
type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="messageParm2"
type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="messageParm3"
type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="messageParm4"
type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="messageParm5"
type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="messageParm6"
type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="messageParm7"
type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />

15-26 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Initial Measurement and Device Event XML Formats

<xsd:element name="messageParm8"
type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="messageParm9"
type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="boStatus" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="statusReason" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="bo" type="xsd:string" />
<xsd:element name="creationDateTime" type="xsd:dateTime" minOccurs="0"
<xsd:element name="boStatusDateTime" type="xsd:dateTime" minOccurs="0"
<xsd:element name="isTraceOn" minOccurs="0">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
<xsd:enumeration value="no" />
<xsd:enumeration value="yes" />
<xsd:element name="isIntervalDateTimePopulated">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
<xsd:enumeration value="no" />
<xsd:enumeration value="yes" />
<xsd:element name="isReprocessPerformed" minOccurs="0">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
<xsd:enumeration value="no" />
<xsd:enumeration value="yes" />
<xsd:element name="serviceProvider" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="serviceProviderExternalId" type="xsd:string"
minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="fromDateTime" type="xsd:dateTime" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="toDateTime" type="xsd:dateTime" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="timeZone" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="isAutomatedRetry" minOccurs="0">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
<xsd:enumeration value="no" />
<xsd:enumeration value="yes" />
<xsd:element name="retryUntilDateTime" type="xsd:dateTime"
minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="version" type="xsd:decimal" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:attribute name="dateTimeTagFormat" type="xsd:string" fixed="xsd"
use="required" />
<xsd:attribute name="transactionType">

Integrating Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management with Other Systems 15-27
Initial Measurement and Device Event XML Formats

<xsd:restriction base="xsd:token">
<xsd:enumeration value="RWOV" />
<xsd:enumeration value="FADD" />
<xsd:enumeration value="FUPD" />
<xsd:enumeration value="DEL" />
<xsd:enumeration value="UPD" />
<xsd:enumeration value="ADD" />
<xsd:enumeration value="READ" />
<xsd:enumeration value="REPL" />

Device Event XML Format

This section describes the XML format used for inbound device events. This includes an example,
descriptions of the individual XML elements, and the device event XML schema based on the D1-
DeviceEventSeeder business object.

Example - Device Event


d_Power_Off~2010-09-09T13:11:41.0000000-05:00~Alert~Tamper indication on serial
number GD_LL_SN100.~2010-09-09T13:11:41.0000000-05:00</rawEventInformation>
<externalStatusValue>Tamper indication on serial number GD_LL_SN100.</

Element Descriptions - Device Events

The table below provides descriptions of the elements used in the device event XML format.

Element Description

<{SERVICE_NAME}> Root element containing a device

event. This element should match the
name of the inbound service used to
import device events.
<externalSenderId> Id of the external system. Used to
identify the head-end system from
which the event is being sent.
<deviceIdentifierNumber> The identifier number of the device
that experienced the event.

15-28 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Initial Measurement and Device Event XML Formats

Element Description

<externalEventName> The name of the event as defined by

the external system. This will be
mapped to a standard name via a
device mapping business object.
<rawEventInformation> A string containing information
about the event from the external
<eventDateTime> The date and time of the event.
<externalSourceIdentifier> The name of the file containing the
device event.
<eventInformation> Element containing specific
information about the event
<externalEventCategory> The event category as defined by the
external system.
<externalEventSeverity> The event severity as defined by the
external system.
<externalDeviceType> The device type as defined by the
external system. Can be one of the
• Meter
• Collector
• Router
<externalServiceLocationId> The service location for the event
defined by the external system.
<externalCommunicationModuleIdentifier> The identifier for the communication
module associated with the device.
<externalStatusValue> Optional information related to the
<externalStatusDateTime> Date and time at which optional
information (specified in the
<externalStatusValue> element
was recorded.

Schema - Device Event Seeder (D1-DeviceEventSeeder) Business Object

<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:ouaf="http://" targetNamespace=""
<xsd:import namespace="" />
<xsd:element name="D1-DeviceEventSeeder">
<xsd:element name="deviceEventId" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="bo" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="boStatus" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="sender" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="externalSenderId" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="deviceEventType" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />

Integrating Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management with Other Systems 15-29
Initial Measurement and Device Event XML Formats

<xsd:element name="externalEventName" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" /

<xsd:element name="eventDateTime" type="xsd:dateTime" />
<xsd:element name="eventEndDateTime" type="xsd:dateTime" minOccurs="0"
<xsd:element name="deviceId" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="creationDateTime" type="xsd:dateTime" minOccurs="0"
<xsd:element name="statusUpdateDateTime" type="xsd:dateTime"
minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="statusReason" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="rawEventInformation" type="xsd:anyType"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
<xsd:element name="externalSourceIdentifier" type="xsd:string"
minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="eventInformation" minOccurs="0">
<xsd:element name="externalEventIdentifier" type="xsd:string"
minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="externalEventCategory" type="xsd:string"
minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="externalEventSeverity" type="xsd:string"
minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="externalDeviceType" type="xsd:string"
minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="externalServiceLocationId" type="xsd:string"
minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="externalCommunicationModuleIdentifier"
type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="externalGatewayIdentifier" type="xsd:string"
minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="externalStatusValue" type="xsd:string"
minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="externalStatusDateTime" type="xsd:dateTime"
minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="externalCommandId" type="xsd:string"
minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="version" type="xsd:decimal" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="deviceIdentifierNumber" type="xsd:string"
minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="newDeviceEvent" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="processData" minOccurs="0">
<xsd:element name="errorEncountered" minOccurs="0">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
<xsd:enumeration value="no" />
<xsd:enumeration value="yes" />
<xsd:element name="dateTimesInStandard" minOccurs="0">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
<xsd:enumeration value="no" />
<xsd:enumeration value="yes" />
<xsd:element name="logs" minOccurs="0">

15-30 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Initial Measurement and Device Event XML Formats

<xsd:element name="logsList" minOccurs="0"


<xsd:element name="logsEntry" minOccurs="0">
<xsd:element name="sequence" type="xsd:decimal"
minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="mo" type="xsd:string"
minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="pkValue1" type="xsd:string"
minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="pkValue2" type="xsd:string"
minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="pkValue3" type="xsd:string"
minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="pkValue4" type="xsd:string"
minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="pkValue5" type="xsd:string"
minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="logEntryType" minOccurs="0">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
<xsd:enumeration value="toDos" />
<xsd:enumeration value="created" />
value="statusTransitionError" />
<xsd:enumeration value="exception" />
<xsd:enumeration value="statusTransition" /
<xsd:enumeration value="system" />
<xsd:enumeration value="toDo" />
<xsd:enumeration value="userDetails" />
<xsd:element name="logDateTime"
type="xsd:dateTime" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="boStatus" type="xsd:string"
minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="description"
type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="user" type="xsd:string"
minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="logMessage" type="xsd:string"
minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="characteristicType"
type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="characteristicValue"
type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="adhocValue" type="xsd:string"
minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="fkValue1" type="xsd:string"
minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="fkValue2" type="xsd:string"
minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="fkValue3" type="xsd:string"
minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="fkValue4" type="xsd:string"
minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="fkValue5" type="xsd:string"
minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="messageCategory"
type="xsd:decimal" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="messageNumber"
type="xsd:decimal" minOccurs="0" />

Integrating Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management with Other Systems 15-31
Initial Measurement and Device Event XML Formats

<xsd:element name="messageParm1"
type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="messageParm2"
type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="messageParm3"
type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="messageParm4"
type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="messageParm5"
type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="messageParm6"
type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="messageParm7"
type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="messageParm8"
type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="messageParm9"
type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:attribute name="dateTimeTagFormat" type="xsd:string" fixed="xsd"
use="required" />
<xsd:attribute name="transactionType">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:token">
<xsd:enumeration value="RWOV" />
<xsd:enumeration value="FADD" />
<xsd:enumeration value="FUPD" />
<xsd:enumeration value="DEL" />
<xsd:enumeration value="UPD" />
<xsd:enumeration value="ADD" />
<xsd:enumeration value="READ" />
<xsd:enumeration value="REPL" />

15-32 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Usage and Event Import - Message Driven Bean Configuration

Usage and Event Import - Message Driven Bean Configuration

This section describes the steps for configuring the Message Driven Bean (MDB) feature of
Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway to listen to inbound JMS messages. This feature is used when
importing usage reading and device events form head-end systems. This section includes:
• JMS Configuration
• Message Driven Bean Configuration

JMS Configuration
JMS configuruation involves setting up JMS queues which will received inbound usage readings
and device events. The JMS queues need to be created first on the application server where the
OSB component is deployed. This server is referred to as remote server in the sections below. In
the following section the JMS queue on the remote server is assumed to be created with the name
Note: The JMS changes described in the following sections are not persistent during patches or
upgrades. They will need to be re-created after applying any patches or upgrades to Oracle Utilities
Smart Grid Gateway. It is recommended to keep a backup of the $SPLEBASE/splapp/config.xml

Create a new JMS module

Log in to the Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway Weblogic console and create a JMS Module
with an appropriate name. Specify the following values for this JMS module:
• Name: the name of JMS module. For example, JMSModule-CM
• Target: the name of the target server where the Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway
application is running. This should be specified as myserver.

Create a Foreign JMS server

Create a Foreign JMS server under the JMS module created in the above step. Specify the
following values for this foreign JMS server:
• Name: Name of the foreign server. For example, JMSFAServer-CM
• Target: This should be specified as myserver
• JNDI Initial Context Factory: This should be specified as
• JNDI Connection URL: The URL of the server where OSB is deployed. For example: t3:/
• JNDI Properties Credential: Password for the OSB server user.
• JNDI Properties: The additional property should be specified
and set to the OSB server user. For example,

Create a Foreign Destination

Create a Foreign destination for each remote queue. Specify the following values for this foreign
• Name: Name of foreign destination. For instance, DestinationQueue-CM
• Local JNDI Name: Local JNDI name for the foreign JMS queue. For example,
• Remote JNDI Name: JNDI name of the queue on the remote server. For example,

Integrating Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management with Other Systems 15-33
Usage and Event Import - Message Driven Bean Configuration

Create a Remote Connection Factory

Create a remote connection factory for the foreign JMS server. Specify the following values for
this remote connection factory:
• Name: Name of remote connection factory. For example,
• Local JNDI Name: Local JNDI name for the Remote Connection Factory. For example,
• Remote JNDI Name: JNDI name of the JMS Connection Factory on the remote server.
For example, weblogic.jms.XAConnectionFactory

Message Driven Bean Configuration

Configuration of message driven beans (MDB) involved modifying the ejb-jar.xml and ejb-
weblogic-jar.xml configuration files delivered with Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway. It is
recommended that instead of modifying these files directly you create “Customer Modification”
(CM) versions of these files to make changes to these configuration files. This ensures that your
modifications are not overwritten by future application patches.
The following section describes the changes required in the CM files for configuring the MDBs to
read from the foreign JMS queues set up in the steps above (see JMS Configuration on page 15-
33). This requires creating the following files under $SPLEBASE/templates -
• cm_ejb-jar.xml.wls.jms_1.include
• cm_ejb-jar.xml.wls.jms_2.include
• cm_weblogic-ejb-jar.xml.jms.include.
Note: After making these changes the initialSetup script needs to be run and Oracle Utilities
Smart Grid Gateway application needs to be redeployed. However the initialSetup script will
overwrite the JMS configuration changes made in the steps above. So it is recommended to keep a
backup of the $SPLEBASE/splapp/config.xml file before running this script.

Changes to cm_ejb-jar.xml.wls.jms_1.include
Below is an an example of the cm_ejb-jar.xml.wls.jms_1.include file:
<description>MDB for DestinationQueue-CM</description>

The values specified in the above file include the following:

• ejb-name: This is the name of the MDB.

Changes to cm_ejb-jar.xml.wls.jms_2.include
Below is an example of the cm_ejb-jar.xml.wls.jms_2.include file:

15-34 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Usage and Event Import - Message Driven Bean Configuration


The values specified in the above file include the following:

• ejb-name: This is the name of the MDB.

Changes to cm_weblogic-ejb-jar.xml.jms.include
Below is an example of the cm_weblogic-ejb-jar.xml.jms.include file:

The values specified in the above file include the following:

• ejb-name: This should be the name of the MDB as specified in ejb-jar.xml.
• destination-jndi-name: This should be the JNDI name of the foreign destination as
provided in JMS module ' Foreign server ' Foreign destination ' Local JNDI name.
• connection-factory-jndi-name: This should be the JNDI name of the connection factory as
provided in JMS module ' Foreign server ' Remote Connection Factory ' Local JNDI name.

Integrating Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management with Other Systems 15-35
Usage and Event Import - Message Driven Bean Configuration

15-36 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Chapter 16
Sample Implementation

This chapter describes the steps involved in configuring Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management
in a simple example implementation, including the following:
• Implementation Description and Requirements
• Implementation Steps

Note: The implementation described in this chapter is intended for example purposes only, and is
intentionally simple, and as such does not involve configuration of every type of object described
in this book. Also, this example assumes that the base package admin business objects (device
type, measuring component type, etc. meet the requirements of the implementation.

Sample Implementation 16-1

Implementation Description and Requirements

Implementation Description and Requirements

The sample implementation described in this chapter will be for a small electric utility providing
service to a small town that includes residential, commercial, and industrial customers. The details
and requirements of this implementation are summarized as follows

Requirement Description

Types of Customers • Residential (approximately 50,000)

• Commercial (approximately 1,000)
• Industrial (approximately 100)

Types of Meters • Residential: Scalar, single register

• Commercial: Interval channel/scalar register
• Industrial: Two interval channels

Meter Manufacturers / Head-End • MetersRUs: Scalar (used for residential customers)

• MeterTech, Inc.: Interval (used for commercial and
industrial customer)

Usage Metered • Residential: KWH (scalar)

• Commercial: KWH (interval and scalar)
• Industrial: KWH and KVARH (interval)

Readings/Measurement Data • Scalar (for residential and commercial)

• Interval (for commercial and industrial, 15 minutes)

Validation, Editing, and All meters:

Estimation Rules • Meter Multiplier Check
• UOM Check
• Device ID Check
Interval meters:
• Interval spike check
• Interval size validation
• Interval replacement
• Sum Check (commercial only)
• KVARH Check (industrial only) - identifies intervals
where reactive load (kVARh) is present and active
load (kWh) is not.
Scalar meters:
• Scalar Replacement
• Negative consumption

Bill Determinants • Residential: KWH

• Commercial: KWH and KW (demand)
• Industrial: On-Peak KWH, Off-Peak KWH, and
KVA (demand)

Billing System Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing

16-2 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Implementation Steps

Implementation Steps
This section outlines the steps in configuring Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management to meet the
requirements outlined above. These steps include:
1. Design and Create Business Objects
In this first step, we’ll outline the specific business objects and other configuration data
required to address the sample requirements.
2. Create Admin Data
In this step, we’ll outline the admin data that would need to be created to address the sample
3. Create Master Data
In this step, we’ll outline the master data (individual devices, service points, etc.) that would
need to be created to address the sample requirements.

Design and Create Business Objects

The first step in implementing and configuring the system is to identify the business objects (and
related configuration objects) needed to meet the requirements of the implementation. This
section outlines the business objects and other significant configuration objects that could be
created to meet the requirements of our sample implementation. This does NOT include listings
of all configuration objects needed (such as individual display and maintenance UI maps, portal
navigation options, etc.).

Service Points and Device Installation

For service point and device installation data, we would need to create the following:
Service Points: Service point business objects for each type of customer, as follows:
• Residential: CM-ResidentialSP
• Commercial: CM-CommercialSP
• Industrial: CM-IndustrialSP
Contacts: Contact business objects for each type of customer, as follows:
• Residential: CM-ResPerson
• Commercial: CM-ComBusiness
• Industrial: CM-IndBusiness
Install Events: Install event business objects for each type of customer, as follows:
• Residential: CM-ResidentialMeterInstallEvent
• Commercial: CM-CommercialMeterInstallEvent
• Industrial: CM-IndustrialMeterInstallEvent
Service Providers: Service provider business objects for each head-end system, and for the billing
system, as follows:
• Head-End System: CM-HeadEndMRU (Meters R Us)
• Head-End System: CM-HeadEndMT (Meter Tech, Inc.)
• Billing System: CM-ExternalAppCCB
Activities: For activities, this implementation can use the base package business objects.

Sample Implementation 16-3

Implementation Steps

Devices and Measuring Components

For devices and measuring components, we would need to create the following:
Devices: Device business objects for each type of meter, as follows:
• Residential: CM-ScalarRegister
• Install Event BO: CM-ResidentialInstallEvent (see above)
• Commercial: CM-IntChanScalarReg
• Install Event BO: CM-CommercialInstallEvent (see above)
• Industrial: CM-Interval2Channels
• Install Event BO: CM-IndustrialInstallEvent (see above)
Measuring Components: Measuring component business objects for scalar registers and/or
interval channels, as follows:
• Residential - Scalar Register: CM-ResScalarRegister
• Commercial/Industrial - Interval Channel: CM-IntervalChannel (used for both commercial
and industrial meters)
• Commercial - Scalar Register: CM-ScalarValRegister

Measurement Data
For measurement data, we would need to create the following:
Initial Measurement Data: Initial load, estimation, and manual initial measurement business
objects for each reading/measurement type, as follows:
• Initial Load - Interval: CM-InitialLoadIMDInterval
• Initial Load - Scalar: CM-InitialLoadIMDScalar
• Estimation - Interval: CM-EstimationIMDInterval
• Estimation - Scalar: CM-EstimationIMDScalar
• Manual - Interval: CM-ManualIMDInterval
• Manual - Scalar: CM-ManualIMDScalar
Measurement: A single measurement business object for all final measurements, as follows:
• Final Measurement: CM-FinalMeasurement

VEE Groups and Rules

For VEE groups and rules, we would need to the create the following:
VEE Rules: Business object and algorithm type / algorithm for the KVARH Check validation, as
• Business Object: CM-KVARHCheck
• Algorithm Type: CM-KVARHCHK
• Algorithm: CM-KVARHCHK

16-4 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Implementation Steps

Usage Subscriptions
For usage subscriptions, we would need to create the following:
Usage Subscriptions: Usage subscription business object for each type of customer, as follows:
• Residential: CM-ResidentialUS
• Commercial: CM-CommercialUS
• Industrial: CM-IndustrialUS

Usage Groups and Rules

For usage groups and rules, we would need to the create the following:
Usage Rules: Business object and algorithm type / algorithm for the KVA calculation, as follows:
• Business Object: CM-CalculateKva
• Algorithm Type: CM-CALCKVA
• Algorithm: CM-CALCKVA

TOU Maps and Dynamic Options

For TOU maps and dynamic options, this implementation can use the base package business

Usage Transactions
For usage transactions, we would need to create the following:
Usage Transactions: Usage transaction business object for each type of customer, as follows:
• Residential: CM-ResidentialUT
• Commercial: CM-CommercialUT
• Industrial: CM-IndustrialUT

Sample Implementation 16-5

Implementation Steps

Create Admin Data

With all of the custom business objects needed for the implementation in place, the next step
would be to create admin data. This section outlines the admin data that would need to be created
to meet the requirements of our sample implementation. In general these listings list only the
name (or code) and description of each record to be created, and do not include details for every
attribute of each record created. Where listing additional attributes is important to understanding
how the data would be created, it is noted, and additional details are provided in a separate section.
The table below summarizes the common admin data needed for our implementation

Admin Data Type Data to Create

Activity Type N/A (will use base package activity types)

Contact Type One for each type of customer rule, as follows:

• RESIDENTIAL (Residential - Person)
Business Object: CM-ResPerson
• COMMERCIAL (Commercial - Business)
Business Object: CM-ComBusiness
• INDUSTRIAL (Industrial - Business)
Business Object: CM-IndBusiness

Exception Type One for each VEE rule, as follows:

• MMULTCHK (Meter Multiplier Check)
• UOMCHK (UOM Check)
• DVCICCHK (Device ID Check)
• INTSPIKECHK (Interval spike check)
• INTSIZEVAL (Interval size validation)
• INTREPL (Interval replacement)
• INTKVARHCHK (Interval KVARH Check)
• SCALREPL (Scalar Replacement)
• NEGCONS (Negative consumption)

Factor N/A

Market Single market:


Measurement Cycle Twenty cycles for each type of customer, as follows:

• RESMC01, RESMC02, ..., RESMC20
• COMMC01, COMMC02, ..., COMMC20
• INDMC01, INDMC02, ..., INDMC20

16-6 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Implementation Steps

Measurement Cycle Schedule One per measurement cycle per month, as follows:
• RESMC01:
• Scheduled Selection Date: 08/02/2010
• Expected Work Date: 08/03/2010
• RESMC02:
• Scheduled Selection Date: 08/03/2010
• Expected Work Date: 08/04/2010
• Etc.

Service Provider One for each head-end system, and one for the billing system, as follows:
• METERSRUS (Meters R Us)
Business Object: CM-HeadEndMRU
• METERTECH (MeterTech, Inc.)
Business Object: CM-HeadEndMT
• OUCCB (Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing)
Business Object: CM-ExternalAppCCB
* See Service Providers on page 16-11 for additional details.

Service Quantity Identifier N/A

Service Type Single service type:

• ELECTRIC (Electric)

Time of Use One for each time of use period, as follows:

• ONPEAK (On Peak)
• OFFPEAK (Off Peak)

VEE Group See VEE Groups and Rules on page 16-12 for details.

Dynamic Option Type N/A

Manufacturer One for each manufacturer, as follows:

• METERSRUS (Meters R Us)
• Models: RES2010
• METERTECH (MeterTech, Inc.)
• Models: COM2010, IND2010

TOU Group One group for TOU periods, as follows:

• ON-OFF_TOU_GRP (On-Peak / Off Peak TOU Group) - Contains

Unit of Measure One for each type of metered usage and for calculated usage, as follows:
• KVA (calculated)
• KVAR (used in KVA calculation)
• KVARH (measured)
• KW (derived)
• KWH (measured)
* All UOMs use the ELECTRIC service type.

Sample Implementation 16-7

Implementation Steps

VEE Rule See VEE Groups and Rules on page 16-12 for details.

Measuring Component Type Five measuring component types, as follows:

• RESSCALAR (Residential Scalar Register)
Business Object: CM-ResScalarRegister
• COMINTERVAL (Commercial Interval Channel)
Business Object: CM-IntervalChannel
• COMSCALAR (Commercial Scalar Register)
Business Object: CM-ScalarValRegister
• INDINTERVALKVARH (Industrial KVARH Interval Channel)
Business Object: CM-IntervalChannel
• INDINTERVALKWH (Industrial KWH Interval Channel)
Business Object: CM-IntervalChannel
* All measuring component types use the ELECTRIC service type. See Measuring
Component Types on page 16-13 for additional details.

TOU Map Template One TOU map template for each TOU schedule, as follows:
• IND_TOU_SCHED_1 (TOU Schedule 1)
• IND_TOU_SCHED_2 (TOU Schedule 2)
• Etc.
* See TOU Map Templates and TOU Map Types on page 16-15 for additional

Device Configuration Type One device configuration type for each type of meter installed, as follows:
• RESDVCCFG (Residential Device Configuration)
Valid Measuring Component Types:
• RESSCALAR (Residential Scalar Register)
• COMDVCCFG (Commercial Device Configuration)
Valid Measuring Component Types:
• COMSCALAR (Commercial Scalar Register)
• COMINTERVAL (Commercial Interval Channel)
• INDDVCCFG (Industrial Device Configuration)
Valid Measuring Component Types:
• INDINTERVALKVARH (Industrial KVARH Interval Channel)
• INDINTERVALKWH (Industrial KWH Interval Channel)
*All device configuration types use the ELECTRIC service type.

16-8 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Implementation Steps

Device Type One device type for each type of meter installed, as follows:
• RESDVC (Residential Device)
Business Object: CM-ScalarRegister
Valid Device Configuration Types:
• RESDVCCFG (Residential Device Configurations)
• COMDVC (Commercial Device)
Business Object: CM-IntChanScalarReg
Valid Device Configuration Types:
• COMDVCCFG (Commercial Device Configurations)
• INDDVC (Industrial Device)
Business Object: CM-Interval2Channels
Valid Device Configuration Types:
• INDDVCCFG (Industrial Device Configurations)
*All device types use the ELECTRIC service type.

TOU Map Type One TOU map type for each of three interval sizes, as follows:
• IND_TOU_MAP_15_MIN (TOU Map Type - 15 Minutes)
• IND_TOU_MAP_30_MIN (TOU Map Type - 30 Minutes)
• IND_TOU_MAP_60_MIN (TOU Map Type - 60 Minutes)
* See TOU Map Templates and TOU Map Types on page 16-15 for additional

Usage Group One usage group for each type of customer, as follows:
• RES_USAGE_GRP (Residential Usage Rules)
Valid Device Configuration Types:
• RESDVCCFG (Residential Device Configurations)
• COM_USAGE_GRP (Commercial Usage Rules)
Valid Device Configuration Types:
• COMDVCCFG (Commercial Device Configurations)
• IND_USAGE_GRP (Residential Usage Rules)
Valid Device Configuration Types:
• INDDVCCFG (Industrial Device Configurations)
* See Usage Groups and Rules on page 16-16 for additional details.

Sample Implementation 16-9

Implementation Steps

Service Point Type One for each type of customer rule, as follows:
• RESIDENTIAL (Residential)
Business Object: CM-ResidentialSP
Valid Device Types:
• RESDVC (Residential Devices)
• COMMERCIAL (Commercial)
Business Object: CM-CommercialSP
Valid Device Types:
• COMDVC (Commercial Devices)
• INDUSTRIAL (Industrial)
Business Object: CM-IndustrialSP
Valid Device Types:
• INDDVC (Industrial Devices)
* All service point types use ELECTRIC service type

Usage Rule Five usage rules, as follows:

• RES_SCALAR_DETAILS (Retrieve KWH for Scalar Register)
• COM_APPLY_MATH_KWH (Calculate KWH for Interval Channel)
• COM_APPLY_MATH_KW (Calculate KW for Interval Channel)
• IND_GET_TOU_DATA (Calculate TOU-based KWH for interval channel)
• CALC_KVA (Calculate KVA from KWH and KVARH interval channels)
Business Object: CM-CalculateKva
* See Usage Groups and Rules on page 16-16 for additional details.

Usage Subscription Type One for each type of customer rule, as follows:
• RESIDENTIAL (Residential)
Business Object: CM-ResidentialUS
Usage Recipient: OUCCB (Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing)
• COMMERCIAL (Commercial)
Business Object: CM-CommercialUS
Usage Recipient: OUCCB (Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing)
• INDUSTRIAL (Industrial)
Business Object: CM-IndustrialUS
Usage Recipient: OUCCB (Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing)
* See Usage Subscription Types on page 16-16 for additional details.

16-10 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Implementation Steps

Additional Details
This section provides additional details related to the admin data described above. Not all
attributes are listed for all types of data.

Service Providers
This section provides additional details for each of the service providers listed above.
Service Provider: METERSRUS
• Business Object: CM-HeadEndMRU
• Description: Meters R Us
• External Reference ID: HE-MRU
• Our Name/ID in Their System: HE-MRU-11
• Processing Methods List:
• Initial Measurement Creation (How To Create MC Related Information)
• Default Processing Method (Business Object): CM-InitialLoadIMDScalar
• Override Process Method:

Measuring Component Type Business Object

Residential Scalar Register CM-InitialLoadIMDScalar


Service Provider: METERTECH

• Business Object: CM-HeadEndMT
• Description: MeterTech, Inc.
• External Reference ID: HE-MTECH
• Our Name/ID in Their System: HE-MTECH-11
• Processing Methods List:
• Initial Measurement Creation (How To Create MC Related Information)
• Default Processing Method (Business Object): CM-InitialLoadIMDInterval
• Override Process Method:

Measuring Component Type Business Object

Commercial Interval Channel CM-InitialLoadIMDInterval


Commercial Scalar Register CM-InitialLoadIMDScalar


Industrial KVARH Interval CM-InitialLoadIMDInterval


Industrial KWH Interval Channel CM-InitialLoadIMDInterval


Sample Implementation 16-11

Implementation Steps

Service Provider: OUCCB

• Business Object: CM-ExternalAppCCB
• Description: Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing
• External Reference ID: EXT-CCB
• Our Name/ID in Their System: EXT-CCB-11
• Processing Methods List:
• Usage Transaction Creation (How To Create Usage Subscription Related Information)
• Default Processing Method (Business Object): CM-CommercialUT
• Override Process Method:

Usage Subscription Type Business Object

Residential (RESIDENTIAL) CM-ResidentialUT

Commercial (COMMERCIAL) CM-CommercialUT

Industrial (INDUSTRIAL) CM-IndustrialUT

VEE Groups and Rules

The table below lists the VEE groups and corresponding VEE rules for this implementation.

VEE Group VEE Rules

ALL_RULES • MMULTCHK (Meter Multiplier

Contains rules for all measuring components Check)
(referenced by VEE rule).
• UOMCHK (UOM Check)
• DVCICCHK (Device ID Check)


Contains rules for interval measuring
• INTSIZEVAL (Interval Size Val)
components (referenced by VEE rule).
• INTREPL (Interval Replacement)

SCALAR_RULES • SCALREPL (Scalar Replacement)

Contains rules for scalar measuring components
• NEGCONS (Negative Consumption)
(referenced by VEE rule).


Contain rules to be applied to scalar measuring
• SCALAR_REF (References
components (including referenced groups).
Handler for Scalar)


Contain rules to be applied to commercial
• INTERVAL_REF (References
interval measuring components (including
referenced groups).
• SUMCHK (Sum Check)
Handler for Interval)

16-12 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Implementation Steps

VEE Group VEE Rules


Contain rules to be applied to industrial interval
• INTERVAL_REF (References
measuring components (including referenced
Handler for Interval)

Measuring Component Types

This section provides additional details for each of the measuring component types listed above.
Measuring Component Type: RESSCALAR
• Description: Residential Scalar Register
• Measuring Component Business Object: CM-ResScalarRegister
• Measurement Business Object: CM-FinalMeasurement
• Service Type: Electric
• Value Identifiers:

Value Identifier Short-Hand

Type Description

Measurement KWH KWH

• Valid VEE Groups:

• Initial Load VEE Group - Scalar (SCALAR_MCS)
• Fallback VEE Groups:
• Initial Load: Initial Load VEE Group - Scalar (SCALAR_MCS)
Measuring Component Type: COMINTERVAL
• Description: Commercial Interval Channel
• Measuring Component Business Object: CM-IntervalChannel
• Measurement Business Object: CM-FinalMeasurement
• Service Type: Electric
• Value Identifiers:

Value Identifier Short-Hand

Type Description

Measurement KWH KWH

• Valid VEE Groups:

• Initial Load VEE Group - Commercial Interval (COM_INTD_MCS)
• Fallback VEE Groups:
• Initial Load: Initial Load VEE Group - Commercial Interval (COM_INTD_MCS)

Sample Implementation 16-13

Implementation Steps

Measuring Component Type: COMSCALAR

• Description: Commercial Scalar Register
• Measuring Component Business Object: CM-ScalarValRegister
• Measurement Business Object: CM-FinalMeasurement
• Service Type: Electric
• Value Identifiers:

Value Identifier Short-Hand

Type Description

Measurement KWH KWH

• Valid VEE Groups:

• Initial Load VEE Group - Scalar (SCALAR_MCS)
• Fallback VEE Groups:
• Initial Load: Initial Load VEE Group - Scalar (SCALAR_MCS)
Measuring Component Type: INDINTERVALKVARH
• Description: Industrial KVARH Interval Channel
• Business Object: CM-IntervalChannel
• Measurement Business Object: CM-FinalMeasurement
• Service Type: Electric
• Value Identifiers:

Value Identifier Short-Hand

Type Description

Measurement KVARH KVARH

• Valid VEE Groups:

• Initial Load VEE Group - Industrial Interval (IND_INTD_MCS)
• Fallback VEE Groups:
• Initial Load: Initial Load VEE Group - Industrial Interval (IND_INTD_MCS)
Measuring Component Type: INDINTERVALKWH (Industrial KWH Interval Channel)
• Description: Industrial KWH Interval Channel
• Business Object: CM-IntervalChannel
• Measurement Business Object: CM-FinalMeasurement
• Service Type: Electric
• Value Identifiers:

Value Identifier Short-Hand

Type Description

Measurement KWH KWH

• Valid VEE Groups:

• Initial Load VEE Group - Industrial Interval (IND_INTD_MCS)

16-14 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Implementation Steps

• Fallback VEE Groups:

• Initial Load: Initial Load VEE Group - Industrial Interval (IND_INTD_MCS)

TOU Map Templates and TOU Map Types

This section provides additional details for the TOU map templates and TOU map types listed
above. In the case where different types of industrial customers use different rules for On Peak vs.
Off Peak hours, different TOU map templates could be created for different TOU schedules. In
this case, the primary difference between TOU map templates would be in the TOU Schedule
TOU Map Template: IND_TOU_SCHED_1
• Description: TOU Schedule 1
• TOU Group: On-Peak / Off Peak TOU Group (ON-OFF_TOU_GRP)
• Default TOU: Off Peak (OFFPEAK)
• Work Calendar: Small Town USA Work Calendar (SMTUWRKCAL)
• Holiday TOU: Off Peak (OFFPEAK)
• Holiday Template: N/A
• Interval Size: 01:00:00
• TOU Schedule Section: Etc.
For each TOU map template, you might create multiple TOU map types for different interval
sizes. For example:
• Description: TOU Map Type - 15 Minutes (for Usage Calculation)
• TOU Map Business Object: D2-TOUMap
• Time Zone: US - Eastern Time
• Interval Size: 00:15:00
• Default TOU Map Template: TOU Schedule 1 (IND_TOU_SCHED_1)
• Override TOU Map Templates: N/A
• Description: TOU Map Type - 30 Minutes (for Aggregation)
• TOU Map Business Object: D2-TOUMap
• Time Zone: US - Eastern Time
• Interval Size: 00:30:00
• Default TOU Map Template: TOU Schedule 1 (IND_TOU_SCHED_1)
• Override TOU Map Templates: N/A
• Description: TOU Map Type - 60 Minutes (for Aggregation)
• TOU Map Business Object: D2-TOUMap
• Time Zone: US - Eastern Time
• Interval Size: 01:00:00
• Default TOU Map Template: TOU Schedule 1 (IND_TOU_SCHED_1)
• Override TOU Map Templates: N/A

Sample Implementation 16-15

Implementation Steps

Usage Groups and Rules

The table below lists the usage groups and corresponding usage rules for this implementation.

Usage Group Usage Rules

RES_USAGE_GRP (Residential Usage Rules) • RES_SCALAR_DETAILS (Retrieve KWH

for Scalar Register)
Valid Device Configuration Types:
• RESDVCCFG (Residential Device Configurations)

COM_USAGE_GRP (Commercial Usage Rules) • COM_APPLY_MATH_KWH (Calculate

KWH for Interval Channel)
Valid Device Configuration Types:
• COM_APPLY_MATH_KW (Calculate
• COMDVCCFG (Commercial Device Configurations)
KW for Interval Channel)

IND_USAGE_GRP (Residential Usage Rules) • IND_GET_TOU_DATA (Calculate

TOU-based KWH for interval channel)
Valid Device Configuration Types:
• CALC_KVA (Calculate KVA from KWH
• INDDVCCFG (Industrial Device Configurations)
and KVARH interval channels)

Usage Subscription Types

This section provides additional details for each of the subscription types listed above.
Usage Subscription Type: RESIDENTIAL
• Description: Residential
• Usage Subscription Business Object: CM-ResidentialUS
• Usage Recipient: OUCCB (Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing)
• Valid Service Point Types:
• Residential (RESIDENTIAL)
• Valid Usage Recipients:
• OUCCB (Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing)
• Valid Usage Groups:
• Residential Usage Rules (RES_USAGE_GRP)
• Fallback Usage Groups:

Effective Date Usage Group

08-01-2010 Residential Usage Rules (RES_USAGE_GRP)

Usage Subscription Type: COMMERCIAL

• Description: Commercial
• Usage Subscription Business Object: CM-CommercialUS
• Usage Recipient: OUCCB (Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing)
• Valid Service Point Types:
• Commercial (COMMERCIAL)
• Valid Usage Recipients:
• OUCCB (Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing)
• Valid Usage Groups:

16-16 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Implementation Steps

• Commercial Usage Rules (COM_USAGE_GRP)

• Fallback Usage Groups:

Effective Date Usage Group

08-01-2010 Commercial Usage Rules (COM_USAGE_GRP)

Usage Subscription Type: INDUSTRIAL

• Description: Industrial
• Usage Subscription Business Object: CM-IndustrialUS
• Usage Recipient: OUCCB (Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing)
• Valid Service Point Types:
• Industrial (INDUSTRIAL)
• Valid Usage Recipients:
• OUCCB (Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing)
• Valid Usage Groups:
• Industrial Usage Rules (IND_USAGE_GRP)
• Fallback Usage Groups:

Effective Date Usage Group

08-01-2010 Industrial Usage Rules (IND_USAGE_GRP)

Create Master Data

In this last step, we would create the actual master data (individual devices, service points, etc.) for
the implementation. For purposes of this section, only a single example of each type of data is

A typical residential contact might look like this:
Residential - Person:
• Information: John Smith / 555-555-5555
• Contact Type: Residential - Person (RESIDENTIAL)
• Name: John Smith
• Home Phone: 555-555-5555

Service Points
A typical commercial service point might look like this:
Commercial Service Point:
• Information: 35 York Street, Burlington, MA, 01803, US / Commercial / Active
• Service Point Type: Commercial (COMMERCIAL)
• Status: Active
• Time Zone: US - Eastern Time
• Market: Small Town USA

Sample Implementation 16-17

Implementation Steps

• Main Contact: Phillip Jones

• Address:
• Country: United States
• Postal Code: 01803
• Street Address: 35 York Street
• City: Burlington
• State: MA
• Measurement Cycle:
• Measurement Cycle: Commercial Cycle 01 (COMMC01)
• Route: Route 2
• Sequence: 10

A typical industrial device might look like this:
Industrial Device:
• Information: 123456 / Industrial Device / Install Date/Time: 08-01-2010 12:00 AM /
Pending / MeterTech, Inc. / Active
• Device Type: Industrial Device (INDDVC)
• Serial Number: 123456
• Internal Meter Number: 654321
• Pallet Number: 123456
• Manufacturer: MeterTech, Inc.
• Model: IND2010
• Incoming Data Shift: Shifted
• Arming Required: Arming Required
• Head-End System: MeterTech, Inc. (METERTECH)
• Status: Active

Device Configurations
A typical industrial device configuration might look like this:
Industrial Device Configuration:
• Information: Industrial Device / Effective Date/Time: 08-01-2010 12:00 AM / Industrial
Device Configuration / 2 Measuring Component(s) / Active
• Device Configuration Type: Industrial Device Configuration (INDDVCCFG)
• Device: 123456 / Industrial Device / Install Date/Time: 08-01-2010 12:00 AM / Pending /
MeterTech, Inc. / Active
• Effective Date/Time: 08-01-2010 12:00 AM
• Time Zone: US - Eastern Time
• Status: Active

16-18 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Implementation Steps

Measuring Components
Typical industrial measuring components might look like this:
KVARH Interval Channel:
• Information: 123456 / 2 / Industrial KVARH Interval Channel
• Measuring Component Type: Industrial KVARH Interval Channel
• Device Configuration: Industrial Device / Effective Date/Time: 08-01-2010 12:00 AM /
Industrial Device Configuration / 2 Measuring Component(s) / Active
• Consumption Reference Measuring Component: N/A
• How to Use: Consumptive
• Number of Digits Left: 5
• Number of Digits Right: 2
• Channel Multiplier: 1.000
• Latest Read Date/Time: N/A
• Channel ID: 2
KWH Interval Channel:
• Information: 123456 / 1 / Industrial KWH Interval Channel
• Measuring Component Type: Industrial KWH Interval Channel (INDINTERVALKWH)
• Device Configuration: Industrial Device / Effective Date/Time: 08-01-2010 12:00 AM /
Industrial Device Configuration / 2 Measuring Component(s) / Active
• Consumption Reference Measuring Component: N/A
• How to Use: Consumptive
• Number of Digits Left: 5
• Number of Digits Right: 2
• Channel Multiplier: 1.000
• Latest Read Date/Time: N/A
• Channel ID: 1

Install Events
A typical industrial installation event might look like this:
Industrial Install Event:
• Information: Install Date/Time: 08-01-2010 / On
• Device Configuration: Industrial Device / Effective Date/Time: 08-01-2010 12:00 AM /
Industrial Device Configuration / 2 Measuring Component(s) / Active
• Service Point: 47 North Street, Burlington, MA, 01803, US / Industrial / Active
• Status: On
• Installation Date/Time: 08-01-2010
• Installation Constant: 1.00000
• Device On/Off Status: On
• On/Off History: N/A

Sample Implementation 16-19

Implementation Steps

TOU Maps
A typical industrial TOU map might look like this:
• Information: Industrial TOU Map
• TOU Map Type: TOU Map Type - 15 Minutes (IND_TOU_MAP_15_MIN)
• Status: Active
• Status Reason: N/A
• Override TOU Map Template: N/A
• Dynamic Option / Dynamic TOU Map Section: N/A
• TOU Data List:
• 08-01-2010 00:15 AM - Off Peak
• 08-01-2010 00:30 AM - Off Peak
• 08-01-2010 00:45 AM - Off Peak
• 08-01-2010 01:00 AM - Off Peak
• Etc.

Usage Subscriptions
A typical commercial usage subscription might look like this:
Commercial Usage Subscription:
• Information: Commercial / 08-01-2010 12:00 AM / Active
• Usage Subscription Type: Commercial (COMMERCIAL)
• Status: Active
• Start Date/Time: 08-01-2010 12:00 AM
• End Date/Time: 08-01-2020 12:00 AM
• Usage Recipient: Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing (OUCCB)
• Usage Approval: Not Required
• External ID:
• Main Contact: Phillip Jones / Business Phone: 555-555-5555
• Time Zone: US - Eastern Time
• Factor Overrides: N/A
• Usage Groups:

Effective Date/Time Expiration Date/Time Usage Group

08-01-2010 12:00 AM 08-01-2011 12:00 AM Commercial Usage Rules


• Service Points:

Service Point Start Date/Time Stop Date/Time Usage Use Percent

35 York Street, Burlington, 08-01-2010 12:00 AM 08-01-2011 12:00 AM Add 100

MA, 01803, US /
Commercial / Active

16-20 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Appendix A
Measurement Services

This appendix provides brief descriptions of the base package measurement services used by VEE
rules and measurement functions. The measurement services described in this appendix are
implemented as business services. These business services can be used by custom algorithms or
BPA/Service scripts created for your implementation.
The table below lists the available back package measurement services, including the business
service that implements each service and a brief description for each.

Measurement Service Business Service Description

Add Scalar Value To D1-AddScalarValueToIntervals Uses the Apply Formula measurement

Intervals service to add a scalar value to the value of
a specified set of interval data.

Adjust Intervals to Supplied D1-AdjustIntervalsToSuppldVal Uses the Apply Formula measurement

Value service to adjust the total value of a
specified set of interval data to a scalar

Apply Formula D1-ApplyFormula Used to apply a formula to a specified set

of interval data, either by applying a
summary function against all intervals of
the set, or by manipulating each individual
interval in series via a formula using
declared constants, or within the context of
other sets of input interval data.

Apply TOU Map To Interval D1-ApplyTOUMapToIntervalMC Used to apply a TOU map to a set of
Measuring Component intervals for a specified measuring
component and date/time range, thereby
isolating and summarizing those intervals
that occurred during a specific time of use.

Axis Conversion D1-AxisConversion Used to convert interval data between units

of measure (UOMs) and interval sizes
(SPIs), including the conversion between
peak and consumption-oriented UOMs.

Convert Scalar Consumption D1-IntervalizeScalarConsumptn Used to convert a scalar consumption value

To Interval to a set of interval measurements.

Measurement Services A-1

Measurement Service Business Service Description

Create Intervals D1-CreateIntervals Used to create interval data based on

supplied parameters (UOM, SPI, number
of intervals, value, etc.)

Divide Intervals By Scalar D1-DivideIntervalsByScalarVal Uses the Apply Formula measurement

Value service to divide the values of a specified
set of interval data by a scalar value.

Extract Subset of Intervals D1-ExtractSubsetOfIntervals Used to extract a subset of interval data

from a specified set of intervals.

Identify Spikes D1-IdentifySpikes Used to identify spikes in a specified set of

interval data based on a spike percentage

Insert Intervals D1-InsertIntervals Used to insert one or more intervals into a

set of interval measurements.

Merge Intervals D1-MergeIntervals Used to merge a subset of interval data

with a specified set of intervals (where
overlaps occur, the subset intervals replace
the original intervals).

Multiply Intervals By Scalar D1-MultiplyIntervalsByScalarVal Uses the Apply Formula measurement

Value service to multiply the values of a specified
set of interval data by a scalar value.

Remove Intervals D1-RemoveIntervals Used to remove one or more intervals from

a set of interval measurements.

Retrieve Interval D1-IntvConsumptionRetriever Used to retrieve one or more interval

Consumption measurements.

Retrieve Scalar Consumption D1-ScalarConsumptionRetriever Used to retrieve one or more scalar


Set Condition D1-SetCondition Used to set the condition (status) code of a

specified set of interval data.

Shift Intervals D1-ShiftIntervals Used to shift one or more intervals forward

or backward in time.

Subtract Scalar Value From D1-SubtractScalarValToIntervls Uses the Apply Formula measurement
Intervals service to subtract a scalar value from the
value of a specified set of interval data.

Use the Business Service portal to view more details concerning these measurement services.

A-2 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Appendix B

This glossary provides definitions of commonly used terms.

360 Degree View - Audit View
A zone that allows users to view an interval measurement curve for a given period overlaid with
the count of audit records for each individual measurement. It also allows users to magnify a
portion of the curve and see how the measurements looked at different points in time.
360 Degree View - Final Values Overlay
A zone that graphs final measurements for a measuring component, and provides the ability to
overlay the graphed data with final measurements from other measuring components. The zone
also permits overlaying data from the same measuring component for different time periods, as
well as data from measuring components measuring different quantities, such as temperature.
360 Degree View - Time of Use by Day
A zone that displays daily TOU-mapped usage data for a measuring component based on a user-
defined time period and TOU Map.
360 Degree View - Time of Use Overlay
A zone that displays an overlay of the TOU periods on a final measurement along with totalized
TOU consumption based on a user-defined time period and TOU map.
360 Degree View - Timeline Zone
A zone that displays a timeline of activities and other events for a given service point, device, etc.
Activity Type
Defines properties common to a specific type of activity.
Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI)
Refers to systems that measure, collect and analyze energy usage, and interact with advanced
devices such as electricity meters, gas meters, heat meters, and water meters, through various
communication media either on request (on-demand) or on pre-defined schedules.
Measurement Service - Add Scalar Value To Intervals
Measurement service that uses the Apply Formula measurement service to add a scalar value to
the value of a specified set of interval data.
Adjust Intervals To Scalar Quantity
An initial measurement data function used to adjust all interval values within a user-defined time
period in an interval measurement such that the total of all interval values equals a user-defined
scalar quantity. This function results in a measurement that retains the shape of the original
measurement, but has been scaled up or down.
Adjust Intervals To Supplied Value

Glossary B-1
Measurement service that uses the Apply Formula measurement service to adjust the total value of
a specified set of interval data to a scalar value.
Adjust Intervals Using Math
A measuring component consumption function used to adjust all interval values within a user-
defined time period using math operations (add, subtract, multiply, or divide).
Measurements that represent an summarization of other measurements from a potentially diverse
set of devices. For example, an aggregation may derive the sum of the electric energy of all
residential customers in a particular postal code within the utility's service territory.
A class of measuring component that stores measurements that represent an summarization of
other measurements from a potentially diverse set of devices. For example, an aggregator may
derive the sum of the natural gas consumption of all residential customers in a particular postal
code within the utility's service territory.
Apply Formula
Measurement service used to apply a formula to a specified set of interval data, either by applying
a summary function against all intervals of the set, or by manipulating each individual interval in
series via a formula using declared constants, or within the context of other sets of input interval
Apply TOU Map To Interval Measuring Component
Measurement service used to apply a TOU map to a set of intervals for a specified date/time
range, thereby isolating and summarizing those intervals that occurred during a specific time of
Automatic Meter Reading (AMR)
The technology of automatically collecting consumption, diagnostic, and status data from water
meter or energy metering devices (water, gas, electric) and transferring that data to a central
database for billing, troubleshooting, and analyzing.
Axis Conversion
Measurement service used to convert interval data between units of measure (UOMs) and interval
sizes (SPIs), including the conversion between peak and consumption-oriented UOMs.
Bill Determinants
Measurement data summarized for use by a billing application. Bill determinants can take the form
of TOU-mapped interval consumption, scalar consumption, scalar readings, and/or interval
consumption obtained via measurements. A common variety of bill determinant is TOU-mapped
interval consumption, which reduces a full month's worth of interval data into several buckets of
consumption based on time of use.
A communication sent to a device to perform some action on the device, such as Connect,
Disconnect, Commission, Decommission, On-Demand Read, or Device Status Check (Ping)
A record of a message sent between Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway and an external system,
such as a head-end system or edge application. Communications can flow both inbound and
outbound, and can be both one-way and two-way.
Completion Event
Records used to create or update transactions that reflect the effect of an activity. For example,
issuing a commission device command could result in the creation or update of an install event
while a read device command could result in the creation of initial measurement data.

B-2 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

A measurement by a given device of the amount of energy, water, gas, etc. consumed over a given
time period. Synonymous with the term "measurement".
Describes a measuring component for which readings are equivalent to the consumption. For
example, if we receive a reading of 400 on January 15 and a reading of 600 on February 15, a
consumptive measuring component's consumption between January 15 and February 15 would be
600 (not 200).
An individual or a business entity with which a company has contact. Each contact must reference
a contact type.
Contact - Email
Email addresses related to a contact
Contact - Identifier
Identifiers related to a contact, such as social security number, driver's license number, or the
contact's ID in a prior system.
Contact - Name
Names related to a contact
Contact - Phone
Phone numbers related to a contact
Contact Type
Defines the properties of a class of entities (businesses, persons).
Convert Scalar to Interval Consumption
A measuring component consumption function used to convert scalar consumption into interval
consumption. The converted consumption is held in a new scratchpad measuring component.
The "shape" of the new interval measurement can be based on either a profile or can have a flat
Convert Scalar Consumption To Interval
Measurement service used to convert a scalar consumption value to a set of interval
Create Intervals
Measurement service used to create interval data based on supplied parameters (UOM, SPI,
number of intervals, value, etc.)
Create Scratchpad Interval Consumption
A measuring component consumption function used save all or some of the final measurements
shown in the zone as a new initial measurement for a scratchpad measuring component.
A measuring component consumption function used to create new initial measurement data for a
selected measuring component for all or part of a selected time period. This function can either
copy existing final measurements (for example, from a profile) or create new measurement data
for the IMD it creates.
The rate at which a commodity is delivered at a given instant or averaged over a designated time.
For electricity, demand is often expressed in kilowatts (kW) or kilovolt-amperes (kVa).

Glossary B-3
A physical or virtual object that holds one or more measuring components that can produce data
to be handled by the system. Devices can include meters, substations, transformers, demand
response devices, weather stations, etc.
Device Configuration
A specific configuration of a device. Over time, a device can have many configurations. Use of
effective-dated device configuration allows the device to retain its identifier(s) even while the
quantities it is measuring are changing.
Device Configuration Type
Defines the properties of device configurations of this type, including the valid types of measuring
components that can be configured for the device.
Device Event
An event of some sort that has taken place relative to a device. Device events can include power
outages, power restorations, tampering alerts, command completion, and other information
Device Status Check
A communication sent to a device to test whether the device is communicating with the network,
determine the connection status of the meter, and when possible if there are any known
Device Type
Information about a class of devices, including properties that apply to all devices of a type, but
can be overridden for an individual device.
Distribution Company (DISCO)
A utility company that constructs and maintains the distribution network that delivers a
commodity to customers. Depending upon the regulations within the territory, a distribution
company may or may not be responsible for billing the customer.
Divide Intervals By Scalar Value
Measurement service that uses the Apply Formula measurement service to divide the values of a
specified set of interval data by a scalar value.
Dynamic Option
Used to specify terms that override how usage is normally calculated - such as a critical peak
period that affects the TOU mapping of interval consumption.
Dynamic Option Event
The period of time during which a dynamic option is applicable. A dynamic option may have
many events over time.
Dynamic Option Type
Used to define information common to dynamic options of a specific type.
Exception Type
Defines properties common to many exceptions, including the category of the exception.
Extract Subset of Intervals
SMeasurement service used to extract a subset of interval data from a specified set of intervals.
A centrally stored set of values for use in validation rules, bill determinants calculations, and other
processes. A factor can have different values depending upon some definable attribute of a system
object, such as customer size associated with a service point. The values are effective-dated so that
changes over time are retained. Examples of factors can include minimum/ maximum thresholds,
loss factors, etc. Classes of factors are defined that can have numeric values (as in the above
examples), or values pointing to profile measuring components or VEE groups.

B-4 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Factor Value
An effective-dated value - either a number, a profile measuring component, a VEE group, or some
custom-defined value - assigned to a factor and associated to the value of some attribute of a
system object. For example, let's assume that a service point can be classified as residential,
commercial, or industrial. The tolerance percentage by which a customer's consumption can
exceed last month's consumption can be tighter as the customer's SP increases in size. An example
configuration of factor values for a single factor called "tolerance percentage" could be:
Residential - 20% Commercial - 10% Industrial - 5%
Final Measurement
Measurement data that has been validated, and if necessary, edited & estimated, and is ready for
use in down-stream processing such as bill determinants calculations. Only one final measurement
can exist for a given date/time for a given measuring component; one final measurement exists
per interval, and likewise one final measurement exists for each scalar reading. In both cases, the
final measurement value stored represents the amount consumed between its date/time and the
prior final measurement's date/time.
An online-initiated action applied to measurement data, comprising one or more measurement
Head-End System
A system that collects measurement data and meter events for eventual submission to the
application. Many devices can communicate to the application through a single head-end system.
A utility may have numerous head-end systems through which they communicate with devices.
Names, numbers, or other values used to identify an entity within the system, including devices,
measuring components, service points, etc.
Identify Spikes
Measurement service used to identify spikes in a specified set of interval data based on a spike
percentage tolerance.
Inbound Communication
Communication sent to Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway from an external system, such as a
head-end system or edge application
Initial Measurement Data Function (IMDF)
An online means of manipulating initial measurement data. IMD Functions typically move
intervals (shift, insert, remove, etc.) or manipulate their values or conditions.
Insert Intervals
An initial measurement data function used to insert intervals into initial measurement data.
Intervals can be inserted at either the beginning or end of the measurement. The end date/time of
the measurement is shifted to account for the inserted intervals.
Insert Intervals (service)
Measurement service used to insert one or more intervals into a set of interval measurements.
Inbound Communication
Communication sent to MDF (Meter Data Framework) from a head-end system or other external
system. Each inbound communication has an associated communication type that defines
common properties of the communication.
Independent System Operator (ISO)
The entity charged with reliable operation of the grid and provision of open transmission access to
all market participants on a non-discriminatory basis.

Glossary B-5
Initial Measurement Data (IMD)
A set of one or more readings or measurements that have been loaded into the application, usually
in a format that is standard for MDF (Meter Data Framework). Over its lifecycle (as pertains to
MDM - Meter Data Management), any readings within the IMD are converted into consumption,
which is then typically subject to VEE processing and then finalized - meaning stored as final
measurements. Only initial measurements can be edited directly by end users of MDM. An IMD
for a scalar measuring component will have a single measurement (along with a reading from
which the measurement value is derived), while an IMD for an interval measuring component will
usually contain multiple interval measurements.
Installation Constant
An installation constant is set to a value other than 1 as an indication that when calculating
consumption, the installation requires that measurement data be multiplied by this value to get
accurate results.
Installation Event
A device's installation information at a service point. The install event represents both the
installation and removal of a device. It also records turning a device on or off while it is installed at
a service point.
Installation On and Off History
A single installation event records each time the device is turned on and turned off while it is
installed at a service point.
Interval Channel (Measuring Component)
A business object (BO) that represents channels associated to a device.
Interval Channel Type - Physical (Measuring Component Type)
A business object (BO) that maps properties of interval measuring component types for those
Measuring Components that are part of physical devices.
Interval Channel Type - Scratchpad (Measuring Component Type)
A business object (BO) that maps properties relevant to stand-alone measuring components
functioning as scratchpads for interval data manipulation.
Interval Data
Time-series data in which measurements are captured in pre-defined intervals (5 minutes, 15
minutes, 1 hour, etc.). A set of interval measurements for an interval measuring component
composes an individual initial measurement data record.
Interval Data Services
Services used to access and manipulate interval measurements.
Interval Scratchpad (Measuring Component)
A stand-alone measuring component that provides the user with a means to manipulate
measurement data without affecting existing measurements.
Interval Size
The "size" of an interval, representing the length of time between intervals. Interval size is
typically measured in seconds-per-interval (SPI).
Manual Meter
A business object (BO) used to model a meter that does not accommodate two-way
communications and must be read manually.
Manual Meter Installation Event
A business object (BO) that defines the lifecycle of the installation of a manual meter at a service

B-6 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Manual Meter Type
A business object (BO) used to model properties for meters that are manually read.
The company that makes devices, defined as an attribute of the device itself.
The jurisdiction or regulatory environment in which a service point participates, defining the valid
service providers and their roles. While each service point specifies only one market, different
service points throughout the utility's service territory can be linked to different markets.
Market - Fallback Service Provider
For a given market relationship type, a fallback service provider may be defined at the market level,
rather than storing the information redundantly on each service point. For example, an entire
market might have only one ISO, and if the utility wants to store this information, they can
identify the ISO as a fallback service provider for the market and the market relationship type of
Market - Relationship Type
The valid roles within a market (ISO, Distribution Company, Retailer, etc.) that have some
business significance in the application.
Market - Valid Service Provider
The valid service providers for each market relationship type relevant for a given market. The
service providers referenced on a service point must be valid for the combination of the service
point's market and the market relationship type.
Market Participant
A variety of service provider; a company with a role within a given market such as a retailer or a
distribution company.
Measuring Component Consumption Function (MCCF)
An online means of initiating the process of adding or editing measurements. Measuring
Component Consumption Functions typically create new initial measurements based on a copy of
existing final measurements.
A measurement in MDM is synonymous with consumption, which implies that constants or
multipliers may have been applied to its value. This term can be used in the context of an IMD or
in reference to Final Measurements.
Measurement Condition
Codes that indicate the circumstances (estimated, missing, etc.) of individual measurements.
Conditions are assigned to both scalar and interval measurement data both for initial measurement
data and final measurements.
Measurement Cycle
The measurement cycle can serve two purposes: it can define the schedule for manual meter
reading of devices at service points in that cycle, and it can also be configured to define when to
create usage transactions for usage subscriptions associated to service points in the cycle.
Measurement Cycle Route
The route used to collect measurements for a given measurement cycle.
Measurement Cycle Route Sequence
The sequence in which measurements are collected along a measurement route.
Measurement Cycle Schedule

Glossary B-7
Defines the dates on which devices are scheduled to be read.
Measurement Service
Java services that can be invoked to manipulate interval and scalar measurements. Measurement
services are invoked by measurement functions (available through certain zones within MDM),
and are also used within processing of usage and VEE rules.
Measuring Component Summary
A zone shown on the VEE Group portal that displays a list of measuring components that
reference a given VEE group.
Measuring Component
A single point for which data will be received and stored in the system. A measuring component
can be associated to a physical device, which can have one or more measuring components, or it
can be stand-alone, meaning that it is not associated to a physical device (for example, an
aggregator or interval scratchpad).
Measuring Component Type
The definition of the most important properties of a measuring component, including what it
measures, how regularly it measures it, whether it should be connected to a physical device or if it's
used as a scratchpad or an aggregator, how its final measurements should be stored and how its
user-defined values should be calculated, what rules govern VEE for Measuring Components of
the type, as well as numerous display properties that are relevant within MDM. The measuring
component type also defines sets of valid attribute values for groups of measuring components
belonging to the type.
Measuring Component Types Referencing Group
A zone shown on the VEE Group portal that displays a list of Measuring Component types that
reference the VEE group being viewed.
Merge Intervals
Measurement service used to merge a subset of interval data with a specified set of intervals
(where overlaps occur, the subset intervals replace the original intervals).
A device used to measure a quantity of a service (electricity, gas, etc.) delivered to a service point.
Meter Read Download Activity Type
The structure and business rules applicable to downloading meter read information onto a
handheld device.
A specific model of a device produced by a manufacturer. Models for a single manufacturer can
have diverse service types.
A value that may be applied to adjust the consumption values calculated for a device. Examples
include meter/device multiplier, installation constant, loss factor, etc.
Multiply Intervals By Scalar Value
Measurement service that uses the Apply Formula measurement service to multiply the values of a
specified set of interval data by a scalar value.
New Scalar Reading
A measuring component consumption function used to create new initial measurement data
containing a reading (rather than consumption) for the scalar measuring component displayed in
the zone for a user-defined time period. A reading refers to the measurements as read from the
meter, while consumption refers to the total consumption, accounting for meter multiplier and/or

B-8 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Normalized storage
Storing measurement data in a manner that allows for aggregation and reporting of data through
database logic (SQL). Applies to both scalar and interval measurements.
Off-Peak Period
A time period during which the least amount of some consumable is being used. OR A period of
relatively low system demand as specified by the supplier.
On-Peak Period
A time period during which the greatest quantity of some consumable is being used OR A period
of relatively high system demand as specified by the supplier.
One-Way Communication
Communication from head-end system to Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway that does not
trigger a response. Examples of one-way communications include usage readings and device
Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management
Oracle Utilities application that provides functionality for handling large volumes of meter data to
enable increased accuracy, flexibility, and scalability.
Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway
Oracle Utilities application that provides functionality for orchestrating communication with
head-end systems to support import of usage and events, and issuing of meter commands.
Outbound Communication
Communication sent from Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway to a head-end system or other
external system.
The maximum value for some measurable quantity recorded over a specified time period. A
measuring component that measures peak quantities will record the highest value for the quantity
over a period of time.
Peak Demand
The maximum rate of commodity consumption over a specific period of time.
Processing Method
Methods used to define the format or means by which a service provider receives data from the
application, such as bill determinants, interval data, or meter events. Processing methods are also
used to define how to create information internal to the application such as initial measurement
data and usage transactions. Processing methods can also be used to define the information an
external system wishes to subscribe to receive from our application. A BO or batch extract code
are the typical processing methods defined for the transmission of data to a service provider.
Processing Role
Each processing method has a processing role, which defines the purpose of the processing
method. Some examples of processing roles include: * Initial Measurement Creation (D1) *
Device Activity Notification (D1) * Usage Transaction Notification (D2) * Usage Transaction
Creation (D2)
Profiling of Scalar Data
The process of applying an interval consumption "shape" to a scalar measurement, using an
existing interval measuring component. The individual interval values are adjusted such that when
totaled, they equal the value of the scalar measurement.
The value recorded by a measuring component at a given point in time. A reading often needs to

Glossary B-9
be interpreted in the context of an earlier reading in order to derive a consumption value that
would be stored as a measurement. For example, a reading of 1000 for a subtractive measuring
component taken on February 1 in the context of a prior reading of 600 taken on January 15
would result in a consumption (measurement) of 400. Readings can either be consumptive or
Register (Measuring Component)
A business object (BO) that represents a scalar register found on a standard or smart meter. It
does not have a lifecycle, and should be associated with a device configuration.
Register Type - Physical (Measuring Component Type)
Measuring component type business object (BO) that enumerates the properties used by scalar
Remove Intervals
An initial measurement data function used to remove intervals from initial measurement data.
Intervals can be removed from either the beginning or end of the measurement. The end date/
time of the measurement is shifted to account for the new number of intervals in the
Remove Intervals (service)
Measurement service used to remove one or more intervals from a set of interval measurements.
Retail Company
A company that is authorized to buy and re-sell a commodity (such as electricity or gas) directly to
customers based on territorial regulations.
Retrieve Interval Consumption
Measurement service used to retrieve one or more interval measurements.
Retrieve Scalar Consumption
Measurement service used to retrieve one or more scalar measurements.
Save As Interval Consumption
A measuring component consumption function used save all or some of the final measurements
shown in the zone as a new initial measurement for a different (new or existing) measuring
Scalar Usage
A measurement of the amount of energy, water, gas, etc. consumed for a given measuring
component for a given time period.
Seconds Per Interval
Seconds Per Interval, a way of expressing the length of time between which measurements are
Service Order Requests
Requests that orchestrate the field activities (FAs) and smart meter messages (commands)
necessary to change the service point and its installation, to enable or disable service, cut service
for non-payment, etc.
Service Point
A location at which a company supplies service. Used to store information describing the type of
service and how it is measured.
Service Point Identifier Type
Specific types of service point identifiers.
Service Point Identifier

B-10 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

A collection of identifiers for a given service point.
Service Point Parent
The parent of one or more service points.
Service Point Type
A specific type of service point. Defines how the application manages many aspects of the service
point's behavior.
Service Provider
External entities that serve various roles relative to the application. These can be a head-end
system, a billing system to which the application sends bill determinant data, a market participant
in a deregulated environment, an outage management system that receives meter event data from
the application, or other parties that require or provide information to the system.
Service Quantity Identifier
Further distinguishes between measured quantities that have identical UOM/TOU combinations,
including situations in which the distinguishing identifier of a UOM is not accurately described as
a TOU. SQIs can also be used as a stand-alone representation of a service quantity that is not
measured (i.e. one that is not properly described as a UOM) within a Usage SQ collection (e.g. a
billing determinant).
Service Type
Specific types of service, such as electric, gas, steam, etc.
Set Condition Codes
An initial measurement data function used to set condition codes within initial measurement data.
Condition codes indicate the circumstances (estimated, missing, etc.) of individual measurements.
Condition codes are assigned to both scalar and interval measurement data both for initial
measurement data and final measurements.
Set Condition
Measurement service used to set the condition (status) code of a specified set of interval data.
Shift Intervals
A function used to shift intervals of initial measurement data forward or backward time. The end
result is a measurement with a different start or end time.
Shift Intervals (service)
Measurement service used to shift one or more intervals forward or backward in time.
Smart Meter
A business object (BO) used to model smart meters of different service types.
Smart Meter Installation Event
A business object (BO) that defines the lifecycle and rules for installing a smart meter at a service
Smart Meter Type
A business object (BO) for device type that references a head-end system as well as a collection of
head-ends that are valid for devices of the type, and indicates whether incoming data incorporates
the daylight savings time shift. Additionally, the smart meter type includes a list of valid device
configurations for its devices.
Smooth Spikes
An initial measurement data function used to reduce "spike" intervals (intervals with values that
are more than a user-defined percentage higher than other intervals within the initial measurement
data). The function smooths spikes using linear interpolation as follows:

Glossary B-11
• Get the value of the interval immediately preceding the spike (the "Left Value").
• Get the value of the interval immediately after the spike (the "Right Value").
• Subtract the Left Value from the Right Value, divide result by two. The result is called the
Estimation Adder
• Add the Estimation Adder to the interval immediately before the spike.
A subsidiary station of an electricity generation, transmission and distribution system where
voltage is transformed from high to low or the reverse using transformers.
Subtract Scalar Value From Intervals
Measurement service that uses the Apply Formula measurement service to subtract a scalar value
from the value of a specified set of interval data.
Describes a measuring component for which consecutive readings must be subtracted to derive a
consumption value.
Time of Use
Time of Use - modifiers for a given unit of measure that indicate a period of time during which a
quantity has been used, such as On-Peak (meaning during a time when the greatest quantity of
some consumable is being used), Off-Peak (meaning during a time when the least amount of some
consumable is being used), etc.
TOU Group
A group of TOUs used to limit the set of TOUs usable in a TOU schedule. TOU Groups are used
when defining a TOU schedule via a TOU map template.
A collection of TOU map data derived via a given TOU map template at a specific interval size
(TOU). A TOU map is typically specified when configuring a usage calculation rule for TOU
mapping. This TOU map's data will then be used when summarizing the interval data for each
TOU period.
TOU Map Data
An interval date/time and its associated TOU as defined by a TOU map template. For example, if
the schedule defined for a TOU map template specifies that the period on weekdays from 9 AM
to 5 PM falls into On-Peak, and the data is hourly, rows would be stored in the TOU map data
table with the date/time 5/3/2010 at 10 AM, 5/3/2010 at 11 AM, 5/3/2010 at 12 PM, etc., each
with a value of On-Peak.
TOU Map Template
The schedule used for TOU map data generation, for example defining year, month, and day
ranges and which TOUs should be used during each.
TOU Map Type
Defines certain important properties of TOU maps of the type, including the interval size (SPI)
and the valid TOU map templates.
A device that transfers electrical energy from one circuit to another.
Two-Way Communication
Communication sent from Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway to an external system, such as a
head-end system or edge application that triggers a response. Most commands are two-way
communications, where Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway issues a command, and the head-end
system sends a response as to the success or failure of the command.

B-12 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Unit of Measure
Identifies quantities measured, such as KWH, KW, cubic feet, degrees Celsius, etc.
A generic term for the amount of energy, water, gas, etc. consumed at one or more service points,
sometimes representing quantities that have been adjusted from the original calculated
Usage Calculation Group
A set of sequenced usage rules used to calculate usage for a usage subscription.
Usage Rule
Business rules / logic used to calculate usage (bill determinants), such as a TOU-mapped
consumption calculation. Each rule is a modular unit that can be grouped together and sequenced
within a calculation group.
Usage Rule - Apply Math (Interval Data)
A usage rule used to summarize interval measurements and apply a mathematical formula against
the results to derive a usage quantity.
Usage Rule - Get Interval Data
A usage rule used to get interval data for a measuring component and date range.
Usage Rule - Get Scalar Details
A usage rule used to assemble scalar readings and measurements (consumption).
Usage Rule - Get TOU Mapped Usage
A usage rule used to summarize interval measurements into TOU buckets based on a TOU map
(where the TOU map is created based on the schedule defined within a TOU map template).
Usage Rule - Math
A usage rule used to derive a curve given a formula, apply TOU mapping to a derived curve, and
perform mathematical operations on Usage Transaction Service Quantity entries.
Usage Rule - Validate Usage Against Tolerance
A usage rule used to validate calculated usage against a specified tolerance.
Usage Rule Eligibility Criteria
Configured criteria used to determine whether to execute a specific usage rule when calculating
Usage Subscription
A record of an ongoing request to send one or more service points' usage to one or more external
systems (such as a billing application).
Usage Subscription Type
A collection of properties defining a class of usage subscriptions. The usage subscription type also
controls valid values for various attributes of usage subscriptions.
Usage Transaction
A record of bill determinant calculations for a usage subscription.
User-Defined Measurement Values
Additional values optionally stored with a given measurement that can be used in various
calculations. For example, a customer's gas consumption might be measured in cubic feet, but
needs to be sent to a billing system in therms. A user-defined value to convert consumption in
cubic feet into therms can be configured, and the therm value will then be stored with the
measurement in cubic feet.

Glossary B-13
Validation, Estimation, and Editing (VEE)
The process by which initial measurement data is validated, estimated (if necessary) and edited (if
necessary) based on a set of user-defined rules.
VEE Eligibility Criteria
User-definable conditions that could cause a given VEE rule to be applied or skipped. This could
involve the evaluation of some attribute of the device or measuring component, or something else
VEE Exception
An exception generated during Validation, Estimation and Editing (VEE) processing of initial
measurement data. Exceptions are assigned a severity that is used in determining whether or not
the initial measurement data should be transitioned into an exception state.
VEE Group
A collection of VEE Rules.
VEE Group Matrix (Factor)
A VEE rule within a VEE group can be configured to pick from a list of VEE groups (referred to
as a matrix) whose rules to execute next. This list of VEE groups is configured as the values of a
factor. One example of its use could be to call geographically-specific VEE groups from within a
larger-purpose group. A residential VEE group might contain a rule that will pick the VEE group
to execute based on service point location, where the VEE Group Matrix specifies: SP in the
North - VEE Group N SP in the East - VEE Group E SP in the South - VEE Group S
VEE Group Matrix (Factor) Referencing Group
A zone that displays a list of VEE group matrices (factors) that reference the VEE group being
viewed in the VEE group portal.
VEE Rule
Standard and custom Validation, Estimation and Editing (VEE) Rules that perform checking and/
or manipulation of initial measurement data.
VEE Rule - Ensure IMD Exists for Sibling MCs
VEE Rule that checks to ensure that initial measurement data exists for siblings measuring
VEE Rule - High/Low Check
VEE Rule that compares consumption of incoming initial measurement data against historical
data as a means of assuring the reasonableness of the data.
VEE Rule - Interval Adjustment from Scalar
VEE rule that adjusts initial measurement data for interval readings based on an existing scalar
VEE Rule - Interval Averaging Estimation
VEE rule that estimates missing interval values based on averaging of historical data for the same
device and measuring component.
VEE Rule - Interval Interpolation Estimation
VEE rule that estimates missing interval values based on linear interpolation.
VEE Rule - Interval Profile Estimation
VEE rule that estimates missing interval values based on an associated profile measuring
VEE Rule - Interval Replacement Rule
VEE Rule that determines whether or not an incoming initial measurement will replace any

B-14 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

existing measurements and if so, whether or not to allow this to happen.
VEE Rule - Interval Size Validation
VEE Rule that checks to ensure that the interval size of the incoming initial measurement data
matches the value defined in the measuring component type.
VEE Rule - Interval Spike Check
VEE Rule that examines incoming initial measurement data to identify intervals with
conspicuously high usage relative to surrounding intervals.
VEE Rule - Multiplier Check
VEE Rule that checks to ensure that the device multiplier value of the incoming initial
measurement data matches the multiplier value stored on the measuring component.
VEE Rule - Negative Consumption
VEE Rule that checks for negative consumption.
VEE Rule - Raise Missing Quantity Exception
VEE rule that creates an exception if a specified percentage of measurements lies within the range
of condition flag values for missing but not within the range of values for outage.
VEE Rule - Scalar Calculation from Interval
VEE rule that calculates a scalar value from the interval data values from the same date range
VEE Rule - Scalar Estimation
VEE rule that estimates missing scalar readings based on averaging of historical data for the same
device and measuring component.
VEE Rule - Scalar Profile Estimation
VEE rule that estimates missing scalar readings based on an associated profile measuring
VEE Rule - Scalar Replacement Rule
VEE Rule that identifies whether or not a scalar reading will completely replace an existing
measurement and if so, whether or not to allow this to happen.
VEE Rule - Sum Check
VEE Rule that checks the difference between the total consumption of incoming initial
measurement data against the total consumption (based on final measurements) for one or more
related measuring components on the same device over the same time period.
VEE Rule - Unit Of Measure Check
VEE Rule that checks to ensure that the Unit of Measure (UOM) of the incoming initial
measurement data matches the UOM specified on the measuring component's type.
VEE Rule - Zero Consumption Check
VEE rule that creates an exception if it detects zero consumption for the current initial

Glossary B-15
B-16 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide
Appendix C
Base Package Configuration Objects

This appendix provides lists of some base package configuration objects that can aid when
implementing Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management. This includes:
• Meter Data Framework Base Package Data Areas
• Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management Back Package Data Areas
• Meter Data Framework Base Package Extendable Lookups
• Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management Back Package Extendable Lookups

Base Package Configuration Objects C-1

Meter Data Framework Base Package Data Areas

Meter Data Framework Base Package Data Areas

The table below lists the available meter data framework base package data areas.

Data Area Description

D1-ActivityCommon Activity Command Data Area

D1-ActivityTypeBasis Common Schema of Activity Type

D1-AdminBOExceptionHandling Admin BO Exception Handling Common

D1-AmountandCondition Amount and Condition Data Area

D1-BOAuditChangedValues BO Audit Changed Values

D1-CancelCommand Common Cancel Command Data Area

D1-CommTypeBasicDA Communication Type Basis

D1-CommandReqIBCommCommonDA Common Inbound Commn for Command


D1-CommandReqOBCommCommonDA Common Outbound Commn for Command


D1-CommandRequestCommon Command Request Common Data Area

D1-CommandRequestTypeCommon Command Request Type Common Data Area

D1-CommonActivityType Activity Type

D1-CommonFactor Common Factor

D1-CommonFactorValue Common Factor Value

D1-CommonIMD Common Initial Measurement Data

D1-CommonIMDAudit Common IMD Audit

D1-CommonInstantiableBOOutput Common Instantiable BO’s Output

D1-CommonMeasurementSvcsOutput Common Measurement Service Output

D1-CommonMeterData Common Meter Data

D1-CommonMeterTypeData Common Meter Type Data

D1-CommnoProcMethodDetails Common Processing Method Details

D1-CommonSrvcProvDetails Common Service Provider Details

D1-CommonSyncRequestContact Common for Sync Request Contact

D1-CommonSyncRequestDC Common for Sync Request Device Config

D1-CommonSyncRequestDvc Common for Sync Request Device

D1-CommonSyncRequestIE Common for Sync Request Install Event

D1-CommonSyncRequestInData Sync Request Inbound Common Data

D1-CommonSyncRequestMC Common for Sync Request Inbound MC

D1-CommonSyncRequestSP Common for Sync Request Service Point

C-2 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Meter Data Framework Base Package Data Areas

Data Area Description

D1-CommonUomSpiIdentGroup Common UOM/SPI Identification Group

D1-CommonVEEIMD Common VEE Initial Measurement Data

D1-CompletionEvent Completion Event Parent Data Data

D1-ConDisconNotification ConnectDisconnect Notification

D1-DeviceConfigRelatedActivity Device Config Related To Activity DA

D1-DeviceEvent Device Event

D1-DeviceRelatedActivity Device Related to Activity Data Area

D1-DeviceStatusCheckNotif Device Status Check Notification

D1-EligibleProfileFactors Eligible Profile Factors for Data Creation

D1-EventBarProfileData Event Bar Profile Data

D1-EventBarProfileList Event Bar Profile List

D1-EventInformation Event Information

D1-ExtendableLookupColumn Extendable Lookup Common Data Area

D1-ExtendedMsrmtList Extended ML

D1-FVOverlayDefaultProfileList Final Values Overlay Default Profile List

D1-FVOverlayProfileData Final Values Overlay Profile Data

D1-FailReponse Fail Response Data Area

D1-FallbackSPrValList Fallback Service Provider Validation List

D1-FileHeaderInfoDA Upload Statistics File Header Information

D1-GenSavePointDispDA Generic Savepoint Dispatcher DA

D1-IBCommCommonDA Inbound Communication Common

D1-IERelatedActivityDataArea Common Schema of IE Related Activities

D1-InstallEventRelatedActivity Activity Related Installation Event

D1-MCSnapShot SnapShot group for Sync Request Inbound MC

D1-MRDownloadActivityCommon Common schema Meter Read Dwnld Activity

D1-MeasurementDataList Measurement Data List

D1-NumberOfIntervalsAndDateTm Number of Intervals and Date Time

D1-OBCommCommonDA Outbound Communication Common Data


D1-PayloadProcessErrorsDA Payload Errors DA

D1-PayloadProcessInfoDA Payload Processing Information

D1-ReadDeviceNotification Read Device Notification Data Area

D1-ReceivedResponse Received Response Data Area

Base Package Configuration Objects C-3

Meter Data Framework Base Package Data Areas

Data Area Description

D1-RetryDetails Retry Details


D1-SPMeterHistorySyncRequestIE MDM SP/Meter History

D1-SPRelatedActivity SP Related to Activity Data Area

D1-ScalToIntProfileFactor Convert Scalar to Interval Profile Factors

D1-ScratchpadMCTypes Scratchpad MC Types

D1-StandardDeviceEventType Standard Device Event Type

D1-StandardLogFields Standard Log Fields

D1-StatusCodeDescriptions Status Code Descriptions Data

D1-SuccessResponse Success Response Data Area

D1-SyncRequestInbound Inbound Sync Request

D1-TraceData Trace Data

D1-UsageCommon Usage Common Data Area

D1-VEECommon VEE Common Data Area

D1-VEEIMDSeeder VEE IMD Seeder Initial Measurement Data

C-4 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management Back Package Data Areas

Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management Back Package Data Areas

The table below lists the available Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management base package data

Data Area Description

D2-CalcUsgException List Calculate Usage Exception List

D2-CalcUsgScalarDetails Calculate Usage Scalar Details

D2-CalcUsgSummaryUsgPeriod Calculate Usage Summary Usage Period

D2-ChartCommon Common Chart Data

D2-ChartEvents Chart Events

D2-ChartSummaryInformation Chart Summary Information

D2-CommonAggregator Common Aggregator

D2-CommonDynamicOption Common Dynamic Option Data Area

D2-CommonDynamicOptionEvent Common Dynamic Option Event Data Area

D2-CommonDynamicOptionType Common Dynamic Option Type Data Area

D2-CommonSyncRequestDetailsUS Common Sync Request Details - Usage


D2-CommonUsageSubscription Common Usage Subscription Data Area

D2-CommonUsageSubscriptionType Common Usage Subscription Type Data Area

D2-DispatcherRuns Save area for accumulated Dispatcher Runs

D2-EventBarProfiles Event Bar Profiles

D2-FinalValuesGraphSummary Final Values Graph Summary

D2-Functions Functions

D2-GetScalarValList Get Scalar Validation List

D2-Intervals Vector Math Intervals

D2-MCChartCommon Measuring Component Common Chart Fields

D2-MCFunctionCommon Common Fields for Measuring Component


D2-MsrmtQuantityAggregator Measurement Quantity Aggregator

D2-SPChartCommon Service Point-Based Common Chart fields

D2-TempArea Area for sorting SQ list

D2-TempArea2 Area for sorting SQ list

D2-UTChartCommon Usage-Based Common Chart Fields

D2-UsaagePeriodsLite Usage Period Lite DA

D2-UsageTranExceptionList Usage Transaction Exception List

D2-UsageTranIntervalMC Usage Transaction Interval MC

Base Package Configuration Objects C-5

Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management Back Package Data Areas

Data Area Description

D2-UsageTranScalarMC Usage Transaction Scalar MC

D2-UsageTranTraceList Usage Transaction Trace List

D2-UsageTransactionDetails Usage Transaction Details

D2-VectorData Vector Data

D2-VectorList Vector List

Use the Data Area portal to view more details concerning these data areas.

C-6 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide

Meter Data Framework Base Package Extendable Lookups

Meter Data Framework Base Package Extendable Lookups

The table below lists the available meter data framework base package extendable lookups.

Business Object Description

D1-360EventBarProfile 360 View Event Bar Profile

D1-DaysSinceLastNormalMsrmtLkp Days Since Last Normal Measurement

D1-DeviceEventMappingLookup Device Event Mapping

D1-DeviceLocationLookup Device Location

D1-DvcCommunicationStatLookup Device Communication Status

D1-DvcConnectionStatLookup Device Connection Status

D1-DvcEventCategoryLookup Device Event Category

D1-DvcFunctionalStateLookup Device Functional State

D1-ExecutionPriorityLookup Execution Priority

D1-ExternalActTypeIdentifier External Activity Type Identifier

D1-ExternalCommTypeLookup External Communication Type

D1-FinalValuesOverlayProfile Final Values Overlay Profile

D1-HeadendUOMLookup Headend UOM Code to Standard UOM

D1-KeyLookup Key

D1-LogicalStatusLookup Logical Status

D1-MeasurementConditionLookup Measurement Condition

D1-OKToEnterLookup Ok to Enter

D1-SPInstructionLookup SP Instruction

D1-SPWarningLookup SP Warning

D1-StdEventNameLookup Standard Event Name

D1-TimeZoneTranslationLookup Head-End Time Zone to Standard Mapping

D1-TransactionTypeLookup Transaction Type

Use the Extendable Lookup portal to view more details concerning these extendable lookups.

Base Package Configuration Objects C-7

Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management Back Package Extendable Lookups

Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management Back Package Extendable

The table below lists the available Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management base package
extendable lookups.

Business Object Description

D2-CCBRateScheduleLookup CCB Rate Schedule

D2-ConsumptionSnapshotTypeLkup Usage Snapshot Type

D2-DaysSinceLastUTLookup Days Since Last Usage Transaction

D2-SPUTAgingSnapshotTypeLookup Unreported Usage Analysis Snapshot Type

Use the Extendable Lookup portal to view more details concerning these extendable lookups.

C-8 Meter Data Management Configuration Guide


Meter Data Management Overview 1-1, 4-1

setup sequence 3-9


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