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Revue Méditerranéenne des Télécommunications vol. 2, n°2, october 2012 Mediterranean Telecommunication Journal
S. Seghier Parallel Coupled Microstrip Bandpass Filter for GSM 120
Tn () cosh n[cosh 1 ()] for 1 (3)
For our design, IL is equal to 0.1 dB in the frequency
range 1 .This is also called as 0.1 dB ripple Chebyshev
filter. Thus, the value of a should be chosen as:
Revue Méditerranéenne des Télécommunications vol. 2, n°2, october 2012 Mediterranean Telecommunication Journal
S. Seghier Parallel Coupled Microstrip Bandpass Filter for GSM 121
Jj,j+1/Y0 (Ω) (Ω)
(Ohms) -20
1 0.3465 73.33 38.68
2 0.1397 57.96 43.99 -30
Coupled lines (2) 1.0773 7.4668 0.4854
This type of filter with a center frequency of 2.491 GHz -40 freq=6.200GHz
was studied by the authors of reference [5] for satellite -50
receiver. 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0
The result of the designed microstrip filter is given in Fig.6 freq, GHz
which shows that the center frequency of the filter has
deviated from the specified and desired frequency (6.2 GHz). Figure 7. Scattering parameters of the designed and optimized
bandpass filter.
Revue Méditerranéenne des Télécommunications vol. 2, n°2, october 2012 Mediterranean Telecommunication Journal
S. Seghier Parallel Coupled Microstrip Bandpass Filter for GSM 122
-20 freq=6.150GHz
-40 m3
4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0
Revue Méditerranéenne des Télécommunications vol. 2, n°2, october 2012 Mediterranean Telecommunication Journal