Clark SM 614 Service Manual
Clark SM 614 Service Manual
Clark SM 614 Service Manual
PWC 30, PWT 7
Service Manual
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Intended for CLARK dealers only
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“CLARK Trucks meet all applicable requirements of ASME B56.1 or ASMB B56.9 at time of manu-
facture. .
CLARK will not assume any liability for injuries or damages arising from or caused by the removal,
disconnection or disengagement of any part from any of its trucks.
CLARK recommends all replacement parts are of OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) origin.
Any modifications and/or additions which affect capacity or safe operation of CLARK trucks shall not
be performed without CLARK’s prior written approval.
A user should consult the Local Authorized Dealer if the user’s intended application is outside the
designated performance characteristics of the truck.
Dimensions and performance specifications shown may vary due to manufacturing tolerances. Per-
formance is based on an average size truck and is affected by weight, condition of the trucks, battery,
optional equipment and operation area.
CLARK products and specifications are subject to change without prior notification.”
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Main Table of Contents
Copyrighted Material
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This manual has been assembled to assist in the training of a service technician to service, maintain
and repair if required the units covered.
This manual covers the PWT tow tractor and the PWC center controlled pallet truck manufactured
after 1989. Even though these units serve different applications, the power section or tractor section
of these units are the same.
We have made every effort to disguise between the models so the authorized technician will be
working with the correct service specifications.
You will find that the PWT tractor can have either resistor or PMC for drive motor control, and the
PWC is standard with PMC drive motor control.
Also the reverse function is different for these units which will be covered under Basic Electrical
Operation (EC Section).
All schematics and part numbers included in this manual are for standard units. These are
subject to change please reference the units specific parts manual for correct information.
GI Material
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A. Overall Length without Coupler (Hitch) 45.88”
B. Wide 32.75”
C. Weight without Battery PWT 950#
PWT Hi-Torque 1300#
D. Battery Sizes 30.69” x 12.81” x 23.25” AMP. HR. 450 960#
30.69” x 12.81” x 23.25” AMP. HR. 510 1OOO#
30.69” x 12.94” x 3 1.OO”AMP. HR. 625 1180#
30.69” x 12.94” x 3 1.OO”AMP. HR. 750 1500#
*Note: Units are tested to lift its r&d load in 4.0 to 4.5 sec. relief valve is adjusted to meet this
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Main Table of Contents
GI Material
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Webster defines maintenance as the art of maintaining, or the upkeep of property or equipment.
There is a constant search for a maintenance program that encompasses all requirements with mini-
mum effort and maximum results.
To implement proper product maintenance, we suggest following our basic truck and tractor mainte-
nance schedule in this section.
In order to provide a quick visual check on the daily status of the units requiring maintenance, we
have prepared a sample maintenance record board on the next page. The size of this board will be
determined by the number of units to be serviced. Sample covers a six month period - actual should
cover a twelve month period.
With newer computer based maintenance programs it is much easier to keep track of units perfor-
mance and cost.
:f No maintenance schedule can cover all possible types of operations and conditions. Service records
will enable you to obtain the highest product efficiency through planned maintenance.
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GI 3-2 Material
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Mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, and maintenance service on these products can be performed with
standard hand tools.
Various size roll pins are used throughout all our products. The removal and installation can be made
by the use of hardened steel punches of various diameters and length.
In some cases, the replacement of hydraulic cylinder packing requires the use of the packing installer
tool or guide to ease installation of the packing. Tools can be provided for such use; however, due to
the various sizes and continual changes, a standard engine piston ring compressor can be used effec-
tively for this service. All basic electrical services can be performed with standard hand tools, a good
VOM (Volt Ohm Meter) and AMP Meter. We have added tool requirements in some of the servicing
sections. These tools may include impact tools, lifting straps, hoist, torque wrench and jacks which
are readily available locally.
Always use good quality tools to ensure your safety and the safety of others.
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Newton Meters
10 1.13 10 13.56
20 2.26 20 27.12
30 3.39 30 40.68
40 4.52 40 54.24
50 5.65 50 67.80
100 11.30 60 81.36
150 16.95 70 94.92
200 22.60 80 108.48
250 28.25 90 122.04
300 33.90 100 135.60
350 39.55 110 149.16
400 45.20 120 162.72
450 50.85 130 176.18
500 56.50 140 189.84
550 62.15 150 203.40
600 67.80 160 216.96
650 73.45 170 230.52
700 79.10 180 244.08
750 84.75 190 257.64
800 90.40 200 271.20
850 96.05 210 284.76
900 101.70 220 298.32
950 107.32 230 311.88
1000 113.00 240 325.44
114 6 0.5 4
5116 8 1.5 11
318 10 2.0 15
l/2 12 5.0 36
518 16 10.0 72
314 20 15.0 110
1II 24 35.0 250
l-1/4 30 60.0 430
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Copyrighted 4-3 1198
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C” F” (Co x 1.8) - 32
kg lb. 2.205
km lb/e 23.730
kW BhP 1.341
m ft/ 3.281
m ft 35.3 15
D = Feet/min.
A WARNING: All tests should be carried out in a safe area away from normal
operational traffic. Follow all plant safety regulations when performing
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Sluggish performance, erratic Battery discharged or defective Charge and inspect battery
switching, slow lift Loose connection (power Tighten connections
wiring) Replace the brushes
Motor brushes are worn See brake adjustments in
Brake is dragging Maintenance Section
No lift (motor does not run) Control wiring is open (pump Refer to SCR manual and
contactor does not energize) schematic
Power wiring is open (pump Refer to SCR manual and
contactor does energize) schematic
No lower Suction screen plugged Clean the screen, flush and refill
the reservoir
Worn pump/motor unit(s) Check oil pressure (rebuild or
One pump/motor unit inopera- Inspect and/or repair
Lowers excessively slow tive (only dual systems)
Forks will not drop to lowered Low oil supply Check oil level - fill to proper
height level
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Check all wheels and tires. Remove any and all tape,
plastic and material.
Repair or replace as necessary when inspection finds this part worn or damaged:
3. Contact tips.
4. Load wheel.
- Always repack bearing whenever a wheel is changed. Remember the largest cause of load wheel
failure is material getting caught in wheel.
NOTE: Current limit should be checked whenever 200 amp fuse has failed, any EV-1 and
EV- 100 SCR panel part has been replaced or drive motor has been repaired or replaced.
* Trucks operating in freezer, wet or brine conditions must be serviced twice in the standard
maintenance period and special types of lubricants should be used.
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