LE Philo Week1 Q1
LE Philo Week1 Q1
LE Philo Week1 Q1
A. Preliminaries:
Prayer, Greetings and Checking of Attendance
Classroom Rules
Teacher will ask the learners to close their eyes. The activity is called
“Song Reflections”. Allow the learners to listen the song “Kanlungan.”
Processing Questions:
Learners will answer the following questions:
How did the song make you feel?
Does the song make you aware of something?
How do you connect this song to your life?
*Answers may vary.
Teacher : The Activity allows you to THINK AND WONDER.
“Wonder is the feeling of a philosopher, and philosophy begins in
B. Development ( D) What I know?
What is Philosophy?
What is Philosophy?
The word philosophy comes from two Greek words: philos (love) and
sophia (wisdom).
The love of exercising one’s curiosity and intelligence (Herodotus).
The love of wisdom that can face the test of critical discussion (Plato).
The collective name for questions that have not been answered to the
satisfaction of all that have asked them (William James).
What's in?
What is It?
Activity 2.
The Branches of Philosophy
Create your own Concept Map about the Branches of Philosophy
The second question, How do I know it? concerns the nature of human
knowledge and the way to obtain it. How do we obtain knowledge? Do we
obtain knowledge by revelation, intuition, instinct or reason? Can we
achieve certainty or are we doomed to suffer perpetual doubt? Is
knowledge based on the things we perceive or from something else? This
is the concern of epistemology which can be defined as the “branch of
philosophy that studies the nature and means of human knowledge.” We
need epistemology to guide us in knowing since we make mistakes from
time to time.
The last of the normative branch, aesthetics studies the nature of art. It
is concerned with the nature and the objective judgement of beauty.
D. Assimilation (A)
What I have learned?
Fill in the Blanks.
1. Philosophy comes from the _____ word philos (love) and
Sophia (wisdom).
2. Other term for Philosophers, _______________.
3. It is an area of philosophy that understand the human person
from philosophical perspective.
4. A ________ requires an individual to have an open mindset and
ability to get the general sense or impression regarding a
5. It is an important component of analytical thinking, as an
individual focuses on certain areas or aspects of a problem in
order to understand it.
True or False
6. Aesthetics is the study of beauty.
7. Logic is an art and science of correct reasoning.
8. Metaphysics deals with oral questions and dilemmas.
9. Ethics deals with questions about existence.
10. Epistemology deals with the nature of knowledge and knowing.
V. REFLECTIONS As a reflection on what they have learned in module 1, Learners
will do Learning Task 5: “T-M-L Phrase.”
The Topic was about _______________________
Performance Task:
Cut and Paste (Mini-Album/Brochures/Scrapbook/Infographics)
Content: The most notable philosophers and their philosophies or