Agriculture Magazine
Agriculture Magazine
Agriculture Magazine
In this Issue
04 23 30
04 Crops 23 Agribusiness
Cabbages and Leafy Greens - A Post How Supply and Demand Affect Farm-
Harvesting Handling Guide er’s Profitability
09 Crops 24 Agribusiness
Cabbage Production Guide Addressing unfair trade is a key step in
14 Crops
transforming African food systems
17 Crops 32 Livestock
Sweet potato leaves - served as a vege- Good Management Practices for Pig
table Producers
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areful attention to An experienced pick-
proper post-harvest er should be able to
handling can ensure determine the level of
buyer satisfaction and beyond maturity can maturity quickly and
marketing success. result in split heads and consistently by feel and
increased incidence of by the size of the head.
Harvesting field disease. Unhar- The head is harvested
vested cabbage may de- by bending it to one
In Zimbabwe, velop significant infes- side and cutting it with a
fresh-market cabbage tations of alternaria leaf knife. Harvesting knives
is harvested by hand spot and downy mildew, should be sharpened
though in other coun- particularly during wet frequently to reduce
tries machine harvesting weather. These diseases effort and lessen picker
has been attempted. can be spread through fatigue. The head
normal harvesting and should not be removed
A mature head of cab- handling. Harvesting im- by snapping or twisting
bage generally weighs mature heads, however, it since this practice
from 1 kg, depending on reduces yield, and the damages the head and
variety. Cabbage should heads are too soft to results in inconsistent
be harvested promptly resist handling damage. stalk length and trim.
when the heads are firm Immature heads also Broken stalks are also
and mature. Delaying have a shorter shelf life
harvest even a few days than mature heads. ....continued on page 6
A subsidiary of
6 Crops
Merchant Warehouse
Swift Mutakuri safely and securely transports Tobacco bales are delivered to
up to 400 bales per tautliner truck to Harare merchants warehouses in Harare
11 Crops
A balanced basal Com-
pound type fertilizer of
either “A”, “B” or “C”
should be applied prior 2 and 8 after transplant- or speedlings as they
to planting. This can ing. During the rainy are also known, at
be done using a Vicon season if the crop is transplanting make sure
spreader if growing on planted on lighter soils good plug to soil contact
the flat or a ridger type an extra top dressing is made so the root sys-
applicator if planted on might be needed after tem can leave the plug
beds. heavy leaching rains. and quickly enter the
Seedlings fertilizer enriched soil.
Cupping with fertilizer Plant the speedlings as
cups by hand into the Planting with seedlings soon as possible after
planting hole can also is the most practical pulling them from the
be done but the fertil- method as seedlings trays to avoid the tiny
izer must be well mixed which are strong and hair roots drying out.
in the hole to prevent healthy at transplanting Plant into pre irrigated
root burn. Based on soil is the base for a uni- soils in which the soil
analysis results and soil form crop helping with has been made up to
types, rates of fertilizer reduced costs at har- field capacity.
can be applied ranging vest. Plant around 10%
from 600kg – 1,000kg more plugs per hectare After transplanting, a
per hectare. of your selected plant light settling-in irrigation
population, this should is required to remove
Cabbages will require ensure good seedling air pockets between the
around 400kg a hectare selection. plug and the soil.
of AN split into 3 appli- It is recommended that
cations between weeks When using seedlings you dip your seedlings
in a solution of Actara to
give the plants 6 weeks
protection from aphids
and white fly.
B olting in vegetable
crops refers to the plant
flowering and producing
Size of Seedlings at
seed prematurely. In a exposed to such cold for a
lengthy period of time. Oversized, vigorous
cabbage crop this would seedlings would be more
result in the produce being inclined to bolt than small-
unmarketable and there- The length of cold required
to induce bolting is de- er seedlings, for the same
fore reduced income. Bolt- reasons as above.
ing in cabbage is generally pendent on a number of
triggered by cold weather factors which are;
Size of Plant at Induction
and can be initiated fairly Temperature:
early in the plant’s devel- Fertility of Seed Beds:
opment, with the bolting Seed beds and seedling There is a minimum plant
itself occurring when the trays that are over fertil- size required for bolting
plant is more mature. ized will cause the plant to induction to occur. Gen-
have premature seed shoot erally this size would be
development. This in turn when the leaf width of
Factors Inducing Bolting: the seedling is about 10
causes the plant to rapidly
The seedling has to have grow and become large cm. This size would vary
a leaf width of about 10 enough for bolting induc- from variety to variety and
cm for bolting induction to tion to occur. would also be determined
occur. Bolting can then be by the width of the grow-
induced by temperatures Secondly, excess fertilizer, ing point of the plant.
ranging from 5 °C to 15 °C, especially Nitrogen, favours A variety with narrow
but particularly below 7 leaf development over root
°C, provided seedlings are development which causes ....continued on page 16
....continued from page 14 than those that are early cold areas are more
maturing. The reason prone to bolting that
leaves and thick stem for this may be that the those that come from
could be induced at a growing point of the warm areas and trans-
narrower leaf width. plant, which is sensitive planted into the same
to cold, is quickly cov- field.
Growth Checks: ered in early varieties.
Once the induction has These plants will also #agribusinesstalk
taken place, the re- head before the re-
sponse time to bolting is sponse time has taken
influenced by a number effect.
of factors. If there is a
growth check, then the Later maturing varieties
response time is short- are subjected to cold
ened and the plant can conditions for longer pe-
begin bolting quickly. riods of time which may
These growth checks cause increased stress
can be caused by heat and bolting induction.
waves, drought, water
logging, disease after Heat Susceptibility of
induction size has been the Plants:
reached, fertilizer and Heat resistant plants are
phyto-toxic sprays. more prone to bolting
than heat susceptible
Diurnal Swings: varieties. To breed for
Large diurnal swings are heat resistance, one au-
included to cause the tomatically predisposes
plants to bolt very fast the variety to get early
once induction has oc- induction to bolting.
curred. Induction would To select a safe variety
depend on the lower for the whole year is dif-
temperature of the diur- ficult therefore heat re-
nal swing. sistant and cold resistant
varieties should be kept
Cold Fronts and Heat for their specific slot.
Waves: Heat resistant varieties
are also more inclined
Cold fronts produce to be later maturing
low temperatures that varieties.
may induce bolting with
heat waves shortening Cold Grown Seedlings:
the response period. If
there is succession of It has been stated
such weather bolting will before that the plant is
rapidly occur. responsive to induction
to bolt when the leaf
Maturity of the Variety blade becomes 10 cm in
Varieties that are later width.
maturing can be more
susceptible to bolting However, seedlings
which are sown in very
This preference for 10 red onion) sliced thinly remaining oil in a wok-
cm tops is logical, since pan. Stir-fry grinded
• 1 tomato thinly cut
a large proportion of the paste, garlic and shal-
leaves in the top 10 cm • 1/4 tsp Maggie sea- lots for a few seconds
soning sauce (or fish until fragrant.
are new and tender.
sauce) optional
Tips with the largest • Add sweet potato leaf
number of leaves with • Tiny pinch of salt to stems and stir fry brisk-
petioles less than 1 cm taste ly on high heat until
long are considered de- they start to soften.
• 3 tbsp water add more
sirable because they are as needed • Add the leaves and
tender and good for the • 1 tbsp Red wine
table. Researchers and • Stir fry until the leaves
extension workers could are reduced in volume.
help make this vegeta- Directions: Then add curry paste,
ble’s tops more appeal- chillies, Maggie sea-
ing and acceptable. • Using kitchen scissors, soning sauce (or fish
Therefore, with its snip & separate the sauce), salt and water.
tuberous roots, stems sweet potato leaves
from the stems. • Drizzle Red wine along
and leaves that can be the sides of the wok
consumed totally, sweet • Snip the stems to uni- walls during the last 10
potato is a crop that form 2-3 cm length. seconds of cooking.
may solve food, energy, • Optional: Pull & dis- • Stir to coat well before
resource and environ- card the “strings” of serving.
mental problems in the the stems to improve
21st century.” the texture. #agribusinesstalk
• Wash and dry the
Ingredients: veggies.
• Soak dried shrimps in
• USE Top fresh tips a small dish with hot
of the sweet potato water until softened,
leaves. about 20 minutes.
Reserve and set aside
• 300g) sweet potato
the dried shrimps
leaf )
• Prepare grinded spices.
• 13g curry powder/
Add garlic and shallots
to an electric food
• 50ml hot water grinder or blender.
• 1 tbsp cooking oil • Add 1 tbsp oil and
divided pulse for a few sec-
• 1 finger-length red chil-
li sliced to thin sections • Alternatively, pound
the ingredients in a
• 4 cloves garlic finely
mortar & pestle or
finely chop them.
• 5 shallots (or 1/4 small
• Stir-fry the dish. Heat
Cabbage Production
Requirements for 1 Hectare
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Excellence is not
an act but a habit
orange prices are too high, most
consumers will choose another
fruit at a more affordable price.
are farmers striving to produce As a response to declining sales,
high yield and deliver quality farmers will have to lower the
What does this mean for a
crops to the market but also, sell prices until the demand for
farmer? For example, in a case
their goods and finally, achieve oranges increases again. When
where a farmer sets a low price,
higher profit. Farmers are the demand for oranges is
the demand for his product or
therefore faced with a challenge balanced with the supply, the
service will increase. Oppose
to survive on the market. market is at its equilibrium.
to that, if a farmer sets a price
which is too high, the demand
The Relation Between In a market that is not controlled,
will decrease.
Supply and Demand supply and demand dictate the
market price of goods or services,
2. The market price will
Supply is a term that describes as well as the flow of sales. By
determine the supply and
the number of goods or services doing so, this basic economic
demand of products or services
that all producers are ready to law directly affects farmer’s
offer on the market at a given profitability, and therefore the
If the market price is high, the
period and price. On the other success of his business.
interest of producers for a certain
hand, demand refers to the product or service will increase.
number of goods or services that If we look at the big picture,
In other words, the supply will
customers are ready to buy at supply and demand regulate the
increase. Also, if the market price
a given period and for a certain entire market competition. For
is low, the interest of consumers
price. this reason, every farmer driven
increases, which means that
by a profit should keep up with
demand increases.
Regarding the relation between the current situation on the
supply and demand, a farmer market and turn the information
Let’s Find a Balance Between
should know two important provided by a supply and
Supply and Demand
things: demand into profit.
Supply and demand, as well
1. The relation between supply -NDSU
as market prices, will rise
and demand will determine the and fall until they achieve a
market price of goods or services balance, which is called market
equilibrium. For example, if
From a recent survey
conducted by eMKambo
culture and food systems in Uganda and Zimba-
for decades. bwe mass food markets,
Borrowing best practices most farmers and traders
Determining and setting from developed coun- indicated that setting a
prices for agricultural tries where the context is uniform price for agricul-
commodities remains different, African policy tural commodities for the
a big challenge in most makers have for decades whole country is a recipe
African countries includ- been obsessed with for unfair trading because
ing local markets where setting uniform prices for production practices are
the majority of farmers, major food commodities not standard in different
traders and consumers at national level. How- production zones. Some
depend for their food and ever, there is need for a soils are too fertile while
income. There have not decent conversation in others need supplementa-
been convincing answers different communities to tion with basal fertilizers.
to questions like: Who figure out the extent to In the same country, the
determines pricing, pack- which prices of particular way sorghum or any crop
aging, measurement and food commodities can be is produced differs by
supply of commodities in uniform throughout the district due to inputs used
food markets? country. While the law by local farmers.
of averages might make
sense as part of making Where farmers use animal
How fair is setting food prices uniform across
uniform commodity manure and others use
the country, that can also anthill fertile soils, costs
prices for the country? induce unfair trade. associated with digging
and applying these inputs
Opportunities and
challenges for the AFCTA
The fact that African
agriculture is character-
ized by unfair trade is no
longer debatable. This
presents challenges for
the African Continental
Free Trade Area (AFC-
TA). Trade cannot be
considered free when it
is not fair. For instance,
how is the AFCFTA going
to settle for a regional
maize price when African
countries have diverse
climatic conditions and
soils that support maize
production? Is it not
possible that countries
that produce in abun-
dance will set or con- Mobile: 0772 137 717/
trol prices? Obviously, 0774 430 309/ 0712 737
countries or regions with 430
natural climatic condi-
tions favourable to the
production of particular
commodities may domi-
nate or control price-set-
ting. Perhaps AFCTA is
already examining how
current trading practices
are already contributing
to unfair trade, with a
view to correcting exist-
ing anomalies.
charles@knowledgetran- / charles@ / info@
Website: www.emkam- / www.knowl-
Culture practices
The ponds measuring
by constructing animal about 1 000 m² may be
housing units on the pond located near your house,
embankment or over the of the total input cost so that you can take care
pond in such a way that in conventional fish of the fish and pigs and
the wastes are directly culture. can discourage poach-
drained into the pond. • The pond dikes provide ing. Check and repair the
The system has obvious space for erection of dikes. The pond should
advantages: animal housing units. be deep enough so as
to retain more than 1 m
• Pond water is used for
cleaning the pigsties and
water depth during the
• The pig waste acts as dry period.
excellent pond fertilizer for bathing the pigs.
and raises the biological • The system cannot be
productivity of the pond adopted in all parts of Pond preparation
and consequently in- India due to religious
creases fish production. consideration but it has Drain and dry the pond
special significance in to remove all the weeds
• Some of the fishes feed
certain areas as it can and fish fauna remain-
directly on the pig ex-
crete which contains 70 improve the socioeco- ing in the pond. If it is
percent digestible food nomic status of weaker not possible to drain the
for the fish. rural communities, es- pond, all the fish can be
pecially the tribals who killed by applying 15 kg
• No supplementary feed traditionally raise pigs of both bleaching powder
is required for the fish and can take up fish-pig
culture, which normally and urea for a 1 000 m²
farming easily.
accounts for 60 percent pond. Alternatively, 250
kg Mahua oil cake can be
Care and management
of sows are very essen-
tial since they are re-
tained in the herd mainly
for breeding. Good man-
agement and feeding
will minimize problems
related to breeding.
Sows should be looked
after with particular care
so that the piglets are
delivered normally and
nursed properly.
Farrowing Sow and
Expulsion of placenta
is usually within 3
hours after expulsion
of foetus. Piglets start
suckling within 10-15
minutes after birth.
Artificial heat may
be provided by using
an infrared lamp /
ordinary electric bulb
during cold and rainy
season to avoid death
due to chilling.
Breeding management
The sows come to heat before farrowing to be started in small
once in about 21 days. avoid disturbances and quantities of concen-
Good feeding and man- to settle down in new trate mixtures along
agement induces heat Surroundings. The for- with laxatives like
(estrus) makes breeding rowing pen should be wheat bran.
easy, and larger litter dry, well ventilated and
size. Along with grains, lighted. Bedding mate-
rial should be provided Care and management
fish meal. skim milk of sucking sows
or butter milk may be in the farrowing pen.
given 2-3 weeks prior to • Prior to farrowing
• A sow gives about 150-
breeding to allow a body time, the ration of sow
200 kg of milk during 8
weight gain of 200-300 should be reduced to
week suckling period.
gm/day. half and should contain
Sows milk is more con-
laxative ingredient like
centrated than cows
wheat bran. The sow
milk hence sow require
Mating should be left undis-
more feed. Allow 1.5kg
turbed at farrowing
The average gestation of feed for the sow and
and may be helped
period of sow is about add 0.5 kg of feed per
during emergencies.
piglet to a maximum of
112-115 days the normal Remove piglets from
5-6 kg of total ration.
litter size is 8-10 piglets. a nervous sow and
Plenty of Lucerne hay
Older sows as larger allowed to suckle
and succulent fodder
litter size with high birth under supervision. As
may be provided.
weight. soon as the piglets are
born, they are dried • A few days prior to
with a cloth and placed weaning, the quantity
Farrowing in warm enclosure pig of feed is gradually
brooder. reduced to restrict milk
• The pregnant sow flow and dry the udder.
• Brood sows should be
should be shifted to given well-balanced Boar
farrowing pen 3-4 days rations. Feeding should
The The Agribusiness Expert Answers
A • Avoid taking
soil samples
along the
farm bound-
• Avoid areas
where their
is manure.
• Avoid areas
with trees.
• Avoid
Word Search
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Merchant Warehouse
Swift Mutakuri safely and securely transports Tobacco bales are delivered to
up to 400 bales per tautliner truck to Harare merchants warehouses in Harare
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