Stepwise Simulation of Vacuum Transfer Line Hydraulics
Stepwise Simulation of Vacuum Transfer Line Hydraulics
Stepwise Simulation of Vacuum Transfer Line Hydraulics
line hydraulics
A stepwise hydraulic calculation determines the pressure profile of a vacuum
transfer line by linking the hydraulic model to process simulation results
hen designing a vacuum pressure is ensured in the flash zone revenue. From a process design point
transfer line, a robust to allow the unit to reach target oil of view, the pressure drop in the
hydraulic model that vapourisation at an acceptable heater vacuum transfer line should be as
predicts velocity and a corresponding outlet temperature (HOT). A pressure small as possible to maximise the
pressure drop is crucial. A stepwise drop in the vacuum transfer line sets yield of vacuum gas oil. This usually
approach to hydraulic modelling of the heater outlet pressure (HOP), leads to a large transfer line and
vacuum transfer lines increases which in turn determines the HOT by increased heater passes, resulting in
accuracy and enhances the under- vapour-liquid equilibrium. significantly increased capital costs.
standing of two-phase fluid behaviour. The HOT is limited to an acceptable Therefore, it is essential to select the
Vacuum gas oil yield, reliability and value to avoid coke formation inside most cost-effective design, which
operability depend on correct design the heater coils. A high pressure drop meets both process design and
of the vacuum transfer line. in the vacuum transfer line increases mechanical requirements.
With the depletion of global the temperature difference from the The vacuum transfer line is a large,
conventional oil, refinery feedstocks heater outlet to the flash zone. Given a elevated line that routes the vacuum
are becoming heavier and often rely unit feed from the charge heater outlet
on unconventional heavy oil. to the vacuum tower flash zone.
Canadian oil sands-derived bitumen A typical objective Depending on capacity, the line’s
— a heavy, unconventional oil — is diameter can range from 48–84 inches
being increasingly processed in in the design of a inside diameter and its length is
Canadian upgraders to produce typically 40–70 ft. A typical piping
synthetic crude oil as part of the crude
vacuum unit is to layout for a transfer line includes
slate in US refineries. Processing maximise the yield either individual heater pass outlet
unconventional heavy oil like bitumen piping discharges into the main line
is challenging. Unconventional heavy of vacuum gas oil to routed to the vacuum tower, or half
oil is usually unstable and prone to the heater passes discharge into a
coking at high temperature. To improve a refinery’s manifold and the two manifolds
maintain reasonable run lengths, a discharge into the main line. The
temperature limit is applied to the
profitability piping design group should be
heater outlet, which indirectly puts a consulted to establish the preliminary
limit on the heater tube’s inside fixed HOT, an increased pressure drop transfer line routing, including
film temperature. in the vacuum transfer line decreases approximate lengths and allowance
the vacuum gas oil lift in the flash for thermal expansion. Since transfer
Design objectives zone, resulting in a lower yield of lines have a low allowable pressure
A typical objective in the design of a vacuum gas oil. Therefore, the vacuum drop, pressure loses due to fittings
vacuum unit is to maximise the yield transfer line’s hydraulics plays a should be minimised.
of vacuum gas oil to improve a crucial role in achieving the desired The number of parallel heater tube
refinery’s profitability. The vacuum product yields and operational passes is determined by the required
overhead system, column flash zone, reliability. cross-sectional area at the heater outlet
vacuum transfer line and the charge A study1 showed that one extra kPa to accommodate the large volume of
heater have to be optimised as a single added to the total pressure drop of a two-phase flow. At the heater outlet,
system to ensure that design objectives transfer line reduces the gas oil yield there are typically four to eight
are met during unit operation. by about 0.2 vol%. For a refinery with separate heater tube passes from one
Based on the steam and cracked gas a 100 000 bpd throughput, each kPa of or more cells. While cost-effective
loads, the vacuum overhead system is pressure drop in the vacuum transfer heater design favours using fewer
configured so that a low absolute line implies a significant loss of tube passes, the need to stay below