Hero's Journey Power Point Step One

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The Heros Journey Power Point Presentation Step One

Directions: You and a partner will choose an Epic Hero that is familiar to you both and trace the Heros Journey archetypal steps throughout the book/film. Fill out the chart appropriately for your hero as this is the foundation of your PowerPoint. You will be turning this sheet in with your final project. * Remember that all archetypes may not be represented and the steps can be in any order!

Archetypal steps in the Heros Journey

Home Culture:
The protagonist has a home a place that he thinks is normal and familiar. -a sequestered or hidden childhood raised by surrogate parents -hidden or concealed identity known only to a few, sometimes only one person

Descriptions from your chosen Heros Journey:


Call to Adventure: An occurrence motivates the

protagonist to find a new world that he was not aware existed. -Destinys Herald: is usually someone or something fairly ordinary--a frog, a deer in the forest, that carries an important message for the one who is prepared to receive it.

Refusal of the Call:

The protagonist chooses not to move forward in life for fear of the unknown and comfort in the familiar. -Threshold Guardian(s): The role of the threshold guardian is to test the heros worthiness to begin the journey and to show the journey will not be easy.

Supernatural Aid:

The protagonist is provided a guiding character or an unknown instrumental item to assist him forward into the unknown. Friends can also be included in this category.

Crossing the First Threshold: The protagonist

moves out of his comfort zone and is overcome by an obstacle before he can move forward. -Threshold to the First Trial:

Entering the Belly of the Whale:

The hero, rather than passing a threshold, passes into the new zone by a means of rebirth. By being swallowed, the hero is transformed and becomes ready for the adventure ahead.

Road of Trials:

The initiation phase is compromised of a series of sub-trials, and the acquiring of tools in preparation for the ultimate conflict. (Multiple Entries)

Meeting a Soul Mate (A mother-figure): For the

protagonist who was raised in the absence of love, love is the life goal. This woman (or goddess) will help to guide the protagonist forward.

Atonement At-one-ment (A father-figure):

For the protagonist who was raised in the absence of a father figure, reconciliation and atonement is the life goal. This type of story culminates in a confrontation and ultimate role replacement of the dominant father figure.

Refusing the Return : Although seldom a true refusal,

the protagonist prefers to live in the enlightened stage than return to a home that might not accept his gifts.

Crossing the Return Threshold:

Crossing the return threshold is the culmination of the journey. The hero is on his way to face the final test against evil.

Master of Two Worlds: The protagonist can adjust to

who he was in the past and who he might be in the future. Final Confrontation against the evil shadow often takes place in a dangerous environment. Now that the hero is a master he must also confront the evil alone.

The Heros Journey PowerPoint Project Step Two

Directions: Now that you have finished analyzing the steps of the heros journey archetype in your book, film, or television show, it is time for you and your partner to begin planning your PowerPoint presentation. Remember your PowerPoint should not only contain your analysis, but also be entertaining and informative. PowerPoint Requirements: 15-20 slides minimum including a title slide featuring the film or book you chose to analyze, your names and period. Identification and analysis of at least nine steps of the heros journey. Brief explanations of the archetype itself Titles, graphics or video clips and explanations that relate to your hero on each slide. Explanation of storyline throughout presentation ( This is important because we all havent seen the book/film/T.V. show your group has chosen) Presentation is organized and in the order provided. Font size of at least 30pt. and easy to read Correct Spelling and Grammar---I will be checking Music and animation optional---(Make sure it doesnt get in the way of comprehension) Creativity and a sense of humor a plus! Most importantly, have fun! Its not every day you get to watch a movie or T.V. show for an assignment Presentation Requirements: Stands up straight and makes eye contact with the entire audience-not one or two people Speaks slowly, clearly and in the appropriate tone. Uses standard and correct grammar. Uses notes, but doesnt read from them or the PowerPoint. Speaker(s) seems to be familiar with the content due to evident practice beforehand. PowerPoint and Presentation are in the students own words Delegation and shared responsibilities between partners is obvious to the audience Group is focused and stays on topic Presentation is engaging due to interest and excitement of the presenters Group members are proud of the their final project and presentation

PowerPoint is due:____________________________________________________

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