Used Car Checklist Updated

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By Carorbis


Torch Light Hydraulic/Manual Jack Magnet Dusting Cloth

Make: Odometer Reading:

Make Year: Chassis Number:

Model: Demanded Price:

Comments If Any:

– Duly Noted, But Nothing Serious – Scepticism Kicking In

– Unavoidable Issues – Deal Breaker! Look For

Another Deal


• Owner’s Manual and OEM Booklet • Do You Suspect Odometer Tampering?

• Company Service Record • Is the Car Accidental
Yes No Yes No

1 Are there scratches or marks 16 Are the seats having cracks,

on the bonnet? small cuts or wear and tear?
2 Are the windscreen wipers 17 Is there any mark, dent or
damaged? minor crack/s on any panel?

3 Are the alloy wheels or wheel 18 Are the spare tyre and
caps in good shape? emergency tools present?
19 Is the infotainment/stereo
4 Are the tires worn out? not functional?
20 Are there any speakers
5 Are there prominent panel
gaps? onboard?
21 Are power windows
6 Is the paint faded/dull/cracked? working?
22 Do power windows operate
7 Do you notice a difference in smoothly or have noise/
panel paints? restricted movement?

8 Is there any portion of the 23 Is the AC/Heater/Climate

panel not attracted to a metal? Control Working?

9 Is any of the lights cracked 24 Does the car make a noise

or broken? when the Ac is on?

10 Are tyres of different make 25 Turn on all electronic

and model? systems and buttons to
check if everything is
11 Does the glass marking working.
correspond to the model year?
26 Are the pedals more worn
12 Is the underbody rusted? out than what the odometer
reading suggests?
27 Is the spare tyre well rusted
13 Is the exhaust rusted?
/has dents?

28 Does the sunroof housing

14 Is there any sign of a leak?
major accident?

15 Is there rust on several parts? 29 Is there any evidence of

water damage/flooding?

30 Does the car carpet come

off from places?

Yes No Yes No

31 Are the mudguards/fender 45 With the ignition off,

sheets missing or damaged? squeeze any visible hoses.
Are they too stiff or brittle?
32 Are there any wires hanging
out at the bottom of the car? 46 Is there a crack in timing
33 Inspect the suspension from
between the tyre and fender 47 Are any of the wires
gap, do you notice anything exposed?
out of place? 48 Are any of the hose clamps
34 Is there an oil covering on any loose?
of the shockers?
49 Is the battery more than
35 Measure the empty space 3 years old?
between the tyre and the
fender gap, is it different for 50 Are the battery clams
either side? covered with deposits?

36 Jack up the car and see if 51 Are there any signs of

there is any unusual suspension leakage on the power
wear and tear. steering/brake reservoir?

37 Check whether there is uneven 52 Is there any sign of

wear on any tyre. rodent infestation?

38 Are the suspension tie rods 53 Are fluid levels at a

in place? proper level?

39 Are the underbody component 54 Are the engine oil level and
rusted? colour appropriate?

40 Is there any fluid leak from 55 Is there any visible engine

below the engine? oil leakage?

41 Is there any fluid leakage from 56 Is there a coolant coating

below the transmission or at the bottom of the radiator?
57 Is there leakage near the
42 Is there any dent/crack on the brake fluid reservoir?
underbody components?
58 Is the timing belt too worn
43 Is the radiator bottom coated out?
with coolant?
59 Put a drop of engine oil on a
44 Does the chassis number white dusting cloth, does it
match what’s mentioned in appear sticky and smells bad?
the RC?
60 Are there any metal
particles in the oil?
Yes No Yes No

61 Does the oil look milky? 71 Are all the pedals depressing
the way they should?
62 Check for black deposits
72 Press the brakes hard, and
after removing the oil filter cap.
does the car immediately
63 Put a drop of transmission
fluid on a white dusting 73 Is there any noise while
cloth, and check if the fluid braking?
is contaminated with
particles or not. 74 Drive the car over bumps, is
there any unusual noise?

75 Does the car feel bouncy after

every bump?
IGNITION ON 76 Does the car vibrate while

77 Take up the car on an empty

road/highway. Are there
64 Is there any hissing, squawking, noticeable vibrations at
or excessive vibrating noise high speeds?
on startup? 78 Is the alignment of the vehicle
65 Is there any hissing, squawking, off-centred?
or excessive vibrating noise 79 Do interiors vibrate and
on startup? rattle?
66 Do the warning light stay even
80 Is there wind noise inside
after the engine is started?
the cabin?
67 Does the airbag warning light
81 Take a sudden pickup, do
blink or stay on?
the gears jerk during
68 Does the engine show variable transitions?
idle even after a minute of the 82 Is there a gap between
startup? acceleration and actual
69 For auto transmission, does the pick-up?
car start to move forward when 83 Is the tachometer not
the Driving gear is engaged? working?
70 For manual transmission, does
84 Is there a loud vibrating
the clutch feel too stiff or hard?
noise while engaging the
reverse gear?
85 Is there a loud noise coming
from the engine that
DRIVE TEST increases with speed?
86 Does the vehicle feel as if it
is stressed out?
Yes No

87 Are all the lights and

indicators working?

88 While the car is cruising, is

there any excessive white/
black smoke?
89 Follow the car while it's
cruising and see if there is
any noticeable wobble at
bumps or does the vehicle
have an odd incline.


90 Is there a hissing noise?

91 Is there any sign of fluid

leaks at the bottom?
92 Is there smoke coming out of
the engine bay?

Number of “Yes” Meaning


Less than 7 Harmless Fixes

8 to 11 Can be taken care off

More than 11 Mediocre expenses but nothing to worry about

Less than 7 Can be dealt with, its not a brand new car after all

8 to 11 This is gonna take some time and money

More than 11 Prepare to look for another deal

Less than 7 You have the bargaining advantage

8 to 11 Consult a good mechanic before moving forward

More than 11 Time to go home

Deal Breaker
One or more Skip this one
of these

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