Used Car Checklist Updated
Used Car Checklist Updated
Used Car Checklist Updated
By Carorbis
Comments If Any:
– Duly Noted, But Nothing Serious – Scepticism Kicking In
3 Are the alloy wheels or wheel 18 Are the spare tyre and
caps in good shape? emergency tools present?
19 Is the infotainment/stereo
4 Are the tires worn out? not functional?
20 Are there any speakers
5 Are there prominent panel
gaps? onboard?
21 Are power windows
6 Is the paint faded/dull/cracked? working?
22 Do power windows operate
7 Do you notice a difference in smoothly or have noise/
panel paints? restricted movement?
Yes No Yes No
39 Are the underbody component 54 Are the engine oil level and
rusted? colour appropriate?
61 Does the oil look milky? 71 Are all the pedals depressing
the way they should?
62 Check for black deposits
72 Press the brakes hard, and
after removing the oil filter cap.
does the car immediately
63 Put a drop of transmission
fluid on a white dusting 73 Is there any noise while
cloth, and check if the fluid braking?
is contaminated with
particles or not. 74 Drive the car over bumps, is
there any unusual noise?
Less than 7 Can be dealt with, its not a brand new car after all
Deal Breaker
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