Quiz 1
Quiz 1
Quiz 1
2. A common cause for a foreign body sensation in the back of the throat
a. Fishbone c. Tonsilliths
b. Mass d. LPR
a. Lymphoma c. Tonsilliths
b. Tonsillitis d. Tonsillar abscess
4. This PE finding in the posterior oropharynx indicates the presence of submucosal lymphoid hypertrophy and is
often seen in the setting of infection, allergic rhinitis, and reflux
a. Atrophy c. Erythema
b. Edema d. Cobblestoning of the mucosa
7. In the examination of the neck, what is a good landmark used in “short-neck” individuals?
9. What structure divides the neck into anterior and posterior triangle?
12. A trauma patient presents with facial asymmetry. Upon thorough physical examination, there is no movement
of the forehead on the right, incomplete right eye closure, and mouth asymmetric with maximum effort. What is
the grading of the patient’s facial nerve paralysis?
13. Weber lateralizes to the left; Rinne on the left bone >air
14. Weber lateralizes to the left; Rinne on the left air > bone bilaterally
17. This finding can indicate laryngeal fracture, and it can also be seen in the setting of air migrating upward from a
fresh tracheostomy site, esophageal rupture, or primary pneumomediastinum.
18. In testing for smell, the use of ammonia is discouraged because it may give a false positive result by stimulating
what cranial nerve
a. CN I c. CN VII
b. CN IV d. CN V
19. Tonsils are located just outside the fossa and occupy 25% of the total width of the oropharynx
23. This structure is found in the hypopharynx and is often collapsed at rest
24. This area of the hypopharynx may harbor tumors that often are detected only in advanced stages: