mRNA Vaccines Offer Hope For HIV: News & Views
mRNA Vaccines Offer Hope For HIV: News & Views
mRNA Vaccines Offer Hope For HIV: News & Views
Lynn Morris
he remarkable success of mRNA Whether this unique technology platform immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is now under
vaccines against COVID-19 has can be used to tackle the more complex intense scrutiny. In this issue of Nature
been nothing short of miraculous. task of developing a vaccine against human Medicine, a preclinical study by Zhang et al.
HIV10, although it came with the sobering HIV to integrate into the human genome KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa.
realization that high levels of bNAbs will necessities that a vaccine elicits antibodies ✉e-mail: [email protected]
probably be required (P. Gilbert, personal able to block every viral particle. Whether
communication). Another approach to further optimization of Env immunogens, Published online: 9 December 2021
generating bNAbs is to trigger the B cell together with the strong priming effect of an
precursors of specific bNAb lineages. One mRNA vaccine platform, is able to achieve
such germline-targeting immunogen is this will require further investigation. The 1. Zhang. P. et al. Nat. Med.
eOD-GT8, a nanoparticle coated with HIV hope is that the lessons learned from the 01574-5 (2021).
Env gp120 proteins, which binds rare B cells development of vaccines against COVID-19 2. Sanders, R. W. et al. Science 349, aac4223 (2015).
3. Pardi, N. et al. J. Control. Release 217, 345–351 (2015).
specific for the CD4-binding site in monkeys will be used to solve the HIV problem and 4. Pardi, N. et al. J. Exp. Med. 215, 1571–1588 (2018).
and humans11. eOD-GT8 has now been that this will be tackled with the same sense 5. Chaudhary, N., Weissman, D. & Whitehead, K. A. Nat. Rev. Drug
converted into an mRNA vaccine through of urgency, given that HIV remains a major Discov. 20, 817–838 (2021).
6. Mu, Z., Haynes, B. F. & Cain, D. W. Vaccines 9, 134 (2021).
the same platform as the successful Moderna global health challenge. ❐ 7. Khoury, D. S. et al. Nat. Med. 27, 1205–1211 (2021).
vaccine against COVID-19, with human 8. Lederer, K. et al. Immunity 53, 1281–1295.e5 (2020).
clinical trials due to start soon. Lynn Morris 1,2 ✉ 9. Gray, G. E. et al. N. Engl. J. Med. 384, 1089–1100 (2021).
10. Corey, L. et al. N. Engl. J. Med. 384, 1003–1014 (2021).
There is no doubt that HIV presents 1
Antibody Immunity Research Unit, Faculty of
11. Jardine, J. G. et al. Science 351, 1458–1463 (2016).
a much greater challenge for vaccine Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand,
developers than COVID-19 does. The Johannesburg, South Africa. 2Center for the AIDS Competing interests
vast genetic diversity and the ability of Program of Research in South Africa, University of The author declares no competing interests.