12 Fat Blasting Meal Plans July 2009 Signed Rebranded
12 Fat Blasting Meal Plans July 2009 Signed Rebranded
12 Fat Blasting Meal Plans July 2009 Signed Rebranded
12 Fat-Blasting Meal Plans
he following 12 fat blasting meal Additionally, as I have mentioned previ-
plans are the result of over 10 years ously, supplementation is a critical com-
of experience helping people just ponent to your success. The meal plan
like you lose weight fast. The foods are examples include the specific brand and
laid out for you and all you have to do is products I recommend.
determine the number of grams of protein Prograde Nutrition’s EFA Icon is the high-
you are to receive for your bodyweight as est quality essential fatty acid product you
well as the number of carbohydrates. You can buy.
will eat 1 gram of protein per pound of
And Prograde Workout Drink not only
bodyweight divided equally amongst your
maximizes your fitness efforts and ac-
meals on each day. Your carbohydrate
clerates your fat loss, it also tastes great!
intake on your high carb day is really no
Prograde Longevity is an extraordinarily
limit except you need to eat your protein,
powerful anti-aging antioxidant supple-
vegetables and fruit before you eat other
ment. If you’re looking for convenient and
starches. Only eat until satisfied and not
powerful nutrition for your busy lifestyle,
full. On your low carb days eat only 1
you want to look into Prograde Lean Meal
gram of carbohydrate per pound of body-
Replacement Shake and our Organic Dark
weight divided amongst 4 of your 6 meals.
Chocolate Prograde Cravers bars. Lastly, I
Your no carb day is your normal 1 gram of
have also included their VGF 25+ for Men
protein per pound of bodyweight and all
& Women, which is a whole foods based
the vegetables you feel comfortable eating
multi which ensures you are meeting all
until satisfied for each meal.
your body’s nutritional demands. It’s made
You can split your protein and carbohydrate from 25 vegetables, fruits and greens and
grams up so that you have equal amounts is specifically designed for women. You
at each meal that allow carbs and protein won’t find a higher quality or more pure
if you’d like. Feel free to season your meats source of complete nutrition anywhere on
and fish anyway you’d like as long as it is the market.
calorie free. Enhance your meals by add-
Please feel free to pass these meal plans on
ing your favorite spices to your food.”
to anyone you feel they will help!
© Prograde Nutrition
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
High Carb Low Carb No-Carb
Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast
1 egg/2 egg white omelet with 1 egg/2 egg white omelet w/ spinach 3 eggs (any way you like them)
mozzarella cheese & spinach Oatmeal Spinach & green pepper
Whole grain toast, 1 pat butter, 2 tsp jelly Blackberries VGF 25+ for Men & Women
Apple VGF 25+ for Men & Women EFA Icon
VGF 25+ for Men & Women EFA Icon
EFA Icon Snack
Snack Cottage cheese
Snack Cottage cheese w/ carrot sticks Zucchini sticks
Hard boiled egg, pear Pear
Lunch Lunch Fish
Canned tuna Fish Broccoli
Whole grain bread Yam Cauliflower
Steamed asparagus Asparagus
Orange Snack
Prune Non-fat cottage cheese
Snack Snack Carrot sticks
Chicken breast Chicken breast Prograde Workout Drink
Carrot sticks Red peppers
Prograde Workout Drink Dinner
Orange Shellfish
Dinner Dinner Salad (with mixed vegetables)
Chicken breast Lean beef
Chickpeas Snack
Sweet potato, 1 TBS sour cream Cottage cheese
Broccoli Green beans
Apple Red pepper sticks
Snack Snack
Cottage cheese & strawberries Cottage cheese & strawberries
For more information on these product, click: VGF 25+ Men & Women EFA Icon Prograde Workout Drink
Day 7 Day 8 Day 9
High Carb Low Carb No-Carb
Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast
4-egg-white-omelet w/ spinach and 2 eggs 2 egg whites/ 1 egg with spinach and
mozzarella cheese Shredded wheat with skim milk mozzarella cheese
Whole grain English muffins Blackberries VGF 25+ for Men & Women
Raspberries VGF 25+ for Men & Women EFA Icon
VGF 25+ for Men & Women EFA Icon
EFA Icon Snack
Snack Cottage cheese
Snack Cottage cheese Red pepper sticks
Turkey wrapped in lettuce Leaves Zucchini sticks
Pear Pear Lunch
Lunch Lunch Spinach salad with mixed vegetables
Lean beef Lean beef Non-fat salad dressing
Brown rice & broccoli Black beans
Almonds Green beans Snack
Orange Apple Almonds
Green pepper sticks
Snack Snack
Cottage cheese & carrot sticks Chicken wrapped in lettuce leaves Dinner
Strawberries Prograde Workout Drink Beef
Prograde Workout Drink Salad with vegetables
Dinner Mixed cooked vegetables (from
Dinner Fish approved list)
Ground round hamburger Brown rice
1 whole grain bun Cauliflower and/or broccoli Snack
Zucchini & corn Orange Hard boiled egg
Raspberries Zucchini sticks
Snack Hard boiled egg
Hard boiled egg Carrot sticks
Apple Strawberries
For more information on these product, click: VGF 25+ Men & Women EFA Icon Prograde Workout Drink
My name is Jayson Hunter. I’m the author of these Fat Blasting Meal Plans.
As a registered dietitian and personal fitness trainer with over ten years
of experience, I’ve seen just about every gimmick, fad diet and miracle
pill people have tried to lose inches fast. And while these “solutions”
have worked for the short-term, they’ve resulted in long-term disaster by
wreaking havoc on the metabolism of these unsuspecting people. In fact,
not only do they gain the weight back they lost, but they gain a whole lot
Jayson Hunter, RD, CSCS
This isn’t some fad diet filled with nonsense. Everything I reveal to you is
based on hard science and research. As a registered dietitian I know what
works and what doesn’t. I’m not some run-of-the-mill “guru” who pretends
to have all the answers. I’m not some well meaning person on an internet
forum who wants to help you out. No, I’m a highly educated professional
with real-world experience. I have all the right answers because I do the
research and I spent all the years in school.
For more information on these product, click: VGF 25+ Men & Women EFA Icon Prograde Workout Drink