MIKE DEWINE oe ses, wot
Governor OF Ouro Sovareieager
July 3, 2023
‘The Honorable Joseph R. Biden
President of the United States
‘The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20500
‘Through: Regional Administrator Thomas C. Sivak
FEMA Region RV
Chicago, Ilinois 60608
Dear President Biden
(On March 7, 2023, the State of Ohio was granted an extension until July, 3, 2023 to request a
“Major Presidential Disaster Declaration relating to the ttn derailment and release of hazardous
chemicals that occured in East Palestine, Ohio from February 3, 2023 through February 6, 2023.
(On June 13,2023, the State of Ohio requested additional ime from the Federal Emergency
“Management Agency (FEMA) to request a Major Presidential Disaster Declaration, asthe State
continues to evaluate long term needs. This request was denied by FEMA on June 29, 2023.
‘Currently, no unmet needs have been reported tothe State. However, this is due tothe voluntary
actions of Norfolk Souther. The possibilty remsins tha! the voluntary support provided by
[Norfolk Southern could at some point in the future cease, and this Declaration is needed to
censure thatthe State and Federal government use all resources available to step in and provide
the community with needed assistance. Therefor, under the provisions af Section 401 ofthe
Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, 42 U.S.C. §§ 5121-5207
(Stafford Act), and implemented by 44 CFR §206.36, I request that you declare a major disaster
forthe State of Ohio a a result ofthe unprecedented tran derailment and release of hazardous
chemicals in East Palestine, Oo on February 3, 2023
Summary of Disaster
(On Friday, Februny 3,2023, a Norfolk Souther tain carying hazardous materials derailed in
the Village of East Palestine’ This resulted in x major fire withthe Village's fre department and
several other fre depariments responding under mutual eid. On the evening of February 5, 2023,
responders observed a drastic temperature change ina derailed car. Responders expressed
serous concem that the increase in temperature could lead toa eatastrophic tanker failure which
could cause an explosion with the potential of deadly shrapnel traveling up vo one mile. It was
ultimately determined by the Unified Command Group thatthe safest course of ation was 0
conducts controlled release of the chemicals inorder to avoid the dangers of explosion.Page?
Local officials sent an urgent warning to those living within one-mile of he denilmen,
‘encouraging residents o evacuate immediately. Througheut te night and into February 6,2023,
Tocal oficial, and the Ohio State Highvvay Patrol went door to door urging residents 0
evacuate, The Ohio Department of Tansportation blocked roads to assis in keeping the
evacuated area closed to ric
{As officials monitor the fire and worked o safely evaewat resident, representatives fiom both
the federal and the state EPA arived on seen o begin testing ai and water quality, and
employees from the Ohio Department of Natiral Resources arrived on scene to asi nthe
evacuation effort aleady underway,
‘he conlle release arte around 4:30 pom. local mead laste for approximately wo
hours. After conducting testing ofthe sir and water arourd the crash site and the surrounding
are, residents were told they could return home on Febmary &, 2023. Clean-up ofthe site
Continue to this date. Further, residents contin to report medical conditions and are concerned
thatthe air and water were impacted bythe chemicals released during this incident. This