Classical Perspective

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Classical Perspective.

Scientific management methods are used today, largely in factories, to improve

efficiency and labour productivity One of the contributions that it made to
modern management is increasing efficiency by standardizing each task of a
job and training workers to perform the task in the standard method. A
famous example of this is an assembly line used to make cars today. In
addition, Scientific management also contributed to the use of incentives.
Incentives are widely used today in both private and public sectors in a form of
performance bonuses to boost productivity and morale. (Recognize, 2022)‌.
Bureaucratic Principles are practiced in organizations today. One principle can
be seen in the structure of the various organisation whereby the hierarchy of
organisations is clear and defined and has a chain of command. Typically, the
hierarchy from the top is, top managers, followed by middle managers, down
to first line manager right to the bottom where you get team leaders and non-
managerial employees (Daft, Benson and Henry, 2020). Another practice widely
used, is hiring qualified people instead of people connected to the organisation
Administrative Principle is still widely used today in a form of the elements of
management and the universal principles of management which are taught in
Management Theory today. It also contributed the idea of grouping similar task
together into one department, which we see widely in organisations in a form
of, for example, the financial department.

Humanistic perspective
Human perspective places emphasis on humans in relation to the success of
the organisation. In contrast to the Scientific management, the aim is to
empower the employees (Daft, Benson and Henry, 2020) in order for the
employees to do their best; the employee is seen as individual with potential
and dignity and not a tool to be used. There are companies that find the value
in humanistic approach to managing people, like Vygon Group, believing that if
they treat employees well, productivity will increase. This idea was proposed in
the human relation movement and clearly still has a place in our current era.
Behavioural Science approach birthed organisational development, which
widely used by organisations, in a form of team building and leadership
training, to name a few.
Recent historical trends
Recent historical trends seem to be directed a solving issue on the bases that
every problem is unique and might need unique solutions, as described in
Contingency View phase. The Covid-19 pandemic highlighted the usefulness of
the Contingency View method, solely to the fact that the pandemic was an
unexpected situation; organizations were forced to find new solutions to adapt
to the constrains created by the pandemic.
Companies use principles of System thinking to solve their problems, even the
work environment. By understanding the various factors that contribute and
take away from the productivity of employees, one can make an informed
decision on how to deal with those issues and greatly increase productivity in
the workplace. Many companies have used System thinking with great success,
including Google and Casco(Anon, n.d.).
Top quality management is focused on producing quality at efforts of the
whole organization. It has been successfully used by Toyota, making them one
of the top producers of vehicles. When done right, Top quality management
has the potential to grow an organisation.

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