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ELTERM1 Description e DIT003

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Local Operation Terminal

for Voltage Regulator GMR

Technical Description

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Local Operation Terminal Technical Description

1. Introduction........................................................................................................... 3
2. Description of Functions .....................................................................................4
2.1. Basic Screen - Main Menu ............................................................................................. 4
2.2. Alarms, Trips .................................................................................................................. 6
2.3. Actual & Set Values ....................................................................................................... 6
2.4. Regulator Settings ......................................................................................................... 7
2.5. Maintenance .................................................................................................................. 8
2.6. Terminal Mode ............................................................................................................... 8
2.7. Calibration.................................................................................................................... 10
3. Operating Instructions .......................................................................................10
3.1. Preconditions ............................................................................................................... 10
3.2. Keyboard Functions ..................................................................................................... 11
3.3. Password - Write Protection ........................................................................................ 13
3.4. Parameter Modifications .............................................................................................. 14
4. Error Processing................................................................................................. 16
4.1. Error Processing for MRB Board and IO Hardware...................................................... 16
4.2. Operating and Terminal Errors..................................................................................... 18
5. Technical Data .................................................................................................... 19
5.1. Connector Pin Assignment and Connecting Cable ...................................................... 19
5.2. Specifications............................................................................................................... 20

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Local Operation Terminal Technical Description

1. Introduction
The ELTERM1 user interface is integrated in the digital voltage regulator GMR and provides
easy local operation along with indication of all generator quantities and vast alarm indication
facilities. All reference values, as well as the regulator settings can be changed with the
ELTERM1. A two level password prevents unauthorized access.

The main features of the ELTERM1 are:

- 8 keys provide all direct local operation commands necessary.

- On-line display of the system status in plain language.
- The most important actual values are displayed in physical quantities.
- All actual values are displayed in per unit values.
- Menu guided service and maintenance functions.
- All internal reference values and regulator settings can be inspected and
changed on-line in an easy, menu driven way.
- Two level password access prevents from unauthorized changes of parameters.
- The last 104 alarms are registered in chronological order
- 96 individual alarm messages provide precise trouble shooting information.
- Automatic display of self supervision functions in case of an AVR failure, indication of
defective hard- or software components.
- selection of language via software parameter

The easy, menu guided operation and the status display in plain language result in a significant
improvement compared to conventional user interfaces.

All necessary operation procedures as well as all parameter modifications can be carried out
with the ELTERM1. Hence no additional terminal or a PC are necessary for operating or
servicing an excitation system equipped with a GMR digital regulator.

A menu-driven parameter indication and password protected modification offers a safe and
easy way of data entry.

The performance of the ELTERM terminal was continually improved. All described features and
functions are available at firmware version BED500 or higher.

Any regulator-manipulation with the ELTERM1 or a PC constitutes an operating risk for
the generator in operation! The staff responsible for the operation of the generator must
be contacted prior to any such intervention!

The manufacturer of the terminal does not assume any liability for any possible damage
or operating stoppage!

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Local Operation Terminal Technical Description

2. Description of Functions
2.1. Basic Screen - Main Menu
A nine pole plug connects the GMR user terminal to the RS 232 C interface of the MRB card of
the GMR regulator. This connection also serves to supply the terminal.
See 5.1. Connector Pin Assignment and Connecting Cable.

After connecting the ELTERM1 to the MRB-board, the basic screen will appear, showing the
status of the voltage regulator/excitation system, as well as the most important generator
quantities in their physical values, if the program on the MRB card is running.

An example of the basic screen is shown below:

11.53kV 1475A 0,89 Stator Voltage, Stator Current, power factor

+46.3MW +23.7MVar Generator active power (MW), reactive power (MVAr)
Field: 1456A Excitation field current
On Rem AUTO-VAR Status display line

In case of a failure of the GMR software or hardware, or if the program on the MRB card is not
running, the respective error message will be displayed instead of the basic screen. (See chapt.
4.1 Error Processing for MRB board and IO-Hardware.)

All possible status messages are shown in the table overleaf. All messages that apply to the
actual state of the excitation system will be shown. Some status messages will ‘turn off’ the
display of the generator actual values. Those status messages are marked with ‘off’ in the
column actual values. If non of those messages is displayed, the generator (stator) voltage, the
generator (stator) current, active and reactive power, as well as the field current are displayed

A ‘+’ related with active power indicates active power delivery, a ‘-‘ active power consumption. A
‘+’ related with reactive power (MVAR) indicates reactive power delivery (lagging VARs) , a ‘-‘
reactive power consumption (leading VARs).

After pressing the MENU/ENTER key the main menu will appear. It consists of 7 menu items:

1 Alarms, Trips 4 Maintenance ↑

2 Actual Values 5 Terminal Mode
3 Regulator Settings 6 Calibration
4 Maintenance ↓ 9 Version Info

Advice: Use the scroll up key or scroll down key whenever the scroll up symbol ↑ or
the scroll down symbol ↓ appears, in order to scroll to further menu items.

Pressing 1,2,3,4,5,6 or 9 on the keyboard will activate the respective function or call up the
respective menu. The ESC key will take you back to the basic screen.

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Local Operation Terminal Technical Description

Status Display:
The status display covers the following static or transient states of the excitation system:

N° Status Comment Actual

1 Off Excitation System is off. off

2 On Excitation System is in operation.

3 Ready Excitation system is ready to be turned on. off

4 Start Excitation system is starting.

5 Stop Excitation system is stopping.

6 AUTO AVR is in automatic voltage regulation mode.

7 MAN AVR is in manual, field current control mode.

8 Loc AVR is switched to local. Commands given at

the ELTERM1 panel will be accepted.
9 Rem AVR is switched to remote. Commands from
remote will be accepted.
10 Pf Power factor control is superimposed on the
automatic voltage regulator.
11 VAR Reactive power (VAR) control is superimposed
on the automatic voltage regulator.
12 Standby This regulator channel is standby and ready to off
take over from the active channel.
Only with dual channel regulators.
13 Alarm There is an alarm related to the excitation
system or AVR. Check the alarm list by pressing
the ENTER key and 1 for the Alarm Menu.
14 Trip! An internal excitation system - AVR failure off
caused an excitation trip. Check the alarm list by
pressing the ENTER key and 1 for the Alarm
15 Channel Failure! There is a failure related to this regulator off
channel. A changeover to this channel is not
possible. Check the alarm list by pressing the
ENTER key and 1 for the Alarm Menu.
Only with dual channel regulators.
16 External Trip! An external protection trip is active. The off
excitation system cannot be started.

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Local Operation Terminal Technical Description

2.2. Alarms, Trips

When selecting this menu item, an alarm list of the latest 104 alarm events will be created. Four
alarms will be displayed on one screen, starting on top with the latest alarm event on top of the
display. The sequence of display is according to the sequence of occurrence, no matter if the
alarms are still active or not.

A blinking asterisk on the left of the alarm message indicates, that the alarm is active.

An arrow ↓ at the right of the alarm message in the bottom line indicates, that there are further
alarms registered in the list. By pressing the scroll down ↓ key the next alarm message will be
displayed. Scrolling down by the scroll down ↓ key means to go back in time, to display the
alarm that has occurred before the one shown in the bottom line.

An arrow ↑ at the right of the alarm message in the top line indicates, that a more recent alarm
can be displayed by pressing the scroll up ↑ key.

After checking the alarm list you can return to the main menu by pressing the ESC key. Before
leaving the alarm menu, you can choose to accept the alarm list by pressing the ENTER key. If
you do so – all not active alarms will be deleted. Pressing the ESC key will leave the alarm list

latest alarm/trip
start overtime trip
thyr. current fail
flashing asterisk: trip is still active ∗thyristor fuse fail
∗ m.c.b. tripped ↓

press scroll down key for messages registered before

The alarm events themselves are stored in the MRB board of the GMR voltage regulator with a
resolution of 100ms. When calling menu ´1 Alarms, Trips´ on ELTERM1 panel, the alarm list is
transferred from the MRB board and displayed on the screen. The alarm list is permanently
updated, so the information on the screen is always the latest and actual information.

The complete list of all possible alarm/trip messages can be found in the site specific
description and excitation system operation manual.

2.3. Actual & Set Values

When selecting this menu item, the most important operating parameters of the synchronous
machine are shown as ´per unit´ values, which are related to the nominal values of the
synchronous machine (see chapter on Setting Values in the Description and Operation Manual
for Excitation Equipment).

The display shows 2 values at the same time. 2 lines are available for every parameter. The first
line gives the internal designation of the parameter (e.g. V500) and its meaning in plain
language (e.g. Excit. Current). The internal designation helps to follow the variable in the
regulator diagrams. The second line shows the present value of the variable. Since the
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Local Operation Terminal Technical Description

displayed parameters are read continuously from the regulator, the data always reflect the most
up-to-date values, which are being processed in the regulator at any given time.

By actuating the scroll key (see 3.2. Keyboard Functions), the next parameter is displayed that
is contained in this menu item.

V500 Excit.Current Cursor

+00.8995 _
V11 Gen.Vol.Ref.Val

The selected parameter by cursor can now be increased by means of key ALT-INC, or
decreased by means of key ALT-DEC, or a new value can be entered directly.

If the selected parameter has write protection, and if the correct password has not yet been
entered, the user is now requested to enter the password. If the password grants write
authorization, the variable can be modified at random. (See 3.3. Password - Write Protection)
The user returns to the basic menu by pushing key ESC.

2.4. Regulator Settings

When selecting the menu 3 Regulator Settings, the user accesses a sub-menu that contains
the functional units of the excitation system.

1 Current Regulat.IF
2 Voltage Regulat.UG
3 Exc.Cur.IF-Limiter
4 Gen.Cur.IG-Limiter

The next menu item is displayed after the scroll key is pressed.

All the different parameters of the functional groups can now be selected for display from this

V1825 Max.Ref.Val.IF
V1826 Min.Ref.Val.IF

The displayed variables can now be modified as described for menu item ´Actual Values´.

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2.5. Maintenance
By means of this menu item certain excitation system maintenance procedures can be carried
out. For example thyristor bridge selection on excitation systems with redundant thyristor
rectifier bridges, or the selection of the thyristor cooling fan at systems with redundant fans.
Some of these functions may not be applicable for the specific excitation system. An input at a
function not installed will not have any result.

Inputs are made in the same manner as described in chapter ´Actual Values´.

fan 1 is in operation

V1851 Select Fan 1/2 Press '2 ENTER' to select fan

1 _ 2
V1852 SelectBridg1/2

By this menu it is also possible to save modified parameters to prevent loss of data after a
power drop-out. When activating EEPROM update the parameter values are copied from the
RAM into the EEPROM storage. A detailed description you can find in chapter 3.4, item ´Saving
the Settings´.

After voltage recovery a power up sequence copies the data from the EEPROM into the RAM

2.6. Terminal Mode

In this operating mode, all parameters used by the regulator - also those not shown by the other
menu items - can be displayed and modified.

Users can make their own list of parameters, which they wish to have displayed. These
parameters are retrieved by entering their internal designations, which are found in the regulator

Calling this menu item for the first time, the user is requested to enter the first parameter.

Parameter edit: Parameter edit:

_ V100_

Data entry is completed by pressing the ENTER key. The parameter is displayed in the same
form as described for menu items 2 and 3.

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Further parameters can now be entered, which are listed behind the last displayed parameter.
So a list of parameters can be created on which you are interested.

V100 V100_
+01.2002 V109_ +01.2002 _

Users can scroll up and down the list, as well as enter new parameters, at random. The new
entries of parameters are attached at the end of the list. A list with a maximum of 20 entries can
be created. If more parameters are entered, the oldest entry will be removed.

The entered parameters can now be modified, as described in item 2.3. Since this feature
allows to change all regulator parameters, which could constitute a risk for the operating
status, the highest level of write authorization is necessary when modifying parameters in
this operating mode.

Any subsequent access from the main menu to the menu item ´Terminal Mode´ takes users
directly to the output mode, where the parameters of the previously established list are shown.

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2.7. Calibration
This menu provides an easy way to calibrate the actual values.
For calibration the correction factor for each actual value must be determined and entered as
parameter to get the internal value 1 when the input reaches its nominal value.
The display shows the individual variable together with its abbreviated name and in the line
below the belonging correction factor.

V1805 NormIf

Further in this menu you can select the terminal language and scale the most important
generator quantities to get the correct physical values.

Field current V2004 Scale If,

Power V2005 Scale Pg,
Stator current V2006 Scale Ig
Stator voltage V2007 Scale Ug
Terminal language V2008 Language

3. Operating Instructions
3.1. Preconditions
First, the serial interface connection between GMR3 and the PC has to be made. The DIP
switch positions on module MRB2 / MRB3 have to be selected according to the figure below.
Please also refer to descriptive literature “Technical Documentation GMR3“.

OUT EN 1 n OUT EN 1 n
LOCAL 5 n R BATT 5 n R
HW EN 6 n M HW EN 6 n M
UPD 7 n AP ROM 7 n
RAM WE 8 n ROM PR 8 n

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3.2. Keyboard Functions

ELTERM1 keyboard:

The above picture shows the keyboard functions of the ELTERM1. The eight keys on top are
the so called command keys, used for the local commands at the excitation system. They are
active all the time, no matter which menu of the ELTERM1 is selected or which function it is
carrying out. Keys for not installed functions are omitted.

In dual channel design only the command buttons of the active channel are effective.
Commands from the standby channel (when ´Standby´ is indicated on the display) will be
ignored. Only the Master key is active on standby channel. This key is used to select the
standby channel to become the active channel, i.e. to change all output commands from the
active to the standby channel.

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Advice: Press the ´Master´ key of the standby channel to select the standby as the
new "master" and to deactivate the other. The display of the new standby
channel then indicates ‘Standby’. (Only applies to dual channel design).

The lower 16 keys are called menu-keys, which are used for regulator configuration and
parameter changes. (see page 12).

Explanation of command keys:

Command given at status Action

OFF On, Excitation shut down.
ON OFF and Ready Excitation start.
AUT/ AUTO Change to Manual (field current) regulation.
AUT/ MAN Change to AUTO (automatic voltage regulation), when no
MAN fault is related to voltage sensing circuit and if the generator
voltage is within the limits of the voltage regulator setpoint.
p.f./ AUTO Change to power factor regulation (AUTO-pf), if AVR is
VAR equipped with an automatic power factor regulator (and not
with an automatic VAR regulator).
p.f./ AUTO Change to VAR regulation, if AVR is equipped with an
VAR automatic VAR regulator.
p.f./ AUTO No action if AVR is neither equipped with an automatic VAR
VAR regulator, nor with an automatic power factor regulator.
p.f./ AUTO-VAR Change to AUTO, if AVR is equipped with only an automatic
VAR VAR and not with an automatic power factor regulator.
p.f./ AUTO-VAR Change to AUTO-pf, if AVR is equipped with both, automatic
VAR VAR regulator and with an automatic power factor regulator.
p.f./ AUTO-pf Change to AUTO.
p.f./ MAN Change to AUTO-VAR respectively AUTO-pf, when no fault is
VAR related to voltage sensing circuit and if the generator voltage
is within the limits of the voltage regulator setpoint.
ê On Setpoint lower.
é On Setpoint raise.
Loc/Rem Loc Change to remote control.
Loc/Rem Rem Change to local control.
Master Standby and not Change of command to standby channel at dual channel
Cannel Failure! regulators.

The above table gives an overview of all possible functions. Some of these functions will
not work, if the AVR - plant configuration does not provide these functions. Please check
with the site specific description, which functions are installed in your AVR.
In special cases the command keys can be used in a different way. If your keyboard does
not match with the drawing in this description, please refer to the site specific

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Programming keys:
16 keys are provided for all functions related to changing parameters or carrying out excitation
system service or AVR-configuration tasks. When the basic screen is shown on the LCD-display
the ENTER key is used to call up the main menu. By means of the ESC key you can go back to
the previous menu item. Going back from the main menu to the basic screen is also done by
pressing the ESC key.

The ALT key serves to enter the parameter designators in terminal mode.

The key SCROLL UP, BACKSPACE, ALT INCREMENT serves three functions. The
BACKSPACE function is available when entering parameter values, or new parameters, in
terminal mode; otherwise, the SCROLL UP function is available to scroll through the different
menus. If the ALT key is pressed simultaneously, the value of a selected parameter is

By pressing "0" (zero) and ALT button at the same time the parameter indication swaps from
"per Unit" (PU) to "decimal" (DEC) – display. Pressing these two buttons again will swap back
the display indication to PU.

These two indication methods are linked by the formula: DEC / 2048 = PU

The most significant bit of the 16 bit binary word is used as "sign" bit. The value "1" represents a
"–" sign and the per unit value is negative.

Hence the two ranges are: DEC: 0 ….. 32767 …… 32768 ….. 65535
PU: 0 …. 15,9995 ……. -16 .…… -0,0005

3.3. Password - Write Protection

Every variable of the GMR regulator is assigned a level of write protection. There are altogether
4 levels of write protection:

level 0 no write protection

level 1 write authorization with password 1
level 2 write authorization with password 2
level 3 write authorization only in terminal mode with password 2

At the first attempt to modify a variable of levels 1 or 2, users are requested to enter a
password. 2 passwords are set in the regulator. If the entered password corresponds to the
password 2, users are authorized to modify variables of levels 0 to 2.

If the entered password corresponds to password 1, users are authorized to modify variables of
levels 0 and 1. At any attempt to modify a variable of level 2, the message ´read only´ appears
in this case.

If the entered password does not correspond to any of the set passwords, users are only
authorized to modify variables of level 0. At any further attempt, i.e. to modify a variable of
levels 1 or 2, users will in this case be once more requested to enter the password.

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Variables of level 3 can only be modified in Terminal Mode . At any attempt to modify a
parameter of level 3 in modes Actual Values or Regulator Settings, the message ´read only´
appears immediately, without any subsequent request to enter the password.

In Terminal Mode, all edited variables have write protection level 3.

Changing the Password:

If the entered password corresponds to password 2, both passwords are displayed immediately
after password entry, and the user can change them. If the entered password corresponds to
password 1, password 1 can be changed.

Passwords fall within a range of values between 0 and 65535.

A new password setting must then be copied from the MRB-RAM memory to the EEPROM of
the MRB board; otherwise it would be lost during a subsequent system start-up. How to save
the new password is described in the following chapter 3.4. Please refer to item ´Saving the
Settings´ for details (see also chapter 5.3. of the regulator description).

Upon delivery of a regulator, both passwords are always set to '0'. At the first attempt to
modify the write-protected variables of levels 1 or 2, users are requested to enter a
password. By entering '0 ENTER', both passwords are displayed, and users must now set
and store the passwords.

Leading zeros will be ignored, when entering a password!

3.4. Parameter Modifications

To modify a parameter that is available in the menu, the value must be selected by moving the
cursor to the respective line. The value of the selected parameter can now be increased by
means of the key combination ALT-INC, or decreased by means of the key combination ALT-
DEC, or else, a new value can be entered.

If the selected parameter has write-protection, and if the corresponding password has not yet
been entered, users are requested to enter a password. If entry of the password authorizes
users to write, the variable may be modified as desired. If users have no write authorization, the
message ´read only´ appears whenever an attempt is made to modify a variable, or another
request appears, i.e. to enter the password (see 3.3).

Direct Parameter Entry:

All analogue variables of the regulator, i.e. the variables designated P, V, X and Y, have a valid
numerical range from -16.0000 to +15.9995. The applicable values for the digital variables A, C,
E and I are 0 and 1. Variables with the designation T and in the maintenance menu also
variables with designation V are internal constants of the regulator, with a range from 0 to
65535. All analogue variables in the maintenance menu are displayed like T-variables with a
range from 0...65535.

If a new parameter value is entered directly, it is transmitted to the regulator once the key
ENTER has been pressed to finish the entry. At the same time, it disappears from the display.

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During entry, edited characters can be deleted by means of the key SCROLL UP /
BACKSPACE. The ESCAPE key removes all entered characters.

If the entered value is beyond the applicable range of values, the regulator sends an error
message, which is displayed on the terminal. The regulator accepts values within an applicable
range of values. At a subsequent program run on the terminal, the up-to-date value is read out
and displayed. The displayed value represents the entered value with a possible rounding error,
due to the binary notation of the regulator. An internal transfer parameter will be overwritten by
the regulator program, and cannot be modified.

Parameter Modification by Means of ALT-INC and ALT-DEC:

The selected parameter can be modified directly by means of keys ALT-INC and ALT-DEC. For
this purpose, the terminal increments or decrements the present parameter value by a certain
amount (step) within the limits of the range, as long as the key is actuated. Starting with the
smallest step that the regulator can display, i.e. 0.0005 for analogue parameters and 1 for T
variables, the step is gradually increased, as long as the key is pressed.

If the selected value does not change when pressing the keys ALT-INC or ALT-DEC, then the
value is an internal transfer parameter, which the regulator program overwrites immediately.

Digital variables can not be changed by ALT-INC or ALT-DEC.

Saving the Settings:

Parameters modified as described above have so far only been stored in the working memory
(RAM) of the MRB board and may get lost during a subsequent system start-up.

If parameter values wants to be stored permanently, you must save them from the RAM
memory of the MRB board into the EEPROM.

When using a processor card MRB2 please move the on-board DIP switch 7 (´UPD´) to the right
position (´NORM´). The changes are now saved to the EEPROM. Return the DIP switch to its
original left position in order to avoid any unexpected overwriting of the EEPROM (see also
chapter 5.3. of regulator description).

If the regulator is using a MRB3 processor card, then navigate in menu 4 ´Maintenance´ to the
line ´EEPROM update´ (last line) and set variable I640 to "1". When the parameter set is
successfully stored to the EEPROM this variable automatically returns to "0" and the saving
process is finished.

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4. Error Processing
The GMR digital regulating system has integrated functions to check the input and output cards,
the main processor board (MRB board) and the sub-processor board (PGS board).

While errors on input or output boards, as well as on the MRB board are displayed on the
terminal without any user request, the error messages for the PGS board are only shown after
calling up menu item ´1 Alarms, Trips´.

4.1. Error Processing for MRB Board and IO Hardware

If an error appears on the main processor board (MRB board), or on one of the input or output
boards of the GMR regulator, the regulating program of the main processor is stopped.

When connecting the terminal to the regulator, as well as during ongoing operation, the terminal
recognizes automatically that the regulator program was stopped, and the error message

The user terminal now starts the functions which determine the cause of the error.

IO Error:
If an IO board is not present or defective, the user terminal will display the corresponding error
number, as well as the position and type of the board. When several boards are defective, the
type and position of the defective board on the left is shown first.

Error 41 error number: 41

IO-Error on
IO error on plug in position 2
Position 2
Type: E type of board: digital input board

The following types can be displayed:

type: E digital input board
type: A digital output board
type: X analogue input board
type: Y analogue output board

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Board position:

NGT (1, 2 oder 3) power supply unit

MRB (2 oder 3) main processor board
reserved if POS15 is free, this position can be equipped
with a board.
POS 0 ..... POS 15 possible positions for input or output boards

In full configuration up to a maximum of 16 input and output boards is possible.

MRB Error:
If the regulator program was halted on account of a hardware or software error on the main
processor board, the following error messages are possible as a result of the testing functions:

Program Error!
SYS RAM Read-Write Error!
No Battery and EEPROM Existing!
Program CRC Error!
AUX-RAM Read-Write Error!

For further information on these errors, please refer to the description of regulator unit GMR 3.

Disconnect power supply before exchanging boards!

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4.2. Operating and Terminal Errors

The following error messages relate only to the terminal itself or its connection to the GMR
regulator unit, as well as to user errors on the terminal.

Communication Errors:
If the GMR user terminal cannot establish proper communication with the regulator, it displays
the error message ´Communication Error´.

The reasons may be the following, among others:

A defective connecting line.
A defect on the RS 232 C interface or the GMR regulator.
A hardware defect of the terminal.
The GMR regulator is not in the run or stop mode. Remedy: Reset
regulator! (see chapter 5.2.3. of regulator description)

The above message is triggered when the communication time with the GMR regulator is
exceeded. It always appears, therefore, when the terminal does either not receive any signals,
or receives signals which it cannot interpret.

User Errors:
The below table is an overview of those error messages that are caused by entry errors on the
terminal, such as entering a parameter value under menu item ´Regulator Settings´ which is
too large.

error message operating mode cause

Illegal Par. Value! Actual Values limits of range exceeded:
Regulator Settings -16.....+15.9995 for analogue values
Maintenance 0.......65535 for T parameters
Terminal Mode

Illegal Input ! Actual Values Operating error: regulator cannot interpret

Regulator Settings entered sequence of characters.
Maintenance Or DIP-switch NOQUIT on pub MRB2 of
Terminal Mode GMR3 regulator is in position NORM. (Before
changing parameters DIP-switch NOQUIT
has to be pushed into the left - ON position.
See description of card MRB.

Invalid Parameter ! Terminal Mode parameter index too large,

parameter type not existing in software

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Local Operation Terminal Technical Description

5. Technical Data
5.1. Connector Pin Assignment and Connecting Cable
The connecting cable has got a 9-pole sub-miniature socket on the regulator side. The wires of
the cable are soldered to connecting points on the ELTERM1 printed circuit board. The below
drawing shows the relevant connections.

GMR signal designation ELTERM1 signal

connector pin connecting point
Pin 1 n.c.
Pin 2 RxD X2/2 TxD
Pin 3 TxD X2/3 RxD
Pin 4 n.c.
Pin 5 GND X10 GND
Pin 6 n.c.
Pin 7 n.c.
Pin 8 n.c.
Pin 9 +9V / 250 mA MRB2 X9 +8V...+30V in
-15V / 250 mA MRB3

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Keyboard connections:
The keyboard is connected by means of 2 connecting cables. The four pole connector is to be
plugged into the lower part of socket S1. The upper four connecting pins of socket S1 remain
free. The six pole connector is to be plugged into the upper part of socket X11. The lower two
connecting pins of X11 remain free.

5.2. Specifications
size double Europe, 84 horiz. part.
weight 600 g including connection cable
supply voltage 8...30V (via interface cable)
current consumption 80 mA
temperature range 0...70 °C
interface RS 232 C 4800 Baud, no parity 1 stop bits, to be
connected to MRB2 or MRB3 boards
keyboard 24 keys
display LCD display 20 characters x 4 lines
processor Intel 82C55
program EPROM 27C515, 64kByte

Manufactured by ANDRITZ HYDRO

Penzinger Strasse 76
1141 Vienna

List of drawings (for order) 3-513 966

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This document is the sole property of ANDRITZ HYDRO GmbH and may neither be copied nor
distributed and used without our written consent. Violations will be prosecuted by Law according
to ISO 16016 standard.

The data contained in this literature should be considered as product information only. We
would like to advise that short term modifications of our production range are possible due to
our aim to continuously improve the performance of our products for the benefit of our
customers so there may be differences between the products supplied and the corresponding
descriptive literature.

According to our experience following the instructions outlined in this document will provide the
most satisfactory service performance.

In case of unusual troubles which cannot be resolved by referring to this literature please
contact our nearest agent or our Head Office.

At the commissioning of this equipment the operating instructions and also the applicable Local
Safety Standards have strictly to be observed.

This edition of the document has been carefully checked regarding up-to-date contents and
correctness. Should there be any discrepancies or contradictory information in this descriptive
literature could please inform us. In case of problems please do not try to solve them on your
own but contact our nearest agent or our Head Office who will be glad to be of any assistance
to you.

All agreements, legal rights, obligations, performance and scope of supply for ANDRITZ
HYDRO GmbH and also conditions governing the warranty are without expectation regulated
according to the Contract Agreement and are not, in any way, influenced by the contents of the
descriptive literature or operating instructions.

Urgent information will be conveyed by telephone or fax.

Our address:

ANDRITZ HYDRO GmbH Telefon: +43 1 81195

Euro Plaza – Block D Telefax: +43 1 81195 DW 6951
Dept. EXC
Wienerbergstr. 76

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Euro Plaza – Block D
Dept. EXC
Wienerbergstr. 76
A- 1120 VIENNA

Please inform us at your earliest convenience if you have any additional requests and
suggestions or in case of errors.

We thank you for your cooperation.

Drawing No. of the documentation : __________________ revision (+date):______________


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Address: Fax:

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