Medal Log 20230626

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[Info | 11:53:56 PM] [Medal Log Init] 3.681.0.

0 - 6/26/2023 11:53:56 PM

[Info | 11:53:57 PM] Honeycomb init successfully

[Info | 11:53:57 PM] Available electron port not found, set port to default 10603
[Info | 11:53:57 PM] Server: RESTService/
[Info | 11:53:57 PM] CLR: 4.0.30319.42000
[Info | 11:53:57 PM] Server running at
[Info | 11:53:57 PM] Current DPI awareness: 0
[Info | 11:53:57 PM] Change DPI awareness to PROCESS_PER_MONITOR_DPI_AWARE.
[Info | 11:53:57 PM] Remote config saved
[Info | 11:53:57 PM] User saved as -1 - undefined
[Info | 11:53:57 PM] Saving Clip folder: C:\Medal
[Info | 11:53:57 PM] C:\Medal - folder verified
[Info | 11:53:57 PM] Clip folder: C:\Medal
[Info | 11:53:57 PM] Selecting drive C:\ for backup clips folder with 82.0 GB
available space
[Warning | 11:53:57 PM] ICYMI settings don't exist
[Warning | 11:53:58 PM] ICYMI settings don't exist
[Info | 11:53:58 PM] Initial app settings - Trigger key is F8 - FPS setting is 30 -
Resolution setting is 1280x720 - Clip length is 15 - Detect all games setting is
False - Encoding setting is GPU - Overlay setting is True - Sound setting is True -
Full Session Sound Alerts setting is False - Mic input setting is False - Mic gain
is 0 - Game sound gain is 0 - Auto upload setting is True - Auto upload state
setting is 1 - environment setting is production - WindowsGameMode setting is False
- Clip Folder is C:\Medal - Bitrate setting is 10 - Controller trigger key is
select - Saving Trigger Key Enabled setting is True - Saving Controller Trigger Key
Enabled setting is True - Saving mouseTriggerEnabled setting is False -
mouseTrigger is Middle - Selected audio device is Auto - Selected mic device is
Auto - Full Session Mode Enabled setting is False - DevelopmentModeEnabled setting
is False - Mono audio setting is False - Selected webcam device is <None> -
WebcamEnabled setting is False - Switch game trigger key is F10 - Show Cursor
setting is False - Game Audio Only setting is False - In Memory Buffer setting is
False - Mic noise gate enabled setting is False - Mic noise gate open threshold is
-30 - Mic noise suppression enabled setting is False - Audio Notifications setting
is False - Hold-To-Record setting is False - IncreaseMaxFrameLatencySetting is True
- Aspect Ratio is Custom - Advanced Window Capture setting is False - Recording
Enabled setting is True - Voice Clipping Enabled setting is False - Voice Clipping
Phrases setting is - AdvancedOverlaySetting is False - ICYMI setting is False -
ICYMI setting: { enabled: [], disabled: [] } - ICYMI Clip length is 0 - ICYMI Sound
setting is True - ICYMI use Overwolf setting is False - Push to talk enabled
setting is False - Push to talk trigger key is NoName - Output Format setting is
mp4, Extension .mp4 - Multiple Audio Streams setting is False - Push To Talk Mouse
Trigger is None - BFrames Enabled setting is False - UseStringID is False - Push to
talk Controller trigger key is none - Screenshot trigger key is NoName - External
File Sources setting is - Quality Preset setting is Performance - Selected GPU
device is Auto - Controller key logging enabled setting is True - Screen Capture
Clip Mode setting is Disabled - Monitor Device Name setting is - Broadcast Target
is hidden - Broadcast setting is Disabled - AlwaysOn Screen capture setting is
False - Progressive uploads setting is False
[Info | 11:53:58 PM] request user
[Info | 11:53:58 PM] request environment
[Info | 11:53:58 PM] Checking hardware encoders
[Info | 11:53:58 PM] Found encoder: AMD AMF HW H.264 Encoder
[Info | 11:53:58 PM] Found encoder: AMD AMF H.264 Encoder
[Info | 11:53:58 PM] Hardware encoder detected
[Info | 11:53:58 PM] Video codec set: a264hw - hardware encoding
[Info | 11:53:58 PM] C:\Medal - folder verified
[Warning | 11:53:58 PM] ICYMI Clip length settings invalid, resetting to Clip
[Info | 11:53:58 PM] Saving ICYMI clip length 15
[Info | 11:53:58 PM] Set process priority to High
[Warning | 11:53:58 PM] Screenshots are disabled!
[Warning | 11:53:58 PM] Screenshots are disabled!
[Info | 11:53:58 PM] Attempting to start process watcher
[Info | 11:53:58 PM] [System.RuntimeMethodHandle] Set security permissions for C:\
[Info | 11:53:58 PM] [System.RuntimeMethodHandle] Set security permissions for C:\
[Warning | 11:53:58 PM] Screenshots are disabled!
[Info | 11:53:58 PM] codecName- a264hw, fcc type- eMFCC_NV12
[Info | 11:53:58 PM] Output Mode: Clip Output
[Info | 11:53:58 PM] MedalWriter Created
[Warning | 11:53:58 PM] Screenshots are disabled!
[Info | 11:53:59 PM] Contains args: True
[Info | 11:53:59 PM] Process watcher started
[Info | 11:53:59 PM] No other MedalEncoder instances running
[Info | 11:53:59 PM] SDK feature flags--
[Info | 11:53:59 PM] correct_start_ts is false - mdelay_store_video is false -
dx_pipeline_reusable is false - audio_mixing is false -
[Info | 11:53:59 PM] Disabling windows game mode to improve performance..
[Info | 11:53:59 PM] Windows game mode disabled.
[Info | 11:53:59 PM] Saving WindowsGameMode 0
[Info | 11:53:59 PM] Video codec set: a264hw - hardware encoding
[Info | 11:53:59 PM] Username is base64 translated to Vertox1337
[Info | 11:53:59 PM] User updated 48272653 - Vertox1337
[Info | 11:53:59 PM] job.respond a01b74bd-9208-4405-90a3-9d1fc64e1db9
[Debug | 11:53:59 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 11:53:59 PM] Username is base64 translated to Vertox1337
[Info | 11:53:59 PM] User updated 48272653 - Vertox1337
[Info | 11:53:59 PM] request environment reply "production"
[Info | 11:53:59 PM] Saving environment production
[Debug | 11:53:59 PM] encoder options reply "ok"
[Info | 11:53:59 PM] request windowsgamemode reply "ok"
[Info | 11:53:59 PM] Saving ICYMI Events
[Info | 11:53:59 PM] job.respond c90967cf-db39-45b0-87c8-3d2567a7ef31
[Debug | 11:53:59 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 11:53:59 PM] Executing Request: set.useStringId - {
"enabled": true
[Info | 11:53:59 PM] Saving UseStringID True
[Info | 11:53:59 PM] job.respond b4b1bb00-c6ce-4e20-ae0f-a4a14f95dd34
[Debug | 11:53:59 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 11:53:59 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{"uuid":"a01b74bd-9208-4405-90a3-
[Info | 11:53:59 PM] Sending available web cam devices {"availableDevices":
[Info | 11:53:59 PM] Sending available GPU devices AMD Radeon (TM) R9 380 Series
[Info | 11:53:59 PM] ForceNvGPU: NVAPI dll not found.
[Info | 11:53:59 PM] GPU Scheduling registry exists
[Info | 11:53:59 PM] ----[ESM State]: Initializing----
[Info | 11:53:59 PM] Initializing DirectX overlay
[Info | 11:53:59 PM] Initializing Injection overlay
[Info | 11:53:59 PM] Updated vulkan registry info [C:\Users\Vertox\AppData\Local\
[Info | 11:53:59 PM] [ESM Event] - Initialized
[Info | 11:53:59 PM] Running as admin True
[Info | 11:53:59 PM] DetectAllGames False
[Info | 11:53:59 PM] Recorder Initilization Complete
[Info | 11:53:59 PM] System supports GAO.
[Info | 11:53:59 PM] CPU supports ICYMI.
[Info | 11:53:59 PM] Saving Output Format mkv
[Info | 11:53:59 PM] ----[ESM State]: UpdatingGameDatabase----
[Info | 11:53:59 PM] Checking for new version from
[Info | 11:53:59 PM] Remote Info:
[Info | 11:53:59 PM] Local Info:
[Info | 11:53:59 PM] Update available. Downloading new game database from with force
update False
[Debug | 11:54:00 PM] Executing Request: set.allSettings-{"settings":
[Info | 11:54:00 PM] Received settings
[Debug | 11:54:00 PM] Executing Request: set.gameSoundAudioDevice - {
"audioDevices": [
[Info | 11:54:00 PM] Saving unplugged audio devices -
[Info | 11:54:00 PM] Selected audio output devices Auto
[Debug | 11:54:00 PM] Executing Request: set.micAudioDevice - {
"audioDevice": "Auto"
[Info | 11:54:00 PM] Selected mic device Auto
[Debug | 11:54:00 PM] Executing Request: set.devmode - {
"enabled": false
[Info | 11:54:00 PM] Saving DevelopmentModeEnabled False
[Debug | 11:54:00 PM] Executing Request: set.bookmarkModeEnabled - {
"enabled": false
[Info | 11:54:00 PM] Saving Full Session Mode Enabled False
[Debug | 11:54:00 PM] Executing Request: set.fullSessionModeEnabled - {
"enabled": false
[Info | 11:54:00 PM] Saving Full Session Mode Enabled False
[Debug | 11:54:00 PM] Executing Request: - {
"enabled": false,
"position": {
"index": 1,
"value": "Top Right"
[Info | 11:54:00 PM] Saving WebcamEnabled False
[Info | 11:54:00 PM] Saving WebcamPositionIndex: 1
[Debug | 11:54:00 PM] Executing Request: - {
"selected": {
"id": "<None>",
"label": "<None>",
"value": "<None>"
[Info | 11:54:00 PM] Selected Webcam device <None>
[Debug | 11:54:00 PM] Executing Request: set.gpu.device - {
"selected": "Auto"
[Info | 11:54:00 PM] Selected GPU device Auto
[Info | 11:54:00 PM] Video codec set: a264hw - hardware encoding
[Debug | 11:54:00 PM] Executing Request: set.switchGameTriggerkey - {
"key": "F10",
"key.base64": "RjEw"
[Info | 11:54:00 PM] Saving switch game key settings RjEw
[Info | 11:54:00 PM] Key setting is base64 translated to F10
[Debug | 11:54:00 PM] Executing Request: set.screenshotTriggerKey - {
"key": "NoName",
"key.base64": "Tm9OYW1l"
[Info | 11:54:00 PM] Saving screenshot key settings Tm9OYW1l
[Info | 11:54:00 PM] Key setting is base64 translated to NoName
[Debug | 11:54:00 PM] Executing Request: set.triggerkey - {
"key": "F8",
"key.base64": "Rjg="
[Info | 11:54:00 PM] Saving key settings Rjg=
[Info | 11:54:00 PM] Key setting is base64 translated to F8
[Debug | 11:54:00 PM] Executing Request: set.triggerKeyEnabled - {
"enabled": true
[Info | 11:54:00 PM] Saving Trigger Key Enabled True
[Debug | 11:54:00 PM] Executing Request: set.setPushToTalkTriggerKey - {
"key": "Tab",
"key.base64": "VGFi"
[Info | 11:54:00 PM] Saving key settings VGFi
[Info | 11:54:00 PM] Key setting is base64 translated to Tab
[Debug | 11:54:00 PM] Executing Request: set.setPushToTalkMouseTriggerKey - {
"name": "None",
"index": -1
[Info | 11:54:00 PM] Saving push to talk mouse settings None
[Debug | 11:54:00 PM] Executing Request: set.setPushToTalkControllerTriggerKey - {
"name": "None",
"displayName": {
"xbox": "None",
"playstation": "None"
[Info | 11:54:00 PM] Saving push to talk controller key settings None
[Debug | 11:54:00 PM] Executing Request: set.setPushToTalkEnabled - {
"enabled": false
[Info | 11:54:00 PM] Saving Push to talk enabled False
[Info | 11:54:00 PM] [ESM Event] - PushToTalkEnable
[Debug | 11:54:00 PM] Executing Request: set.mouseTrigger - {
"trigger": {
"name": "Middle Click",
"index": 1
[Info | 11:54:00 PM] Saving mouseTrigger settings Middle Click
[Debug | 11:54:00 PM] Executing Request: set.mouseTriggerEnabled - {
"enabled": false
[Info | 11:54:00 PM] Saving mouseTriggerEnabled Enabled False
[Debug | 11:54:00 PM] Executing Request: set.controllerTrigger - {
"name": "select",
"displayName": {
"xbox": "Back",
"playstation": "Select"
[Info | 11:54:00 PM] Saving controller key settings select
[Debug | 11:54:00 PM] Executing Request: set.controllerTriggerEnabled - {
"enabled": true
[Info | 11:54:00 PM] Saving Controller Trigger Key Enabled True
[Debug | 11:54:00 PM] Executing Request: set.cliplength - {
"cliplength": "15"
[Info | 11:54:00 PM] Saving clip length 15
[Debug | 11:54:00 PM] Executing Request: set.icymicliplength - {
"cliplength": "0"
[Info | 11:54:00 PM] Saving ICYMI clip length 15
[Debug | 11:54:00 PM] Executing Request: set.inMemoryBuffer - {
"enabled": true
[Info | 11:54:00 PM] Saving In Memory Buffer True
[Debug | 11:54:00 PM] Executing Request: set.resolution - {
"resolution": "High"
[Info | 11:54:00 PM] Saving resolution High
[Info | 11:54:00 PM] Saving bitrate 10
[Info | 11:54:00 PM] Sending Bitrate Setting
[Info | 11:54:00 PM] SendBitrateSetting reply "ok"
[Debug | 11:54:00 PM] Executing Request: set.fps - {
"fps": "60"
[Info | 11:54:00 PM] Saving FPS 60
[Info | 11:54:00 PM] Hook data extracted
[Debug | 11:54:00 PM] Executing Request: set.bitrate - {
"bitrate": "10"
[Info | 11:54:00 PM] Saving bitrate 10
[Debug | 11:54:00 PM] Executing Request: set.micinput - {
"micinput": 0
[Info | 11:54:00 PM] Saving Mic Input False
[Debug | 11:54:00 PM] Executing Request: set.monoAudio - {
"monoaudio": false
[Info | 11:54:00 PM] Saving Mono Audio False
[Debug | 11:54:00 PM] Executing Request: set.overlayalerts - {
"overlayalerts": 1
[Info | 11:54:00 PM] Saving Overlay Alerts True
[Debug | 11:54:00 PM] Executing Request: set.soundalerts - {
"soundalerts": 1
[Info | 11:54:00 PM] Saving Sound Alerts True
[Debug | 11:54:00 PM] Executing Request: set.bookmarksoundalerts - {
"bookmarksoundalerts": 1
[Info | 11:54:00 PM] Saving Full Session Sound Alerts True
[Debug | 11:54:00 PM] Executing Request: set.aspectRatio - {
"aspectRatio": 2
[Info | 11:54:00 PM] Saving Aspect Ratio Custom
[Debug | 11:54:00 PM] Executing Request: set.detectallgames - {
"detectallgames": 0
[Info | 11:54:00 PM] Game database updated. Version:
[Info | 11:54:00 PM] Processing command: none
[Info | 11:54:00 PM] [ESM Event] - GameDBUpdateComplete
[Info | 11:54:00 PM] GameDB: C:\Users\Vertox\AppData\Local\Medal\recorder-3.681.0\
[Info | 11:54:00 PM] Saving Detect All Games False
[Debug | 11:54:00 PM] Executing Request: set.encoder - {
"type": "GPU"
[Info | 11:54:00 PM] Custom database location is C:\Users\Vertox\AppData\Roaming\
[Info | 11:54:00 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 11:54:00 PM] Video codec set: a264hw - hardware encoding
[Debug | 11:54:00 PM] Executing Request: set.clipFolder - {
"clipFolder": "C:%path.sep%Medal%path.sep%",
"clipFolder.base64": "QzpcTWVkYWxc"
[Info | 11:54:00 PM] Saving Clip folder: QzpcTWVkYWxc
[Info | 11:54:00 PM] Clip folder setting is base64 translated to C:\Medal\
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] C:\Medal\ - folder verified
[Debug | 11:54:01 PM] Executing Request: set.autoUploadState - {
"autoUploadState": 0
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] Saving Auto Upload State 0
[Debug | 11:54:01 PM] Executing Request: set.autoUpload - {
"autoUpload": false
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] Saving Auto Upload False
[Debug | 11:54:01 PM] Executing Request: set.gameAudioOnly - {
"enabled": 0
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] Saving Game Audio Only 0
[Debug | 11:54:01 PM] Executing Request: set.setVoiceClipping - {
"enabled": 0
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] Saving Voice Clipping Enabled 0
[Debug | 11:54:01 PM] Executing Request: set.multipleAudioTracks - {
"enabled": 0
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] Saving Multiple Audio Streams 0
[Debug | 11:54:01 PM] Executing Request: set.showCursor - {
"enabled": 0
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] Saving Show Cursor False
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChangedNoRestart
[Debug | 11:54:01 PM] Executing Request: set.holdToRecordEnabled - {
"enabled": 1
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] Saving ICYMI Events
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] job.respond 496a70f0-c27d-42ed-a6e8-c076762f9478
[Debug | 11:54:01 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply []
[Debug | 11:54:01 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] Saving Hold-To-Record enabled: True
[Debug | 11:54:01 PM] Executing Request: ICYMIEnabled - {
"enabled": 0
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] Saving ICYMI False
[Debug | 11:54:01 PM] Executing Request: set.icymisoundalerts - {
"soundalerts": 1
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] Saving ICYMI Sound Alerts True
[Debug | 11:54:01 PM] Executing Request: set.windowsGraphicsCapture - {
"enabled": 0
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] Saving Advanced Window Capture 0
[Debug | 11:54:01 PM] Executing Request: set.recordingEnabled - {
"enabled": 1
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] Saving Recording Enabled 1
[Debug | 11:54:01 PM] Executing Request: set.micNoiseGate - {
"enabled": 0
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] Saving mic noise gate enabled 0
[Debug | 11:54:01 PM] Executing Request: set.micNoiseSuppress - {
"enabled": 0
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] Saving mic noise suppression enabled 0
[Debug | 11:54:01 PM] Executing Request: set.micNoiseGateThreshold - {
"open_threshold": -100
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] Saving mic noise gate threshold -100
[Debug | 11:54:01 PM] Executing Request: set.externalFileSources-{"nativeOptions":
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] Setting up external recorders
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] External recorder shadowplay is disabled
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] External recorder relive is disabled
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] External recorder obs is disabled
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] External recorder setup complete
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] Saving External File Sources {
"nativeOptions": [
"label": "NVIDIA ShadowPlay",
"value": "shadowplay",
"enabled": false,
"freeUpSpace": false
"label": "AMD ReLive",
"value": "relive",
"enabled": false,
"freeUpSpace": false
"label": "OBS",
"value": "obs",
"enabled": false,
"freeUpSpace": false
"folders": []
[Debug | 11:54:01 PM] Executing Request: set.advancedOverlayEnabled - {
"enabled": false
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] Saving AdvancedOverlaySetting False
[Debug | 11:54:01 PM] Executing Request: set.monitorDeviceName - {
"monitorDeviceName": "",
"monitorDeviceName.base64": ""
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] Monitor Device Name:{
"monitorDeviceName": "",
"monitorDeviceName.base64": ""
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] Game Found Type ProcessClass: FiveM
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Debug | 11:54:01 PM] Executing Request: set.gameSoundGain - {
"gain": 50
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] Process name found FiveM_b2699_GTAProcess | Caption | FiveM®
by - Black City Roleplay [HUN] Cayo Perico Zombisziget ??EuroTruck?? Season
Pass XP rendszer Saját Farm ??Saját Cég?? RENGETEG RABLÁS |
and class | grcWindow | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] Saving game sound gain 50
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] Game found FiveM_b2699_GTAProcess Handle: 591070
[Debug | 11:54:01 PM] Executing Request: set.micGain - {
"gain": 50
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] Saving mic gain 50
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] Monitor: 65537 Current DPI: 96, 96
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] Setting up window hooks
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] Window location change event hooked
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] Window focus event hooked
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] Window destroy event hooked
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] Window reorder event hooked
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] Window hooks complete
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] Active game initialized FiveM
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] [Game Status]: game/started - FiveM[r-K7qepLC]
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] job.respond 2b6e8b07-c16d-4a40-918f-615a5f042783
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] Start recording game FiveM
[Debug | 11:54:01 PM] Executing Request: get.availableMicDevices -
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureStart
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] ICYMI initializing. Config Enabled: True - Settings Enabled:
[Debug | 11:54:01 PM] SendAvailableWebCamDevices reply {"device":{"options":
[Debug | 11:54:01 PM] SendAvailableGPUDevices reply {"success":true}
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] Initilization complete reply "ok"
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] Check for late hook install: False
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] Frame factory initialized on device Auto, LUID:47769
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] codecName- a264hw, fcc type- eMFCC_NV12
[Debug | 11:54:01 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] Output Mode: Clip Output
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] Sending available mic devices Krisp Microphone (Krisp),
Microphone (Realtek High Definition Audio), Line (2- AudioBox USB)
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] job.respond 0481a5fd-d559-4f10-97a2-8dfd43245589
[Debug | 11:54:01 PM] SendAvailableMicDevices reply {"success":true}
[Debug | 11:54:01 PM] Executing Request: get.availableAudioDevices -
[Debug | 11:54:01 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] Sending available audio devices Speakers (2- AudioBox USB),
Realtek Digital Output (Realtek High Definition Audio), Speakers (Krisp)
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] job.respond afb284b1-ecb5-4954-9cb0-57ee9fc79245
[Debug | 11:54:01 PM] Executing Request: get.micAudioDevice -
[Debug | 11:54:01 PM] SendAvailableAudioDevices reply {"success":true}
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] Sending selected mic device Auto
[Debug | 11:54:01 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] job.respond 64e3cc56-ef32-475c-b067-c3f6f75665c9
[Debug | 11:54:01 PM] Executing Request: get.gameSoundAudioDevice -
[Debug | 11:54:01 PM] SendSelectedMicDevice reply {"success":true}
[Debug | 11:54:01 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] Sending selected audio output devices Auto
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] job.respond ad6c0829-2e78-45e2-b5c0-6e178ab5cb8d
[Debug | 11:54:01 PM] SendSelectedAudioDevices reply {"success":true}
[Debug | 11:54:01 PM] Executing Request: get.GAODisabledList -
[Debug | 11:54:01 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] Sending games with not supported GAO
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] job.respond 116e2213-6c02-4827-be98-e044e850bcbc
[Debug | 11:54:01 PM] SendGAODisabledList reply {"success":true}
[Debug | 11:54:01 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] Saving ICYMI Events
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] job.respond fab2ae33-43cd-419c-b609-ff474f4719fd
[Debug | 11:54:01 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{"uuid":"2b6e8b07-c16d-4a40-918f-
{"index":1,"value":"Top Right"}},"":{"selected":
[Debug | 11:54:01 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] Recording mic: False
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] Mic disabled
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] Setup Loopback Audio
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] Default device is Speakers (2- AudioBox USB)
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] Audio device set. Audio name:Speakers (2- AudioBox USB),
Index:0, SampleRate:44100, Channels:2, BitsPerSample:-32, Period:0, Buffer:21
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] Window capture video resolution is {Width=1152, Height=720} -
Aspect ratio is Custom
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] Window capture aspect ratio 8:5
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] Acquired window capture device.
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] [Game Status]: capture/started - FiveM[r-K7qepLC]
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] FiveM_MatchDetector: Game started - FiveM® by - Black
City Roleplay [HUN] Cayo Perico Zombisziget ??EuroTruck?? Season Pass XP rendszer
Saját Farm ??Saját Cég?? RENGETEG RABLÁS
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] codecName- a264hw, fcc type- eMFCC_NV12
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] Memory buffer size (MB): 37
[Info | 11:54:01 PM] FiveM_MatchDetector: Setup initiated
[Debug | 11:54:02 PM] game/started reply "ok"
[Info | 11:54:02 PM] Started Filter
[Debug | 11:54:02 PM] capture/started reply "ok"
[Info | 11:54:02 PM] Capture area is 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 11:54:02 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 11:54:02 PM] InputManager starting...
[Info | 11:54:02 PM] Check for input devices
[Debug | 11:54:02 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false
[Info | 11:54:02 PM] Clear override settings
[Info | 11:54:02 PM] First video data from screen capture
[Info | 11:54:02 PM] Toggle Broadcast - Enabled:False, Resolution:, Fps:0
[Info | 11:54:02 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChangedRestart
[Info | 11:54:02 PM] job.respond ff057fe4-b6d5-41b8-97dc-c4e7d2efcd73
[Debug | 11:54:02 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 11:54:02 PM] Notification message received
[Info | 11:54:02 PM] job.respond 8e0c972e-e1b0-4898-8aa1-f06cf6d11d72
[Debug | 11:54:02 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 11:54:02 PM] Set sound gain {1},{1} - 10 - 0
[Info | 11:54:02 PM] Audio config- 0,1 - | tracksplitbits - 10 | mix channels -
[Info | 11:54:02 PM] Creating overlay frame from: C:\Users\Vertox\AppData\Local\
[Info | 11:54:02 PM] Added Mouse Device: Mouse
[Info | 11:54:02 PM] InputManager started.
[Info | 11:54:02 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 11:54:02 PM] InputManager: PollInput started
[Info | 11:54:02 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:54:02 PM] InputManager: active game switch detected, regenerating
trigger inputs
[Info | 11:54:02 PM] ----[ESM State]: WindowCaptureStandard----
[Info | 11:54:02 PM] Stopped Filter
[Info | 11:54:02 PM] Stopping window capture...
[Info | 11:54:02 PM] Window capture stopped.
[Info | 11:54:02 PM] Dispose overlay frame
[Info | 11:54:02 PM] Mic disabled
[Info | 11:54:02 PM] ICYMI initializing. Config Enabled: True - Settings Enabled:
[Info | 11:54:02 PM] Check for late hook install: False
[Info | 11:54:02 PM] Frame factory initialized on device Auto, LUID:47769
[Info | 11:54:02 PM] codecName- a264hw, fcc type- eMFCC_NV12
[Info | 11:54:02 PM] Output Mode: Clip Output
[Debug | 11:54:02 PM] {"GPU":{"1 Name":"AMD Radeon (TM) R9 380 Series","1
Status":"OK","1 Caption":"AMD Radeon (TM) R9 380 Series","1
DeviceID":"VideoController1","1 AdapterDACType":"Internal DAC(400MHz)","1
Monochrome":"False","1 InstalledDisplayDrivers":"C:\\Windows\\System32\\
DriverVersion":"27.20.20913.2000","1 VideoProcessor":"AMD Radeon Graphics Processor
(0x6939)","1 VideoArchitecture":"5","1 VideoMemoryType":"2","1 AdapterRAM":"4.0
GB"},"HardDrives":{"C:\\ Name":"Drive C:\\","C:\\ Drive type":"Fixed","C:\\ Volume
label":"","C:\\ File system":"NTFS","C:\\ Available space to current user":"82.0
GB","C:\\ Total available space":"82.0 GB","C:\\ Total size of drive":"145.8
GB","C:\\ Root directory":"C:\\","D:\\ Name":"Drive D:\\","D:\\ Drive
type":"Fixed","D:\\ Volume label":"D:","D:\\ File system":"NTFS","D:\\ Available
space to current user":"30.3 GB","D:\\ Total available space":"30.3 GB","D:\\ Total
size of drive":"330.5 GB","D:\\ Root directory":"D:\\"},"CPU":{"1 Name":"Intel(R)
Core(TM) i5-9400 CPU @ 2.90GHz","1 DeviceID":"CPU0","1
Manufacturer":"GenuineIntel","1 CurrentClockSpeed":"2904","1 Caption":"Intel64
Family 6 Model 158 Stepping 10","1 NumberOfCores":"6","1
NumberOfEnabledCore":"6","1 NumberOfLogicalProcessors":"6","1 Architecture":"9","1
Family":"205","1 ProcessorType":"3","1 Characteristics":"236","1
AddressWidth":"64"},"Memory":{"1 TotalPhysicalMemory":"15.9 GB","1
FreePhysicalMemory":"2.7 GB","1 TotalVirtualMemorySize":"31.9 GB","1
FreeVirtualMemory":"5.1 GB","1 TotalVisibleMemorySize":"15.9 GB","1
FreeSpaceInPagingFiles":"9.2 GB"},"OS":{"1 Caption":"Microsoft Windows 10 Pro","1
WindowsDirectory":"C:\\Windows","1 ProductType":"1","1 SystemDirectory":"C:\\
Windows\\system32","1 CountryCode":"1","1 CurrentTimeZone":"120","1
Locale":"0409","1 EncryptionLevel":"256","1 OSArchitecture":"64-bit","1
OSLanguage":"1033","1 OSType":"18","1 Version":"10.0.19042"},"Monitors":{"1
Name":"X22W-1","1 BitsPerPixel":"32","1 ScreenWidth":"1680","1
ScreenHeight":"1050","1 Primary":"True"},"Sound":{"1 Name":"Noise Blocker","1
ProductName":"Noise Blocker","1 DeviceID":"ROOT\\4DFC78F2-BF7C-4EC3-BE50-
PowerManagementSupported":"False","1 Status":"OK","1 StatusInfo":"3","2 Name":"AMD
Streaming Audio Device","2 ProductName":"AMD Streaming Audio Device","2
PowerManagementSupported":"False","2 Status":"OK","2 StatusInfo":"3","3 Name":"AMD
High Definition Audio Device","3 ProductName":"AMD High Definition Audio Device","3
PowerManagementSupported":"False","3 Status":"OK","3 StatusInfo":"3","4
Name":"AudioBox USB","4 ProductName":"AudioBox USB","4 DeviceID":"TUSBAUDIO_ENUM\\
VID_194F&PID_0301&KS\\6&3731B55D&0&4","4 PowerManagementSupported":"False","4
Status":"OK","4 StatusInfo":"3","5 Name":"Krisp","5 ProductName":"Krisp","5
DeviceID":"ROOT\\KRISPSIMPLE\\0000","5 PowerManagementSupported":"False","5
Status":"OK","5 StatusInfo":"3","6 Name":"Realtek High Definition Audio","6
ProductName":"Realtek High Definition Audio","6 DeviceID":"HDAUDIO\\
PowerManagementSupported":"False","6 Status":"OK","6 StatusInfo":"3"}}
[Info | 11:54:02 PM] Recording mic: False
[Info | 11:54:02 PM] Mic disabled
[Info | 11:54:02 PM] Setup Loopback Audio
[Info | 11:54:02 PM] Default device is Speakers (2- AudioBox USB)
[Info | 11:54:02 PM] Audio device set. Audio name:Speakers (2- AudioBox USB),
Index:0, SampleRate:44100, Channels:2, BitsPerSample:-32, Period:0, Buffer:21
[Info | 11:54:02 PM] Window capture video resolution is {Width=1152, Height=720} -
Aspect ratio is Custom
[Info | 11:54:02 PM] Window capture aspect ratio 8:5
[Info | 11:54:02 PM] Acquired window capture device.
[Info | 11:54:02 PM] codecName- a264hw, fcc type- eMFCC_NV12
[Info | 11:54:02 PM] Memory buffer size (MB): 37
[Info | 11:54:02 PM] Started Filter
[Warning | 11:54:02 PM] Getting frame before capture is fully set up
[Info | 11:54:02 PM] Capture area is 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 11:54:02 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 11:54:02 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 11:54:02 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:54:02 PM] First video data from screen capture
[Info | 11:54:02 PM] Screen: 0
[Info | 11:54:02 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 11:54:02 PM] Screen: 0
[Info | 11:54:02 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 11:54:02 PM] Set sound gain {1},{1} - 10 - 0
[Info | 11:54:02 PM] Audio config- 0,1 - | tracksplitbits - 10 | mix channels -
[Info | 11:54:02 PM] Creating overlay frame from: C:\Users\Vertox\AppData\Local\
[Info | 11:54:04 PM] FiveM_MatchDetector: Setup complete. Connection established
at: ws://localhost:13172/devtools/page/6E6B5BC489C3CE7FAD41B84F12372710
[Info | 11:54:07 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:54:07 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Warning | 11:54:07 PM] InputManager polling slowly: average of 2.333ms
[Info | 11:54:07 PM] Active game GameRecordingSuccessfullyStarted WindowCapture
[Info | 11:54:07 PM] Using standard overlay
[Info | 11:54:07 PM] Injection overlay support- Enabled:False - Game
Supported:False - Capture Type:WindowCapture
[Info | 11:54:07 PM] Starting DirectX overlay for FiveM
[Info | 11:54:07 PM] Capture mode: DXGI
[Info | 11:54:09 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:54:09 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 11:54:17 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:54:17 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 11:54:20 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:54:20 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 11:54:21 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:54:21 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 11:54:30 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:54:30 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 11:54:32 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:54:32 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 11:54:35 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:54:35 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Debug | 11:54:45 PM] Executing Request: get.activeDisplays - {
"captureScreenshots": false
[Info | 11:54:45 PM] Monitor 0- Name="\\.\DISPLAY1" Screenshot=""
[Info | 11:54:45 PM] job.respond 2194c134-dd38-4bdd-a357-5e8e9b4c1e28
[Debug | 11:54:45 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'0376489c-2ebc-425b-b421-
[Debug | 11:54:45 PM] ShareActiveDisplays reply {"success":true}
[Debug | 11:54:45 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 11:54:47 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:54:47 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 11:54:50 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:54:50 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Debug | 11:54:56 PM] Executing Request: get.activeDisplays - {
"captureScreenshots": false
[Info | 11:54:56 PM] Monitor 0- Name="\\.\DISPLAY1" Screenshot=""
[Info | 11:54:56 PM] job.respond 5b10d0b9-7d56-49db-b39a-4fcb6aeb5a04
[Debug | 11:54:56 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'5b10d0b9-7d56-49db-b39a-
[Debug | 11:54:56 PM] ShareActiveDisplays reply {"success":true}
[Debug | 11:54:56 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 11:54:56 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:54:56 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 11:54:59 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:54:59 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Debug | 11:55:00 PM] Executing Request: get.activeDisplays - {
"captureScreenshots": false
[Info | 11:55:00 PM] Monitor 0- Name="\\.\DISPLAY1" Screenshot=""
[Info | 11:55:00 PM] job.respond 10de761b-3346-494f-bd65-f163d1a4c1c9
[Debug | 11:55:00 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'e391faf2-d79e-49e7-befd-
[Debug | 11:55:00 PM] ShareActiveDisplays reply {"success":true}
[Debug | 11:55:00 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 11:55:03 PM] Executing Request: set.inMemoryBuffer - {
"enabled": false
[Info | 11:55:03 PM] Saving In Memory Buffer False
[Info | 11:55:03 PM] job.respond 340c1593-7906-4100-abf2-e7ec7d29fd6f
[Debug | 11:55:03 PM] Executing Request: set.cliplength - {
"cliplength": "1200"
[Info | 11:55:03 PM] Saving clip length 1200
[Debug | 11:55:03 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 11:55:03 PM] job.respond 91bd6b64-ac00-4b45-b16c-eeb57a47cc68
[Debug | 11:55:03 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 11:55:03 PM] [ESM Event] - Queued - ConfigChangedRestart
[Debug | 11:55:03 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'340c1593-7906-4100-abf2-
[Info | 11:55:06 PM] [ESM Event] - Delayed fire - ConfigChangedRestart
[Info | 11:55:06 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChangedRestart
[Info | 11:55:06 PM] Stopped Filter
[Info | 11:55:06 PM] Stopping window capture...
[Info | 11:55:06 PM] Window capture stopped.
[Info | 11:55:06 PM] Dispose overlay frame
[Info | 11:55:06 PM] Mic disabled
[Info | 11:55:06 PM] ICYMI initializing. Config Enabled: True - Settings Enabled:
[Info | 11:55:06 PM] Check for late hook install: False
[Info | 11:55:06 PM] Frame factory initialized on device Auto, LUID:47769
[Info | 11:55:06 PM] codecName- a264hw, fcc type- eMFCC_NV12
[Info | 11:55:06 PM] Output Mode: Clip Output
[Info | 11:55:06 PM] Recording mic: False
[Info | 11:55:06 PM] Mic disabled
[Info | 11:55:06 PM] Setup Loopback Audio
[Info | 11:55:06 PM] Default device is Speakers (2- AudioBox USB)
[Info | 11:55:06 PM] Audio device set. Audio name:Speakers (2- AudioBox USB),
Index:0, SampleRate:44100, Channels:2, BitsPerSample:-32, Period:0, Buffer:21
[Info | 11:55:06 PM] Window capture video resolution is {Width=1152, Height=720} -
Aspect ratio is Custom
[Info | 11:55:06 PM] Window capture aspect ratio 8:5
[Info | 11:55:06 PM] Acquired window capture device.
[Info | 11:55:06 PM] codecName- a264hw, fcc type- eMFCC_NV12
[Info | 11:55:06 PM] Disk buffer size (s): 1800
[Info | 11:55:06 PM] Started Filter
[Info | 11:55:06 PM] First video data from screen capture
[Info | 11:55:06 PM] Capture area is 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 11:55:06 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 11:55:06 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 11:55:06 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:55:06 PM] Screen: 0
[Info | 11:55:06 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 11:55:06 PM] Set sound gain {1},{1} - 10 - 0
[Info | 11:55:06 PM] Audio config- 0,1 - | tracksplitbits - 10 | mix channels -
[Info | 11:55:06 PM] Creating overlay frame from: C:\Users\Vertox\AppData\Local\
[Info | 11:55:11 PM] Active game GameRecordingSuccessfullyStarted WindowCapture
[Info | 11:55:11 PM] Using standard overlay
[Info | 11:55:11 PM] Injection overlay support- Enabled:False - Game
Supported:False - Capture Type:WindowCapture
[Info | 11:55:11 PM] Starting DirectX overlay for FiveM
[Info | 11:55:11 PM] Capture mode: DXGI
[Info | 11:55:14 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 11:55:14 PM] Showing: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 11:55:16 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:55:16 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 11:55:17 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:55:17 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 11:55:18 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:55:18 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 11:55:19 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:55:19 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Debug | 11:55:25 PM] Executing Request: set.triggerkey - {
"key": "0",
"key.base64": "MA=="
[Info | 11:55:25 PM] Saving key settings MA==
[Info | 11:55:25 PM] Key setting is base64 translated to 0
[Info | 11:55:25 PM] job.respond 9d346e8e-04fe-4489-b187-2f0094f9f0b2
[Debug | 11:55:25 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'9d346e8e-04fe-4489-b187-
[Debug | 11:55:25 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 11:55:32 PM] Executing Request: set.monoaudio - {
"monoaudio": true
[Info | 11:55:32 PM] Saving Mono Audio True
[Info | 11:55:32 PM] job.respond 1b285bea-217f-4967-822d-c98132b36136
[Debug | 11:55:32 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'1b285bea-217f-4967-822d-
[Debug | 11:55:32 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 11:55:38 PM] Executing Request: set.micinput - {
"micinput": 1
[Info | 11:55:38 PM] Saving Mic Input True
[Info | 11:55:38 PM] Setup Mic Audio
[Info | 11:55:38 PM] Mic device set. Audio name:Krisp Microphone (Krisp), Index:1,
SampleRate:48000, Channels:2, BitsPerSample:-32, Period:0, Buffer:22
[Info | 11:55:38 PM] Mic noise suppression set: False
[Info | 11:55:38 PM] Mic noise gate set: False, Threshold: -100
[Info | 11:55:38 PM] job.respond 6e235f0a-3ffc-488d-9b5f-f510a60ade6b
[Debug | 11:55:38 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'6e235f0a-3ffc-488d-9b5f-
[Debug | 11:55:38 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 11:55:38 PM] Audio device (eMFDT_ExtAudio) System volume: 0
[Info | 11:55:38 PM] Set sound gain {0},{0},{1},{1} - 10 - 0
[Info | 11:55:38 PM] Audio config- 2,3 - 0,1 | tracksplitbits - 1010 | mix channels
- 0+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15,0+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15
[Debug | 11:55:41 PM] Executing Request: set.micAudioDevice - {
"audioDevice": [
"Krisp Microphone (Krisp)"
[Info | 11:55:41 PM] Selected mic device Krisp Microphone (Krisp)
[Info | 11:55:41 PM] Setup Mic Audio
[Info | 11:55:41 PM] Mic device set. Audio name:Krisp Microphone (Krisp), Index:1,
SampleRate:48000, Channels:2, BitsPerSample:-32, Period:0, Buffer:22
[Info | 11:55:41 PM] Mic noise suppression set: False
[Info | 11:55:41 PM] Mic noise gate set: False, Threshold: -100
[Info | 11:55:41 PM] Audio device (eMFDT_ExtAudio) System volume: 0
[Info | 11:55:41 PM] Set sound gain {1},{1} - 10 - 0
[Info | 11:55:41 PM] Audio config- 0,1 - | tracksplitbits - 10 | mix channels -
[Info | 11:55:41 PM] job.respond 8443ffae-e9ce-47b3-8d5a-1d0173b4ac21
[Debug | 11:55:41 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'8443ffae-e9ce-47b3-8d5a-
1d0173b4ac21','body':{'audioDevice':['Krisp Microphone
[Debug | 11:55:41 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 11:55:41 PM] Audio device (eMFDT_ExtAudio) System volume: 0
[Info | 11:55:41 PM] Set sound gain {0},{0},{1},{1} - 10 - 0
[Info | 11:55:41 PM] Audio config- 2,3 - 0,1 | tracksplitbits - 1010 | mix channels
- 0+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15,0+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15
[Debug | 11:55:50 PM] Executing Request: set.micAudioDevice - {
"audioDevice": [
"Krisp Microphone (Krisp)"
[Info | 11:55:50 PM] Selected mic device Krisp Microphone (Krisp)
[Info | 11:55:50 PM] Setup Mic Audio
[Info | 11:55:50 PM] Mic device set. Audio name:Krisp Microphone (Krisp), Index:1,
SampleRate:48000, Channels:2, BitsPerSample:-32, Period:0, Buffer:22
[Info | 11:55:50 PM] Mic noise suppression set: False
[Info | 11:55:50 PM] Mic noise gate set: False, Threshold: -100
[Info | 11:55:50 PM] Audio device (eMFDT_ExtAudio) System volume: 0
[Info | 11:55:50 PM] Set sound gain {1},{1} - 10 - 0
[Info | 11:55:50 PM] Audio config- 0,1 - | tracksplitbits - 10 | mix channels -
[Info | 11:55:50 PM] job.respond 57664aba-4dbf-416d-ae90-9a17b53f05c5
[Debug | 11:55:50 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'57664aba-4dbf-416d-ae90-
9a17b53f05c5','body':{'audioDevice':['Krisp Microphone
[Debug | 11:55:50 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 11:55:50 PM] Audio device (eMFDT_ExtAudio) System volume: 0
[Info | 11:55:50 PM] Set sound gain {0},{0},{1},{1} - 10 - 0
[Info | 11:55:50 PM] Audio config- 2,3 - 0,1 | tracksplitbits - 1010 | mix channels
- 0+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15,0+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15
[Debug | 11:55:55 PM] Executing Request: set.micGain - {
"gain": 5
[Info | 11:55:55 PM] Saving mic gain 5
[Info | 11:55:55 PM] Audio device (eMFDT_ExtAudio) System volume: 0
[Info | 11:55:55 PM] Set sound gain {0},{0},{1},{1} - -17 - 0
[Info | 11:55:55 PM] job.respond f0160dbf-f7f8-4757-ac11-2f02d76e315a
[Debug | 11:55:55 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'f0160dbf-f7f8-4757-ac11-
[Debug | 11:55:55 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 11:55:58 PM] Executing Request: set.micGain - {
"gain": 14
[Info | 11:55:58 PM] Saving mic gain 14
[Info | 11:55:58 PM] Audio device (eMFDT_ExtAudio) System volume: 0
[Info | 11:55:58 PM] Set sound gain {0},{0},{1},{1} - -11.6 - 0
[Info | 11:55:58 PM] job.respond 3161f172-76c2-4ae7-b7b3-6bedd19efe3d
[Debug | 11:55:58 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'3161f172-76c2-4ae7-b7b3-
[Debug | 11:55:58 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 11:55:59 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:55:59 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 11:56:02 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:56:02 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Debug | 11:56:03 PM] Executing Request: set.micNoiseGate - {
"enabled": 1
[Info | 11:56:03 PM] Saving mic noise gate enabled 1
[Info | 11:56:03 PM] Mic noise gate: True
[Info | 11:56:03 PM] job.respond 4df5815c-1707-4536-af2e-d5bf88061c98
[Debug | 11:56:03 PM] Executing Request: set.micNoiseSuppress - {
"enabled": 1
[Debug | 11:56:03 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 11:56:03 PM] Saving mic noise suppression enabled 1
[Info | 11:56:03 PM] Mic noise suppression: True
[Info | 11:56:03 PM] job.respond 41cc197f-a3d6-4614-ae97-340753a0c1ba
[Debug | 11:56:03 PM] Executing Request: set.MicTesting - {
"state": 2
[Debug | 11:56:03 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 11:56:03 PM] Mic testing status: 2
[Info | 11:56:03 PM] job.respond a2231966-b91f-4d30-9894-842efe4d609b
[Debug | 11:56:03 PM] Executing Request: set.MicTesting - {
"state": 2
[Debug | 11:56:03 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 11:56:03 PM] Mic testing status: 2
[Info | 11:56:03 PM] job.respond f208955a-989a-48c9-80dc-f7a82f528e3c
[Debug | 11:56:03 PM] Executing Request: set.micGain - {
"gain": 14
[Info | 11:56:03 PM] Saving mic gain 14
[Debug | 11:56:03 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 11:56:03 PM] Audio device (eMFDT_ExtAudio) System volume: 0
[Info | 11:56:03 PM] Set sound gain {0},{0},{1},{1} - -11.6 - 0
[Info | 11:56:03 PM] job.respond 7f42ab19-6910-4fdc-ac16-f44fb851e2d2
[Debug | 11:56:03 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'4df5815c-1707-4536-af2e-
[Debug | 11:56:03 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 11:56:05 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:56:05 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Debug | 11:56:05 PM] Executing Request: set.micNoiseGateThreshold - {
"open_threshold": -20
[Info | 11:56:05 PM] Saving mic noise gate threshold -20
[Info | 11:56:05 PM] Mic noise gate level set to: -20 dB
[Info | 11:56:05 PM] job.respond 3634737c-4a09-4e83-98a9-5fdfac97c5d4
[Debug | 11:56:05 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'3634737c-4a09-4e83-98a9-
[Debug | 11:56:05 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 11:56:11 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:56:11 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Debug | 11:56:11 PM] Executing Request: set.micNoiseGateThreshold - {
"open_threshold": -20
[Info | 11:56:11 PM] Saving mic noise gate threshold -20
[Info | 11:56:11 PM] Mic noise gate level set to: -20 dB
[Info | 11:56:11 PM] job.respond 950df239-1c1d-48cb-8830-726879d8ae67
[Debug | 11:56:11 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'950df239-1c1d-48cb-8830-
[Debug | 11:56:11 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 11:56:12 PM] Executing Request: set.micGain - {
"gain": 56
[Info | 11:56:12 PM] Saving mic gain 56
[Info | 11:56:12 PM] Audio device (eMFDT_ExtAudio) System volume: 0
[Info | 11:56:12 PM] Set sound gain {0},{0},{1},{1} - 11.92 - 0
[Info | 11:56:12 PM] job.respond 51717571-1df3-4571-8d05-5bb6a5917894
[Debug | 11:56:12 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'51717571-1df3-4571-8d05-
[Debug | 11:56:12 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 11:56:14 PM] Executing Request: set.MicTesting - {
"state": 2
[Info | 11:56:14 PM] Mic testing status: 2
[Info | 11:56:14 PM] job.respond a5eeaaf8-4c02-4b1e-8c42-0ff564e8df55
[Debug | 11:56:14 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'a5eeaaf8-4c02-4b1e-8c42-
[Debug | 11:56:14 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 11:56:16 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:56:16 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 11:56:21 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:56:21 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Debug | 11:56:22 PM] Executing Request: set.MicTesting - {
"state": 1
[Info | 11:56:22 PM] Mic testing status: 1
[Info | 11:56:22 PM] job.respond 3995ae5f-b85b-41d2-933d-fff6548d34df
[Debug | 11:56:22 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'3995ae5f-b85b-41d2-933d-
[Debug | 11:56:22 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 11:56:24 PM] Executing Request: set.MicTesting - {
"state": 0
[Info | 11:56:24 PM] Mic testing status: 0
[Info | 11:56:24 PM] job.respond 35b29920-5280-406c-8133-772c6dfe2199
[Debug | 11:56:24 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'35b29920-5280-406c-8133-
[Debug | 11:56:24 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 11:56:26 PM] Executing Request: set.MicTesting - {
"state": 2
[Info | 11:56:26 PM] Mic testing status: 2
[Info | 11:56:26 PM] job.respond 989877d9-e522-4e0b-b032-bdb82e9b0651
[Debug | 11:56:26 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'989877d9-e522-4e0b-b032-
[Debug | 11:56:26 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 11:56:33 PM] Executing Request: requestsettingsave -
[Info | 11:56:33 PM] job.respond 75935848-119d-4940-8469-9eeb8c0e0d58
[Debug | 11:56:33 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'75935848-119d-4940-8469-
[Debug | 11:56:33 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 11:56:33 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:56:33 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 11:56:35 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:56:35 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 11:56:35 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:56:35 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 11:56:35 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 11:56:35 PM] Showing: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 11:56:38 PM] [ESM Event] - SaveClip
[Debug | 11:56:38 PM] clip saved FiveM® by - Black City Roleplay [HUN] Cayo
Perico Zombisziget ??EuroTruck?? Season Pass XP rendszer Saját Farm ??Saját Cég??
RENGETEG RABLÁS FiveM_b2699_GTAProcess grcWindow UUID-
[Debug | 11:56:38 PM] clip 1687816598 create reply "eab7a366-4a5a-4925-8990-
[Info | 11:56:39 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:56:39 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 11:56:40 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:56:40 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 11:56:44 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:56:44 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 11:56:46 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:56:46 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 11:56:49 PM] Generating clip: C:\Medal\Clips\FiveM\
[Info | 11:56:49 PM] Buffer duration: 91.52
[Info | 11:56:49 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 11:56:49 PM] Showing: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 11:56:55 PM] [ESM Event] - SaveClip
[Debug | 11:56:55 PM] clip saved FiveM® by - Black City Roleplay [HUN] Cayo
Perico Zombisziget ??EuroTruck?? Season Pass XP rendszer Saját Farm ??Saját Cég??
RENGETEG RABLÁS FiveM_b2699_GTAProcess grcWindow UUID-
[Debug | 11:56:55 PM] clip 1687816615 create reply "44994adf-72a0-4ace-82d2-
[Info | 11:56:56 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:56:56 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 11:56:57 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:56:57 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 11:57:08 PM] Generating clip: C:\Medal\Clips\FiveM\
[Info | 11:57:08 PM] Buffer duration: 108.53
[Debug | 11:57:34 PM] Executing Request: get.activeDisplays - {
"captureScreenshots": false
[Info | 11:57:34 PM] Monitor 0- Name="\\.\DISPLAY1" Screenshot=""
[Info | 11:57:34 PM] job.respond 036ad516-7628-4d2b-b8aa-982107f7d71b
[Debug | 11:57:34 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'036ad516-7628-4d2b-b8aa-
[Debug | 11:57:34 PM] ShareActiveDisplays reply {"success":true}
[Debug | 11:57:34 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 11:57:35 PM] Executing Request: set.MicTesting - {
"state": 2
[Info | 11:57:35 PM] Mic testing status: 2
[Info | 11:57:35 PM] job.respond 90823051-c302-440a-9a0e-e1aa0f8a3f1b
[Debug | 11:57:35 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'90823051-c302-440a-9a0e-
[Debug | 11:57:35 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 11:57:38 PM] Executing Request: set.MicTesting - {
"state": 2
[Info | 11:57:38 PM] Mic testing status: 2
[Info | 11:57:38 PM] job.respond a447b91e-b8d4-49e3-bffa-95ac8f4ac494
[Debug | 11:57:38 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'a447b91e-b8d4-49e3-bffa-
[Debug | 11:57:38 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 11:57:43 PM] Executing Request: get.activeDisplays - {
"captureScreenshots": false
[Info | 11:57:43 PM] Monitor 0- Name="\\.\DISPLAY1" Screenshot=""
[Info | 11:57:43 PM] job.respond 1bf916c5-164a-414c-aa60-4c1aac4864f1
[Debug | 11:57:43 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'1bf916c5-164a-414c-aa60-
[Debug | 11:57:43 PM] ShareActiveDisplays reply {"success":true}
[Debug | 11:57:43 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 11:57:45 PM] Executing Request: set.MicTesting - {
"state": 2
[Info | 11:57:45 PM] Mic testing status: 2
[Info | 11:57:45 PM] job.respond 65208b0a-47c7-45be-9a4c-577a6c72a49c
[Debug | 11:57:45 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'65208b0a-47c7-45be-9a4c-
[Debug | 11:57:45 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 11:57:54 PM] Executing Request: set.micAudioDevice - {
"audioDevice": [
"Krisp Microphone (Krisp)"
[Info | 11:57:54 PM] Selected mic device Krisp Microphone (Krisp)
[Info | 11:57:54 PM] Setup Mic Audio
[Info | 11:57:54 PM] Mic device set. Audio name:Krisp Microphone (Krisp), Index:1,
SampleRate:48000, Channels:2, BitsPerSample:-32, Period:0, Buffer:22
[Info | 11:57:54 PM] Mic noise suppression set: True
[Info | 11:57:54 PM] Mic noise gate set: True, Threshold: -20
[Info | 11:57:54 PM] Audio device (eMFDT_ExtAudio) System volume: 0
[Info | 11:57:54 PM] Set sound gain {1},{1} - 11.92 - 0
[Info | 11:57:54 PM] Audio config- 0,1 - | tracksplitbits - 10 | mix channels -
[Info | 11:57:54 PM] job.respond 19fd7f79-82a0-47dd-ad95-991d5e3d8d33
[Debug | 11:57:54 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'19fd7f79-82a0-47dd-ad95-
991d5e3d8d33','body':{'audioDevice':['Krisp Microphone
[Debug | 11:57:54 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 11:57:54 PM] Audio device (eMFDT_ExtAudio) System volume: 0
[Info | 11:57:54 PM] Set sound gain {0},{0},{1},{1} - 11.92 - 0
[Info | 11:57:54 PM] Audio config- 2,3 - 0,1 | tracksplitbits - 1010 | mix channels
- 0+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15,0+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15
[Debug | 11:57:58 PM] Executing Request: get.activeDisplays - {
"captureScreenshots": false
[Info | 11:57:58 PM] Monitor 0- Name="\\.\DISPLAY1" Screenshot=""
[Info | 11:57:58 PM] job.respond 65fb50a7-9467-4761-aaa9-5eebaec4370a
[Debug | 11:57:58 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'65fb50a7-9467-4761-aaa9-
[Debug | 11:57:58 PM] ShareActiveDisplays reply {"success":true}
[Debug | 11:57:58 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 11:58:01 PM] Executing Request: set.inMemoryBuffer - {
"enabled": false
[Info | 11:58:01 PM] Saving In Memory Buffer False
[Info | 11:58:01 PM] job.respond 6697c276-17d0-4eb8-a52f-8a38b30f3fe3
[Debug | 11:58:01 PM] Executing Request: set.cliplength - {
"cliplength": "600"
[Info | 11:58:01 PM] Saving clip length 600
[Debug | 11:58:01 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 11:58:01 PM] job.respond d6dfb9ab-a8f2-4211-afaf-476d9f29f800
[Info | 11:58:01 PM] [ESM Event] - Queued - ConfigChangedRestart
[Debug | 11:58:01 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'6697c276-17d0-4eb8-a52f-
[Debug | 11:58:01 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 11:58:03 PM] Executing Request: set.inMemoryBuffer - {
"enabled": false
[Info | 11:58:03 PM] Saving In Memory Buffer False
[Info | 11:58:03 PM] job.respond e0c7cec3-ed04-4750-bc46-0bbd143d378b
[Debug | 11:58:03 PM] Executing Request: set.cliplength - {
"cliplength": "1200"
[Info | 11:58:03 PM] Saving clip length 1200
[Debug | 11:58:03 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 11:58:03 PM] job.respond 14493c58-7196-40d9-bd92-6f8293986c89
[Info | 11:58:03 PM] [ESM Event] - Already queued! - ConfigChangedRestart
[Debug | 11:58:03 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'e0c7cec3-ed04-4750-bc46-
[Debug | 11:58:03 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 11:58:04 PM] Executing Request: requestsettingsave -
[Info | 11:58:04 PM] job.respond 1a23883b-299c-460b-a1a4-a5df0ea5ee20
[Debug | 11:58:04 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'1a23883b-299c-460b-a1a4-
[Debug | 11:58:04 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 11:58:04 PM] [ESM Event] - Delayed fire - ConfigChangedRestart
[Info | 11:58:04 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChangedRestart
[Info | 11:58:04 PM] Stopped Filter
[Info | 11:58:04 PM] Stopping window capture...
[Info | 11:58:04 PM] Window capture stopped.
[Info | 11:58:04 PM] Dispose overlay frame
[Info | 11:58:04 PM] Mic disabled
[Info | 11:58:04 PM] ICYMI initializing. Config Enabled: True - Settings Enabled:
[Info | 11:58:04 PM] Check for late hook install: False
[Info | 11:58:04 PM] Frame factory initialized on device Auto, LUID:47769
[Info | 11:58:04 PM] codecName- a264hw, fcc type- eMFCC_NV12
[Info | 11:58:04 PM] Output Mode: Clip Output
[Info | 11:58:04 PM] Recording mic: True
[Info | 11:58:04 PM] Setup Mic Audio
[Info | 11:58:04 PM] Mic device set. Audio name:Krisp Microphone (Krisp), Index:1,
SampleRate:48000, Channels:2, BitsPerSample:-32, Period:0, Buffer:22
[Info | 11:58:04 PM] Mic noise suppression set: True
[Info | 11:58:04 PM] Mic noise gate set: True, Threshold: -20
[Info | 11:58:04 PM] Setup Loopback Audio
[Info | 11:58:04 PM] Default device is Speakers (2- AudioBox USB)
[Info | 11:58:04 PM] Audio device set. Audio name:Speakers (2- AudioBox USB),
Index:0, SampleRate:44100, Channels:2, BitsPerSample:-32, Period:0, Buffer:21
[Info | 11:58:04 PM] Window capture video resolution is {Width=1152, Height=720} -
Aspect ratio is Custom
[Info | 11:58:04 PM] Window capture aspect ratio 8:5
[Info | 11:58:04 PM] Acquired window capture device.
[Info | 11:58:04 PM] codecName- a264hw, fcc type- eMFCC_NV12
[Info | 11:58:04 PM] Disk buffer size (s): 1800
[Info | 11:58:04 PM] Started Filter
[Warning | 11:58:04 PM] Getting frame before capture is fully set up
[Info | 11:58:04 PM] Capture area is 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 11:58:04 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 11:58:04 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 11:58:04 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:58:04 PM] Screen: 0
[Info | 11:58:04 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 11:58:04 PM] First video data from screen capture
[Info | 11:58:04 PM] Audio device (eMFDT_ExtAudio) System volume: 0
[Info | 11:58:04 PM] Set sound gain {0},{0},{1},{1} - 11.92 - 0
[Info | 11:58:04 PM] Audio config- 2,3 - 0,1 | tracksplitbits - 1010 | mix channels
- 0+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15,0+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15
[Info | 11:58:04 PM] Creating overlay frame from: C:\Users\Vertox\AppData\Local\
[Info | 11:58:09 PM] Active game GameRecordingSuccessfullyStarted WindowCapture
[Info | 11:58:09 PM] Using standard overlay
[Info | 11:58:09 PM] Injection overlay support- Enabled:False - Game
Supported:False - Capture Type:WindowCapture
[Info | 11:58:09 PM] Starting DirectX overlay for FiveM
[Info | 11:58:09 PM] Capture mode: DXGI
[Info | 11:58:23 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:58:23 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 11:58:25 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:58:25 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 11:58:26 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:58:26 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 11:58:30 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:58:30 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Debug | 11:58:45 PM] Executing Request: get.activeDisplays - {
"captureScreenshots": false
[Info | 11:58:45 PM] Monitor 0- Name="\\.\DISPLAY1" Screenshot=""
[Info | 11:58:45 PM] job.respond 8fff6c17-e865-4002-8f66-831d58b3c4c7
[Debug | 11:58:45 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'b10bd0f4-3e58-4f5a-9ae6-
[Debug | 11:58:45 PM] ShareActiveDisplays reply {"success":true}
[Debug | 11:58:45 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 11:58:48 PM] Executing Request: set.bitrate - {
"bitrate": "5"
[Info | 11:58:48 PM] Saving bitrate 5
[Info | 11:58:48 PM] job.respond 0b2990e3-e710-41a3-b0a3-36a36dd4f884
[Info | 11:58:48 PM] [ESM Event] - Queued - ConfigChangedRestart
[Debug | 11:58:48 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'0b2990e3-e710-41a3-b0a3-
[Debug | 11:58:48 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 11:58:50 PM] Executing Request: requestsettingsave -
[Info | 11:58:50 PM] job.respond 5c9801e1-cc8d-4001-8b88-51d23098fcb6
[Debug | 11:58:50 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'5c9801e1-cc8d-4001-8b88-
[Debug | 11:58:50 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 11:58:51 PM] [ESM Event] - Delayed fire - ConfigChangedRestart
[Info | 11:58:51 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChangedRestart
[Info | 11:58:51 PM] Stopped Filter
[Info | 11:58:51 PM] Stopping window capture...
[Info | 11:58:51 PM] Window capture stopped.
[Info | 11:58:51 PM] Dispose overlay frame
[Info | 11:58:51 PM] Mic disabled
[Info | 11:58:51 PM] ICYMI initializing. Config Enabled: True - Settings Enabled:
[Info | 11:58:51 PM] Check for late hook install: False
[Info | 11:58:51 PM] Frame factory initialized on device Auto, LUID:47769
[Info | 11:58:51 PM] codecName- a264hw, fcc type- eMFCC_NV12
[Info | 11:58:51 PM] Output Mode: Clip Output
[Info | 11:58:51 PM] Recording mic: True
[Info | 11:58:51 PM] Setup Mic Audio
[Info | 11:58:51 PM] Mic device set. Audio name:Krisp Microphone (Krisp), Index:1,
SampleRate:48000, Channels:2, BitsPerSample:-32, Period:0, Buffer:22
[Info | 11:58:51 PM] Mic noise suppression set: True
[Info | 11:58:51 PM] Mic noise gate set: True, Threshold: -20
[Info | 11:58:51 PM] Setup Loopback Audio
[Info | 11:58:51 PM] Default device is Speakers (2- AudioBox USB)
[Info | 11:58:51 PM] Audio device set. Audio name:Speakers (2- AudioBox USB),
Index:0, SampleRate:44100, Channels:2, BitsPerSample:-32, Period:0, Buffer:21
[Info | 11:58:51 PM] Window capture video resolution is {Width=1152, Height=720} -
Aspect ratio is Custom
[Info | 11:58:51 PM] Window capture aspect ratio 8:5
[Info | 11:58:51 PM] Acquired window capture device.
[Info | 11:58:51 PM] codecName- a264hw, fcc type- eMFCC_NV12
[Info | 11:58:51 PM] Disk buffer size (s): 1800
[Info | 11:58:51 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 11:58:51 PM] Started Filter
[Info | 11:58:51 PM] First video data from screen capture
[Info | 11:58:51 PM] Capture area is 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 11:58:51 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 11:58:51 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 11:58:51 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 11:58:51 PM] Showing: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 11:58:51 PM] Screen: 0
[Info | 11:58:51 PM] Showing: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 11:58:52 PM] Audio device (eMFDT_ExtAudio) System volume: 0
[Info | 11:58:52 PM] Set sound gain {0},{0},{1},{1} - 11.92 - 0
[Info | 11:58:52 PM] Audio config- 2,3 - 0,1 | tracksplitbits - 1010 | mix channels
- 0+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15,0+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15
[Info | 11:58:53 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 11:58:53 PM] Showing: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 11:58:56 PM] Active game GameRecordingSuccessfullyStarted WindowCapture
[Info | 11:58:56 PM] Using standard overlay
[Info | 11:58:56 PM] Injection overlay support- Enabled:False - Game
Supported:False - Capture Type:WindowCapture
[Info | 11:58:56 PM] Starting DirectX overlay for FiveM
[Info | 11:58:56 PM] Capture mode: DXGI
[Info | 11:59:26 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:59:26 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 11:59:26 PM] Creating overlay frame from: C:\Users\Vertox\AppData\Local\
[Info | 11:59:27 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 11:59:27 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 11:59:31 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 11:59:31 PM] Showing: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 11:59:31 PM] [ESM Event] - SaveClip
[Debug | 11:59:31 PM] clip saved FiveM® by - Black City Roleplay [HUN] Cayo
Perico Zombisziget ??EuroTruck?? Season Pass XP rendszer Saját Farm ??Saját Cég??
RENGETEG RABLÁS FiveM_b2699_GTAProcess grcWindow UUID-
[Debug | 11:59:32 PM] clip 1687816771 create reply "06a1e813-feb2-497f-a597-
[Info | 11:59:36 PM] Generating clip: C:\Medal\Clips\FiveM\
[Info | 11:59:36 PM] Buffer duration: 39.60
[Info | 12:00:02 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:00:02 AM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:00:03 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:00:03 AM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:01:10 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 12:01:10 AM] Showing: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:01:11 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:01:11 AM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:01:12 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:01:12 AM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:01:19 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 12:01:19 AM] Showing: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:01:20 AM] [ESM Event] - SaveClip
[Debug | 12:01:20 AM] clip saved FiveM® by - Black City Roleplay [HUN] Cayo
Perico Zombisziget ??EuroTruck?? Season Pass XP rendszer Saját Farm ??Saját Cég??
RENGETEG RABLÁS FiveM_b2699_GTAProcess grcWindow UUID-
[Info | 12:01:20 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:01:20 AM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Debug | 12:01:20 AM] clip 1687816880 create reply "80de194b-65be-465b-bd67-
[Info | 12:01:21 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:01:21 AM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:01:22 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:01:22 AM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:01:37 AM] Generating clip: C:\Medal\Clips\FiveM\
[Info | 12:01:37 AM] Buffer duration: 148.02
[Info | 12:02:02 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:02:02 AM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Debug | 12:02:27 AM] Executing Request: get.activeDisplays - {
"captureScreenshots": false
[Info | 12:02:27 AM] Monitor 0- Name="\\.\DISPLAY1" Screenshot=""
[Info | 12:02:27 AM] job.respond 94f7fe12-852d-4e16-83fb-1c9bc3421360
[Debug | 12:02:27 AM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'94f7fe12-852d-4e16-83fb-
[Debug | 12:02:27 AM] ShareActiveDisplays reply {"success":true}
[Debug | 12:02:27 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 12:02:43 AM] Executing Request: set.MicTesting - {
"state": 2
[Info | 12:02:43 AM] Mic testing status: 2
[Info | 12:02:43 AM] job.respond 883812de-9669-404e-9bc6-d3bcadb9c2a1
[Debug | 12:02:43 AM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'883812de-9669-404e-9bc6-
[Debug | 12:02:43 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 12:02:48 AM] Executing Request: set.micNoiseGate - {
"enabled": 0
[Info | 12:02:48 AM] Saving mic noise gate enabled 0
[Info | 12:02:48 AM] Mic noise gate: False
[Info | 12:02:48 AM] job.respond 0426f6ee-6dc0-42be-98d8-8ecebcb7ec2b
[Debug | 12:02:48 AM] Executing Request: set.micNoiseSuppress - {
"enabled": 0
[Debug | 12:02:48 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 12:02:48 AM] Saving mic noise suppression enabled 0
[Info | 12:02:48 AM] Mic noise suppression: False
[Info | 12:02:48 AM] job.respond dd7fd342-100e-413d-93d0-30cf50ecdbbf
[Debug | 12:02:48 AM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'0426f6ee-6dc0-42be-98d8-
[Debug | 12:02:48 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 12:02:51 AM] Executing Request: set.micAudioDevice - {
"audioDevice": [
"Microphone (Realtek High Definition Audio)"
[Info | 12:02:51 AM] Selected mic device Microphone (Realtek High Definition Audio)
[Info | 12:02:51 AM] Setup Mic Audio
[Info | 12:02:51 AM] Mic device set. Audio name:Microphone (Realtek High Definition
Audio), Index:2, SampleRate:48000, Channels:2, BitsPerSample:-32, Period:0,
[Info | 12:02:51 AM] Mic noise suppression set: False
[Info | 12:02:51 AM] Mic noise gate set: False, Threshold: -20
[Info | 12:02:51 AM] Audio device (eMFDT_ExtAudio) System volume: 30
[Info | 12:02:51 AM] Set sound gain {1},{1} - -14.08 - 0
[Info | 12:02:51 AM] Audio config- 0,1 - | tracksplitbits - 10 | mix channels -
[Info | 12:02:51 AM] job.respond 49d3b2ad-15da-4173-a845-9912a63a1a05
[Debug | 12:02:51 AM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'49d3b2ad-15da-4173-a845-
9912a63a1a05','body':{'audioDevice':['Microphone (Realtek High Definition
[Debug | 12:02:51 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 12:02:51 AM] Audio device (eMFDT_ExtAudio) System volume: 30
[Info | 12:02:51 AM] Set sound gain {0},{0},{1},{1} - -14.08 - 0
[Info | 12:02:51 AM] Audio config- 2,3 - 0,1 | tracksplitbits - 1010 | mix channels
- 0+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15,0+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15
[Debug | 12:02:55 AM] Executing Request: set.micAudioDevice - {
"audioDevice": [
"Line (2- AudioBox USB)"
[Info | 12:02:55 AM] Selected mic device Line (2- AudioBox USB)
[Info | 12:02:55 AM] Setup Mic Audio
[Info | 12:02:55 AM] Mic device set. Audio name:Line (2- AudioBox USB), Index:3,
SampleRate:44100, Channels:2, BitsPerSample:-32, Period:0, Buffer:21
[Info | 12:02:55 AM] Mic noise suppression set: False
[Info | 12:02:55 AM] Mic noise gate set: False, Threshold: -20
[Info | 12:02:55 AM] Audio device (eMFDT_ExtAudio) System volume: 0
[Info | 12:02:55 AM] Set sound gain {1},{1} - 11.92 - 0
[Info | 12:02:55 AM] Audio config- 0,1 - | tracksplitbits - 10 | mix channels -
[Info | 12:02:55 AM] Audio device (eMFDT_ExtAudio) System volume: 0
[Info | 12:02:55 AM] Set sound gain {0},{0},{1},{1} - 11.92 - 0
[Info | 12:02:55 AM] Audio config- 2,3 - 0,1 | tracksplitbits - 1010 | mix channels
- 0+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15,0+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15
[Info | 12:02:55 AM] job.respond ac066ffa-1ecc-42b2-b1eb-8cafcabd13cb
[Debug | 12:02:55 AM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'ac066ffa-1ecc-42b2-b1eb-
8cafcabd13cb','body':{'audioDevice':['Line (2- AudioBox
[Debug | 12:02:55 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 12:03:03 AM] OnVolumeNotification (mic): Master Volume 1.0
[Info | 12:03:03 AM] Audio device (eMFDT_ExtAudio) System volume: 0
[Info | 12:03:03 AM] Set sound gain {0},{0},{1},{1} - 11.92 - 0
[Info | 12:03:03 AM] OnVolumeNotification (mic): Master Volume 1.0
[Info | 12:03:03 AM] Audio device (eMFDT_ExtAudio) System volume: 0
[Info | 12:03:03 AM] Set sound gain {0},{0},{1},{1} - 11.92 - 0
[Info | 12:03:03 AM] OnVolumeNotification (mic): Master Volume 0.96
[Info | 12:03:03 AM] Audio device (eMFDT_ExtAudio) System volume: 0
[Info | 12:03:03 AM] Set sound gain {0},{0},{1},{1} - 11.92 - 0
[Info | 12:03:04 AM] Sound Property Changed
[Debug | 12:03:05 AM] Executing Request: set.micAudioDevice - {
"audioDevice": [
"Krisp Microphone (Krisp)"
[Info | 12:03:05 AM] Selected mic device Krisp Microphone (Krisp)
[Info | 12:03:05 AM] Setup Mic Audio
[Info | 12:03:05 AM] Mic device set. Audio name:Krisp Microphone (Krisp), Index:1,
SampleRate:48000, Channels:2, BitsPerSample:-32, Period:0, Buffer:22
[Info | 12:03:05 AM] Mic noise suppression set: False
[Info | 12:03:05 AM] Mic noise gate set: False, Threshold: -20
[Info | 12:03:05 AM] job.respond bc01fde0-cb48-4ede-b08d-a44b88033b05
[Debug | 12:03:05 AM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'bc01fde0-cb48-4ede-b08d-
a44b88033b05','body':{'audioDevice':['Krisp Microphone
[Debug | 12:03:05 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 12:03:32 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 12:03:32 AM] Showing: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:03:46 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:03:46 AM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:03:48 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:03:48 AM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:03:54 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:03:54 AM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Debug | 12:03:57 AM] Executing Request: set.micinput - {
"micinput": 0
[Info | 12:03:57 AM] Saving Mic Input False
[Info | 12:03:57 AM] Mic disabled
[Info | 12:03:57 AM] job.respond 5644b91f-64e7-486a-a542-e5cd911a070e
[Debug | 12:03:57 AM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'5644b91f-64e7-486a-a542-
[Debug | 12:03:57 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 12:03:57 AM] Set sound gain {1},{1} - 11.92 - 0
[Info | 12:03:57 AM] Audio config- 0,1 - | tracksplitbits - 10 | mix channels -
[Debug | 12:04:00 AM] Executing Request: set.micinput - {
"micinput": 1
[Info | 12:04:00 AM] Saving Mic Input True
[Info | 12:04:00 AM] Setup Mic Audio
[Info | 12:04:00 AM] Mic device set. Audio name:Krisp Microphone (Krisp), Index:1,
SampleRate:48000, Channels:2, BitsPerSample:-32, Period:0, Buffer:22
[Info | 12:04:00 AM] Mic noise suppression set: False
[Info | 12:04:00 AM] Mic noise gate set: False, Threshold: -20
[Info | 12:04:00 AM] job.respond 7ff1eb63-8071-454b-8895-60937dec501c
[Debug | 12:04:00 AM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'2e4664c3-58de-4d12-829b-
[Debug | 12:04:00 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 12:04:00 AM] Audio device (eMFDT_ExtAudio) System volume: 0
[Info | 12:04:00 AM] Set sound gain {0},{0},{1},{1} - 11.92 - 0
[Info | 12:04:00 AM] Audio config- 2,3 - 0,1 | tracksplitbits - 1010 | mix channels
- 0+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15,0+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15
[Debug | 12:04:02 AM] Executing Request: set.micinput - {
"micinput": 0
[Info | 12:04:02 AM] Saving Mic Input False
[Info | 12:04:02 AM] Mic disabled
[Info | 12:04:02 AM] job.respond d514a7c4-d6a8-4d03-90b6-06c22c234874
[Debug | 12:04:02 AM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'d514a7c4-d6a8-4d03-90b6-
[Debug | 12:04:02 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 12:04:02 AM] Set sound gain {1},{1} - 11.92 - 0
[Info | 12:04:02 AM] Audio config- 0,1 - | tracksplitbits - 10 | mix channels -
[Debug | 12:04:07 AM] Executing Request: requestsettingsave -
[Info | 12:04:07 AM] job.respond 3cd85620-7a1b-4394-a4a1-75a7743b4430
[Debug | 12:04:07 AM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'3cd85620-7a1b-4394-a4a1-
[Debug | 12:04:07 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 12:04:08 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:04:08 AM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:05:20 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 12:05:20 AM] Showing: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:05:23 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:05:23 AM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:05:24 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:05:24 AM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:05:40 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 12:05:40 AM] Showing: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:06:01 AM] [ESM Event] - SaveClip
[Debug | 12:06:01 AM] clip saved FiveM® by - Black City Roleplay [HUN] Cayo
Perico Zombisziget ??EuroTruck?? Season Pass XP rendszer Saját Farm ??Saját Cég??
RENGETEG RABLÁS FiveM_b2699_GTAProcess grcWindow UUID-
[Debug | 12:06:01 AM] clip 1687817161 create reply "202f99cc-63ba-4a6c-bbc9-
[Info | 12:06:02 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:06:02 AM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:06:02 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:06:02 AM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:06:10 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 12:06:10 AM] Showing: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:06:13 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:06:13 AM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:06:14 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:06:14 AM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Debug | 12:06:23 AM] Executing Request: get.activeDisplays - {
"captureScreenshots": false
[Info | 12:06:23 AM] Monitor 0- Name="\\.\DISPLAY1" Screenshot=""
[Info | 12:06:23 AM] job.respond 2c0e2d46-7fa3-4401-ab77-57e1fffba1a6
[Debug | 12:06:23 AM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'2c0e2d46-7fa3-4401-ab77-
[Debug | 12:06:23 AM] ShareActiveDisplays reply {"success":true}
[Debug | 12:06:23 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 12:06:28 AM] Executing Request: set.bitrate - {
"bitrate": "20"
[Info | 12:06:28 AM] Saving bitrate 20
[Info | 12:06:28 AM] job.respond 3753aba9-30ad-4ce7-b019-69f3f9d4c489
[Info | 12:06:28 AM] [ESM Event] - Queued - ConfigChangedRestart
[Debug | 12:06:28 AM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'3753aba9-30ad-4ce7-b019-
[Debug | 12:06:28 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 12:06:31 AM] Executing Request: set.bitrate - {
"bitrate": "5"
[Info | 12:06:31 AM] Saving bitrate 5
[Info | 12:06:31 AM] job.respond 48b0eae0-fe41-471b-874f-c6e0b83cd682
[Info | 12:06:31 AM] [ESM Event] - Already queued! - ConfigChangedRestart
[Debug | 12:06:31 AM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'48b0eae0-fe41-471b-874f-
[Debug | 12:06:31 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 12:06:31 AM] [ESM Event] - Delayed fire - ConfigChangedRestart
[Info | 12:06:31 AM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChangedRestart
[Info | 12:06:31 AM] Stopped Filter
[Info | 12:06:31 AM] Stopping window capture...
[Info | 12:06:34 AM] [ESM Event] - Delayed fire - ConfigChangedRestart
[Info | 12:06:34 AM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChangedRestart
[Debug | 12:06:43 AM] Executing Request: set.resolution - {
"resolution": "Medium"
[Info | 12:06:43 AM] Saving resolution Medium
[Info | 12:06:43 AM] Saving bitrate 5
[Info | 12:06:43 AM] Sending Bitrate Setting
[Info | 12:06:43 AM] job.respond a4f7d997-61f3-4744-840c-bdf8df581c15
[Debug | 12:06:43 AM] Executing Request: set.bitrate - {
"bitrate": "5"
[Info | 12:06:43 AM] Saving bitrate 5
[Info | 12:06:43 AM] SendBitrateSetting reply "ok"
[Debug | 12:06:43 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 12:06:43 AM] job.respond 35e17ce3-9e69-47c2-b75c-1f8fc7078db2
[Info | 12:06:43 AM] [ESM Event] - Queued - ConfigChangedRestart
[Debug | 12:06:43 AM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'a4f7d997-61f3-4744-840c-
[Debug | 12:06:43 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 12:06:44 AM] Executing Request: requestsettingsave -
[Info | 12:06:44 AM] job.respond 71ab81cf-a8dd-49ef-b6cc-13575ad63d8b
[Debug | 12:06:44 AM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'71ab81cf-a8dd-49ef-b6cc-
[Debug | 12:06:44 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 12:06:46 AM] [ESM Event] - Delayed fire - ConfigChangedRestart
[Info | 12:06:46 AM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChangedRestart
[Info | 12:06:46 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 12:06:47 AM] [ESM Event] - SaveClip
[Info | 12:06:49 AM] 2 logs of- [ESM Event] - SaveClip
[Info | 12:06:49 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:06:49 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 12:06:50 AM] [ESM Event] - SaveClip
[Info | 12:06:51 AM] 1 logs of- [ESM Event] - SaveClip
[Info | 12:06:51 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:06:52 AM] 1 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:06:52 AM] Generating clip: C:\Medal\Clips\FiveM\
[Info | 12:06:52 AM] Buffer duration: 429.22
[Info | 12:06:52 AM] Window capture stopped.
[Info | 12:06:52 AM] Dispose overlay frame
[Info | 12:06:52 AM] Mic disabled
[Info | 12:06:52 AM] ICYMI initializing. Config Enabled: True - Settings Enabled:
[Info | 12:06:52 AM] Check for late hook install: False
[Info | 12:06:52 AM] Frame factory initialized on device Auto, LUID:47769
[Info | 12:06:52 AM] codecName- a264hw, fcc type- eMFCC_NV12
[Info | 12:06:52 AM] Output Mode: Clip Output
[Info | 12:06:52 AM] Recording mic: False
[Info | 12:06:52 AM] Mic disabled
[Info | 12:06:52 AM] Setup Loopback Audio
[Info | 12:06:52 AM] Default device is Speakers (2- AudioBox USB)
[Info | 12:06:52 AM] Audio device set. Audio name:Speakers (2- AudioBox USB),
Index:0, SampleRate:44100, Channels:2, BitsPerSample:-32, Period:0, Buffer:21
[Info | 12:06:52 AM] Window capture video resolution is {Width=806, Height=504} -
Aspect ratio is Custom
[Info | 12:06:52 AM] Window capture aspect ratio 403:252
[Info | 12:06:52 AM] Acquired window capture device.
[Info | 12:06:53 AM] codecName- a264hw, fcc type- eMFCC_NV12
[Info | 12:06:53 AM] Disk buffer size (s): 1800
[Info | 12:06:53 AM] Started Filter
[Info | 12:06:53 AM] Capture area is 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:06:53 AM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:06:53 AM] First video data from screen capture
[Info | 12:06:53 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 12:06:53 AM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 12:06:53 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 12:06:53 AM] Stopped Filter
[Info | 12:06:53 AM] Stopping window capture...
[Info | 12:06:53 AM] [ESM Event] - SaveClip
[Warning | 12:06:54 AM] Time-out error on video thread (no source)
[Info | 12:06:54 AM] Window capture stopped.
[Info | 12:06:54 AM] Dispose overlay frame
[Info | 12:06:54 AM] Mic disabled
[Info | 12:06:54 AM] ICYMI initializing. Config Enabled: True - Settings Enabled:
[Info | 12:06:54 AM] Check for late hook install: False
[Info | 12:06:54 AM] Frame factory initialized on device Auto, LUID:47769
[Info | 12:06:54 AM] codecName- a264hw, fcc type- eMFCC_NV12
[Info | 12:06:54 AM] Output Mode: Clip Output
[Info | 12:06:54 AM] Recording mic: False
[Info | 12:06:54 AM] Mic disabled
[Info | 12:06:54 AM] Setup Loopback Audio
[Info | 12:06:54 AM] Default device is Speakers (2- AudioBox USB)
[Info | 12:06:54 AM] Audio device set. Audio name:Speakers (2- AudioBox USB),
Index:0, SampleRate:44100, Channels:2, BitsPerSample:-32, Period:0, Buffer:21
[Info | 12:06:54 AM] Window capture video resolution is {Width=806, Height=504} -
Aspect ratio is Custom
[Info | 12:06:54 AM] Window capture aspect ratio 403:252
[Info | 12:06:54 AM] Acquired window capture device.
[Info | 12:06:54 AM] codecName- a264hw, fcc type- eMFCC_NV12
[Info | 12:06:54 AM] Disk buffer size (s): 1800
[Info | 12:06:54 AM] Started Filter
[Info | 12:06:54 AM] Capture area is 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:06:54 AM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:06:54 AM] First video data from screen capture
[Info | 12:06:54 AM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 12:06:54 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 12:06:54 AM] Stopped Filter
[Info | 12:06:54 AM] Stopping window capture...
[Info | 12:06:54 AM] [ESM Event] - SaveClip
[Info | 12:06:54 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Warning | 12:06:55 AM] Time-out error on video thread (no source)
[Info | 12:06:55 AM] Window capture stopped.
[Info | 12:06:55 AM] Dispose overlay frame
[Info | 12:06:55 AM] Mic disabled
[Info | 12:06:55 AM] ICYMI initializing. Config Enabled: True - Settings Enabled:
[Info | 12:06:55 AM] Check for late hook install: False
[Info | 12:06:55 AM] Frame factory initialized on device Auto, LUID:47769
[Info | 12:06:55 AM] codecName- a264hw, fcc type- eMFCC_NV12
[Info | 12:06:55 AM] Output Mode: Clip Output
[Info | 12:06:55 AM] Recording mic: False
[Info | 12:06:55 AM] Mic disabled
[Info | 12:06:55 AM] Setup Loopback Audio
[Info | 12:06:55 AM] Default device is Speakers (2- AudioBox USB)
[Info | 12:06:55 AM] Audio device set. Audio name:Speakers (2- AudioBox USB),
Index:0, SampleRate:44100, Channels:2, BitsPerSample:-32, Period:0, Buffer:21
[Info | 12:06:55 AM] Window capture video resolution is {Width=806, Height=504} -
Aspect ratio is Custom
[Info | 12:06:55 AM] Window capture aspect ratio 403:252
[Info | 12:06:55 AM] Acquired window capture device.
[Info | 12:06:55 AM] codecName- a264hw, fcc type- eMFCC_NV12
[Info | 12:06:55 AM] Disk buffer size (s): 1800
[Info | 12:06:55 AM] Started Filter
[Info | 12:06:55 AM] First video data from screen capture
[Info | 12:06:55 AM] Capture area is 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:06:55 AM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:06:55 AM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 12:06:55 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:06:55 AM] Showing: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:06:55 AM] Generating clip on cooldown
[Info | 12:06:55 AM] 2 logs of- Generating clip on cooldown
[Info | 12:06:55 AM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:06:55 AM] Showing: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:06:55 AM] Generating clip on cooldown
[Info | 12:06:55 AM] 1 logs of- Generating clip on cooldown
[Info | 12:06:55 AM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:06:55 AM] 1 logs of- Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:06:55 AM] Showing: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:06:55 AM] Screen: 0
[Info | 12:06:55 AM] Showing: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:06:55 AM] Generating clip on cooldown
[Info | 12:06:55 AM] Screen: 0
[Info | 12:06:55 AM] Showing: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:06:55 AM] Generating clip on cooldown
[Info | 12:06:55 AM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:06:55 AM] Screen: 0
[Info | 12:06:55 AM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:06:55 AM] Set sound gain {1},{1} - 11.92 - 0
[Info | 12:06:55 AM] Audio config- 0,1 - | tracksplitbits - 10 | mix channels -
[Info | 12:06:55 AM] Creating overlay frame from: C:\Users\Vertox\AppData\Local\
[Info | 12:06:56 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:06:56 AM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:07:00 AM] Active game GameRecordingSuccessfullyStarted WindowCapture
[Info | 12:07:00 AM] Using standard overlay
[Info | 12:07:00 AM] Injection overlay support- Enabled:False - Game
Supported:False - Capture Type:WindowCapture
[Info | 12:07:00 AM] Starting DirectX overlay for FiveM
[Info | 12:07:00 AM] Capture mode: DXGI
[Info | 12:07:01 AM] clicked overlay
[Info | 12:07:01 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 12:07:01 AM] Showing: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:07:02 AM] [ESM Event] - SaveClip
[Debug | 12:07:02 AM] clip saved FiveM® by - Black City Roleplay [HUN] Cayo
Perico Zombisziget ??EuroTruck?? Season Pass XP rendszer Saját Farm ??Saját Cég??
RENGETEG RABLÁS FiveM_b2699_GTAProcess grcWindow UUID-
[Debug | 12:07:03 AM] clip 1687817222 create reply "e840a6d0-9052-489c-bfb4-
[Info | 12:07:03 AM] Generating clip: C:\Medal\Clips\FiveM\
[Info | 12:07:03 AM] Buffer duration: 6.88
[Info | 12:07:04 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:07:04 AM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:07:04 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:07:04 AM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:07:34 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 12:07:34 AM] Showing: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:07:35 AM] [ESM Event] - SaveClip
[Debug | 12:07:35 AM] clip saved FiveM® by - Black City Roleplay [HUN] Cayo
Perico Zombisziget ??EuroTruck?? Season Pass XP rendszer Saját Farm ??Saját Cég??
RENGETEG RABLÁS FiveM_b2699_GTAProcess grcWindow UUID-
[Debug | 12:07:35 AM] clip 1687817255 create reply "633a9469-d33f-4a3d-bcf8-
[Info | 12:07:36 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:07:36 AM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:07:37 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:07:37 AM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:07:40 AM] Generating clip: C:\Medal\Clips\FiveM\
[Info | 12:07:40 AM] Buffer duration: 39.48
[Info | 12:07:40 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 12:07:40 AM] Showing: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:07:43 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:07:43 AM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:07:44 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:07:44 AM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:07:46 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 12:07:46 AM] Showing: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:07:46 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:07:46 AM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:07:47 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:07:47 AM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:08:02 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 12:08:02 AM] Showing: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:08:08 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:08:08 AM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:08:09 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 12:08:09 AM] Showing: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:08:12 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:08:12 AM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:08:13 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 12:08:13 AM] Showing: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:08:14 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:08:14 AM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:08:15 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:08:15 AM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:08:31 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 12:08:31 AM] Showing: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:08:35 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:08:35 AM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:08:36 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:08:36 AM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Debug | 12:09:11 AM] Executing Request: set.bitrate - {
"bitrate": "10"
[Info | 12:09:11 AM] Saving bitrate 10
[Info | 12:09:11 AM] job.respond 9bf8763b-389d-4628-8fc9-a8e89f3c2179
[Info | 12:09:11 AM] [ESM Event] - Queued - ConfigChangedRestart
[Debug | 12:09:11 AM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'9bf8763b-389d-4628-8fc9-
[Debug | 12:09:11 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 12:09:13 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 12:09:13 AM] Showing: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:09:14 AM] [ESM Event] - Delayed fire - ConfigChangedRestart
[Info | 12:09:14 AM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChangedRestart
[Info | 12:09:14 AM] Stopped Filter
[Info | 12:09:14 AM] Stopping window capture...
[Info | 12:09:14 AM] Window capture stopped.
[Info | 12:09:14 AM] Dispose overlay frame
[Info | 12:09:14 AM] Mic disabled
[Info | 12:09:14 AM] ICYMI initializing. Config Enabled: True - Settings Enabled:
[Info | 12:09:14 AM] Check for late hook install: False
[Info | 12:09:14 AM] Frame factory initialized on device Auto, LUID:47769
[Info | 12:09:14 AM] codecName- a264hw, fcc type- eMFCC_NV12
[Info | 12:09:14 AM] Output Mode: Clip Output
[Info | 12:09:14 AM] Recording mic: False
[Info | 12:09:14 AM] Mic disabled
[Info | 12:09:14 AM] Setup Loopback Audio
[Info | 12:09:14 AM] Default device is Speakers (2- AudioBox USB)
[Info | 12:09:14 AM] Audio device set. Audio name:Speakers (2- AudioBox USB),
Index:0, SampleRate:44100, Channels:2, BitsPerSample:-32, Period:0, Buffer:21
[Info | 12:09:14 AM] Window capture video resolution is {Width=806, Height=504} -
Aspect ratio is Custom
[Info | 12:09:14 AM] Window capture aspect ratio 403:252
[Info | 12:09:14 AM] Acquired window capture device.
[Info | 12:09:14 AM] codecName- a264hw, fcc type- eMFCC_NV12
[Info | 12:09:14 AM] Disk buffer size (s): 1800
[Info | 12:09:14 AM] [ESM Event] - SaveClip
[Warning | 12:09:14 AM] Getting frame before capture is fully set up
[Info | 12:09:14 AM] Started Filter
[Info | 12:09:14 AM] Capture area is 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:09:14 AM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:09:14 AM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 12:09:14 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 12:09:14 AM] Generating clip on cooldown
[Info | 12:09:14 AM] Screen: 0
[Info | 12:09:14 AM] Showing: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:09:14 AM] First video data from screen capture
[Info | 12:09:14 AM] Set sound gain {1},{1} - 11.92 - 0
[Info | 12:09:14 AM] Audio config- 0,1 - | tracksplitbits - 10 | mix channels -
[Info | 12:09:19 AM] [ESM Event] - SaveClip
[Info | 12:09:19 AM] Generating clip on cooldown
[Info | 12:09:19 AM] Active game GameRecordingSuccessfullyStarted WindowCapture
[Info | 12:09:19 AM] Using standard overlay
[Info | 12:09:19 AM] Injection overlay support- Enabled:False - Game
Supported:False - Capture Type:WindowCapture
[Info | 12:09:19 AM] Starting DirectX overlay for FiveM
[Info | 12:09:19 AM] Capture mode: DXGI
[Info | 12:09:20 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:09:20 AM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:09:20 AM] Creating overlay frame from: C:\Users\Vertox\AppData\Local\
[Info | 12:09:20 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 12:09:20 AM] Showing: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:09:30 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:09:30 AM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:09:31 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 12:09:31 AM] Showing: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:09:32 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:09:32 AM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:09:35 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:09:35 AM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:09:35 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:09:35 AM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:09:36 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 12:09:36 AM] Showing: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:09:38 AM] [ESM Event] - SaveClip
[Debug | 12:09:38 AM] clip saved FiveM® by - Black City Roleplay [HUN] Cayo
Perico Zombisziget ??EuroTruck?? Season Pass XP rendszer Saját Farm ??Saját Cég??
RENGETEG RABLÁS FiveM_b2699_GTAProcess grcWindow UUID-
[Debug | 12:09:39 AM] clip 1687817378 create reply "5de349a0-9843-41b7-851f-
[Info | 12:09:41 AM] Generating clip: C:\Medal\Clips\FiveM\
[Info | 12:09:41 AM] Buffer duration: 23.95
[Info | 12:09:41 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:09:41 AM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:09:42 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:09:42 AM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Debug | 12:10:09 AM] Executing Request: set.resolution - {
"resolution": "High"
[Info | 12:10:09 AM] Saving resolution High
[Info | 12:10:09 AM] Saving bitrate 10
[Info | 12:10:09 AM] Sending Bitrate Setting
[Info | 12:10:09 AM] job.respond c841c02d-9835-4111-ab1a-62380fbc93ad
[Debug | 12:10:09 AM] Executing Request: set.bitrate - {
"bitrate": "10"
[Info | 12:10:09 AM] Saving bitrate 10
[Info | 12:10:09 AM] SendBitrateSetting reply "ok"
[Debug | 12:10:09 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 12:10:09 AM] job.respond 70b2b3fe-bd1f-41fd-924e-ec86abf5692a
[Info | 12:10:09 AM] [ESM Event] - Queued - ConfigChangedRestart
[Debug | 12:10:09 AM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'c841c02d-9835-4111-ab1a-
[Debug | 12:10:09 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 12:10:11 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 12:10:11 AM] Showing: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:10:12 AM] [ESM Event] - SaveClip
[Debug | 12:10:12 AM] clip saved FiveM® by - Black City Roleplay [HUN] Cayo
Perico Zombisziget ??EuroTruck?? Season Pass XP rendszer Saját Farm ??Saját Cég??
RENGETEG RABLÁS FiveM_b2699_GTAProcess grcWindow UUID-
[Info | 12:10:12 AM] [ESM Event] - Delayed fire - ConfigChangedRestart
[Info | 12:10:12 AM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChangedRestart
[Info | 12:10:12 AM] Stopped Filter
[Info | 12:10:12 AM] Stopping window capture...
[Debug | 12:10:13 AM] clip 1687817412 create reply "87bf68a8-bc2b-45f5-b236-
[Info | 12:10:14 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:10:15 AM] 1 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:10:15 AM] [ESM Event] - Delayed fire - ConfigChangedRestart
[Info | 12:10:15 AM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChangedRestart
[Info | 12:10:19 AM] Generating clip: C:\Medal\Clips\FiveM\
[Info | 12:10:19 AM] Buffer duration: 57.45
[Info | 12:10:19 AM] Window capture stopped.
[Info | 12:10:19 AM] Dispose overlay frame
[Info | 12:10:19 AM] Mic disabled
[Info | 12:10:19 AM] ICYMI initializing. Config Enabled: True - Settings Enabled:
[Info | 12:10:19 AM] Check for late hook install: False
[Info | 12:10:19 AM] Frame factory initialized on device Auto, LUID:47769
[Info | 12:10:19 AM] codecName- a264hw, fcc type- eMFCC_NV12
[Info | 12:10:19 AM] Output Mode: Clip Output
[Info | 12:10:19 AM] Recording mic: False
[Info | 12:10:19 AM] Mic disabled
[Info | 12:10:19 AM] Setup Loopback Audio
[Info | 12:10:19 AM] Default device is Speakers (2- AudioBox USB)
[Info | 12:10:19 AM] Audio device set. Audio name:Speakers (2- AudioBox USB),
Index:0, SampleRate:44100, Channels:2, BitsPerSample:-32, Period:0, Buffer:21
[Info | 12:10:19 AM] Window capture video resolution is {Width=1152, Height=720} -
Aspect ratio is Custom
[Info | 12:10:19 AM] Window capture aspect ratio 8:5
[Info | 12:10:19 AM] Acquired window capture device.
[Info | 12:10:19 AM] codecName- a264hw, fcc type- eMFCC_NV12
[Info | 12:10:19 AM] Disk buffer size (s): 1800
[Info | 12:10:19 AM] Started Filter
[Warning | 12:10:19 AM] Getting frame before capture is fully set up
[Info | 12:10:19 AM] Capture area is 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:10:19 AM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:10:19 AM] First video data from screen capture
[Info | 12:10:19 AM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 12:10:19 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:10:19 AM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:10:19 AM] 1 logs of- Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:10:19 AM] Stopped Filter
[Info | 12:10:19 AM] Stopping window capture...
[Warning | 12:10:20 AM] Time-out error on video thread (no source)
[Info | 12:10:20 AM] Window capture stopped.
[Info | 12:10:20 AM] Dispose overlay frame
[Info | 12:10:20 AM] Mic disabled
[Info | 12:10:20 AM] ICYMI initializing. Config Enabled: True - Settings Enabled:
[Info | 12:10:20 AM] Check for late hook install: False
[Info | 12:10:20 AM] Frame factory initialized on device Auto, LUID:47769
[Info | 12:10:20 AM] codecName- a264hw, fcc type- eMFCC_NV12
[Info | 12:10:20 AM] Output Mode: Clip Output
[Info | 12:10:20 AM] Recording mic: False
[Info | 12:10:20 AM] Mic disabled
[Info | 12:10:20 AM] Setup Loopback Audio
[Info | 12:10:20 AM] Default device is Speakers (2- AudioBox USB)
[Info | 12:10:20 AM] Audio device set. Audio name:Speakers (2- AudioBox USB),
Index:0, SampleRate:44100, Channels:2, BitsPerSample:-32, Period:0, Buffer:21
[Info | 12:10:20 AM] Window capture video resolution is {Width=1152, Height=720} -
Aspect ratio is Custom
[Info | 12:10:20 AM] Window capture aspect ratio 8:5
[Info | 12:10:20 AM] Acquired window capture device.
[Info | 12:10:20 AM] codecName- a264hw, fcc type- eMFCC_NV12
[Info | 12:10:20 AM] Disk buffer size (s): 1800
[Info | 12:10:20 AM] Started Filter
[Info | 12:10:20 AM] First video data from screen capture
[Info | 12:10:20 AM] Capture area is 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:10:20 AM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:10:20 AM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 12:10:20 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:10:20 AM] Screen: 0
[Info | 12:10:20 AM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:10:20 AM] Screen: 0
[Info | 12:10:20 AM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:10:20 AM] Set sound gain {1},{1} - 11.92 - 0
[Info | 12:10:20 AM] Audio config- 0,1 - | tracksplitbits - 10 | mix channels -
[Info | 12:10:20 AM] Creating overlay frame from: C:\Users\Vertox\AppData\Local\
[Info | 12:10:25 AM] Active game GameRecordingSuccessfullyStarted WindowCapture
[Info | 12:10:25 AM] Using standard overlay
[Info | 12:10:25 AM] Injection overlay support- Enabled:False - Game
Supported:False - Capture Type:WindowCapture
[Info | 12:10:25 AM] Starting DirectX overlay for FiveM
[Info | 12:10:25 AM] Capture mode: DXGI
[Info | 12:11:05 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 12:11:05 AM] Showing: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:11:21 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:11:21 AM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:11:22 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:11:22 AM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:11:27 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 12:11:27 AM] Showing: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:11:35 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:11:35 AM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:11:37 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:11:37 AM] Hiding: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:11:51 AM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 12:11:51 AM] Showing: 0,0,1680,1050
[Info | 12:12:19 AM] Window object destroyed: -- 591070
[Info | 12:12:19 AM] Game is closed
[Info | 12:12:19 AM] FiveM exited.
[Info | 12:12:19 AM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - FiveM[r-K7qepLC]
[Info | 12:12:19 AM] Stop recording game FiveM
[Info | 12:12:19 AM] InputManager stopping...
[Info | 12:12:19 AM] InputManager: PollInput stopped
[Info | 12:12:19 AM] InputManager stopped.
[Info | 12:12:19 AM] [ESM Event] - GameClosed
[Info | 12:12:19 AM] Stopped Filter
[Info | 12:12:19 AM] [Game Status]: capture/stopped - FiveM[r-K7qepLC]
[Info | 12:12:19 AM] Stopping window capture...
[Debug | 12:12:19 AM] capture/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 12:12:20 AM] Window capture stopped.
[Info | 12:12:20 AM] Dispose overlay frame
[Info | 12:12:20 AM] Mic disabled
[Info | 12:12:20 AM] Dispose overlay frame
[Info | 12:12:20 AM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 12:12:20 AM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2]
[Info | 12:12:20 AM] Removing window hooks
[Info | 12:12:20 AM] Window hooks removed
[Info | 12:12:20 AM] FiveM_MatchDetector: Game stopped
[Debug | 12:12:20 AM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false
[Info | 12:12:20 AM] Clear override settings
[Info | 12:12:20 AM] Toggle Broadcast - Enabled:False, Resolution:, Fps:0
[Info | 12:12:20 AM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChangedRestart
[Info | 12:12:20 AM] job.respond 9009b8c2-8494-43af-81b0-485e22add583
[Debug | 12:12:20 AM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false
[Info | 12:12:20 AM] Clear override settings
[Info | 12:12:20 AM] Toggle Broadcast - Enabled:False, Resolution:, Fps:0
[Info | 12:12:20 AM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChangedRestart
[Info | 12:12:20 AM] job.respond 1323abee-f48a-4cdf-9f22-ed4eb7ab1554
[Debug | 12:12:20 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 12:12:20 AM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'9009b8c2-8494-43af-81b0-
[Debug | 12:12:20 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 12:12:22 AM] Sound Property Changed
[Info | 12:12:24 AM] Match detector FiveM_Detector cancelled.
[Info | 12:12:24 AM] Stopping periodic game extension jobs.
[Debug | 12:12:24 AM] game/stopped reply "ok"

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