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➔ Mahabharata was composed over a period of about 1,000 years (500 BCE to 500CE)
➔ The central story is about two sets of warring cousins. (Kouravas and Pandavas)
➔ The text also contains sections laying down norms of behavior for various social
➔ The critical edition of the Mahabharata was prepared by a team of scholars of Bhandarkar
Oriental Research Institute Pune (1919)
➔ These variations were documented in footnotes and appendices to the main text.
Kula Families
Jnati Kinfolk
Vamsha Lineage
➔ Adi Parvan of Sanskrit Mahabharata describes Why kinfolk quarreled and the ideas of
patrilineal succession of throne
Rules of marriage
➔ Sons were important and daughters had no claims to the resources of the household.
➔ Marrying them into families outside the kin was considered desirable. (exogamy)
➔ Kanyadana or the gift of a daughter in marriage was an important religious duty of the father
1. Brahma Vivah.
The Gift of a daughter after dressing her in costly clothes and honoring her with
presents and jewels to a man learned in the Veda whom the father himself
2. Prajapatya Vivah.. -Father gives his daughter to groom without dowry and bride price
3. Arsha Vivah. -Father gives his daughter to groom after receiving a pair of bull
and cow
6. Asura Vivah. Father recieves bride price from groom and gives daughter to
8. Paishacha Vivah Cheating by a man and forces the girl to marry him
➔ The most important of such works, the Manusmriti, (200 BCE and 200
➔ The first four were considered as “good” while the remaining were
The Gotra
➔ a) Women were expected to give up their father’s gotra and adopt that of their
husband on marriage
1 Satavahana queens had their father’s gotras even after the marriage.
In the case of the Satavahanas succession to the throne was generally patrilineal.
✔ Brahmanas were supposed to study and teach the Vedas, perform sacrifices and get
sacrifices performed, and give and receive gifts.
✔ Kshatriyas were to engage in warfare, protect people and administer justice, study the
Vedas, get sacrifices performed, and make gifts.
✔ Shudras were assigned only one occupation – that of serving the three “higher” varnas.
The Brahmanas evolved many strategies for enforcing right occupation norms.
2. They advised kings to ensure that these norms were followed within their kingdoms.
3. They attempted to persuade people that their status was determined by birth.
4. They reinforced these norms by stories told in the Mahabharata and other texts.
3. Kanvas -Brahmanas.
➢ However, while the number of varnas was fixed at four, there was no restriction on the number of
➢ Whenever Brahmanical authorities encountered new groups used jati to classify them.
Manusmriti asked Chandalas to live outside the village, use discarded utensils
and wear cloths of dead and ornaments of iron
Fa Hien 5th century Chinese traveler wrote that untouchables had to sound a
clapper in the street while walking
Huan Tsang 7th century Chinese traveler wrote that executioners and
scavengers were forced to live outside the city
➔ However, women were allowed to retain the gifts they received on the
occasion of their marriage as stridhana (literally, a woman’s wealth).
➔ Wealthy women such as the Vakataka queen Prabhavati Gupta may
have had access to resources, land, cattle and money were generally
controlled by men.
The Buddhists recognized that there were differences in society, but did
not regard these as natural or inflexible.
Budhists also rejected the idea of claims to status on the basis of birth
➔ In ancient Tamilakam 2000 years ago men who were generous were
respected, while those who were miserly or simply accumulated wealth for
themselves were despised.
➔ The king gained power as a result of contract between king and citizens
➔ Originally All human beings lived in an idyllic state of peace, taking from
nature only what they needed for each meal
➔ It reveals if human beings were responsible for the creation of the system,
they could also change it in future.
➔ They also consider the kinds of text. Were these mantras, learnt and
chanted by ritual specialists, or stories that people could have read, or heard,
and then retold if they found them interesting?
➔ They try to find out about the author(s) whose perspectives and ideas
shaped the text, as well as the intended audience, as, very often, authors keep
the interests of their audience in mind while composing their work.
➔ They try and ascertain the possible date of the composition or
compilation of the texts as well as the place where they may have been
Content of Mahabharata
2 sections
1) The narrative sections contain stories
2) The didactive sections contain prescriptions about social norms
Author of Mahabharata
➔ Composition of Mahabharata traditionally attributed to sage
B.B. Lal noted about the houses in the second phase (c. twelfth-
seventh centuries BCE)
a) There were no definite plans of houses found.
c) some of the houses had reed walls plastered over with mud.
B) Soakage jars and brick drains were used for draining out refuse
The description of the city Hastinapura in the epic added after the
main narrative or it was a flight of poetic fancy
eg:City of Hastinapura (see text)
✔ At the same time, the central story of the epic was often retold in
different ways.
Eg: kunthi o nishadhi written by Mahaswetha Devi
(see text for story)