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1 Legal Bases of Education

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Foundations of Education Module

Dr. Rovelina B. Jacolbia
Prof. Avelina C. Bucao
Dr. Flordeliza Alvendia
Dr. Carmencita L. Castolo
Dr. Marion Cresencio
Dr. Carolina P. Danao
Prof. Jonathan Florida
Dr. Liceria Lorenzo
Dr. Nancy Macabata
Dr. Roland Montes
Dr. Lizyl Rebusquillo
Dr. Caroline Sumande


Students’ knowledge in education is upgraded by exposing them to the different legal
foundations of education guided by the Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives (VMGO) of our
university, the Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP). Lesson three (3) covers the legal
background of the Philippine Education and other Pertinent Laws related thereafter. It briefly
discusses the Philippine Constitution of 1987 (A XlV section 1-5), Basic Education Act of 2001
(RA 9155), TESDA Act of 1994 (RA 7796), Higher Education Act of 1994 (RA 7722), Magna
Carta for Public School Teachers (RA 4670), and Enhanced Basic Education Act (RA 10533)
and other legal bases to support our educational system.

Lesson Objectives:
After successful completion of this lesson, you should be able to:
 demonstrate understanding of the legal foundation of education as mandated in the
1987 Constitution;
 apply decision making skills or action research in solving key problems/issues in
 demonstrate an appreciative understanding of the importance of the Magna Carta for
Public School Teachers (RA # 4670).
 demonstrate competence through analytical discussion and critiquing of existing policies
and practices in basic education.
 determine the importance of TESDA (RA # 7796) as partner of CHED and DepEd in
providing quality education to all aspiring Filipinos.

Course Materials:
Unit 1: 1987 Philippine Constitution (Education)

The Philippine Constitution clearly speaks of the provision of quality education to all level
(A. XlV of the Philippine Constitution), this is the very fundamental legal basis of education in
the Philippines. It stipulates the following (PNU, 2013, Bilbao, 2015, Sarmiento, 2015):
 State shall protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality education at all levels
and shall take appropriate steps to make such education accessible to all.
 The State shall enhance the right of teachers to professional advancement.
 The State shall establish, maintain and support complete, adequate, and integrated
system of education relevant to the needs of the people and society.
 Science and Technology are essential for national development and progress.

Read :
1. Bilbao, Purita et al. (2015) The Teaching Profession. Manila: Lorimar
2. Philippine Normal University (2013) A Reviewer for the Licensure Examination for Teachers
Professional Education. Manila : PNU Press.
3. Sarmiento, Ulpiano(lll) (2015) Compendium of School Laws in the Philippines. Manila:
4. https://www.officialgazette.gov.ph/constitutions/the-1987-constitution-of-the-republic-of-the-

Activities / Assessment Tasks:

1. In your school what practices can be aligned to Sec 10, 14, and 17. Cite an specific
example for each section.
2. Recall your school VMGO. Are there provisions in your VMGO that are aligned to the
mandate Of the Philippine Constitution? Present your school VMGO.
3. How does the government implement the constitutional provision on quality education?
Explain well and support your answer on the specific provision.
4. In what ways the State can enhance the right of teachers for professional advancement?

Course Materials:
Unit 2: Basic Education Act 2001 (RA #9155)

Quality education is a mandate of our Philippine Constitution. Thus, our government Is

providing all the necessary countenance to our school to achieve quality education and make
such educationaccessible to all by providing all Filipino children a free and compulsory
education in elementary level and free education in the high school level. It shall also include
alternative learning system (ALS) for basic education to provide them with the skills, knowledge,
and values they need to become caring, self-reliant, productive, and patriotic citizen.
RA # 9155 is divided into five (5) chapters. Section 1-3 as summarized by Bilbao (2015)
State that the school shall be the heart of the formal education system. Section 4, the classroom
teacher’s other name who is the facilitator is the key-learning support person and is responsible
for supervising/facilitating the learning process and activities of the learner. Section 6 & 7 have
something to do with shared governance. Every unit in the education bureaucracy has a
particular role, task responsibility inherent in the office and for which it is principally accountable
for outcomes. Sub-topic of section 6 & 7 is limited to schools’ division superintendents’
accountability and responsibility in ensuring compliance of quality standards for basic education
programs; hence strengthening the role of division supervisors as subject area specialists.
Another sub-topic of section 6 & 7 pertains to school head. He shall form a team with the school
teachers or learning facilitators for delivery of quality educational programs, projects and

The five chapters of RA # 9155 :

(Bilbao et al.,2015, Sarmiento, 2015 and http://www.deped.gov.ph)
Chapter 1 - Governance of Basic Education





Chapter 2 - Transfer Of Cultural Agencies

Chapter 3 - Abolition Of The Bureau Of Physical Education & School Sports

Chapter 4 - Support And Assistance Of Other Government Agencies

Chapter 5 - Final Provisions

Bilbao, Purita et al. (2015) The Teaching Profession. Manila : Lorimar
PNU (2013) A Reviewer for Licensure Examination for Teachers. MLA: PNU Press.
Sarmiento, Ulpiano(111)Compendium of School Laws…MLA: Ulpiano Sarmiento 111.
Activities/ Assessment Tasks:
1. Section 5, under Chapter 1: Governance of basic education. Cite an example on how
your school applies transparency and accountability in the performance of function and

2. In what way the state can ensure that the values, needs and aspirations of school
Community are reflected in the program of education for the children, out-of-school
youth and adult learners?

3. Read carefully the provision of chapter 2. Comment on the transfer of cultural agencies
to the National Commission for Culture and Arts (NCCA).

Course Materials
Unit 3: TESDA Act of 2994 (RA# 7796)

Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) is a government agency

tasked to manage and supervise technical education skills development (TESD) in the
Philippines. It was established on August 25, 1994. This act aims to encourage the full
participation of and mobilize the industry, labor, local government units and technical-vocational
institutions in the skills development of human resources. The birth of TESDA is due to the
merging of National Manpower Youth Council(NMYC), Department of Labor and Employment
(DOLE), Bureau of Technical and Vocational Education (BTVE), Department of Education,
Culture and Sports (DECS) and the Bureau of Local Employment(BLE) of the DOLE.

TESDA is mandated to:

1. Integrate, coordinate and monitor skills development programs;
2. Restructure efforts to promote and develop middle-level manpower;
3. Approve skills standards and tests;
4. Develop an accreditation system for institutions involved in middle-level manpower
5. Fund programs and projects for technical education and skills development; and
6. Assist trainers training program.
At the same time, TESDA is expected to:
1. Devolve training functions to local governments;
2. Reform the apprenticeship program;
3. Involve industry/employers in skills training;
4. Formulate skills development plan;
5. Develop and administer training incentives;
6. Organize skills competitions; and
7. Manage skills development funds.

Overall, TESDA formulates manpower and skills plans, set appropriate skill standards,tests,
coordinates and monitor manpower policies and programs, & provides policy directionsand
guidelines for resource allocation for the TVET institutions (private & public sectors).

Programs & Services :

 Competency Standard Development
 Assessment and Certificate
 Assessment and certificate middle-level skilled workers through Philippine TVET
assessment and certification system (PTCACS)
 NC 1, NC 2, NC 3 etc., (NC- National Certificate)
 COC – Certificate of Competency

 www.tesda.gov.ph
 Sarmiento, Ulpiano (111) (2015) Compendium of School Laws in the Philippines. Manila:
Ulpiano “Ulan” Sarmiento (111).

Activities/ Assessment Tasks:

1. In what way TESDA can achieve its mandate as regards to sec 21 of said
2. What are the common trainings offered by TVET institution in Occidental Mindoro?
3. Comment on the incoming proposal that those who will renew driver’s license must
present NC 1 driving certificate issued by TESDA.
Course Materials
Unit 4: Higher Education Act of 1994 (RA # 7722)

The Commission on Higher Education is the Philippine government agency in-charged in

promoting relevant and quality higher education. In 1994 a law was created supporting the
strengthening of educational system by virtue of RA # 7722 – an Act creating the commission
on higher education and appropriating funds thereafter. The law separates higher education
from Deped providing its independence. Having the right to practice academic freedom and
exercise such policies granted for its benefits. As stated in the policy of higher education Act of
1994, to wit: The state shall ensure and protect academic freedom and shall promote its
independence, with proper observance for the continuing intellectual growth, the advancement
of learning and research, the development of responsible and effective leadership, the
education of high level, middle-level professionals, and the enrichment of our historical and
cultural heritage. CHED was confronted with different problems and issues. In response, the
commission works on the following key areas:

1. Rationalization of Higher Education

 Aligning higher education with national development goals
 Developing typology of HEIs
 Mapping HEIs program
 Amalgamation of HEIs
 Moratorium of new HEIs and programs
 Harmonization of public and private HEIs
 Rationalization of credentials

2. Quality and Standard

 Creation of IQuAME (Developmental instrument for non-accredited HEIs
 Transparent system for autonomous and deregulated COEs and CODs
 Closing substandard programs and institutions
 Incentives to deserving HEIs
 Aligning Philippine HEI curricula and standard with International benchmark

3. On Access to Quality Education

 Scholarship
 state scholarship program
Full merit - Ph30,000/semester- GWA- 90% above
Half merit - 15,000/ semester – GWA -85% above
 GATSPE - Government Assistance to Students in Private Education
 STUFAP - Student Financial Assistance Program
 Grants-in-aid, Study Now Pay Later (SPLP)
 ALS – Alternative Learning Style
 ETEEAP – Expanded Tertiary Education Equivalency & Accreditation Program
 LEP - Ladderized Education Program

4. Transparency and accountability

 Transparency of system and processes
 Elimination of corrupt & questionable practices in CHED
 Elimination of corrupt & questionable practices in SUCs
 Recognition of CHED as a clean and honest agency

5. Organization & Development of CHED

 Modern technology
 An efficient service-oriented organization

Watch: https://www.bing.com
1. ched.gov.ph https://Lawnet.nt, https://https://www.bing.com
2. Sarmiento, Ulpiano (111) (2015). Compendium of School Laws in the Philippines.
Manila: Ulpiano ”Ulan” Sarmiento 111.

Activities/ Assessment Tasks:

1. Explain the similarity of RA # 7722 section 2 and the Philippine Constitutionarticulated in
article XlV section 1.
2. Why is there a need to accredit program/s in higher education?
3. What are the purposes of the technical panels and how can they help CHED?
4. Cite the limitations of academic freedom in a non-accredited HEIs.
Course Materials
Unit 5: Magna Carta for Public School Teachers (RA # 4670)

Education is an essential factor in the progress and economic growth of the nation, thus
the government must heavily invest in this sector. Macasaet (2010) opined that education is an
investment. The stock of human capital worldwide has a higher value, in terms of its contribution
to production than the stock of physical capital. RA # 4670 clearly defines the term “ teachers”
(human capital)shall mean all persons engaged in classroom teaching, in any level of
instructions, on full-time basis including guidance counsellors, school librarians, industrial or
vocational instructors, and other persons performing supervisory and, or administrative fuctions
in all schools, colleges, and universities operated by the government or its political subdivisions,
but should not include school nurses, school physicians, school dentists, and other school

The purpose of this law is to promote and improve the social and economic status of
public school teachers, their living and working conditions, their terms of employment and
career prospect in order that they compare favorably with existing opportunities in other walks of
life, attract and retain in the teaching profession with the proper qualification.

Coverage of RA 4670:
1. Declaration of Policy
2. Recruitment and Career
3. Hours of work and remuneration
4. Health measures and Injury Benefits
5. Leave and Retirement Benefits
6. Teachers Organization
7. Administration and Enforcement

https:www.bing.com, You Tube- Guro, Batas at Bayan by Atty Risty T. Adarayan,
Joint teleconferencing using ZOOM (invite legal authority in the field as speaker)

1. https://lawnet.net, https://www.bing.com, You tube, Atty Risty T. Adarayan.
2. Bilbao et al. (2015), Sarmiento, Ulpiano 111 (2015). Sarmiento, Ulpiano(111 )(2015).
Compendium of School Laws in the Philippines Manila: Ulpiano”Ulan Sarmiento 111

Activities/ Assessment Tasks

1. Who are covered of the term “teachers” in RA # 4670 and who are not covered?
2. Revisit your school, do you have a complete human resources to comply with the
provision of section 2. If ever your school is short of said resource/s how does theschool
cope with this shortage/limitation?
3. As regards to section lV, Health measures and Injury benefits, are these provisions A
right or privileges?
4. In your school did you experience teaching more than six (6) hours in one day?What
could be the reason/s behind?
5. Best practice of your school/division in resolving cases of teachers.

Course Materials
Unit 6: Enhanced Basic Education Act (RA # 10533)

The intention of basic education is to meet the basic learning which provides the
foundation on which learning can be based. It encompasses kindergarten, elementary and
secondary education as well as alternative learning system for out-of-school learners and those
with special needs (sec 3 RA # 10533, lifted https://www.officialgazette.gov.ph).

All in all the new law seeks to bridge our basic education, with ultimately employment in
globalized world. Ongkiko (2015) stressed that the implementation of this new law may be
expensive, we have to build more classroom, train more teachers to accommodate two more
years of basic education, but it is about time that we must invest heavily in education.

A report was submitted to Congress at the end of 2014-2015 as to the status K-12
covering closing shortages a) teachers b) classroom c) textbooks d) seats e) toilets and f) other
shortages that should be addressed include also key metric of success to quality of basic
education a) participation rate b) retention rate c) national achievement test results d)
completion rate e) teachers welfare and training profile f) adequacy of funding requirements
g) other learning facilities including, but not limited to computer & science laboratories, libraries
and library hubs, and sports, music and arts.

Watch: https://www.bing.com, https://www.education.go.ke/, YouTube>DNTV.news.

1. https://www.officialgazette.gov.ph, https://Lawphil.net , https://www.deped.gov.ph
2. https://www.bing.com, Sarmiento, Ulpiano 111(2015), Corpuz et al. (2013) Ongkiko
3. Sarmiento, Ulpiano(111)(2015)Compendium of Laws in the Philippines. Manila: Ulpiano
“Ulan” Sarmiento 111.
4. Corpuz, Brenda B. et al. (2013) Special Topics in Education vol 4. Manila: Lorimar.

Activities/ Assessment Tasks

1. Why is there a need for mandatory evaluation of K-12 program?
2. Make a critical analysis of the existing situation in your school where many students drop
out or fail to pursue further education due to poverty or for any reasons whatsoever.
Present atable showing a) participation rate b) retention rate c) completion rate covering
AY 2017 to 2020 (3 academic years).
3. Formulate and present at least three (3) practical and doable strategies to attract
studentsto come back to school and pursue their studies until graduation. Finally,
present a calendar of activities on how to implement the strategies in your school and
how you willmonitor their implementation.

Other Laws
RA # 7836 – Philippine Teachers Professionalism Act of 1994
RA # 7784 – Establishing Centers of Excellence for Teacher Education

Activities/ Assessment Tasks

teleconferencing (use : ZOOM)invite legal expert
Case Analysis (existing Problem in their school)
Action research (group work per area where they are presently working)

Bilbao, Purita P. et al. (2015) The Teaching Profession. Manila: Lorimar

Corpuz, Brenda B. et al. (2013) Special Topics in Education vol 4.
Manila: Lorimar.
Philippine Normal University (2013) A Reviewer for the Licensure
Examination for Teachers: Professional Education. Manila:
PNU Press.
Sarmiento, Ulpiano(111) (2015) Compendium of School Laws in the
Philippines. Manila: Ulpiano “Ulan” Sarmiento 111.
_____RA # 10533. Proceeding 3rd Regular Session. July 23, 2012.
_____Reflection. Bridging the Gap: Enhanced Basic Education Through
K-12 by Atty. Ricardo P. G. Ongkiko.
_____RA # 7722. Proceeding. May 18, 1994.
_____RA # 9155. Proceeding 3rd Regular Session. August 11, 2001.
_____Reflection. Governance of Education Sector by Mr. Jess Macasaet.

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