Onboard Data Handling and Telemetry
Onboard Data Handling and Telemetry
Onboard Data Handling and Telemetry
Subject Overview
As usual in space… reliable and error protected protocols are involved in the space link
TC/TM protocols
As shown in the following figure, protocols are layered following ISO Basic Reference Extracted from RD37
Model including in the data link layer two sub-layers_ i) channel coding and
ii)synchronization. Also there are other optional sub-layers for authentication and
TC/TM protocols
Space communication
protocols cathegorized
by layer: CCSDS
TC/TM protocols
Space communication
protocols cathegorized
by layer: ESA
Packet encoding
Telecommand packets are
Packet decoding
Ground StationTransmitter
Transponder receiver
Packet decoding
Various telemetry packets
from the S/S subsystemas
Packet decoding
Ground StationTransmitter
Transponder receiver
Buffer memory
Buffer memory S/S subsystems
Hardware Cmd
VC Reception Idle Frame
Command Pulse
Decoding Unit
VC Demux VC Multiplexer
MC Demux
Master Channel
All frames Gen Control &
All Frames Rec
Sync Marker
Pseudo Dec Channel Reed-Solomon
BCH Decoder Sub-Layer Pseudo Enc
The commanding of satellites today is performed by applying a standardized communication protocol named after
the “Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems”, (CCSDS).
TC Space Data Link Protocol defines a packet layout and how telecommand packets are segmented, framed and
cut into “Command Link Transfer Units”, (CLTU), for radio frequency, (RF), uplink. In orbit the spacecraft
transponder receives this bit stream which must be reassembled to TC packet level, before the OBSW can use
Two sublayers of the Data Link Layer are defined for CCSDS
space link protocols.
• Data link Protocol Sublayer
• Sync. and channel coding sublayer
Because the space link is prone to error (as previously commented) it is desirable to break large service data units into
relatively small pieces so that each piece has a lower probability of being invalidated by transmission error than if the entire
service data unit were sent contiguously. System throughput efficiency is improved because only small pieces have to be
retransmitted when errors are detected.
For efficient transfer of service data units, it is desirable to group these small units into larger pieces. The TC Space Data Link
Protocol provides the capability to break large service data units into relatively small pieces (segmentation) and to group
small service data units into larger pieces (blocking).
The protocol data units employed by CCSDS TC protocol are the TC Transfer Frame and the Communications Link Control
Word (CLCW):
• Each Transfer Frame contains a header, which provides protocol control information, and a variable-length data field,
within which higher-layer service data units are carried. Transfer Frames are sent in the direction of the flow of service
data units.
• Each CLCW contains a report that describes the status of acceptance of Transfer Frames. CLCWs are sent from the receiver
to the sender of Transfer Frames (as part of the TM).
TC Transfer Frame
Sender User Receiver User
Extracted from CCSDS
Communications Link Control Word (CLCW)
The TC Space Data Link Protocol controls the transmission of service data units through the space link performing
retransmissions needed to ensure delivery of service data units in sequence and without gaps or duplication. This
function is provided by an automatic retransmission control mechanism called the Communications Operation
Procedure (COP).
A COP can be used to ensure that commands are always received and accepted on-board a spacecraft in the
same order as they are generated. This is done by using sequence counters in the telecommand transfer frame
header, by only accepting transfer frames that arrive in sequence, and by down-linking in telemetry the next
expected value of the sequence counter to detect whether a frame has been lost.
In addition, a systematic retransmission mechanism for use on deep space links can optionally be provided by the
Synchronization and Channel Coding Sublayer. In this case the protocol does not guarantee the command order
is often used because the communication delays do not allow receiving telemetry information about lost frames
in due time.
The interface timing within the spacecraft, between the Transponder and the OBC, is sometimes given in the
ICD (interface Control Document). SAVOIR defines the following:
Extracted from 21
• For telemetry there are only two signals: Clock and Data.
• The data is sampled on the falling edge.
The TC Physical layer modulates the CLTUs (Command Link Transmission Unit) onto the RF
carrier, and provides the procedures necessary to activate and deactivate the channel.
The mechanism used by the Space Data Link Protocols for transferring data with different QoS
(Quality of Service, mostly priority and latency in this case) requirements is the use of Virtual
Channels (i.e. a way to define what messages have higher priority/latency than others using
same physical channel).
The Virtual Channel facility allows one Physical Channel to be divided into multiple separate
logical data channels, each known as a Virtual Channel (VC) and identified by a Virtual
Channel Identifier (VCID)
Extracted from 37
When the telecommand function is made redundant, it is almost always operated in hot redundancy. The virtual
channel ID is typically used by the ground operator to properly address the two telecommand functions. For
implementations without the segmentation sub-layer, different sets of virtual channel IDs can be assigned to the two
telecommand functions.
Three different connections with the Transponders as described in SAVOIR documents:
Maximum configuration:
Dual band, four transponders
The implementation of second is typically done with the two methods described in the
• The first method: connect the nominal and redundant line receivers in parallel.
Caution with reflections!. Signal termination scheme shall be considered for
avoiding undesirable reflections.
OBC • The second method uses a single line receiver that is powered from a power line
Receiver that is the OR of the power to the TC Decoders. This method avoids the signal
reflection problems at the expense of a bit more complex implementation. Some
B caution is needed also here to avoid that a failure in a line receiver is spread to
both TC Decoders.
Configuration 2
The TC Coding layer satisfies the TC System requirement for the error-free delivery of commands to the
spacecraft, by encoding the TC user data from the layer above to protect them against noise-induced errors
during transmission through the underlying ground-to-spacecraft radio frequency (RF) channel.
The basic protocol data unit of the Coding layer is the TC Codeblock, which appends a small block of information
bits with parity bits that provide error detection and (optionally) correction capability. Strings of TC Codeblocks,
conveying the information bits representing one or more TC Transfer Frames in the form of parity-protected
channel symbols, are encapsulated within a Command Link Transmission Unit (CLTU) before being passed to the
layer below. Any errors that occur in the encoded information bits as a result of the physical transmission process
may be detected or corrected at the spacecraft receiving end of the Coding layer.
The data link protocol sub-layer receives telecommand transfer frames from the channel coding and
synchronization sub-layer. These frames contain a 5-byte header, which among various control information
includes the address of the spacecraft and a virtual channel identifer (ID), a data field and a 2-byte cyclic
redundancy check (CRC) field for further protection of the data.
As the BCH decoding process may incorrectly correct code words that have more than two bit errors, there is a
small chance that errors remain when the frame is processed.
The frames are therefore checked for errors using the CRC. The spacecraft address is then checked and the data
field routed either to an end user or to the next layer. If routed directly to an end user, the virtual channel ID
can be used to determine the destination.
The Transfer Frame Primary Header is mandatory and shall consist of eight fields, positioned contiguously, in the following
sequence: a) Transfer Frame Version Number (2 bits, mandatory); b) Bypass Flag (1 bit, mandatory); c) Control Command Flag
(1 bit, mandatory); d) Reserved Spare (2 bits, mandatory); e) Spacecraft Identifier (10 bits, mandatory); f) Virtual Channel
Identifier (6 bits, mandatory); g) Frame Length (10 bits, mandatory); h) Frame Sequence Number (8 bits, mandatory).
The optional segmentation sub-layer receives the data field from the data link protocol sub-layer. If
implemented this sub-layer is always enabled.
The data field is now called a telecommand segment and starts with a single-byte header that provides
information on whether the segment is a standalone entity or a beginning, middle, or end segment of a
larger data structure. The segment header also includes a multiplexer access point (MAP) ID, which is used
to determine the destination of the telecommand segment.
The optional authentication sub-layer receives the tele-command segments from the segmentation sub-layer and
the data fields from the data link protocol sub-layer.
It can often be enabled and disabled by telecommand. The first step in this sub-layer is to determine whether the
commanding source is the correct one. This is done by comparing parts of an appended authentication tail by a
calculated authentication code.
This code is calculated from an on-board secret key also known by the ground station, from the telecommand
segment data and a logical authentication channel (LAC) counter provided in the authentication tail. If the
uplinked and calculated authentication codes are identical and if the uplinked LAC counter value is within an
expected window, the telecommand segment (or the data field) is considered authentic and can be forwarded to
the end user by the same mechanisms as described above. To prevent unauthorized access by someone
recording and resending the same CLTU, the LAC counters are never reused with the same key.
Keys are also replaced at regular intervals in case the key in use has been compromised.
The end user of a telecommand is in most cases the processing function. However, in some missions it is required
to be able to perform essential telecommanding even if the processing function is not operating properly. In ESA
missions, this function is called the Command Pulse Distribution unit (CPDU). The essential TC function consists of
one or more Command Pulse Distribution Units (CPDUs) that accept TC Segments and generate command pulses
of specific durations in order to execute basic and “high priority” commands (HPC) for critical spacecraft parts
and functions reconfiguration (such as resetting the processing function). A CPDU receives a telecommand
segment and extracts the embedded CCSDS space packet that contains a list of one or more pulse commands to
be generated.
The typical usage was to perform critical spacecraft reconfiguration and to handle on/off switching of critical
spacecraft platform units.
With the introduction of more autonomous spacecraft and the requirements for lower mass and power, this asset
has gradually been accessible also from the Reconfiguration Module and the Central Software via the Processing
Module. Having one resource shared by multiple requesters introduces the need for two sub-functions:
• Prioritizing the requesters
• Providing access protection for selected commands
One CPDU can drive several tens (usually in the order of one hundred) hard-wired output lines. Command pulses are
encoded within the CPDU specific TC Segment application data field in the form of several two-octets command
instructions. A single instruction specifies the Command Pulse output to be activated and the duration of the pulse.
Actually, segmentation of TC packets addressed to CPDU is not allowed. TC Segments sent to CPDU shall contain only one
entire packet.
Telecommand segments are checked for validity and cleanness
inside the Command Pulse Distribution Module. If this check
fails, the instruction is not carried out and an error is
After decoding and verifying the TC segment, the command is
further conditioned by the CPDU drivers before leaving the
CPDU and being forwarded to the subsequent units, via hard-
wired output lines.
Typically the TC decoder is equipped with a buffer. It is used to
temporary store one TC frame, which currently cannot be
executed by the CPDU. This is the case while the unit is still
executing a previous command.
The Ground Operator has not the highest priority (for modern autonomous spacecraft the spacecraft itself has
recovery tools as the FDIR/Reconfiguration Module that allows to recover from failures faster and even better
than by ground telecommanding). Thus a request from the Reconfiguration Module must never be discarded or
aborted, but it must abort on-going requests from ground and or the Processor Module in order to ensure that a
new spacecraft configuration is established within the requested time for a mission.
Nevertheless, exceptions can be made: for spacecraft contingency operation the ground operator might want to
have full access to the CPDU and not be disturbed by autonomous on-board FDIR mechanisms. The proper way
to do this is to disable the related software FDIR mechanisms via normal PUS commands and to disable the RM
via the CPDU
The CPDU is often used to command functionality that should not be accessible from software, like enabling and
disabling of the RMs and generation of arming commands. Thus the CPDU must provide some mechanism to
prevent incorrect command execution due to software errors.
The protection does not need to be complex. One method used in todays OBCs is to set a barrier such that
commands with numbers below the barrier cannot be executed by a software request. Another more
sophisticated method is to apply a separate mask for each pulse output.
There should be no need to include protection against erroneous RM requests in the CPDU. The RM is
considered to be a reliable piece of hardware with a low probability of failing such that it requests incorrect
CPDU pulse outputs to be activated.
The Platform Telemetry function is responsible for handling the spacecraft platform telemetry link. This link has
classically been associated with an S-band RF link for LEO and GEO missions and an X-band RF link for missions at
larger distances.
The platform telemetry function receives TM from a TM producer in the spacecraft. Producers (process
generating data to be transmitted to ground) can be one of the following:
• The processing function
• The Platform Data Storage function
• The Essential Telemetry function
• The Payload Data Storage
• CLCW (Communications Link Control Word) from the TC Decoding function
The telemetry function is like the telecommand function quite well defined by CCSDS international standards. For
ESA missions [ECSS-E-ST-50-03C] applies.
Buffer memory
Buffer memory S/S subsystems
Hardware Cmd
VC Reception Idle Frame
Command Pulse
Decoding Unit
VC Demux VC Multiplexer
MC Demux
Master Channel
All frames Gen Control &
All Frames Rec
Sync Marker
Pseudo Dec Channel Reed-Solomon
BCH Decoder Sub-Layer Pseudo Enc
Idle Frame
The structure of the frame is similar to that of the telecommand transfer
frame. It starts with a 6-byte header followed by the user data stream.
The telemetry transfer frame may end with a field called a command link
VC Multiplexer
control word (CLCW), which is used as reporting mechanism in a
telecommand COP, followed by an optional 2-byte CRC for error
Master Channel
All frames Gen Status detection purposes.
Data Link-Protocol Sub-Layer The assembly mechanisms sequentially number the generated frames
using one numbering sequence for each virtual channel and temporarily
stores them in a small buffer memory. The next step in the process is to
VC 1 VC n
Generate … Generate select which frames to transmit. The most common principle used is a
bandwidth allocation method that guarantees to each virtual channel a
VC Assembler & VC Assembler & minimum available bandwidth. This bandwidth is automatically
Buffer memory Buffer memory
increased when other virtual channels do not fully use their minimum
Idle Frame allocated bandwidth. Other principles may use priority for specific virtual
channels. If there is no virtual channel ready to send data, the virtual
VC Multiplexer channel multiplexer will start generating an idle transfer frame because
the telemetry downlink relies on a continuous flow of equally sized
Master Channel telemetry transfer frames in order to keep the ground station reception
All frames Gen Status
process locked to the data stream.
Sync Marker The virtual channel multiplexer adds some information to the telemetry
transfer frame header. The most important parts are the spacecraft ID
and an overall frame count that is common for all frames irrespective of
their virtual channel.
Developed from RD23,RD21,RD43&12
The TM Transfer Frame shall be of constant length throughout a specific Mission Phase for any Virtual Channel or
Master Channel on a Physical Channel
The Channel Coding and Synchronization sub-layer receives the TM Transfer Frames
from the Data Link sub-layer. To protect the data when being transferred on a noisy
downlink the frames can be protected by an optional error-correcting code. Two coding
mechanisms are defined in the standards.
Channel Coding Sub-Layer • The first code is using a non-binary block code, a Reed-Solomon RS(255, 223) code,
allowing the correction of up to a maximum of 16 wrong bytes for each 255-byte
block in the frame.
• The second code is a forward error correction code called Turbo code giving even
Pseudo Enc
better performance than the RS code but at the expense of a more complicated
After the coding process the frames can be subject to an optional pseudo-
randomization process in order to generate a sufficient bit transition density on the
downlink. The next step is then to add a 32-bit Attached Sync Marker (ASM) before the
frame. Finally, if no coding or RS coding has been selected a final optional coding step
called Convolutional Encoding can take place.
As commented in some slides before, the data structure now generated, starting
with the ASM, is called a Channel Access Data Unit (CADU).
The bit transmission rate is determined by the available link bandwidth. The
maximum possible transmission rate varies, but today the maximum baud rate of
transmitters/receivers does not exceed 10 Mbps (it could change in the future), and
depends on factors like the distance between the spacecraft and the ground
antenna and the elevation of the ground antenna.
In SAVOIR there are two telemetry functions, Platform Telemetry and Payload Telemetry. The Payload Telemetry
function is basically identical to the Platform Telemetry function, the main difference being that the CLCW is not
transmitted via the payload telemetry.
Platform Telemetry and Payload Telemetry may be implemented by two separate hardware blocks or by a single
hardware block.Three different concepts are outlined in the handbook:
A) The OBC houses the Platform Telemetry and some payload unit houses the Payload Telemetry. In this case
the spacecraft has two separate RF links and the payload link often runs at speeds up to several hundred
Mbps, while the platform link runs at one or a few tens of kbps. Typical missions applying this concept are
LEO Earth Observation missions, like the LEO satellites in the Copernicus programme.
B) The OBC houses both the platform telemetry and the payload telemetry and the spacecraft has two
separate RF links fed from two separate TM encoders. This is for example the case of deep space or scientific
missions where mass reduction has an important role. The concept will be used in the JUICE mission but has
also been applied in the Aeolus LEO mission. Also here the Platform Telemetry transmits data up to a few
tens of kbps while the Payload Telemetry is typically limited to less than 100 Mbps.
C) The OBC houses both the platform telemetry and the payload telemetry and the spacecraft has a single RF
link. In this case the single platform TM encoder is equipped with additional inputs to receive data from the
Payload Data Storage or directly from payload instruments. This concept was for instance used in the
Herschel and Planck missions and is also used in the GAIA and ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter missions, all with
a single X-band downlink. The data rates on the common downlink are now drastically increased, with up to
10 Mbps for the GAIA mission as current state of art.
D) There is actually a fourth concept, mainly used in telecom missions, where there are dual RF links but a
single TM Encoder. In this concept the same data stream is sent in parallel to both Transponders. Typically
the S-band Transponders are used during transfer to the correct GEO position, and then the traffic is
switched to Ku-band or whatever band used for the payload
The telemetry function is operated in cold redundancy. The redundancy management is in most cases done by
the ground operator, based on the quality of the received TM data.
In case on-board users find that they cannot send their data to the TM function they may request an automatic
on-board redundancy switchover. This switchover is then typically managed by an Application Software FDIR task.
The SAVOIR baseline for connecting the TM Encoders with the Transponders is presented in the following figure:
• It is used in the majority of today´s missions.
• The harness is very simple Developed from RD21
• There is no need for a separate input selection mechanism in the Transponder.
Note that the multiplexer function now logically becomes a part of the Transponder Fault Containment
Group, i.e. a fault in one multiplexer has the same effect as a fault in the Transponder.
There are some missions that have used a TM cross-strapping configuration for TM that is the same as the one
used for TC, i.e. having the cross-strapping in the harness. This is shown below for the two Transponder
configurations. This cross-strapping configuration simplifies the OBC at the expense of a more complex harness
and the need for a multiplexing or signal selection function inside the transponders, and it is not included as an
option in the SAVOIR architecture.
Essential TM
The Essential Telemetry manages the acquisition of telemetry needed to operate the spacecraft in case the On-
Board software is not operational. The objective is to collect TM data and generate TM packets without
involving the main application software. The acquired TM data are formatted into packets and sent to the
Platform Telemetry where it is downlinked using a dedicated virtual channel.
Essential TM
The data to be included in Essential TM packets are selected in the design phase to allow ground control to assess the status
of essential spacecraft items. The amount of data available is often constrained by the OBC design. Looking back into past
projects the following data has in most cases been part of the essential TM.
Essential TM
Essential TM
Essential TM
Another possible implementation is shown above, where the Essential Telemetry function actually operates
in hot redundancy, with each block sending complete Space Packets to a single Virtual Channel in the TM
This concept has a slightly higher overhead on the downlink since there are two packet headers and two
OBT values generated, but otherwise it fulfils the functional need in being able to collect status from both
nominal and redundant OBC functions. Note that in this case it is necessary to have different APID values for
the two packets as they contain different data.
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