03 Dismantling of Existing Sym & Installation of New AHU With Pipe Line
03 Dismantling of Existing Sym & Installation of New AHU With Pipe Line
03 Dismantling of Existing Sym & Installation of New AHU With Pipe Line
Dismantling Shifting of AHU parts & MS 1.Body injury 1. Conduct tools box talks before
dispassion & pipes on location with start of work.
installation & trolly 2. Fall injury
commissioning Pipe Size 2.Only Trained person will carry
of AHU with (25,40,65 & 80mm) 3. Hand injury out the work.
pipe line.
4. Materials may fall due to 3.Proper PPE will be used.
improper handling.
4. Required work permit.
Dismantling Lifting of pipes on support 1.Body injury 1. Conduct tools box talks before
dispassion & with hand rope pully / start of work.
installation & chain block. 2. Fall injury
commissioning Pipe sizes (25,40,65 & 2.Only Trained Riggers will carry
of AHU with 80mm) 3. Hand injury out the work.
pipe line.
4. Materials may fall due to 3.Not to lift more than 16 kg per
improper rigging. person.
Dismantling Erection of Chilled water 1.Body injury 1. Conduct tools box talks before
dispassion & line from man header to start of work.
installation & AHU location. 2. Fall injury
commissioning Pipe sizes (25,40,65 & 2.Only Trained Riggers will carry
of AHU with 80mm) 3. Hand injury out the work.
pipe line.
4. Materials may fall due to 3. Required work permit.
improper rigging.
4. All work will be done under
5. Breaking of lifting tools and supervision.
5. All tools and equipment’s will
be checked & verified that all
tools aew in good condition.
Dismantling Instalation of chilled water Hand injury 1. Conduct tools box talks before
dispassion & line with puff and Eye injury start of work.
installation & aluminmcladding. Cut injury
commissioning Materials may fall from hand 2. MSDS of material should
of AHU with during execution. available at working location.
pipe line.
3.Required work permit.
Dismantling Assembling of AHU parts as Hand injury 1. Conduct tools box talks before
dispassion & per drawing. Eye injury start of work.
installation & Cut injury
commissioning Materials may fall from hand 2.Only Trained Riggers will carry
of AHU with during execution. out the work.
pipe line.
3. Required work permit.
Dismantling Laying of Cable tray and Hand injury 1. Conduct tools box talks before
dispassion & cabling from MCC Panel to Eye injury start of work.
installation & AHU panel as per drawing. Cut injury
commissioning Fall of material 2.Only Trained Riggers will carry
of AHU with out the work.
pipe line
3. Required work permit.
1. Details of contract:
The name and local address of the persons to whom you are contracted (including
the site address if different).
The names, job titles, and telephone numbers of all relevant contacts, including
the site supervisor, manager or director responsible for the site.
The number of employees on the job at any time and names.
When the work is going to take place i.e. dates and times (nights, week end work,
etc.), the dates for set up, removal and clearance.
The names of the principal Supplier, the planning supervisor and CDM client, if CDM
The name(s) of any license holders involved.
3. Control measures:
State the expected exposure to hazards using the controls specified.
Describe the steps taken to reduce exposure as low as reasonably practicable and
to control any release into the environment.
Provide sketch(es) showing:
o • size of work area;
o • location
o • waste routes;
o • And skips etc.
Describe how control measures are to be maintained on site and what checks.
4. Method of work:
State any additional precautions to reduce exposure to hazards.
Provide detailed site information and a site-specific description of the working
method to be used with reasons.
State what tools and other equipment are to be used.