Mahmood Elektorowicz DEM
Mahmood Elektorowicz DEM
Mahmood Elektorowicz DEM
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Abstract. This paper summarizes research done using the Discrete Element Method
(DEM) and explores new trends in its use on Particulate systems. The rationale for using
DEM versus the traditional continuum-based approach is explained first. Then, DEM
application is explored in terms of geotechnical engineering and mining engineering
materials, since particulate media are mostly associated with these two disciplines. It is
concluded that no research to date had addressed the issue of using the DEM to model the
strength and weathering characteristics of peaty soil-slag-Portland cement-fly ash
1. Introduction
Although granular media are a multiphase particulate system, they have generally been modeled as a
continuum. Problems occur with this assumption due to the known granular nature of soils and their multi-
force multiphase nature. The problem is especially evident with non-linear stress-strain behavior or when
significant local cracks and yielding appear in compression tests.
Numerical methods are desired over experimental setups in modeling particulate media since the latter are
more expensive to build and operate. Numerical modeling has advantages over physical testing: parametric
studies can be performed with ease and non-destructive and obtrusive sample testing can be performed.
Also, boundary conditions can be controlled explicitly, sample reproducibility can be guaranteed, and
tests can be stopped and restarted to suit a particular need [1]. This paper discusses the implementation and
use of the Discrete Element Method (DEM) for the analysis of particulate systems, with emphasis on soils.
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Soft Soil Engineering International Conference 2015 (SEIC2015) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 136 (2016) 012034 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/136/1/012034
2.1 The Discrete Element Method
It was not until 1970s, that Cundall and Strack developed the Discrete Element Method, [3, 4, 5]. The
method models particulate media as a discrete collection of particles. This random collection of particles
interacts through contact forces. The method calculates the displaced positions and rotations of these
particles at discrete time steps. The DEM-simulation is started by first generating a model, which results in
the random orientation of particles with assigned initial velocities. The forces and moments acting on each
particle are computed from the initial data and the relevant physical laws and contact models. Generally, the
simulation consists of three parts: the initialization, the explicit time stepping and post processing.
In DEM the microstructure of the system is modeled rather than using constitutive laws or complicated
elements. Using DEM the changes in microstructure, shape and deformations, dynamics and forces within
the system can be captured in real time and in detail. Compared to conventional continuum methods, the
DEM uses fundamental and much fewer parameters when modeling discontinuous behavior [2].
The method is capable of analyzing multiple interacting continuous, discontinuous or deformable
interacting bodies undergoing large displacements and rotations. In the scheme developed by [5] the particles
are not allowed to deform, instead they overlap and the method monitors each contact between particles and
computes the new positions and orientations accordingly. Also since the algorithm can model dynamic stress
propagation from particle to particle, it can be used to analyze dynamic as well as static soil behavior [6]. In
addition, data evaluation at a macroscopic level can be achieved [1].
Matar [2] states that DEM is more suited for discontinuous materials for the following reasons:
1) Model is localized by nature, so there is currently no better tool to model discontinuous material
than DEM,
2) Modeling discontinuous material is straightforward,
3) Any type of inter-particle forces can be incorporated,
4) Any particle shape can be considered,
5) Results obtained are more related to discontinuous materials than other methods,
6) It can be coupled with other methods to model continuous-discontinuous properties.
Cundall [7] made the case that continuum methods, such as finite element, for rock and soil might be
completely replaced by particle models, such as DEM, in 10-20 years.
mi 𝑑𝑡
= ∑𝑛𝑗=1 𝐹𝑥𝑖𝑗 + 𝑚𝑖 𝑔 (1)
mi = Mass of body i
vi = Velocity of body i
n= Total number of particles
Fxij = Inter-particle force between body i and j
g= Acceleration of gravity
Soft Soil Engineering International Conference 2015 (SEIC2015) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 136 (2016) 012034 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/136/1/012034
Ii 𝑑𝑡
= ∑𝑛𝑗=1 Lxij (2)
Ii = Inertia of body i
ωi = Angular velocity of body i
Lxij = Angular momentum for body i and j
Later on Potyondy and Cundall [42] presented a numerical model for rock using the DEM. They showed that
the model reproduced many features of rock behavior including elasticity, fracturing, acoustic emission,
damage accumulation producing material anisotropy, hysteresis, dilation, post peak softening and strength
increase with confinement.
Matar et al. [43] modeled the evolution of particle subdivision in Montmorillonite clay using 3
dimensional DEM. They wrote a program using ANSI C++ that studied the swelling and swelling pressure
response with various amounts of particle breakdown in a unidirectional swelling cell.
Chen et al. [44] performed a 3 dimensional modeling of sinkhole repair using the DEM. They showed that
the DEM was a reasonable method to investigate sinkhole repair procedure.
More recently, researchers used the DEM to model geosynthetic reinforced soils [45], geotextile reinforced
soils [46] and geogrid reinforced soils [47].
In the area of extraterrestrial geotechnical engineering, Schwartz et al [48] used the DEM in a simulation
to model the contact forces between particles in granular materials. While, Lichtenheldt and Schafer [49]
developed a simulation model for planetary exploration using the 3 dimensional DEM. They developed an
inter-particle contact model and showed that the newly developed model is applicable to wheel soil
interaction problems. Then, Kulchitsky et al [50] used the DEM in the numerical modeling of void ratio
(packing density) to simulate lunar regolith properties. Later on, Kulchitsky et al. [51] used the DEM in the
simulation of boulder extraction from an asteroid and developed an equation linking pulling strength to
boulder diameter.
Manne and Satyam [52] reviewed in detail the discrete element modeling of dynamic laboratory tests for
liquefaction assessment. They identified gap areas in these laboratory tests related to numerical modeling.
McBride et al. [28] performed an experimental and numerical study using a laboratory ball mill. In the
experimental part they recorded the three dimensional trajectory of particles using an automated tracking
technique and bi-planar X-ray filming. This was followed by 2 dimensional DEM modeling to determine the
parameters needed for the 3 dimensional DEM simulation to avoid the extra computational overhead. Then 3
dimensional DEM simulation was performed. The methods presented provided rigorous benchmarking of
DEM’s predictive capabilities based on 3 dimensional trajectory data and the experimental measurement of
material properties.
Sarracino et al. [53] performed another experimental and numerical study of mills in their granular form.
In the experimental work, they measured incident and final velocities, final angular velocity and the
coefficient of restitution of tumbling mills. The experiments were then modeled numerically in order to find
contact and damping models that best reproduced the experimental results.
These two research studies represent a noticeable incursion into the area of DEM modeling of tailings in
their granular form. However, beyond the granular form simulation of mills, no investigation of hardened
tailings simulation and analysis had been performed.
Another study by Tannant and Wang [54] modeled using 2 dimensional Particle Flow Code (PFC), [55]
spray-on, rapid setting polymeric liner materials for underground rock support in Canadian mines. Two
dimensional tensile and block punch tests were modeled. The authors showed that the PFC models of liners
were capable of exhibiting many features in the field including: progressive de-bonding, liner bending and
elongation, isolated zones of high tensile load, progressive liner rupture in tension and eventual liner failure.
The study did not investigate the mechanical properties of the actual mining residues or the mine rock.
5. Conclusions
This shows that application of the DEM method to various rock and soil materials was found to be most
promising and adequate. The limited amount of work done on simulating mine tailings also appears to be
going on the right track with initial good results.
The DEM method seems to be the most adequate for particulate systems. It should be noted that the
DEM has never been tested for strength and weathering characteristics. It also has never been tested on Peat
soils. Hence it is suggested to address these issues by doing the following:
1) Determining the unconfined compressive strength and weathering characteristics of several types of
Portland cement-fly ash-slag stabilized/solidified Peaty soil combinations,
2) Determining the freezing/thawing and wetting/drying resistance of these combinations,
3) Simulating the strength and weathering characteristics of the Peaty soils using the Discrete Element
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Soft Soil Engineering International Conference 2015 (SEIC2015) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 136 (2016) 012034 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/136/1/012034