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• Fifty-four (54) 8 ½ inch x 11 inch pages.


J. SHARP 5/9/2005
B. MOSES 5*9/2005
The content of this document is the
exclusive property of Lorad and may AW, MNL, SECURVIEW- AW-00879 001
not, without prior written permission
of Lorad, be reproduced, copied or DX INSTALLATION
used for any purpose whatsoever. ARTWORK SIZE A SHEET 1 OF 1
ENG-0034-T33, Rev. 001
Installation Manual
Part Number MAN-00335
Revision 001

© Copyright Hologic 2005. All rights reserved. Printed in USA. Hologic and Hologic logos, LORAD, LORAD DSM, LORAD Elite, StereoLoc, SmartWindow, ScoutMarc,
StereoGuide, Multicare, Dataport, AutoFilm ID, HTC Imaging System, Affinity, Selenia, A Hologic Company, are trademarks or registered trademarks of Hologic, Inc., in the United
States and other countries.
Installation Manual

Table of Contents

List of Figures -iii

List of Tables -v

Preface P-1
1.0 About This Manual ..............................................................................................................................P-1
2.0 Quality Control ...................................................................................................................................P-1
3.0 Training ...............................................................................................................................................P-1
4.0 Prerequisites ........................................................................................................................................P-1
5.0 Product Complaints .............................................................................................................................P-1
6.0 Terms and Definitions .........................................................................................................................P-2
7.0 Warnings, Cautions, and Notes ...........................................................................................................P-3
8.0 SecurViewDX Manual Set .....................................................................................................................P-4
9.0 Using the Installation Manual ..............................................................................................................P-4
Chapter 1—General Information 1-1
1.0 Introduction .........................................................................................................................................1-1
1.1 SecurViewDX Diagnostic Workstation ...........................................................................................1-1
1.2 SecurViewDX Manager ..................................................................................................................1-1
1.3 Multi-Workstation Configuration ...................................................................................................1-2
1.4 DICOM Information—Manager or Stand-Alone ............................................................................1-4
Chapter 2—Receiving and Unpacking 2-1
1.0 Receiving Instructions ..........................................................................................................................2-1
2.0 Unpacking ...........................................................................................................................................2-1
Chapter 3—Installing the Diagnostic Workstation 3-1
1.0 Installing a Stand-Alone or Client Workstation .....................................................................................3-1
1.1 Pre-installation Considerations ......................................................................................................3-1
1.2 Setting up the SecurViewDX Diagnostic Workstation .....................................................................3-2
2.0 Installing the SecurViewDX Manager ....................................................................................................3-5
2.1 Pre-Installation checklist ...............................................................................................................3-5
2.2 Starting the Manager .....................................................................................................................3-6
Chapter 4—Configuring the Diagnostic Workstation 4-1
1.0 System Startup .....................................................................................................................................4-1
2.0 Configuring the SecurViewDX Diagnostic Workstation .........................................................................4-1
2.1 Windows Setup .............................................................................................................................4-1
2.2 DICOM Settings—Manager and Stand-Alone ................................................................................4-1
2.3 Configuring a Multi-Workstation ...................................................................................................4-5
2.4 Calibrating the CRT Monitor .........................................................................................................4-7
2.5 Calibrating the LCD Display ..........................................................................................................4-9
3.0 Converting Stand-Alone Workstations to Clients ................................................................................4-14
3.1 Pre-Installation Checklist—Existing Stand-alone ..........................................................................4-14
3.2 Converting ..................................................................................................................................4-14

MAN-00335 i
Installation Manual

4.0 Final Checks ..................................................................................................................................... 4-18

4.1 Stand-Alone ................................................................................................................................ 4-18
4.2 Multi-Workstation ...................................................................................................................... 4-18
5.0 Other Functionality ........................................................................................................................... 4-18
5.1 Version Upgrade ........................................................................................................................ 4-18
5.2 Backup and Restore .................................................................................................................... 4-18
5.3 System Time Differences ............................................................................................................ 4-18
Chapter 5—Configuring the Barcode Scanner 5-1
1.0 Supported Type ................................................................................................................................... 5-1
2.0 Configuration ...................................................................................................................................... 5-1
2.1 Emulate Keypad ............................................................................................................................ 5-1
2.2 Beep Volume and Sound .............................................................................................................. 5-1
2.3 Changing Between Patient ID and Accession Number .................................................................. 5-2
Appendix A—Technical Characteristics A-1

Appendix B—Troubleshooting B-1

1.0 Network Problems .............................................................................................................................. B-1
1.1 Network Problems on a Client ...................................................................................................... B-1
1.2 Manager (Server) .......................................................................................................................... B-2
2.0 Troubleshooting Tables ....................................................................................................................... B-3
2.1 Patient List .................................................................................................................................... B-3
2.2 Reviewing Module ....................................................................................................................... B-3
Index -i

ii MAN-00335
Installation Manual
List of Figures

List of Figures

Figure 1-1 SecurViewDX Diagnostic Workstation........................................................................................1-1

Figure 1-2 SecurViewDX Multi-Workstation Overview................................................................................1-2
Figure 1-3 Multi-Workstation Tab: Configuration of System Type ...............................................................1-4
Figure 3-1 System Cable Connections.........................................................................................................3-2
Figure 3-2 Monitor Cable Connections for the Workstation ........................................................................3-3
Figure 3-3 LCD Monitor Connection to Computer ......................................................................................3-4
Figure 3-4 Monitor Power and Cable connections ......................................................................................3-5
Figure 4-1 Setup window to configure DICOM entities...............................................................................4-2
Figure 4-2 Printer configuration ..................................................................................................................4-3
Figure 4-3 Configuring Destinations ...........................................................................................................4-4
Figure 4-4 Multi-Workstation Tab: Configuration of System Type ...............................................................4-5
Figure 4-5 Calibrating the Monitors with the photometer............................................................................4-7
Figure 4-6 Log in ........................................................................................................................................4-9
Figure 4-7 MediCal Administrator Connection............................................................................................4-9
Figure 4-8 Configuration Setup .................................................................................................................4-10
Figure 4-9 Configuration Setup: Display Function.....................................................................................4-10
Figure 4-10 Configuration Setup: White and Black Luminance .................................................................4-11
Figure 4-11 Configuration Setup: Define Luminance ................................................................................4-11
Figure 4-12 Configuration Setup: Calibration............................................................................................4-12
Figure 5-1 Enable Keypad Emulation ..........................................................................................................5-1
Figure 5-2 Beep After a Good Decode........................................................................................................5-1
Figure 5-3 Do Not Beep After a Good Decode ...........................................................................................5-1
Figure B-1 Startup Dialog .......................................................................................................................... B-1

MAN-00335 iii
Installation Manual
List of Figures

iv MAN-00335
Installation Manual
List of Tables

List of Tables

Table P-1 SecurViewDX Documents ..........................................................................................................P-4

Table 1-1 Tasks of the Nodes .....................................................................................................................1-3
Table 4-1 Dialog Elements of Workstation Integration Dialog ..................................................................4-16
Table B-1 Double reading does not take place ......................................................................................... B-3
Table B-2 Images are not displayed .......................................................................................................... B-3
Table B-3 Images are displayed incompletely ........................................................................................... B-4
Table B-4 Warning Message Appears ....................................................................................................... B-4
Table B-5 Automatic Hanging of Images ................................................................................................... B-4
Table B-6 Message “Missing Images” does not disappear ........................................................................ B-4

MAN-00335 v
Installation Manual
List of Tables

vi MAN-00335
Installation Manual
About This Manual


1.0 About This Manual

This guide describes instructions for installing and configuring the SecurViewDX Diagnostic

2.0 Quality Control

• All quality control tests described must be performed at the prescribed frequencies as
required under MQSA regulations.
• To assure continued high level operation of SecurViewDX workstations, the
recommended quality control procedures must be followed.

3.0 Training
Hologic does not accept responsibility for injury or damage associated with improper or
unsafe system operation.
Service engineers must ensure that they receive training on SecurViewDX with Hologic
training programs prior to servicing the unit.
Service engineers should refer to the User/Administration Guide for directions on how to use
and service SecurViewDX.

4.0 Prerequisites
The procedures in this manual assume that you know how to do the following operations
related to the system’s graphical user interface:
• Perform mouse and trackball operations, such as click, drag and select
• Select from menus
• Click buttons
• Enter information in text fields
• Select options
• Select entries from drop-down lists
• Use scroll bars

5.0 Product Complaints

Any health care professional (e.g., customer or user of this system of products) who has any
complaints or has experienced any dissatisfaction in the quality, durability, reliability, safety,
effectiveness, and/or performance of this product should notify Hologic. If the device
malfunctions and may have caused or contributed to a serious injury of a patient, Hologic
should be notified immediately by telephone, fax, or written correspondence.

P/N MAN-00335 P-1

Installation Manual
Terms and Definitions

6.0 Terms and Definitions

AE Applications Entity. A DICOM term referring to the name
of an application that performs DICOM services.
Auto-Fetch The retrieval of prior patient data from a PACS, which is
triggered by the arrival of new images at a SecurViewDX
Workstation or Manager and not by the scheduling
AWS Acquisition Workstation.
CC, MLO Names of the view positions for screening mammography.
Client A SecurViewDX workstation that is connected to a
DICOM Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine. Industry
standard for connection of medical imaging equipment.
GSPS Grayscale Softcopy Presentation State. A DICOM object
which contains study state information including markings
and annotations which can be sent to a PACS.
Image A set of modality specific binary data and identifying
attributes which represents the result of an imaging
procedure performed on a patient. DICOM uniquely
identifies image objects with a globally unique identifier
LUT A Look-Up Table (LUT) is an image processing function
that replaces one image pixel value with a different image
pixel value.
MQSA Mammography Quality Standards Act
Multi-Workstation A group of SecurViewDX workstations that share a
common database on the Manager. A group of up to four
systems that allows access to all patients at the same time
on any of the workstations.
Multi-Workstation Client A SecurViewDX workstation that is connected to a
Node A SecurViewDX workstation, Client, or Manager.

Operating System (OS) The basic software control system which runs all functions
of a computer.
PACS Picture Archiving and Communications System. A
computer and network system for the transfer and
archiving of digital medical images
Pre-Fetch The retrieval of prior patient data in preparation for an
upcoming exam. Many PACS systems can be configured to
pull older images for a patient and forward them to the
SecurViewDX based on scheduling information that comes
from a PACS Broker/HIS/RIS. Pre-fetching is usually
performed during off-hours when traffic is lower.

P-2 P/N MAN-00335

Installation Manual
Warnings, Cautions, and Notes

SCP Service Class Provider

SCU Service Class User
SecurViewDX The complete software system for the SecurViewDX
Diagnostic Workstation.
SecurViewDX Manager A computer that manages communication and contains a
central database within a multi-workstation configuration.
Series A set of images which have all been acquired by a single tech
for a single study with the same modality.
Stand-Alone Workstation A single SecurViewDX workstation.
Study A specific instance of a procedure on the Acquisition
Workstation, consisting of a set of images and/or series, which
has been performed on a specific patient, and is usually
identified in some locally unique way. DICOM uniquely
identifies studies with a globally unique instance UID.
UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply
View The combination of a single X-ray image and a specific set of
conditions under which the image was acquired. View is not
part of DICOM nomenclature, but in the context of DR, is
approximately synonymous with a DICOM image object.

7.0 Warnings, Cautions, and Notes

Definitions of Warnings, Cautions and Notes used throughout this manual are as follows:

WARNING! This alerts you to procedures that you must follow precisely to
avoid causing potentially serious or fatal injury to yourself or

Warning: Warnings indicate procedures that you must follow precisely to

avoid injury to yourself or others.

Caution: Cautions indicate procedures that you must follow precisely to avoid dam-
age to equipment, loss of data, or corruption of files in software applica-

Note… Notes indicate important information that must be followed to ensure the
proper operation of the system.

P/N MAN-00335 P-3

Installation Manual
SecurViewDX Manual Set

8.0 SecurViewDX Manual Set

The SecurViewDX Manual set contains the following documentation:
Table P-1: SecurViewDX Documents

Title P/N Use

User/Administration Guide MAN-00302 Diagnostic Workstation
Installation Manual MAN-00335 SecurViewDX Installation

9.0 Using the Installation Manual

Chapter 1—General Information. This chapter provides an overview of the
SecurViewDX, including component descriptions.

Chapter 2—Receiving and Unpacking. This chapter contains information for

unpacking, positioning, and installing the unit. Attaching the interconnections,
mounting the accessories, and connecting the unit to power is also covered.
Chapter 3—Installing the Diagnostic Workstation. This chapter provides
procedures for installing the SecurViewDX Workstation.

Chapter 4—Configuring the Diagnostic Workstation. This chapter provides

procedures for configuring the output devices
Chapter 5—Configuring the Barcode Scanner. This chapter provides procedures
for configuring the barcode scanner.
Appendix A—Technical Characteristics. This section lists the relevant technical
characteristics for the SecurViewDX workstation.

Appendix B—Troubleshooting. This chapter provides procedures for troubleshooting

network, image, licensing, computer, and monitor problems.

P-4 P/N MAN-00335

Installation Manual
Chapter 1—General Information

Chapter 1—General Information

1.0 Introduction
1.1 SecurViewDX Diagnostic Workstation
The SecurViewDX Diagnostic Workstation is used by a physician to review images.The
Workstation consists of:
• Two High Resolution Portrait displays
• Computer
• Keyboard and Mouse
• Workflow Keypad with Trackball

Figure 1-1: SecurViewDX Diagnostic Workstation

1.2 SecurViewDX Manager

• LCD display
• Computer
• Keyboard and Mouse
This Manager acts as the DICOM entity for the multi-workstation and is responsible for
receiving DICOM images. All SecurViewDX workstations are connected via 100 Mbit/s
ethernet to a central Manager (server). The Multi-Workstation acts as one single DICOM
The Manager also provides central database access and performs the image preparation for
all SecurViewDX workstations.

P/N MAN-00335 1-1

Installation Manual
Chapter 1—General Information

1.3 Multi-Workstation Configuration

1.3.1 Design
Up to four Client workstations can be configured with a SecurViewDX Manager as a
Multi-Workstation system. The general layout of the Multi-Workstation system is
displayed in Figure 1-2.

Client Client


Client Client

Figure 1-2: SecurViewDX Multi-Workstation Overview

Note… A service engineer configures a Multi-Workstation system with all local

system settings.

Note… Beginning with SecurViewDX (software version SCR-HLX-2-0-x) single

workstations can be integrated into a multi-workstation system.
Workstations with SW versions up to 1-2-x must be upgraded to SW version
SCR-HLX-2-0-x before being integrated into the multi-workstation model.
Refer to Kit P/N ASY-00867 and ASY-0911.

1-2 P/N MAN-00335

Installation Manual
Chapter 1—General Information

1.3.2 Types of Nodes

The different tasks of the nodes (SecurViewDX Manager or SecurViewDX Client) are
described in Table 1-1.

Table 1-1: Tasks of the Nodes

Node Type Tasks

SecurViewDX Manager • Administration/Settings
• No reviewing
• Handles DICOM connections
• Central database manager, contains:
• DICOM data (all except pixel data)
• Configurable system settings
• User preferences
• Prepared pixel data
• Central preparation
• Central authentication
• Needs license: SCW-Server
SecurViewDX Client or • Patient browser
Stand-Alone • Administration/Settings
• Reviewing
• Query/Retrieve
• Pull prepared images from multi-workstation manager for
reviewing (Client only)
• Store copies of all CAD SRs
• Needs basic license: SCW-Client or SCW-Standalone

P/N MAN-00335 1-3

Installation Manual
Chapter 1—General Information

1.3.3 Multi-Workstation Configurations

The service user configures the system type. See Figure 1-3. Each system is set to a
dedicated type by using the Multi-Workstation tab card.
The multi-workstation configuration consists of three radio buttons that allow the
service user to select the workstation type:
• Stand-Alone Workstation: a single SecurViewDX workstation
• Client: a SecurViewDX workstation that is connected to a Manager.
• Manager: a central computer that manages communication and the central
database in a multi-workstation system.

Figure 1-3: Multi-Workstation Tab: Configuration of System Type

1.4 DICOM Information—Manager or Stand-Alone

Configuration of DICOM Settings is part of the configuration of the SecurViewDX Diagnostic
Workstation at a customer site. Three DICOM settings tabs are available:
• Setup Tab
The Setup tab provides entries to configure various DICOM entities like the
SecurViewDX Diagnostic Workstation (SCR-System) itself and the connectivity to a
DICOM Printer.
• Printer Tab
The Printer tab is used to configure various printer types with values for exactly one
medium and matrix size.
• Destination Tab
The Destination Tab is used to configure the destinations for sending Notices and Study
States with Annotations.

1-4 P/N MAN-00335

Installation Manual
Chapter 2—Receiving and Unpacking
Receiving Instructions

Chapter 2—Receiving and Unpacking

The following sections detail receiving and unpacking instructions.

1.0 Receiving Instructions

The SecurViewDX Client or Stand-Alone, shipped in four cartons, includes the following:
• Two high resolution displays
• Computer
• Keyboard and Mouse
• Workflow Keypad with Trackball
• X-Rite USB Photometer
A SecurViewDX Manager includes the following:
• LCD display
• Computer
• Keyboard and Mouse
Upon receipt, perform the following before opening the containers:
1. Inspect each container for damage.
2. Note any damage on the shipping manifest.
3. Notify Hologic of any external shipping damage that may have occurred.

2.0 Unpacking
WARNING! To prevent injury to personnel and/or damage to equipment, care
must be taken when uncrating the equipment.

Unpack as follows:
1. If applicable, cut the retaining straps that secure the boxes to the shock-mounted
wooden pallet. Remove the boxes from the pallet.
2. Open all boxes and check their contents against the packing list and sales order.

Note… If there is a discrepancy between the contents and the packing list or sales
order, contact Hologic immediately. If it is necessary to repack any items for
future installation, use the original packaging materials.
3. Carefully remove all shipping materials (foam padding, tie-downs, straps, shipping wrap,
4. Inspect each item for damage, then safely store them near the installation site.

Note… If shipping damage is of a concealed nature, contact the carrier as soon as

such damage is found, and request an inspection for shipping damage.
Normally, any claims for shipping damage must be completed within 15
days of receiving the shipment.

MAN-00335 2-1
Installation Manual
Chapter 2—Receiving and Unpacking

2-2 MAN-00335
Installation Manual
Chapter 3—Installing the Diagnostic Workstation
Installing a Stand-Alone or Client Workstation

Chapter 3—Installing the Diagnostic Workstation

1.0 Installing a Stand-Alone or Client Workstation

1.1 Pre-installation Considerations
This section applies to installation of new:
• Stand-alone workstations.
• Client Workstations that are installed as part of a multi-workstation system.
Prior to beginning the installation, discuss the following with the installation site:
• An IP address and AE title for the Manager should be obtained from the PACS
administrator, and the site must be informed that an additional Ethernet port is required.
• SecurViewDX can process “For Processing” images only if they are older than five days
and are considered to be prior images. For this reason, any site where SecurViewDX is to
be installed must have been generating “For Presentation” images for all new studies for
at least five days.
• The SecurViewDX software is capable of storing annotations and study state information
to a PACS as a DICOM GSPS object. Check with the site to determine if they want to
store this information to the PACS. If so, note the PACS vendor and PACS software
version and contact Selenia Support to confirm that the PACS has been validated.
• The SecurViewDX software now supports “auto-fetching”. This allows for automatic
querying of the PACS upon arrival of new studies to determine if prior images exist. This
capability is important for PACS that do not support pre-fetching. Check with the site to
determine if they want to enable this feature.
• In the event of unforeseen issues that arise during installation, contact Selenia Support.

P/N MAN-00335 3-1

Installation Manual
Chapter 3—Installing the Diagnostic Workstation
Installing a Stand-Alone or Client Workstation

1.2 Setting up the SecurViewDX Diagnostic Workstation

Client Workstations are first set up as stand-alone workstations according to the instructions
in this section, then are modified using the procedure Chapter 4, Converting Stand-Alone
Workstations to Clients, p. 4-14.

1.2.1 Setup of Hardware

Referring to Figure 3-1, connect the:
• Mouse to the mouse port.
• Computer keyboard to the PS2 or USB port on the rear of the computer.
• X-Rite USB Photometer to a USB port on the rear of the computer.

Note… The USB driver for the Photometer may be lost if the Photometer is
improperly disconnected. Hologic recommends that the Photometer not be
disconnected from the computer.
• Workflow keypad to a USB port on the rear of the computer.
• Network cable between the computer and the hospital network.
• Barcode Scanner (not shown) to a USB port.

Figure 3-1: System Cable Connections

3-2 P/N MAN-00335

Installation Manual
Chapter 3—Installing the Diagnostic Workstation
Installing a Stand-Alone or Client Workstation

1.2.2 Cable connections for the CRT Displays

Note… If you are installing LCD monitors, go to “Cable Connections for the LCD
Displays” on p. 3-4.
1. Set the monitors in position.
2. Referring to Figure 3-2, connect:
• The video cable for the left monitor to the top monitor adapter on the
computer, matching the colors on the adapter board to the colors on the
• The video cable for the right monitor to the bottom monitor adapter on the
computer, being sure to match colors.
• A monitor serial cable between the COM1 port of the computer and the
Remote In port on the back of the left monitor.
• The second monitor serial cable between the Remote Out port on the back
of the left monitor and the Remote In port on the back of the right monitor.

Legend for Figure 3-2

1. monitor serial cables
2. video cables

Figure 3-2: Monitor Cable Connections for the Workstation

P/N MAN-00335 3-3

Installation Manual
Chapter 3—Installing the Diagnostic Workstation
Installing a Stand-Alone or Client Workstation

1.2.3 Cable Connections for the LCD Displays

1. Set the Barco Coronis LCD monitors in position.
2. If the power and DVI cables are not installed on the monitors, remove the
protective covers from the top rear of the monitors. See Figure 3-3.
3. Connect the power and DVI cables to the monitors.
4. Reinstall the protective covers, carefully routing the cables out through the
“chute” on the covers.
5. Connect the DVI cables between the monitors and the computer, following the
diagram in Figure 3-4, p. 3-5.


Figure 3-3: LCD Monitor Connection to Computer

3-4 P/N MAN-00335

Installation Manual
Chapter 3—Installing the Diagnostic Workstation
Installing the SecurViewDX Manager

6. Connect one end of the UPS serial cable into the UPS and the other into COM2
on the rear of the computer.


UPS Serial
Power Cables

Power Cable
Figure 3-4: Monitor Power and Cable connections

7. Connect power to the UPS.

8. Connect the computer and two monitors to the UPS.

2.0 Installing the SecurViewDX Manager

2.1 Pre-Installation checklist

Prior to beginning the installation, review the following:
1. The Manager consists of a Dell 670 computer with an LCD display. It should be located
in an area that is convenient to the SecurViewDX Client Workstations.
2. Prior to beginning the installation, obtain the AE titles, IP addresses, and ports for the
facility PACS and DICOM printer(s) from the PACS administrator. Record Stand-Alone
Information: AE Title: ___________________
IP Address: ___________________
3. At the completion of the installation, output from the AWS, from PACS and from the
CAD server should be directed to the Manager only, not to individual workstations.

P/N MAN-00335 3-5

Installation Manual
Chapter 3—Installing the Diagnostic Workstation
Installing the SecurViewDX Manager

2.2 Starting the Manager

1. Set up the Manager computer, keyboard, mouse, and display. Connect power cables to
the UPS.
2. Connect the computer to an Ethernet port on the facility network.
3. Turn on the computer. The SecurViewDX application starts.
4. Log on as the service user and select Exit to Windows.
5. From the Start menu, select Log Off scr.
6. At the Windows login prompt, log into Windows as Administrator.
7. Set the Host Name as follows:
a. Right-Click “My Computer” on the desktop.
b. Select Properties.
c. Select the “Network Identification” tab.
d. Click Properties button.
e. Enter the AE Title obtained from the site’s PACS Administrator as the “Computer
Name” and click OK.
f. Record the AE Title (computer name) in Manager Information below.
g. Close all windows.
8. Set the IP address as follows.
a. Right-click on “Network Places” on the desktop.
b. Select Properties. The “Network and Dial-up Connections” windows appears.
c. Right-click “Local Area Connection.”
d. Select Properties. The “Local Area Connection” window appears.
e. In the list of components, highlight “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP).”
f. Click Properties. The “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)” window appears.
g. Enter the necessary information (as obtained from the PACS administrator) and click
h. Record the IP Address below.
i. Close all windows.
Manager Information: AE Title: ____________
IP Address: ___________________
9. On the Manager, log in to Windows as user SCR. The SecurViewDX application starts.
10. Log in to the application as the service user. Select Administration and then click the
DICOM tab.
11. Enter the AE title, IP address, and port for the SecurViewDX Manager.
12. Add the PACS and DICOM printers as necessary using the AE titles, IP addresses, and
ports obtained from the PACS administrator.

Note… At the completion of this installation, the AWS, CAD server, and/or PACS
must be configured to send to the Manager (not to individual clients).
Consult the appropriate User’s Manuals for instructions on how to configure
these devices.

3-6 P/N MAN-00335

Installation Manual
Chapter 4—Configuring the Diagnostic Workstation
System Startup

Chapter 4—Configuring the Diagnostic Workstation

1.0 System Startup

1. Turn on the UPS.
2. Turn on the two monitors.
3. Turn on the SecurViewDX Workstation computer.
4. If necessary, contact Hologic Help Desk for passwords.

2.0 Configuring the SecurViewDX Diagnostic Workstation

2.1 Windows Setup

1. Log into the SecurViewDX software using a service account.
2. Click the Exit to Windows tab on the right-hand side of the right monitor.
3. Double-click the TB ON shortcut.
4. While holding down the Shift button, click Start/Logoff/Yes.

Note The Shift button must be held down during the entire sequence, until you
see the Logon prompt screen.
5. Log on to Windows as administrator.
6. Configure the following in Windows:
• User Interface Language
• Network Settings
• Regional Settings
• Host Name
7. Restart the computer.

2.2 DICOM Settings—Manager and Stand-Alone

Configuration of DICOM Settings is part of the configuration of the SecurViewDX at the
customer site. Three DICOM settings tabs are available. See “Setup Tab” on p. 4-2, “Printer
Tab” on p. 4-3, and “Destination Tab” on p. 4-4.

Note… Only service users have access to DICOM settings.When entering DICOM
titles, always use capital letters.
1. Log into the SecurViewDX software using a service account.
2. Click the Administration tab on the right-hand side of the right monitor.

P/N MAN-00335 4-1

Installation Manual
Chapter 4—Configuring the Diagnostic Workstation
Configuring the SecurViewDX Diagnostic Workstation

2.2.1 Setup Tab

The Setup tab comprises four group boxes (numbered items in Figure 4-1) to
configure DICOM entities:
• This Workstation (#1): Displays all connected entities of this workstation (SCR-
System, PACS/Station, Printer). The entity entered in PACS 1 must support query/
retrieve on image level. This field can only be edited if the item “Auto Fetching”
in the Settings Tab is set to “off” (see also section “Settings” in chapter “User
Management” in the SecurViewDX Diagnostic Workstation User/Administrator
• DICOM Entities (#2): Displays in alphabetical order the connected entity types
and provides tools for editing and deleting entities or sending an echo to an
• DICOM Setup (#3): Contains entries to configure an entity type by AE Title
(AET), IP Address and Port. All fields have to be filled out before a new entity
can be saved and added to the list on the left hand side.
• Additional PACS Settings (vendor dependent) (#4): Contains entries to support
configuring multiple entities and ports for Storage and Query/Retrieve.
Information can be found in the PACS documentation.

Note… Only the MagicStore PACS uses a Query/Retrieve IM port to query/retrieve

images. These settings have to be filled in only for the MagicStore PACS.


Figure 4-1: Setup window to configure DICOM entities

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Chapter 4—Configuring the Diagnostic Workstation
Configuring the SecurViewDX Diagnostic Workstation

2.2.2 Printer Tab

The Printer tab comprises three boxes (numbered items in Figure 4-2):
• The Printer type box (#1) displays printers with Printer type, Default Medium,
and Medium Size.
Below the list text fields display information about a selected printer from the
list. These entries can be used to edit existing values, and to add a new type to
the list above. The tool bar below contains three buttons to add, edit or delete a
printer type.
• The Medium box (#2) displays two lists.
The list to the left list contains available mediums like Paper, Blue Film, or Clear
Film. The list to the right is used to assign default mediums to the selected
printer. Use the arrow buttons to assign (or remove) a medium to (from) a
selected printer.
• The Medium Size box (#3) displays two lists.
The list to the left contains available medium sizes. The list to the right is used to
assign exactly one medium size for the selected printer.
Use the arrow button to assign a medium size to a selected printer. An existing
value is always replaced. There are two buttons to add new medium sizes and to
delete medium sizes.

Note… If your printer is not listed, contact Hologic Support.

Figure 4-2: Printer configuration

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Chapter 4—Configuring the Diagnostic Workstation
Configuring the SecurViewDX Diagnostic Workstation

2.2.3 Destination Tab

The Destination tab comprises four boxes (numbered items in Figure 4-3) to
configure user accessible destinations for:
• automatically sending study state and annotations.
• sending notices.
All entities that are configured as PACS/Station can be a destination.

Figure 4-3: Configuring Destinations

• Possible destinations for study states and annotations to be sent automatically

are listed in the upper left box (#1).
• Active (user accessible) destinations for study states and annotations to be sent
automatically are listed in the upper right box (#2).
• Possible destinations for Notices to be sent are listed in the lower left box (#3).
• Active (user accessible) destinations for Notices are listed in the lower right box

Note… In box #2 of Figure 4-3, only PACS should be selected. In box #4 of Figure
4-3, only SecurViewDX or SecurViewRT Workstations and Managers for
SecurViewDX and SecurViewRT should be selected.

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Chapter 4—Configuring the Diagnostic Workstation
Configuring the SecurViewDX Diagnostic Workstation

2.3 Configuring a Multi-Workstation

The service user is responsible for configuring the system type. Each system can be
set to a dedicated type by using the Multi-Workstation tab card.
Configurable items are system type (client, manager, or stand-alone workstation as
Diagnostic Workstation) and manager network address.

Figure 4-4: Multi-Workstation Tab: Configuration of System Type

The multi-workstation configuration consists of three radio buttons that allow the
service user to select the workstation type:
• Stand-Alone Workstation
The workstation is a single SecurViewDX Diagnostic Workstation, without a
connection to a Multi-Workstation Manager.
• Client
The Diagnostic Workstation is a client within a multi-workstation system. If the
Multi-Workstation Client option is selected, the Multi-Workstation manager
address (either as DNS name or as IP address) can be entered in the “Manager
Address” text field. The Check button is also enabled. The Check button checks
for the availability of the entered network address.
• Multi-Workstation Manager
The machine is a manager in a multi-workstation system.

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Chapter 4—Configuring the Diagnostic Workstation
Configuring the SecurViewDX Diagnostic Workstation

2.3.1 Licensing Information

For each of the 3 workstation types, there is a separate license. The “Multi-Workstation”
tab is accessible regardless of the installed licenses. To access reviewing or to perform
any action in the patient browser, a valid license for the configured workstation type
must be installed. See Section 3.2, p. 4-14 for details on licensing procedures.
To check licensing information and image processing configuration while logged
into the SecurViewDX software using a service account:
1. Click the Administration tab on the right-hand side of the right monitor.
2. Click the Licensing tab.
3. Compare the license information with the information that came with the system.
4. If they do not agree, enter the same Feature and Generation information in the
corresponding edit boxes.
5. Enter new license number and press the Check button.
6. Select the Info tab and make sure that you can see Library Version and Image
Processing Version information.
2.3.2 Image Processing Configuration—Deleting Images
Images can be deleted manually or automatically.
• Manual Deletion
If images are deleted manually on a client or on the Manager, those images
are cleaned up on all clients and on the Manager, i.e., the prepared images
are deleted everywhere and the DICOM files are deleted from the manager.
• Automatic Deletion
Automatic deletion, if configured, is triggered when the hard disk level
exceeds the warning watermark level.
In a multi-workstation system, automatic deletion behavior is different for a
Manager and for a Client.
• Manager
If the manager reaches its warning watermark level, images and patient data
start auto-deleting. Those image deletions are propagated to all clients, so
the clients remove their locally stored prepared image data for those images.
• Client
If a client reaches its warning watermark level, its locally stored prepared
image data, CAD-SR, starts auto-deleting. Since this data is not removed
from the database, it is still available on the manager, and the data still
appears e.g., in the patient browser, and can be reviewed.
If this happens, the client re-retrieves the previously deleted data from the
manager. If this is the case, a message “Images are being transferred” is
displayed on the screen in the reviewing module, until all images for the
currently viewed case are locally available. Automatic deletion on one
client has no effect on other clients or on the manager.
Every client and the manager have their own individual definition of the
local watermark levels.
2.3.3 Image Processing Configuration—Image Export
Images and DICOM files are always exported locally on a client workstation. An
export of images to remote clients or to the manager is not possible. The
exported images can be saved to a CD locally on every client.

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Chapter 4—Configuring the Diagnostic Workstation
Configuring the SecurViewDX Diagnostic Workstation

2.4 Calibrating the CRT Monitor

2.4.1 MediCal LCD Setup
1. Log into the SecurViewDX reading software using a service account.
2. Click the Exit to Windows tab on the right-hand side of the right monitor.
3. Make sure that there is an X-Rite USB photometer attached in a USB port on the
SecurViewDX workstation computer and a black mask is attached to the photometer.
4. Double-click the MediCal Pro shortcut on the Windows desktop.
5. When the MediCal Pro application opens, click Tools > Options > User Login.
6. Log on as an advanced user.
7. After logging into MediCal Pro, right-click the left monitor icon.
8. Click Presets.
9. Make sure that the Display Function tab is set to LORAD, the white luminance to 300
cd/m2 and the black luminance to 0 cd/m2.
10. Ensure that both glare and ambient light compensation are checked.
11. Click Close.
12. Right-click the left monitor icon again, and click Calibrate.
13. Follow the instructions of MediCal Pro to finish the calibration of the left monitor.
14. Repeat steps 7 to 13 for the right monitor.

Figure 4-5: Calibrating the Monitors with the photometer

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Chapter 4—Configuring the Diagnostic Workstation
Configuring the SecurViewDX Diagnostic Workstation

2.4.2 Q/A Setup (Quality Control)

1. From the main MediCal Pro screen, click Q/A Setup.
2. Ensure the Calibration Settings Check is enabled for Weekly Q/C.
3. Right-click Calibration Settings Check.
4. Select Properties.
5. Ensure that both LUT Check and Video Range Check are checked.
6. Right-click Calibration Settings Check.
7. Select Run Now.
8. Ensure that the test returns an OK status.
9. Ensure the Measure Display Black is enabled for Weekly Q/C.
10. Right-click Measure Display Black.
11. Select Properties.
12. Change the Warning Level to 0.5% and Error Tolerance to 1% for both displays.
13. Right-click Measure Display Black and select Run Now.
14. Ensure that the test returns an OK status.
15. Ensure the Measure Display White is enabled for Weekly Q/C.
16. Right-click Measure Display White.
17. Select Properties.
18. Change the Warning Level to 3% and Error Tolerance to 6% for both displays.
19. Right-click Measure Display White and select Run Now.
20. Ensure that the test returns an OK status.
21. Ensure the Measure Quality Level is enabled for Monthly Q/C.
22. Right-click Measure Quality Level.
23. Select Properties.
24. Change the Warning Level to 5% and Error Tolerance to 10% for both displays.
25. Right-click Measure Quality Level.
26. Select Run Now and ensure that the test returns an OK status.
27. Ensure the Measure Uniformity is enabled for Monthly Q/C.
28. Right-click Measure Uniformity.
29. Select Properties.
30. Change the Warning Level to 10% and Error Tolerance to 15% for both displays.
31. Right-click Measure Uniformity.
32. Select Run Now and ensure that the test returns an OK status.
33. Ensure the View Pattern: SMPTE is disabled.
34. Exit the MediCal Pro application.
35. Log off Administration account and log back in as a service user.

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Chapter 4—Configuring the Diagnostic Workstation
Configuring the SecurViewDX Diagnostic Workstation

2.5 Calibrating the LCD Display

2.5.1 MediCal LCD Setup

Launch MediCal 2.03 by clicking on the MediCal 2.03 shortcut on the desktop and log in as
an advanced user:

Figure 4-6: Log in

1. On the New Display detected window, click the Add Now button.

Figure 4-7: MediCal Administrator Connection

2. Ensure that No is selected and click Next. See Figure 4-7.

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Chapter 4—Configuring the Diagnostic Workstation
Configuring the SecurViewDX Diagnostic Workstation

Figure 4-8: Configuration Setup

3. When the Configuration Setup Wizard, Figure 4-8, appears, click Next and follow the
Wizard instructions.
4. When asked, click Yes to remove existing configuration.
5. When asked, choose Barco Flat Panel.

Figure 4-9: Configuration Setup: Display Function

6. Select DICOM and then click Next. See Figure 4-9.

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Configuring the SecurViewDX Diagnostic Workstation

Figure 4-10: Configuration Setup: White and Black Luminance

7. Select Yes for White and Black Luminance and click Next

Figure 4-11: Configuration Setup: Define Luminance

8. Set the White Luminance to 600 and the Black Luminance to 1 and click Next.

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Chapter 4—Configuring the Diagnostic Workstation
Configuring the SecurViewDX Diagnostic Workstation

Figure 4-12: Configuration Setup: Calibration

9. Select Calibrate all displays now and click Next. Calibration is performed automatically.
Calibration Setup is complete.

2.5.2 Q/A Setup (Quality Control)

1. From the main MediCal Pro screen, click Q/A Setup.
2. Make sure the Automatic I-Guard Check is enabled for Weekly Q/C.
3. Right-click Automatic I-Guard Check.
4. Select Run Now and ensure that the test returns an OK status.
5. Ensure the Calibration Settings Check is enabled for Weekly Q/C.
6. Right-click Calibration Settings Check.
7. Select Properties.
8. Ensure that both LUT Check and Video Range Check are checked.
9. Right-click Calibration Settings Check.
10. Select Run Now.
11. Ensure that the test returns an OK status.
12. Ensure the Full I-Guard Check is disabled.
13. Ensure the Measure Display White is enabled for Weekly Q/C.
14. Right-click Measure Display White.
15. Select Properties.
16. Change the Warning Level to 3% and Error Tolerance to 6% for both displays.
17. Right-click Measure Display White and select Run Now.
18. Ensure that the test returns an OK status.

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Chapter 4—Configuring the Diagnostic Workstation
Configuring the SecurViewDX Diagnostic Workstation

19. Ensure the Measure Quality Level is enabled for Monthly Q/C.
20. Right-click Measure Quality Level.
21. Select Properties.
22. Change the Warning Level to 5% and Error Tolerance to 10% for both displays.
23. Right-click Measure Quality Level.
24. Select Run Now and ensure that the test returns an OK status.
25. Ensure the View Pattern: SMPTE is disabled.

2.5.3 Verification of Properties

1. Right-click Head A.
2. Click the Properties button.
3. Select the Display tab.
4. Click Details.
5. Make sure that the DPMS checkbox is checked.
6. Make sure that the Per Pixel Uniformity checkbox is checked.
7. Close the Details and Properties windows.
8. Repeat steps 2 through 7 for Head B.
Exit the MediCal Pro application.
Log off Administration account and log back in as a service user.

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Installation Manual
Chapter 4—Configuring the Diagnostic Workstation
Converting Stand-Alone Workstations to Clients

3.0 Converting Stand-Alone Workstations to Clients

This section applies both to a new installation of a multi-workstation system as well as to
existing stand-alone workstations which are being converted to Client Workstations with the
addition of a SecurViewDX Manager. For a new installation, first follow instructions for stand-
alone or Client Workstation Installation to set the new workstations up in stand-alone mode,
then continue with this section.

3.1 Pre-Installation Checklist—Existing Stand-alone

If this installation involves existing stand-alone Workstations which are being re-configured
as part of a Multi-Workstation system:
1. Make sure that all workstations are currently at SecurViewDX V2-0-1 or higher. If they
are currently configured with an earlier version, e.g., Selenia SCW V2-0-1, upgrade to
SecurViewDX V2-0-1 before proceeding. See kit ASY-00911.
2. In order to minimize the installation time, as many cases as possible should be deleted
from each workstation using the Case Administrator account. No more than 50 cases
should remain in the patient list before the conversion is begun. The following steps
should be performed:
a. Have the users read as many cases as possible prior to the upgrade.
b. Delete all Read cases from the system using the Case Administrator (delete) account
(not from the Service account).
c. Delete all older cases, regardless of the status. Hologic recommends that only the
last 1-2 days of unread cases be saved

3.2 Converting
1. On a workstation that is to be configured as a Client, log in to the SecurViewDX
application as the service user and select Exit to Windows.
2. From the Start menu, select Log Off scr.
3. At the Windows login prompt, log into Windows as Administrator.
4. Ensure that the Windows System time matches the Manager’s Windows system time by
opening a Command prompt and typing:
net time \\<MANAGER-IP> /set
where the <MANAGER-IP> is the Manager IP recorded in a previous section.
5. Log out and log in as SCR.
6. Log in to the application as the service user.
7. Update the appropriate license keys for the Client Workstation.

Note… SecurViewDX requires new license keys. A master list of license keys is
included in the e:\mbc-scr-1\Hologic-Service\license_keys.txt file. For
each softcopy workstation, note the ID printed on the dongle (begins with
8-5E7…), then search the license_keys.txt file to locate the appropriate
keys. If the keys cannot be located, contact the Hologic Help Desk.
a. Log in to the application as the service user.
b. Select Administration
c. Select the Licensing tab.

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Chapter 4—Configuring the Diagnostic Workstation
Converting Stand-Alone Workstations to Clients

d. Highlight any currently installed Generation 1.0 or 2.0 license keys and select
e. If you are converting a Stand Alone workstation to a Client, highlight the SCW-
STANDALONE key and select Delete.

Note… If this is a new installation, then the Client license keys were entered at the
factory. If this is a conversion of existing stand-alone workstations, enter the
key for SCW-CLIENT.
8. Under the Feature field, enter the following:
• Feature: SCW-CLIENT
• Generation: 3.0
• Key: 20 character string obtained from license_keys file

Note… Make sure that the Key field is a 20 character string, append zeros to the
end if the key contains less then 20 characters.
9. Click the Check button. The system verifies the information with the dongle and adds the
key if successful.
10. If connectivity to a CAD processor is required, enter the CAD license information and
again press the Check button. If there is no CAD processor, do not enter this information.
• Feature: MBC-CAD
• Generation: 3.0
• Key: 20 character string obtained from license_keys file
11. The client workstation is initially set up as a stand-alone system. To convert from a stand-
alone system to a Client:
a. Click the “Multi-Workstation” tab.
b. Click on the “Cluster Client, Manager Address” button.
c. Enter the Manager IP (See Chapter 3, Installing the SecurViewDX Manager, p. 3-5)
and click Check. Confirm that it connects to the Manager.
d. Click Save. Confirm that you want to save the new system type.
e. The MBC Workstation Cluster Integration window appears. Check the appropriate
• Migrate Image Data: Click only if you want to migrate all images from the Client
to the Manager.

Note… If multiple workstations contain the same patient data, then you only need
to perform the image migration for one of them.
• Migrate Annotations: Click only if you want to migrate all annotations &
markings from the Client to the Manager
• Migrate User Data: Click only if you want to migrate any users from the Client to
the Manager
f. Follow the on screen instructions to migrate desired users.

Note… If this is a new installation, then there is no data to transfer and you should
leave the check boxes unchecked. However, you must still perform the
Migrate step.

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Chapter 4—Configuring the Diagnostic Workstation
Converting Stand-Alone Workstations to Clients

g. Press Migrate.
• After the migration is complete, both the Client and the Manager restart and
• When the system restarts, the Client synchronizes with the Manager. The length
of time it takes to synchronize depends on how much data is on the system.
h. Repeat this section for all clients in the multi-workstation system.

3.2.1 Dialog Elements

The dialog elements of the Workstation Integration dialog have the following

Table 4-1: Dialog Elements of Workstation Integration Dialog

Element Type Description

Manager Text Field IP address or host name of the manager of the multi-workstation
system where the single workstation is integrated.
This is copied from “Manager Address” entered in the “Settings”
tab folder.
Migrate Image Check Box Check this box to migrate all image data from the single
Data workstation to the specified multi-workstation manager. This data
includes patients, studies, series, and images.
Migrate Check Box This checkbox is only enabled, if the “Migrate Image Data”
Annotations checkbox is checked. In this case annotations and markings on the
local machine are also migrated to the manager (i.e., added to
those markings and annotations that already exist on the
Since markings and annotations are always tied to a user, this
involves also a partial migration of the system users.
Consequently, the “Migrate Annotations” checkbox enables the
“User Assignment” list view. In this case, the migration dialog
establishes a connection to the multi-workstation manager, and
retrieves all user information from that manager. This is then used
to fill the list view “User Assignment” and the dropdown list “Assign
to Manager User”.
Note that only annotations of those local users that have been
assigned to a manager user are transferred.
Also note that no user preferences or workflow settings are
transferred for the users.
Migrate User Check Box Check this box to migrate the user data on the single workstation
Data to the multi-workstation manager. The user data include user
name, real name, groups, privileges, and user preferences.
Check this box to establish a connection to the multi-workstation
manager and to retrieve all user information from that manager.
This is necessary to fill the list view “User Assignment” and the
dropdown list “Assign to Manager User”.

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Chapter 4—Configuring the Diagnostic Workstation
Converting Stand-Alone Workstations to Clients

Table 4-1: Dialog Elements of Workstation Integration Dialog (Continued)

Element Type Description

User List View This list view is only enabled if one or both of the “Migrate User
Assignment Data” or “Migrate Annotations” check boxes are checked. It
displays how the local users (first column) are assigned to users
on the multi-workstation manager (second column). These
manager users either exist, or they are created.
If the user already exists, her or his user data on the manager is
overwritten by the local data of that user. If the manager user is
“[Same]”, the local user and the manager user are considered the
same, but the local user data is not transferred to the manager
(i.e., the manager user data is kept).
If a local user is assigned to the manager user “[None]”, no
migration of the local user is done. This is especially useful for the
two local users “Application” and “Service”, who are not migrated
by default.
Assign to Dropdown This element is only enabled if the check box “Migrate User Data”
Manager User List is checked. The list is filled with the user names of all users on the
multi-workstation manager, in addition to the special values
“[None]” and “[Same]”.
Select a user in the dropdown list, and click the button “Set.” The
local user currently selected in the list view “User Assignment” is
assigned to the selected manager user.
Set Button This dialog element is only enabled if the check box “Migrate User
Data” is checked and a user is selected in the list view “User
It assigns the user currently selected in the dropdown list “Assign
to Manager User” to the user selected in the list view “User
New Button This dialog element is only enabled if the check box “Migrate User
Data” is checked.
Click this button to open a dialog where a new user name can be
entered. This user name is added to the dropdown list “Assign to
Manager User”.
Migrate Button Click this button to perform the migration.
If the check box “Migrate Image Data” is checked, all local image
data is moved to the multi-workstation manager.
If the check box “Migrate User Data” is checked, a user data
migration according to the list view “User Assignment” is done. All
user names assigned in this list view, that do not exist on the
manager, are created. All user data of users, that already exists on
the manager, and that are marked for migration in the list view
“User Assignment”, are overwritten by the local user data.
A message box informs that the migration has finished. From now
on the workstation has no more local data, and is integrated into
the specified multi-workstation system.
Confirm this message box to close the migration dialog
Cancel Button Close the migration dialog without doing any migration.

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Chapter 4—Configuring the Diagnostic Workstation
Final Checks

4.0 Final Checks

4.1 Stand-Alone
1. For a stand-alone configuration, log in to the application as the service user. Select
2. Select the Backup/Restore tab. Create a backup CD to leave with the customer by
pressing the Backup button and inserting a blank CD-R when prompted. When backup
is completed, select Exit and then Logout. Label the CD as “SecurViewDX Database
Backup,” with today’s date.
4.2 Multi-Workstation
1. For a multi-workstation configuration, log in to the Manager as the service user. Select
2. Select the Backup/Restore tab. Create a backup CD to leave with the customer by
pressing the Backup button and inserting a blank CD-R when prompted. When backup
is completed, select Exit and then Logout. Label the CD as “SecurViewDX Database
Backup,” with today’s date.

5.0 Other Functionality

5.1 Version Upgrade
For a version upgrade of the multi-workstation system, all workstations and the manager
have to be upgraded at once.
• All clients and the manager have to Exit to Windows.
• Then the version upgrade has to be performed on all computers
• Reboot the multi-workstation system, starting with the manager.
• The upgrade procedure on every machine is the same as for a stand-alone workstation.
5.2 Backup and Restore
On multi-workstation clients, only exported images and DICOM files can be stored on a CD.
• The checkboxes for backup and restore are disabled on the clients.
• System backup and restore of the database can only be performed directly on the manager.

5.3 System Time Differences

If the system time of a multi-workstation manager and the clients in a multi-workstation
environment differ, this might lead to problems.

Note… You should use the Network Time Protocol to synchronize manager and
client times.

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Installation Manual
Chapter 5—Configuring the Barcode Scanner
Supported Type

Chapter 5—Configuring the Barcode Scanner

1.0 Supported Type

The supported Barcode Scanner is: Symbol LS1900.

2.0 Configuration
The scanner has to be configured for the same country code as the keyboard (American for

2.1 Emulate Keypad

You must configure the scanner for “Emulate Keypad.” This feature allows emulation of other
country keyboard layouts not listed in the Country Selection parameter. All Microsoft
operating systems typically support this feature. When enabled, all characters are sent as
ASCII sequences over the numeric keypad. For example, ASCII A is sent as:
“ALT make” 0 6 5 “ALT Break”
To enable the Emulate Keypad feature, scan the following barcode:

Figure 5-1: Enable Keypad Emulation

2.2 Beep Volume and Sound

The beep volume and sound may be configured as desired. Use the following bar codes to
enable or disable this feature.

Figure 5-2: Beep After a Good Decode

Figure 5-3: Do Not Beep After a Good Decode

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Chapter 5—Configuring the Barcode Scanner

2.3 Changing Between Patient ID and Accession Number

The BarCodeScanner.ini is provided as an additional configuration file for the SCR system.
This file is located in the e:\mbc-scr folder.
This configuration file contains the following lines:
#MODE = PATIENT_ID # remove the first # of this line if Patient IDs are to be used.
#MODE = ACCESSION_NUMBER # remove the first # of this line if accession numbers
are to be used.

# do not change this line


MODE sets if accession numbers or Patient IDs are transferred/scanned.

RECEIVER sets which module gets the result of the scan. Only LIGHTBOX is currently

5-2 MAN-00335
Installation Manual
Appendix A—Technical Characteristics

Appendix A—Technical Characteristics

This section lists the relevant technical characteristics for the stand-alone or client
Operating System Windows 2000 Professional with Service Pack
3 or greater.
Computer/Memory Dual Pentium Processors with clock rate 2
GHz or higher; 2 GBytes of 800 MHz ECC
RAM or greater.
Disk capacity >140 GB Image Storage
Archival Media CD-RW with a read rate of at least 24X.
Graphic Controller Card(s) 5 MegaPixel 10-bit data output.
Monitor 5 MegaPixel, grayscale, Portrait, 2048 x 2560
Network Interface (NIC) 10/100Base-T Ethernet
DICOM Functionality Provides the following DICOM functionality
Verification SCU
Store SCP
Query and Retrieve SCU
Print SCU
Accessories Workflow keypad
Printing User may select an image and send it to a
validated DICOM printer. The system prints
the image with all the current Window/Level
settings, zoom factor, and displayed
annotations or a diagnostic image (as

MAN-00335 A-1
Installation Manual
Appendix A—Technical Characteristics

A-2 MAN-00335
Installation Manual
Appendix B—Troubleshooting
Network Problems

Appendix B—Troubleshooting

1.0 Network Problems

Network problems can occur on the client as well as on the manager side of a multi-

1.1 Network Problems on a Client

Network problems can occur at system startup or during normal operation.

1.1.1 Problem occurs during System Startup

If a network error occurs during system startup, the multi-workstation manager cannot be
reached. A startup dialog appears, which allows you to shut down the system or to log the
SCR user off from the operating system.
Every five seconds. the system tries to reach the multi-workstation manager until either the
manager reconnects or the user clicks Shutdown or the Log off from Operating System
button in the system startup dialog.

Figure B-1: Startup Dialog

If the network error has occurred due to a misconfiguration of the manager address on the
client side:
• The Microsoft Windows “Administrator” user can change the address using the separate
tool setmwserver.exe.
• This tool allows you to reconfigure the system type and to set the manager address.

1.1.2 Problem occurs during Normal Operation

If network problems occur, and the manager cannot be reached by a client any
more, this client is inoperable for the time of the network problem. In this case,
perform the following measures on the client (in the stated order):
1. Try to re-establish a connection to the manager after a given time-out has
expired. Time-out and number of retries are configurable in lightbox.ini on the
client using the variables MWS_RetryTimeOut (default: 1) and
MWS_RetryCount (default: 2).

P/N MAN-00335 B-1

Installation Manual
Appendix B—Troubleshooting
Network Problems

2. If the connection could not be re-established, the system displays an error

message and displays a button that allows a manual retry to re-establish the
connection to the manager:
If the user manually tries to re-establish the manager connection, and the
network problem has been removed, two cases must be considered:
• The manager has not yet cleaned up the sessions and locks of the client. In
this case, the user can continue with his work.
• The sessions and locks on the manager are cleaned up. In this case, the user
is logged out on his client, and all work on the current patient is lost.
If the user confirms the error message, or after the auto-logout time has expired,
the user is logged out from the system. If the network problem still exists the
next time a user wants to log in, the login fails with a message that states the
In all cases, where the user is automatically logged out due to network
problems, a message box is displayed that informs the user about the loss of
work on the current patient.

1.2 Manager (Server)

If the manager encounters a network problem concerning a client, the manager takes the
following measures (in the stated order).
1. Tries to re-establish a client connection until a given time-out has expired (configurable
in lightbox.ini on the manager)
2. After the time-out has expired closes all sessions and releases all locks for the
problematic client. This means, that all work on the current patient gets lost for the user
of that client.

B-2 P/N MAN-00335

Installation Manual
Appendix B—Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting Tables

2.0 Troubleshooting Tables

2.1 Patient List
Table B-1: Double reading does not take place

Possible Cause Solution

Case not marked for double reading Check on tab Case Selection in Patient List
column “read 2x” - select the patient, right
mouse click and select the option “read 2x”.
Second reading session scheduled to an Check on tab Sessions in Patient List and
unavailable radiologist or first and second change the assigned radiologist.
reading session are scheduled to the same

2.2 Reviewing Module

Table B-2: Images are not displayed

Possible Cause Solution

Images are not transferred Check connection to and DICOM settings on AWS
(current images).

Check connection to and DICOM settings on PACS (prior

Check DICOM conformance statement of PACS (prior
Images are not processed Check hard disk space and RAM.
Images are not stored Check hard disk space and RAM.
Image resolutions are not stored Possible Image Preparer failure; check corresponding
image file (subdirectory Images) sizes.
Check hard disk space and RAM.
Images are not available View images, e.g., via View Now. If message “Loading
images.” appears, wait until images appear and message
disappears. If message “Missing images” appears,
resend images from DICOM entity.
Images are not loaded Check hard disk space and RAM.
Check hardware (RAM, CPU, hard disk).
Check graphics cards and drivers.

P/N MAN-00335 B-3

Installation Manual
Appendix B—Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting Tables

Table B-3: Images are displayed incompletely

Possible Cause Solution

Incomplete image transfer Check connection to and DICOM settings on
SecurViewDX Diagnostic Workstation (current
Check connection to and DICOM settings on PACS (prior

Table B-4: Warning Message Appears

Possible Cause Solution

Warning! Cannot load requested image Reschedule that patient; use View Now or enter
Unread/2nd Read Studies to enforce the check of
prepared images.

Table B-5: Automatic Hanging of Images

Possible Cause Solution

Standard Images (MLO and CC) For automatic hanging of standard images, DICOM MG
service class is needed.
Other images Advanced hanging has to be selected in User

Table B-6: Message “Missing Images” does not disappear

Possible Cause Solution

The connection with PACS is Check the connection to the PACS. Make sure the PACS
interrupted/broken. is running and working properly. Try again a View Now /
Scheduling of the patient
Images are transferred only to the The SecurViewDX Diagnostic Workstation is not an image
SecurViewDX Diagnostic Workstation, archive. If some images of a Patient are not available
and not stored on PACS. from the PACS, ensure that all images are sent to a

B-4 P/N MAN-00335

Installation Manual


bar code final checks 4-18
beep volume and sound 5-1
emulate keypad 5-1 H
barcode scanner 5-1
hardware setup 3-2
beep volume and sound 5-1
image export 4-6
Image Processing Configuration 4-6
CRT monitor 4-7
LCD display 4-9
client workstation 3-1
client 3-1
manager 3-5, 3-6
workstation 3-1
stand-alone workstation 3-1
complaints, product P-1
configuring L
barcode scanner 5-1
image processing LCD display, calibrating 4-9
deleting images 4-6 licensing 4-6
image export 4-6
multi-workstation 4-5
client 4-5 manager 1-1
manager 4-5 manual set P-4
standalone 4-5 MediCal LCD Setup 4-7, 4-9
connections multi-workstation
CRT displays 3-3 configuration 1-4
converting stand-alone workstations to clients 4-14 multi-workstation configuration 1-2
CRT cable connections 3-3, 3-5
CRT monitor, calibrating 4-7 N
D network A-1
node types and tasks 1-3
definitions P-2
deleting images 4-6 P
destination tab 4-4
diagnostic workstation 1-1 printer tab 4-3
DICOM product complaints P-1
destination tab 1-4, 4-1, 4-4 Q
printer tab 1-4, 4-1, 4-3
settings 4-1 Q/A setup 4-8, 4-12
setup tab 1-4, 4-1, 4-2 quality control P-1, 4-8, 4-12
emulate keypad 5-1 receiving 2-1
receiving and unpacking 2-1

MAN-00335 i
Installation Manual

receiving instructions 2-1 T

S technical characteristics A-1
terms and definitions P-2
Service Support
training P-1
phone number 0-iii
setup tab 4-2
network problems B-1
tables B-3
dimensional information A-1
stand-alone 3-1 U
pre-installation 3-1
workstation 3-1 unpacking 2-1
startup 4-1 using the installation manual P-4
system startup 4-1
configuring 4-1

ii MAN-00335

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