Notations: Senior Adult Service at 6 PM

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Woodruff Church of God e-Edition Newsletter September 20, 2011

Pastors Notes We are now in the mist of our Annual Community Revival. I hope and pray that you have been involved. What a great time we had on Main Street Sunday evening. The weather was great and the Spirit was wonderful. We were challenged to return to God. Then Monday evening, Josh Bradley from Element Church, brought an awesome message about not letting any obstacle keep us from getting to Jesus. He even challenged us to be a rope holder for someone that needs the Lord. His text was from the story of the man carried by 4 men. They lowered a paralyzed man down through the roof to get him to Jesus. They held the rope for the man. To mark our commitment, we were asked to come and get a piece of rope out of the bucket to commemorate our commitment to hold the rope for someone until we can get them to Jesus. I got my piece of rope. Did you? I hope that you will attend the next two nights of revival. Its a beautiful picture to see all Gods children coming together to worship Him. What a beautiful picture of what Heaven will be like. There will be no service at our church this Wednesday due to Community Revival. Well be back on regular schedule Sunday. Sunday Morning.The last of the series on HOPE. I trust you will be here. The message will be all about the ONE that gives us Hope. Were gonna have a hallelujah time!!!!! Ill look for you in Sunday School at 9:45 AM and then in preaching at 10:30.

Then on Sunday night..Senior

Adult Service at 6 PM.

The Primetimers Choir will be singing, along with signing by Jeanne Nemitz and the Chesney Singers. We will also have a Drama presentation and Rev. Leon Parker will bring the message. Along with all of that, we will name the Senior Adult of the Year for 2011. Please make plans to participate in this special service. If you would like to sing with us in the choir feel free to do so.

In preparation for FallFest, we need your help. We need donations of canned soft drinks. We need Pepsi or Coke products only, please! You can put them in the Coat Room and we will move them weekly. This helps us make 100% profit on the day of FallFest. You can begin bringing them this week. Bottled Water has already been secured so we wont need that.just soft drinks. Thank you in ADVANCE FOR HELPING US!!!!!!



Our focus is going to be a little different this year. Our primary focus has been to try and raise funds for the building fund. Our secondary purpose was to remind us and others that one day we are going to have a church there. Weve always felt it was important to periodically have something out there to remind us of our future. This year we really feel like its important to focus on our families and to make the weekend a WORSHIP time. We want praise & worship to fill the air and to anoint the land!!!!! There will still be food to eat, bargains to find, a silent auction to dicker with. There will also be FREE bounceys for the kids and singing and drama under the tent. BUT HERES THE BIG CHANGE.ARE YOU READY FOR THIS??????

AT 4:00 PM, Aaron & Amanda Crabb will be with us for a time of worship on the grounds! Most of you are well acquainted with the Crabb Family, so you know the anointing with which they sing. Aaron & Amanda are anointed singers and are coming to lift up Jesus. What a great time this is going to be. Make your plans to be here.invited your friends.bring a lawn chair and lets have CHURCH!!!!!! There will be a love offering received. (WE HAVE ATTACHED A POSTER AT THE END OF THE EBULLETIN FOR YOU TO PRINT AND HAND OUT TO YOUR FRIENDS)

Then on Sunday afternoon at 4:00 PM, we will have another worship experience. It wont be a singing as in the past, but it will include singing, as well as, other expressions of worship. ITS GOING TO BE GREAT!!!!!!! Dont forget that part of our Sunday afternoon activities has been a VISION OFFERING. Weve prayer walked the property and then brought a VISION OFFERING that goes to the building fund. Last year, we brought over $6,000. Im still

hoping and believing that this year, we will be PRAISE WALKING instead of prayer walking!!!!! Please prayerfully consider what the Lord would have you give for this offering. Im believing God for GREAT THINGS AT THIS FALLFEST!!!!!!!

Part of the FallFest Fundraising includes a beautiful quilt, handcrafted by Sis. Brenda Parker. It is totally hand sewn and is made from neckties from members of our church. She has spent countless hours working on this quilt. It is located in the church lobby. Please take an opportunity to look at it. If you donated a tie to Sister Parker, please call the church office or see her. She wants to make sure all who donated get proper recognition.

Business Meeting
OCTOBER 2 , 6:00 PMCHURCH MEETING. This meeting is for all members and/or financial supporters of the church. Please mark your calendar and be present for this important meeting!!!!!

As you may know, gold & silver are at an all time high. Many of us may have some old gold, silver, coins, etc. just lying around. Larry Elrod, who works at Inman Mills, is as close to a

numismatic expert on appraising values as you might could find. He is willing to appraise anything you might have to determine its proper value. Our hopes are that you might consider taking something that is just lying around and turn it into money that you might be willing to invest into the building fund. You could bring your items to a church service, give them to Brad who would get them to Larry for appraisal. Then Brad would have it back to you by the next church service. Weve come a long way in saving money towards our building fund, but we still have a ways to go. Would you consider looking through your home and see what the Lord would have you give? Wed like to offer this from now until Fall Fest.

A Note of Thanks
Thank you church family for all of your prayers, flowers, food, and visits after the passing of my sister. Love, Doris Durham

Congratulations! Its A Boy

Congratulations to Ray and Andrea Hyman on the birth of a baby boy. Colt Timothy was born on Tuesday, September 13. He arrived weighing 7 lbs. and 14 oz. Mason is the proud big brother. The proud grandparents are Jimmy & Libby Hyman and Rev. Tim & Kim Kerns. The proud great-grandparents are Rev. James & Wanda Shealy.

Prayer List
Heath Richards, Lucy Polson, Mertice Whitmore, James Wesley Owens, Larry Trotter, William Cantrell, Don Prosser, Tracy Grant, Debra Childress, Carey Brown, Dan Tate, Dot Rains, Anne Gosa, Wayne Lyda, James Green, Brenda Crocker, Derrick Cooper, Tom Owens, Nikki Stanton, Tish York, Curt Ellison, Deb Smith, Gerald Wilson, Judy McAbee, Jerri Peavy, Johnny Waldon, Beatrice Hendley, Doris Taylor, Ruby Nell Watson, Tom Goen, Junior Bradley, Rick Lanford, Johnny Cochrell, Will Ball, Larry Elliott, Docia Sloan, Bonita Cherry, Candace Jackson, Gerald Wilson, Lisa Culbertson, Sherry Smith, Todd Smith, Brianna Smith, Bertha Nabors, Travis Nabors, Paula Beck, Roger Beck, Alex Beck, Elaine Marr, Catherine Blackwell, Olin Morgan, Nicholas Cobb, Linda McAlister, Connie Smith Also remember those needing jobs, our Shut Ins and those in Nursing Homes.

SAM NEWS: This Thursday, September 22, will be our monthly JOY CLUB meeting at 6 PM. We look forward to you attending this exciting time of fellowship with those 50 and above. Our program this month will consist of Senior Talent. Anyone who wishes to participate must let us know immediately so that your name can be placed on the list. (That will not be necessary unless your talent is musical in nature) The reason for this is we must know how to arrange our schedule. Please call Pastor Shealy at 676-9549 or leave a message at the church.

***Ladies, we are counting on you to help us out with our fundraiser. Remember to collect all money when the order is made. The person selling the most between now and December 1 will receive a $50 Walmart card. ***Ladies please pick up your dishes in the LM office. These will be cleared out in the next week. ***If you owe your $10 for booking the Spotlight Board, please turn it in as soon as possible. The Toy Closet item to purchase this week is: Lotion/Body Wash Packages (girls and boys)

We need more items for older girls and boys (ages 10 and up) please.

October 6 Monthly mens meeting in the CLC dining room at 6:00. If you have not been attending these, you are really missing out. We have great food and fellowship each month. We spend time talking about service projects that are upcoming and events that we would like to attend. Come be a part of this as we all grow in our service to the Lord. October 15 Community Mens Breakfast at West End Baptist Church. Come enjoy a great breakfast as we fellowship with other men in our community. Tim Davis will be the speaker. Jason Hayes will be singing and sharing his testimony. After the breakfast on October 15 make sure you head over to Fall Fest on the churchs new property. November 5 Iron Sharpens Iron Mens Conference in Charlotte. Look for a sign-up sheet in the hallway along with a promotional poster.

The choir will wear robes this Sunday, September 25. A great big thank you to all the choir, praise team, band and media members for their help with the community revival this week!

Saturday, September 24 Extreme Kidz will deliver food to needy families in the community. If you would like to donate bread, sandwich meat, or chips, please see Donna Burdette. We will start packing the lunches at 8:30 and deliver them at 10:00. Thank you for all your support! Sunday September 25 Mixed Bag Orders and Money are due. Please turn in all orders to Donna Burdette. October 2 Children's Board Meeting at 4:00.

On September 23, ACTS Student Ministries will sponsor a Tailgating Party at the Woodruff High School Football game. We will have food and prizes. Tailgating will start at 5:30pm and go up until kickoff. Come by our tent and join us. There is no charge for this event. See ya there! October 26 Prayer Meeting at 7:00 pm October 28 Praise & Worship --- 5:50PM Connection ---------- 6:00PM Ignition ---------------7:00PM October 1 Youth will be going to Carowinds and Christian Music Day. Sign up if you plan on going.

Ministry Leaders for This Week

Greeters Harold & Peggy Chesney SS Greeter - Robert Sloan CLC Greeter - Paul Lundberg Head Ushers - Charles OShields and Bobby Brown Finance Committee -- Ryan Ballard and Walter Housand Usher Team #3 Tracy Grant, Buddy Arnold, Lamar Crowe Clint Letourneau, Marion Simmons, Houston Cobb Kiddie Church 2-5 year oldsLori Crocker & Genise Watson Kiddie Church 6-12 year oldsDonna & Garren Burdette (Christmas Play Practice) Kidz Praise & Worship 4:45 Kidz Drama Practice 5:00 Nursery-- Wednesday Community Revival Sunday AM -- Ann Knight and Stephanie Fowler Sunday PM -- Brooke Terry Music Wednesday Community Revival Sunday AM -- Band Sunday PM Senior Adult Choir Jeanne Nemitz & The Chesney Singers Praise Team White

Dont forget to make as many copies of the poster below of Aaron and Amanda Crabb. Post them all around town.

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