Cuidados Posoperatorio Cirugia
Cuidados Posoperatorio Cirugia
Cuidados Posoperatorio Cirugia
Medical Hx & ROS update NO YES NPO status Airway assessment NO YES VItal Signs (if unable to obtain, ckeck )
Change in medical hx/ROS Clear liquids ____hrs Upper airway clear Pulse: _____/min
Change in medications Milk, other liquids, Lungs clear SpO2: _____%
Recent respiratory illness/COVID &/or foods ____hrs Tonsillar obstruction (___%) BP: _____/ _____ mmHg
Pregnancy test indicated Medications ____hrs Weight: _____kg Height: _____cm Resp: _____/min
Date: _______ Test: ________ Results: _________ BMI: _____ BMI % for age: ______ Temp: _____oF
Presedation cooperation level: Unable/unwilling to cooperate Rarely follows requests Cooperates with prompting Cooperates freely
Behavioral interaction: Definitively shy and withdrawn Somewhat shy Approachable
Guardian was provided an opportunity to ask questions, appeared to understand, and reaffirmed consent for sedation? YES NO
Comments: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Safety Checklist Monitors tested & functioning as intended Emergency kit, suction, & high-flow oxygen
No contraindication to procedural sedation Two adults present or extended time for discharge accepted