This document is a report containing data on animal sacrifices for the year 2023 from various mosques in Makassar City that were collected by the Zakat Collection Unit of the Baznas Mosque. It contains information such as the name of the mosque, contact person, number of animal sacrifices (cows and goats), total funds, number of donors, and number of recipients. There are a total of 30 entries containing these details from mosques that conducted sacrifices from June 26th to June 29th 2023. The sacrifices involved cows, goats and funds that will benefit hundreds of people in need from each mosque.
This document is a report containing data on animal sacrifices for the year 2023 from various mosques in Makassar City that were collected by the Zakat Collection Unit of the Baznas Mosque. It contains information such as the name of the mosque, contact person, number of animal sacrifices (cows and goats), total funds, number of donors, and number of recipients. There are a total of 30 entries containing these details from mosques that conducted sacrifices from June 26th to June 29th 2023. The sacrifices involved cows, goats and funds that will benefit hundreds of people in need from each mosque.
This document is a report containing data on animal sacrifices for the year 2023 from various mosques in Makassar City that were collected by the Zakat Collection Unit of the Baznas Mosque. It contains information such as the name of the mosque, contact person, number of animal sacrifices (cows and goats), total funds, number of donors, and number of recipients. There are a total of 30 entries containing these details from mosques that conducted sacrifices from June 26th to June 29th 2023. The sacrifices involved cows, goats and funds that will benefit hundreds of people in need from each mosque.
This document is a report containing data on animal sacrifices for the year 2023 from various mosques in Makassar City that were collected by the Zakat Collection Unit of the Baznas Mosque. It contains information such as the name of the mosque, contact person, number of animal sacrifices (cows and goats), total funds, number of donors, and number of recipients. There are a total of 30 entries containing these details from mosques that conducted sacrifices from June 26th to June 29th 2023. The sacrifices involved cows, goats and funds that will benefit hundreds of people in need from each mosque.
UPDATE DATA: 30 JUNI 2023 Jumlah Hewan Kontak Person Jumlah Hewan Jumlah Total Dana Jumlah Total Dana Jumlah Donatur Jumlah Penerima Timestamp Nama Masjid Kurban (Pengisian Form) Kurban (Sapi/Ekor) (Rupiah) (Rupiah) Hewan Kurban Manfaat (Orang) (Kambing/Ekor) 6/26/2023 9:59:51 Masjid Darul Muttaqin Minasa 085255802233 Upa 43 Rp571.900.000 1 3.500.000 0 500 6/26/2023 10:09:22 Masjid Al-Quddus Mandala Ahmad Marjusi 3 Rp35.150.000 1 Rp.3 000 000.- 20 orang Shohibul kurban 120 orang 6/26/2023 10:21:16 Masjid Nurul Azizah 081242988448 7 Rp98.000.000 0 - 1.000.000 250 org 6/26/2023 10:47:09 Masjid Al-Ikhlas Tidung 082349468463 VII Kelurahan Mappala Kecamatan Rappocini 9 Rp129.150.000 0 - 63 orang Lebih 110 orang 6/26/2023 10:50:35 Masjid Al-Ikhlas Tabaria085342202384 13 Rp191.100.000 1 Rp. 2.500.000,- 0 182 Orang 6/26/2023 10:58:15 Masjid Takrim Sabaryah081235678555 Parangtambunga.n. Anwar Mahmud 6 Rp83.000.000 0 - 36 org Kurang lebih 280 org 6/26/2023 11:46:15 Nurul Muhajirin 082393455609 15 Rp194.250.000 0 0 105 300 6/26/2023 14:00:19 Masjid Maradekaya 082344973979 18 Rp34.200.000 0 0 0 375 0rang 6/26/2023 15:48:04 Masjid Taufiqurrahman 081340178272 3 Rp42.000.000 0 42000000 21 60 Orang 6/27/2023 13:16:07 MASJID ILHAM 085276936025 5 Rp66.500.000 0 66.500.000 35 orang 175 orang 6/28/2023 10:22:47 Masjid Nurul Jihad 082345679796 2 Rp24.500.000 0 - - 70 6/28/2023 10:26:36 SD Wahdah Islamic School 082345679796 03 BTP 3 Rp42.000.000 3 7.100.000 - 150 orang 6/28/2023 10:28:42 Hayya Alal Falaah Kaharuddin. LM 081355809339 4 Rp56.000.000 0 Tidak Ada 22 Orang 125 Orang 6/28/2023 10:30:11 MESJID DARUL MUKHLISIN 081342657568 HJ.NURTINI 10 Rp140.000.000 0 Tidak ada 52 Orang : ( 7×7 ) + ( 3×1 Sementara ) di data 6/28/2023 10:34:21 Masjid Syuhada, Jln Onta 081Lama 146 27075 no 6, Kelurahan Bonto Biraeng Kecamatan 12 Mamajang Rp155.400.000 5 Sumbangan 5 orang 160 orang 6/28/2023 10:35:21 Masjid Babussa'adah 085298384560 12 Rp159.600.000 0 0 70 250 6/28/2023 10:48:30 Al Mubarak paccerakkang 085255160700 4 Rp54.000.000 - _ 22 org 120 org 6/28/2023 10:55:16 Masjid ikhtiar Unhas baraya Muh. Kasman 12 Rp150.000.000 13 Rp.32.500.000 95 orang Kurang lebih 200 orang 6/28/2023 11:06:21 An Nur 237 sudiang 082347975482 3 Rp41.000.000 1 3 .000.000 21 orang 100 orang 6/28/2023 11:14:45 Masjid Besar AL-AMIN 082347808886 16 Rp224.000.000 0 224.000.000,- 112 orang 1568 orang 6/28/2023 11:56:13 Masjid Besar Al-Amin Manggala MuhammadMakassar Daud 26 Rp364.000.000 0 Rp. 364.000.000 7 x 26 = 182 Orang 42 kg x 26 = 1092 Org 6/28/2023 11:58:03 Masjid Quba' Layang 081355194244 17 Rp214.200.000 0 0 119 650 6/28/2023 12:24:32 NURUL YAQIN 081253562037 9 Rp126.000.000 0 0 45 Orang 315 6/28/2023 12:51:05 Mesjid Nurul Hakim 081242935496 6 Rp77.000.000 0 - 65 orang 175 orang 6/28/2023 15:24:47 Masjid nurul isnaeni 081342084321 10 Rp133.000.000 0 0 61 orang 400 orang 6/28/2023 16:36:18 Masjid Nurul isnaeni 081342084321 10 Rp133.000.000 0 0 64 orang maaf bukan 71400 orang 6/28/2023 16:55:10 Darul Mukhlisin Hj. Nurtini 081324657568 11 Rp154.000.000 0 Rp. - 59 462 Orang 6/28/2023 16:59:01 Nurul Rahmat Hamzy 08155139722 20 Rp273.000.000 0 0 140 Orang 300 0rang 6/28/2023 17:50:07 Masjid Idaaratul Auqaaf 081244793264 ( Farid Maricar ) 1 Rp13.300.000 3 Rp.9.000.000 10 Orang 95 Orang 6/29/2023 7:02:25 Masjid Nurul Hijrah. 081242097400 6 Rp79.800.000 1 Rp. 2.000.000. 42. Orang (sapi) + 1 orang.( 60 orang. kambing) 6/29/2023 7:57:43 Masjid Nurul Muttahid. Azis Radu, hp no082395290947. 8 Rp112.000.000 0 0 50 kk. 180 kk. 6/29/2023 9:27:58 Masjid Maryam Binti Imran, YouKompleks Yatsir Tonung, Perumahan Ketua UPZ BTP Masjid Blok AFMaryan Kelurahan 8BintiKatimbang Imran Rp112.000.000 Kota Makassar 0 0 33 ( tiga puluh tiga ) orang 320 ( tiga ratus dua puluh ) orang 6/29/2023 10:16:39 Masjid Terapung Ar - Rahmah 088242902397 Sungai Tallo 4 Rp53.200.000 0 - 4 kelompok (28 org) Sekitar 70 orang 6/29/2023 10:28:43 MASJID NURUL KAUTSAR 085239556000 33 Rp415.800.000 4 0 0 543 Orang 6/29/2023 15:39:35 Masjid Nurut Taufiq Maccini 088242432189 Pasar Malam 2 Rp28.000.000 0 0 14 120 6/29/2023 16:14:55 AL-MUBARAKAH SOEPAI - 081355596961. 7 Rp107.800.000 0 0 49 Orang 184 Orang.oo 6/29/2023 20:03:15 Masjid Darul Falah 081260962209 31 Rp401.450.000 0 401.450.000 217 300 6/29/2023 20:39:13 Jami Munira As shuwayyaan Sulaiman 9 Rp122.850.000 0 0 63 orang 102 orang 6/30/2023 8:26:53 Masjid Ihyaul Jamaah Lembo 085215207183 5 Rp62.500.000 1 2.500.000 - 120 jiwa 6/30/2023 8:43:11 Masjid Raudhatul Muflihien 085343690303 17 Rp238.000.000 0 0 119 450 6/30/2023 8:52:36 Masjid Jami Rappokalling 08998850582 10 Rp140.000.000 0 0 70 650 6/30/2023 8:55:52 Namirraj 082312311192 13 Rp154.000.000 0 0 91 150 6/30/2023 8:56:54 Baiturrahman Aris Haryanto 5 Rp70.000.000 0 0 35 200 6/30/2023 9:08:29 MASJID AL MUHAJIRIN0811447135 18 Rp239.400.000 1 3.000.000,- 127 468 6/30/2023 10:16:28 Masjid An Nur Raja Raja08998071513 Tallo 1 Rp14.000.000 2 5.000.000 9 Orang 56 Orang 6/30/2023 10:22:29 Masjid Nurul Solthana Akbar Ali 3 Rp40.500.000 0 0 21 orang 120 orang 6/30/2023 10:35:07 Masjid Babut Taqwa 082217091940 8 Rp105.600.000 2 5.000.000 56 330 6/30/2023 10:54:47 Nurul Wathan Muh. Idrus Tane 7 Rp98.000.000 0 - 45 orang 150 orang 6/30/2023 11:03:48 Al Mukhlisin 1 kg 3 Rp40.500.000 0 - 21 orang,( 3 kelompok ) 135 6/30/2023 12:55:57 Nurul Askar 082344529911 12 Rp168.000.000 12 30.000.000,- - 420 kk 6/30/2023 13:09:28 Darul Muttaqin 082343628852 17 Rp230.000.000 2 6.000.000,- 130 650 6/30/2023 13:32:31 Masjid Nurul iman 3 081355769511 11 Rp225.500.000 11 Rp. 22.550.000 77 orang 300 orang 6/30/2023 13:41:51 Masjid nurul iman tammua 085241944290 3 Rp42.000.000 0 0 20 80 orang 6/30/2023 13:49:53 MASJID AL MUHAJIRIN0811447135 MINASA UPA 18 Rp239.400.000 1 Rp. 3.000.000,- 127 485 6/30/2023 14:28:52 Masjid Al Fauzan Minasa M.Indah Nurhidayat Residence 10 Rp129.500.000 0 Tidak ada 70 orang 220 orang TOTAL 579 Rp7.649.050.000 65