UPSC Syllabus English Copy 1
UPSC Syllabus English Copy 1
UPSC Syllabus English Copy 1
Syllabus (English)
Both papers are generally held on the same day and the details are given in the
table below:
* ⅓ of the total marks allotted to the question will be deducted for every
wrong answer.
• To further illustrate this, each questions would attract 2.5 marks
correctly answered GS I question each, while every wrongly marked
will be awarded 2 marks. So, 0.66 question would attract a penalty of
marks would be deducted from the 0.833 for each such wrong answer,
total for every question that is which will be deducted from the
wrongly marked. total.
• Similarly, in the CSAT paper, since • Unattempted questions will not
we have 80 questions for 200 attract any negative marks.
marks, correctly answered CSAT
The rest of the seven papers can be written in any of the languages mentioned
under the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution of India or in English. The details of
the seven papers are as under:
100 Questions 80 Questions
200 Marks 200 Marks
Current Affairs - Current events of national and international importance
reasoning and
Interpersonal analytical
skills including ability
Making and Basic
problem numeracy
2. Subject-wise Weightage
Here is an analysis of the number of questions from each subject in the last
nine UPSC Prelims (General Studies I) Exams:
2018 28 15 8 13 16 7 13
2019 22 17 14 15 14 7 11
In the past few years, Current Affairs has had the highest weightage in the
syllabus of Prelims Examination
3. Mains Examination
(Subjective/Descriptive Type)
Mains Examination
(Subjective/Descriptive Type)
Qualifying Papers to be
Papers counted for Merit
GS Paper-I
Modern History
Mid 18th century to present-
significant events, Personalities, World & Indian Physical Geography
and Issues Salient Features of the World's
The Freedom Struggle- its Physical Geography
various stages and important Distribution of key natural
contributors/contributions from resources across the world
different parts of the country (including South Asia and the
Post-independence Indian sub-continent)
consolidation and reorganization Factors responsible for the
within the country location of primary, secondary,
and tertiary sector industries in
World History various parts of the world
The history of the world will (including India)
include events from the 18th
Social empowerment,
communalism, regionalism &
GEOGRAPHY secularism
Salient Feature of Indian Society,
Diversity of India
GS Paper-II
International Relations
GS Paper-III
GS Paper-IV
ETHICS, INTEGRITY consequences of Ethics in
human actions; dimensions of
AND APTITUDE ethics; ethics in private and
Ethics and Human Interface: public relationships. Human
Essence, determinants, and Values – lessons from the lives
Group 1
13. Law
Group 2
12. Manipuri
03 Ranks in
Top 10 06 Ranks in
Top 25 30 Ranks in
Top 100
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