BT Ica
BT Ica
BT Ica
meter and about half a meter depth for the
wall footing.
Building construction that requires wide
excavation or total extraction of the soil are
SPIRIT LEVEL - instrument or tool capable of classified into two categories depending upon
vertical and horizontal line check. the condition or location of the site. When the
area of the construction site is big that
there is enough spac to accommodate
PLUMB BOB - it’s uses for vertical line check.
working activities, storing of materials and
dumping ground for the excavated soil.
method of levelling (horizontal) batterboards
without transit.
TAPE MEASURE – a manual method of
squaring the corners of building lines in The function of a foundation is to transfer the
structural loads from a building safely into the ground.
building layout.
All foundations settle to some extent as the soil
SHEET PILLING – a barrier formed to
around beneath them adjust itself to these loads.
prevent the movement of soil to stabilize
Uniform settlement is usually of little
consequences in a building, but a differential
settlement can cause severe structural damage.
3 major parts of a building:
o sometimes called “staking out” which
SUPERSTRUCTURE – which is the above
means the process of relocating the
ground portion of the building.
point of boundaries and property line
of the site where the building is to be
constructed. SUBSTRUCTURE – which is the habitable
below-ground portion.
o It includes clearing, staking, batter
boards and establishes the exact FOUNDATION – which are the components of
location of the building foundation the building that transfer its load into the soil.
and wall line on the ground.
3 types of substructures:
EXCAVATION o transfer the load at a point far below the
categorized into two types: substructure.
o the minor and major excavation
depending upon the size and nature of ----------------------------------------------------------------------
the foundation to be constructed.
o Excavation for a small construction FOUNDATION
with independent wall, or combined carry or support the superstructure of the
footing is classified under the minor building.
excavation, while the rest which
requires size ables or total extraction
of the earth fall under the category of FOOTING
major construction. transmit the column load to the underlying soil
or rock
lower portion of the foundation structure.
independent footing and hollow block wall FOUNDATION BED
footing where the digging of the soil for the soil or rock directly beneath the footing.
o Square stepped footing
foundation bed is too weak to support a b) COMBINED FOOTING
raft footing, need to provide a material where two or more columns are spaced
to transfer the excess load to a greater depth closely to each other that their footing
wherein piles is the answer. will almost or completely merge.
PILE o Rectangular
small cross-sectional area with reasonable
length driven down the ground o Trapezoidal
distinguished from a caisson by being driven
into place rather than driled & poured.
clusters containing from two to twenty-five
distributes the load of the column or wall
equally among the piles.
similar to a column footing in that it spreads
the load from a column over a large enough
area of soil.
a. Compression stress
b. Tension stress
c. Shear stress
d. Torsion stress
reinforcement need to provide on beam to response to
positive and negative bending which may cause failure
or collapse of the structure.
o supporting compression load but weak
POST AND COLUMN in resisting tension forces.
Square splice
o half lapped used to resist tension. The different parts of a platform floor system are:
vertical face of astair. Types of roof frame
KICKER PLATE The three types of roof frame commonly used are:
stair anchor to concrete.
1. Rafters type
2. Truss type
Types of roof 3. Laminated type
GABLE OR PITCH ROOF The various kinds of rafters for roof constructions are:
o most common type and economical
form of roof made of triangular sections COMMON RAFTERS
consisting of two slopes meeting at the o extended at right angles from the plate
center of the ridge forming a gable. or girts t the ridge.
top of a rafter or top chord of a truss that FORM, SCAFFOLDING AND
supports the roof sheating. STAGING
temporary boarding, sheating or pans used to
produce the desired shape and size of
used in concrete construction.
Structural members of a building are built-up
into its specified dimensions by the use of
forms that serves as mould for the mixed
should be watertight, rigid and strong enough
to sustain the weight of concrete.
simple and economically designed to be
ROOF AND ROOFING remove easily and reassembled without
damage to themselves or to the concrete.
Factors considered in the selection of forms are:
Cost of materials
The term roof used here means the top covering of a
building that serves as a protective covering from the The construction and assembling cost
weather. The number of times it could be used
Strength and resistance to pressure and the tear &
Roofing classification according to the wear
materials used:
Wood form
most common and widely used forms in minor
or major construction.
Reinforced concrete
o plywood as form is generally economical
both in labor and materials.
Fiberglass o Plywood has plain even surface with uniform
METAL ROOFING o it offers fitted joints, eliminate dressing,
most common materials in building planing of the surface which is normal to
construction, this are classified as follows: wooden boards forms.
o Galvanized iron o Plywood is light-weight, handy and fast to
o Aluminum work on.
o Tin
o Titanium copper zinc
o Copper Metal form
o Stainless steel seldom used in building construction because
o Lead of the varied designs and shapes of the
Extensively used on road construction.
Pantile – a roofing tile which has the shape of “s” laid on
Inverted tee beam
Two types of framing: L –shaped beam
Longitudinal rib type aashto bridge girder – american association of
Perpendicular rib type state highway and transportation officials.
Wall panels The self-contained and the bond and friction methods
this type of precast structure has numerous can generally be classified as pre-tensioning or
designs depending upon the architectural post-tensioning system. These methods can be applied to
requirements. mass production of casting several meters long of
The different types of wall panels are: structure and cutting the individual beam or post to the
Flat type desired length out from the long casting.
Double tee type
Ribbed type thermal prestressing
o the steel is preheated by means of
Window or mullion type
electric power which are anchored
To improve the thermal insulation of the panel, against the opposite end of the concrete
foam glass, glass fiber or expanded plastic is inserted beam.
between two layers of lightweight concrete adequately
bonded interconnecting the two layers to act as one The causes of prestress losses are:
unit. Stresses in handling and erection of the member
is more than that of the finished filled structure, hence, Slip at anchorage
control of cracking is of great importance. Elastic shortening of concrete
Creep of concrete
Shrinkage of concrete
Relaxation of steel stress
Precast column
Precast column sizes are from .30 x .30m.
To .60 x .60m. In a multi- storey construction,
the columns are made continuous up to four WOOD MATERIALS
stories wherein corbels are used to provide
bearing for the beam. Tee column is WOOD
sometimes used to support directly double tee has durability and beauty
floor members without the use of intermediate great ability to absorb shocks from sudden
members. load and light in weight which adaptable in a
countless variety of purposes.
No. 2= ¼“ = 6 mm.
walls and ceilings and as reflective
No. 3= 3/8” = 10 mm.
No. 4= ½” = 12mm.
a lustrous reddish metal, highly ductile
and malleable; has high tensile strength,
No. 5= 5/8” = 16mm. is an excellent electrical and thermal
conductor, is available in a wide variety
No. 6= ¾” = 20mm. of shapes; widely used for downspouts,
electrical conductors, flashings gutters,
No. 7= 7/8” = 22mm. roofing, etc.
used for duco finish.
two component coatings consisting of a
pigmented primer or enamel and an activator or
Mixed just prior to use – has limited “pot life”
produces by chemical action a dense, hard film
similar to baked enamel.
has excellent resistant to solvents, chemicals,
physical abrasion, traffic wear, a cleaning
has good adhesion properties, color retention
and stain resistance.
Has good durability for exterior exposure but may
PIGMENT metal products used in construction, such as
provide the paints coverings or hiding power bolts, hinges, locks, tools, etc. They are classified
or its color. as:
self-bracket – any overhanging member U-B OLTS – to attach flat surface to round poles and
projecting from a wall or other body to support pipes.
a weight.
Joinery brackets
Metal bracket – used to support any cabinet or Mending plate
shelf. T-plate
Flat corner plate
spring door closer – attached above a screen L-bracket
door to automatically close it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
door stopper – to prevent the door with its AWNING – an architectural projected window.
lockset from harming the wall or tiles. BAY WINDOW – a window which projects
outside the main line of a building.
THERMAL INSULATION Larger than a single family house, it is necessary to
determine the soil and water condition beneath the site.
In cold weather, we are interested in transferring heat
from furnaces, radiators, heating panels, into various Method of soil testing:
rooms of our buildings. At the same time we are
interested in preventing that heat from being 1. DIGGING TEST PITS – are useful when
transferred from the interior of the building to the foundation is not expected to extend deeper that
outside. about 8 feet which is the maximum practical reach
of small excavation machine.
During the summer, it is important that we prevent the
transfer of hot outside temperatures to the working and 2. TEST BORING – boring with standard
living space within our buildings. penetration tests can give an indication of the
bearing capacity of the soil by the number of
All of these are done by the judicious use of materials blows of a standard driving hammer required to
which is best prevent the transfer of heat, this we call advance a sampling tube into the soil by a fixed
thermal insulation. amount.
o which are impervous to moisture Material used in pile foundation are:
penetration resulting from continuous o Timber
contact with the earth o Concrete
o Reflective insulation o Steel
o Aluminum foil
o Copper- foil insulations
o Reflective insulation
o Sheet foil
□ H-bearing piles
□ Bos piles
□ Rail piles