2021 689 Moesm1 Esm
2021 689 Moesm1 Esm
2021 689 Moesm1 Esm
– Supplementary Information –
Max Hering,1, 2 Francesco Ferrari,3 Aleksandar Razpopov,3 Igor I.
Mazin,4 Roser Valentı́,3 Harald O. Jeschke,5 and Johannes Reuther1, 2
Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie, Hahn-Meitner Platz 1, 14109 Berlin, Germany
Dahlem Center for Complex Quantum Systems and Fachbereich Physik, Freie Universität Berlin, 14195 Berlin, Germany
Institute for Theoretical Physics, Goethe University Frankfurt,
Max-von-Laue-Straße 1, 60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Department of Physics and Astronomy, and Quantum Science and Engineering Center,
George Mason University, Fairfax, VA 22030, USA
Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Science, Okayama University, Okayama 700-8530, Japan
(Dated: November 29, 2021)
U (eV) J1 (K) J2 (K) J3 (K) J4 (K) J5 (K) J6 (K) J8 (K) TCW (K)
4 11.3(9) 161.1(6) 189.1(9) -0.5(1.0) 4.2(6) 0.5(6) 2.0(9) -122
4.5 10.2(7) 149.3(5) 174.0(7) -0.9(8) 3.8(5) 0.5(5) 1.4(7) -113
5 9.1(6) 138.7(4) 160.3(6) -1.2(7) 3.4(4) 0.4(4) 0.9(6) -104
5.23 8.7(6) 134.2(4) 154.4(6) -1.3(7) 3.2(4) 0.4(4) 0.7(6) -100
5.5 8.2(5) 129.1(3) 147.8(5) -1.4(5) 3.0(3) 0.4(3) 0.5(5) -96
6 7.4(4) 120.2(3) 136.4(4) -1.4(5) 2.7(3) 0.3(3) 0.2(4) -89
6.5 6.6(3) 112.0(2) 125.8(3) -1.5(4) 2.3(2) 0.3(2) 0.0(3) -82
7 5.9(3) 104.4(2) 116.0(3) -1.4(3) 2.0(2) 0.2(2) -0.2(3) -76
7.5 5.2(2) 97.2(2) 106.9(2) -1.4(3) 1.7(2) 0.2(2) -0.3(2) -70
8 4.5(2) 90.5(1) 98.5(2) -1.3(2) 1.5(2) 0.1(2) -0.4(2) -65
Supplementary Table 1. Exchange couplings of Y3 Cu9 (OH)19 Cl8 (SXRD structure), calculated within GGA+U and 6 × 6 × 6 k points.
The experimental value TCW = −100 K of the Curie Weiss temperature is matched by the line in bold face. Statistical errors are
U (eV) J1 (K) J2 (K) J3 (K) J4 (K) J5 (K) J6 (K) J7 (K) TCW (K)
4 11.2(7) 151.4(8) 154.3(5) -1.0(7) 5.7(5) 0.8(5) 3.3(7) -108
4.46 10.3(7) 139.8(8) 143.9(5) -1.3(7) 5.2(5) 0.8(5) 2.6(7) -100
4.5 10.3(6) 138.8(7) 143.0(4) -1.3(6) 5.2(4) 0.7(4) 2.6(6) -99
5 9.4(5) 127.4(6) 132.7(3) -1.5(5) 4.6(3) 0.6(3) 1.9(5) -91
5.5 8.5(4) 117.1(5) 123.4(3) -1.6(4) 4.1(3) 0.5(3) 1.4(4) -84
6 7.7(3) 107.7(4) 114.9(2) -1.6(3) 3.6(2) 0.5(2) 1.1(3) -78
6.5 6.8(3) 99.1(3) 107.0(2) -1.6(3) 3.2(2) 0.4(2) 0.7(3) -72
7 6.1(2) 91.1(3) 99.6(2) -1.5(2) 2.8(2) 0.3(2) 0.5(2) -66
7.5 5.3(2) 83.8(2) 92.7(1) -1.4(2) 2.4(2) 0.2(2) 0.3(2) -61
8 4.5(2) 77.0(2) 86.3(1) -1.3(2) 2.1(1) 0.2(1) 0.1(2) -56
Supplementary Table 2. Exchange couplings of Y3 Cu9 (OH)19 Cl8 (SND structure), calculated within GGA+U and 6 × 6 × 6 k points.
The experimental value TCW = −100 K of the Curie Weiss temperature is matched by the line in bold face. Statistical errors are
to four other trimers by a J9 bond). In this limit, the Supplementary Note 3. More on the classical spin liquid
~ = (1/3, 1/3) magnetic order of our model reduces to the
Q phase
√ √
3 × 3 order [3] of the effective kagome lattice made by
the antiferromagnetic trimers. It is worth mentioning that the J = J 0 line represents
a special case within this region, where coplanar ground
As discussed in the main text, the linear spin wave dis- states with L~ 4 = 0 can be analytically defined. Indeed, in
persion of the Q ~ = (1/3, 1/3) order in the strong hexagon
this special limit, for each triangle we can write
(J J9 , Fig.3a) and trimer (J J9 , Fig.3c) limits share
similarities with those of the√triangular
√ lattice 120◦ order [1] ~ 4 = JS
L ~b + S
~a + S
~ a0 , (1)
and of the kagome lattice 3 × 3 order [3], respectively.
In Supplementary Fig. 3 we show the linear spin wave dis- where a and a0 are two neighboring sites of sublattice A,
persions for the latter two cases, for comparison. b is a site of sublattice B and we have set J9 = 1 for
t9 eiϕ9
t9 ei(ϕ9 +π)
2 2'
1 1'
1 1' 2 2 2 2
2' 2' 1' 1'
Supplementary Figure 7. Diagrammatic representation of the PFFRG flow equations for ΣΛ (circle) and ΓΛ (square). Slashed (bare)
arrows depict the single-scale propagator S Λ (dressed propagator GΛ ). Since the two-particle vertex couples to the three-particle
vertex (hexagon), the flow equations are truncated at this level. External legs contain one full set of quantum numbers each and
internal quantum numbers have to be summed up or integrated.
In this Supplementary Note we discuss the origin of the which forms the basis for various analytical techniques for
unusual peak shift in the classical Monte Carlo data for the studying classical spin systems. Here, the sites i are char-
SXRD structure as a function of temperature, as observed acterized by the two indices a and ρ, specifying the unit cell
in Fig. 5 of the main text. A possible explanation for this and the sublattice of site i, respectively. Similarly, j → b, σ
behavior comes from the system’s coupling matrix in mo- and Jij → Jaρbσ , yielding the 9×9 matrix Jρσ (~k). Further-
mentum space ~ a, R
~ b specify the positions of the unit cells a and
more, R
b. Diagonalizing this matrix for the couplings of the SXRD
~ ~ ~
Jρσ (~k) = eik(Ra −Rb ) Jaρbσ , (2) structure one finds that the third band (when counting from
ra −~
~ rb the lowest one) is in an energy range from E ∼ 0.6J to
E ∼ 1.3J relative to the bottom of the lowest band. This on top of the Gutzwiller-projected fermionic state [see
intermediate energy range roughly corresponds to the tem- Eq. (4)]. The optimal parametrization of the hoppings,
perature regime at which the peak shift in Monte Carlo is which yields the best variational energy for the exchange
observed, i.e., the third band can be expected to be con- couplings of the SXRD structure, is illustrated in Supple-
nected to these unusual thermal fluctuations. Indeed, as mentary Fig. 6.
shown in Supplementary Fig. 5 the third band exhibits a
pronounced valley between the K and Γ points (dashed line
in Supplementary Fig. 5) such that fluctuations preferably
occur along this direction. Note that the magnetic band
structure is defined in the first Brillouin zone such that all
points Γ0 , Γ00 are folded back onto Γ and, equivalently, K10 ,
K20 , K30 all map onto K. Supplementary Note 6. Additional DFT results
Supplementary Note 5. Details on the variational Monte In this Supplementary Note we present the full set of
Carlo calculations Heisenberg exchange coupling constants up to nth neigh-
bors. These values were extracted from spin-polarized ab
The variational Monte Carlo (VMC) calculations for initio DFT calculations by making use of the total energy
the Hamiltonian of Y-kapellasite make use of Gutzwiller- mapping method as explained in the main text. Supple-
projected fermionic wave functions as variational Ansätze. mentary Table 1 shows the results for the SXRD structure
The definition of these states is based on the Abrikosov (see Fig. 6 of the main text for the definition of J9 , J and
fermion representation of S = 1/2 spins, J 0 ) up to 8th neighbors, and Supplementary Table 2 shows
the results for the SND structure up to 7th neighbors, where
~i = 1 the definitions of J9 , J and J 0 are indicated in Supplemen-
X †
S ci,α~σα,β ci,β . (3)
2 tary Fig. 8. As explained in the method section of the main
text, we perform the energy mapping method by calculating
Here ~σ = (σx , σy , σz ) is a vector of Pauli matrices and far more total energies than would be minimally required
ci,α (c†i,α ) are fermionic annihilation (creation) operators. to extract the exchange interactions; for example, for ex-
Within this formalism, suitable variational states for spin tracting 7 exchange interactions, we calculate 24 energies
systems can be Pconstructed by applying the Gutzwiller pro- instead of the minimal number 8. Fitting the Hamiltonian
jector, PG = i (ni,↑ − ni,↓ )2 , to a fermionic wave func- using singular value decomposition yields a statistical error
tion, e.g. a Slater determinant [5]. The Gutzwiller op- for the exchange couplings which is indicated in Tables 1 to
erator enforces the single occupation of each lattice site 3. These errors give an indication of the uncertainty of the
and projects the fermionic wave function onto the spin Hamiltonian parameters calculated for a particular crystal
Hilbert space. In this work, we consider Gutzwiller-projected structure; however, the impact of the uncertainties in the
Jastrow-Slater variational Ansätze of the form crystal structure on the exchange couplings is not included.
|Ψ0 i = J PG |Φ0 i. (4) In order to check the presence of possible long-ranged
coupling constants, we also performed calculations for larger
Here, |Φ0 i is the ground state of an auxiliary quadratic
supercells of the SXRD structure and extracted values of
Hamiltonian of Abrikosov fermions, named H0 , which
the exchange coupling constants up to 24th neighbors, as
includes first-neighbor hopping terms (ti,j ) and a site-
shown in Table 3. This calculation is computationally very
dependent magnetic field of strength h:
demanding and cannot be repeated for all structures and
ti,j c†i,σ cj,σ + h.c. + h values of U . However, it is an important sanity check be-
H0 = ~i .
n̂i · S (5)
hi,ji σ i
cause it is the nature of the energy mapping method that
a calculation with a small cell yielding few exchange in-
The local orientation of the magnetic field, given by the unit teractions effectively provides information on each coupling
vector n̂Qi , is chosen such that it induces the optimal single-
with some average of unresolved longer range exchange cou-
~ classical order in the (Sx , Sy )-plane. Since we focus on
Q plings added to it. By resolving more couplings as shown in
the exchange couplings derived for the SXRD structure of Supplementary Table 3, we have verified that there are no
Y-kapellasite, our magnetic field corresponds to the best important long range exchange couplings that could have in-
classical order with Q ~ = (1/3, 1/3) periodicity. Non-trivial troduced errors into the couplings shown in Supplementary
quantum fluctuations are introduced by the hopping terms Tables 1 and 2 or that would significantly modify the mag-
ti,j of the auxiliary Hamiltonian H0 , and by the application netic properties. Comparing the coupling J5 at U = 5.23 eV
of a long-range spin-spin Jastrow obtained in the smaller cell (J5 = 3.2(4) K) to that obtained
in the large supercell (J5 = 1.0(5) K), we find that the larger
X value 3.2 K is not substantiated, and it is reasonable to fo-
J = exp v(i, j)Siz Sjz . (6) cus all further analysis on the first three exchange couplings
i,j J9 , J and J 0 .
Supplementary Note 7. Comparison of VMC and PFFRG magnetic order are discretized. It is interesting to note that
results taking a pure hopping Ansatz within VMC, i.e. discarding
the magnetic field variational parameter (cfr. Supplemen-
tary Note 5), we obtain a broad susceptibility profile with
While VMC and PFFRG both find magnetic long range shifted peaks, which is very similar to the one provided by
order for Y-kapellasite, the small peak shift and the rather PFFRG. However, the corresponding variational state has a
broad susceptibility profile in PFFRG are not seen in VMC, considerably higher energy. Possibly, this energy could be
which detects sharp Bragg peaks at the ordering vectors reduced if one were able to implement a magnetic field varia-
(compare Fig. 7 and Fig.8 b of the main text). Given that tional parameter for an incommensurate structure, while at
the two techniques are conceptually very different and rely the same time maintaining broad susceptibility peaks and
on different approximations, such discrepancies are not sur- thereby reaching better agreement with PFFRG. On the
prising. For example, detecting incommensurate magnetic other hand, it is possible that PFFRG and VMC results will
order within VMC is a hard task, because the calculations resemble each other more closely when promoting the PF-
are restricted to finite-size clusters and thus the vectors of FRG towards the aforementioned multi-loop scheme.
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