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Conference Paper · May 2015


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2 authors:

Stjepan Galamboš Jovan Dorić

University of Novi Sad University of Novi Sad


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University of Banja Luka
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
DEMI 2015
19 71

12. International Conference

on Accomplishments
in Electrical and
Mechanical Engineering
and Information Technology


Stjepan Galamboš1, Jovan Dorić2

Summary: This paper presents the method of modeling and design of the car body using
modern software tools, in order to obtain as much as possible realistic models suitable
for further analysis. The work is based on elements of aerodynamics and vehicle
dynamics and impact of external influences on it. Also, model verification with numerical
calculations was conducted in this research. After a detailed analysis of the obtained
results with CFD, it was concluded that the model of the car with the geometric
simplifications meets the criteria of accuracy and this was completely capable for the
further course of the analysis. This paper presents the procedures for obtaining the
results from a combination of more modern tools (CCM+), which is certainly a trend in
modern ways of designing and constructing.
Key words: Aerodynamics, Car's body, CatiaV5, CFD, analysis

Aerodynamics represents a special scientific filed that has a huge impact on
modern automotive engineering. Aerodynamics deals with the influence of external
factors on the observed object, as well as the shape of the object in order to achieve the
desired performance. The aerodynamics forces and coefficients heavily influence the
behavior of vehicles on the road. The main three aerodynamics forces are Drag Force,
Lift Force and Lateral Force. Every one of these forces has angular rotation around its
axis, that are Roll, Pitch and Yaw. [1] [2]
Property testing of this work is the previously modeled BMW’s car body, type Z4.
This vehicle model was made on the actual model and its technical documentation. After
modeling, testing facility was introduced in a simplified version of the wind tunel, in which
the means of simulations performed a detailed analysis of the impact of the external
factors on the subject. After that, the results are analyzed and comparisons and
verification of numerical calculations for that vehicle are performed.

MSc, Stjepan Galamboš, Novi Sad, University in Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences,
([email protected])
Dr, Jovan Dorić, Novi Sad, University in Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, ([email protected])

Stjepan Galamboš, Jovan Dorić


In order to carry out an analysis and subsequent corrections of the shape of the
car body, it is necessary to establish a model using CAD 3d modeling software first. The
model must be made in accordance with the terms of the CFD (Computer Fluid
Dynamics) software which will be conducted postprocesing. Based on previous
experience, as well as CatiaV5 CAD software, the use of which is familiar with the top
leaders of the automotive industry. [3]
First, it is necessary to introduce a set of image projections models in the correct
position, based on the actual dimensions, since the true model is in scale 1:1. Next,
figure 1 ilustrated the image projections in the Catia software. After that, the modeling
process was included by basically making car’s body from one solid cuboid. Below that
solid cuboid parts were removed with Pocket Catia’s function on the real dimensions by
image projections. That step is illustrated on the Figure 2. After this step, car’s body
model is ready for introduction into CFD software for further analysis.

Fig. 1 Image projections Fig. 2 Final CAD model of car’s body


Star CCM+ is one of the leading softwares in the CFD family which, in addition
to calculating the same aerodynamics and the impact of air flow to the observed model,
can perform detailed calculations and analysis in the field of mechanics,
thermodynamics, heat transfer process inside of the shock of large systems, etc. [4]
After the introduction of the CAD model, it is necessary to access its detailed
settings in order to achieve the desired goal. One of the main adjustment steps is making
excellent model regions. Shere the model regions or boundary of the model is performed
using the Mesh function in CFD software. Adjustment of Mesh was made based on the
recommendations from the literature[4]. Figures 3 illustrated made Mash for wind tunel
in generally and only on the vehicle model.

Fig. 3 Ilustration of Mash function by CFD software

Design and Analysis of Car Body Using CFD Software


Display and processing of the obtained simulation results are divided into three
categories, according to the speed of air flow in the wind tunnel (80, 120 and 160 km/h),
and the reciprocal of the velocity of the vehicle on the other side. This is followed by
another part reserved for results and discussions.
Next, figure 4 illustrated the field of air flow velocity in wind tunnel, and field of
pressure for air speed of 80 km/h. That illustration was made cross section, in the central
longitudinal axis of the wind tunnel.

Fig. 4 Illustration of velocity and pressre fields in wind tunel

Because of the great similarity between the illustranion images for flow velocity
of 80, 120 and 160 km/h, the display of the obtained values is limited to the tabulation.
All results concerning forces and coefficients are illustrated in next table 1.

Table 1 Comparative results

Air Velocity in Wind Tunnel 80 km/h 120 km/h 160 km/h
Frontal area of car model (Const.) 1,774 m2 1,774 m2 1,774 m2
Air Drag Force Fd 200,08 445,89 N 791,73 N
Lift Force Fl 158,85 358,42 N 644,42 N
Drag Coefficient Cd 0,370 0,367 0,367
Lift Coefficient Cl 0,294 0,295 0,298

Based on the examined values of forces and coefficients obtained from
analytical and CFD simulation, it can be concluded that varying the geometry of the
model contributes significantly on the change in the values of forces and coefficients. It
is shown that on the basis of a simplified model and a very accurate and precise tuning
characteristics, related to physics and network models, CFD software can achieve the
desired accuracy. At this level of testing aerodynamic model has shown its positive side
simplifications, but if it was entered into a detailed analysis of individual components or
parts of the car body modeling should be raised to a higher level of detail . Three
specified speeds are major break-even rate at which one can clearly see all of the above
phenomena through force and the coefficient on the basis of which we can make further
analysis. Furthermore, software packages that are presented in this paper and their
complexity evidenced by the fact that everything is demanded of them in terms of work
represent only a small part of their real capabilities, which require a very long and
arduous period of learning and training. Also made a very good connection between the

Stjepan Galamboš, Jovan Dorić

software that has very differing Windows spectra areas of work and activities, which
certainly is one of the modern methods of design and construction.

[1] Milovanović M. (2013) Projektovanje karoserije automobila – monografija.
Kragujevac. Srbija
[2] Gillespie T. (1992) Fundamentals of Vehicle Dynamics. Society of Automotive
Engineers. USA
[3] Tickoo S. (2005) CatiaV5R17 for Designers. Purdue University Calumet and
CADSIM Technologies. USA
[4] Anonim 1. (2013) User Guide Star-CCM+. CD-Adapco Coorporation. Melville.


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