Activity Lesson 7 The Human Person in The Society

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Name: Gillian O.

Tingzon Subject: Philosophy

Strand/Grade/Section: STEMGR12-AM_BOSEC1 Subject Teacher: Mr. Randell Serrano

LESSON 7: The Human Person in the Society

Instructions: Explain the following statements and give concrete examples.

1. The relationship between individuals and societies.
• The statement says that individuals make up society through the exchange of various goods
such as materials and services. The exchange of materials is important in many societies
because it is how one group within society relates to another. People rely on the various
services that people exchange. Humans are social beings; they rely on one another and on
themselves. Society is what brings and keeps people together.PX4SxkgT

2. Human relations are transformed by the social system.

• According to the statement above, humans are the most social beings, which is why our
culture and social system influence practically every aspect of our lives. Similarly, the social system influences
and transforms human relationships in the same way that religions and other social system components
influence relationship between people of different religions, cultures and communities.


TRUE 1. In the Medieval era, faith and reason were separate.

TRUE 2. Geometry became predominant in the 18th century.
TRUE3. The method of doubt by Descartes deals with the supernatural.
TRUE 4. In the 19Th century, manufacturing changed by human interaction with one another.
FALSE 5. Changes in Society remained simple.
TRUE 6. At present, modern success is measured by how one master’s technology and science.
TRUE 7. Science and technology have become an attitude in the present era.
TRUE 8. Globalization is both beneficial and destructive.
TRUE 9. Friends are important because they know and accept us for who we are.
However, we end up pleasing them.
FALSE 10. For Plato, soldiers ought to have political power

Deadline of Submissions: November 18, 2022 (7:00 PM)


Instruction: With the freedom you have, write a letter, make a collage, video presentation or
anything you want to do to make a message to your MOTHER.

Deadline of Submissions: November 18, 2022 (7:00 PM)

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