Healing Power of Hejhrbs

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Healing Power Of Herbs

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e-book provides information only up to the publishing date. Therefore,
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The purpose of this e-book is to educate. The author and the publisher
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Healing Power Of Herbs

Healing Power Of Herbs

Table of Contents

Introduction ............................................................................. 7
Where It All Began...................................................................... 7
Variation Of Use ......................................................................... 8
Uses Of Herbal Medicine .............................................................. 8
Safety In Usage ......................................................................... 9

Chapter 1: Advantages And Disadvantages Of Alternative

Herbal Medicines .................................................................... 10
Natural Ingredients ................................................................... 11
Cost-Effective Solution .............................................................. 11
No Allergic Reactions ................................................................ 11
The Disadvantage Of Using Herbal Medicines ............................... 12
Alternative Herbal Medicine For A Healthier You .......................... 12
Healthy Facts About Herbal Medicines ......................................... 13
Herbal Medicine and Weight Loss ................................................ 13
Herbal Medicines To Promote Proper Health ................................. 13
Safety Precautions In Using Herbal Medicines ............................... 14

Chapter 2: Growing an Herb Garden Outdoors ........................ 15

Herbs To Grow In Your Spring Garden ........................................ 17
Supplies You Need To Grow Herbs ............................................. 18

Chapter 3: Famous Alternative Herbal Medicines Used Today . 21

Natural Healing Method Using Alternative Herbal Medicine ............ 23
The Benefits Of The Natural Healing Method ................................ 24
Acupuncture ............................................................................ 24
Reiki and Qi Gong ..................................................................... 25
Proper Use Of Herbal Medicines .................................................. 25

Healing Power Of Herbs

Chapter 4: Herbal Healing Basics ............................................ 26

Learn About The Powerful Healing Properties Of Herbs .................. 26
Learn About The Powerful Healing Properties Of Herbs .................. 26
Treating Wounds With Herbs ..................................................... 28
Treating Cancer With Herbs ...................................................... 29

Chapter 5: Tips For Herb Growing Success Indoors ................ 31

Ten Herbs To Grow In Your Kitchen ........................................... 33
Common Mistakes When Growing Herbs ..................................... 34

Chapter 6: Alternative Herbal Medicine And Weight Loss ........ 36

Herbal Weight Loss Program ...................................................... 36
Usage Of Herbal Products For Weight Loss ................................... 37
Some Herbal Ingredients Useful For Weight Loss .......................... 37
Properly Using Alternative Herbal Medicine Effectively .................. 38
The Safe Alternative Solution To Health Problems ......................... 38
Safety First: Get The Right Product For Your Health Problem .......... 39
Check The Company That Made The Herbal Product ...................... 39
Follow The Proper Dosage .......................................................... 40

Chapter 7: Natural Home-Made Remedies .............................. 41

Alternative Herbal Medicine Facts ............................................... 41
Preparation Is Important ........................................................... 42
Antioxidants - Garlic, Onion, And Pepper ..................................... 42
The Best Medicine - Ginseng ...................................................... 43
Eastern Alternative Herbal Medicine for Western Children ............. 43
East Meets West ....................................................................... 44
Sensitive and Fragile ................................................................. 44
Prevention and Herbal Medication ............................................... 45

Healing Power Of Herbs

Chapter 8: Detoxing With Herbs ............................................. 46

Clean Up The Body ................................................................... 46
Top Herbs To Keep On Hand ..................................................... 47

Conclusion .............................................................................. 49

Healing Power Of Herbs


The use of alternative herbal medicine can be traced back to

ancient times.

The lack of modern medical technology has made our ancestors

improve their healing arts by making use of nature's gifts. Even today,
current medical discoveries are mostly based on the findings and
usage of natural herbal components by early civilization, improving it
to become useful in today's health-related concerns.

Where It All Began

The use of alternative herbal medicine started out as trial and error.
Application looms large in the practice than actual research; though
the latter came sometime later when medical practices started its

The basic application of herbal medicine involves disinfecting wounds

or used as a poultice. Later discovery on the method involves
pounding leaves and roots to paste for directly administering it to

Healing Power Of Herbs

It later evolved into combination with other potent medicine to

improve its effects and was even later introduced to meals and normal
human diet to promote better health and improve physical, emotional,
and mental recovery.

Variation Of Use

The use of herbal medicine varies according to the customs, traditions,

and beliefs of the different races. Medical practitioners of the Orient
tend to use herbal components in all aspect of their daily lifestyle --
integrating them into a person's daily diet to promote healing and
longevity, as well as improving their normal rejuvenation capabilities.

Oriental medical practitioners are also known to use herbal products

alongside energy therapy, like Qi Gong and Reiki. Energies provided by
an experienced practitioner of the arts stimulate the healing process
from the outside, while nutrients and extract from herbal components
works its function on the inside to achieve total body rejuvenation.

North American's use of herbal medicine varies; aside from its basic
use to treat wounds and cure minor ailments, these natural
components are also utilized in tribal ceremonies and customs - to
drive away evil spirits, blessing during weddings and celebrations, and
so on. Some of these healing traditions involving herbal components
are carried on even today.

Uses Of Herbal Medicine

Alternative herbal medicine has many uses today. Aside from being
utilized for physical ailments -- like sore throat, fever, flu, diarrhea --
herbal concoction are now being used to address emotional and mental

Certain plants have the capability to help a person relax to cope with
their emotional and mental problems. Peppermint, for example, is
known to have a minty quality that can cool a person's temper or help
a person relax during stressful times.

Also, herbal products today are also utilized to improve the body's
overall performance -- boosting a person's stamina, improving the
body's defense against infection, and so on.
Healing Power Of Herbs

Safety In Usage

It's true that alternative herbal medicine is safe to use as compared to

its synthetic counterpart, but it is essential to take some necessary
precaution to ensure that there will be no side-effects or allergic
reactions to its ingredients to promote body wellness.

Consultation of a medical expert is necessary to determine whether it

is safe for you to use herbal products or not. Even if the medicine
worked on others, there is a possibility that it will have a reverse effect
depending on your body's chemistry.

Such is the case; it is essential to have doctor look at your present

medical condition to determine if you are compatible with the
alternative herbal medicine or not.

Healing Power Of Herbs

Chapter 1: Advantages And

Disadvantages Of Alternative
Herbal Medicines

Alternative herbal medicines are considered to be the best

solution to address the growing number of health-related
concerns today.

Rather than making use of synthetic medications commonly prescribed

by their doctors, smart consumers today are looking for an alternative
solution to address their health problems without having to dish out
hundreds of dollars for treatment, as well as potential allergic
reactions to the chemicals used on synthetic products.

Before starting out on your journey towards alternative healing, it

would be best to know the advantages and disadvantages of herbal
medicines to ensure that you are getting your money's worth in
addressing your health-related concerns.

Healing Power Of Herbs

Natural Ingredients

Medical and pharmaceutical companies that bring you herbal

medicines only make use of natural ingredients for their products.

Extracting the natural compounds found in plants is carefully

formulated to ensure that every pill or tablet is filled with the essential
nutrients to address your health concerns improve your body's natural
recovery process.

If you check out the labels of herbal products, you will see that they
are mostly from the extracts of plants. No synthetic chemicals and
formulas are needed to complete the medicine.

There might be a few others that are integrated into the mix to
improve its effects, but government health agencies ensure that it will
not get in the way of your treatment.

Cost-Effective Solution

One of the advantages of herbal products is their price. They are a lot
cheaper compared to synthetic medicines commonly prescribed by
doctors today.

In fact, low-budget consumers are opting for this solution to their

health problems in order to get as much savings they can get to
address their health-related concerns.

The reason why alternative herbal medicines are cheaper is because of

the ingredients used in it. No expensive chemicals are used in the
formulation of the medicine and the ingredients can be grown almost
anywhere under the right conditions.

No Allergic Reactions

You don’t have to worry about what you eat when you take in herbal
products for your health problems. Since the ingredients are 100%
natural, you don’t have to be careful about your meals causing allergic
reactions that will compromise your health.

Healing Power Of Herbs

But it would be best to have a doctor look at the herbal medicine you
plan to use and undergo a serious of laboratory exams to determine
that your system is compatible with it.

Even if the product worked for some, there are no guarantees that it
will have the same effect when you take it in yourself.

The Disadvantage Of Using Herbal Medicines

With all the advantages stated above in the use of herbal medicines as
a treatment method, many would think that there are no complications
when using it whenever they feel like it. This is a common
misconception that often leads to more health-related problems.

We can never deny the fact that herbal products are classified as
medicines and should be treated as such. Proper formulation and
dosage are necessary for a safe use.

Consumers are urged to follow the dosage indicated on the label of the
herbal medicine or to consult a health expert or your family doctor to
safely determine the proper usage of the product.

It is also advisable to undergo a consultation and physical or

laboratory examination to ensure that your body will not react with
alternative herbal medicine for your health problems.

Alternative Herbal Medicine For A Healthier You

Alternative herbal medicine offers a healthy solution for a total body

makeover. You don’t have to dish out thousands of dollars a month
just to keep your body in top shape.

It's true that there are plenty of high-end medical equipment and
synthetic drugs made by pharmaceutical companies to help you fight
health-related problems, but the cost of the treatment and side-effects
might prove to be a hindrance to you rather than a benefit.

Healing Power Of Herbs

Healthy Facts About Herbal Medicines

As the name suggest, herbal medicines are made from plants. There
are certain plants that contain chemicals and extracts that is highly
beneficial to the human body. Herbal products sold in health and
fitness shops today uses only 100% natural ingredients to fight certain
health conditions.

The aim of this natural healing method is to boost the body's immune
system to fight off ailments naturally, rather than subject your body to
synthetic chemicals that might prove harmful to your health.

Herbal Medicine and Weight Loss

One of the most common uses of herbal medicines is for weight loss.
There are certain plants that are used as dietary supplements to
reduce your waistline without having to drink fat-burning pills using
synthetic compounds.

Weight loss herbal products contain certain ingredients to help you get
rid of unwanted fat. you can go for hunger suppressant if you are
prone to excessive eating or look for ingredients that will help your
body burn more cholesterol or fat easily.

Also, weight loss herbal products are partnered with physical exercise
for better results. You can take them along with your daily meals and
wait for the effects to appear on your body.

If you want a speedy weight loss, then you might want to undergo a
physical weight loss program so you can help your body get rid of fats
and calories faster.

Herbal Medicines To Promote Proper Health

Our body needs a specific amount of nutrients for it to function

normally. Vitamins you can buy in the local pharmacy can provide you
with enough energy to help you last for a day, but it can only do so
much if your body itself is deteriorating rapidly.

Herbal medicines are formulated to address all the body's basic

functions. Instead of just providing you with the vitamins and nutrients
Healing Power Of Herbs

you need to keep it functioning, these natural products were designed

to enhance each and every area of your body for it to perform better -
- and taking vitamins on top of your herbal supplement will only boost
the effects.

Safety Precautions In Using Herbal Medicines

Herbal medicines are not without its danger when used. The problem
is not with the ingredients that the product is made of, but in the
actual use of the product the certain medical conditions may arise.

One of the common problems attributed to the use of alternative

herbal medicine is self-medication. There might be certain instances
wherein the proper dosage indicated on the label is not the prescribed
measurement for our use.

It is essential that you consult an expert first so that they can

determine the exact content of the herbal product and come up with a
safe way to use it to avoid complications.

Also, consumers are urged to avoid taking in more of the product to

avoid having problems with it. Many would think that alternative
herbal medicines are safe to use and drinking more of it in one sitting
would hasten the process this is wrong.

Instead of being beneficial to the body, over-dosage would only result

to more health concern cropping up in your system.

Healing Power Of Herbs

Chapter 2: Growing an Herb

Garden Outdoors

For some cooks, having an outdoor herb garden is the ultimate

in luxury.

Not only will everything be beautiful, but it’ll taste delicious too. Good
cooking relies on good ingredients that inspire you to cook at a whole
new level. An outdoor herb garden can make all the difference. What’s
more, it’s not hard to do.

Location – The location of your herb garden is very important. You

want it to be close to your kitchen, so you can easily go out and get
some for dinner.

Consider using pots so that you can easily move them inside if needed
for inclement weather. If you do that, you can grow herbs right on a
trolley in pots and move it around where you want it.

Prepare The Soil – You can simply buy a premixed soil for herbs and
edible gardens. You can get that soil from any garden store including
Lowe's, Home Depot, and Walmart. It’s easy to find and easy to use.
Healing Power Of Herbs

You can also mix your own if you compost. However, you’ll need to
know what each plant needs to ensure that you get it right.

Choose Your Herbs – Determine which herbs you want to plant. If

you use the pot method instead of putting them directly into the
ground, you can plant anything you want.

Otherwise, you need to learn which herbs should be planted together

and which shouldn’t. Planting herbs as companion plants with the rest
of your garden can work wonders too.

Start from Seeds or Plants – If you’re starting from seeds, you’ll

probably need to get them started inside to baby them a little. If
you’re starting with plants, just plant them in the spot you’ve set up
for that plant.

Water – Of course you need water. Make sure you have good water.
If your water has a lot of minerals in it or smells a lot like bleach, you
may have issues. You may need another way to water your plants
such as rainwater catchment or water that is filtered without added

Prune/Trim/Pinch – Each type of herb is a little different regarding

its care. Research your herb so that you know how to prune it properly
as it’s growing to get the most from it. Also, learn how to properly
harvest herbs from your plants so that you can keep them growing for
a long time.

Finally, enjoy your efforts with your first harvest. Start looking up
recipes that use more herbs so that you can get the most enjoyment
out of your outdoor herb garden. You can even dry them or freeze
them so that you can easily use them all year long.

To freeze, add to an ice tray, then add water. To add to soups and
stews, just add an ice cube. To dry, hang upside down in an airy place
and store in a cool, dry place.

Healing Power Of Herbs

Herbs To Grow In Your Spring Garden

If you are looking for an affordable, easy and great way to enhance
the flavor of your foods, then start an herb garden. Herbs take little
effort and do not need much space.

In fact, it’s best to plant herbs in containers to keep the soil well
drained. This way you can bring them inside during the cooler months

Basil – Basil has a warm and spicy flavor that pairs perfectly with
soups and sauces. The best way to use up basil is to make pesto. Basil
can be seeded directly into the garden during late spring and needs
lots of sunlight.

Chervil – Chervil is an herb that has a similar flavor to anise seeds.

It’s an uncommon herb that won’t traditionally be found in grocery
stores, but it adds great flavor to your morning eggs. Plant chervil
when there are no signs of frost to come, because it's sensitive to cold

Cilantro – Cilantro is a great herb to add a fresh flavor to guacamole

and salsas. Cilantro aids digestion and is high in potassium. Make sure
to keep your cilantro and parsley separate to not confuse the two. Pick
a spot in the garden that offers the most sunlight and well-drained
soil. Cilantro is sensitive to drought, so make sure to keep the soil

Epazote – If you enjoy cooking Mexican food then you need epazote
in your garden, because it is unlikely you will find it in a grocery store.
It has a peppery and minty flavor that is often found in beans and
stews at Mexican restaurants. Once the danger of frost has passed,
plant epazote in well-drained soil with access to full sun.

Dill – Dill is widely used in Europe to enhance the flavor of fish,

potatoes, and dairy. It is most commonly known for pickling. It has an
earthy flavor and aroma similar to fennel. You will want to sow dill
seeds directly into your garden because they do not grow well when

Healing Power Of Herbs

Lemon Balm – Lemon balm is an herb from the mint family that has a
mild lemon aroma. Lemon balm is commonly used for its medicinal
benefits as it helps upset stomach and bloating. Lemon balm can be
seeded indoors during the colds months and then transplanted
outdoors in late spring.

Mint – Use this herb to add a nice kick to your tea or water. Mint even
pairs well with lamb. Mint, like most herbs, should be grown in a pot to
allow the soil to drain. Not only that, it tends to take over any space
that is available, so growing it in a pot helps keep it manageable.

Parsley – Parsley is mostly used as a garnish but provides a lot of

nutritional value and can be added to pretty much any dish. Parsley
can grow in full sunlight or partial shade and needs moist, nutrient-rich

To have the best results this year, keep each herb separate and make
sure they have plenty of sunlight and water. A great idea for herbs is
to use individual terracotta pots for planting so that you can plant
whatever you want and move them around as needed.

Supplies You Need To Grow Herbs

When you decide to start growing herbs, the next thing you need to do
is figure out what supplies you need to buy. You may be able to find
some things at home that you can use, at second-hand stores, as well
as at the garden store. Plus, of course, you can find supplies to buy
online via Amazon.

Seeds – If you want to grow herbs from seeds, they can be purchased
from many stores like the grocery store, Home Depot, Lowe's, and
more traditional neighborhood garden stores.

But you can also order them online via Amazon kits, like this 5 Herbs
from Organic Seeds kit. The important thing is to buy seeds from
someone you trust.

Healing Power Of Herbs

Space – You’re going to need some space to grow herbs. If you’re

doing it indoors, you’ll need shelving that allows you to either move
the plants to a window for direct light or that offers space for grow
lights to be added. If you want to do it outdoors, you can even use a
little portable outdoor greenhouse for your herb garden.

Pots – The best pots to grow herbs in are pots that allow for easy
irrigation. Terracotta pots are a good choice because they soak in
water and help keep your seeds from drying out. But you do need to
be careful not to overwater anyway.

Potting Soil – Go to any garden supply store or even Walmart’s

Garden Center to find the right soil. The soil mix really depends on
exactly what you’re planting, but most of the time a premixed potting
soil is enough for your herb garden.

Plant Fertilizer – While you don’t really need that much fertilizer for
herbs, feeding them on occasion is a good idea. It’ll make for a super-
healthy plant, but you don’t need to overdo it.

The type of fertilizer you use will depend on the herbs you are
growing, as well as where you’re growing them. Try to use organic
fertilizers for the best results.

Water – Naturally you’ll need water. But one thing a lot of people
don’t realize is that sometimes tap water isn’t the best choice. If your
water is treated a lot or has a high level of limestone in it, you may
need to ensure you have filtered water to use.

Sunlight – Some herbs (such as basil) need full sun to grow, but
others don’t. You’ll need to learn everything you can about the
particular herb that you’re planting to find out how to properly care for
it. If you don’t have sunlight, you can also use grow lights to help
simulate the same thing that the sun does for the plants.

Darkness – Some people don’t realize, but your herb plants also need
darkness to fulfill the entire plant day cycle and grow properly. Ensure

Healing Power Of Herbs

that no floodlights are directed to your garden area if it’s outside, and
that you turn off lights in the house at night.

After that, the most that you need to grow herbs are your hands and a
will to learn how to do it. It may take some practice to get it right but
growing your own herbs at home is a wonderful way to brighten up
your cooking for not a lot of money.

Healing Power Of Herbs

Chapter 3: Famous Alternative

Herbal Medicines Used Today

Alternative herbal medicines are being used by many in today's

societies to promote a healthy lifestyle.

Despite the availability of modern medical treatment methods, many

are still opting for the natural healing method to avoid side-effects and
getting as much savings as possible from the treatment.

In most cases, herbal products today vary according to their

formulation and functions. Most of the ones you see today are carefully
formulated for weight loss.

Some comes in the form of diet supplements to give the body enough
energy to last the day, as well as to build up the immune system to
ward of any signs of ailments easily.

Healing Power Of Herbs

Why Go For Herbal Medicines?

Herbal medicines are proven to be safe by many doctors and medical

experts today. It is formulated with 100% natural ingredients that
have no side-effects in the body unless taken in large doses outside
the boundaries of the prescription.

Since the ingredients are mostly from plant and animal extracts, they
are cheaper compared to synthetic medicines developed by
pharmaceutical companies today.

One of the advantages of using herbal medicine is that it promotes the

natural healing method. Unlike synthetic drugs that only affect a
specific part of our body or only address one type of health problem,
herbal medicines are formulated to boost every single function in the
human anatomy.

If you see that one herbal product is for weight loss, then you can be
sure that it has some extra ingredients that has other functions that is
related to weight loss like hunger suppressant, added nutrients, and so
on. To add to your knowledge about herbal medicines, here are some
examples of the famous ones being used today.

The Ever-Popular Garlic

Garlic is one of the most potent herbal medicines used as home

remedies today. It has the greatest number of uses compared to other
plants used in herbal products.

Aside from being a useful kitchen spice for a great recipe, garlic can
also be used to keep you heart and liver healthy. They are great for
the common cold and offer a tasty brew when used as a health drink.

One of the medicinal qualities of Garlic is its ability to treat heart

problems. It is a common remedy for people with high-blood pressure,
lower cholesterol levels, and reduces the risk of heart attacks. Many
also use garlic as an anti-bacterial agent for many skin conditions.

Healing Power Of Herbs

Green Tea Leaves

The Green Tea Leaves you see in the market today is actually a potent
herbal medicine if used correctly. Drinking it at least twice a day can
help oxidize your fat to make it easier for your body to burn. This a
great dietary supplement for people who are suffering from overweight
or obesity with high cholesterol levels.

Many say that Green Tea Leaves also has a calming effect that is
perfect for those who are always under the mercy of stress. Its
extracts have the ability to get rid of nasty toxins in our body that
usually cause signs of aging to appear on our face or in other parts of
the body. You can either take them as tea or buy them as pills.

There are other alternative herbal medicines used to promote a

healthy body. Keep in mind that you have to be specific with what you
want for your treatment before using them to avoid complications.

Just make sure that it is from a credible medical or pharmaceutical

company, as well as follow the exact prescription or dosage to ensure
that you won't be having any problems with it during and after use.

Natural Healing Method Using Alternative Herbal


Medical practitioners of the Orient are known to incorporate natural

healing methods with alternative herbal medicines. Instead of
undergoing expensive medical treatment using synthetic and modern
technologies, many find the natural method along with alternative
herbal medicine a cost-effective solution to achieve the perfect health.

The belief of natural healing involves the use of 100% natural

techniques and ingredients to promote better health. Synthetic
medicines and modern medical technology are known to have side-
effects that may prove to be fatal if not properly administered or

Healing Power Of Herbs

The Benefits Of The Natural Healing Method

The natural healing method delves into the capability of the human
body to adapt and recover without any outside help. Our bodies are
equipped with its own defense mechanism towards illnesses and

The method aims to strengthen this ability to boost the immune

system to fight off health-related problems without any side-effects or

Natural healing doesn’t only deal with physical health problems. In

fact, it has been documented and proven that this method can also be
used for mental and emotional ailments.

Certain herbal compounds are known to induce relaxation to help a

person deal with stress without having to take in synthetic products
that can cause side-effects to crop up during use.

Certain plant extracts and aroma can directly affect the mind when
inhaled and is most often used on patients suffering from behavioral

There are also some plants that can help the body relax when applied
directly on the skin like peppermint extract that can relax tight
muscles that is usually attributed to stress. Natural healing method
with herbal medicines can also help in weight loss programs for a
slimmer and healthier body.


The art of acupuncture originated from the Chinese. It delves into the
energy pathways in the human body called meridians. The oriental
health experts believe that ailments and diseases are caused by
blocked meridians that disrupt the flow of positive healing energy from
circulating throughout the body.

Healing Power Of Herbs

Needles charged with positive energy are inserted into these meridian
points to clear up the blockage, as well as to stimulate the flow of
healthy energy deep within the body.

Certain herbal medicines and concoctions are administered to their

patients to increase the volume of healing energy for a full-body

Reiki and Qi Gong

Reiki and Qi Gong involve the healing of an individual using the

positive energies of both the practitioner and those that stem from the

The practitioner of the art inscribes symbols upon the afflicted area on
the human body and directs their energies into it for healing. Herbal
medicines are given to their patients to amplify these positive energies
for the treatment to yield beneficial results.

Proper Use Of Herbal Medicines

Despite the safe and beneficial results of using natural healing

methods with alternative herbal medicine, there is a possibility that
some adverse reactions might take place that might become a problem
when left unchecked.

Despite the natural ingredients used in herbal products, we can never

deny the fact that our body's chemistry might react to it. There are
even some natural healing methods that might cause problems instead
of getting rid of it.

Such is the case; it is very important to consult an expert first before

undertaking this solution. Have a full body check-up with your doctor
and subject yourself to a complete laboratory exam to determine
whether your body can use the treatment method safely or not.

Healing Power Of Herbs

Chapter 4: Herbal Healing


Disease isn't complicated it's really very easy and the

application of good sense techniques may defeat any disease.

All microbes and viruses are weak and may be defeated easily with
cleaning and nutrition. Disease is a joke if you recognize what to do
and you're willing to do what it takes to heal yourself. And as they
state “the truth will set you free”; and that's simply where you can,

Learn About The Powerful Healing Properties Of Herbs

If you require drama and a health system that's more about disease
than it is about wellness, simply go to your nearest doctor or hospital
solely. If you're seeking vibrant health and a long and fruitful life
you've come to the correct place for complimentary therapy.

Learn About The Powerful Healing Properties Of Herbs

Healing Power Of Herbs

With the increase of diseases, illnesses, and ailments sometimes

turning to just medical science is not enough. Besides being costly
some of the treatments can be long and stressful, further adding to
the already depressive conditions.

The use of herbal healing as a form of treatment is almost considered

normal in non-industrialized countries. Here the traditions dictate the
use of herbal healing.

Herbal healing is fast gaining popularity in the past decade. Though

practiced in many ancient cultures as the first recourse to healing, it is
just becoming a sought-after style of healing for the modern world.

The availability of herbal healing products is no longer limited to what

the older generation can prepare but is now available for all, in drug
stores, supermarkets, pharmacies and other conventional outlets.

With thousands of herbs and combinations available to treat the

various ailments, all it takes is a little research to find the ones that
suit the needs at hand.

Though considered relatively safe because of the natural factor these

herbs consist of, nevertheless is would be wise to seek the guidance of
someone who is well versed in the practice of using herbs to heal,
treat or control a certain condition.

As most of the herbal concoctions are fairly concentrated there may be

the danger that some of the ingredients though natural may have
adverse effects on the individual.

The basis of many pharmaceutical forays is in the vast possibilities of

herbal healing compounds and ingredients. A lot of money and time is
put into the researchers of finding and promoting the next best herbal
cure for the various medical conditions the world faces today.

This is further recommended because of the little or no side effects in

its consumption and also because of all the natural elements it
contains when compared to chemically based and produced

Healing Power Of Herbs

Treating Wounds With Herbs

There are lots of different herbs for different uses, made available by
nature itself. Treating wounds with simple ingredients found in a
household is not uncommon.

A person who prefers to treat ailments the natural way should take the
time to compile a simple list of some common herbs and keep these
herbs at hand to quick and easy use.

It’s very handy to have some knowledge on herbs used for treating
wound for children. Almost every day a child will manage to get him or
herself hurt while playing, thus having these quick easy remedies
available would eliminate the need to run to a medical facility often.

The aloe herb contains compounds that can reduce inflammation,

swelling, and redness of wounds. This herb should be applied directly
to the wound after a simple cleaning exercise is done to rid the wound
of any unwanted particles. The naturally secreted gel works wonders
for superficial wounds.

Calendula officinalis is another herd that can successfully treat

wounds. The flavonoids and antioxidants it contain helps to speed up
the healing process by increasing the blood flow to the wound. This
ingredient can be applied topically and is also a popular ingredient in
creams and ointments.

Slippery elm, a tree native to North America can also be used to treat
wounds. Slippery elm is also found in powder form but should be
applied around the wound and not directly into an open wound.

Other more familiar herbs used to treat wounds are lavender which not
only helps the healing process but also acts as a germ-killing agent.
Tea tree oil also disinfects while healing wounds. This particular herb
works at quite a fast pace in the healing process.

Echinacea, Marigold, and Myrrh are also good healing agents for
wounds. All these can be applied to the wounds by simply diluting a
little herbal tincture with water.

Healing Power Of Herbs

Treating Cancer With Herbs

As cancer is now becoming a common and feared disease, the race is

on to find a cure that is quick, easy, and accessible to everyone. Most
of the current medical options available are either too costly or simply
too stressful.

However, as most people have no choice, they either opt not to have
any treatment or decide to go through the suffering with the hope of
gaining back some semblance of their previous lives.

Herbal remedies offer an alternative. Some people recommend that

these herbal remedies be used alongside the current ongoing
treatments and some don’t.

The deciding factor would be the level of advancement the cancer

stage is in. Also, to be noted is the type of cancer the patient is
suffering from, as different herbs work differently to address the
various conditions caused by cancer.

Below are some tried and true herbs used to treat specific cancer

• Breast cancer – broccoli and green tea

• Colon cancer – broccoli

• Esophageal cancer – green tea

• General cancer – aloe vera and periwinkle

• Liver cancer – green tea

• Lung cancer – aloe vera and broccoli

• Pancreatic cancer – green tea

• Preventive cancer – broccoli, carrot, tarragon and tomato

• Prostate cancer – aloe vera, fennel and green tea

Healing Power Of Herbs

• Rectal cancer – broccoli

• Skin cancer – green tea

• Stomach cancer – aloe vera, broccoli, garlic and green tea

• Testicular cancer – periwinkle

• Cancer treatment – aloe vera, Echinacea, lantana and violet

• Cancer sores – goldenseal, lavender

There are also some herbs that help to keep the body in better shape,
so it then is equipped with the necessary elements to fight off the
cancer cell or arrest its progressive destructive state.

Herbs like:

• Astragalus

• Dong quai

• Echinacea

• Shiitake

• And maitake mushrooms

All have these properties to help in the fight against cancer. However,
relying on these herbs alone is not advisable.

Another herb that is popular in arresting the cancer cells from its
destructive nature is the mistletoe. Mistletoe preparations are
commonly used to stimulate the immune system and to kill cancer
cells effectively.

In some extreme cases it has been noted to shrink cancer causing


Healing Power Of Herbs

Chapter 5: Tips For Herb

Growing Success Indoors

Growing an herb garden indoors can be rewarding and fun. And

it can be simple if done the right way from the start.

Proper education before you get going is the key to success.

Here are eight tips to keep in mind when growing an herb garden

Adequate Sun Exposure – Most herbs need sun for about six to
eight hours a day, so make sure you find a location in your house that
offers this amount of sunlight. Proper sunlight is also responsible for
the flavor of your herbs. The more sunlight they get, the better the

Proper Temperature – Keep the temperatures in your house or the

room the herbs are located in at around 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit.
If you need to reduce the growth of herbs, reduce the temperatures to
about 60 degrees Fahrenheit.

Healing Power Of Herbs

Water – Herbs need a moderate amount of water daily. It is best to

keep the soil of herbs damp. Watering can easily be forgotten, so
make a plan and keep to a schedule. Remember, now that the herbs
are indoors, they do not get water from rain, so it is up to you to keep
up with it.

Keep Herbs Separate – For long-term success, you should keep your
herbs separate. This way they can each get the individual attention
they need. It also helps with plant rotation, and if one plant gets
infested with pests the others don’t have to suffer.

Proper Containers – Containers need to have proper drainage so

that the herbs are not sitting in too much water. Add a thin layer of
rocks to the bottom of your pots before filling with soil to allow the
water to settle there instead of in the soil. You may even need to poke
or drill a few holes in the bottom of the container if they don’t have
any to start with.

Rotate – Herbs need proper rotation under the sun to help with air
circulation and to prevent mold. Turn your plants or rotate them a
little every day so that each side gets the right amount of sun. This
will also promote even growth.

Soilless Potting Mix – Indoor herbs need special attention when it

comes to soil because it needs to provide more drainage. Dirt from the
ground is too compact and usually less nutritious. Make sure you pick
a soil that is listed for indoor gardens.

Feed With Fertilizer – Fertilize your herbs once a week to promote

strong growth. The best fertilizers for herbs are seaweed extract or
fish based.

Keep these tips in mind when starting or growing your indoor garden.
This way you are sure to have a garden that will keep up with your
delicious recipes. You’ll wow your family and your guests.

Healing Power Of Herbs

Ten Herbs To Grow In Your Kitchen

Fresh herbs are a wonderful addition to meals, providing great flavor

and health benefits. The amazing thing is that there are plenty of
herbs you can grow in your house without the need for a home
garden. All you need is a few windowsills with proper sunlight, water,
and a few plant pots.

Basil – Basil is an amazingly versatile herb that can be used for just
about anything, from pesto to sauces or even frozen desserts like
watermelon sorbet. Basil offers a nice peppery mint flavor and is said
to be a powerful antibacterial.

Chamomile – Chamomile is an herb traditionally used as medicine

due to its anti-inflammatory and calming properties. Chamomile is
best in teas to help ease an upset stomach or help you sleep.

Chives – Chives have a mild onion flavor that goes great with soups
and vegetable dishes. Add chives to butter or cream cheese to make a
savory spread.

Lavender – Lavender is a beautiful herb that can be used in foods or

even for cosmetic uses like homemade face masks. Lavender can help
ease anxiety and depression and has anti-inflammatory properties.

Mint – Growing mint indoors is actually a better option overall because

mint tends to run wild and take up the whole garden. Keeping mint by
itself, in a small container, will control the growth. Use mint to
enhance the flavor of water or even throw it into a delicious smoothie.

Oregano – Oregano is a bright green leafy herb that is traditionally

used in Greek or Italian dishes. Oregano has a strong but appealing
flavor, so a little goes a long way.

Parsley – This bright green leafy herb has a peppery flavor that is
traditionally used as a garnish but can also make a great flavor
enhancer to many protein dishes. Parsley is also an anti-inflammatory
and high in vitamin C, calcium, iron and fiber.

Healing Power Of Herbs

Rosemary – Rosemary is a highly aromatic herb that has wood-like

stems and short pine-like needles. This herb can be used by itself as
an air freshener or used to enhance the flavor of meats like lamb,
pork, and chicken.

Sage – Sage is an aromatic herb that has a bitter taste that pairs best
with dairy. This herb is high in antioxidants and helps improve

Thyme – This herb is used in the Mediterranean, Italian and French

dishes that we all love. It’s also often paired with other herbs such as
rosemary, parsley, and oregano. Thyme has a sweet, pungent flavor
and has small leaves with a woody stem.

The best part about having an herb garden in your kitchen is that they
are readily available. Readily available herbs also have the best flavor
and health benefits. Plus, they unleash creative cooking ideas.

Common Mistakes When Growing Herbs

Starting an herb garden is a great way to add flavor to your foods or

decoration to your garden or home. If you are looking to set up a
garden and never have before, then an herb garden is a great place to
start because it’s fairly simple.

Before you get started, though, here are a few common mistakes
people make when starting an herb garden that you should avoid.

Starting From Seed – Starting herbs from seeds can come with some
unknown complications. There are plenty of starter plants that can be
found at gardening stores that will bring better luck and less stress to
your herb garden, especially if you are new to herb gardening.

Picking Unhealthy Plants – When looking for starter plants, find

ones that are bright in color, have plenty of foliage and no signs of
bugs or eggs.

Too Much Variety – Starting an herb garden can be quite exciting

with all the options available, but it is best to start small. This way you

Healing Power Of Herbs

are not too overwhelmed and can learn what each variety of herb likes
as they grow. For example, some herbs like cilantro are sensitive to
drought and can die easily if not watered properly.

Incorrect Planting – When you are first starting an herb garden, it is

best to keep the different types separate and not overcrowd. Be sure
to do your research on what herbs to grow well together as well. Herbs
like mint will take over pretty much any space you put them in.

Not Enough Water – It is easy to confuse herbs with houseplants

when it comes to watering. They are small and seem delicate, so less
water seems right, but most herbs actually prefer daily watering. Make
sure the water mostly touches the soil and not the leaves.

Using Bad Soil – Most soil on the ground lacks the proper nutrients to
allow an herb garden to flourish. Use organic soil or potting soil with
organic compost for best results.

Not Pruning Soon Enough – Pruning your herbs is an important step

because it encourages even and fast growth. Skipping this step
prevents the herb from re-growing and producing more herbs. Cut the
herb down to just about a set of growing leaves and always cut from
the top, not the bottom.

Wrong Environment – Not enough sun, too much sun, too cold
outside or too hot outside... these factors all play a role in how well
your herbs grow. Most herbs need about six hours of proper sunlight
but prefer an environment at around 65 to 75 degrees F.

If you keep these common mistakes in mind when starting your own
herb garden, you will have a fun and great time gardening. And if you
do make mistakes, it's OK - just keep learning and keep growing.

Healing Power Of Herbs

Chapter 6: Alternative Herbal

Medicine And Weight Loss

Herbal products are not only being used for treating diseases
or common health-related problems.

Alternative herbal medicine is now being integrated into weight loss

programs to promote proper body functions while shedding excess fat
to achieve a trim and lean body.

Herbal Weight Loss Program

Weight loss programs today are making use of herbal medicines

considering that it is safe to use and without any side-effects.
Synthetic weight loss pills are often laced with restrictions that may
prove to be a problem for individuals who have a fixed dietary
preference or lifestyle.

In most cases, this weight loss solution may limit a person's meals,
physical movement, and can be very expensive to purchase.

Healing Power Of Herbs

Herbal weight loss medicines use 100% natural ingredients from

plants and animals. The concept behind this method includes the right
nutrients integrated into the body in order to promote normal body
functions, and to activate certain hormones for breaking down
cholesterol, burning calories, improved metabolic function, and so on.

Usage Of Herbal Products For Weight Loss

The use of herbal products depends upon the potency and nature of
the medicine. Most are taken before or after meals, while some are
termed as supplements to boost a body's performance during physical

However, it is very important for an individual to consult an expert first

before taking in herbal medicine for weight loss. There are possibilities
that usage might result to allergic reactions with your normal body
chemistry that could lead to health complications.

It would be best to check out the labels of these herbal products to

determine their exact ingredients that would be useful for your weight
loss program.

If you have no idea what an ingredient does, then you can either
consult an expert or do some research on the Internet to tell you what
it is all about.

Such is the case; it is essential for an individual to utilize herbal

products effectively for their weight loss program by taking in
measured doses according to the prescription of your medical expert,
as well as avoiding self-medication that would lead to complications.

Some Herbal Ingredients Useful For Weight Loss

There are different types of weight loss herbal medicines being used
today and each varies according to the ingredients used in it. Keep in
mind, however, that no herbal product can address the entirety of
your weight problem. They work only to promote a specific function
that will help you get rid of excess weight.
Healing Power Of Herbs

For example, Guggul is a well-known ingredient used in herbal weight

loss products today. The extract from this plant is known to regulate
the cholesterol levels in the human body. This is a very effective
medicine for obese or overweight individuals.

Hoodia Gordoni is also one of the well-celebrated ingredients in weight

loss herbal product. The flower of this desert plant has the ability to
intercept the stimulus of hunger from the brain and lessen a person's
food intake. Aptly termed as a hunger suppressant, Hoodia is perfect
for those who have eating problems.

There are also other herbal products that utilize some ingredients that
would help in your weight loss program but is considered to be
dangerous due to its adverse effect when the dosage is not properly

Senna is a well-known laxative that is mainly used for removing waste

materials in our digestive tract. Possible reaction to this herbal
component may include diarrhea, dehydration, and constipation.

Properly Using Alternative Herbal Medicine


Herbal products are the perfect choice for individuals who want to
avoid using expensive synthetic medical products and their
documented side-effects.

It's true that synthetic medicines are carefully formulated for

maximum treatment, but we can never deny that there might be
certain reactions on our bodies when take them in.

The Safe Alternative Solution To Health Problems

Being an affordable medical solution, herbal medicines can be seen in

large quantities being sold in the market and quite a lot of consumers

Healing Power Of Herbs

today are opting for this method than those normally prescribed by
medical practitioners. Doctors and other medical specialist today are
even prescribing the use of alternative herbal medicines for a speedy
recovery and boosting a person's immune system for a permanent
health improvement.

These products make use of 100% natural ingredients and none of the
components used in synthetic medications distributed today. But
despite the safety that herbal medicines promise to everyone, it is
quite possible to incur some problems with it if we're not careful.

Safety First: Get The Right Product For Your Health Problem

Don’t just buy any herbal product in the market without properly
consulting a professional whether it would work for you or not. Also,
we can never be too sure how the herbal ingredients would react in
our body's composition so it’s best to let your doctor or any medical
practitioner check you out first to avoid allergic reactions from
happening in your system.

Keep in mind that pretending to your doctor about your illness so you
can make use of this affordable health solution is not safe. You might
leave some important details out that would prove to be a problem
later on when you proceed to take the medicine in regular doses.

Always be honest during the consultation with your doctor for them to
arrive at an accurate diagnosis whether the herbal product is the one
for you or not.

Check The Company That Made The Herbal Product

Even if you have a name of the herbal product to use, it would be best
to take matters into your own hands and do your research well to
avoid complications during use.

You can look for information about the herbal medicine on the Web,
specifically about the company that created it and consumers who
used it to address their health problems.
Healing Power Of Herbs

While you're at it, you might want to check out the ingredients used in
the herbal product, as well as the proper formulation to ensure that
you won't suffer from overdose when you take it in.

You can also search for consumer comments and suggestions about
the herbal medicine to determine whether it's safe for you to use or

Follow The Proper Dosage

Many would think that herbal products are 100% safe to use and
would often take more than the prescribed dosage in order to speed
up the effects. This is a misconception that often leads to more
complications than getting rid of your health problem.

Before using your herbal product, it is very important to read the label
for the correct dosage. You can also ask your doctor for some advice if
you don’t trust the indications on the herbal product.

As with the old medical adage, following the right process of healing
will results to a speedy recovery; and making up your own prescription
and instruction would only bring around disastrous results.

Just follow the prescription and instructions in taking in your

alternative herbal medicine to get the best treatment for your
declining health.

Healing Power Of Herbs

Chapter 7: Natural Home-Made


A fever, flu, or a sore throat doesn’t necessarily mean that you

should be going to the hospital to have a doctor look at it.

It would be safe to say that you will only be wasting your money for
being diagnosed with a mild fever and prescribed with expensive
medicines just to get it out of your system.

A solution to common health-related problems can be easily found in

your family kitchen -- alternative herbal medicines that you can easily
make in the comforts of your own home.

Alternative Herbal Medicine Facts

It is a proven fact that herbal medicines are very safe to use. Doctor
approves them for their patients to assist in recovery. You can either
purchase herbal diet supplements from health shops in your area or
you can make some for yourself in your family kitchen.

Healing Power Of Herbs

Keep in mind, however, that not all herbal supplements sold in the
market today are safe to use. Due to its popularity, there might be
scammers out there that replicate a product with no health value in it

Consumers need to check the labels carefully to ensure that it came

from a credible pharmaceutical company or better make your own
herbal concoction at home using 100% natural ingredients.

Preparation Is Important

Preparation is very important if you plan to make your own herbal

remedies at home. Make sure that your ingredients are clean and
fresh. Ladles and pans should not be made of metal or stainless-steel
materials to avoid chemicals being included in the mix.

You might also want to check out some tips and tricks on how to
properly prepare and process your herbal remedy for better results.

Antioxidants - Garlic, Onion, And Pepper

Most of the spices found in our kitchen are antioxidants. You can
practically see a lot of diet supplements that offers to get rid of nasty
toxins out of your system they are expensive yes, but they do work.

You can get the same out of your kitchen ingredients without having to
dish out your savings for it. The good part about it is that you don’t
have to worry about side-effects what you take in is 100% natural.

Kitchen spices like garlic, onions, and pepper seeds are great
antioxidants. You can include them in your daily meals, or you can
concoct a health drink out of it.

Clean them thoroughly and chop them up. Cook them up in boiling
water and let it stew for a few minutes. Drain it with a strainer and
you have an antioxidant drink ready for you use.

Healing Power Of Herbs

The Best Medicine - Ginseng

Ginseng is one of the widely celebrated herbal medicines used today.

Asians and North Americans use it extensively for their healing arts --
from ancient time to the present.

This is mainly used to help a person relax and adapt to any forms of
stress. The root is a known panacea that can help the body recover
from any types of disease.

It has been known to be used for enhancing physical and mental

performance -- usually for added stamina without any side-effects.

Ginseng can also lower cholesterol level of patients with high-blood

pressure and can improve the body's natural resistance to common
health problems. You can use it as a tea or stuff it in a bottle with
water to age for a more potent brew.

Eastern Alternative Herbal Medicine for Western


The pharmacologic industry is one of the most promising and

progressing business of the present. An increase in the awareness and
focus of research and development on medicine has triggered a big
push to drug manufacturing.

With the main driving force of improving the lives and promoting
human longevity; researchers, scientists, and businessmen have
jumped into the business of creating medications for the sick, as well
as for those who want to prevent further illness.

The western civilization brought industrially prepared medicine and

sold at commercial markets while the eastern part of the globe saw
the need for intervention of natural means of preparation through
alternative herbal medicine.

Healing Power Of Herbs

East Meets West

It may very well be said that Western medicine is technologically

advanced and came about with the notion of curing an existing illness.
It is on the forefront of stopping and getting rid of a susceptible
disease or complications.

As for Eastern medication, it is historically rooted and is based on

centuries' worth of human existence, with the idea of preventing
illnesses from happening in the first place. It is in the background of
keeping our bodies healthy and sickness free.

As for the fusion of the old and the new, past and present, technology
and tradition, and western and eastern ideologies, alternative herbal
medicine was produced. Pharmacological firms embraced the idea of
herbal and natural medication in line with their own synthetically made
variants to provide an option for everyone in need of medicine.

Sensitive and Fragile

Those who are in need of medication take prescribed drugs, some of

which are quite harmful to other cells, and organs. The liver is one of
the body's organs hit hard by drug intervention when it synthesizes
and tries to bind the specific components to our body's cells.

The more unnaturally existing and synthetic the drug is, the more it is
at risk for our body to react against. This is even more risky for fragile
bodies such as our kids.

Our kids' bodies are still growing, their minds and way of thinking still
developing. They are also prone to infection and sickness because of
their increased activity without much conscious protective measures.
Giving them industrially created drugs expose their bodies to harmful
chemicals even if these drugs cure them of their sickness.

They too have their own immune system to provide immediate and
automatic protection from harmful elements both in and out of their
bodies. However, bacteria and other environmental factors overpower
Healing Power Of Herbs

them much like with adults. The only difference is that young children
are still building up their body's defenses.

Prevention and Herbal Medication

With the application of research and development on naturally

occurring plants in our environment, it is now possible to give
alternative herbal medicine to our children.

Certain drug companies adhere to the idea of natural medication since

it is beneficial not only to children, but to anyone in terms of less
adverse reaction of the body. This is because the components of
alternative herbal medicine are naturally occurring, organic, and
supports life processes.

Administering alternative herbal medicine to children does not stress

their livers because organic compounds from the plant source can be
easily synthesized as compared to synthetic ones.

Herbal supplements also are safe to take on a daily basis as prescribed

to prevent sickness and illnesses from occurring.

Healing Power Of Herbs

Chapter 8: Detoxing With Herbs


Bad eating habits and poor lifestyle practices will eventually

lead to a serious level of negative elements store in the body
over time.

These elements also known as toxins can cause serious damage, which
can and will eventually lead to illnesses, ailments, and diseases.

Addressing this critical issue is of utmost urgency and doing it with the
help of herbs is a prudent choice to make. This is because herbs are
natural compounds and will not further add to any existing negative

Clean Up The Body

While some herbs are smooth others can be rough on the body, thus it
is always better to start off with the gentler choice when attempting a
detox session.

Healing Power Of Herbs

Psyllium is an herb derived from the seed of a fleawort plant. When in

contact with liquid it expands. Psyllium is ideal for cleaning out the
intestines by removing the toxins.

Because of its high fiber content, it also assists in “scrubbing” the

digestive system effectively. However, as this herb tends to absorb a
lot of liquid, it is important to drink a lot of water when choosing to
use this method of detox.

Aloe vera juice is also great for the digestive system as it works to kill
the parasites, yeast, bacteria, and viruses. The laxative effect it helps
stimulate is for detox purposes.

Cascara sagrada has long been used in ancient traditional concoctions

for its detox qualities. It not only functions as an effective laxative but
also helps ease constipation problems. However, because this herb is
rather strong, it is not advisable to use it for longer that one week.

Fennel seed is also another herb popularly used in detox exercises.

Mainly used to induce bowel movements it also helps relieve gas pains
and cramps in the gastrointestinal tract.

Individuals who tend to consume mainly meat and processed foods

should attempt detox sessions, but it should not be done too regularly.

Top Herbs To Keep On Hand

Using herbs to treat certain simple medical conditions have become

quite common today. This eliminated the need to seek a medical
practitioner every time there is a mishap, especially when there are
children involved.

Mint – There are so many uses for mint that the discovery of its uses
is never ending. It’s wonderful refreshing and energizing qualities is
useful in pepping up teas, as a breath freshener, as an energizer, to
name a few. It is also popularly used in salads and drinks.

Healing Power Of Herbs

This herb is also useful to help boost poor digestive systems and eases
any gas buildups and stomach aches. Mint has antifungal properties.

Ginger – This herb is not easy to grow but is readily available in any
supermarket. It comes in either a dried form or a fresh. It is also used
in many candies in its milder form.

Ginger helps in calming indigestion, painful gas buildups, other

stomach discomforts, and upsets. It also helps to increase circulation.
It is also a popular ingredient in Chinese style cooking.

Lemon Balm – This herb has long been used to treat anxiety and
insomnia issues. Besides its antiviral and antibacterial properties, it is
also a great health booster and helps to shorten the duration of colds
and flues in kids. In the summertime when insect bites, minor scrapes,
and tummy upsets are the norm having this herb handy is an

Chamomile – Is a favorite for treating colic, gas restlessness, and

anxiety issues. It contains properties that can induce drowsiness and
help calm irritable kids. It also makes for a great relaxing cup of tea.

Thyme – Great herb for cooking, mainly for chicken and fish. It is also
great in soups and stews. Tummy cramps and gas buildups can also be
treated with this herb.

Healing Power Of Herbs


If you are like most Internet marketers, you often find yourself
wearing a variety of hats.

Although popularly looked upon as harmless, herbs taken without

proper knowledge and supervision can have adverse and sometime
serious effect on an individual. Having some knowledge about what
the herb can do, how it effects in general and specifically and at what
dosage is most important.

Also, to be noted is that herbs should not be taken in place of ongoing

medical treatments without the approval of the medical practitioner

Some herbs when taken with other conventional medication can cause
the medication to lose its usefulness and this may be detrimental to
the individual who really needs the medically prescribed medication.

Herbs can also alter the makeup of some medication when ingested
along with it. Thus, instead of being an added value it becomes a

Healing Power Of Herbs

problem instead. Therefore, again medical advice should be sought

before considering the line of treatment even if it is only a
supplementary element.

Upon understanding and getting the approval from a medical

practitioner, the dosage to take is also a very important item to

As the herb maybe new to the body system, taking it in large doses or
too frequently may shock the system and at worse cause a complete
shutdown. In some extreme cases death has been the result of
ingesting unfamiliar herbs.

People who are easily influences should be especially weary and

careful as to what herbs they buy. Many unscrupulous vendors will
promote the positive side of their herbal products without ever
disclosing the possible negative findings.

In some cases, the negative findings are played down so as not to

frighten a potential customer off.

Sometimes instead of seeking medical advice immediately upon

discovering an illness, ailment, or disease, the choice is made to
embark upon trying to treat the condition with using herbs. This may
cause the individual to lose precious time in arresting the negative
condition or even worse cause further damage.

The healing by plants is the most popular and oldest therapy for
healing on the globe. The info regarding herbal nutrition has been
transplanted from one generation to other since the very start.

Due to the development of the process of synthetic medicine or drug

making, the utilization of herbs got to be a movement of past. All the
same, there's a sudden increase in the practice of utilization of herbs
for treatment of ill health, which is inexpensive, secure and natural.

Healing Power Of Herbs

The key aim of utilizing herbal remedies is to expand the procedure of

natural healing inside body by rebalancing and cleansing. A few
herbals hold antiviral and antibacterial qualities like synthetic
medicines and drugs.

The advantages of the technique of herbal healing are that it brings

the body back to normal state without presenting a lot of side effects.
The right combination of herbs may be used to heal and tone up body
or tainted tissues.

Herbs may be utilized to focus, heal, control or tone any part of body if
they're recommended or combined in suitable manner. Herbs ought to
be consumed with proper counsel of a practitioner.

Healing Power Of Herbs


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